Dracaena: care, reproduction, growing at home. How to take proper care of dracaena

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She came to us from the humid tropics ... It is called a shrub, but it can grow up to 20 meters in height ... All these words are about dracaena. In the dracaena plant, the varieties are characterized by great diversity, while about 3-4 species are grown at home. This is not some kind of bonsai, but bright representative flora. When a representative of the dracaena species is cared for at home, as in the photo, according to all the rules, it pleases its mistress with an abundant, lush crown. Today we will talk about competent care.

Dracaena flower: how to care for at home?

The most popular types are:

  1. Fragrant dracaena flower. Even in an ordinary room it will grow without problems.
  2. Dracaena Marginata with a red border on the leaves and a fairly long stem.
  3. Dracaena Statedef. Characterized by oval variegated leaves.

If the space of the room allows, other types are possible. It is enough to correctly plant the dracaena in a pot and put it in a room with a high ceiling. The same type of Marginata easily reaches a height of three meters.

The view of Sander will beautifully bloom to the delight of the owners. Sometimes it is planted in one container for 2-3 copies. This allows you to create very unusual weaves of trunks in an exotic style.

Dracaena sander

However, only beauty can please healthy plants. If you do not have information on how to properly plant a flower, its leaves will begin to deform and dry out, insects and pests will appear. It is unlikely that such an instance will be able to please you with beauty. Some factors of content she can put up with, but some are completely unacceptable.

So, when growing a plant, the following requirements must be observed: optimum temperature, comfortable lighting, regular watering schedules and timely top dressing for dracaena, lack of drafts. Let's look at each of these factors in more detail.

The easiest way to create an optimal temperature regime for evergreens. Summer required temperature at +20 - 22 degrees is created naturally. After all, if your home or office has air conditioning, creating the right mode is not difficult. When the dracaena blooms in the summer, it is even taken out to the balcony or the open contour of the loggia.

In general, tree-like dracaena retains its viability at a temperature range of 5 to 27 degrees. In winter, this figure should be equal to 15-17 degrees.

Planting dracaena

How to plant a dracaena if it does not like direct sunlight and at the same time is a heat-loving plant? Never put it on a south window. Having built a separate stand at a distance of 120-150 cm from the window, on a hot sunny day you can protect the leaves from burns. It's easy to spot them. They look like dark dots covering the outer and inner surfaces.

You may not see how dracaena blooms if you do not create the necessary microclimate of the humid tropics for the plant. This is one of the most important tasks of a gardener. There are three main methods of so-called "moisture charging": traditional watering, placing special evaporators next to the plant, timely spraying of leaves.

The higher the air temperature, the more care the plant needs to take. To increase the humidity in the living room, you can put a wet cloth on the battery, put an aquarium, install a tray with sphagnum moss and pebbles. These measures will ensure gradual and continuous evaporation of moisture.

Some species simply cannot develop normally without spraying with water. To " water procedures” were as useful and effective as possible, the water should settle.

To abundant watering start when upper layer soil becomes dry during the hot season. Using a special carbon filter, pass irrigation water through it. Not everyone has this opportunity. An alternative to a carbon filter would be charcoal, which is simply thrown into the water during settling.

Fertilizer for dracaena can be used universal. The main thing is that it does not contain fluorides. AT summer period dracaena needs weekly top dressing, in winter the procedure can be reduced to once a month.

Despite the fact that dracaena blooms profusely with constant access to fresh air, strong drafts can be detrimental to the plant. That is why airing should be regular, but not overdone.

Sometimes in poor light, the plant begins to resemble a bonsai. It is strongly stretched or, conversely, grows poorly. Sometimes the trunk is exposed, characteristic scars appear from leaves that have fallen off earlier. Regular change of leaves is a natural process for this plant. However, you can do the following. Cut off the top of the dracaena along with a 12-15 cm long trunk, and put the plant itself in dark place. Do not water it until new leaves begin to appear. The flower will be significantly updated, new branches will appear. By the way, in the species of dracaena, transplantation can be carried out using the cut off part. Sections that remain open are necessarily sprinkled with garden pitch or crushed coal.

Transplanting adult plants into a new flowerpot is considered one of the most important stages of maintenance. The rules for selecting the most suitable container are mandatory. So, if the plant has a length of 35-40 cm, it is necessary to transplant the dracaena into a pot with a diameter of about 15 cm.

Young plants are transplanted every year, mainly in the spring. Transplantation involves the purchase of soil, as for a palm tree. A drainage layer is a must. It is necessary to water the plant after transplantation, the use of growth-stimulating dressings is fully justified.

Everything you need to know about flowering dracaena

Some gardeners do not know at all what this plant may look like during flowering. First of all, this is due to the wrong conditions of detention. The fragrant dracaena smells most pleasant. The flower stem develops for a long time - sometimes you have to wait 10-12 years. The final result will surely please you.

The most convenient ways to propagate dracaena

Want to get more more plants? No problem - you can use the following methods:

  1. Cutting apical processes.
  2. Propagate the plant by parts of the trunk.
  3. layering.

Spring is considered the most productive time of the year for breeding dracaena. At this time, everything around wakes up, plant growth is also activated. The simplest and fast way- this is cuttings. Take the upper part of the trunk (you can even with leaves) and cut it very sharp knife. The approximate length of the handle is 10 centimeters.

Please note that a properly cut plant plays an important role.

Torn edges, torn pieces of bark - the first step to the rapid death of the plant. A third of the leaves are removed, this significantly speeds up rooting. It can also be carried out different ways:

  1. In water. Necessary condition is heated to room temperature, absolutely pure water. It should be changed more often, periodically adding activated charcoal.
  2. in hard materials. For example, sand, hydrogel and perlite. The substrate used and the air must have a temperature of +20 degrees. Spray the cuttings regularly, air in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes.
  3. in inert substrates. We are talking about the propagation of dracaena by stem cuttings. After the living stem has been divided into cuttings 5-15 centimeters long, it is also cut along the leaf scars. stem cuttings can be rooted horizontally and vertically.

The key to successful rooting will be the optimal temperature (not lower than +20) and the maintenance of the cuttings in the greenhouse.


  1. Dust the leaves regularly.
  2. Take the plant to fresh air.
  3. Loosen the top layer of soil. This has a positive effect on growth.
  4. Provide additional lighting in winter period time.
  5. Spray on hot days.

I never understood ornamental plants. I'm a girl, give me flowers, but brighter and more magnificent. But when the child was born, she moved to her mother for a while. And her entire loggia is lined with dracaena.

At first, I did not even notice these worthy plants, but when my mother asked for help with pruning, I became interested. And when she returned home, she begged for a couple of pots to decorate the interior. Now I can’t even imagine my apartment without these striped beauties!

These trees or shrubs are related to garden asparagus.

"In the wild" they grow in Africa, less often - in the tropics of Central America and South Asia.

The name translates as "draconiha", that is, "female dragon". Although in everyday life the dracaena is called simpler: “false palm”.

What is the peculiarity of this species

Young bushes resemble hedgehogs studded with sharp leaves. When the dracaena grows up, the bush moves up and becomes a crown, and the stem of the plant becomes bare and begins to resemble a pillar. Although there are species whose leaves continue to grow along the stem in a spiral.

Dracaena are perennials. They grow slowly but surely. And if you buy a small flowerpot, over the years it will outgrow the cat first, then the children, and then you yourself.

In an apartment, they rarely bloom. The flowers are small but very fragrant. They look something like this:

You can grow dracaena to decorate a small apartment and big house. It will also be appropriate in the lobby of a large office and even a hotel.

A brief overview of the most popular types of dracaena

Biologists say that there are several hundred species of this plant. But of course, the majority "frolic in the wild."

  • Godsefa. A beautiful, low bush, not at all like a dracaena. Rounded, wide leaves are decorated with white spots. The view is considered the most picky.

  • Sandera (bamboo of happiness). The most popular species, semi-shrub. Cuttings root easily in a glass of water. The leaves are striped, light green-gray. The bushes are relatively low (up to 80 cm), special care do not require. The trunk of Sander's dracaena really resembles bamboo, which is why it is often used in various flower growing experiments with the shape and direction of this stem (pictured).

  • Fragrant. The striped leaves are yellow-green in color and have thin white stripes. Grow up to 1 meter. The plant blooms with small fluffy balls (though only in nature or in greenhouses - not in the apartment). When flowering, it smells strongly (reminiscent of the aroma of a lily).

  • Compact. Variety of the previous species. Varnished leaves are relatively short, collected in bunches, completely green. Such dracaena grow quite high.

  • Reflex (bent). Its leaves do curl down a little. Each has noticeable light streaks running the entire length of the leaf.

  • Deremskaya. And these leaves are “painted” with white, green, and a little light green stripes. Very elegant look!

  • Draconic (draco). Greenhouse format tree, decorated with bunches of sharp leaves. The juice of the plant is transparent, but over time it turns red and thickens (some people call it "dragon's blood").

  • Bordered (marginate). Another resident of greenhouses, growing up to 3 meters. Although in the apartment this plant also feels good.

What care does dracaena require

  • Light. In winter, the plant simply needs it, and in the summer of our sun, the dracaena is a bit too much. Therefore, hide the pot in partial shade, keeping it not even on the windowsill, but next to it. Choose west or south wall. And even better - put the pot in the shade of the veranda, the dracaena likes a lot of clean air.

An important point: the brighter, more multi-colored dracaena leaves, the more light it needs. The same applies to the temperature of the room: monophonic leaves are good at 16-17 degrees, and give color 19 and above.

  • Watering. Dig the soil: if it has dried out by 2 cm, immediately take a watering can. It is necessary to water the dracaena often and in large quantities (in summer - somewhere every two days, and in winter too, if the pot is not far from the radiator). But it is important to remember: although the plant came from the humid tropics, it is better to forget to water it once than mistakenly water it twice.

Always defend the water for your green pet, and if possible, filter it.

  • water procedures. The plant does not like our radiators. Therefore, in winter, when the batteries dry the air, spray the bush twice a day. Water should be at room temperature. By the way, dracaena will not be offended if you spray it in the summer too. You can also wear it in the bath and put it under a warm shower.
  • Top dressing. Fertilizers for palm trees and other green (decorative leaf) plants are suitable for you. You can make them every 2 weeks, from April to September inclusive. Then the plant enters hibernation.
  • Room temperature. In summer, dracaena should be kept at 18-20 degrees, in winter - at 12-18.

Pruning: what is it for, how to do it

Sometimes the plant stretches up several meters and you get a brown stick sticking out of the pot with a few leaves growing on top of it. Ugly!

Trim the shoots from above (they can be rooted), and also shorten the trunk of the dracaena to a reasonable size. Fresh leaves will soon grow from the trunk. So you get two beautiful dracaena.

But if you are doing pruning for the first time, you are probably worried - how not to have too much? The correct "technology" will be shown in this video:

Reproduction of this flowerpot

So, you have in your hands the stalk obtained after pruning. It is correct to make it a decent size - from 10 to 15 cm. By the way, it can be not only apical. The cut stem can also be “chopped” into cuttings and rooted, like this:

  1. Treat a fresh cut of the cutting with an activated carbon tablet (crushed), and then with the Zircon preparation. Remove the extra (lower) leaves. You can also thin out the crown of the cutting, removing either a few, or even a third of the leaves.
  2. Pour drainage into a small pot. Next, place the “adult” soil (it is sold in stores, it’s called “For dracaena”, the soil “For palm trees” is also suitable). Water well.
  3. Plant the cutting in a pot, if necessary, add more soil.
  4. Water, and he will give roots, becoming a young bush.

As for the cropped "old man", pour paraffin on the shortened stem - this will seal it from drying out and rotting. Water the old plant too, and it will delight you with a new green shoot.

Transfer: what you need to know

  • "Young growth" can be transplanted annually, older plants less often (every 2-3 years).
  • The best time for such a procedure is the period from March to April. Although there are no contraindications against summer, autumn or winter transplantation either.
  • It is better to use the transshipment method.
  • The pot should be taken from clay. Before planting, it is doused with boiling water, this will disinfect the vessel.
  • So that the roots do not fester, a large shard of clay can be placed on the bottom (under the drainage), preferably in the form of a saucer. Place it "bottom" up, excess liquid will drain under it.
  • After transplantation, dracaena may get sick. Put it immediately in the shade, spray the leaves - so it will be easier for her to acclimatize in the new "house".

What is the plant afraid of?

  • Insects. Pests threatening dracaena are quite common: spider mite, thrips, aphids, scale insects, mealybug. As soon as we saw these uninvited guests, wash the leaves with soap (mites will leave only if the soap solution is not colder than 50 degrees), and then treat with an insecticide bought in a store.
  • Leaves are falling. If before that they turned pale and wilted, the dracaena froze. Maybe the roots are rotting - then cut off the top and root again. Cause of rot: regular overflow or hypothermia of the earth in a pot.
  • The plant is rotting. This is either an infection (weeping areas on the leaves or stem speak of it, and then things are bad - the dracaena may not survive), or bad soil(too heavy), or banal neglect (you pour the plant, it is cold, it is too dark near the pot). Cut away rotten areas. Sprinkle these places with crushed coal, take better care of the flower - maybe it will go away.
  • Dracaena dries up. Brown, dried-up "islands" scream: we are not being sprayed enough, and the air is too dry. Another reason: soil. It has either not changed for years and is salty, or you have stuffed it too much with fertilizers.
  • The leaves turn yellow. If only from below, it's not scary - the leaves have simply become obsolete, and you just have to cut them off. If young leaves turn yellow, you are either overwatering or (most likely) watering your pet too infrequently.

More about the diseases of this worthy home plant this video will tell:

Dracaena are evergreen shrubs and trees that belong to 80 species and originate from the subtropics of Africa and the islands of Oceania. Flower growers are sincerely glad that they can grow almost half of these varieties belonging to the genus Dracaena (Dracaena) in greenhouses and rooms. Plants will need standard care, but maximum attention should be paid to temperature and humidity.

Variety of dracaena

There are different views of experts on the classification of the genus Dracaena. Some botanists attribute it to the dracaena family, others to asparagus. Although the first are trees and succulent shrubs, and the second are herbaceous perennials, occasionally evergreen shrubs. Clarification of family ties and origin of plants helps to understand the features of the genus Dracaena.

Caring for indoor green pets involves creating conditions that resemble natural ones. Many flower growers are interested in the origin of the name "dracaena". The term came about thanks to Greek word, which translates as "female dragon". Botanists explain the etymology by the presence of a bright red resin in a species from the Canary Islands - Dracaena Draco (Dragon Tree).

Exotic indoor plant dracaena: photo, care

When caring for indoor and greenhouse specimens, consider the characteristics of life forms, the requirements of plants for light and moisture. Lignified stems in most species of the genus Dracaena hold rosettes of long leaves at the tops. As it grows, the lower leaf blades fall off, and peculiar “marks” remain on the trunk. Stem denudation also occurs in adverse conditions, when changing the mode of irrigation, lighting.

Dracaena leaves are a real work of art. In some species they are long, saber-shaped, in others they are like short green or striped "daggers". The length of the leaves is from 15 to 60 cm, the width reaches 10 cm (in greenhouses). Most in color popular types predominantly white or yellow longitudinal stripes different size.

What is important to remember when growing dracaena

Varieties with green leaves are shade-tolerant, but often there is a curvature of the tops that reach for the light. If you turn the pot, then the defect can be avoided. But not a single plant likes a frequent change of location, including dracaena. Caring for variegated forms is a little more difficult, because you need to find the optimal dose of lighting. What all dracaena require:

  • air humidity above 60%;
  • spraying with soft, warm water;
  • regular watering, but without waterlogging the substrate;
  • a room where the temperature is not lower than +13...+15 °C.

How to propagate dracaena

Demanded in indoor floriculture propagation by cuttings is well suited for most types of dracaena. Cut off for rooting the upper leafy part of the shoot, parts of the stem without leaves. The crown for planting should be at least 10 cm long, including the lower area without leaves. The angle of the cut does not matter, it is not necessary to dry the shoot.

Rooting is carried out in sand, vermiculite, cactus soil, or simply in a glass of water (the liquid must be changed regularly so as not to deteriorate). Accelerate the appearance of roots with special preparations that are sold in flower shops. The use of each of them is described in the instructions. The temperature during the rooting period should not be lower than +20 °C. Mandatory protection in the form of a transparent jar, glass or package. This shelter must be removed several times a day and the planted crown should be sprayed with settled water.

The length of the stem cuttings for propagation is at least 5 cm. Root this planting material just like the top of the head - vertically placing in the substrate. You can lay a piece of the stem on the sand in a pot and press it lightly. Care is the same as for the apical cutting. Roots and shoots grow within one or one and a half months.

Genus Dracaena. Species Dracaena deremensis, D.fragrans

Dracaena Deremskaya (D. Deremensis) is an evergreen perennial. Indoors, the lignified stem of this plant reaches a height of half a meter to 3 m. good care long lasting even lower leaves but more often they die off as they age. The length of the leaf blade in the form of a lancet, but with wavy edges, is 0.2-0.5 m, width - 5-6 cm.

The original species Dracaena deremensis is a plant with dark green leaves. Over time, variegated forms were brought out, which became more popular. Indoors, dracaena does not bloom every year, but when the buds appear, the inflorescences are white inside, and red corollas are located outside. Lemon Lime is known for its yellow stripes along the leaves. White Stripe are forms with white lines. The White Jewel variety is characterized by the presence of light green longitudinal stripes.

Each species of the genus Dracaena is charming in its own way. Caring for these amazing plants is easy, but creating the perfect blooming conditions in a room can be tricky. For example, in nature, fragrant inflorescences often appear on fragrant dracaena (D.fragrans), but this phenomenon is rarely observed indoors. The rosette of leaves bent in an arc of this mini-palm tree, which is popular in rooms, looks very decorative. Its flowers are usually white, but there are varieties in green-yellow tones. Some researchers consider the species D. Deremensis one of the forms of D.fragrans.

Dracaena Sander (D. sanderiana)

An attractive outwardly plant has long been imported from the tropical regions of West Africa. In culture, forms have spread that reach a height of 0.6-1 m. The thin shoots of Sander's dracaena lend themselves well to twisting, which allows flower growers to receive cuttings bent at different angles. Such parts of the trunk are well rooted and sometimes resemble bamboo stalks. Growing leaves are 15-22 cm long, up to 4 cm wide; the shape of the plate is lanceolate, the color is light green, some varieties have a white or dark green border (for example, Boringuensis).

It is D. Sander - this is the indoor dracaena that received the unofficial name "Bamboo of Happiness". Its spiral curved stems, bundles of cuttings, connected by 3, 5, 7 or more pieces, are in great demand in flower shops. Such forms of the Dracaena Sanderiana plant are a true decoration of apartments and offices. Bamboo of Happiness is given to relatives, loved ones, friends and colleagues with the wishes of prosperity, good luck and wealth. Weaving stems is carried out when they are young, they bend well.

Dracaena Godsefa (D. godseffiana)

Semi-shrub, reaching 0.5-3 m indoors. The stem of this species resembles reed shoots with membranous scales from fallen leaves. The tops of the oval leaves are pointed; there are 3-5 plates in false whorls. Colour: Green with highlights of cream or white color. The size, number and shape of the spots depend on the variety.

The flowers form racemes emerging from the axils of the leaves or the apical rosette. The buds are painted in greenish-yellow tones, blossoming flowers emit a pleasant smell. Many lovers indoor plants sure that Dracaena godseffiana is the most unusual dracaena. Care at home for its varieties involves the observance of four main rules:

  • create good lighting for variegated forms;
  • protect dracaena from direct sun rays;
  • with a lack of natural insolation, provide artificial lighting;
  • regularly arrange a warm shower, wipe the leaves.

Dracaena bent (D. reflexa)

The most capricious species of the genus Dracaena when grown indoors. The plant needs high humidity, it needs support for a high stem (0.7-1 m). With skillful pruning, you can create a beautiful strong trunk with dense rosettes of leaves. The plates reach a length of 15 cm, the color is green, there is a yellow border. One of the well-known varieties is called Song of India.

Dracaena bordered (D. marginata)

It is believed that this is not separate view, and the narrow-leaved form D. reflexa. The stem branches with age, can reach more than 3 m in height. Narrow sessile leaves resemble straps; the lower ones are bent, the upper ones grow almost vertically. The plates reach a length of 20 to 70 cm. There are narrow reddish stripes along the edges of the leaves.

Some varieties are dominated by crimson shades in color, for example, Colorama. Tricolor leaves combine green with red and yellow. The Magenta cultivar is distinguished by its crimson edging. The Bicolor variety is characterized by a pink stripe on a green leaf background.

All of the listed signs of species and varieties of dracaena are clearly manifested with good care. Violation of the conditions of detention leads to accelerated yellowing and leaf fall. In this case, a transplant of the apical cutting will be required. It should be cut with a sharp knife, then cut with crushed charcoal or furnace ash. The soil in the pot should be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The cutting is rooted in water or sand, as shown in the photo below. From above, you need to protect from evaporation by covering the pot with a large plastic glass.

Dragon tree (D. draco)

The Canary Islands are the birthplace of dracaena with red milky juice. The narrow leaves of the plant reach a length of 60 cm, a width of 2-4 cm. Green plates turn red at the edges with sufficient light. The leaves are collected in whorls and look like bundles of leather straps. hallmark species - the release of reddish resin on the trunk ("dragon's blood").

The plant in natural conditions reaches a height of 20 meters, but indoors usually does not exceed 1.5 m. Such a mini-palm tree - Canarian dracaena - easily propagates by cut apical shoots and seeds, feels good in cool rooms even at an air temperature of +12 ° FROM.

Dracaena care: 10 simple rules

Room conditions are suitable for growing such original plants as dracaena. The appearance of the African species is in harmony with the young "screw palms" (Veitch's pandanus). The composition of dracaena and variegated forms of chlorophytum, dieffenbachia or nephrolepis looks great.

If the dracaena in the room quickly turns yellow, this means that one of the basic rules of care has been violated:

  1. It is better to place plants on bright windows and protect from direct sunlight.
  2. The winter temperature of more hardy species is +12 ° C, heat-loving ones will need a room where the air heats up to +15 ° C.
  3. The room should not be too dry, dracaena love high humidity, spraying.
  4. Water in summer and warm rooms follows daily.
  5. In winter, if the room is cool, watering is reduced.
  6. The soil in a pot or tub should not dry out, otherwise the plants will die.
  7. In spring and summer, the leaves are sprayed daily, in autumn and winter, once a week is enough.
  8. When transplanting, it is necessary to save an earthen lump, adding soddy soil and humus to a higher pot.
  9. They do the same during transshipment, which is carried out annually until the age of three dracaena.
  10. It is desirable to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. Dracaena responds well to feeding with a solution of bird droppings.

The leaves of an adult dracaena, even with a good content, slowly turn yellow and fall off. The stem at the bottom is exposed, but the rosette at the top should be lush. The life span of one leaf is approximately two years, and the whole plant will please the grower for at least 5-10 years (with proper care). In nature, the “dragon tree” reaches the most advanced age. According to scientists, some specimens of Dracaena Draco are about 6 thousand years old! That's it amazing plant- dracaena.

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Genus Dracaena (Dracaena) belongs to the Agave family. In nature, it grows in the form of trees or succulent shrubs, distributed in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Canary Islands.

The scientific name of the plant dracaena means "female dragon". The flowers are usually collected in panicles, have simple white or yellowish perianths. The dracaena palm has branched trunks and linear leathery leaves.

In home culture, the houseplant dracaena is ubiquitous - it is valued for its unpretentiousness and ease of care.

Dracaena godsefa (Dracaena godseffiana)- semi-shrub with thin, reed-like erect stems covered with triangular-lanceolate membranous scales. Oblong leaves are collected in false whorls of three to five pieces. At the top they are finely pointed, sometimes slightly wavy along the edge. The surface of the leaves of this type of dracaena is green with numerous white or cream spots. It rarely blooms in cultivation.

Dracaena Hooker (Dracaena hookeriana) grown in warm greenhouses. The trunk reaches a height of 1-2 m, sometimes forks. Leathery sessile xiphoid leaves 60-80 cm long and 4-5 cm wide slightly tapering at the base. Distinguished by whitish margins and a slightly prominent midrib on bottom side sheet. This type of dracaena owes its name to the English botanist and traveler Joseph Dalton Hooker.

Dracaena deremskaya (Dracaena deremensis)- it is high (up to 3 m or more) perennial with a thick, woody, usually non-branching, densely leafy trunk. Old leaves eventually die off and fall off, leaving visible traces on the trunk. This type of dracaena blooms extremely rarely. The lanceolate sessile dark green leaves reach 50 cm in length and 5 cm in width.

Dracaena fragrant (Dracaena fragrans) unlike the previous species, it has wider arcuate leaves crowded in the upper part of the trunk. Fragrant dracaena flowers are white or yellowish green.

Dracaena recurved (Dracaena reflexa) differs by branching from the very base of the stem. Lanceolate dense leaves with thin veins up to 30 cm long and about 3 cm wide are bent down.

The most common variety "Song of India" , the leaves of which have two light yellow stripes along the edge.

Dracaena sander (Dracaena sanderiana)- This is a low plant with a thin trunk and short (15-25 cm long) narrow green leaves that adorn white and silver-gray stripes. The plant must be kept in a warm and bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

Garden forms of dracaena flowers

Warneckii - with a wide milky-gray-green median stripe and two narrow white stripes along the edge of the sheet.

Bausei - with a wide median white stripe.

Shriveriana - with a yellowish-white wide border along the edge of the sheet.

Massangeana - with a yellow-green stripe on the leaves.

Victoriae - with longitudinal light yellow stripes.

compacta - with shiny dark green leaves collected in bunches.

There is also a variegated variety of this form - Compacta Variegata .

Dracaena canariensis

At Canary dracaena, or dragon tree (Dracaena draco), each branch of branching ends with a bunch of densely arranged grayish-green leathery xiphoid leaves. They have prominent veins, reach a length of 45-60 cm, slightly tapering towards the base and pointed towards the top.

Plants are easily propagated by seeds and cuttings. This species can be kept in cool conditions (the rest of the dracaena with green leaves are plants of exceptionally warm rooms).

Dracaena fringed

Dracaena fringed (Dracaena marginata)- the most common type. It is a slender, palm-like plant with a lignified straight stem. It becomes especially decorative at an older age, when it loses the lower leaves, and the remaining ones form a dense bright bunch on the top of the trunk.

Narrow curved leaves reach a length of 70 cm, are predominantly green in color, red at the edges. AT room conditions practically does not bloom.

Found in culture tricolor variety (var. tricolor), in which the border of the leaves is cream with a red tint.

It is necessary to carefully choose the location for this species, since any even slight damage to the leaves leads to disruption of plant growth. If damage or deformation of the leaves occurs, pruning is necessary.

Conditions for growing dracaena

The plant needs a bright, but protected from direct sunlight place. Dracaena fragrant and Dracaena Hooker are taken out into the fresh air in summer, and kept at a temperature of 12 ° C or slightly lower in winter. The conditions for growing dracaena of other species are year-round stay in a room where the air temperature does not fall below 18 ° C.

These plants do best in light shade near an east or west window. Fragrant dracaena and bordered dracaena can grow in the shade.

Caring for room dracaena

Feed once every two weeks with a complex fertilizer of low concentration. In winter, the number of dressings is reduced, fed once a month.

Caring for home dracaena includes an annual transplant of young plants. It is best to transplant plants in the spring. Mature plants are transplanted every two to three years.

The soil mixture is prepared from soddy, leafy, humus soil and peat (2: 1: 1: 0.5). For large adult plants, a mixture of soddy, leafy, humus soil, coarse sand or gravel (3: 1: 1: 1) is used. Good drainage is required. Instances growing in large pots and tubs are not transplanted, but once a year they replace the topsoil (2-3 cm) with a fresh one.

How to water dracaena

Water the dracaena abundantly, the soil should always remain slightly moist. In summer, daily watering is sometimes necessary. During the growth period, plants with wide leaves are watered more abundantly than species with narrow leaves. In winter, watering is reduced, but do not allow the soil to dry out.

Before watering the dracaena, it is best to spray the plant. Or it can be done immediately after watering. Only the type of dracaena Godsef tolerates dry air well. Dracaena deremskaya does not like it when excess water accumulates in the axils of the leaves, especially in the autumn-winter period. In order to remove excess moisture, after spraying, palm leaves must be dipped.

Reproduction of dracaena

The easiest way to propagate at room conditions is the bordered dracaena, the derem dracaena and the fragrant dracaena. The best breeding time for dracaena is spring (March-April), when growth processes are activated. It can be propagated both in summer and autumn, but rooting in this case will be longer.

Dracaena are propagated by apical cuttings or stem pieces rooted under a film at a soil temperature of 25 ° C.

When propagating by apical cuttings, the upper part of the old plant is cut off and the cutting is rooted, using rooting stimulants and bottom heating. Regularly, at least three to five times a day, the leaves are sprayed with settled water at room temperature and once a week with a low concentration fertilizer solution: while the plant has no roots, it feeds through the leaves. To remove excess moisture, the cuttings are aired twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 15-20 minutes.

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Dracaena is one of the most unpretentious plants among the rooms. Her homeland is the Canary Islands and the tropical forests of Asia and Africa.

At present, there are about two hundred species of these flowers, like a palm tree, the name of which is unusual for our hearing.

In most cases, it has a tree-like trunk, elongated, less often oval leaves, collected in a bunch.

Did you know? Dracaena means "female dragon" in Greek. Therefore, the plant is considered a symbol of women born in the year of the Dragon.

Dracaena care at home


For these houseplants that look like a palm tree, placement in partial shade is quite acceptable, but it is recommended to place them in brightly lit areas of the room, but without direct sunlight.

Varieties with variegated colored foliage need more light than plants with green leaves. Lack of lighting negatively affects the growth of dracaena.

The most correct for growing are the east or west sides, which are overlooked by windows.

Temperature and humidity

Although dracaena comes from warm lands, this plant does not like heat, dry air. The plant will fully develop in summer at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, and in winter - at 15-18 ° C. It is also necessary to maintain air humidity by placing a container of water next to it or spraying the dracaena once a week.

Did you know? The plant is useful in various industries: brushes, juice are made from dracaena and horsehair fibers, and the resin is used for treatment. The plant itself has a positive effect on nervous system bringing peace and good mood.

How to water the dracaena

For the plant to please its looking healthy and lush greenery, it must be properly watered. The frequency of watering depends on the variety, but there are general recommendations.

Watering rules in summer

The growth of dracaena mainly occurs in the summer, so it needs to be watered in large quantities during this period. However, there is next nuance- watering should be done after the topsoil dries out by 2-3 cm. This usually happens on the 8-10th day after the previous watering.

How to water dracaena in winter

Already in autumn, the soil dries out much more slowly, the dracaena rests during this period and until the end of the winter cold. Accordingly, watering is needed less frequently. Its frequency is once a month. You need to focus on the drying of the soil, because the plant can stand near heater, which means that watering will be needed more often.

It should be remembered that your home palm flower does not tolerate frequent watering, as they lead to stagnation of water and rotting of the roots, so do not make such a mistake in care.

Fertilizing and soil care

There are special complex top dressings that are designed specifically for indoor plants and are sold in stores. It is preferable for the plant fertilizer in liquid form. They should be applied with water for irrigation. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that it is better to do this during the period active growth, i.e. in spring and summer.

Many lovers indoor palms, and flowers in general, are interested in their growth, so they want to provide them with appropriate care.

An important question is how to fertilize dracaena for rapid growth.

This plant needs the following elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in a ratio of 3:1:3. So pick up the right fertilizer based on the presence of these substances in its composition.

Important! In summer, dracaena is fertilized once a week, and in winter time when the plant is resting, it is better not to do this more than once a month.

The soil is very important for dracaena: nutritious and slightly acidic is preferred. Can buy ready ground in the store, there are special blends for this type of deciduous plant. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you need to take an equal number of parts: hardwood, sand, humus, soddy soil and peat.

Dracaena pruning rules

Dracaena pruning can be done in cases of preventing the spread of the disease or in order to change the shape of the plant.

It is worth trimming the dracaena during the rest period, that is, in winter. It is imperative to disinfect the cutting tools, and the cut points must be sprinkled with charcoal or wood ash. You can cut off the top of the main trunk, after which the dracaena will begin to grow side shoots.

How to transplant dracaena

If you recently purchased a dracaena, then it needs to be transplanted. How often is dracaena transplanted? A young and actively growing plant should be transplanted regularly - once a year, and it is better to transplant an adult dracaena once every two to three years. best time for transplantation, this is the period of gradual exit of the dracaena from the state of rest: the end of winter - the beginning of spring.

Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the new container. The diameter of the container itself should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.. Plant transplantation occurs by transshipment earthy coma with dracaena roots. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

By adding required amount soil, the soil must be watered and left in a shaded place. After shrinkage, you can add some more soil, if necessary.

Did you know?It is very rare to see dracaena bloom at home. The inflorescences of this plant are small, the flowers are white or creamy green.

Reproduction of dracaena

If you want to grow these beautiful palm-like houseplants called dracaena, you can do it in a variety of ways. The most labor-intensive of them is seed.

seed way

Dracaena seeds are commercially available, so you can grow this plant from scratch. After studying some rules, you will learn how to germinate dracaena from seeds.

Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in water at a temperature of 26-30 ° C for about a day. After that, you need to make a recess in the already prepared soil, put the seeds there, sprinkle with earth, cover with foil and clean in a warm place.

Lighting must be sufficient. It is necessary to water and air the seeds from time to time. The first shoots will appear in about 1.5-2 months, and when the shoots reach a height of 6-7 cm, they can be transplanted into permanent pots.

In general, it will take about 2 years to grow dracaena from seeds.

For this method, you need to take only strong young stems about 4 cm long. Each such cutting should have 2-4 buds. Having cut off the desired part with a disinfected tool, it is rooted in the prepared soil, watering and ventilation are provided. It is better to make a small greenhouse for the cuttings using a plastic bottle.


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