How to properly replant flowers into a new pot. How to replant indoor plants correctly? How to properly replant flowers in pots

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Transplanting plants when growing them in closed pots or containers is prerequisite their good growth and development, as well as abundant flowering.

If the flower is in open ground, such a procedure is not necessary, because its roots are not constrained by anything, they grow freely and often occupy a large volume of soil.

At home, the growth of the plant's root system is limited by the flower pot., so the roots may become so crowded that they begin to emerge through the drainage holes or to the surface of the soil. Strong growth of the root system in a small volume first leads to inhibition of the entire flower, and then to its death. But even if indoor flower Already old and growing weakly, he still needs a transplant.

Behind a long period finding a plant in one soil mixture it is greatly depleted, even if regular feeding is carried out. In this case indoor flowers should also be transplanted into new land, although not as often as young people.

In this article you will learn how and when to properly replant indoor flowers and plants at home.

When does a plant need replanting?

If the plant is regularly replanted in fresh earthen mixture, it does not lack nutrients oh and looks beautiful and healthy. But the absence of transplants or their very rare occurrence immediately affects general view indoor plant. It slows down its growth and often drops a significant portion of its lower leaves. Its stems become bare, it loses decorative look. A flowering species do not form buds.

Sometimes, by the appearance of a flower, it is not yet possible to say that it requires replanting, since it gives good growth, and its leaves and stems are normal. But the root system has grown greatly and does not fit in the pot.

Often in such cases, the roots come out through the drainage holes. If this has not happened yet, then, taking the flower out of the pot, you can see that the lump of earth is densely entwined with roots.

Transplantation is also carried out in case of disease of the root system. If the flower does not grow, its leaves turn yellow and lose their elasticity, most likely the root system is affected by rot. This fungal disease can only be prevented at an early stage. In the fight against it, an urgent transplant to new soil after washing the roots and removing their diseased areas.

Tools and materials for transplantation

Before transplanting flowers, you need to take care of everything necessary tools and materials. Required new pot, a set of tools, material for drainage and for making soil mixture.

The flowerpot can be plastic or ceramic, it is only important that the pot was a little larger than the previous one. It should be 2 cm in height and 1.5-2 cm in diameter larger than the old one. Its shape also matters. You need to take a pot that expands at the top, because it will later be easier to remove the plant from it for replanting.

It should not be too high so that moisture does not stagnate in it. It is advisable to buy low pots for succulents that do well in quickly drying soil. You can read more about pots.

For transplantation you will need:

The drainage layer is poured from large or small expanded clay and broken bricks . Expanded clay fraction depends on the size of the pot or tub. Sometimes pebbles or small crushed stone are used. It is advisable to have a large shard (a piece of expanded clay) so that you can conveniently close the drainage hole in the pot.

The soil for the transplanted plant must be prepared in advance.. Each species has its own composition of the soil mixture, which is more suitable for the plant. It needs to be clarified and purchased at the store; you can also mix the soil yourself.

For swamp and moisture-loving plants, more heavy soils, for most other colors - standard substrates. For plants that can withstand drying out, light earthen mixtures are suitable, while succulents require special depleted and very porous soils that allow moisture to pass through well.

Choosing a pot for a plant

Before transplanting a flower into another pot, you need to choose it correctly. When choosing a pot for transplanting, the material of manufacture and its size matter. For many flowers, the material of the pot is the determining parameter. In some pots they grow well, in others they die quickly. The size must also be carefully selected for successful cultivation flower after transplantation.


Ceramics is the most common production material flower pots. Ceramic pots have porous walls through which air penetrates to the roots of the plant and some of the moisture evaporates from the soil. They are indispensable for succulents and other plants that do not tolerate waterlogged soil, since the soil in such pots dries out evenly.

Today, plastic flower pots are becoming increasingly popular.. They are durable, lightweight and have a beautiful appearance. The only drawback of these products is the structure, which does not allow water and air to pass through. Plastic does not “breathe,” so the risk of roots becoming waterlogged increases when growing plants in such pots.

You can also find pots made of glass, stone and metal, and wooden tubs on sale. These containers are suitable for growing only certain plants. They did not receive wide distribution.


Size flower pot very important for the growth and development of indoor plants. The pot should not be too tight. Otherwise, the root system will have nowhere to grow, the development of the entire plant will slow down, and flowering will not occur. However, the pot should not be too spacious, because the soil, which is not developed by the root system, quickly turns sour. Bacteria and fungi multiply in it and infect the roots.

To plant a houseplant, choose a pot size that will easily accommodate its root system.. Also, the pot is chosen taking into account the structure of the roots.

If the root system is shallow, the pot should be wide and shallow. Fibrous roots require tall containers.

Flowers are transplanted into larger pots. Typically, the container is chosen 1-2 cm wider than the previous one, so that there is room for roots to grow.

Time to transplant flowers

It is better to transplant in April or early May

Let's find out when you can replant home flowers. Usually houseplants replanted in the spring. Transplantation can be done from late March to early May.

During this period, the flowers begin to grow intensively, so they tolerate this procedure more easily, and damage to the root system received during it is restored more quickly. In addition, it is in the spring that the plant will need fresh soil to grow into, into which it is transplanted.

Some delicate houseplants are recommended to be replanted in mid-May or even late May. transplanted no earlier than May to ensure good flowering in winter. And the transplant blooming in spring plants is carried out only after flowering. Such flowers do not need to be disturbed when they are growing buds, since after replanting they will not bloom again.

Flowers that do not have a dormant period and grow quickly all year round, for example, and, can be replanted at any time, but in winter, when the room temperature is somewhat reduced and there is a risk of root rot, it is better to refuse replanting.

This article is often read with:

Is it possible to replant indoor flowers and plants in winter? Mowing indoor plants in winter is possible only when it is necessary measure. If there are soil pests in the soil where the flower grows, the soil in the pot turns sour and the plant dies for this reason. In these cases, it must be transplanted immediately.

You can read more about the effect of temperature on flowers. Now you know when it is better to replant indoor plants, but it is important to do it correctly, more on that later.

Plant transplantation process

The simple transplantation process consists of several stages.

Removing a plant from a pot

In order to remove the transplanted plant from the pot with the least damage to the root system, it is necessary to moisten the soil before doing this.

Roots with a lump of wet soil are removed much easier than dry ones. It is best to water the flower and start replanting the next day so that the ground is not too wet.

The potted plant should be carefully turned over and tapped on the bottom of the pot. Usually after this it is easily removed. But difficulties also happen. If the plant cannot be removed, you can use a long thin knife to carefully separate the lump of earth with roots from the pot in several places. This must be done very carefully, but damage to the roots is almost inevitable. If available clay pot, you can simply break it so as not to injure the flower.

Inspection and pruning of the root system

After removing the plant, you need to carefully remove the old soil from its roots without damaging the root system. Then the roots need to be carefully examined and rotten, dry, limp parts removed. Roots with brown spots Be sure to trim to healthy tissue.

All cuts should be sprinkled with charcoal powder to prevent rotting.

If the roots have grown too long, you can trim only the thinnest bottom roots, which will then quickly grow back. In diseased plants, the root system is washed with water, removing all old soil, and all rotten and damaged roots are carefully cut off, sprinkling the sections with coal powder. It is also necessary to inspect the entire plant, cutting off dry leaves and stems.

Preparation of drainage and soil mixture

In a new pot, you need to cover the drainage hole with a shard, and then add a drainage layer to drain the water after watering.

Typically, the thickness of the drainage depends on the type of plant and the size of the pot.. However, even in the smallest pots the drainage layer should be at least 1 cm, and preferably 1.5-2 cm. In large pots it can reach up to 5 cm.

After laying the drainage, a layer of new soil is poured onto it. Before planting the flower, the new pot should be filled a quarter full with fresh earthen mixture.


Take the transplanted plant with one hand and place its root system in the pot. You need to make sure that the flower is located in the center of the pot, and its roots are straightened.

After this, with the other hand they begin to carefully pour the earthen mixture into the pot. The mixture should fall between the roots and evenly fill the container of the pot.

The flowerpot needs to be filled to the top with soil so that the root neck of the flower is at ground level. After this, the soil in the pot must be compacted so that there are no voids left between the roots. The compacted earth will not reach the top by 1.5-2 cm. This is necessary so that when watering the water does not spill out of the pot.

Watering after transplanting

After transplantation, many plants require watering. They are watered abundantly so that the soil shrinks and penetrates better between the roots. The exception is succulents. They are susceptible to rotting of injured roots. Since even with the most careful transplantation, slight damage to the root system is inevitable, transplanted succulents should be left without watering for 2-3 days so that the wounds on the roots can heal.

Transshipment of plants

Sometimes especially tender plants or those that have already started to grow are transplanted by transshipment. Transshipment differs from transplantation in that the old earthen lump is completely preserved.

The roots of the plant, along with all the old soil, are placed in a new, larger pot., and new earth is poured on the sides. Of course, such a substrate in a pot will not be very nutritious, but the root system of the flower will not be damaged, and sometimes this is very important.

Transshipment is often a forced procedure. It allows you to transplant newly acquired plants from temporary pots into stationary ones so that they do not feel the transplant.

What to do if transplantation is not possible

It is not possible to replant very large plants in large pots or tubs. However, the soil in which they grow must be periodically changed to fresh one. Otherwise, it will become increasingly depleted, and as a result the plant will die from lack of nutrients.

The soil in large pots cannot be completely replaced, so you only need to replace upper layer . Remove as much soil as possible from the top down to the roots of the plant, and pour a new nutrient mixture in its place. This procedure can be done annually or even twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Features of transplanting some popular flowers

Transplanting some indoor flowers has its own characteristics. When transplanting such popular types Like succulents, Saintpaulias, ficuses and orchids, you need to observe some nuances that will help you successfully carry out this procedure and help the plant tolerate it more easily.


They are distinguished by a root system that is not too sensitive to transplantation. Their root hairs grow only after watering to absorb moisture.

As the soil dries, they die off, leaving only a thick and not too branched part of the root system. It is not very sensitive to damage, so these species can be replanted by completely removing the old soil from the roots.

Succulents love ceramic pots that are not too tall. After transplanting, they should not be watered for 2-3 days. The roots can be damaged during this procedure, and if moisture gets into the wounds, they quickly rot. But soon all the damage is completely healed.


Or indoor violets They really don’t like transplantation. Their delicate roots suffer greatly from this. And since these plants cannot be overdried, any moisture that gets into the damaged areas of the roots causes them to rot.

Violets are replanted every 2-3 years to low plastic containers. This is done very carefully using the transshipment method, so that the plant does not even feel the transplant. After planting the violet in a new pot, you need to water it a little.


Young ones quickly grow a root system, so they need to be replanted annually. Plants do not tolerate this procedure well. Therefore, they need to be transplanted by transferring them into a spacious and sufficiently deep pot, which will be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

After transplantation, the flower is watered moderately and transferred to partial shade for 2 weeks. But even with these requirements, Benjamin ficuses often completely shed their leaves. Plants lose their decorative appearance, but do not die. With proper care, they soon build up leaf mass.


When replanting orchids, special pots are required. In many species, the roots must be located in the light, since the process of photosynthesis occurs in them. Therefore, transparent plastic or glass pots are suitable for these plants.

Orchids are replanted no more than every 2-3 years. This is a painstaking process.

It is necessary to completely remove the old soil without damaging the root system, and then plant the plant in a pot, filling all the spaces between the roots with special soil made from bark and sphagnum moss. After this, the orchid is not watered for 2-3 days and is transferred to the shade for 2 weeks.

When replanting which plants should you be especially careful?

Among the plants grown in the room, there are many. Particularly poisonous, containing hydrocyanic acid. The juice, if ingested, can cause vomiting, diarrhea and paralysis.

Very poisonous, gloriosa,. The juice of ficus trees, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes burns, bloating, and allergies. Transplantation of such plants should be carried out with great care and with the use of protective equipment.

There are also plants that are not poisonous, but require special attention and caution during transplantation. These are many types of cacti that have easily broken needles. If you touch them carelessly, you can get pricked and get a rotting wound that does not heal for a long time.

When transplanting plants containing poisons, you should only work with protective gloves and goggles. If plant juice gets on unprotected skin, it should be washed off with plenty of water.

After finishing work, wash hands thoroughly warm water with soap.

Protective latex gloves do not protect from sharp cactus needles. When working with cacti, you need to wear thick leather gloves. And to hold the plant, it should be wrapped in a piece of thick paper.

Now you know everything about replanting flowers and how to properly replant a houseplant.

In spring, most indoor plants end their dormant period, they awaken and begin to produce leaves and produce new shoots. At this time of year they really need a dose of nutrients or fresh soil. March and April - perfect time for floral housewarmings. You can learn how to properly replant indoor plants from this article on Lady Mail.Ru.

Rule 1. Prepare a new pot. First of all, plants that turn yellow and dry out need to be replanted. lower leaves, as well as those whose roots have come out of the drainage hole - this indicates that the pot has become small. Any “relocation” begins with preparing a new place of residence, so before transplanting a flower you need to choose the right pot. It should be 2-4 cm taller and wider than its predecessor. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to soak a new clay pot from the store shelf for a few minutes. clean water- it will fill the pores, and the clay will not “take” moisture from the flower. If you find an old pot from under other plants to replace it, then it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Pour drainage into the prepared pot - small pebbles, expanded clay or broken shards (sharp edges down) - in a layer of 2-3 cm. On top of this “pillow” pour a little soil, selected taking into account the characteristics of the plant. For example, cyclamen, hydrangea, gloxinia, and begonia prefer slightly acidic soils, so they need to prepare a mixture of leaf, turf, humus soil and peat. In neutral soil (leaf and humus soil, sand - 4:2:1) violets, ivy, balsam, and tradescantia feel good. Succulents and cacti, including phyllocactus and epiphyllum (aka “Decembrist”), need special soil: for them, leaf and turf soil are mixed, sand, charcoal and broken brick crumbs are added to it. If you find it difficult to choose land, then consult a specialist in the store or take universal primer for indoor plants.

Rule 2. We leave our “familiar” place. An hour and a half before transplanting, the flower must be watered well (the water should appear in the pan), otherwise the dry earthen lump taken out of the pot will crumble and the roots will break off. Then you need to carefully and carefully remove the plant (on a newspaper or oilcloth) from the old container, knocking with your fist on the bottom of the pot. If the flower does not “want” to leave it voluntarily, you need to take a long knife and run the tip along the inner walls of the pot, outlining a circle and separating the roots and soil from the walls. The roots of a “potless” plant should be carefully examined and any damaged, weak or rotten roots should be cut off. By the way, often the lower roots entwine the drainage. There is no need to take this ballast for the new “living space”; it is better to carefully select a clump of pebbles from below. Big bushes during transplantation, you can divide it into 2-3 parts, you can also separate new shoots and plant them in small pots. It wouldn’t hurt to remove the layer on top when replanting. old land- It’s of little use anymore.

Rule 3. In a new place. Holding the plant with one hand and the lump with the root system with the other, lower it into the prepared pot of soil, straighten the roots bent upward or twisted. Holding the plant level, use a scoop (or spoon) to pour soil into the space between the lump and the walls of the pot. In this case, it is necessary to compact the earth along the way so that it settles and there are no voids left. Add soil until it “rises” to the level of the base of the stem. But you need to remember that there should be 1.5-2 cm left to the top edge of the pot - in order to add fertilizing, and so that the water does not overflow when watering. The transplanted flower should be watered well, and the surface should be lightly sprinkled with dry soil. He will need the next portion of water only after a week, but it is advisable to spray the leaves daily. old flower in a new pot you need to put it in the shade for 3-4 days. And when he recovers from the “moving,” he can be returned to his original place, caring for him as before. Some people pinch or trim the ends of the stems after replanting, and this is logical: thanks to improved nutrition and more intense aeration of the soil in the pot, the plant gains a “second wind” and actively develops. Both up and wide.

Rule 4. Special case. It’s good if the reason for replanting the plant is a cramped pot. However, it happens that sick plants need urgent replanting. Signs of illness in green residents of window sills may include: yellow leaves, drying and falling buds. The disease can be caused by rotting roots, pests of the root system, spoiled or contaminated soil. Such plants require not just transportation from one pot to another, but complete cleaning of the old soil. The roots must be carefully freed from the ground, inspected, and the rotten parts must be cut off. Before placing a sick flower in a new fertile environment, it is worth rinsing its roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or root growth stimulants, or sprinkle the roots with crushed charcoal. Indoor plants with weak root systems, such as azalea, campanula, and arrowroot, require especially gentle handling. Many palm trees and fat palms (including Money Tree). You shouldn’t risk replanting if the plant is of solid growth and has been “sitting” in a large pot for many years. When relocating, it can be broken, so with the onset of spring it will be enough to replace its top layer of soil (up to 5 cm in large pots) with fresh substrate. This manipulation is best done by hand.

Rule 5. After the housewarming party. The transplanted plant will, of course, need additional attention for some time. Pruning, watering, “showering”... The soil should not remain dry after replanting. It is also important to provide the flower with good lighting, while not allowing its foliage to come under the “crosshairs” of direct lines. sun rays and drafts, which can easily kill the plant.

All flowers, like people, are different: some are gentle, others are unpretentious, others are capricious... But everyone wants to be loved. And for the care and proper care plants will always respond with gratitude - new shoots, lush foliage and beautiful flowers.

A houseplant can die from many factors: from a genetic disease to unexpected drying out. It is in your hands to monitor their health - follow a number of necessary actions, and you will preserve it for a long time. One of the important activities is transplantation. There is a set strict rules to ensure flower development. Below are the main ones.

When do indoor flowers need replanting?

Before you start replanting, you need to make sure that this is necessary. Transplantation is a huge stress for any representative of the flora. Replacing a lived-in and suitably fertilized pot and soil with a completely new one brings a lot of worries and difficulties.

You can determine whether replacement is necessary based on two main indicators:

  1. The plant becomes cramped in the pot. It’s easy to find out: just remove the flower from the pot along with a lump of earth. If the root system tightly entwines the entire lump, then it’s time to choose a larger container.
  2. The earth has become musty and has a characteristic swampy smell. This is even easier to determine. The plant should not be allowed for a long time was in such soil.
  3. The flower stopped growing. Its growing season is shortened and development is practically absent. Among a number of reasons for this condition, there may be a need for a transplant.

Best time to transplant

Replanting into a new pot and fresh soil can be divided into 2 types:

  • Planned.
  • Emergency.

If the container is damaged or is not at all suitable for normal growth, then it must be replaced, regardless of the time of year and stage of development.

In a standard situation, the timing of transplantation is affected by the stage of the plant's growing season. Optimal period considered early spring. The body comes out after winter during the period active growth and parts of it have not yet begun rapid growth. Therefore, owners prefer to change the soil and pot after winter.

Among the additional parameters, some owners monitor the phases of the moon - during the growing disk it is best to work with plants.

When is it better not to transplant?

There must be precise indications for transplantation. Young organisms need to change the soil every year. Mature ones get by once every 2-3 years.

There are 4 periods of time when replanting indoor plants is not recommended:

  1. During rest. IN winter time it completely stops the flow of all processes, and the load in the form of a transplant can lead to the death of the body.
  2. In the flowering stage. During the most active stage of development during the year, the plant directs all resources to the creation of seeds and fruits. There is simply no strength left for transplantation. You can provoke exhaustion of the body.
  3. Immediately after purchase (transportation).
  4. Transplantation is not allowed in case of illness. At this time, it is weakened and may not be able to cope with such a load.

Carefully monitor the development of the flower and build a replanting schedule in accordance with this. Replacing the soil and moving it to a new pot at one of the listed time intervals is only permissible in an emergency (broken container, critical condition of the flower due to poor soil) and should be done with extreme caution.

Features and rules for replanting indoor plants

The technology for replanting indoor plants is divided into 3 types depending on the depth of work and soil replacement:

  • Complete transplant.
  • Transferring the earthen clod into a new container.
  • Replacement of the top layer of soil.

In the first case, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and cleaned of soil particles. After this, the organism is placed in prepared soil.

The most common method of replanting is transshipment. To do this, prepare the pot and move the entire lump from the old to the new.

Partial replacement of the existing soil allows you to stimulate the growth of the flower and provide it with new necessary minerals and elements. You need to loosen and carefully pull out a layer of 4-5 centimeters from the top of the lump and pour fresh mixture in its place. Be sure to water thoroughly afterwards.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

Replanting a houseplant requires the gardener to strictly follow the sequence of actions and pay attention to every detail. In the process, they are highlighted next steps(in chronological order):

  1. After deciding on the need for replanting, you must prepare the entire list of required tools and items: fresh soil, a pot, a watering can, a spatula, etc. You should not waste time looking for the right element for the job - the plant should not be left out of the ground for a long time.
  2. The plant needs to be watered abundantly. An hour after watering, remove the earthen ball along with the plant from the pot. To do this, turn the container over and tap the edges of the bottom. In case of difficulties, help yourself with a knife or a special flat spatula. The goal is to cause as little damage to the soil as possible and preserve its structure.
  3. Pour drainage into the new pot (shards, expanded clay), having previously laid a drainage hole.
  4. We install the removed earthen lump into the container. It is important to place the plant strictly vertically for normal development. You will definitely have gaps between the lump and the walls of the pot. They should be covered with prepared moist soil.
  5. We are compacting the soil. Use your fingers to press down the bulk soil and form an even horizon of soil.
  6. After final placement of the flower, water it generously and place it in a place protected from open sunlight. Shelf life: at least 1 week. Watering should be done very carefully, and the leaves will have to be sprayed every day.

Attention! When preparing new soil, consult a specialist. Even the most best mixture may have a negative impact on development a separate type. Therefore, be careful to provide the specific type of organism with suitable conditions for growth and development.

Care after transplant

You have repotted a houseplant into a new (or cleaned) old pot. The soil was replaced. Now it is important to provide him with care in the first period after the work.

To do this you should do the following:

  • Constant spraying and watering of the soil. You cannot oversaturate the soil with moisture, but periodically providing the plant with water is extremely important for development.
  • Placing the organism in a special greenhouse. This will be required if damage to the flower structure is detected during transplantation.
  • Adding special preparations to irrigation water. They should be used only if there are clear factors indicating this.
  • Do not apply fertilizers to fresh soil for 2–3 months.– this will lead to oversaturation with vitamins and depression of the body.

Immediately after replanting, the plant will get used to the new conditions, so you should not expect rapid growth. On the contrary, most likely there will be a stop and slow development. Do not worry! After a short time, all processes stabilize.

Basic mistakes

When working, it is important to take into account his needs for transplantation and provide him optimal conditions. There are a number of common mistakes among flower growers that lead to negative consequences(disease, decreased growth rate, death):

  • Incorrect selection of soil type and mixture composition. This limits the supply of nutrients and disrupts the required balance of air and water. For the full development of a flower, the soil must meet the requirements of a particular species.
  • Replanting while preserving the transport soil. Often, flower growers sell plants in special mixture, which is not suitable for growing on long time. Therefore, you will have to completely get rid of the unknown soil and replace it with a new, suitable mixture.
  • You cannot prune the plant the day before, during, or immediately after replanting. This will cause him double stress and may lead to death.
  • Excessive moisturizing and adding special products. Most plants do not need vitamins and other substances during the replanting process. These drugs are necessary only and exclusively in case of damage and disease of the body. They must not be abused!
  • When transplanting, it is important to maintain the depth of the position. If you place it deeper than in the previous pot, it will limit the growth of the flower. With less depth, the root system may crawl out.

Even experienced flower growers make annoying mistakes. Prepare for replanting - study the characteristics of a particular species and observe its behavior in the first weeks after being placed in new soil.

  • Gradually increase the size and volume of the pot. A sharp jump to large containers will lead to slower growth.
  • The clay pot should be placed in water overnight, and fill the drainage hole with shards before adding new soil.
  • Choose soil taking into account the preferences of a particular species. Universal mixtures may not meet the requirements, so flower growers resort to making their own compositions with the obligatory addition of peat.
  • If the roots are too tight around the earthen ball or the root system is underdeveloped, then you will need to carefully clean it of adhering soil using a knife or fork.
  • Only adapted plants that have already become comfortable after transportation can be replanted. You should not change the soil in the first days after purchasing a flower!
  • Be sure to place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot(its thickness varies depending on the type of flower).
  • Each species requires a special attitude towards its root system: some plants require root pruning, in others it is strictly forbidden to trim the shoots. Check with specialists for handling roots.
  • The best pot material is clay. It ensures proper air exchange and simplifies the development of the plant and working with it. Plastic analogues often cause delayed development and disease.

Subject to the listed rules your plant will live the entire allotted period and will develop correctly and naturally.

In order for plants to grow and develop well, they need to be looked after regularly. Depending on the type, each of them requires certain conditions growing. Replanting indoor plants is one of the main measures for their normal growth and well-being.

Why do you need to replant indoor flowers?

Plants develop in the cramped space of a flower pot. Root system Over time it increases in size, the soil loses beneficial features, so house plants require replanting. In this case, the soil is replaced partially or completely. You can determine that there is a need for such an event when thin roots appear peeking out from drainage holes flower pot. They signal that the roots are already cramped in the container.
In addition to plant transplantation, carried out during a dormant period favorable to them, there are emergency cases requiring an out-of-hours transplant.

There may be different reasons for this:

  • roots rot;
  • the earth acquires an unpleasant odor;
  • replacing a broken pot;
  • you need to replant the purchased one growing in peat pot imported copy.

If urgent measures are not taken, indoor flowers may develop poorly and even die.

What time of year is best to replant flowers?

Most best period When it is recommended to replant indoor plants - the end of dormancy. Soon they will begin active vegetation, so stress is not tolerated so painfully. You must follow the recommendations of specialists developed for each type, which indicate the specific timing and frequency of required transplants. Parameters such as age, flowering time and others are taken into account.

General recommendations on the frequency of flower replanting: plants young and those that are characterized fast growth, should be replanted annually, adults - after two to three years, growing in a tub - once every four to five years. The deadlines for some species are set strict, while other flowers are replanted from spring until summer.

Spring is the most favorable time when indoor plants can be replanted. Most of them begin to grow at the end of February. Spring transplant often combined with vegetative propagation and pruning. Weak and thickened shoots are removed, and shoots that are too long are trimmed. This technique stimulates the growth of lateral branches, the plant recovers faster, the crown becomes denser, and abundant flowering is observed.

They also practice replanting indoor plants in the fall, when there are still warm sunny days, which promote rapid recovery after a traumatic operation. Most often, plants are replanted whose roots have grown too much over the summer or, conversely, have begun to rot due to frequent watering. Often the cause is compacted, infertile soil, which requires immediate replacement. Another reason is to plant indoor flowers in pots that grow in open ground in the summer.

Many gardeners use moon calendar to identify the most auspicious days for replanting indoor plants. The phases of the moon and zodiac signs influence their further development. Thus, flowers transplanted in the waxing moon phase, when it is in the constellations of Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, and Scorpio, grow well.

Preparatory work

Prepare everything you need in advance. They purchase soil for each type of indoor flowers and disinfect it. They stock up on drainage - expanded clay, pebbles, coarse sand, shards, charcoal, etc. are suitable for this purpose. Select suitable flower pots.
In cases where the plants have grown significantly, pots are selected larger than the previous ones. If you plan to remove some of the damaged roots, take a container smaller than the previous one. All pots are washed thoroughly. The plants are watered the day before the event. Cooking workplace: the table is covered with film or newspapers.

Replanting indoor flowers

The procedure is carried out in two ways - transplantation or transshipment, in which the earthen lump is not disturbed.


The transshipment method is used for the following plants:

  • suffering from the destruction of the earthen coma;
  • young, intensively developing;
  • adults, large, negatively reacting to root damage.

Recommendations on how to replant plants using the transshipment method are that the ball of soil around the roots is not disturbed. The plant is taken out of the pot, transferred to another, placed at the desired level, adding fresh substrate on top of the drainage and on the sides. If such an operation is carried out in autumn or winter, when the plants are dormant, the harm from it will be minimal.


The flower is carefully removed from the container. If it is small, the palm is placed on the surface of the soil, with the stems of the plant placed between the fingers. With the other hand, turn the container upside down and lightly tap on its surface to make it easier to remove the flower. Thanks to such measures, he, along with a clod of earth, will end up in the palm of his hand. If the indoor flower feels quite well, you can change not the entire substrate, but only part of it.

The roots with a lump of earth are placed in a bag to protect them from drying out. The pot is freed from drainage and washed. Return the drainage to its place and pour some fresh soil on top of it. The top layer is removed from the earthen clod until the outer roots are exposed. Carefully place the plant in the pot, carefully adding new substrate from the sides and top, while lightly compacting it. The earth is watered.

How to properly replant indoor plants with a complete replacement of the substrate?

First, they are taken out of the pot, the roots are freed from the soil and examined. Sick and damaged ones are carefully trimmed and the sections are sprinkled with powder. charcoal. To maintain a balance between underground and aboveground parts Green shoots are also trimmed.

A drainage layer of approximately 2–3 cm is placed at the bottom of the pot. For flowers that cannot tolerate excess moisture, drainage can occupy up to a third of the volume of the pot. Fresh soil is poured on top in a “mound”, the plant is placed on it, the roots are evenly distributed down the side surfaces of the soil. Holding the stem with one hand, pour the earth with the other.

It is necessary to calculate so that the upper roots are covered with 2 cm of soil. Flowers are watered, except for some types of cacti and specimens with rotten roots. The substrate should be slightly moist, so you can water the cacti after a few days. For ease of watering, pots are always filled with soil not to the brim, but 1–1.5 cm below the edge.

Any replanting causes concern, so after replanting, the indoor plant should be placed in a greenhouse for 4-5 days - a shaded, warm place. There are light-loving specimens that require a fairly bright place, but at the same time direct exposure to the sun's rays is excluded. When asked whether it is possible to replant flowering plants, the answer is negative. After such stress, they take a long time to recover.

Over time, the plant, being in one pot, not only grows, but also exhausts everything useful material located in the ground. Therefore, if you begin to notice that the plant has stopped growing, the soil quickly dries out, although you regularly feed your green pet - this is a signal that it is time to replant the plant. Also, one of the signs indicating that a plant requires 100% replanting is the roots of the plant that have grown through the drainage hole.
When do you need to replant flowers and when can you replant indoor flowers?
Is it possible to replant flowers in winter? Definitely not! It is best to do this in the spring, so that before the onset of the dormant period, the roots of the plant have time to develop well. And also, the plant transplanted at this time will receive sufficient light and heat.
IMPORTANT: Plants fall under the exception during flowering - since when transplanted, flowers and buds may completely fall off.

How to determine that a houseplant needs replanting?

1) When to replant a flower after purchase? Firstly, a plant newly purchased from a store requires mandatory replanting.
Often, flowers are sold in stores in shipping pots, which are mainly filled with a soil substitute. Of course, if you want your plant to grow for a long time, then it needs to be replanted within 2 weeks. Don’t rush to replant the flower on this day; give it a couple of days of acclimatization in your apartment.
2) When is the best time to replant indoor flowers? Secondly, perennials They need a transplant at least once every two years. These include: fuchsias, begonias, pelargonium, primrose, cineraria and many acanthus, lily. After all, for some slowly growing plants, it is enough to replant once every 3 years, but for cacti, only once every 5 years.

3) When to replant home flowers? Thirdly, replanting is necessary when the size of the plant's root system does not correspond to the size of the pot. To do this, carefully remove the plant from the pot and look at the earthen lump; if the earth is almost invisible and everything is densely entwined with roots, then you need to unconditionally replant the plant!

How to buy pots for indoor plants?

For replanting, you should buy pots for indoor plants, so that their diameter is 3 cm larger than the previous one.
Today, the market offers us 2 types, namely:
- Plastic pots for flowers;
- Inexpensive ceramic flower pots;

So in turn , ceramic pots, heavier than plastic ones - this makes them stable, but complicates carrying and replanting the plant. Although clay is porous, it retains harmful minerals and allows air to pass through, but it also absorbs moisture. As a result, plants require abundant watering. More distinctive feature- this is the price for such pots, often several times more!
And here, plastic pots, are low cost and very light. At the same time, the range of choice of pots, with various forms, colors and sizes, in comparison with ceramic ones, are much larger. However, plastic pots will not protect you from inept handling of the plant, namely: with too much watering and excessive fertilization, the soil may become waterlogged and harmful minerals may accumulate in it.

How to properly replant indoor flowers bought in a store?

When replanting, there must be several holes at the bottom of the pot to drain excess water. If the pot you purchased does not have a hole, then you will have to make one. It's good if the pot is made of plastic. To do this you will need to take a nail, use pliers and heat it over gas stove. Then do 3-4 holes at the bottom of the pot. Do everything extremely carefully so as not to get hurt or damage the pot.
Before planting the plant in a new clay pot, the pot should be kept in water for several hours. This is done so that the pot does not take away moisture from the plant. And we must not forget about the soil that is well selected for the flower.
Before replanting a purchased flower, you first need to know how to properly replant an indoor flower. After all, before replanting, you need to put several small pebbles or clay shards or pieces of broken brick on the bottom of the pot. This is done so that the holes for draining water do not become clogged with earth. Sprinkle some sand on top and then sprinkle some earth on top.
level 2-3 cm.

How to remove a flower from a pot for replanting?To do this, turn the pot with the plant upside down and holding the plant with your hands, tap the edges of the pot on the table. If nothing works and the plant does not want to leave the pot, then carefully use a knife to separate the roots from the wall of the pot. The most important thing is not to rush, so as not to harm the plant. Damaged and rotten roots - cut off.


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