How to properly glue wallpaper of different colors. Combining different wallpapers in the interior: features of wall coverings and photos of wallpaper in home interiors

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Today people are increasingly giving special meaning unusual design premises. Thanks to the large number finishing materials presented in construction stores, anyone can create a unique interior. The most versatile way to decorate a room is wallpaper. Thanks to them, you can easily play with space, zoning work areas and recreation areas, using visual effects to expand the space and, if necessary, reduce it. The variety of wallpapers, their colors and surfaces allows you to turn any ideas into reality.

Today, a common method is to glue two types of wallpaper. In this regard, at construction stores, manufacturers present a large number of wallpapers that differ in structure and design. At the same time, manufacturers take into account the fact that wallpaper must have good combined ability. Therefore, buyers will be able to find combinations that will suit their interior.

Combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes

This type of combination is the most common. It creates dynamics in the interior through the use of wallpaper with vertical stripes of different textures and colors. When choosing wallpaper, any color combination and width of stripes. These can be monochrome or multi-color combinations. You should observe moderation and remember that you can work with three colors as much as possible.

When using wallpaper with vertical stripes, you create the visual effect of increasing the height of the ceiling. This should be taken into account if the ceilings in the room are initially high.

In this case the right option There will be wallpaper with vertical lines up to the middle of the length of the walls; the remaining part is best covered with wallpaper of a neutral color or pattern. It is important that they match the color of the ceiling.

Combination of wallpaper with horizontal stripes

Using wallpaper with horizontal stripes, you can divide the walls horizontally. This method is an excellent design solution. It makes it possible to combine a huge number of colors, patterns and textures of wallpaper.

Horizontal stripes create the effect of lengthening the walls. This can be an excellent option when gluing such wallpaper in small rooms. With this decision, you should choose wallpaper with fairly narrow stripes.

Combination of two types of wallpaper

The most common option for wallpapering is to choose wallpaper of the same color scheme, but in different tones. If you choose this combination method, the right decision will use it when gluing several rooms at once.

The following shades will look most beautiful:

  • white and turquoise;
  • beige and gray;
  • pink and black.

Room zoning method

This design is aimed at creating a special interior atmosphere. It is based on the combination of plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a special texture or pattern.

It is important to remember that the most successful way to combine such wallpaper is to have a common color scheme. However, it is permissible to use a bright pattern when covering several walls.

Combination of wallpaper with different patterns

This is a common method of wallpapering. You can use wallpaper with different drawings. Most often, one room is covered with wallpaper with a certain pattern, and the rest - with wallpaper of a completely different pattern. With the right combination of different patterns, the room will look stylish and unusual.

It should be remembered that even wallpaper with different patterns should have something in common, for example, a color scheme. Good decision There will be wallpaper with vertical and horizontal stripes, but similar color combinations.

Combination of contrasting wallpapers

If it is necessary to clearly separate zones, for example, work and rest areas, this method combination will suit perfectly.

In it, calm shades can be combined with bright shades:

  • yellow, light green and gray;
  • black, red and white;
  • purple, light green and beige.

Design options for wallpapering (video)

Interesting ideas and options for wallpapering

You can wallpaper the walls different ways, or using several methods simultaneously. Most original ideas are indicated below.

Patchwork wall covering

Patchwork ideas are a popular and common design method these days. It is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment and want to create an original and unusual atmosphere.

Algorithm for wallpapering using the patchwork method:

  • You should choose wallpaper with different patterns, colors and textures.
  • Wallpaper cut into pieces different lengths, square or rectangle shape.
  • The wallpaper pieces should be glued together using the method of joining each other, but in any order.

Wallpapering walls with different designs

This method is great options to delimit zones, for example, an office area and a recreation area.

Wallpaper is used for gluing different designs and size. To make the wallpaper joint look elegant, it is decorated with molding.

Method of dividing walls into two parts

This method is considered one of the most stylish design solutions. The wall is conventionally divided into two parts. Then each part is glued different types wallpaper.

Algorithm for gluing wallpaper by dividing it into two parts:

  • The bottom of the walls is covered with wallpaper with various patterns, horizontal or vertical lines.
  • The top of the walls can be covered with wallpaper of the same color or with a simple and elegant pattern.
  • A prerequisite is the aesthetic decoration of the joints between the wallpaper with a border.

Wallpapering a stylish and original design

Often designers use original techniques that come to their minds right during the working process. Determine which interesting solution can only be accepted when you are at the repair site, knowing the interior and layout of the room.

Reception of accented insertion:

  • First you need to decide in which part of the room the insert will be located.
  • The shape of the inserts can vary from classic, square and rectangular, to arbitrary. However, care should be taken that they do not violate the overall style.
  • An interesting solution would be to use today's popular vinyl stickers, which can be glued directly to the wallpaper.

An excellent design solution would be to decorate ledges and niches. Designers know how to beautifully hang wallpaper on ledges and niches. They advise not to hide them, but to emphasize them.

Technology for proper use of room layout:

  • Cover niches and ledges with bright colors that will contrast with the wallpaper in the main part of the room.
  • Decorate the ledge with a bright pattern. For example, if the wallpaper contains a small pattern, stylish solution will decorate the protrusion with a larger pattern.

These tips will help you successfully purchase wallpaper, design it correctly, combine it, and decorate rooms. Following simple instructions, do designer renovation yourself, it will be easy and interesting.

Important points when choosing and hanging wallpaper:

  • You should buy wallpaper in one place. Then they will match in texture and shades. If this is not possible, you need to carry samples of existing wallpaper with you so that you can apply them to new rolls and choose the right combination with other wallpaper.
  • You need to carefully ensure that the width of the wallpaper matches. This will greatly simplify the task of combining, joining and finishing wallpaper.
  • The correct combination will help not only create visual effects, but also correct design and use to hide the shortcomings of the room.

Unusual options for wallpapering (video)

Today there are many design options wallpapering. Variations in various ways Combinations of wallpaper, combinations of textures and colors allow you to bring your design project into reality as closely as possible. A variety of manufacturers, wallpaper with a myriad of designs, will allow you to realize the brightest ideas. Thanks to correct use Combining techniques can achieve many design effects: visually expand the room, increase the height of the ceilings, focus on ledges and niches, make the room brighter and warmer.

Options for wallpapering (photo)

Combining wallpaper in the interior allows you to give the interior dynamism and originality. It should be noted that the combination of wallpaper of various colors and patterns has long left the category of “curiosities” and novelties and has become standard. design solution wallpapering indoors. Manufacturers encourage this desire from customers and follow trends by creating a collection of wallpapers from several matching patterns and even often accompanying them with examples of possible combinations in finished interiors. Despite this, many are interested in how to combine wallpaper correctly. different colors and with different patterns. Let's look at the basic techniques and methods of combination various wallpapers indoors.

Why combine wallpaper?

If you have a choice - to paste the whole room with one wallpaper or combine several, designers advise giving preference to the second option; wallpaper of several types in one room will help create different decorative effects in the room, visually change the geometry of the room, delimit it into functional areas, hide flaws and highlight advantages.


We emphasize advantages and hide shortcomings. By highlighting one of the walls or part of it with wallpaper of a different pattern or shade, you will immediately make this place the exact focal point, riveting the eyes of guests or household members to it. At the same time, you will be able to distract your gaze from some defect in the room - another uneven wall or a flaw on the ceiling. The brighter and more noticeable the wallpaper in the desired zone, the less likely the flaw is to be noticed.

Room zoning. Sometimes in one room you have to combine the functions of several rooms at once. In this case, wallpaper of different patterns or shades will come to the rescue. In such rooms you can use quite bold and radical combinations, it all depends on how much you want to separate this or that zone, whether you use static partitions or only visual separation techniques using color and light. For example, you can divide the children's room into two parts with wallpaper in blue and Pink colour and use a static partition. Or combine plain wallpaper in the kitchen and patterned wallpaper in the dining table area.

Visual effects. Narrow rectangular room visually expands if long walls hang wallpaper in light colors, and on short ones - wallpaper in darker colors. Square room It will look better if one wall is covered with wallpaper in a richer tone than the rest. The space of small rooms is expanded with wallpaper in light pastel colors.

Accent wall. An accent wall is one of the most simple techniques in a wallpaper combination. As a rule, there is only one accent wall in one room, but sometimes it happens that two adjacent or two opposite walls. At the same time, of course, the accent wall is noticeably different from other walls. It may have a much richer shade of wallpaper than other walls. It may have wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern. The overlapping element with this method of combining wallpaper is often the overall shade. .

Focus point. Unlike an accent wall, the focal point does not have to occupy the entire wall, but can only be located on one of its parts. So, with wallpaper of a different shade you can highlight an area with a fireplace or false fireplace, an antique chest of drawers, a gallery of paintings, bedside tables, a crib, a place to read and much more.

Wallpaper as a decorative element. By enclosing a piece of wallpaper in a frame or moldings, you can create an interesting wall decor from repeating patterns.

Ways to combine wallpaper

When choosing combinations of wallpaper in the interior, you should remember about a similar element - it can be different shades of the same color, the same style of ornament, overlapping geometry of the pattern, the same texture of the wallpaper.

Plain wallpaper in different shades of the same color. This technique is ideal for lovers of monochromatic interiors and discreet walls. With this approach, one or more walls have wallpaper in a more saturated shade than the others. You can often see similar blues (sky blue and pervanche), beige (ecru, sand and Ivory), gray (slate gray and light gray) colors.






A combination of plain wallpaper with patterned wallpaper. If you want to decorate a room with large bright panels, it is better to balance them with plain wallpaper. The same technique can be used correctly if the wallpaper has a large floral pattern, geometric elements or a wide stripe.






Combining wallpaper with different patterns. Traditionally, a combination of striped wallpaper and wallpaper with floral pattern, which echo a similar shade. Floral patterns look good paired with wood patterns. Stripes, cubes and others geometric figures combined with abstractions. This is the most dangerous ways combinations should be approached with caution.

Combining wallpaper of different colors. Active colors should be combined with neutral ones. To create a bright, youthful interior, you can experiment with contrasting colors. This technique will look beneficial when zoning space.






The correct combination of wallpaper of two or more colors in the interior is good idea diversify the space, change the design of the room, the main advantages of combining wallpaper of two colors: it’s cheap, original, fashionable.

Interesting design ideas and tips will help you make any room, even the smallest and darkest, ideal, by combining wallpaper of two colors.

The main point in combining wallpaper of several colors is the correct combination of wallpaper in color; the usual range of colors and shades will help with this.

Combining wallpaper in the interior is a fairly new trend in the world of renovation and design, but very successful. By combining wallpaper with each other, you get an interesting look for the room, it becomes possible to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the walls and room. A dark room can be visually brightened, and a room that is too light, on the contrary, can be darkened. Combining wallpaper is not such an easy task; you need to take it seriously and do everything right.

There can be several wallpaper combination options:

  • Combining wallpaper by color and shade
  • Combining wallpaper according to material;
  • Combining wallpaper according to texture.

In all types of wallpaper combinations, you need to maintain the correct color scheme so that the wallpaper has something in common, such as a print, pattern, background or color.

In the first option, this is a combination of wallpaper according to its color and shade. Here it is recommended to use the spectrum of colors and shades and choose more suitable color transitions. The combination of wallpaper by material is no less complex; you can combine wallpaper of several materials, vinyl, paper, wallpaper for painting, non-woven wallpaper, but be sure to take into account the color of this wallpaper. A combination of wallpaper of two texture colors is when wallpaper of several textures and patterns is combined on one wall.

Even more information about choosing the color of wallpaper for decorating a room can be found in the following material:

We make combined wallpaper in rooms

You can combine wallpaper in any room, with any area and lighting. A combination of wallpaper looks much more profitable in large and spacious rooms, because the walls large area, allow you to “accelerate” your imagination and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

But even in small rooms, combined wallpaper Several colors also look good if you maintain the general color scheme and texture of the wallpaper. Combined wallpapers are perfect for covering children's rooms, living rooms, and halls.

In the bedroom, hallway and kitchen, you can also glue combined wallpaper.

Combined wallpapers can be sold ready-made, with combination ideas, but you can make a combination yourself, select the wallpaper:

  • By type of materials;
  • By color and shade;
  • According to the invoice.

The combination of wallpaper colors can have several variations:

  • A simple combination, two colors adjacent in the spectrum;
  • Complex combination, several colors;
  • A bold combination, a combination of opposite colors along the spectrum.

For a room with a small area, it is better to choose light wallpapers and shades; in a large room, you can experiment with color.

Examples of combinations are very different; when combining wallpaper, the predominance of the main color in the interior implies a combination of it with the main shades.

If you create a room in light and calm colors and in one color scheme, you can choose the colors adjacent in the spectrum of yellow and green, for example, and their shades. Well, if the room is decorated with basic dark wallpaper, they need to be combined in opposite colors in the spectrum.

When choosing the idea of ​​combining wallpaper in the interior, you need to be guided by some rules that will help you decorate a room beautifully, correctly and tastefully with wallpaper.

To do this you need to know a few rules:

  • Choose the color of the wallpaper depending on the area and lighting in the room;
  • Do not mix two bright colors of wallpaper in one room;
  • Maintain one color scheme;
  • Dilute the room with small details of certain colors.

The color of the wallpaper should emphasize the advantages of the room, and focus attention on its shortcomings. Therefore, for a small room we choose light wallpaper, and for a large room, dark wallpaper. Two richly vibrant colors even in big room will not find harmony, so combining only two bright colors with each other will not work. If you combine wallpaper of two rich colors, then be sure to make transitions using light or even tone wallpaper. In addition, in a room with combined wallpaper, you need to maintain one color scheme, diluting the interior with small interior details.

In one room you can combine up to five colors and shades, otherwise there will be no harmony in the room.

How to glue combined wallpaper

Having decided on color scheme, you can start gluing combined wallpaper, taking into account all the tips and recommendations. Installing combined wallpaper begins with preparing the walls of the room; it is important that the walls are smooth and free of defects. The calculation of wallpaper for a room must be accurate so that you don’t have to search all the stores for a similar color. Next important stage, this is preparing a roll of wallpaper for gluing. If the wallpaper has an ornament or a pattern that requires selection, you need to correctly adjust the cut to the height and width of the room, corners and joints. Mark paired stripes in advance so as not to confuse them with the rest of the wallpaper. This is difficult to do for wallpaper that is combined independently, in separate stripes; here you need to use a construction tape and a level.

Hanging combined wallpaper is also not easy:

  • It is necessary to maintain the level of the lines when gluing horizontal, vertical and patchwork wallpaper;
  • It is good to glue the joints of the wallpaper;
  • Carefully trim the edges of the wallpaper.

Having carefully prepared the materials for work and work surfaces, wallpapering will take a little time and the work will be done.

It is better not to glue combined wallpapers overlapping; you should avoid overlapping one sheet of paper over another and glue the wallpaper end to end.

What role do combined wallpapers play in the interior?

Combined wallpapers are suitable for the most different interiors, as a self-sufficient decoration of a room.

The abundance of wallpaper choices provides a unique opportunity:

  • Using wallpaper as an independent decorative element;
  • Combination of several styles in one room;
  • Distribution of rooms into zones.

When dividing a room into zones using wallpaper, you need to choose correct colors wallpaper for a comfortable stay in these areas.

Options for combining wallpaper for walls (video)

Using wallpaper you can perfectly decorate one-room apartment or huge Vacation home beyond recognition. Combined wallpaper will help highlight the positive features of the room, hide the shortcomings of the room and surfaces, create a cozy room and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

Combining wallpaper (photo)

Before gluing two types of wallpaper, it is worth studying the theoretical part of the process and the recommendations of designers. Wallpaper is considered the most popular material used to decorate a room. They are low cost and very high technological characteristics. If you want to create a stylish and unusual interior, then it is best to use a combination of several types of canvases.

Why use a combination of wallpaper of two colors in the living room?

Before you start choosing wallpaper for the room, you need to draw up a design project, which will take into account both the color of the furniture and the style of the interior. Next, you can start choosing materials for wall decoration. Using wallpaper of the same color in a room is an outdated technique; a combination of two types of paintings looks much nicer and more original.

Thanks to the combination of two types of wallpaper, you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the room

With this design move you can significantly change appearance rooms. The main thing is to use color and texture combinations of wallpaper correctly.

What results can be achieved by combining wallpaper:

  1. If you correctly hang several types of wallpaper in the room, you will be able to zone the space aesthetically and efficiently. For example, separate the dining area from the recreation area. This function is used to divide studio apartments or spacious living rooms into parts.
  2. Highlighting in the living room interior accent walls. Sticking the brightest canvas on the wall where the TV will hang or the sofa will be located will attract the attention of guests to this part of the room.
  3. Using wallpaper inserts with rich relief, you can hide minor flaws in the walls.
  4. Correctly selected wallpaper companions will visually correct irregular shape rooms.

Using combined wallpaper in the hall, you can have relatively inexpensive materials, create a truly chic interior. The main thing is to be able to choose several options for paintings, with matching colors and textures.

The nuances of choosing wallpaper in two colors for the living room

To ensure that the wallpaper combination does not spoil the living room interior, it is necessary to carefully select color combinations. Companion wallpapers should not only harmonize well with each other, but also favorably emphasize the color of furniture and other interior elements. One more an important condition beautiful design hall is that the shade and texture of the walls should not visually reduce the size of the room.

When buying wallpaper, you should use a table for color combinations

Nuances of choosing wallpaper for the hall:

  1. To visually increase the height of the room, use wallpaper with a vertical pattern to decorate it; these can be ordinary stripes, or an intricate and ornate pattern. You can also combine different wallpapers in vertical stripes on one wall.
  2. For little ones square halls choose light wallpaper. You can combine plain canvases with wallpaper in a small pattern.
  3. To give rectangular hall more regular shape, cover narrow walls with bright or dark wallpaper, and wide ones with light wallpaper. This technique will bring the opposite parts of the room a little closer to each other, adjusting its shape.
  4. In wide rooms you can use a combination of bright wallpaper with large patterns. This design of the walls will make the design more original and unusual.
  5. Bright rooms can be decorated with dark wallpaper. Although many people consider this combination to be depressing, this design actually looks very stylish.
  6. Dark and large halls can be decorated with bright or light wallpaper. In the first case, the interior will become cheerful, and the second option will emphasize the spaciousness that the room has.
  7. All wallpaper used in one room must be in the same style.

These are the main nuances that need to be taken into account when considering room design options. Otherwise, you can only rely on your imagination and taste.

Photo examples of companion wallpaper for the living room

There are different options for decorating a room with several types of wallpaper. Which design is suitable for your room depends on the color of the furniture and the interior style of this room.

Examples from thematic magazines and catalogs will help you decide on the appropriate combination. We have selected the most successful options for you.

When choosing wallpaper companions, you should take into account the size of the room and its style.

A combination of stripes of brown and beige wallpaper on the wall will visually raise the ceilings and add oriental chic to the room. Textiles of a slightly muted emerald and burgundy color, as well as low furniture with golden curved legs, will suit this finish.

You can choose white wallpaper for the loft style brickwork and gray canvases. With artificially created incomplete finishing, furniture in such an interior should speak about the wealth of the owner. Would be appropriate here leather chairs and glass tables.

Photo wallpaper on one wall and plain canvases on the other three is a win-win combination for the room. This design move will allow those in the room to move to the elegant streets of Paris, walk through a green forest or ride a gondola between the houses of Venice.

These are not all possible combinations of different types of wallpaper. Use your imagination and you can create an interior worthy of a luxurious penthouse.

How to hang wallpaper of two colors in a living room: photo with description

When the selection of options suitable for combination in the hall is completed, the question arises of how to properly hang the canvases on the wall. Wallpaper is very easy to attach to walls, but when using materials with different textures and patterns, some problems may arise.

If you combine wallpaper with stripes, try to cut them so that the patterns look complete. Thus, it is best to combine canvases with small, often repeating patterns.

If you are using a combination of wallpaper in dark or bright colors, then keep in mind that the slightest gaps between the canvases will immediately catch your eye. If you are not sure that you can glue the wallpaper perfectly evenly, then contact a professional.

If the room is small, then when decorating it you should give preference to light shades

Hanging wallpaper with different textures is not an easy task. If the canvases have different thickness, then the joints between them will be very noticeable. To hide them, you will have to select baseboards and moldings.

The most important condition for ideally gluing two types of wallpaper is high-quality preparation of the walls. If this is not done, the finish will look untidy, or even fall off the walls.

Preparing walls for wallpapering consists of the following steps:

  • Leveling the wall with gypsum putty;
  • Removing uneven surfaces from a dry putty surface using a spatula;
  • Wall primer;
  • Applying the finishing layer of putty;
  • Sanding the wall with a special mesh;
  • Treating the wall with a primer.

After completing all these steps, you will receive a perfectly flat wall ready for wallpapering of two types. All you have to do is cut the canvases into the necessary parts and glue them to the wall.

Considering big choice finishing materials, it should be noted that wallpaper is the most easy option make the atmosphere of the room original and unique.

Due to the great demand for decorating walls with wallpaper, more and more offers from manufacturers are appearing - new types are appearing that have different structures and designs. At the same time, the possibilities of various combinations are taken into account - on different wallpapers they create patterns and shades that combine with each other, and this makes the choice between different options much easier for gluing.

Today there are many varieties of wallpaper and wallpaper combinations.

The most fashionable now are:

  1. Use two types of wallpaper that have the same color but different tones. This combination is suitable for decorating one or several walls in a room. The best shade options for such wallpaper are beige, gray and blue. Strict shades will be an excellent choice to decorate your office.
  2. Combine plain wallpaper with wallpaper with patterns or ornaments. This option will add dynamics to the interior. Also, using this technique, zoning of the room is carried out, because attention will be focused on a certain area. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that the wallpaper should be well combined in color. When making bold decisions, it is better to consult a professional.
  3. Use wallpaper of different types with patterns. Quite often, wallpaper with ornaments is combined with wallpaper that has horizontal or vertical stripes. Taking into account the compatibility of shades in this case is very important. With wallpaper that has an ornament, a wood theme or wallpaper with geometric patterns also looks beautiful.

Playing with contrasts will also help bring originality to the room. For this purpose, wallpapers that differ in color are used. Emphasis on bright colors will help create zoning. This type of pasting is most common among young people, because in modern style The use of bright contrasting colors is quite popular.

How to beautifully wallpaper a room

In addition to choosing which colors and how to combine, there are many options for gluing them to the walls - depending on the direction, number of types and other nuances.

The technology of wallpapering horizontally is quite popular today. In this case, the wall needs to be divided into two parts and covered with wallpaper of different colors and designs, although there is a tendency to use wallpaper of the same color. Various textures in this gluing option are also relevant. Special borders are used to decorate joints. There are a large variety of them available – paper, wood, plastic, PVC and others. Professional advice teaches that the width of the bottom wallpaper should be at least 1 m wide.

The use of vertical stripes for wall decoration looks quite interesting. This option involves gluing wallpaper in two or more colors, identical in texture and width.

Ideas for this method can be very diverse - you can use both monochrome and contrasting materials.

Selection rules

When choosing wallpaper that has a pattern, you need to ensure that it matches well in design:

  1. An interesting choice is to wallpaper with different sizes and design. It is recommended to stick molding on the joints between such wallpaper; the result is a panel effect and the room takes on an elegant look. This unusual gluing creates interesting zoning.
  2. Highlighting a specific wall is very popular. To do this, we glue accent wallpaper on it that imitates a panel. Often similar methods are used in the design of bedrooms to highlight the wall at the head of the bed.
  3. A rather creative way to paste is to use scraps. In order for everything to look beautiful, you need to glue wallpaper that matches well with each other.

The sticker is applied as follows: first you need to cut scraps from the wallpaper required sizes, then glue them end to end. You can glue either randomly or following a certain sequence. Such an original sticker will add style to any room.

  • For vertical pasting, it is better to use the same type of wallpaper with the same thickness to avoid too pronounced joints;
  • When choosing combinable wallpapers, you should put them next to each other to evaluate how well they combine;
  • When choosing wallpaper with patterns, take into account the features of the room, because they can visually adjust the space.

If there are niches in the room, they can also be decorated with wallpaper. To do this, it is recommended to use either decorated wallpaper or simply a different color.

Pasting wallpaper: interesting ideas for different rooms

An important aspect when choosing wallpaper is the material from which it is made. Now manufacturers offer quite a large selection, the main types are the following.

Paper wallpaper

The most affordable option. Available in a variety of colors, patterns and designs. The advantage of such wallpaper is also its excellent breathability, plus it is an environmentally friendly material. The downside is that they wear out faster than others and that getting rid of them when planning the next renovation is quite difficult.

Vinyl wallpapers

Enough long lasting look wallpaper They look quite attractive and do not wear out for a long time. This a good option for walls with uneven surfaces. The pasted area looks even and smooth. If desired, in the future you can easily apply paint to the wallpaper to change the color.

Non-woven wallpaper

They are new to the market. The advantage of this type is the ease of pasting. They breathe and there is no need to treat them with glue. In addition, when planning your next renovation, it’s quite easy to remove them from the walls.

Textile wallpaper

To create wealth and luxurious interior will fit textile wallpaper. They are very good, the downside is the high cost and the need for additional care.

The choice of wallpaper color is very important, because the pasted wallpaper sets the overall atmosphere of the room.

Selecting wallpaper color

Good influence on nervous system person cool colors. Therefore, dark blue or green tones are best suited for hot-tempered and impulsive people.

Light spots against this background will be inappropriate. It is not recommended for this type of people to use in decoration bright colors(yellow, red, orange, purple, etc.).

Romantic people will love a room whose interior is decorated in warm colors. It is important that they are not too bright, as this can be annoying. Best choice There will be the use of shades of pink, beige, orange.

Depressive tones, which include black, gray, and brown, are best used for decorating small details.

Wallpapering (video)

Wallpaper is good way bring originality to the interior and give it interesting looking. They can be used to decorate any room in the house - they will help create coziness and provide space for creative solutions.



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