How to prune Kalanchoe: basic rules and tips. How to pinch Kalanchoe - step by step Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

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Some indoor plants requires unusual care and creation certain conditions. For example, the familiar Kalanchoe fades after flowering, and what to do in this case to return the bush to its former decorative appearance.

It's rare that anyone can remain indifferent when passing by flower shop with exposed Kalanchoe bushes. The lush caps of inflorescences amaze with their magnificence and variety of colors - milky white, foamy pink, crimson, orange, bright red... Of course, it is impossible to resist buying this living joy! But, I think, many are already familiar with the situation when, after a lush and prolonged flowering, a bush begins to lose its decorativeness and attractiveness.

First, the inflorescences wither, then thin branches stretch out, the leaves become smaller, the stem becomes bare and becomes woody. In this form, the plant can hardly be called a window sill decoration. What to do? In such a situation, some simply throw away the faded specimen and forget about it.

Lush caps of inflorescences amaze with their splendor and variety of colors

Others intensify their care and rush to save the bush with all their might: they intensively fertilize it, replant it in new pot, placed closer to the sun or vice versa, put it in the shade. But, as a rule, all these activities do not bring visible results.

I hasten to reassure you, this “behavior” of Kalanchoe is not at all poor care and inappropriate conditions of detention. Just for aesthetics appearance the bush needs constant rejuvenation - be it heavy pruning or rooting of cuttings. But for lush, long-lasting, and even repeated growth, you need a certain light regime, compliance with certain watering features and a fertilizer application schedule.

Therefore, if you decide to master the successful technology of growing indoor Kalanchoe, it is worth getting to know it better.

Video about growing Kalanchoe at home

Growing conditions and care

It must be said right away that modern varieties differ significantly from the plants we are familiar with from childhood. Remember, the Kalanchoe that grew on my grandmother’s windowsill was much taller and more spreading than its store-bought counterparts. He was distinguished by his unpretentiousness and tolerance, without any particular offense towards the owner’s forgetfulness in watering and replanting, and caused a minimum of trouble.

But its flowering was quite modest: small, scattered and quickly falling flowers, unfriendly buds blooming. Against their background, the luxurious inflorescences of modern Dutch hybrids are simply enchanting!

But not many people know that such varieties were bred for street decoration. They were used to decorate flower beds, flowerpots with flowering bushes were displayed on open terraces and balconies, and they were used to decorate the entrance to the house and recreation areas. So, based on the selective characteristics of these hybrids, it is most logical to throw away the Kalanchoe after it has flowered, but not everyone will raise their hand to do this. In this case, we will independently restore, propagate and grow compact flowering bushes.

Basic conditions of detention:

  1. The soil. It should be quite loose and nutritious. The best option will upper layer land from the forest, but regular one will do garden with the addition of humus or compost and further care will do without regular fertilization.
  2. Lighting. Kalanchoe – tropical plant, which means that direct sunlight does not burn it, the light must be intense, but diffused. A similar regime in an apartment can be created by placing the pot on the south-east, south-west window sill or near the south window in light shade from the curtain. To stimulate flowering, the plant needs to artificially organize a short daylight hours, lasting no more than 8-10 hours.
  3. Fertilizers. Considering that a compact bush grows for about a year and a half before it requires rejuvenation, the nutrition contained in the soil is sufficient for it. Additional organic fertilizers(humate, herbal infusions, peat) are usually added only during the flowering period. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly limit the supply of nitrogen components, after which a lush growth of greenery may occur instead of flowering, so no selitol, ammonia and urea. When buying ready-made nutrient concentrates, choose those designed for fertilizing cacti or succulents.
  4. Rest. Plants need a period of rest to prepare and gather strength for future flowering. At this time, care consists of limiting watering, changing the light intensity and lowering the air temperature. Typically, it is recommended to take rest at the end of winter - beginning of spring.
  5. Rejuvenation. You can maintain the decorative appearance of the bush by regular pruning, while the cut cuttings are rooted in water or wet sand, and then planted in a separate pot, obtaining a new, young plant. And in order for the remaining stump of the old bush to produce new shoots faster, it needs to be transplanted into new ground and cover with a transparent bag or glass jar.
  6. Watering. Kalanchoe, like most succulents, does not tolerate high soil moisture, leading to rotting of the roots and even death of the plant, but at the same time, drying out of the earthen coma can negatively affect flowering. Therefore, in the bottom of a new pot it is necessary to do drainage holes. Special care and caution in watering are needed in winter, and in summer time Water only after the top layer of soil has dried.
Important! To prevent the development of fungal infections and putrefactive processes in the soil, it is enough to place several charcoals on the bottom of the pot during replanting, and soil mixture add wood ash.

Video about caring for Kalanchoe

Agree, good help advice can be given to many rules and requirements experienced flower growers. Sometimes, by trial and error, we achieve excellent results, so it’s worth listening to proven recommendations and incorporating them into your care.

  • Tip #1. In May, when the Kalanchoe bush has already bloomed, I cut off all the cuttings, stick each of them into separate pots with ordinary garden soil and cover them with transparent jars. Most of the petioles quickly take root and soon young leaves appear on them. By autumn you will already have lush bushes that will bloom by November. And in April they will bloom a second time, after which we will repeat everything all over again - cut off the cuttings, plant them, and throw away the old ones.
  • Tip #2. Reducing daylight hours is not that difficult. Just in October or March, at about 5 o’clock in the evening, cover the flower along with the pot with an opaque cap (a dark bucket, box or even a pan), and in the morning at 7 o’clock be sure to remove the cover. Such care with darkening will lead to the appearance of flower buds within a month.
  • Tip #3. You can rejuvenate a plant without rooting. First, after flowering, all faded flower stalks are cut off. When you notice that the shoots have begun to grow, pinch them, and a little later, break off those growing from this place after the third pair of leaves, and so on, until a branched but dense bush is formed. The last pinching is done in October, since further stimulation of the formation of flower buds is carried out.
  • Tip #4. Different varieties of Kalanchoe look amazingly beautiful and original when they are planted in one pot - the inflorescences form a bright, variegated, multi-colored cap.

Experiment when planting, because it won’t make it any more difficult, and the result will be great!

Kalanchoe - incredible beautiful plant, which can be found in almost every home. The flower is very popular among flower growers, not only for its amazing flowering, but also Kalanchoe has beneficial properties. Caring for this amazing plant is quite simple, since it is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, but still some rules of care must be followed. Proper care at home includes: pruning, watering regimen, fertilizing. Pruning Kalanchoe is a simple process, however there are various nuances, which you should know about.

Why do you need to prune?

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant beautiful shape bush. Pruning also stimulates good growth and flower development.

There are 3 types of pruning:

  1. Initial;
  2. For preventive purposes;
  3. After flowering.

How to pinch Kalanchoe? To prune Kalanchoe at home, you need to use a sharp blade. It is not recommended to pick leaves with your hands, as you can damage the flower and it will begin to fade. Thanks to pruning you will form a beautiful and lush bush.

Pruning depending on the type

Today there are about 200 varieties of Kalanchoe, but only a few of them are grown at home. Almost all varieties of Kalanchoe are pruned in the same way, but for some varieties there are certain rules.

Most popular view counts . This variety is quite often grown at home; it blooms with red flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld can be cut off almost completely at the root, and only a “stump” can be left; nothing bad will happen to the plant. On the contrary, it begins to develop more intensively and increase green mass. His bush will become lush and beautiful.

But varieties that bloom with yellow and white flowers need to be pruned differently. It is also worth mentioning that such species can rarely be found at home, and they are also very capricious. You should pinch the bush wisely, since excessive removal of foliage can cause harm to the plant. Before pinching a flower, you should accurately determine its variety.

Pruning must be done correctly. Basically, this process occurs painlessly for the plant. But if you notice rotting in the cut areas, then the damaged areas must be immediately treated with charcoal.

Step-by-step instructions for initial and preventive pruning

In order for the bush to have a lush and rounded shape, pruning must be carried out. Most novice florists are interested in how to pinch Kalanchoe correctly so that the plant develops well? A young specimen needs to be pinched almost immediately, as soon as it adapts to new conditions and begins to grow. To do this, cut off 1 - 2 leaves from each stem of the plant. This is considered the initial pruning.

Then, preventative pruning is performed as necessary. In the places where the cuts are made, after some time you will be able to see new stems and young leaves on them. Professionals recommend doing this procedure at home several times until the plant forms a lush bush.

With the onset of winter, it is best to stop pruning. But in mid-spring the procedure can be resumed. But usually at this time of year the Kalanchoe begins to bloom, then in this case pruning is not recommended. Trimming in preventive measures can be performed immediately when new leaves appear on the stems. You don't have to wait for them to grow up.

When forming a plant at the initial stage, it is not advisable to keep it in a room where there is very bright light. This can be explained by the fact that good lighting allows the flower to grow very quickly, as a result of which the flower simply outgrows.

Proper pruning after flowering

How to prune Kalanchoe correctly after flowering? Pruning is always required after flowering. Thus, you will not only rid your handsome man of excess leaves, but also free your handsome man of flower stalks. After flowering, the pruning process is carried out in the same way as at the initial stage.

Before you start pruning your home beauty after flowering, you need to make sure that it has actually completely bloomed. Peduncles can be removed almost at the root to prevent plant rotting. After each flowering, it is recommended to get rid of all flower stalks.

Thanks to this procedure, there will be excellent formation of the bush and will allow the plant to get new shoots. At the end of pruning after flowering, you need to give the flower a rest. He enters a period of rest. During this period of time, it is necessary to minimize the frequency of watering and protect the flower from direct sun rays. Usually Kalanchoe regains its strength in about a month.

It is best to trim leaves and flower stalks in the morning.

In order to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, it is necessary to perform pruning in a timely manner. Proper pruning is the key to successful flower development.


Need to get it right abundant flowering. In addition to pruning, the plant must also be properly watered, fertilized and maintained at the optimal temperature.

Watering mode and humidity

Kalanchoe is a plant that retains moisture in its leaves. Therefore, the flower normally tolerates a certain period of time without moistening the soil. However, Kalanchoe has an extremely negative attitude towards the bay, this can have a detrimental effect on the plant.

It is necessary to ensure that the flower grows and develops well. When watering, the water should soak well earthen lump. Do not allow excessive moisture in the ground. It is best to water the plant in the summer once every 3 days. In winter, watering is carried out as the soil dries.

Kalanchoe, in principle, does not need spraying. In the cold season, it is generally not advisable to spray. To eliminate dust on the leaves, Kalanchoe should sometimes be bathed in the shower. And also use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves, as a result of which you will protect the flower from various pests.


For good growth, Kalanchoe must be fertilized - approximately once every 3-4 weeks. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, you should use complex fertilizers, but you need to apply half the dose than indicated on the package. Just feed the plant carefully, otherwise it may negatively affect the Kalanchoe. IN winter time The flower should not be fed.


Kalanchoe tolerates heat well, but to avoid drying out of the soil, the frequency of watering must be increased. In warm weather, a pot with a flower is taken out to Fresh air or placed on the balcony, in these places Kalanchoe feels great. In summer the temperature should be about 25 degrees, and in winter - 13-15°C.

Now you know how to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, as well as achieve abundant flowering.

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Almost all varieties of Kalanchoe are easy to care for and have medicinal properties, which is why many gardeners grow this plant. One of the conditions for good growth and development of culture is its correct pruning. It is not difficult to perform this procedure yourself, but you need to know how to do it correctly and at what time to carry out the procedure. You also need to take into account that not all varieties of Kalanchoe are pruned the same way.

The essence of pruning and its types

Trimming is necessary step Kalanchoe care. The procedure involves the removal of faded buds, wilted leaves and excess shoots, which take away the flower’s strength for its development. Pruning is performed to give the plant a neat and well-groomed appearance, as well as to properly form a beautiful, dense crown.

With the help of pruning, you can adjust the growth and development of the plant in the desired direction. When removing unnecessary moisture consumers and nutrients the flower gets the opportunity to nourish and develop root system And aboveground part. After a correctly performed procedure, the plant becomes stronger and more beautiful.

Depending on the reason for pruning and the time of its implementation, there are different the following types procedures:

  • primary;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering ends.

To trim the plant correctly, you need to use a sharp knife, cutting off the leaves at the base of the shoot. You cannot tear off unnecessary parts with your hands, as this can cause the crop to wither.

How to prune Kalanchoe depending on the variety?

About 200 varieties of Kalanchoe are now known, but only a few of them are grown at home. Rules and timing of haircuts for different varieties differ:

Variety name Trimming Features Photo
Kalanchoe KalandivaThis variety of Kalanchoe is very different rapid growth. In just a year, a bush can grow 30 cm. Therefore, timely trimming is essential when growing this succulent. Young plants need to be pinched as soon as they begin to grow. active growth. To do this, remove the top pair of leaves on each branch. Then, during the growing season, branches are pruned as necessary to form beautiful crown. During the flowering period, pruning is not carried out. After the plant has finished blooming, the flower stalks are cut off at the base. Kalanchoe Kalandiva Mini is pruned in the same way.
Kalanchoe DegremonaThis type of succulent is valued for its decorative leaves and medicinal properties. To prevent the plant from stretching, it is necessary to pinch the growth point in time, removing the top of the main and side shoots. This species blooms very rarely and during flowering the bush weakens. Therefore, it is recommended to remove all flower stalks as soon as they appear, so as not to provoke rotting
Kalanchoe BlossfeldThis variety of Kalanchoe is most often grown at home. The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very easily, so it can be carried out at any time and in an unlimited amount. Even if you cut off all the shoots of this flower completely, soon new young shoots will appear from the remaining stump

Initial and preventative procedure

Initial pruning must be done immediately after purchasing the plant. This procedure sets the direction of subsequent growth and allows you to form the crown correctly. To do this, immediately cut off the top so that the plant does not stretch upward, but grows to the sides. If time is lost, and an ugly, frail top has formed on the bush, it is simply cut off. The cut part can be used as a cutting and planted in a pot with fertile soil to get a new plant.

Kalanchoe bush after pruning

To form a dense bush, the top two leaves are removed from each new shoot. This causes the Kalanchoe to branch. After some time, two new shoots appear at the cut site. They are allowed to grow until the third pair of leaves appears and cut off at this level. Then they again wait for two shoots to appear and cut them off after the third pair of leaves appears.

Formation of the crown of Kalanchoe

This is done until the desired Kalanchoe crown is formed. Subsequently, preventative pruning is regularly carried out for the plant, removing all excess shoots. Last time pruning is carried out in November or in winter if the bush is in a lighted place.

In winter, Kalanchoe cannot be pruned, since during this period the plant is dormant.

With the onset of spring, you can continue sanitary cleaning of the plant, but only if flowering has not occurred. There is no need to wait for new leaves and shoots to grow; they can be cut off immediately after they appear. After pruning, you cannot place the flower on a lit windowsill. The abundance of sunlight stimulates growth, and Kalanchoe can become very elongated. It is correct to leave the plants in partial shade.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering? One can say about this flower: how could I live without it! In any case, our mothers and grandmothers cannot imagine how it is possible not to have such a thing in the house. useful plant like Kalanchoe. I remember it grew in our house too.

And it’s not surprising, because Kalanchoe officinalis is used in medicinal purposes: for a runny nose, sore throat, for cuts and burns. In our article we will tell you how to prune Kalanchoe after flowering.

What you will learn from this material:

Medicinal Kalanchoe and decorative

Tree of life, indoor doctor, indoor ginseng – Kalanchoe has received all sorts of names for its usefulness and necessity. And although different kinds These plants look different, but they all have healing properties.

In total, more than 200 species of Kalanchoe are known in nature. Only a few of them are grown at home. Most often, Kalanchoe pinnate, Kalanchoe Blosfeld, Kalanchoe Daigremont, Kalanchoe uniflora.

But no matter what kind of Kalanchoe you purchase, home care for any representative of this plant is approximately the same. After all, they all belong to the same family - the Crassulaceae. These plants are inhabitants of the tropics.

They are adapted to long stays, both in arid conditions and in high humidity. Kalanchoe leaves during favorable periods they accumulate moisture, which the plant can then use to survive.

Also, this flower does not need to be fertilized and replanted often. We can say that this plant gives us more than it requires from us.

Also for these indoor flowers characterized by resistance to various diseases and pests. In addition, even a plant that has begun to rot or disappear can be divided into cuttings and rooted. It reproduces easily and often independently with the help of children.

But, despite the unpretentiousness of this plant, it is worth remembering how to care for Kalanchoe at home.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

If the daylight hours are more than 12 hours, you can plant the plant. To do this, use the following methods:

Propagation of Kalanchoe by cuttings. Only healthy people are suitable stem cuttings. Carefully separate the base with two leaves from the general bush, planting them in prepared slightly acidic soil.

Do you want to propagate Kalanchoe by leaf at home? Carefully remove an intact, healthy leaf from the common bush and plant it in a new pot with prepared soil.

Seeds. Place the seeds on the surface of the moistened soil (1 part sand and peat each) without covering them with soil. Cover with glass or polyethylene for 10-12 days. When you see the sprouts hatching, remove the “shelter”.

Does Kalanchoe need pruning?

Kalanchoe in progress home grown pruning required. Features of this flowering Kalancho event depend on the type of plant.

For example, Kalanchoe Blossfeld tolerates the removal of leaves and shoots well, and it can be trimmed without restrictions, thus giving the bush a “silhouette” that fully matches your aesthetic tastes. This variety can even be shortened to a stump - still, a fresh, renewed plant will soon grow.

But rare species of Kalanchoe, in particular, hybrid ones, with yellow, pink and white inflorescences are more capricious, and they should be “cut” with great care, otherwise there is a risk of withering and even death of green pets. Usually, only the top of such Kalanchoes is cut off.

Kalanchoe pruning tool

To trim, you must first prepare the tool. Perfect option– a garden knife with a carefully sharpened blade.

But an ordinary knife for cutting paper will also work, but, again, very sharp and certainly disinfected. It is strictly not recommended to tear off excess leaves with your hands, as this can weaken the green inhabitant of the room.

Types of pruning Kalanchoe

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant a beautiful bush shape. Pruning also stimulates good flower growth and development.

There are 3 types of pruning:

  • Initial;
  • For preventive purposes;
  • After flowering.

How to form a Kalanchoe bush

Kalanchoe shoots (primarily we are talking about decorative flower varieties) reach a height of up to 50 cm, but the greatest decorative value is a dense, low bush without bare stems showing through between the leaves. To form such a bush, regular pruning is required from the first stages of the plant’s life.

Kalanchoe pruning is carried out using the “pinching” technology - pruning sharp knife or with a blade the tip of the shoot with two young leaves and. It is not recommended to use scissors for this, since they compress the thickness of the fleshy stem, causing severe damage to it. The cuts quickly dry out and tighten.

If rot begins to form on them, the affected surface should be treated with potassium permanganate or wood ash.

One of the advantages of Kalanchoe is quick and easy propagation by cuttings. All pruned shoots are suitable for producing daughter plants.

If it was not possible to successfully form a bush, you can simply replace it by placing one of the cuttings 1-2 weeks before the roots appear and planting the resulting plant instead of an unsuccessfully formed or too old one.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is done not only to remove excess leaves, but also to free the flower from peduncles. Leaves are removed as with regular pruning: one or two outer ones on the stems.

Before pruning a Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to make sure that all its flowers have completely faded. The flower stalks must be removed at the very base so that the plant does not begin to rot. They must be removed, every single one, after each flowering of the plant.

This procedure stimulates new growth of stems ready for flowering. After pruning the Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a period of rest. This is the time to reduce watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time it takes for the flower to come to its senses again is approximately 20 - 40 days.

It is better to trim leaves and flower stalks in morning time, preferably before noon. Timely pruning of Kalanchoe will ensure a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

How to prune Kalanchoe to bloom

Pruning is recommended for any of these types ornamental plant as a flowering stimulating measure. The process involves removing excess leaves or diseased flower stalks to prevent the development of diseases and give a neat shape.

Since as the stem develops, the upper shoots tend to thin out and become sterile, it is important to know how to properly pinch a Kalanchoe to bloom. These two processes (pinching and cutting) are similar, so they can be combined into one.

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation for this: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and can have an effect on the body therapeutic effect. However, even the most picky flower needs. This includes fertilizing, loosening the soil, and pruning. Pruning is a simple process, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to prune Kalanchoe, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is pruning Kalanchoe at home and why is it needed?

Pruning Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves or flower stalks. It is necessary to give the flower a neat round shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than a long thin stem stretching upward with chaotic branches.

Besides decorative purpose pruning Kalanchoe at home is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for plant life. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly among the shoots, filling the leaves. The plant becomes succulent and more resistant to drying out and wilting.

There are three types of pruning Kalanchoe:

  1. initial;
  2. preventive;
  3. after flowering.

To trim the flower, it is better to use a sharp table knife or a stationery blade. Pulling off leaves by hand can harm the plant and cause it to wilt.

How to prune Kalanchoe depending on the type of flower

Depending on the type, the pruning rules differ. Today, more than 200 varieties of the plant are known, however, only a few can grow at home. The most common variety is Blossfeld, which blooms with bright red flowers. Trimming its excess leaves can be done in unlimited quantities. Even if you cut off all the adventitious branches and leaves, leaving only a “stump,” this flower will again be covered with thick leaves after a while.

The situation is more complicated with varieties of Kalanchoe, flowering white and yellow flowers. Such varieties are quite rare and whimsical. Excessive removal of leaves can have detrimental consequences for the plant. Before pinching rare species of Kalanchoe, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, proper pruning of Kalanchoe occurs painlessly for the flower. However, if a wound forms on the stem in the form of rotting, it is necessary to sprinkle the area with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and preventative pruning

Young plant it is necessary to pinch it almost immediately, as soon as it takes root and begins to grow. On each shoot of Kalanchoe it is necessary to cut off one or two top leaves. This is the initial trimming of the flower. Further, as necessary, preventive pruning will take place: new shoots will appear at the site of splitting off, on which leaves will form. This procedure must be repeated until the plant takes on a neat round or bushy shape.

If you have any questions, you can watch a video on how to prune Kalanchoe at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular after November, it is advisable to stop pruning. It will be possible to resume the procedure in late spring, however, at this time the flower may bloom, and then pruning will be contraindicated.

Preventative pruning can be carried out immediately when new leaves form on the shoots. You don't have to wait for them to grow up.

During the initial formation of the flower, you should not keep it in a heavily lit room. In bright light, the plant quickly grows, causing it to overgrow.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is done not only to remove excess leaves, but also to free the flower from peduncles. Leaves are removed as with regular pruning: one or two outer ones on the stems. This procedure stimulates new growth of stems ready for flowering. After pruning the Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a period of rest. This is the time to reduce watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time it takes for the flower to come to its senses again is approximately 20 - 40 days.

It is better to trim leaves and flower stalks in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning of Kalanchoe will ensure a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

Video about Kalanchoe


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