Making paving slabs with your own hands is a profitable and convenient business. Production of paving slabs from plastic bottles: environmentally friendly and practical Tiles from plastic bottles

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Paving slabs, or paving stones - beautiful, durable material, which is used for arranging and decorating garden paths, platforms and interior space yard Everything would be fine, but, to my great regret, paving stones are not a cheap pleasure, and everyone wants to make their yard clean and beautiful, so I had such a great desire. Buy paving stones from required quantity I couldn’t - it turned out to be beyond my means, but making it myself was easy. :) I will tell you exactly how to make paving stones yourself in this article, fully illustrating the manufacturing process.

The actual technology for producing paving stones, as well as its recipe, was found by me on the Internet, fortunately there was more than enough information, and I got to work.

To make such paving slabs you need to have cement, sand, superplasticizer and, if desired, dye.

In the store I purchased several bags of grade 500 cement and a superplasticizer; it will increase the strength of the paving stones and increase its resistance to low temperatures.

Not huge, of course, but quite a decent pile of sand, brought about a year ago from a local quarry, we still had after finishing the house.

I decided not to purchase a colorant dye. Honestly, as for me, the difference between colored and gray paving stones is small; the color still turns out to be a shade of gray!

As a vibrating table, without which it is simply impossible to produce high-quality paving stones, it was decided to use an old Siemens washing machine, which had long since served its purpose, but was still very functional. If anyone doesn’t know why a vibrating table is needed, I’ll explain - with its help, maximum compaction of the shapes of any concrete elements, in our case paving stones, is achieved, which becomes more uniform and, accordingly, stronger.

I will tell you about the forms separately and in more detail. :)

When I shared the idea self-made paving stones with friends, some of them suggested that I make the molds myself. Some suggested making molds from old wooden planks, the second advised to use unnecessary containers - trays, bowls, etc., the third persuaded us to make the molds ourselves from a special polymer. I, of course, am a girl with “hands”, but I didn’t dare do that, I decided to buy ready-made forms, they are quite varied, thanks to which you can choose a form with beautiful design, which will be imprinted on the surface of the finished product, giving it a special charm and chic.

Buying molds was also not an easy task, first I had to decide what kind of molds I needed: rubber, capable of withstanding about 500 castings - manufacturing cycles, plastic, which will last about 250 cycles, or polyurethane, whose service life does not exceed 100 castings . Rubber and plastic ones turned out to be quite expensive, and given that I was not 100% sure of the successful outcome of the matter, I purchased ordinary polyurethane molds for making paving stones in the amount of 10 pieces.

I started producing paving stones back in May, fortunately the weather turned out to be favorable, and I continue to this day; I need quite a lot of paving stones. :)

Now I will describe to you in detail the production technology of paving slabs - paving stones. For one casting, to fill 10 molds, I needed 10 kilograms of sand, 5 kg of cement and 30 grams of superplasticizer.

I mixed all the above components thoroughly with the usual manually in a large plastic bucket and only after that began to add water in small portions, stirring the mixture until smooth - so that the solution was viscous.

At this stage, the main thing is not to overdo it with water, its excess will reduce the strength of the finished product significantly!

In addition to the components I listed above, fine gravel or screenings can be added to the mixture for casting paving stones.

In addition to the fact that gravel will add even more strength to the products, its inclusions will visually make the paving stones more natural - “stone”. The ratio of the solution in this case will be as follows: 30 grams of superplasticizer, 2 parts each of sand, gravel and cement.

Before pouring our solution into the mold, it must be lubricated with a special emulsion. There are a lot of emulsions sold on the market for these purposes, but I took the advice of an old friend and treated the molds with ordinary dishwashing liquid - you can use any. Apply the liquid with a small brush, carefully distributing it thin layer over the entire inner surface of each mold.

After all the forms have been processed, they need to be slowly filled with solution. I placed the molds directly on the top lid washing machine and, having filled them halfway, turned the machine into spin mode.

To slightly increase the vibration, I first put an old blanket in the drum of the washing machine. As soon as the machine began to vibrate along with the molds, I added the remaining solution to them, filling them completely. This improvised vibrating table does its job perfectly, and I was very pleased with the quality of the vibrating casting.

Then I removed the forms from the washing machine and, laying them out on racks in the garage, covered them with ordinary plastic wrap to prevent excess moisture evaporation. Only after two days did I remove the paving stones from the molds; doing this earlier is not recommended because cracks quickly form on the molds during use.

In order to remove the paving stones from the mold, I dipped it for a few seconds in water heated to 80 ° C, this helps to expand the mold, as a result the paving stones are very easy to remove.

The emptied forms were filled with a new portion of the solution, and the paving stones were laid in rows on the pallet left over from the purchased blocks.

The finished products were stored under plastic wrap for the first 10 days, all in the same garage, and then moved outside and kept for another month to gain strength.

Naturally, it makes sense to make paving stones yourself only when you don’t need very much of it, although each of us has our own concept of “very much”. :) But this particular method turned out to be the most acceptable for me, especially since the work did not take up much of my time and I did it in the intervals between main tasks and, most importantly, with great interest and pleasure.

Whether to make paving stones with your own hands or not, everyone decides for themselves, but I can only say that it is exciting, easy and profitable. I hope my little master class on making paving stones will be useful for you, try it and show off your results.

A good alternative to traditional concrete paving stones is polymer sand tiles. Thanks to its high performance characteristics, the product easily copes with the tasks assigned to it. Finished elements are distinguished by their low weight, high strength and wear resistance, and a large selection of colors and shapes. In this regard, many entrepreneurs decide to build their business on the production of this paving surface. The article will describe polymer sand tiles and their production. We will also describe how to make polymer tiles at home.

Characteristics and advantages of polymer tiles

Polymer-sand paving products have the following composition:

  • the main volume (3/4) is occupied by quartz sand;
  • a quarter of the composition is high-pressure plastic;
  • pigments.

Thanks to this composition, polymer raw materials are resistant to external influences and at the same time plastic, which facilitates the molding of the future product. The advantages of this material include the following:

  1. These sidewalk tiles will last up to thirty years.
  2. A special production technology allows us to produce a product that is resistant to temperature changes and its extreme values ​​(withstands up to minus 70°C). The plastic content of the tile increases the moisture resistance of the product. Thanks to sand components paving Resistant to aggressive liquids and oils. The tile can withstand significant loads.
  3. During the manufacturing process, the product is given desired color and shape, which guarantees a wide range of products. There is also a choice of surface options (matte, structured, glossy).
  4. Recycling of PVC waste ( plastic bottles, boxes, bags) solves the problem of their disposal.
  5. Light weight, strength and low abrasion.
  6. Under sun rays the product does not emit toxic fumes.
  7. Maintainability and easy installation.
  8. The coating does not accumulate dirt and is easy to clean.
  9. Possibility of making at home.
  10. Wide scope of use (as covering sidewalks and platforms in private households and in public places).

Material used

The production of polymer tiles requires the following raw materials:

  • used as a binder crushed polymers, they occupy a quarter of the volume (usually polystyrene, polypropylene and LDPE are used);
  • sand acts as the main filler (it accounts for 75% of the total volume), choose well-sifted sand of medium coarseness (it must be washed and heated to high temperatures;
  • inorganic pigments(iron oxide is used to obtain red, orange or brown tiles; chromium oxide is used to obtain a green coating; titanium dioxide produces white tiles).

In order to reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials, they practice making tiles from plastic bottles and other PVC products, for example, boxes or even film (but in the latter case, no more than half the volume of all polymers). Since the polymer is neutral chemical composition, nitric acid acts as a solvent. To obtain a homogeneous mixture, the plastic is melted at a temperature of 180°C and high blood pressure. The melting process is called extrusion.

Necessary equipment

Making paving slabs from plastic bottles is impossible without the use of special equipment:

  • plastic crushing machine;
  • scales;
  • melting apparatus;
  • Press forms;
  • press;
  • extruder;
  • When listing equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles, it is worth mentioning devices for cooling products;
  • for moving finished products you will need forklifts.

To produce plastic tiles at home, a molding press, a melting machine and an extruder are sufficient. If production is established on an industrial scale, then it will not be possible to do without a molding unit, a thermal screw mixing machine and a polymer crusher.

Important! When making tiles for your own needs, a drill with a mixing attachment is used to mix the components.

Also, to produce tiles from plastic bottles, you will need molds for pouring the mixture. They are bought on the Internet. There are molds made of plastic, rubber and fiberglass. Rubber molds the most durable (withstands up to 500 cycles), but also expensive. Fiberglass products are suitable for large tiles, but require additional lubrication. Most often, ABS plastic molds are used.

Advice! Don't forget to buy molds for making curbstones.

Technology for making tiles at home

The production of polymer-sand tiles is carried out in several ways:

  1. Method of hot pressing of a polymer mixture.
  2. Vibration casting using plasticizers.

Vibrocasting allows you to produce products with low porosity. The hot pressing method produces tiles with excellent technical and performance characteristics. In factory conditions, vibration casting and hot pressing technology are used simultaneously for the production of polymer sand coating.

Tiles for your own needs are produced directly on the street or in well-ventilated areas.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. Plastic bottles are placed in an extruder to grind the raw materials. Old plastic boxes are sometimes used instead of bottles.
  2. The heated mixture is then poured into the melting apparatus. Moistened sand and dyes are also added there. As a result of mixing and simultaneous heating, a mixture of viscous consistency is obtained.
  3. This composition is poured into molds and pressed using special equipment.
  4. The finished products are cooled.

Covering technology

Laying polymer sand tiles with your own hands is quite simple. Laying is carried out on one of two types of base:

  • crushed stone;
  • sandy.

When laying on sandy base work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In the place where the tiles are supposed to be laid, remove the soil to a height of 150-200 mm.
  2. The soil is leveled and a surface slope is created for the drainage of sedimentary water. The surface is compacted.
  3. On the sides of the path or platform there are ditches for laying curb stones. The bottom of the ditches is compacted.
  4. Then sand is poured into the prepared ditches for the curb to a height of 50 mm. The sand is moistened with water and compacted.
  5. Strictly along the line of the curb, pegs are driven into the ground and the cord is pulled.
  6. The bottom of the grooves is filled cement mortar and install curbs.
  7. Geotextile strips are laid on the compacted base of the paths with an overlap of up to 20 cm. The edges of the strips are connected with tape.
  8. Next, sand is poured in several layers, followed by wetting with water. Also do not forget about compacting each layer.
  9. Lay on the sand reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 5 by 5 cm. The mesh is backfilled with a dry mixture of sand and cement (keep a ratio of 3 to 1). The backfill is slightly moistened with water.
  10. Now start laying the tiles. The elements are laid out on the sand at a distance of 3-5 millimeters from each other. A rubber hammer is used for leveling.
  11. The seams between the paving elements are filled with sand.

If desired, you can compare it with the cost of laying paving slabs.

Every homeowner makes a lot of effort to ensure that his house plot looked good. Many people try to do all the arrangement on it with their own hands. This brings not only moral satisfaction, but also cost savings.

A convincing example is tiles made from plastic bottles, which can be made at home. At the same time, the problem of recycling used raw materials is also solved. You will learn how to make such tiles yourself from this article.

Why is it profitable to do this?

There are several reasons that encourage owners to start arranging a sidewalk on a site made of such unusual material. And, perhaps, the most important of them is the low cost of the manufactured material. There are no problems with raw materials, meaning plastic bottles, today. On the contrary, almost every homeowner has to deal with the issue of their disposal.

And, of course, important role The important thing is that making plastic tiles does not require expensive equipment or special equipment. Everything you need for this is available at every farmstead.

The production technology is quite simple and anyone can do it, if only they had the desire and patience. How to make paving slabs yourself from plastic bottles will be discussed below. This tile covering has high level wear resistance. It can be easily dismantled and restoration if certain areas are damaged does not require large expenditures.


To get plastic paving slabs, you only need three main components:

  • Sand;
  • Polymer;
  • Dye.

During manufacturing, all the components are mixed, then heated and pressed under high pressure. As a result of mixing, the color of the tiles is uniform.

Advantages of a path made from plastic bottles

The polymer sand coating is particularly durable. It is much more durable compared to concrete tiles, which easily splits, especially in the cold season. Snow does not linger on a plastic product; due to its high heat resistance, ice does not form on the surface of the material. The material has good grip on shoes, so there is virtually no slipping.

Watch the video, everything is very simple:

According to many characteristics this coating significantly superior to vibrating plates and other analogues.

Tiles made from plastic bottles have a number of features that distinguish them from cement version. In particular these are:

  • High bending strength;
  • Low specific gravity;
  • Significant service life;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Low water absorption rate;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Easy care;
  • Without special effort Can be sawed and drilled.

In addition, the material does not lose its original appearance over the years, as it is highly resistant to direct sunlight.

Paving slabs made from ordinary bottles

Coating production requires the following equipment:

  1. Extruder;
  2. Melting apparatus;
  3. Press for molding.

Although the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly, it must nevertheless take place in a well-ventilated room or in the open air.

The production technology is not complicated and consists of the following points. First, the plastic containers are placed in the extruder. They are finely crushed, the resulting small pieces are heated with constant stirring.

On next stage the resulting mixture enters the melting apparatus. Wet sand and dye are also added there. As a result of mixing and heating to a certain temperature, the output is a viscous mass, which is quickly poured into pre-prepared molds. After which it is compacted using pressing equipment. At the end of the process, the finished tile is given time to cool.

The resulting polymer sand product is almost no different in shape from ordinary concrete or cement tiles, since the same molds are used in their production for casting.

Plastic tiles can be different color, any shape, texture and vary in size.

Main characteristics of the material

In many of them, the material compares favorably with similar products. First of all, it should be noted that it is an environmentally friendly product. During its operation, no emissions of carcinogenic substances hazardous to human health are observed.

The tile is able to withstand repeated freezing without losing its properties. The material, despite its considerable strength, is quite plastic. He has high stability to the aggressive effects of acids and other chemically active substances.

The substance of the product does not soften as a result of heating by sunlight. Its surface does not slip, as it has good adhesion to the sole of the shoe.

Another positive quality coatings - maintainability. A damaged element can be easily replaced with another. The material does not fade under sunlight and remains in its original form. Availability of various color ranges contributes to the fact that tiles can be used to solve any design project. It is used in improving a wide variety of landscapes.

Do-it-yourself tiles made from plastic bottles do not interfere with the flow of water into the soil. No puddles form on its surface, which means winter time there will be no ice on the sidewalk.

When manufacturing the material, the ratio of raw materials used is as follows:

  • Sand - 94 parts;
  • Plastic - 5 parts;
  • Color pigment - 1 part.

What polymer raw materials can be used

If you decide to make tiles at home, you should worry about the presence of sufficient quantities of not only sand, but also plastic. If your farm has used plastic containers not enough is not a problem. Polymer waste can be found throughout the area, especially in natural landfills. As a last resort, it can be purchased, and not for a lot of money, at recycling collection points.

Let's watch the video, different kinds tracks:

Plastic waste does not need to be sorted or cleaned. Under the influence of high temperatures during melting, paper or food residues will burn and will not affect the quality of the finished product in any way.

The production of paving slabs, both industrial and independent, from plastic bottles allows the use of any polymer material. Including the old one plastic film or packages. It is desirable that half of the raw material composition be made up of hard polymers, such as:

  • Polypropylene;
  • Polystyrene.

The cost of such waste is approximately estimated at 3 thousand rubles.

When making tiles, the moisture content of the sand should be within 10%, and the content of clay and other impurities should not exceed 20 percent.

Nowadays you can buy dye of any color. It is inexpensive, the cost of a kilogram of the substance is about 90 rubles. You can do without it, but the products will turn out to be a boring gray shade. This tile looks stylish on garden paths it won't be anymore.

It should be noted that the material is durable. It has high strength and is abrasion resistant. Painted tiles are visually beautiful and can have different shapes. And the main thing is that anyone can do it themselves at home.

To save color, layer-by-layer casting is sometimes used. In this case, a colorless layer is placed on top of the colored layer, which in turn is covered again with a colored layer. The thickness of each layer is 1-2 centimeters.

Rejected tiles or debris remaining after cutting can be reused after crushing them. Experts advise treating molds before pouring. special composition, which will prevent the solution from sticking to the walls.

Recently, paving slabs made from tires or plastic bottles, often created with their own hands, have become a popular material for landscapes among owners of private houses and summer cottages.

Although, despite the “homemade” nature, tiles are increasingly used specifically for the arrangement of various public facilities, for example, public gardens, sports grounds, parks, and pedestrian crossings. The owners of private properties themselves produce original tiles for laying floors in garages and gazebos with no less success.

If you have a huge land plot, on which a tennis court or basketball court is located, you should immediately develop with your own hands a plan for laying this surface with an original, unique material.

Advantages and specifics of the material used

The main advantages of tile material created with your own hands from scrap materials (tires, plastic bottles) include the following:

Production of coating from waste tires

New sidewalk made from old tires

Producing the material and laying it with your own hands involves the following:

Manufacturing and installation of plastic structures and bottles

Paving slabs made from plastic waste

You can also consider making tiles from plastic bottles with your own hands, which is simple and affordable. In particular, there are several key features, they should be taken into account:

The main advantages of plastic products

Plastic bottles are distinguished by their compliance with all environmental requirements and standards, positioning them as a clean product. During operation, carcinogenic substances do not affect the human body, thereby becoming a completely safe product in all respects.

The resulting coating is capable of withstanding many hours of loads, as well as exposure to environment, for example, freezing, while the properties are not lost over time. In addition, the surface does not slip, guaranteeing an excellent combination with shoes.

And finally, it is impossible not to answer the maintainability of the structure, because a damaged element can be easily replaced with a new one, without spending too much time and effort. As with rubber, plastic bottles are affordable and beneficial for the owner, and have all the current strength characteristics.

Video: Rubber crumb coatings

The production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is a solution to a number of problems. Firstly, recycling of recyclable materials. Previously, it accumulated in huge quantities and occupied kilometers of free space, but now it is beneficial. Secondly, this is the production of budget finishing material: there is no shortage of plastic, the remaining components are inexpensive. Thirdly, technology allows you to create products of any shape and size - opening up new opportunities for landscape design(sand-plastic paving slabs are street). What attracts consumers to it, details of industrial and private production, features of paving with paving slabs - this is what interests potential buyers.

Material advantages

Plastic tiles for a private home, landscaping near an office building or finishing a public area are not easy fashion trend. Reuse raw materials is a current trend.

But it has a number of other advantages that make this product stand out among concrete and ceramic analogues:

  • Availability. Finding it on sale will not be difficult and, let us remind you, the cost of this building material is quite acceptable.
  • Wear resistance. The polymer that underlies the product perfectly withstands temperature changes and heavy rainfall - it is resistant to moisture, and if liquid gets into the cracks between the plates, it does not erode the track. Plastic paving slabs are perfect for street design of both private properties and public areas.
  • Long term. Able to remain attractive appearance and durability for 50 years.
  • Easy to repair. Damaged individual products can be easily replaced with new ones if necessary.
  • Ease of use. It seems that the surface of the tile is perfectly flat (the consistency of the polymer contributes to this), but it does not slip: sand particles (abrasive) prevent this, making it completely safe.

This - good decision and for the playground. Injuries on it are not uncommon, and an anti-slip coating will help significantly reduce their number.

Production Features

Unlike other floor finishing materials, paving slabs made of plastic are made as on manufacturing enterprises, and at home. This is very convenient if plastic container accumulated over several years and needs to be disposed of. This is also a great option for those who like to do a lot of things with their own hands. To organize home production, you will only need a small but well-ventilated room, raw materials and a few equipment for the production of plastic paving slabs:

  • extrusion (melting) machine;
  • molding press;
  • forms.

As for materials, it is recommended to use hard polymers (the same plastic bottles) and soft polymers (plastic bags). The ratio of hard and soft plastic should be approximately 3:2 - this will achieve best characteristics finished product. Pure river sand and a coloring pigment (preferably inorganic) are added to this mixture. It is not recommended to add rubber or polycarbonate to the mixture for paving slabs - this will not make it stronger or more elastic, but will disrupt the homogeneous structure.

Next, the mixture is prepared in an extrusion machine and poured into pre-prepared molds. After a few days, under natural conditions, the plastic paving slabs for the dacha dries and is ready for use.

You don’t have to buy ready-made molds, but make them yourself. The result will be more interesting if you use different dyes and combine tiles of different colors.

Making molds yourself

This seems difficult only because plastic is rarely used in everyday life as a raw material. In fact, making the mold takes several hours.

Materials you will need:

  • wooden boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw (jigsaw);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • plastic;
  • oil (can be machine oil);
  • oil brush.

Then - the template. It is made on paper, drawn on the ground. Or they don’t do it at all - when needed asymmetrical shapes, and I want to spend a minimum of time on production. Manufacturing plastic molds for paving slabs is as follows: from wooden elements a frame is assembled, the inside of which is coated with oil (to make the shape easier to come off). Plastic is poured into it in a uniform, not very thick layer. In the warm season, 50-80 minutes are enough for the mold to dry. The same frame can be used several times, but if you make several frames, the process of making tiles will go faster.

The technology for making paving slabs from plastic bottles is environmentally friendly. However, it is recommended to use a respiratory protective mask and gloves when working.

Laying technology

How to properly make paving slabs from plastic bottles is not of interest to everyone: for many it is easier to buy already finished goods. But almost everyone is interested in how to properly lay such material. Subject to the right technology the coating will be stable and durable.

If you lay paving slabs from plastic bottles with your own hands, they do it in different ways - the correct method is determined by the conditions of further use. From the surface of the area where the tiles are planned, remove upper layer soil (15-20 cm thick). Then they make a “pillow” - its composition depends on the intended use of the territory.

The tiles are laid on the “cushion” in the chosen order, the cracks are filled with fine river sand, water from a watering can - this compacts the sand and removes its excess from the surface of the tile. If laying plastic paving slabs (it does not matter, with your own hands or with the hands of a specialist) involves the use of edges, the edges require a deep concrete “cushion” so that the “ribs” are firmly anchored in the ground.

Plastic paving slabs are a modern, beautiful, comfortable material. It has excellent performance properties. They can make and install it themselves or turn to a professional - and simply enjoy the excellent result.


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