Wood ash as a fertilizer: how to use, properties, composition. Feeding with ash: how to use ash as fertilizer How to make an ash solution for spraying

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Ash is no less successfully used against pests and diseases. To destroy pests, as well as to prevent and treat diseases, plants are dusted or sprayed with sifted ash, and also scattered around the plants.

Ash and ash-soap solutions, infusions and decoctions are universal nutritional, preventive and protective agent. Depending on the purpose, they are prepared according to different recipes and are used for spraying plants.

A solution for spraying plants is prepared as follows: Pour boiling water over 300g of sifted ash and boil for 20-30 minutes, settle, filter, dilute with water to 10 liters and add 40-50g of soap. Plants are treated in the evening in dry weather.

Folk remedy for - ash decoction They are used not only as foliar feeding, but also as an effective remedy against pests and diseases. It helps fight aphids and cruciferous flea beetles very well.

Recipe ash decoction:
Sift 300g of ash and pour boiling water over it, boil for 25 minutes. After filtering, dilute the resulting broth with 10 liters of water. You can add 50g of soap for better adhesion.

Radish And cabbage In addition, you can additionally powder it with ash.
It is better to dust plants with ash early in the morning, following the dew, or by first spraying their leaves. clean water, for better adhesion they should be wet.

A mixture of ash and tobacco dust will help protect onion from onion fly.
Cabbage, radish, radish, rutabaga dust well with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust (1:1) against cabbage flies and cruciferous flea beetles. Use at the rate of 1 glass per 1m2.

For clubroot prevention And blackleg prevention you need to add ash before planting plants in the holes.

Black currants And gooseberry wood ash will protect against powdery mildew, moth caterpillars, aphids, sawfly larvae, slugs, snails. You need to spray them like this infusion: Pour 400g of ash into a bucket hot water, leave for two days.

From cruciferous flea beetles, Colorado potato beetle larvae, and ants, you can pollinate plants with dry ash. Wireworms and nematodes also die from the ash.

From Colorado potato beetles, moth and hawthorn caterpillars, bud moths, aphids, codling moth must be applied ash-soap solution, prepared according to this recipe: dissolve 1.5 kg of ash and 50 g of soap in 10 liters of water.

Recipe ash infusion:
Pour 3 kg of sifted ash into 10 liters of hot water and leave for two days. Then strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, add 40g of soap, previously diluted in a small amount of hot water.

This infusion is used for spraying against aphids, gooseberry moths and sawflies.

Ash infusion can be used for pest control and foliar feeding, adding mineral fertilizers to it.

In case of severe damage apple trees green apple aphids should be moistened with water and dusted with sifted wood ash. Thanks to the potassium content in the ash, taste improves apples, their keeping quality is preserved.

When caterpillars appear on apple trees And pears you need to dilute 300g of ash in 10l of water, boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain the solution and spray the trees with it. For better adhesion of the solution, you can add 40g of liquid or laundry soap to it.

Holes for planting seedlings strawberries can be powdered thin layer ash, sprinkled with damp soil. This will protect the strawberry roots from beetle larvae. Strawberries pollinated with dry ash will not be liked by slugs either.

To repel slugs and snails, dry ash is also scattered around the plants.

If you sprinkle ash between the rows, the ants will leave the bed.

For nutrition, pest control and disease prevention for each bush roses scatter 200-300g of ash evenly and embed it shallowly into the soil.

Spray roses lye against fungal diseases: pour 1 kg of ash into 10 liters of water, boil, stirring, for 30 minutes, cool, let stand until the solution is light, then drain and strain. For better adhesion, add 40-50g of liquid laundry soap.

When spraying, it is necessary to wet the leaves well. The procedure is carried out at night, after rain, repeat 3 times every other day.

How to store ashes ?

In order for the ash to serve you all season, you need to store it in a dry place: under a canopy, in containers, buckets, covered with a lid.

Moisture can damage ash fertilizer. Packed in plastic bags ash can be stored for several years, maintaining its qualities.

Ash is a very affordable and popular fertilizer for many plants. It is used for pre-planting treatment of seeds, soil, and as a top dressing.

What are the benefits of ash for our plants?

It contains more than half of all the elements of the periodic table! The most valuable in ash are silicon, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. The composition of the ash depends very much on what was burned. For example, the composition of birch ash and straw ash will be very different. Main disadvantage feeding with ash is that they contain no nitrogen at all. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement ash fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers. However, you should not add them at the same time, otherwise the nitrogen will turn into ammonia and evaporate. For the same reason, it is not recommended to add ash along with phosphorus fertilizers. Ash not only enriches the soil with essential microelements, but also loosens and reduces soil acidity. Fertilizing with ash is suitable for almost all plants.

But some plants, on the contrary, are accustomed to living in an acidic environment (conifers, rhododendrons, azaleas, mahonias) and will not thank you for feeding with ash :)

There are several ways How Can dilute wood ash to feed plants. In this article we will list recipes, found by us in one of the dacha directories.

Decoction for foliar feeding

You will need: 300 grams of ash, 10 liters of water, 50 grams of regular soap.

  • The ash is sifted and steamed with boiling water, and then boiled for 20-30 minutes. The ash solution is filtered and poured into a 10-liter bucket of water. To ensure that the fertilizer adheres well to the leaves of the plants, soap shavings are placed in it.

Feeding with ash decoction is effective for pumpkin crops, tomatoes and cucumbers, for cabbage.

Ash infusion for feeding

During the growing season, it is very good to apply liquid fertilizer.

Wood ash is extremely useful for tomatoes: it promotes the growth of ovaries and the active ripening of ruddy tomatoes. You can simply sprinkle ash under the tomatoes near the bushes or prepare something like this infusion for feeding:

  • 10 teaspoons of ash are diluted in 10 liters of water and allowed to brew for 7 days. The prepared infusion is watered at the roots of the plants.

Simple universal recipe liquid fertilizer:

  • Just 1 glass of ash is enough to dilute in a 10-liter bucket of water. This solution can be used to water plants throughout the entire summer season.

Infusion recipe for combating powdery mildew and aphids on currants and gooseberries:

  • To prepare it, take ash, tobacco and household goods in equal quantities. soap, mixed, infused, watered plants.

Sprinkling with ash

For feeding ash maybe not breed. Without unnecessary hassles, wood ash is simply sprinkled on the soil, lightly covered, and then watered. Consumption of dry ash for cucumbers and zucchini: 1 cup per 1 m2.

Ash is also good for radishes, parsley, carrots, and beets. It is useful to simply dust acidic soils with ash or pour them thoroughly with an ash solution.

Ash is valuable because it is completely free of chlorine, which is so important for berry crops: strawberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, grapes. Rounding out the list are good old potatoes.

Ash often helps in the fight against pests of many crops. The substance is crushed into powder, the leaves of the plants are slightly moistened and dusted with ash powder. This remedy will be relevant for onions, radishes, potatoes, and strawberries.

It is very good to sprinkle the soil with ash around the strawberries - it will create an obstacle for slugs and snails.

Thus, ash is a very cheap, accessible and effective fertilizer. Where can I get it? Ash can be accumulated throughout the season: from barbecues after barbecues, after burning boats, from a stove, a fire. Ash is stored well, always in a dry place. It does not lose its properties and can be used next spring.

Since ancient times, people have been famous for ash. Yes, in the old days it was used instead washing powder. And imagine that the laundry, after going through such a wash, was snow-white. It was used instead of soap to simply wash. It is also known that ash is an excellent soil fertilizer. And thanks to her he grows excellent harvest in the garden. But I would like to supplement the known information.

It is used when feeding trees, shrubs, vegetables, and house plants. It loosens the soil well. So, thanks to this fertilizer, you can reduce the acidity of the soil. Ash is an excellent fertilizer, very rich in microelements. It is very rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, sulfur. But there is no nitrogen. The value of the ash composition depends on what material was burned. This can be ash obtained from the combustion of paper, leaves, grass, or dead wood. Potassium predominates in this fertilizer. And it contains little phosphorus.

Very good fertilizer is wood ash. Thus, the ash of elm, oak, ash, beech, maple, poplar, and larch contains a large amount of potassium. The ash of linden, spruce, pine, alder, and aspen contains less of this element. Unique properties has ash obtained from birch. It is extremely rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. The ash of young trees is richer in potassium than the ash of older trees.

This fertilizer has one more advantage: the ash is completely free of chlorine. And this is important. After all, there are a number of plants that suffer and die from chlorine. This applies to raspberries, currants, blackberries, grapes, strawberries. Ash is very suitable for feeding seedlings. Apply ash to in this case You can't do it without additives. And one more valuable feature this amazing universal fertilizer is that you can easily prepare it yourself, while also clearing the yard of dead wood and cut branches. Pleasant with useful, as people say.

To obtain high-quality ash, special metal barrels with a provided exhaust hood are used. With this process, complete combustion of the material occurs and high-quality ash is obtained. Charcoal can be used as an antiseptic that prevents the appearance of rot. This charcoal helps plants heal wounds faster. But such coal in the form of fertilizer is not suitable for garden beds. In the garden and in the garden it is necessary to use ash as fertilizer.

Coal ash is not used in the form of fertilizers because calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in it are practically minimal. But it contains more than sixty percent silicon oxides. Therefore, when draining and loosening soils, it can be used instead of sand. Sulfur contributes to soil acidification, as there is a lot of it in coal ash. Saline soils need it. Thanks to this element, soil acidification occurs.

How to add ash correctly

For loamy and clayey soils, it is best to add ashes to autumn time of the year. But peaty and sandy lands need ash fertilizing in the spring. The ash should be used in the spring. This way there is more confidence that it will fall into the ground and serve as a good fertilizer. Of course, if necessary, you can fertilize the soil with ash in the autumn. Only ash can be quickly washed away under the influence of precipitation. Sandy soils suffer from this. There is one good rule that ash gets into the ground during digging.

There is another option when fertilizing with ash is carried out immediately during planting. To do this, the ash is simply thrown into the hole itself. You need to know that for a plot of at least one hundred square meters in size you need to have from twelve to fifteen kilograms of this amazing and reliable fertilizer. And just for information, I would like to note that six grams of ash easily fits into one tablespoon. A faceted glass holds one hundred grams of ash. Two hundred and fifty grams of this fertilizer easily fits into a half-liter jar. A liter jar of ash contains exactly five hundred grams.

To feed vegetables that are already growing, wood ash is used in certain parts.

  • For zucchini, squash, and cucumbers, you need to use one glass of ash, which is scattered before watering over an area of ​​one meter square.
  • For peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and eggplant, a handful of this fertilizer is enough for each hole. In spring, strawberries and currants will also need ash. You only need one glass for every square meter.
  • For carrots, beets, parsley, radishes, one glass of ash per square meter will also be enough.
  • For potatoes, you need to take ash in the size of two matchboxes. This amount of ash must first be mixed with the soil. Apply this mixture under each planted potato tuber.

Ash, as a fertilizer, in dry form can simply crumble on the ground. And under the influence of precipitation, it will gradually dissolve and penetrate into the soil. When using ashes, certain standards must be followed. Sandy loam soils require one hundred to two hundred grams of ash per square meter. Loamy soils need to increase the amount of such fertilizer from two to four times.

After using dry ash, watering is necessary, since dry ash will simply be blown away by the wind. If there is a need to store ash, then it is better to use plastic bags or sacks. Such fertilizers must be stored in a fairly dry room, without access to moisture, and kept tightly closed.

If desired, it is possible to make a universal infusion of ash for feeding plants.

  • Just one glass of wood ash and ten liters of water is enough. The ash needs to be poured with water and everything must be mixed thoroughly. This solution needs to sit for six or seven days. This solution is also suitable for foliar feeding. various plants, both in the garden and in the vegetable garden.
  • Urea is also mixed with wood ash. For ten liters of water, one tablespoon of polyurea and one glass of wood ash are enough. Stir the ingredients until dissolved. The roots are fed with this composition. But you need to make sure that the solution does not get on the leaves.
  • Wood ash is used together with compost. This combination neutralizes harmful chemical compounds, occurring during and after rain.
  • It is good to use a mixture consisting of a decoction of herbs and ash for feeding. This infusion helps get rid of powdery mildew, blackleg, and spots on the leaves. Fleas, aphids, and wireworms cannot tolerate this infusion. If necessary, you need to spray the plant with this miraculous composition in the morning and evening.

Plants need fertilizer

If you notice that the edges of the lower leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, specks of unknown origin appear, and the leaves become brown, as if someone had burned them. This is exactly the appearance of plants that lack potassium for certain reasons. There is an urgent need to save the plants. To do this, the ash is diluted with water. And the plants are fed with this solution.

Before planting, you can soak the seeds in a solution consisting of two tablespoons of ash and one liter of water. This solution should stand for twenty-four hours. And then you need to soak the seeds in it. This seed bath lasts six hours. After which the calm seeds can be planted. But potatoes cannot tolerate such annual feeding. Frequent consumption of wood ash may cause scab on potatoes. This disease occurs because the soil has become neutral.

Ash is not used:

  • Fresh manure and wood ash should never be mixed together. This compound leads to a decrease in nitrogen. The result is mineral compounds that the plant is unable to absorb.
  • Until the first true leaves form on the seedlings, the use of wood ash is unacceptable. But nitrogen fertilizers are suitable for seedlings at this stage of their development.
  • Acidic soils are used to grow cabbage and beans. And everyone knows well that such lands are in no way enriched with ash.
  • It is unacceptable to use ash and nitrogen fertilizers at the same time. They are best used in different time of the year. So, for example, in autumn period use nitrogen fertilizers. And in the spring, fertilize the soil with wood ash. It is possible, of course, the other way around. But ash is easily washed out of the ground by rain and snow. Therefore, it is worth thinking about which fertilizer to apply in the fall and which to leave for the spring.
  • To fertilize the soil, it is necessary to mix the ashes with the soil when the seedlings are planted. This must be done so that the roots of the plants do not get burned. The same rule should be followed when it comes time to plant cucumbers, zucchini and nightshades.

On those plots of land where the pH is greater than seven, ash fertilization is not carried out. If there is a lot of alkali in the soil, then the plants are not able to completely take it out of the ground. nutrients. Mixing fresh vegetable compost with ashes will not do any good. Since nitrogen cannot accumulate in sufficient quantities in this environment.

Read more about feeding with ash here:

Fertilizer from wood ash has been used since ancient times in the form of the first fertilizer used by farmers to enrich the soil with inorganic compounds.

The combustion products of dry plant waste - wood, flowers, weeds, straw, leaves and even cigarettes - are rich in compounds of magnesium and boron, calcium and zinc, sodium and potassium, sulfur and phosphorus, which are essential for the full vegetation of plants.

Timely introduction of ash fertilizer into the soil increases plant resistance to pests, helps cultivated plants resist bacterial and fungal infections, improves the taste of commercial products, and also changes the physical and Chemical properties soil, creating conditions for full vegetation of plants.

Article outline

Wood ash fertilizers improve high-quality composition soil, saturating the soil with mineral compounds that improve the alkaline properties of humus. Ash changes the acidity of the soil, increasing its pH, which has a beneficial effect on plant fruiting.

  1. The qualitative composition of the soil is significantly improved by adding ash, which is a natural soil loosening agent.
  2. The use of ash increases productivity on heavy loamy soils, makes it easier machining soil layers, allows plants to develop normally.
  3. Fertilizers made from wood ash change the physical structure of the soil and are a means of increasing the access of oxygen to the soil, without which aerobic microorganisms and soil invertebrates will not be able to function.

In order to increase the efficiency of fertilizing from wood ash, it should be applied not in pure form, and together with humus, peat or compost.

This use of ash promotes faster decomposition of organic matter. The direct application of ash into the soil cannot be ruled out, which also helps to improve the fertile properties of humus and has a beneficial effect on the ability of crops to bear fruit.

After applying ash fertilizer positive influence It lasts on plants for up to three years.

How I use wood ash in the garden

Contraindications for the use of ash

  1. Do not add ashes to fresh manure– this reduces the nitrogen content of organic compost and leads to the creation of mineral compounds that the plant root system is not able to absorb.
  2. It is prohibited to feed seedlings with ash., until the stage of formation of the first true leaves. At this stage it is worth feeding with nitrogenous compounds.
  3. You can't enrich yourself with ashes acidic soils on which cabbage or beans grow.
  4. Simultaneous application to the soil is prohibited charcoal and nitrogen fertilizers, it is better to carry out these operations at different times: in the fall - ash, in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers, or vice versa.
  5. While planting flowers and berries, nightshade (tomatoes) and pumpkin (zucchini or cucumber) crops, the ash is mixed with the soil to prevent burns of the integumentary tissues of the roots.
  6. On soils where pH > 7 units, ash is not used, since the increased alkali content in the soil makes it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients.
  7. Avoid adding ash to fresh plant compost, as this prevents the accumulation of nitrogenous substances in the substrate.

Rules for preparing fertilizers from wood ash

Making effective fertilizer from pre-prepared ash is not difficult. It is only important to accumulate the required volumes of material. The substrate must be dry, consist of small fractions and should not contain substances harmful to plants and humans. In practice, gardeners use several methods of preparing fertilizer from wood ash.

Prepare mineral fertilizing from dried ash is not difficult, since the fertilizer is used unchanged - in fine powder. You don't even need to sift it. Selected required quantity and sprayed onto the ground. It is dug up with the soil or left on the ground as mulch, which, under the influence of moisture, will gradually penetrate into the lower horizons of humus.

When using ash fertilizer, it is important to observe the proportions of ash application per 1 m². For sandy loam soils, from 100 to 200 g of ash are added per 1 m²; for loamy soils, the dose increases by 2-4 times - the weight depends on the percentage of clay in the soil.

It is important not to exceed the amount of ash introduced into the soil, otherwise the alkaline characteristics of the soil may change, which will affect the plants.

To make liquid mineral fertilizer from plant ash, it is important to be patient when preparing the fertilizer using the cold soak method. Ashes are poured into cold water, mix and leave to infuse for 6-7 days. The mass of ash and the volume of water depend on the plants that will be fed. But, as a rule, this is 100-200 g of ash per 10 liters of water.

Such a liquid substrate is well absorbed by the plant’s root system. It is recommended to combine the use of the infusion with watering the plants, which significantly reduces the cost of caring for crops. In addition, wet fertilizing can also be used for foliar feeding of plants, which is often done by gardeners who cultivate grapes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Only then should you use household sprayers.

In the practice of preparing fertilizers from organic ash, more complex recipes, such as preparing a base (mother) solution. 1 kg of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and the mixture is boiled for 10-20 minutes. Then 1 liter of the base solution is diluted with 10 liters of water and wet feeding of the plants is carried out. Using this technique, you can quickly prepare a complete mineral supplement.

The base solution is stored long time and can be used in subsequent feedings. Mineral properties pre-prepared mother liquor retain their properties for a long time. In pauses between feedings, it can be further enriched with boric acid, potassium permanganate and ash. In fact, the resulting fertilizer is always ready for use.

How to apply ash on soil

In autumn, plants shed leaves in which waste products have accumulated. Gardeners use the foliage as vegetable compost, dispose of it in a landfill, or burn it. The first and second actions are the most pragmatic. The mass of ash dry matter is 1-2% of the weight of burnt leaves, but the concentration essential microelements sufficient to obtain complete fertilizer.

Also rich in organic matter are flowers, which are abundant in the plots. Many flower crops have woody stems and to use them in compost, special grinding to smaller fractions will be required. However, you can get fertilizer from faded plants if you burn them, fortunately, you can get fertilizer rich in microelements from the ashes of flowers.

How to burn leaves to produce ash

Leaves and flowers are best burned in metal barrels or boxes, which will help accumulate several kilograms of ash fraction during leaf fall and clearing the area of ​​plant residues. The main thing is to prevent moisture from getting inside the container, which will lead to excessive leaching of the substance and worsen its fertilizing properties. Ash is usually stored in closed plastic bags or boxes.

There is an opinion among gardeners that the ash from burnt walnut (volosh) leaves is extremely valuable and useful for plants as a fertilizer. It is indisputable that the chemical composition of walnut leaves is rich in iodine, proteins, fats and other complex compounds. But all this organic diversity burns, and phosphorus (up to 550 mg), potassium (up to 1300 mg), and magnesium (up to 220 mg) remain in the ashes of the Volosh nut leaves.

Walnut leaf blades are rich in calcium (90-160 mg), sulfur (40-90 mg), manganese (up to 15 mg) and zinc (about 6 mg). Iodine, cobalt, nickel, chromium, strontium and fluorine are present in smaller quantities. All these substances are presented as oxides, highly soluble in water and well absorbed by the tissues of plant root systems. Therefore, the benefits of ash walnuts the same as from the ash of pear, oak or poplar leaves.

Is there nitrogen in ash fertilizers?

During the combustion of plant organic matter, the nitrogen present in the tissues of leaves and wood evaporates and no traces of it are observed in the ash. Therefore, organic ash is not considered, and only mineral compounds can be present in the ash. This makes charcoal an ideal inorganic fertilizer, rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other elements.

Nitrogen, present in large quantities in fresh manure and vegetable compost, is lost from the fermenting matter when ash is added to it. Such findings are associated with the high alkaline activity of the ash.

Ash can be used to enrich plant humus; in these substances, nitrogen is in a bound state. Only in this case are organic and inorganic compounds in balance.

Tobacco ash from all types of cigarettes and cigars is effective as a mineral fertilizer for feeding flowers growing in an enclosed space (in a house or greenhouse). It is difficult to accumulate the required amount of the substance, since a smoked cigarette produces 0.5-0.7 g of ash. But, in order not to spend money on expensive mineral complexes it is necessary to organize the collection and storage of ashes that contain needed by plants chemical compounds.

There is an opinion that cigarette ash is harmful to plants and cannot be used as a mineral fertilizer. This is a fallacy, debunked chemical composition cigarette ash, from which all harmful substances evaporate, and only mineral compounds remain, albeit in microscopic volumes.

Cigarette ashes are used in the form of dry and wet dressings, and also as a remedy against fungal infections.

If there are no smokers in the family, then wood ashes of plants should be used to feed house flowers. Best to use liquid fertilizer from plant ash, it is in this form that fertilizing will be most effective and safe for indoor plants. The minerals dissolved in water are easily absorbed by the flower, and the possibility of causing a burn to the roots of the plant is eliminated.

  • Ash consumption rate: 10-15 g per liter of water.
  • The infusion should be kept for 2-3 days.
  • The watering dose depends on the size of the plant and can range from 50 ml to 300 ml per plant.

Liquid fertilizing with ash solution should be carried out 3-4 times a year. At the time of flowering, fertilization can be done more often, at intervals of 2-3 weeks. In this case, the flowering period will continue.

Coal ash - can it be used as a fertilizer?

Coal ash extracted from the stove is most suitable for installation drainage systems and manufacturing building materials, and as a means of soil fertilization, it is inferior in effectiveness to the ashes of wood, leaves, stems of flowers and shrubs.

Such conclusions are associated with the low content of easily soluble mineral compounds in coal slag - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, boron, zinc and sodium.

But coal ash also contains compounds that are necessary for soil - these are carbonates (CaCO 3), silicates (CaSiO 3) and sulfates (CaSO 4). These substances are poorly soluble in water, however, this property does not prevent them from performing two important functions: fertilizing the soil, albeit insignificantly, and changing the physical structure of the fertile layer. In practice, coal ash is an alternative to river sand.

These components help change the structural composition of the soil and enrich the soil with sulfur and silicon compounds, which are required in large quantities by all types of cabbage, horseradish, onions and legumes.

Rules for using ash from the stove

  1. sift coal slag, selecting fractions diameter 2-5 mm;
  2. spray ash over the soil at a rate of 40-100 g/m² (the weight depends on the percentage of clay in the soil);
  3. dig up the area to a depth of at least 15-20 cm;

Important note. Work on fertilizing loamy soil with ash from slag coal should be carried out in the fall, before autumn tillage. If the clay content in the soil exceeds 50-60%, then, in addition to coal ash, sawdust or lime is added to the soil. It is also necessary to jointly apply fermented manure or plant compost, which will significantly improve the soil structure.

Coal slag is not used on sandy loam soils.

Note. Coal ash, even with a low content of microelements, will help not only change physicochemical characteristics soil, but will also enrich it with silicon and sulfur compounds, which, dissolved by precipitation, will be easily absorbed by plants.

The plant most needs fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus, and an excess of nitrogen fertilizers leads to increased development of stems and leaves, and to a deterioration in the quality of marketable fruits. As a result, it is important to feed cucumbers two to three times during the growing season with mineral fertilizers, the most accessible of which is plant ash.

You can prepare mineral fertilizer in two ways: from dry ash and ash infused with aqueous solution, in the latter case, liquid fertilizing can be applied while watering the cucumber bushes.

  1. Dry feeding. Fresh or stored ashes are used. The ash is scattered along the rows, and then scheduled watering is carried out, as a result of which the ash is dissolved by water and absorbed by the root system of the plants. The consumption rate is 50 g of ash per linear meter.
  2. Wet feeding. 150 g of ash are infused in 10 liters of water for 5-7 days. After which watering is carried out at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.

Plants are fed in phases:

  1. formation of flower buds,
  2. with the massive appearance of the first ovaries
  3. and during the period of intense fruiting.

However, you should not overuse fertilizing with ash and do it no more than 2-3 times per cultivation season.

The need to feed tomatoes with ash depends on the growth phase of the plant. First of all, the plant needs the substances contained in the ash, in the flowering phase of the first cluster. And secondarily, tomatoes need ash feed during the fruit formation process.

Preparing mineral fertilizer from sifted ash is a simple task, since both ash dissolved in water and its fine-grained form are suitable for tomatoes.

  1. Dry feeding. Harvested ash is used, which will require 50-60 g/m² to enrich the soil. The ash is simply scattered around the bushes and, dissolving under natural or artificial precipitation, ends up in the soil.
  2. Wet feeding. Fertilizer from an ash solution is prepared by infusing 50-100 g of ash in 10 liters of water for 7 days. The application rate depends on the plant variety: low-growing varieties 0.5 l of infusion is consumed, for tall plants - up to 1.0 l.

In total, 2 wet feedings and no more than 2 dry feedings are carried out.

How to fertilize tomatoes with ash in summer

There are two ways to fertilize berries with ash: using root (dry or wet) and foliar feeding. Root feeding of plants is carried out twice a year: before the flowering stage and after the main harvest. Foliar feeding is carried out in the fruit setting phase.

Preparation mineral fertilizer from sifted ash, is done in exactly the same way as for tomatoes or cucumbers, but the foliar mixture for feeding strawberries has a different composition, which is used only for berries.

  1. Dry feeding. There is no need to sift the ash for dry feeding of strawberries. It is enough to scatter the ashes along the rows. Consumption rate 60-70 g/m².
  2. Wet feeding. The preparation of liquid fertilizer from plant ash can be done using an accelerated method. Dissolve 100 g of ash in 10 liters of water and boil for 20-30 minutes, cool and pour into another container, without draining the sediment formed during boiling. The consumption rate is 1 liter of water per 1 m² of bed.
  3. Foliar feeding. Dissolve in 10 liters of hot water boric acid(2 g), potassium permanganate (2 g), 60-70 g of sifted ash and 15 ml of iodine. All ingredients must be completely dissolved. Irrigation is carried out in the evening. This volume is sufficient for foliar feeding of 20 m² of planting.

Mineral nutrition for grapes

Fertilizer from plant ash has a very significant effect on grape fruiting. In practice, two types of fertilizing are used - root and non-root. In the first case, the ashes are introduced into the soil, which is dug up; in the second, it is used liquid solution ash sprayed directly onto plants.

  1. Root feeding. 100-200 g of dry ash is selected, which is sprayed around the bush. The earth is being dug up and under the influence external moisture(rain, dew and artificial irrigation), the ash will be delivered to the roots of the plant. Work is being carried out in early spring or during autumn tillage. Ash can be added to fermented humus.
  2. Foliar feeding. This feeding of grapes helps fight plant diseases and serves as an effective substitute for potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Sifted ash, in a volume of 2 liters, is poured into 8 liters of water, after which the solution is allowed to brew for 24 hours - this will be a mother infusion.

After the expiration date, the solution is filtered through a layer of cotton wool or several layers of gauze. To spray plants, 0.5 liters of mother solution are mixed with 10 liters of water and irrigate the leaves and bunches. This volume is sufficient to spray 10 m² of planting.

This solution can also be used root dressings, if during spring treatment ash was not introduced into the soil. Add 10 liters of water to 1 liter of the main solution and water the ground under the bush, combining fertilizing with the planned watering.

Note. External feeding with ash is carried out one month before harvesting the bunches.

How to use wood ash as a fertilizer for grapes

Feeding roses with ash

The mineral composition of ash has a beneficial effect on roses: it stimulates the development of flower buds, helps flowers resist diseases, and increases the rose’s ability to survive low temperatures. Ash fertilizer is applied to the soil when planting roses and several times during the growing season.

Roses grown on sandy loam soils are fertilized with ash at the rate of 200-400 g/m², and if the plant grows in heavy loamy areas, then the dose of ash fertilizer is doubled (to 400-800 g/m²). Adding ash in dry form, followed by watering the soil, has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant and leads to long-term flowering.

EVERYTHING you need to know about wood ash as a fertilizer


Fertilizing with ash is an important part of plant care, and fortunately, garden plot There is always an abundance of organic matter that can be burned. It is only important to burn dry plant residues so as not to pollute the air with smoke. Even plants affected by diseases can benefit, because in the fire the sources of infection will die, and the remaining ashes can be saved for use next season.

The best way to accumulate fertilizers from plant ash is to burn plant residues in special barrels. During harvesting, organic residues are burned, and the result will be minimal losses of accumulated ash.

Since ancient times in Rus', stove ash has been used to treat many diseases. Of course, there was an abundance of this medicine in every home. In ancient medical books it was recommended to treat bruises, eye diseases, and childhood illnesses.

Since ancient times in Rus', stove ash has been used to treat many diseases. Of course, there was an abundance of this medicine in every home. In ancient clinics it was recommended to treat bruises, eye diseases, and childhood diseases. Moreover, the ash was taken not from one stove, but from three (the hut, the maid's room and the bathhouse), reading the incantation “From three stoves, the ash brought health,” and in more difficult cases- out of seven, including neighbors. This had not only echoes of pagan rituals, but also a practical meaning, since in different houses heated with wood from different types of trees, then by mixing ash from 3-7 stoves, we achieved maximum therapeutic effect. Both dry ash and ash diluted with water and oil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, and ash water were used. By the way, “ash therapy” has no contraindications and, unlike chemical drugs, is suitable for absolutely everyone.

For hives, regularly wash your body with ash water, 1/2 cup of ash, two to three times a week. deciduous trees(birch is best) boil in 2 liters of boiling water and immediately remove from heat, let the liquid settle for 24 hours, then carefully drain the clean infusion, straining it through several layers of gauze or cotton wool, and place in a cool place. Before use, dilute the infusion with water. room temperature in a 1:1 ratio.

For trophic ulcers, sift 500 g of birch or linden ash, pour 5 liters of boiling water over it, leave until it cools to 35-37 degrees, and strain. Dip the sore arm or leg in this infusion for half an hour, then remove and, without wiping, let air dry. If the ulcer is located on the torso, then twice a day, morning and evening, make compresses from gauze folded four to six times, soaked in the infusion. Keep the compress on the affected area for 2 hours. After the ash begins to draw out pus, the ulcer should be washed with diluted calendula tincture (a tablespoon of pharmaceutical tincture in 0.5 cups of water).

Ash baths are effective for rheumatism. Mix water and birch ash in equal proportions, boil in enamel dishes 10-15 minutes, leave for 24 hours, drain the clean infusion without shaking and pour 1 liter into a bath with a water temperature of 32 degrees. The duration of the bath is 10 -15 minutes.

After the procedure, rub yourself thoroughly with a terry or waffle towel.

For cramps, leg pain, excessive sweating, vegetative-vascular dystonia, circulatory disorders, menopausal hot flashes, mix 1/3 cup of salt and 2/3 cup of birch ash, pour the mixture into an enamel bucket and pour 6-7 liters warm water, mix well and do not strain. Warm the mixture to body temperature and place your feet in the bucket for 15-20 minutes. Cover your knees with a sheet or towel.

If you have an oral disease, use well-sifted ash as a tooth powder.

You can dilute the ash with water in a 1:1 ratio. This remedy helps keep teeth and gums healthy even in old age.

And on a hot summer day this water will perfectly quench your thirst:

Pour half a glass of ash into a thick linen bag and rinse thoroughly with water. Some of the ash will dissolve. Place the remaining ash in a jar of water (1/4 cup of ash per 2 liters of water) and leave for a day, then dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3 and drink.


The healing properties of the “black medicine” depend on the wood from which it is prepared. The most useful coal is beech and birch. Next in descending order are pine, linden, oak, spruce, aspen, alder, poplar

In everyday life, for quick use, you can always use pharmaceutical carbolene tablets, but if a large amount of sorbent is required for treatment, then Activated carbon It's better to make it yourself. And if an illness strikes you where there are no doctors or pharmacies, it is all the more necessary to learn how to prepare this universal medicine. It is made like this

Pre-clean the logs or logs of bark. Place them all in the fire at the same time and burn, achieving a state where there are no flames in the fire, but only the heat from a pile of coals is felt, like over a barbecue grill. Then from this pile, select coals the size of a small eraser or a little smaller, put them in a clay pot. or other vessel, close the lid tightly and let it go out and cool. After this, take it out, blow off the fine dust, put it in a mortar and grind until fine crumbs. If you want to get higher quality activated carbon, then before putting the hot coals into the pot, pour them into a colander or metal sieve and hold them over a pan of boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

In case of poisoning from stale dairy products (sour cream, yogurt, butter), as well as spoiled (sour) soups and vegetables, take 1/4 teaspoon of charcoal in 1/4 glass of water three to four times a day an hour before meals.

For gout during an exacerbation, take a teaspoon of charcoal, crushed and dissolved in 1/4 glass of water, twice a day an hour before meals. Coal absorbs uric acid, which causes salt deposition and contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

For hepatitis, take a cup of warm milk daily with a teaspoon of pulverized charcoal (preferably birch).

For diarrhea and even dysentery, stir a teaspoon of crushed birch charcoal in a glass of red wine and drink quickly. Repeat daily until symptoms stop.

For allergies, take charcoal powder three to four times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The treatment regimen is as follows: In the first week, gradually increase the amount of charcoal from the first dose on the tip of a knife to a teaspoon on the 4-5th day of treatment 2-3 Take a teaspoon three times a day, then gradually reduce the dosage again.

For diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, atherosclerosis, obesity, after low doses of radiation (radiation therapy), chemotherapy, take activated charcoal 1/2 teaspoon two to three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

To speed up the removal of radioisotopes from the body, take 1/8 teaspoon of crushed charcoal two to three times a day an hour before meals. At the same time, do cleansing enemas with an infusion of birch leaves (a tablespoon per 0.5 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and pour into a two-liter enema).

For flatulence caused by eating cabbage, onions, radishes, turnips, bananas, apricots, and other vegetables and fruits, take 1/8 teaspoon of crushed charcoal mixed in 1/4 cup boiled water.

For flatulence caused by drinking large quantity milk, beans, peas, beans, take 1/8 teaspoon of charcoal mixed in water three to four times a day until symptoms stop.

ATTENTION! Constipation is possible when taking coal, so during “carbon therapy” you should eat more vegetables, fruits containing dietary fiber, and also drink more fluids.


Since ancient times, coal has been sprinkled on wounds; it neutralizes waste products of pathogens, toxins, and pus. Therefore, if the wound has festered, wash it with an antiseptic solution and, without hesitation, cover it with crushed charcoal. The same should be done with weeping wounds, trophic ulcers, or if you have a boil.

When exacerbating gout, use charcoal poultices, mix charcoal powder with ground flaxseed in a ratio of 2 1, add a small amount of warm water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the sore spot, cover with cellophane and cloth, bandage and leave overnight

When treating ringworm, first rub the affected area with garlic, then rub in birch charcoal moistened with fresh burdock root juice. Rub slowly, for at least 25-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure three more times, although, as a rule, ringworm is cured in 2-3 rubbings.

In case of a burn, sprinkle a little birch charcoal powder on the burned area. Bandage the powder for 1-2 hours, this will reduce pain and prevent the appearance of blisters six times with gauze soaked in the infusion.

Carbo vegetabilis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from coal, successfully used for flatulence, colic, food poisoning, general loss of strength in the elderly and elderly, asthma and many other diseases. It is especially good for treating people with short temper, irritability, bad mood, anxiety and suspiciousness. If you don’t have a filter for water purification at your dacha (in rural areas water is often rusty), then using coal you can make homemade filter, which will purify water no worse than expensive store-bought ones. To do this, cut off the bottom of a two-liter plastic bottle, burn a small hole in the cap, fill the bottle with charcoal (after rinsing it with cold running water) 4/5 and secure it in a vertical position with the narrow end down. If you are preparing strong homemade alcoholic drinks (for example, moonshine), then charcoal is very useful for cleaning. When the “fire water” is ready, pour charcoal into the bottle at the rate of 50 g per liter of drink, shake well and leave for a day, shaking from time to time. Then leave the bottle alone for a week to allow the carbon to settle. After this, carefully filter through cheesecloth and a small layer of cotton wool.


I recently heard that various diseases can be treated with ash and charcoal. To be honest, I was very surprised. I still understand when ash is used as fertilizer so that potatoes grow better, but as medicine... Explain what healing properties do ash and coal have?

The principle of the healing effect of ash and charcoal is based on their
the ability to bind and remove harmful substances and toxins from the body (scientifically, this phenomenon is called sorption).

I read in the newspaper about the “black medicine” - wood ash. Unfortunately, nothing was written in the article about which ash helps with which diseases, and most importantly, in what dosages to take. Could you write about this?

Birch ash is considered the most useful: it treats diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, including infectious ones, and is used for atherosclerosis, ischemia, arthritis and allergies. Pour three tablespoons of birch ash into 0.5 liters of boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Take 4 tablespoons of the infusion twice a day.

Linden ash is used for colds, prostatitis and kidney stones. Pour a tablespoon of ash into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink the infusion 3 tablespoons three to five times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Oak ash treats diarrhea, normalizes intraocular, intracranial and blood pressure. Pour 4 tablespoons with a liter of boiling water, leave for a day, then carefully drain the clean infusion and take it for 14 days, 3 tablespoons three times a day, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the treatment.

Pine ash is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and oncological diseases. The method of application is the same as for oak ash.

Cedar ash helps with arthritis, radiculitis, and relieves muscle pain. Pour a tablespoon of ash into a glass of boiling water, leave for a day, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons of the infusion three times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, then a break of 7 days, after which the treatment can be repeated.

Aspen ash is used to treat colitis, inflammation of the appendages, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Pour 4 tablespoons (topped) of ash with a liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. Drink the infusion 3 tablespoons three times a day for 11 days, then take a break for 22 days and repeat the course of treatment.

In my youth, I was sick a lot, I took handfuls of pills. As a result, the intestines spoiled and severe flatulence developed. I heard that charcoal helps with this ailment. Can I use coal from a fire?

You can, but the logs and logs that you will use must first be cleared of bark. When they burn out, select coals 1-3 centimeters in size, pour into a metal colander or sieve and hold over a pan of boiling water for 10 minutes. After this, put the coals in a clay or some other heat-resistant vessel and close the lid tightly, and when the coals have completely cooled down, pour them into a mortar and crush into powder - this is what you will use for treatment.

Recently there was a radio program where they said that people used to treat any wounds and ulcers with coal and ash from the stove. Please tell me the recipe, I will be very grateful!

There are several treatment methods, you can choose the one that suits you best.

Rinse the ulcers with furatsilin solution (2 tablets in half a glass of water) and cover with very finely crushed birch charcoal.

Place 500 g of birch or linden ash in an enamel bucket, pour five liters of boiling water over it, wait until it cools to 35-37 degrees, strain. Soak your feet in this infusion for half an hour. After the procedure, do not wipe your feet, let them air dry.

Fold a piece of gauze four to six times, soak it in an infusion of birch or linden ash and apply lotions twice a day, morning and evening, for 2 hours, and then wash the ulcers with diluted calendula tincture (a tablespoon of pharmacy tincture in 0.5 cups of water ).

I have gout, which is especially bad in the fall and winter: my joints swell and hurt so much that I want to howl. And then we got into a conversation with a neighbor in the country, and he said that birch charcoal relieves gout aggravations. Could you write how specifically to apply it?

In case of exacerbation of the disease, twice a day, an hour before meals, take a teaspoon of birch charcoal, stirring it in 1/4 glass of water. It is also useful to make charcoal poultices: mix 2 parts charcoal powder with 1 part ground flaxseed and add warm water to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to the sore spot, cover with plastic wrap, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. published


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