Royal geranium: care and propagation (photo). When and how is pruning done? Caring for royal pelargonium at home

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Royal pelargoniums - beautiful blooming indoor plant. The flower is often called geranium, but this is a misnomer. Despite the general similarity, these are 2 different plants.

Royal pelargonium belongs to the genus Pelargonium, which has 250 plant species. Most representatives of the genus are unpretentious plants, which develop well in rooms, open ground and on balconies.

Pelargonium royal, or large-flowered, is often grown in a flowerpot in room conditions. This is due to the capriciousness of culture. The flowering period of Pelargonium grandiflorum is much shorter than that of geranium, and not proper care leads to its complete absence.

Neat bushes with large flowers serve as decoration for any room. The pelargonium flower is similar to viola flowers. Viola is called a pansy. The upper petals of the flower are larger and have spots and streaks of dark color. The lower 3 petals, arranged in a fan shape, can be more light shade and no dark spots. Color range: pink, purple, white, burgundy and red. The diameter of the flowers is 7-8 cm, and in some species reaches 15-16 cm. They are simple or double. The edge of the petal can be wavy or corrugated.

The plant is a compact bush 50-70 cm high. Pelargonium branches well, but the branches are quite fragile and should be handled carefully so as not to damage them.

Pelargonium grandiflorum has jagged and rough leaves. They are shaped like maple leaves and the color is solid green. Royal pelargonium does not have the characteristic smell of geraniums.

Pelargonium is planted in balcony containers, but it feels better in cramped pots. Therefore, it is better to plant it in hanging planters. One of the varieties of the royal geranium flower is called angelic pelargonium, it is no higher than 30 cm.

Home care

Royal Pelargonium blooms less than other types of geraniums, 2-4 months. Moreover, the plant is so capricious that if the conditions for its wintering are not met, it will not bloom. On winter days, pelargonium should be provided with additional lighting and temperature. environment+15 °C. This crop does not like rainy and windy weather. Therefore, it is better to grow it on a balcony, veranda or terrace, where there is no wind and plenty of fresh air.

Pelargonium royal loves light, but does not tolerate direct light Sun rays. Any bright places and windows, except the north side, will suit her.

IN winter period the crop needs to rest, the pots are placed in a bright and cool place, and additional lighting is provided. Otherwise, the shoots will stretch and the plant will not produce buds.

To ensure normal growth of the flower, it should be watered regularly and correctly. The culture does not tolerate waterlogging. In summer, the soil in the pot should be moist. Water, focusing on upper layer soil. If it has dried out, then the plant can be watered. In winter, water 2 times a month. The water is settled, its temperature should be room temperature or higher. Water pelargonium through a tray, it will take it itself required quantity water. Before the buds appear, the leaves are sprayed 1-2 times a week.

All species of the genus Pelargonium do not like spacious pots. New dishes for planting are chosen to be only 1.5 cm larger in diameter than the old one.

The soil mixture for planting royal pelargoniums consists of turf soil, peat and sand. Fertilize the flower with a special fertilizer for pelargoniums. During the growing season, fertilizing is applied 2 times a month, the rest of the time - 1 time a month.

Pruning Pelargonium grandiflorum

You can get a lushly flowering bush using correct pruning. The main mistake of many novice gardeners is pruning in the spring. The most best time for the formation of the crown of indoor pelargonium - late autumn and early winter.

Incorrect pruning leads to very long stems, because of which the bush loses its decorative effect.

For correct formation crowns, the following rules must be followed:

  • pruning is done as close as possible to the point where the branch begins to grow;
  • shorten the branches with pruning shears or a sharp, disinfected knife at the level of the leaf node;
  • Bushes should be pinched with clean hands;
  • cuts and pinched areas are treated with ground cinnamon or charcoal;
  • The stems growing inside the bush are cut off completely; cuttings can be made from them for planting pelargonium.

The plant should rest for at least 2-3 months. During this period, it cannot be cut or pinched.

Reproduction and transplantation

The plant does not like frequent transplants, as a result of which flowering is not abundant and its period is shortened. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to replant the crop every 2-3 years. It is better to replant in the spring, after a dormant period.

You can propagate a flower in 2 ways:

  • stem cuttings;
  • seeds.

It is better to sow seeds in spring. Seeds are purchased in specialized stores. They are sown in peat. Shoots appear within 7 days. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into pots of suitable diameter. To prevent the plant from damaging the roots and to take root faster, it is replanted with a lump of earth.

The flower can be propagated by cuttings all year round. The material used is cuttings obtained by pinching royal pelargonium. The cuttings for planting should be 5-7 cm long and have 2-3 leaves. The cut of the cutting is treated with charcoal or ground cinnamon. The planting material is pre-dried outdoors 2-12 hours. The pot for planting the cutting should be small so that the plant does not develop a large root system, but forms a bush.

Since Pelargonium grandiflorum does not tolerate high humidity, cuttings should not be soaked in water to grow roots. In water they turn black and disappear. Plants planted from cuttings bloom the next year.

Problems during cultivation

The main problems that gardeners may encounter when growing crops:

  • stems are pulled out, the bush becomes unattractive, weakened, growth and budding stops;
  • high soil moisture leads to the appearance of yellow leaves and their fall, to a black leg, as a result of which pelargonium disappears;
  • overdrying earthen coma leads to yellowing of leaves and cessation of flowering;
  • appearance rust spots on the leaves - this is the first sign of aphid or whitefly infestation, or sunburn, so the plant should be protected from direct sunlight.

Before planting royal pelargonium, the pots should be washed with laundry soap, and used containers should be washed especially carefully. Pots must have one or more drainage holes. Clay containers are more suitable for pelargoniums.

A drainage layer of clay shards is poured onto the bottom of the pot. The cuttings are rooted in a substrate consisting of peat and sand or a mixture of peat and perlite in equal quantities. Can be used peat tablets. The plants are transplanted into permanent pots in a mixture of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand.

The capriciousness of royal pelargonium is not a reason to refuse to grow it. By following the rules of care, you can enjoy its flowering for up to 4 months.

Royal geranium, royal pelargonium, pelargonium grandiflora - beautiful plant from South America, brought to Europe in the 17th century.
The royal pelargonium flower is loved for its beautiful flowers, but it is difficult to care for, unlike fragrant and zonal geraniums.

Lovers who decide to plant this flower at home will enjoy the beautiful flowering of geraniums on the balcony or in the apartment all summer and spring.

Pelargonium flowers are a small plant, about 60 cm in height. It can be placed on a windowsill or hung in a flowerpot. Royal pelargonium is often planted in a tray on the balcony in summer. Its stems are herbaceous and erect. The foliage is emerald in color and completely covers the bush. The leaves have a rough surface with fluff.

Royal geraniums are prized most for their blooms. Pelargonium is large-flowered, the inflorescences are very large and are formed at the top of the stem.

The average size of the inflorescences is 15 cm. If properly cared for, their diameter can reach 25 cm. The flowers are from 5 to 10 cm long, and their size is usually proportional to the size of the inflorescences.

The diameter of the flower is about seven centimeters. The upper petals in the bud overlap the lower ones, which becomes like a fan. The color and shape are very diverse: there are white, lilac and violet varieties. There is no shade of red that flowers are not painted in. royal geranium. Its buds come with contrasting inclusions or are of the same type. They can be terry and simple in shape, with wavy, smooth or corrugated edges. The flowers look great in the photographs.

Geranium blooms for about 3 months if it has proper care and good feeding. The flowering period is much shorter than that of other species. It can be extended by removing dried buds, applying fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium, and some gardeners also graft royal geranium onto other species. During flowering there is almost no smell, and many consider this a great advantage, because rich aroma Not everyone likes flowers.

Gallery: royal pelargonium (25 photos)

Home care

Caring for royal geraniums at home is quite difficult. If the rules of care are violated, it may stop blooming. Pelargonium does not grow well in the shade, but it also does not like direct sun, because the leaves can get burned. Overwatering or underwatering has a detrimental effect on flowers. Geraniums can be affected by pests and diseases. Basic rules of care required by Royal Pelargonium at home:

  • Light. Royal geranium loves light, then it blooms profusely and for a long time. It can be placed on a southern windowsill, but care must be taken that direct rays do not burn the leaves. In winter, the flower needs to be additionally illuminated, because due to lack of light the stems will become very elongated.
  • Temperature. In summer, the room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Geraniums need a period of rest in winter; this is possible only at 15 degrees. Plants will not bloom if this period is not observed. If there is a draft or overheating, the same thing can happen.
  • Watering. Geranium loves moisture very much, so it needs to be watered abundantly. The layer of soil on top should dry out between two waterings. Some people advise pouring water into a tray rather than into a pot. For watering, use boiled water.
  • Humidity. Spray geraniums only if the room is very dry. She is afraid of water on flowers and leaves.
  • Fertilizer. Fertilize in summer and spring during the flowering period. Use fertilizers high in phosphorus and potassium to extend flowering for several weeks. Fertilizer should be applied once every 14 days.
  • The soil. Royal pelargonium loves neutral soil or with a weak alkali reaction. Add ash to the pot to reduce acidity. Ensure proper drainage to prevent stagnation of water.

If you provide proper care for pelargonium at home, it will bloom for several months every year. Despite the difficulties, many plant owners are very happy, because all the beauty of geranium flowers is worth the effort to grow this species.

Royal geraniums love propagation by cuttings. Cuttings of royal pelargonium is the most popular and easiest way. Remember that rooting in water is most often unsuccessful, the cutting rots and does not take root, so immediately plant it in the ground. Usually the procedure is carried out from mid-August or early September, but not later. A branch up to 10 cm long is cut from the top.

The cutting must have 2-3 nodes. After cutting, leave it for a few hours to dry and then plant it in soil with good drainage.

To protect against diseases, fry the soil in the oven or treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After this treatment, the cuttings are planted in the ground no earlier than two days later, so prepare the soil in advance. When rooting is complete, after a few weeks, plant the plant in its permanent pot. To speed up the process, carefully detach the leaves from the branch so that all the plant’s energy goes into the formation of roots.

Propagating plants by seeds is very labor-intensive process, but this method produces hardy plants with a long flowering period. The seeds are bought in the store - they are oblong and small. They are planted in a deep container.

For soil, it is better to take a mixture of sand and peat with the addition of ash. Planting takes place in mid-February. The seeds are planted half a centimeter into the ground. A month later the first shoots appear. When two leaves are already visible, the sprouts dive into a small pot.

Pruning and grafting

In winter, pelargonium stretches out because it does not have enough light. The plant requires pruning before the flowering season. It is held at the end of February. Carefully cut off the tops of the branches to form beautiful crown. Use them for reproduction. Do not prune radically, as this may cause the plant to stop blooming. Royal pelargonium should be replanted infrequently, once every 3 years. Remember, it blooms only in a cramped pot; one that is too spacious will not suit it.

Pelargonium can be made to bloom longer by grafting onto other species. Fragrant geranium is best suited for this. To graft, take twigs with three or two leaves, make a cut about a centimeter long. Make exactly the same cut on the second plant, combine them and tie them wool thread. Do all this in practically sterile, clean conditions, otherwise the vaccine will not take root.

Difficulties in growing

When growing royal geraniums, various difficulties may arise:

  • The plant's leaves sometimes turn yellow. If this happens at the tips, then most likely the flower lacks moisture. If the leaves rot or wither, the cause may be overwatering.
  • When the soil is moistened abundantly, water pads will appear on the leaves.
  • When cold, the leaves may turn reddish. In this case, place the flower further from the window.
  • If there is not enough light, the leaves will fall off.

Plants are susceptible to disease. If the flower's stem has turned black, it will no longer be possible to save it. Throw away such a plant along with the soil, and treat the window sill and pot with bleach. Gray fluff may appear on the leaves due to excess moisture; it is caused by a fungus. Delete this immediately gray mold and set up watering. The most common pests that attack geranium are boll weevils and whiteflies. Carefully collect the insects or kill them with insecticides.

Many people are interested in why royal pelargonium does not bloom. The reason for this may be invisible fungal infections. Carefully inspect the stems, leaves and root zone. Remove diseased parts of the plant and reduce watering.

If the flowers fall off too quickly, this may be due to an excess of nitrogen in the soil or dry air in the room. Problems can also arise when the shoulder straps become very long, at which point the flower stalks do not develop. Low temperature in winter and spring can also interfere with flowering, as can overheating in summer. Frequent replanting is also harmful to the plant.

In courtyard front gardens, on window sills, balconies and even in city flower beds, with the onset of summer, you can see brightly blooming bushes of pelargonium, popularly called geranium. Thanks to their unpretentiousness and ease of care, pelargoniums enjoy the well-deserved love of gardeners. But few people, unfortunately, suspect that among the family of real “Cinderellas” there are also “queens”.

Because the root system The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture; pelargonium requires a strong drainage layer; no less attention is paid to the selection of the pot when planting. It is because of transplantation into too large a container that many gardeners experience disappointment in the culture, and royal pelargonium does not bloom.

Once in a large pot, the plant rapidly increases its green mass, but completely “forgets” about the set of buds.

A similar process occurs with the wrong mixture of fertilizers. If nitrogen predominates in fertilizing during the formation of buds and flowering, the stems and leaves grow, and there are fewer and fewer buds. The best mixtures for feeding, pelargoniums are characterized by a high potassium content and provide abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Pruning pelargonium

The reason why royal pelargonium does not bloom may be incorrect or insufficient pruning. Since the plant grows quickly and buds form at the tops of the shoots, it is easy to increase pure flower buds by pinching or cutting off the tops of overgrown stems in July and August. This measure will allow:

  • use the resulting cuttings for propagation;
  • achieve lush flowering next season;
  • stimulate the growth of young shoots;
  • give the bush a compact, attractive shape.

It is better to prune the plant gradually, without seriously injuring the pelargonium, and after the operation the plant must be fed. At the end of winter, with the beginning of new bud formation, pruning is completed.

Pelargonium cuttings

The resulting cuttings can be rooted all year round, but in the warm season it is much easier to do this.

As planting material take strong shoot tips that have at least two pairs of leaves and are cut 5 mm below the node. Lower leaves It’s better to cut it off right away and leave no more than 3 top leaf plates. After this, the cut areas on the cuttings are treated with crushed charcoal and left in air for 18–24 hours.

True, there is another way. Already 10 minutes after separation from the mother plant, cut cuttings:

  • treated with root;
  • planted in a mixture of sand, humus and peat;
  • Cover with non-woven material for 2–3 days.

Planting cuttings in moistened peat tablets gives good results.

In any case, the plantings are watered with a solution of phytosporin, which will protect the cuts from the development of rot. How to care for pelargonium after the cuttings have taken root?

It will take 8 to 12 weeks until the cuttings, kept at a temperature of 19–23 °C, take root well. After this time:

  • young plants are planted in a permanent place;
  • pinch the main shoot above the third pair of leaves, which will force the bush to produce new side stems.

If at home care royal pelargonium, as in the photo, good, young plants are developing well, and already next spring small neat bushes produce the first inflorescences.

How to root royal geranium cuttings - video

IN ordinary life, such a flower is often called geranium, only this unusual geranium- royal. Characteristic feature from a simple geranium is the presence of a large cap of flowers of a wide variety of colors.

The flower looks like pansies, since dark inclusions are clearly visible in the middle along with light petals, but the leaves themselves are no different from ordinary geraniums.

Royal pelargonium blooms from the very beginning of spring until late autumn; it is an indoor, heat-loving plant. The flower does not need special care; it is only important to water it once a week.

The plant propagates by cuttings. There are quite a few varieties of this plant, each of them has a unique color, leaf size, and flower shape.


When growing pelargonium at home in a bowl, you need to provide it good conditions to make her happy beautiful flowers all summer. The plant is comfortable in a room with enough air, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

IN summer time, gardeners love to plant Pelargonium on the terrace in beautiful bowls. You can decorate your flower beds with such a flower by first planting it in bowls that are placed near other plants.

Provide sufficient watering Pelargonium is also necessary. Excess moisture the plant does not like it, flooding the soil with large amounts of water is unacceptable; watering should be carried out as the soil dries out. If you pour a lot of water on a flower, mold will form, the flower may get sick and soon die.

When leaving Pelargonium on the open terrace, you need to make sure that the sun does not fall on it all day; the plant needs moderate shading. It is necessary to limit pelargonium from rain. It is watered twice a day in the summer; in winter, one watering per day is enough.

The temperature in which Pelargonium feels great and blooms profusely should vary from 18 to 26 degrees.

From the end of October to mid-May, Pelargonium is in a state of sleep; there is no need to touch the ground or irrigate it.

Before the state of dormancy, it is necessary to remove dried leaves and tired shoots, this will ensure a greater influx nutrients and oxygen.

During the flowering period, the soil must be fertilized minerals. This should not be done during the rest period. Lush flowers can be found on young shoots; more mature shoots do not produce such beauty, they just quickly stretch upward.


The flower is propagated by cuttings. At the beginning of summer, the tops of the stems are cut off. Place them in a jar of water. After some time, they will sprout, after which Pelargonium is planted in the ground.

High humidity in the soil should not be allowed, as this will lead to the death of the flower. Two days before transplanting the cuttings into the soil, you need to remove them from the jar and dry them a little to avoid excessive moisture.


To plant Pelargonium in a pot, you need to mix ordinary land with peat, or purchase ready-made soil in the store.

After preparing the soil in a bowl, it must be moistened, then planted. You cannot plant a flower in dry soil; in this case, you need to water the soil around the edges, without getting on the roots.

Planting cuttings is quite convenient way, as the plant takes root quickly. At the beginning of the flower's germination in the ground, there is no need to water it much.

A month after planting in the ground, Pelargonium is placed in the sun, not for the whole day, just for a couple of hours. This method perfectly prepares the plant for flowering outdoors.

Pelargonium is replanted quite easily, you just need to carefully remove the plant from the bowl, shake off old land, then place it in new soil. The flower needs to be replanted in the spring, like most indoor plants.


A disease such as “black leg” can harm the flower. In this case, the stems begin to turn black close to the ground. It is necessary to eliminate this in a timely manner, since soon the blackness will cover the entire plant.

Pelargonium can also become covered with rust; it appears on the leaves; rust, as a rule, does not affect the flowers.

Pelargonium is an unpretentious plant, with proper care it will delight you with lush, beautiful flowers all sunny summer.

Photo of royal pelarnogia

Royal pelargonium is a flower that can easily be grown at home. It is often confused with geranium. The main difference between pelargonium and geranium is that the latter has all the petals same size. The care and propagation of this plant is quite simple.

Royal pelargonium: plant features

Besides the fact that a flower has petals different shapes(the lower 3 petals are longer than the upper 2), it has several main features:

  1. The flowers of this plant reach 15 cm in diameter.
  2. Variety of colors. Today there is a wide variety of colors of this type.
  3. The size and number of flowers depends not only on timely watering, but also lighting. This factor must be taken into account when planning plant care.
  4. The flowering period of this plant lasts much less than that of other species. In addition, the plant may not bloom at all if you choose the wrong care for this flower.
  5. You can grow pelargonium both in the garden or on the balcony, and at home. It is worth noting that growing a flower on a windowsill is the safest and most comfortable for the plant, since it is sensitive to soil and air humidity.

Flower propagation also occurs in a special way. In order to know how to care for this plant, you need to know the basic favorable conditions for his existence.

How to propagate and transplant pelargoniums?

It is recommended to replant pelargonium at least once every 2-3 years. If you replant too often, the flowering of the plant will slow down. Optimal time for transplantation - spring. It is worth noting that during this same period it is advisable to carry out reproduction.

The note! When replanting a flower, it is also necessary to trim the shoots and remove dry leaves and stems.

It is necessary to replant pelargonium into a small pot where the roots will be a little cramped. It is advisable to prune and replant pelargonium for the first time in the fall. During this period, weak shoots need to be pruned. In spring, dry leaves are removed from the stems and the shoots are pruned. This must be done so that the flower grows faster. Pelargonium stops pruning 6-7 weeks before flowering.

Reproduction (cuttings) of pelargoniums

  1. Propagation by cuttings begins with cutting off stems 7-11 cm long. After which the cuttings are planted in the ground.

    Important! The stems should be planted in the ground after they have been left in the open air for 2-4 hours. As soil, it is necessary to use a mixture containing peat and sand in equal proportions.

  2. In order for the stems to take root, you need to put a plastic bag on the pot with the cuttings.
  3. It is necessary to water the soil in the pot with cuttings periodically, maintaining constant humidity.
  4. After independent roots appear in the plant, it can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Thus, replanting a plant with cuttings at home is quite simple.

Secrets of rooting geraniums


If you don't know why your plant isn't blooming? Or why strange spots appear on it and it dies, make sure that the flower is properly cared for.
The main common manifestation of plant disease is rotting of the root and drying of the lower leaves of the plant. In order to protect a flower while it is blooming, it is necessary to provide it good care, accompanied by sufficient light and water.

Usually, yellow leaves appear on the plant when it blooms with insufficient watering, as well as when it is exposed to direct sunlight.

A large amount of water can lead to dropsy or rotting of the root.

Based on the above, you can determine why your pet is not blooming. Remember, flowering depends on how well you care for the flower.

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