Phloxes look good with what flowers in a flowerbed. Planting and caring for perennial phlox

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Choosing beautiful decoration for a garden that does not require painstaking care, many gardeners prefer daylilies. This culture is popular and is considered fashionable and stylish. In a landscape project, garden plantings are used by eminent designers, creating bright, extraordinary compositions. Another name for the flower is red. The perennial plant belongs to the Xanthorrheaceae family. This miracle spread throughout the world thanks to Central Asia, where the flower originated. Daylilies are not only garden culture, wild species are also found in nature. Last years culture is experiencing an unprecedented rise in terms of breeders developing new species and varieties. The latter are more finicky, but brighter and more original than the old varieties.

The unpretentiousness of the plant is explained by its structure. The adventitious roots, which look like a cord, are quite massive and thick. Which contributes to survival in the driest periods. The leaves have a two-row shape and are adjacent to the root. They can be curved or straight. The color diversity of the culture is impressive. Flowers can be yellow, orange, red, brown.

Use in landscape design

For use in landscape design The three most suitable types of daylilies are hybrid, brown-yellow daylilies and lemon-yellow daylilies. These varieties are the brightest and most original, they combine perfectly with many representatives of the flora and create amazing ensembles. Possessing a subtle aroma, they create a romantic atmosphere in the garden, attracting butterflies. It is a rare perennial plant that has such versatile qualities. He is an indispensable assistant in landscaping.

A wide range of colors and unpretentiousness make it a welcome “guest” in any mixborder. There are frequent cases of daylily being used as a tapeworm. Shade-tolerant plants It blooms for a very long time and decorates the garden until late autumn. It is thanks to the long-term preservation of its decorative properties that daylily is used in landscaping not only private properties, but also municipal gardening. Beautiful bright flowers can be found in parks, on city alleys, at the entrance to various institutions and organizations.

When choosing this plant for landscaping, the following factors are taken into account:

  • flowering period. A flower bed can be created on the principle of continuous or simultaneous flowering;
  • the role of plants in the landscape. Daylilies can be either a dominant feature or a solitary tapeworm;
  • a combination of the bright colors of redwort with other representatives of the flora;
  • flower height. Tall representatives of culture will be able to become successful element in the background of any composition;
  • the possibility of decorating the walls of buildings and buildings with daylilies (a dark-colored wall will look beautiful combined with light-colored plants and vice versa);
  • coloristics. The variety of colors and shades should be skillfully combined with other plants. Successful floral arrangements will highlight each other without creating a pun on shades.

A classic composition is a flower garden made exclusively of daylilies. By collecting several species in one flowerbed, gardeners emphasize the originality and peculiarity of each of them. Basically, compositions are created taking into account the height of garden plantings: tall ones are in the background, medium-sized ones create the basis, and dwarf representatives complete the ensemble and act as a frame. Also, a flower garden of daylilies can be created in two colors. A striking example is the combination of red krasnodnevs with white (cream) ones.

In the recreation area, near benches and ponds, those varieties of daylilies that smell aromatic are planted. An unobtrusive pleasant smell will create a romantic atmosphere, as if you are in the lap wildlife. Fragrant varieties are as beautiful and decorative as the queen of the garden - the rose. They are absolutely not inferior to her, which is why they are so popular. And minimal care and unpretentiousness allow you to decorate the garden with daylilies in any quantity.

Rock gardens and rockeries cannot be avoided. For these compositions, gardeners use low-growing varieties. Preference is given to large-flowered varieties with contrasting colors.

In country style, lemon-yellow varieties are popular. This species has its own characteristics: it opens at night and closes around lunchtime. The warm shade is ideal for a country-style flower garden.

Daylily is an ideal plant for group planting. Its feature, which is so often used by gardeners, is considered to be the ability to create smooth transition from one shade to another. Thanks to the rich variety of colors and shades, flowers can become an element of a “nuanced” flower garden. In combination with other crops that have narrow long leaves, daylilies will create an original frame for alleys or paths.

  • Variety Hemerocallis Romantic Rose

  • Variety Hemerocallis Arctic Snow

  • Variety Hemerocallis Canadian Border Patrol

  • Variety Hemerocallis Edge of Darkness

  • Variety Hemerocallis Forgotten Dreams

  • Variety Hemerocallis Inherited Wealth

  • Variety Dragon's Eye

Compatibility with other plants

Considering the color variety of daylilies, it is worth combining them with other garden plantings carefully. Choosing agapanthus as a “neighbor”, it is planted next to daylilies of yellow, orange, brown-bronze varieties. A successful contrast will highlight the advantages of each crop and make the flower garden bright and noticeable.

Daylilies in pink shades look ideal with paniculata phloxes. Phlox Amethyst will be the best frame for purple varieties. When designing such a flower bed, dwarf and low-growing varieties are planted to the fore. They become an original frame, like a frame for a canvas.

For creating original composition in the vicinity of shrubs, daylilies are planted in the center of the mixborder, next to hostas and barberries.

The traditional neighbors of daylilies are bulbous ones. Such as crocus, hyacinth, hosta. tulip and others. In a flowerbed they are planted in the foreground. This helps the bulbous plants protect themselves from the scorching sun and overheating. In color design, the compatibility of the shade of the bud and foliage plays a role. Such a bright combination looks quite harmonious and appropriate.

Planting and care

Flowers can be propagated by dividing the bush. The most suitable time is early spring. But if the need for reproduction exists in the fall, then the bush is divided into large parts. All leaves are first cut off. Then the plant will definitely adapt to the new place. When planting, fertilizer is added to the hole - potassium sulfate. A transplant is not required as a preventive measure against diseases. A daylily can easily “live” in one place for two decades, maintaining its decorative value.

Daylilies are famous for their unpretentiousness and ease of care. They can be planted in any soil, even the most acidic. Liming will easily make the soil suitable for growing this crop. When boarding, preference is given to open area, with sufficient sunlight. The sun is a guarantee early flowering and large buds. But if the climate is too hot, then it is better to choose partial shade. At the end of summer, after flowering, it is necessary to fertilize with sulfates. The most successful method of watering is sprinkling throughout the night. The plant does not like surface watering.

Daylilies are flowers from East Asia. Breeders have made a great contribution to the diversity of varieties and hybrids of these flowers, so that there are now more than 60,000 species. Gardeners have a huge field for imagination and that is why daylilies are used very often in landscape design. What colors do they go with? How to choose varieties and create unusual harmonious compositions with these plants? “Popular about health” will tell you about all the nuances that need to be taken into account if you decide to use these perennials in your garden design.

Choosing a location on the site, taking into account cultural characteristics

Before thinking through flower arrangements in which daylily will be one of the main participants, you need to get acquainted with the characteristics and preferences of the plant. The first is the choice of location on the site. In nature, these flowers grow among shrubs on the edges of forests. This means that they like light partial shade. But if you consider that in the countries where daylily grows there is a fairly hot climate, then in conditions middle zone location in partial shade may be the wrong decision. When growing daylilies in Russia, especially in areas with cool summers, it is worth planting southern flowers on sunny places. The plant will fully display its decorative qualities if it has enough sunlight and warmth.

Soil composition for daylilies

This culture is not distinguished by its capricious disposition, but still for normal development it is worth taking care of the suitable soil composition for it. The requirements for it are as follows: moderate friability, neutral reaction, good drainage. It is better to mix heavy soil with sand to make it porous and light. Acidic soil should be limed. Of course, the soil must be nutritious. Perhaps these are the main preferences of daylilies. Now let's talk about how you can use daylilies in design.

Daylilies growing in the garden

These beautiful flowering perennials look equally good in both single and group plantings. Let's get acquainted with some principles of their placement in garden plots.

1. Low-growing specimens are most often used for beautification alpine slides.

2. Large-flowered plants look great against the background of bushes vibrant views tall varieties. You can choose hostas with decorative foliage as the front line of the composition.

3. Daylilies of the same type are usually planted near buildings, structures and walls, and plantings of the same color, but in different shades, look more elegant. Tall daylilies are planted directly next to the wall, and low-growing species are placed against their background, in the front line of sight.

4. Near the recreation area, near gazebos or benches, it is better to use fragrant hybrids and varieties of flowers. They will not only serve as a wonderful decoration, but will also provide an opportunity to enjoy a pleasant aroma while relaxing.

5. When planting, it is worth considering the overall tone of the background. For example, if daylilies are planted around dark walls and buildings, then you can successfully play on the contrast - plant species with large yellow flowers. Conversely, if the background is light at the back - gray, white or cream, then use flowers with rich dark colors - violet, purple or bright red.

6. When decorating a path or path, you can plant low varieties with small flowers, and right behind them are tall large-flowered ones.

If you decide to create a garden composition from daylilies alone, then there are two planting options - contrasting or harmonious. In the first case, you can use two bright colors, for example, lemon and purple. This composition attracts attention. Harmonious planting involves the use of daylilies with inflorescences of the same tone. You can do this - take three varieties with yellow, peach and pink inflorescences. The brightest yellow flowers, planted in the foreground, then apricot or peach tones, and behind them are pink ones.

How flowers are combined in a composition?

As already mentioned, daylilies are often planted against a background of shrubs and trees. Good background neighbors will be viburnum, bamboo, and paniculata hydrangea. Group plantings of daylilies with phlox are extremely good. They bloom around the same time and have some similarities. These plants are also often combined with bulbous flowers. Good choice there will be tulips and irises. Do not forget that after flowering, daylilies are no longer so attractive, so it is worth including them in the composition cereal crops, yarrow or loosestrife. These plants will be able to disguise unsightly yellowed daylily leaves. Daylilies are combined with astilbes, geraniums and buzulnik. Purple varieties can be successfully combined with bluebells and menocopsis.

With the help of daylilies, you can turn your plot into a marvelous garden of Eden with flowers, I say seriously, without exaggeration. The field for imagination here is quite wide, because there are a huge number of varieties and hybrids of these flowers. They differ in height, shape and shades. And if you consider that this crop is not too demanding to care for, then daylilies are an excellent choice for a summer house or garden plot.

Beauty for one day or the dream of a lazy intellectual.


Rarely is a perennial as suitable for landscaping as daylily. Its planting can be combined with all other perennial flowers and shrubs. Thanks to the wide range of colors of its flowers, daylily can fit into any composition.

It has many advantages compared to other plants widely used in landscaping - these are a long period flowering, and undemanding to growing conditions, and different colors leaves that retain their decorative properties until late autumn and are shade-tolerant.

Daylilies can be planted anywhere. They look good on open places in single plantings, against the backdrop of the lawn in front of shops, hospitals, hotels and other institutions. They are planted in flower beds as tapeworm plants. Border daylilies highlight the beauty of paths.

Before landscaping you need to consider the following:
- will daylilies be the dominant element in the garden or solitary plantings are appropriate;
- what height of daylilies to choose - will they look good in the background;
- what color daylilies will match with the plants around them;
- preferable continuous flowering or so that they bloom en masse and at the same time (selection of varieties different terms flowering or one period, say, mid-early).

You will also have to think about how these plants will look against the background of the house, fence, outbuildings, if you want to decorate them by planting daylilies.
If the house or buildings are made of red brick or painted in dark color, then varieties with yellow flowers will look good against their background. On the contrary, daylilies of dark or bright colors are suitable for light facades: red, purple, violet.

When combining the planting of daylilies with other flowers, you need to take into account the color scheme: the colors of all flowers should be in harmony with each other.
Thus, agapanthus provides a contrast of flower shapes and colors, but only with daylilies of yellow, orange and brown-bronze colors; for example, with varieties California Sunshine, Sunny Diamond, Chocolate Dude.
Pink daylilies don't look right next to this plant. Fawn, pink and contrasting varieties (Anna Warner, Barbara Mitchell, Janice Brown) should be planted among paniculata phlox, choosing colors: for example, Amethyst phlox goes well with the purple flowers of such daylilies as Chicago Prestige, West Star, Brandenburg. A very common composition: phlox Europe with hemerocallis Pandora’s Box in the foreground or with another interesting miniature daylily variety - Brilliant Circle, for example.

In late summer, the red varieties Matador, Grand Opera, Jovial look great next to crocosmia. Even more spectacular are red daylilies with a yellow throat (Autumn Red, Christmas is, Timeless Fire) against the background of yellow evening primrose.

You can make a composition only from daylilies in some part of the garden to show the individuality of each individual variety and flower. For example, when making a mixborder only from daylilies, they are selected according to height: they are planted in the foreground dwarf varieties, then - medium-sized, and after them - tall.

It is also possible that daylilies of only two colors will grow in one flowerbed, for example, red ones go well with white or cream.

Daylilies planted together will also look good if they are planted together in different colors but selected according to the range from dark to light, for example, purple, red, pink, pale pink, white.

Another option is to arrange pink daylilies in one place, red in another, and all shades of yellow and cream in a third.
Daylilies near ponds are very impressive when their flowers are reflected in the water, but you need to choose tall and water-loving varieties, such as Crimson Pirate, Black Plush, California Sunshine and others.

Near garden benches good to plant fragrant varieties, for example, terry pink Siloam Double Classic will look no worse than a rose, but will require minimal care, and it does not have thorns (another advantage of daylilies!). You can even create a fragrant garden or corner by choosing fragrant varieties of daylilies. Every year in the USA an award is given to the most fragrant daylily. One of them is Chorus Line.

Daylilies are planted both on alpine hills and in rockeries. For these purposes, low-growing varieties are selected: Stella d’Oro, Eenie Winnie, Longfield Glory, as well as small daylily (H. minor).
When planting daylilies among shrubs, you need to select tall and large-flowered varieties with contrasting eyes: Nile Plum, Comanche Eyes, Flasher. In this case, decorative leafy hosts should be used in the foreground.

You can enhance the effect by planting nearby shrubs with red or purple leaves - red-leaved varieties of barberry or maple.
Large tall daylilies of yellow-orange colors are planted against the background of yellow-leaved shrubs, for example, Touched by Midas, Look once again.

It is better to alternate daylilies with bulbous plants: in the foreground plant spring-flowering crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, then early daylilies, followed by doronicum, iberis, trollius, pulmonaria. Among daylilies, lilies also look good. Daylily foliage protects their bulbs from overheating. Phlox, delphiniums, astilbes, gaillardias, and hosts harmonize well with daylilies.
Plants must be selected so that they complement each other, emphasizing the beauty and uniqueness of their neighbor. There is so much room for creativity here!

On personal plots It is better to plant species or old daylilies unpretentious varieties. In this case, daylilies are primarily used as “starter” plants. While hostas, aconites and other perennials are just unfolding their leaves in the spring, and the grasses are just waking up, daylilies will already decorate the garden, and against the background of their foliage, red sprouts of peonies will seem like exotic flowers. Next to the leathery, sometimes brown leaves of bergenia (bergenia) after wintering, the greenery of daylilies will be very pleasing to the eye.
In the conditions of the middle zone, the leaves of the brown-yellow daylily (H.fulva) appear first. This variety differs in the color of the flowers and their structure. For example, a terry variety is known - Kwanso.

Exotic varieties of daylilies have been developed, the planting of which in gardens or mixed borders can only be compared to diamonds set in iron. Flowers shimmer in the sun like snow crystals. A distinction is made between “diamond” (silver shimmer) and “gold dust” - this is noted when describing varieties in foreign catalogs. Unfortunately, the photograph does not convey this flickering and glow. For such daylilies, it is necessary to select extraordinary neighbors: feather grass (stipa), cereals (penisetum, cordatheria, calamagrostis, miscanthus), interspersing gentian, cannas, and yucca into the plantings. The well-known marsh iris (Iris pseudocorus) creates a magnificent subtropical effect next to daylilies in blue and lilac shades, such as Prince of Venus, Blue Nile, Silver Veil, etc.

Siberian irises next to daylilies also emphasize their beauty. The lilac-blue color of irises will perfectly match the yellow-orange daylilies, and their leaves will further emphasize the beauty of this composition.
Having thought through both the timing of flowering and color scheme composition, you should draw a planting plan, and only then get down to business.

I ordered 2 daylilies for this season, which I will plant in accordance with the landscape design recommendations above.

1.Daylily Siloam Doodlebug

Flower diameter: 6
Peduncle height: 45
Flowering time: mid-early
Foliage type: dormant
Genetic data: diploid
Color: lemon with a very contrasting black-purple eye leading to a greenish throat
Awards: JC-85, HM-89. FS-99

2.Super Purple

Size 50 cm high
Habitus Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants.

Flowers/fruits The flowers are large, mostly yellow, orange, pink, reddish-brown, often funnel-shaped, six-parted with a small tube, collected in 2-10 in spreading inflorescences.

Leaves Leaves are biseriate, broadly linear, entire, straight or arcuate.

Root system The roots are cord-like, often fleshy, thickened, sometimes forming stolons.

Lighting requirements Sun, partial shade

Winter Hardiness Zone 5

Growing conditions Cool and wet places, winter-hardy, stable and not demanding; fresh to wet; acidic to neutral, avoid lime; humus-rich sandy loams and loams

By tradition, let's watch a video about daylilies and their agricultural technology

Phlox - perennial ornamental culture, used for registration garden design. These flowers can be very different in color: from snow-white to red, scarlet. This article will tell you about some rules for planting and caring for phlox, as well as how to make flower beds out of them.

Phloxes will delight you with their flowering for many years, because... are perennial.

Planting phloxes and caring for them

There is nothing complicated about planting and caring for phlox.

The main thing is the choice of landing site.

When choosing a place for phlox, keep in mind that they are lovers of light, but straight Sun rays will destroy them: most species of these flowers have leaves that burn out in the sun. Therefore, they must be planted so that at noon they are in the shade of nearby trees or bushes and protected from the wind. In winter, snow must cover these plants well, otherwise they will freeze and die. The flower bed should not be on the north side of the site.

Like most plants, phlox love moisture, so they need regular watering.

When planting phlox, you need to take into account the plant variety. There are low-growing (60 cm) and tall flowers (up to 170 cm). It is better to plant phloxes of low-growing varieties around the perimeter of the flowerbed, and tall varieties - in the center of the flower bed or along fences, or in the corners of the plot. When forming a flower bed, the size of the flowers also plays an important role. A flowerbed with large specimens with strong stems in the center and small flowers at the edges will look great.

It is better to plant phlox in the ground in spring (May) or early autumn. When planted in the spring, the plants take root better and will decorate your site with their flowers in the summer. If you plant them in the fall, it is better before mid-September so that the plants take root before the onset of frost.

Phlox are moisture-loving plants and cannot tolerate dry soil. They need to be watered frequently and abundantly: 15 liters of water should be consumed per 1 sq.m. After watering, you should apply fertilizers (more nitrogen in the spring, potassium-phosphorus in the fall) and mulch the soil to avoid drying out.

High varieties of phlox should be planted no closer than 60-70 cm from each other, and low varieties - 30-40 cm. With normal care, phlox can grow in one place for a long time. When planting these flowers, make small holes and no deeper than 5 cm, and fertilize and water each hole. When planting, strictly follow the rule: no more than six phloxes should be planted per 1 sq.m.

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Flower beds with phlox: color combination, design

Phlox can be found in almost every garden. We love them very much for their variety: from white, pink to orange and raspberry, blue and lilac. They are sometimes scattered throughout the garden, sometimes they decorate paths and fences. But they rarely form flower beds that bloom from July until frost due to different varieties and flowering times. Flower beds with phlox blooming at the same time look very attractive.

To obtain a harmonious flower bed, you need to carefully select the color scheme of phloxes.

Flowerbeds are shaped areas with phlox planted against the background of a lawn. The shape of a flowerbed can be oval or round, square or polygonal, in the form of some kind of figure: the Olympic rings or a star. To create a flower garden you need tools: measuring tape, pegs, cords, rakes, shovels, scoops. More often, the flowerbed is in bulk; the soil layer should be about 40-50 cm. Dig up the flowerbed to 25 cm, clearing the soil of debris and stones and fertilizing it well. The soil in the flower bed is leveled with a rake and given a slightly convex shape in the center.

With colorful phlox, be mindful of color combinations. For example, a good combination of blue and orange, red and green, yellow and purple. If there are no varieties with a harmonious combination of colors, then you can plant plants with some neutral colors between them, for example, white chamomile will help to avoid disharmony when growing. Bright colors attract the eye and come forward: orange, yellow, red. They are clearly visible from afar. Cool colors, such as blue, green, purple, visually recede into the background.

Some varieties bloom very quickly, but fade quickly. To prolong the beautiful flowering of phloxes, you need to plant them in lighted places, but not in the sun: at noon they should be in the shade. The roots of these flowers are very shallow and will not withstand hot soil, so plants around them can be planted to cover the ground on a hot day, such as loosestrife. It covers the ground and saves it from strong heating. Loosestrife is unpretentious and can survive in the most difficult conditions. You can plant petunia around phlox. It will decorate the soil and signal when the plants need to be watered: as soon as the petunia leaves begin to fade, this means that the phlox also needs watering.

If the area allows, you can make several flower beds with phlox. Place two flower beds on a flat area. Plant tall varieties in the center, then medium height, then the lowest. In order to somehow smooth out the transitions from high to low, in June it is necessary to cut off the outer shoots of plants on each tier by half. After cutting, several new shoots will begin to grow from the axils of the leaves; they will grow lower than the untouched ones and will bloom later, which will extend the flowering time of the entire flowerbed.

Two more flower beds can be made on the hills (if available). Just plant one of them low-growing varieties white. A white clearing will be visible from afar. Another flowerbed, planted only with tall phloxes, will be located in the far corner, and from a distance it will seem that all the flowerbeds are equal in volume. Make paths around the flower beds from crushed stone or wild stone, which will further decorate them.

And a flowerbed with red phlox can be placed near ordinary lilacs. It produces shoots, and “carpets” of red phlox look great against a green background.

Daylily is a perennial plant, practically perfect option for landscaping summer cottage or garden area due to the combination of decorativeness, attractiveness and ease of maintenance. Long flowering period, wide range of colors, beautiful leaves, shade tolerance and ease of cultivation - all this makes it one of the most popular garden plants.

A universal plant for landscape design

The use of daylilies in landscape design is practically unlimited - they are equally organic in gardens of any style: from oriental to country, from modern to landscape, from regular to nostalgic. This universal plants, the role of daylilies in the garden can be very diverse - they look great both as single plants (tapeworms) and in mixed flower beds ( mixborders). These are universal plants for landscaping:

  • low-growing daylilies in landscape design are actively used for decoration alpine slides And rockeries
  • A common and effective purpose of daylily is to create ribbon frames and borders (hedges). For this purpose, varieties are selected that have a dense structure and do not produce root branches. It is recommended to combine different varieties(for example, according to flowering time), the main thing is that they have approximately the same height of greenery, but the structure and size of the flowers, the height of the peduncles may differ
  • The choice of place of daylily in the composition depends on several factors. Dwarf varieties are planted in the foreground, medium-sized varieties are planted in the middle, and tall varieties are planted in the background. Richly colored and dark varieties are planted no further than the optical middle of the flower garden (group) - in the background they will reduce the space and make the composition flat. Light varieties are better suited for the background
  • low-growing daylilies are actively used for decorating alpine slides and rockeries
  • the best companions of daylilies in flower arrangements will become dahlias, loosestrife, reed grass, switchgrass, kniphofia, catnip, speedwell, crocosmia
  • yellow, brown-bronze and orange varieties will harmoniously combine with agapanthus - the composition will be bright, contrasting and beautiful
  • varieties Matador and Grand Opera will look impressive against the background of crocosmia - red flowers with expressive yellow elements will become the dominant element flower beds
  • daylilies and purple flowers go well with Amethyst phlox
  • near a gazebo, bench or swing good to plant Siloam Double Classic is an incredibly fragrant daylily with pink flowers, the aromatic characteristics of which are not inferior to other “fragrant” flowers
  • daylilies go well with bulbous plants: tulips, delphiniums, hosts, hyacinths, irises, crocuses, astilbe. In this case, bulbous plants are planted in the foreground - this will help protect the bulbs from overheating, and the flower beds themselves will be bright, but unobtrusive
  • A common and effective purpose of daylily is to create ribbon frames and borders (hedges). For this purpose, varieties are selected that have a dense clump structure and do not produce root branches. In this case, it is recommended to combine different varieties (for example, according to flowering time), the main thing is that they have approximately the same height of greenery, but the structure and size of the flowers, the height of the peduncles may differ
  • All daylilies (both tall and short) grow well as a container, tub or potted crop; the main thing is to choose a container big size for the normal development of a powerful rhizome. They can decorate balconies, terraces, front gardens, garden areas and recreation areas. They feel great in


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