How to properly grow seedlings of any vegetables. Early varieties of tomatoes

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Planting vegetable plants for seedlings is a procedure that all gardeners living in temperate climates face. Without this, it is impossible to harvest a rich harvest, especially for crops with a long growing season. Despite the fact that growing seedlings looks like a straightforward, simple task, this process requires certain knowledge and skills.

What plants are sown for seedlings

The feasibility of growing seedlings is determined by the fact that seedlings are less susceptible to harmful factors such as bad weather or pest attacks than seeds. Seedlings are not so easy to “suppress” weeds; they provide more early harvest. In addition, in cool areas with a short summer period, plants with a long growing season can only be grown using seedlings. Planted this way following crops:

  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin;
  • celery (root);
  • parsley;
  • cauliflower, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage;
  • squash, zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • basil;
  • chard;
  • lemon balm;
  • marjoram;
  • hyssop;
  • tarragon, etc.

What and when to plant

What seedlings are planted in January? During the first month of the year, gardeners carry out pre-sowing, preparatory work, which include preparing the soil and containers for planting, purchasing, sorting seeds, and checking their germination. In the last ten days of January (from about the 20th-21st), you can sow early cucumbers for a greenhouse on a windowsill at home.

Sowing seeds in February is suitable for root celery (early in the month). From the 10th, eggplant and pepper seeds are planted. Around the same time, you can sow greenhouse tomato seedlings. From the third ten days of February, seedlings of chard, basil, and parsley begin to be grown on the windowsill. At the end of winter, in addition, gardeners plant seeds of early cucumbers.

March plantings involve the use of white cabbage, cauliflower and tomato seeds. The latter, like leeks or sweet peppers, can be sown in the first ten days of the month. Cabbage is planted a little later, around March 11-15. Sowing is being completed vegetable crops in the middle of spring. What do Russian summer residents plant in April? In the first half of the month, seeds of marjoram, lemon balm, lettuce, tarragon, hyssop, and basil are sown. The first 2 decades of April - perfect time plant seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash. From the middle of the month, cucumbers are grown for the ground.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in 2018

The time for sowing seedlings depends on many factors, including weather conditions, territorial location of the site, days of the lunar cycle, etc. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. Climate. This is a key factor to determine when to plant seedlings in 2018. The easiest way to navigate is according to V. I. Kuznetsov’s scheme, the method of which is based on 2 main terms - “Cold” and “Warmth”. The cold time of sowing seedlings is the stage when cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground ( early cabbage, etc.), and in closed soil (greenhouses and greenhouses) - heat-loving tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers. The warm sowing period is the time determined by the date of the end of the last frost. It is suitable for planting seedlings of heat-loving plants in open ground.
  2. Territorial placement. Each region is located in one or another climate zone. Depending on the latter, the favorable time for sowing seeds for seedlings varies.
  3. Moon calendar. The basic principle of planting is this: after the new moon, you need to plant crops with above-ground fruits, and after the full moon, root crops are sown. If you follow this principle, each month the vegetable grower will have 13-15 days to plant a specific plant. At the same time, on the day of the full moon and the 2 days closest to it, you should not plant anything. During the new moon and the next couple of days it is not recommended to sow root crops, but for plants with above-ground fruit growth this time is considered ideal.

Dates for planting vegetable seedlings - table

Based on the climate conditions in your area, the time to plant the seeds will vary. Below are the average periods favorable for sowing vegetable crops. The proposed data are approximate; to more accurately determine the time of sowing, it is recommended to try the countdown method (the germination time of seeds of specific plants is taken into account).

Type of culture

Southern regions

Central Black Earth

Middle lane

Siberia, Ural

Far East


Third ten days of March

White cabbage

Early March (until the 15th)

Beginning of May (until the 10th)

Beginning of April (until the 15th)


Table for sowing flowers for seedlings

The movement of juices and other processes in plants are closely related to the lunar cycle. This is due to light and electromagnetic impulses perceived by colors. The actions of the gardener, coordinated with these processes, can significantly increase the yield and duration of flowering of crops. Below, a table for planting seedlings is offered for gardeners, which will allow you to find out about favorable days for sowing.

Favorable days


When to plant pepper seedlings

For this crop, only the seedling method of cultivation is suitable, since the period between the appearance of the first shoots and fruiting of pepper is long (takes 120-150 days). The plant is transplanted into open ground when it is 60-80 days old and the first buds appear on the bush. The time to plant pepper comes when the surrounding temperature regime is 6-10 degrees at night and 12-15 during the day. At the same time, the soil has time to thaw and warm up to an optimal state suitable for planting crops.

It is better that pepper seedlings are planted not in January, but in February or early March. To determine the timing of sowing seedlings, it is necessary to take into account that the crop is moved into open ground 50-70 days after sowing, when the first buds appear. A couple of weeks earlier, the sprouts can be planted in a greenhouse, while the seeds for seedlings are planted in early February. If you want to plant peppers in January, young seedlings must be provided with additional lighting using phytolamps in order to increase the daily duration of exposure to the plant daylight.

When subsequently planting sprouts in a greenhouse, it is necessary to provide them with additional heating in May, when there are still frosts at night and low temperatures. This is important because pepper is a very heat-loving plant that needs protection from the cold. Favorable days when to plant seedlings in 2018 are:

  • January 20-21;
  • January 25-26;
  • January 29.

Planting tomatoes

Tomatoes require sowing as seedlings, since this is a southern heat-loving crop, and this growing method makes it possible to obtain a harvest in a short summer. This explains why tomatoes in Russia are not sown with seeds. Tomato seedlings are planted at home in certain days, calculated according to the Lunar calendar and taking into account weather conditions. Tomatoes are planted in open ground after 45-60 days of growth, when the stems have reached a height of 20-30 cm, have 5-7 leaves and a flower vine.

Knowing the weather conditions of your area of ​​residence, you can approximately predict when in the spring the soil will warm up to 12-15 degrees and the risk of return frosts will disappear. Approximately 65 days are taken from this time to determine the date for planting tomatoes. The time to plant tomato seedlings in 2018 depends on the region: the timing varies from April in the south of the country to early June in the north. For gardeners from central Russia best time The date for planting is May.

A couple of weeks before the planned planting of tomatoes in open ground, the seedlings begin to harden by taking them outside: at first the “walks” are short, then the time the plants spend on the street is increased, accustoming them to direct sunlight. Before planting tomatoes summer cottage, loosen and moisten the soil. When planting sprouts in the holes, as a rule, mineral fertilizers are applied (feeding includes all the microelements necessary for the crop).

It is better to plant tomatoes on a warm, cloudy day, and it is advisable to provide them with shading for the first few days. Between the bushes low-growing varieties you need to leave 30 cm, while the gaps between the rows are 70 cm. For tall plants, more space is required: there should be at least 60 cm between the bushes, and the intervals between the rows are 130-140 cm. Planted tomatoes are pressed with earth, moistened, and mulched sand, sawdust, peat.

Sowing eggplants

To obtain a rich harvest, it is important to observe the timing of sowing the seeds of the plant. Since eggplant is a heat-loving crop, it is easier to grow it through seedlings. Seed preparation includes:

  1. Testing for suitability (germination). To do this, they are placed in a bag and warm water for a day, then take it out and leave it in a warm place for 5 days, constantly moistening the fabric. If five out of ten seeds germinate, the material is suitable for sowing.
  2. Treatment. The seed is dipped in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then washed with water.
  3. Feeding. Dissolve 1 tsp in a liter of water. wood ash or nitrophoska, where seeds are placed for a day.
  4. Germination. The prepared seed is placed on a saucer for a couple of days until it hatches.

It should be 60 days before planting the crop in a permanent place. In the Moscow region, the appropriate time is mid-February - early March. The best yield is obtained if the seedlings are 70-80 days old by the time of planting. Sowing the seeds of the crop is allowed only in a moderately moist substrate. There is not enough oxygen in wet soil, so sprouted sprouts will die. Sowing in boxes is carried out with germinated seeds in rows with an interval of 10 cm between them and to a depth of 0.5 cm.

After being introduced into the soil, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of loose soil. They germinate after 2 weeks at a temperature of at least 23 degrees. The optimal time for sowing is:

  • February 19, 20, 27, 28;
  • March 18, 19, 27, 28;
  • April 23, 24.

It should be taken into account that eggplants have a longer growing season (even early ripening ones) than other crops. It is better to plant them earlier than tomatoes or peppers. After germination, the box is placed on a well-lit windowsill for a week (optimal temperature is from 14 to 16 degrees). This is necessary for the seedlings to stretch out and the roots to become stronger. Picking is carried out after the appearance of 2-3 leaves. After the plant is planted in peat pots or another container, deepening them to the cotyledon leaves.

When to sow cabbage

Not all commercial peat mixtures are suitable for this vegetable, since cabbage loves acidic soils. It is better to prepare the substrate for cabbage yourself by mixing turf soil with good humus 1:1 and adding ½ cup of wood ash (the amount is indicated per bucket of substrate). The ash will enrich the soil with the necessary components and prevent the appearance of blackleg in seedlings.

It is important to choose the right time for planting cabbage seeds; it depends on the time of planting it in the ground. Many summer residents plant 45-60-day-old sprouts of early cabbage crops on the site at the end of April, so seedlings should be sown in mid-February or early March. So early dates planting is dictated by the climate characteristic of the southern and central regions of Russia: in May, the heat inhibits the development of the crop, so it is important that the plant is in favorable conditions for as long as possible (at moderate temperatures and high humidity air).

If it is possible to plant cabbage under temporary shelter, seedlings are sown earlier. Late varieties of vegetables are often grown without picking, so their seedling period is reduced to 30-45 days. Favorable days for sowing cabbage in 2018 are the following:

  • February 5-8, 19-22;
  • March 7, 8, 18, 20, 21;
  • April 4-6, 8-10, 20-23;
  • May 8, 12, 19-24.

The seeds are pre-treated, for which they need to be soaked in water heated to 50 degrees, and after 5 minutes transferred to a container with cold water. Thanks to this procedure, the seeds are treated against pathogens of pathogenic fungi and other bacteria. A few days before planting the plant, water the soil in the seedling box. When sowing, grooves 1.5 cm deep are formed (the optimal interval between them is 3-4 cm) and moistened. After placing the seeds in the ground, the beds are filled with soil mixture, its surface is slightly compacted.

The boxes are covered with film/glass and placed in a warm place. Seeds begin to germinate at low temperatures, but in warm conditions the sprouts are more friendly and develop faster. It is not recommended to water the soil before germination: the seeds have enough pre-sowing moisture reserves. The emerging seedlings should immediately find a cool, actively lit place (balcony, loggia, veranda), where the temperature, even during the day, remains at 8-10 degrees Celsius.

Cucumber planting dates

This is a capricious and demanding plant that requires compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and taking into account calendar changes and weather conditions. At the time of purchase seed material(you can buy it either in a specialized store or by ordering it in an online store) you definitely need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s information about this product, since depending on the variety, cucumbers are sown at different times. If you ignore this fact, the seedlings may outgrow.

Different varieties have different fruit ripening times. For the early ones, 40-55 days are enough, for the mid-season ones – 55-60 days, and for the late ones – more than 2 months. So, to determine the time when it is best to plant cucumbers, it is worth adding 3-5 days to the specified time. Taking this into account, we can conclude that early varieties of vegetables in a temperate climate zone should be sown from mid-May, late varieties - at the end of April. It is optimal to plant mid-season cucumbers in early May. Favorable days for sowing in 2018:

  • February 16-18, 21, 22, 25, 26;
  • March 20-21, 24-26;
  • April 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28;
  • May 18, 19, 24-26;
  • June 14, 15, 21-22.

The soil for sowing the plant should be nutritious and light, since cucumbers need regular watering to prevent stagnation of liquid and subsequent rotting of the roots. It is better to grow the vegetable in the one offered by specialized stores, or prepare the substrate yourself by mixing the same amount:

  • peat or leaf soil;
  • turf land;
  • sawdust;
  • humus.

Three days before, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with the drug “Pervikur” (10 ml of product per 7 liters of water). Plants are watered with the prepared solution in order to avoid root rot during seed germination. Because cucumbers form surface system roots with multiple thin shoots, when growing the crop you need to plant the seeds in different containers. Acceptable types of containers in which vegetables can be planted are:

  • plastic cassettes (consist of individual cells interconnected, some are equipped with lids and a tray, easily cut with scissors if necessary);
  • small cardboard cups (ideal for growing cucumber seedlings, as they allow plants to be planted without releasing the roots from the container, but require an additional tray for watering due to the rapid evaporation of moisture);
  • peat tablets (they contain all the substances necessary for the development of the plant, but the container quickly becomes too small for the sprouts, so they are transplanted into larger containers);
  • plastic cups (drainage holes you need to form it yourself; when planting, the containers are cut with scissors without damaging the root system.

When there is about a month left before planting, the seeds should be placed near heating device for warming up - this will ensure friendly shoots and the absence of barren flowers in the future. Afterwards, soak the seeds in water with nitro and ash for the whole day. Rinse the seed and wrap it in a damp cloth to swell, leaving for 2 days. To ensure that plants are not afraid of temperature changes and are hardy, place the swollen seeds in the refrigerator for a day (the freezer is not suitable). If you are planting hybrids, you do not need to do the last step.


I remember my first experience of growing seedlings, it was both exciting and joyful at the same time: a new exciting hobby appeared - vegetable growing. In the first year I raised good seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, leeks.
In the article I collected my observations as a beginner; I hope it will be useful for beginning summer residents to read.

Preparing the land for seedlings

Preparing the land for seedlings begins in the fall. Don't be afraid to stock up on too much land, there's no such thing as too much. If you prepare 10 buckets for seedlings, you certainly won’t go wrong. It is convenient to prepare the mixture in buckets, and to transport it home, pour it into double tightly tied bags. You can store the soil on an unheated balcony or loggia; Siberian frosts below -40 will disinfect the soil in this way; I’m too lazy to warm up the soil in the oven.

Ingredients: well-ripened humus 2 parts (determined visually - black, like chernozem, without the remains of unrotted plants), simple garden soil 1 part (best taken from beds where legumes or green manure grew). For peppers you can take more humus, for eggplants even more, they are the most demanding of soil fertility. Add a glass of wood ash and about 1 kg of clean sand to a bucket of the mixture. Instead of half the dose of ash, you can add 25 g of superphosphate; if there is no ash at all, you can add 50 g of superphosphate instead. It is important to check if there are earthworms in the ground - they are useful only in the country, and in small containers they can spoil delicate roots. Ideally, you can sift the soil.

Grab some clean sand; it will be useful for sprinkling around drooping stems in case of overwatering of seedlings and the first signs of blackleg disease appearing.

If you didn't have time to cook soil mixture yourself, then purchased soil and sand are also suitable. I tried and special compounds for each type of vegetable, and universal primer- Liked everything.

The soil must be brought from the balcony 5-7 days before the start of work so that it thaws well. When weeds begin to sprout in the soil, it is considered ready for sowing. 4-5 days before the sowing date, you need to spread the soil in a container and pour hot water with potassium permanganate, the proportion is approximately 2 g per 10 liters of water.

Prepare containers of different sizes in advance. Many people buy peat pots, but I read that the soil in them often dries out. I use containers 8-10 cm high for leeks, and for peppers, eggplants and tomatoes before the first pick - disposable 200 ml cups and 250 g plastic sour cream containers. It is better to put transparent cups in an opaque box, since it is better for plant roots to be in the dark. I experimented with the sizes of containers and came to the conclusion that both large ones - 7-8 cm in height, width, length - and regular 200 ml cups are suitable for peppers and eggplants; for tomatoes from the first picking to the second, 200 ml cups are also suitable, but after the second picking, large containers are needed so that the roots have room to grow, for example, trimmed 1 liter milk tea bags.
It is very advisable to pierce the bottom of the containers: you can use an awl, 2-3 punctures. Regarding drainage: I tried growing both without it and with expanded clay drainage, I didn’t notice any difference.

What else can be useful for seedlings?

An opaque film for covering the drawers and a container for settling the water are required, or a watering can can be used. Specially measured the rigidity of our tap water- it turned out to be very hard, it leaves stains on the surface of the earth. A spray bottle with a regulator for two positions turned out to be convenient - one stream and spray. Old trays will come in handy so that you don’t have to carry cups one at a time to the loggia and back, and so that the cups drain onto pallets and not onto window sills. I also found a room thermometer useful - for a beginner it is difficult to determine by eye the air temperature on a windowsill or loggia, but for plants it is very important to observe the temperature regime.

If the windows do not face south, you will need a fluorescent lamp for illumination, or better yet several.

If you intend to feed and are not against mineral fertilizers, then you will need potassium permanganate, “Ideal”, superphosphate, urea, nitrophoska, boric acid. To prepare Bordeaux mixture for the prevention of late blight in tomatoes: copper sulfate, slaked lime or soda ash (100 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the volume is brought to 5 liters, in another container in 5 liters of water 100 g of slaked lime or soda ash is diluted , mix slowly, pour the first solution into the second, not vice versa; Bordeaux mixture cannot be stored).

How can a beginner decide on seed varieties?

The most reliable thing is to consider vegetable plantings from experienced neighbors in the country, ask them about the characteristics of the varieties, and also read the advice of experienced summer residents in your region. The image on the seed packaging is always beautiful, but you need to know how the crop will behave in the conditions of its native land. Don’t forget to write down the names of varieties after excursions to neighboring plots.

To be on the safe side, it is better to choose not one or two, but several proven varieties - with good germination, uniform ripening, and resistance to many diseases. Read seed packages carefully.

Select mid-season and early ripening varieties peppers, eggplants and tomatoes to treat yourself to your first fruits at the end of July, and maybe earlier. If you have greenhouses, garden passion and time, buy late-ripening varieties of tomatoes. Late-ripening peppers and eggplants in Siberia do not have time to ripen, so if there is no heated greenhouse, then there is no need to risk it.

For myself, I wrote out the following most praised varieties, but for the sake of experiment, I also bought 1-2 varieties of each crop simply according to the label I liked.

Peppers: Red Knight (aka Red Knight), Belladonna (aka White Lady), Swallow, Atlant F1 (the prefix F1 means a hybrid, usually high-yielding, not requiring pre-sowing treatment, but subsequently seeds from hybrid fruits are not used to produce their own), Star East, Shanghai, Aristotle, California miracle (though the latter has low germination rate). These varieties are thick-walled.

Eggplant: Epic F1, King of the North F1, King of the Market F1, Mirabella, Black Beauty.

Tomatoes for salads and general purpose: Bull's Heart (similar to Ox Ears), Miracle of the Earth, Mazarin, Orange, Malachite Box, De Barao, Scarlet Candles, Golden King. These are all greenhouse varieties.

Tomatoes for pickling: Intuition, Cascade, Nocturne, Kostroma, Icicle, Parsley the Gardener, Black Moor, Red Giant, Labrador, F1 Jury (aka Bipop), F1 Intrigue. Most are greenhouse.

Tomato for long-term storage: Marfa - for open ground.

Tomatoes for open ground, early ripening: Wonder of the World, Early 83, Golden Heart, Red Banana, Russian Apple Tree, Snowdrop, Little Red Riding Hood, Zolotnik, Brawler (Fighter).

Leek: the most win-win variety is Tango.

Sowing dates, influence of the lunar calendar, folk signs

The very first, in mid-February, they sow peppers, since they rise up slowly. Then eggplant- they can be sown in mid-late February and in the first ten days of March. By the time fruiting begins, the height of the plants will still be approximately the same, I checked.

Peppers sown in mid-February are on the right, in mid-March - on the left.

Eggplants in early May, sown in mid-February (in the middle among the peppers).

Eggplants in early May, sown in mid-March.

All eggplants and peppers are in the greenhouse in July, growth is the same.

Seeds tomatoes divide into three piles: sow late-ripening interdeterminate ones (with unlimited growth) in early March, mid-ripening ones - in the first ten days of March or even in mid-March, i.e. 60-65 days before planting in the greenhouse, early-ripening determinate (their height is limited to 40-70 cm, they do not grow higher) for open ground - in early April, 45 days before planting in open ground, usually such tomatoes are planted after the last frost, those. in early June.

If you want to experiment with tomatoes and achieve a tall trunk, which can then be deepened into the ground when transplanted into a greenhouse and achieve many shoots from the trunk (there are such intensive methods), you can sow at the end of February, but be prepared for the seedlings to outgrow and difficulties when transporting tall plants to the dacha. I tried to grow the tomato varieties Bezdimensional and Golden Rain using intensive methods; only Golden Rain was successful, despite the fact that it is not large-fruited. But it took a lot of time for gartering and pinching in the greenhouse, as well as hassle with lighting and worries due to the paleness of the seedlings. Of course, if the top of a tomato breaks off, it can be easily revived by placing it in water for several days; the trunk of the tomato easily sprouts roots, but these are all unnecessary worries.

The broken off top of a tomato will quickly sprout roots in water.

Sow the leek at the end of February; anyway, it will not overgrow much and is not so demanding of light.

If you believe in moon calendar, then the basic rules are as follows: plants whose fruits ripen above the ground are sown on the growing Moon, and those ripening underground - on the waning Moon; on the full moon and new moon, as well as 1-2 days after and before them, the earth and plants are given rest.
But our grandmothers followed one simple rule: plantings are done on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It was believed that plants planted on these days would bear fruit well, since the names of the days of the week are feminine nouns, such days of the week were called “women’s days.”

It is also useful to take a closer look at the weather outside the window: if it is still cold and cloudy, there is a snowstorm - it means nature is “not feeling well”, it is too early to sow, wait a couple of days.

Determining the number of seedlings

Plan in advance how many cups and boxes with seedlings you can place on the window sills; maybe you will need to make an additional “window sill”, under which you will need another lamp for illumination, and place the table near the window. Nowadays, shelving is popular, especially among gardeners who grow several hundred roots. beautiful flowers. For vegetables, greenhouses will also be needed in the country, especially in Siberian conditions, but an unlimited number of roots will not fit there, this must also be taken into account.

The seeds are soaked in fabric bags in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, removed, and washed for 2-3 seconds in running water. You can soak it in the “Ideal” solution for a day, or in water obtained from melted clean snow, it is called “live”, but it is better to soak it in damp gauze so that the seeds “breathe”. Then it is useful to harden the seeds by putting them in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2+4 degrees for five nights, maybe less (you need to take them out during the day and keep them at room temperature). Don't forget to label the seed varieties. There are also methods for heating seeds - using a battery, in a thermos, etc. But I think this is a bit difficult for a novice summer resident, you can forget to check, overheat the seeds, “burn” them, the preparation methods described above are sufficient.

Sowing seeds

It is necessary to sow each type of seed in a separate container, since varieties germinate differently. The earth is compacted a little, shed, wait for the water to be absorbed, make holes with a pencil, put the seeds, cover with dry loose soil on top to a height of 0.5 to 1.5 cm, depending on the size of the seeds. The smaller the seeds, the less height backfill, Golden Rule planting - the depth should be three times the width of the seed.

Since I'm growing peppers and eggplants without picking (this is transplanting plants into a larger container with pinching the roots), as crops with delicate roots that are easily damaged when picking, I sow 2 seeds in one cup, then discard the least developed ones. And the germination rate of seeds is not 100%.

Tomatoes picking is needed, this gives impetus to the development of lateral roots, the more of them, the better food fruits Also, picking (more precisely, two pickings) gives a little respite to tomato seedlings; they do not stretch as much as without picking. Therefore, tomatoes can first be planted in boxes - containers about 8-10 cm high.

Don’t forget to sign the names of the varieties on the containers with an indelible marker, you can use a code so as not to write the full name of the variety on each cup; mark the sowing date for subsequent monitoring of seedlings.

Labeled cups with pepper seedlings:

Next, the crops are covered with an opaque film and put in a warm place, where the temperature is about 23-25 ​​degrees for tomatoes, and for peppers and eggplants it can be higher - about 25-28 degrees. You can spray it once with a spray bottle if the soil is dry. The mode on the spray bottle is spray. Do not water with a stream, as this can inadvertently dislodge the seeds that have begun to germinate. After this, do not close the drawers immediately, let them ventilate better.

Leek You can spread it out on clean snow laid out on compacted earth, put it in a cold place, and when the snow melts, sprinkle it with a layer of about 0.5 cm of earth, cover it with film.

Light for seedlings

Before seedlings emerge, you need to ventilate the plantings for several minutes once a day. Tomatoes sprout quickly, on days 3-5, as soon as you notice the first shoots, they look like a thick loop - place them on window sills, under lighting. You can use a temporary relay, turning on the lamp in the morning from 7 a.m. to 8-9 a.m., in the evening after sunset until 21-22 p.m., and more in cloudy weather. With increasing daylight hours, in the first ten days of March, the lamp may no longer be used. Also, to increase light, wash the window at least from the inside.

Tomatoes are especially demanding of light. I have only one fluorescent lamp, so at first the peppers and eggplants grow under it, then, closer to mid-March, I move them to the windowsill without lighting, they will no longer be drawn to the light much. And I put newly sprouted tomatoes on the windowsill with a lamp, because tomatoes are planted starting in early March.

Light for peppers and eggplants

Watering seedlings

Watering should be moderate, as soon as the top layer of soil becomes dry, only with warm water, to avoid diseases, about once a week. Ideally, it would be good to water so that the water does not touch the stems of the plants. To do this, use a spray bottle, place the nozzle in the stream position, direct the stream away from the plant stem, for example, onto the walls of a glass.
When overwatering and drooping stems, carefully sprinkle sand around the stem, as if “salting”. Check that all cups have drainage holes.

If it is not possible to water the seedlings in a timely manner, use hydrogel; it is mixed with the soil during planting.

Temperature for seedlings

The temperature for peppers should be around +16-18 degrees during the day in the first week after germination, for eggplants +17-20 degrees. At night - up to +10 degrees. Further, the temperature can be increased: during the day - up to room temperature, and at night up to +15-18 degrees.

After the emergence of shoots in the form of a “loop”, tomatoes can be transferred to the windowsill, gradually removing the film, and as soon as you see the cotyledon leaves, we put them in the coldest and brightest place; at night temperatures are not scary even +5+10 degrees, during the day +13- 15 degrees. After 3-4 days, the temperature can be raised to +17-20 degrees during the day and up to +15 degrees at night.

Leeks can be grown in a cool place, like tomatoes, but you still need to make sure that the sprouts do not look depressed.

You can regulate the temperature by simply moving the boxes with cups towards and away from the window, or by opening the window briefly in calm weather. You can cover the trays with cups (loosely) with something, especially in the first couple of weeks after emergence. Don’t forget to fold back the cover after closing the window. You shouldn’t be particularly zealous about opening the windows; the seedlings are easy to freeze. Control the temperature.

If you don't like some plants appearance, don’t rush to throw them away, just mark them (I drew pluses and minuses on the cups with a marker). Sometimes seemingly weak hybrids grow better than beautiful, strong ones with increasing daylight hours. Observe them, write down the results of your observations, next year It will be interesting to check the results of the last sowing.

Feeding seedlings

You can start feeding peppers and eggplants a couple of weeks after two or three true leaves appear, at the first picking. The proportions are always written on fertilizer packages. For example, for the first feeding it is approximately 1.5-2 grams of superphosphate and 1-1.5 grams of potassium salt per bucket of water, 1.5-2 grams of urea. Feeding is done after regular watering with warm water. Two weeks after the dive, another feeding is needed. And a week before planting, you need to fertilize with potassium salt, as well as foliar (spraying on the leaves) fertilizing, one liter for about 100 plants: half a gram of potassium permanganate, 0.3 grams of copper sulfate, 0.3 grams of boric acid per 1 liter of water.

Tomatoes are fed 7-10 days after picking, and also as soon as the first flower bud appears. Proportions for the first feeding: 1 teaspoon of urea, 40 grams of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water, this is enough for about 200 plants. Fertilizing is done on damp soil, after fertilizing you need to water it again, if the soil becomes waterlogged, spread the fertilizing for 2-3 days. Second feeding: potassium and phosphorus are doubled, nitrogen (urea) is added only if the leaves are pale green and the lower ones have not turned yellow.

A general rule for fertilizing: it is better to do it in warm weather outside the window, so as not to provoke plant diseases.

A day before planting, you can spray peppers and eggplants with Epin solution. If the tomatoes already have flowers 4-5 days before planting, the plants should be sprayed with a solution of boric acid - 1 gram of boric acid per 1 liter of water, and spraying is carried out only in cloudy weather, in the morning, since in the sun the leaves may appear sunny burns.

Also, for prevention, you need to treat the seedlings 1-2 times with 1% Bordeaux mixture, the preparation is described above, and immediately before planting, spray with skim milk, proportion 1:10 with water.

Leeks are fed with complex mineral fertilizer 2-3 times.

Stretching out seedlings turns them into thin-stemmed, pale green ones; subsequently, the fruits will not receive enough nutrition from the soil, so it is important to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch out.

Picking peppers and eggplants I don’t produce, I wrote the reasons above, but it is still necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch. To prevent plants from stretching due to lack of light, you can pinch some of the seedlings of peppers and eggplants after the fifth or sixth true leaf (we don’t count cotyledons), the plant will stop growing for a couple of weeks and produce more fruit, albeit a couple of weeks later. Seedlings that are not pinched will produce, although less fruit, but earlier, so we do not pinch all the peppers, but some, if we want to try the harvest earlier. If we pinch the seedlings after planting them in the ground, there may not be enough time for the development of side shoots.

It is absolutely necessary to pick tomatoes. The first picking is carried out in the phase of two true leaves, watering is carried out two hours before the process.

A depression is made in the new cup with a finger or a pencil, the size is so that the spine does not bend. The lower part of the root is plucked off with nails or scissors by about a third. We hold the plant by the leaves, and not by the stem, as you can break the thin stem. We transfer it to the recess, deepen it almost to the cotyledon leaves, carefully fill it in, lightly tamp it around the stem.

For two days after this, we do not expose the plants to the sun, we maintain the temperature at +18-20 degrees during the day, at night +15-17, if it is hotter, the plants will outgrow. On the second day after picking, carefully loosen the soil - with a toothpick, fork, and lower the temperature again.

The second picking is done when the roots become crowded in the cup, we simply transfer the plants without clearing the roots from the soil, we do not touch the roots anymore.

On the left are 8 cups of tomatoes between the first and second picking, on the right are tomatoes immediately after the second picking.

I “trim” the leek by 3-4 centimeters a couple of times so that the bleached stem grows.

Trimmed leeks in mid-April:

Plants need to be tied up as soon as they begin to droop. I liked tying it with twine to wooden skewers for homemade shish kebab; the skewers are cheap. The twine is wrapped in a figure eight so that the barrel does not touch the skewer.

Garter for skewers.

A couple of weeks before planting, the seedlings must be hardened off, both in the sun and in the cold, as well as in the wind.

First, they simply open the windows not only during the day, but also at night. Then, in warm weather, they take it out onto the balcony for a period of 2-3 hours, and after a couple of days they leave it for the whole day. But for the first few days they cover it with film at night.

To adjust the temperature, use a thermometer; the door to the room can be left open if it is very cool on the balcony or loggia on any day.

Before hardening, the soil should be spilled with warm water, so the seedlings will be warmer, but under no circumstances should the plants be watered at night! Also, watering is not carried out in cloudy weather.

If the first signs of wilting of the top (black leg disease) appear, sprinkle sand around the stem, as if “salting” it.
Make sure that the plants are not broken by the wind and that the soil does not dry out - this happens faster in the wind and sun than in a warm apartment.

We temper it on the loggia, not forgetting to control the temperature with a thermometer.

Peppers and eggplants before planting, they should be no more than 20-25 cm high, with a thick stem (3-4 mm at the soil surface), there should be about 12-14 leaves, several buds.

Before planting, tomatoes should be no more than 30-35 cm, the smaller the better. Well-hardened seedlings have a slightly purple trunk. Buds are also welcome.

Peppers and eggplants before planting:

Leeks before planting:

  1. Very shallow or, conversely, deep seed placement.
  2. Leave plants that have hatched with a “cap”; they will not give an excellent harvest. If it’s a pity to throw away such plants, then you need to remove the cap, after wetting it.
  3. If the seeds are placed too often in the box, they should be placed so that they can be easily picked, that is, at a distance of 2.5-3.5 cm from each other.
  4. Insufficient lighting, warm air - contributes to the stretching of seedlings. This also includes sowing too early, when all nature is still “sleeping” (January - the first half of February for peppers and eggplants, all February for tomatoes).
Severely overgrown tomato seedlings in mid-May (planted in January):

  1. Excessive watering or, conversely, irregular watering.
  2. Do not protect the plants from a strong draft, so the plants “get cold” from the hypothermia of the soil.
  3. They often touch the plants and dig up those that have not sprouted to see if they have all sprouted. You can control the crops, but then sow taking into account the percentage of germination. This is approximately 50-90% for different varieties and cultures.
  4. Watering unsettled tap water- there will be an accumulation of salts in the soil, a coating on the surface.
  5. Excessive or insufficient hardening.
  6. Closely spaced cups prevent the foliage from receiving enough sun. The crowns of plants should not be in close contact.

Plant in early March beautiful pot marigolds, 4-5 seeds will be enough. The flowers will grow quickly and will delight you while caring for the seedlings.

You can also dabble in growing indoor tomatoes. The container after the second pick should be large, about 3-5 liters. Of course, there won’t be many fruits, but this is just to lift your spirits. Sowing can be done in early February or March, picking and everything else is done in the same way as for ordinary tomatoes. There are different varieties of indoor tomatoes, I found only “Florida Petit” on sale, I liked the results.

Florida Petite tomatoes in mid-May (planted in early February):

I also tried to grow a cucumber on a windowsill, but I didn’t get any fruit from those planted in December, the plant only produced flowers and 1-2 cm of fruit bud, then everything dried up. But from the “Libelle F1” planted in March, cucumbers grew, although they were very small, about the size of an adult’s little finger, and there were only 5-6 of them.

Libelle cucumbers in mid-May (planted in early March):

Why grow seedlings yourself? Run around with it, worry about whether the tender seedlings will get sick or catch a cold, do a lot of work and keep signing something, signing... But here’s why: only growing seedlings at home can guarantee you that your seedlings have not been treated with any chemicals, that after planting in the greenhouse they will not get sick with some kind of overseas disease and that the rich harvest harvested in the fall will delight with its environmental cleanliness and absolute safety for health.

What is convenient for growing seedlings?

Seedlings for greenhouses and greenhouses can be grown either directly in closed ground, if the structure is heated, or separately - on a balcony, veranda or a special extension for the greenhouse. In what - choose what will be more convenient for you personally!

So, they use it as a mini-greenhouse and special device for growing flowers. It consists of a lower tray, inside there are removable cassettes and an absolutely transparent top cover. True, you can’t grow seedlings of tomatoes or cabbage in it, but something smaller and flowers are just right.

Very unusual way already practiced by gardeners long years– use Ilyich’s burnt-out light bulb as a mini-greenhouse. You can quickly and easily grow seedlings in it – and most importantly, it’s free! So, carefully remove the contents from the light bulb, leaving only the glass and the rim of the base, take a stand of the required size and use epoxy resin to glue the lamp to it. We place this entire structure on a small plastic cup with seedlings. It looks, of course, very original. But you can place a mini-greenhouse anywhere - now the delicate plant is well protected.

But the good thing about a milk carton is that it takes up little space, it’s easy to remove seedlings from it, you can always unfold it and add soil as needed. And most importantly - free, durable and aesthetically pleasing. And it’s not difficult to prepare them for seedlings: wash them, dry them, cut off the corners to drain water and tuck them one-third of the way up. And after the seedlings have already been removed, the bag needs to be washed well, dried and hidden until next year.

Soil for seedlings: where to get it and what composition?

In general, soil for seedlings can be taken directly from the greenhouse, made from pine needles or sawdust, ash, sphagnum moss or “living soil” from under worms. But the main requirement for it is this: it cannot change either temperature or composition, it must “breathe” well, absorb moisture and not contain any harmful microelements, and not be acidic.

This is how experienced gardeners prepare soil for seedlings - light as feathers, which does not need any fertilizers or stimulants. The soil is taken from birch forest plantations in the fall, mixed with three to four bags of leaf humus, one bag of humus and one bag of sawdust. You need to mix everything like this: three parts forest soil, part humus and one part sawdust. We carefully break up all the lumps, bring the earth to a homogeneous state and put it on the veranda or balcony. There it freezes well, and then exactly a week before planting the seeds we transfer it to a warm place. As soon as the weed seeds germinate, you need to water the soil with a light pink solution of manganese and you can begin to grow seedlings in it.

Here is another standard recipe for how to cook good soil for seedlings: for a bucket of sawdust, moss and needles, take half a bucket of coarse sand and one liter of ash (or a glass of chalk). Sawdust is more suitable for deciduous trees, but for coniferous trees it is necessary to steam it with boiling water in advance, drain the water and steam it again and wash it. And finally, soak in a urea solution to wash out the resin. Why can't you take it? fine sand? Yes, because it usually comes with clay particles, and they form a crust on the surface of the soil.

But it is better not to use purchased soil for growing seedlings at all - there are often cases when lovingly harvested and grown seeds produced yellow, diseased seedlings - due to the fact that in such an environment they simply “burned” from excess peat. This does not mean that there will be no harvest - it will just be smaller and with a long delay.

But you will learn about the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings from this diagram:

Growing seedlings yourself: step by step

Here, for example, is how standard tomato seedlings are grown for a greenhouse:

Stage I. Planting seeds

So, let the water cool, put the seeds in a cloth and tie it with thread. You need to leave them like this overnight. In the morning we take it out, squeeze it out and put it in a jar in a warm place. After 2-3 days you can plant. It’s better to soak the seeds in the water where they were boiled. chicken eggs- this way the seedlings will be healthier. Calcium, after all.

Today, sowing seeds for seedlings is often done in plastic cups. But, before you fill them with something, you definitely need to make 5 holes, half a centimeter in diameter, in the wall and bottom so that air can flow to the roots of the plants and excess water can escape when watering.

Next, fill the plastic cups with earth and water them with snow water. We plant the seeds, labeling each cup with a waterproof marker about the variety. Sprinkle with earth, tamp down a little, water and leave in boxes until the first gatherings. Home-prepared seeds will “hatch” earlier than store-bought seeds.

Stage II. Picking seedlings

The whole process of growing seedlings in such unusual bags looks like this:

Step 1. Pour soil into the bag so that it covers the bottom.

Step 2. Take a plastic glass with seedlings, dump it into your palm and hold it. Next, turn it over and carefully separate each sprout separately.

Step 3. We put each seedling separated in this way into a bag, add soil and compact it with our fingers - so that the plant itself does not wobble later.

If the seedlings have outgrown, it doesn’t matter! Simply, when you plant the seedlings, soak them in water and carefully twist them in a spiral.

Stage III. Transferring seedlings to boxes

Now we put the bags in boxes and label the varieties. It’s convenient when you also have tags - they can be easily made from mayonnaise lids if they are cut into eight pieces.

Now we water. What can you feed at this stage? And here modern market offers a large variety of nutritional supplements for greenhouse seedlings. But the most popular method so far remains this: water it once with Agricopa complex fertilizer, spray the already picked seedlings with the HB-101 solution - and that’s it.

At this stage, many are interested in the question: is it necessary or not to cover the seedlings with film? Tomatoes and larger seedlings do not need this, but it is advisable, although not necessary, to cover small things like strawberries and flowers.

Stage IV. Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

So when should you plant seedlings in a greenhouse? Each crop has its own period, and usually the readiness of the seedling to move to closed ground permanent residence is judged by the number of leaves on it.

The plants themselves, prepared for planting in the greenhouse, are treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. For what? Let's figure it out now. If you have already grown seedlings, then you know that it is during picking that most of them die. Because the roots of such small plants are still very delicate, and when separating the seedlings, they are sure to be injured. Damaged areas are immediately colonized by pathogenic microorganisms, and seedlings may become infected with blackleg. That is why potassium permanganate is used both as a preventive measure and as a treatment in this case - but only a very weak solution so as not to burn the plant.

The actual planting of seedlings in a greenhouse begins with preparing the soil: water the soil generously and close the windows to maintain moisture. After two days, you can add humus and dig it up. And the preparation of seedlings of different varieties and vegetables for planting in a greenhouse is completely different. For example, the top of pepper seedlings is usually pinched off after six pairs of leaves, while tomatoes are only picked.

It is better to make holes with a shovel bayonet, at a distance of half a meter from each other. In each hole - a handful of ash and half a bucket of water. Then we unfold the bag and carefully take out the seedlings, plant them, and water them well again.

Video with tips from experienced specialists

If you have done everything according to technology, carefully and carefully selecting the soil and fertilizing, the seedlings will easily take root and the harvest will be great!

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​Very convenient and, most importantly, waste material - used and thrown away. But you can use them for several years. To do this, the bags need to be washed, dried and folded, as shown in the bottom photo.​

​Early ripening crops include zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, melons, and watermelons. Such plants do not tolerate transplantation into the ground. It is recommended to start growing them in peat pots. Early ripening crops love light, so it is better to plant seedlings no earlier than April 10-20.​

  • ​Residents southern regions should be guided by the following calendar dates when you need to plant tomato seedlings:
  • ​Tomatoes grown in mid-February have time to stretch out and get sick by the time they are planted. Vegetables that have sprouted by mid-March will be stronger. Each gardener must correctly independently determine the date when to plant tomato seedlings, and before that, the time of sowing.​
  • ​Feed​
  • ​Unlike tomatoes, it is optimal to plant peppers in a permanent place after the first flower blooms in the first fork. This usually happens approximately 2-2.5 months from the date of germination. So if you plant peppers on May 10th, then you need to sow from March 1st to March 15th, minus the period for seed germination.. That is, from approximately February 20th to March 5th.​
  • ​(Yes, I like to start a story at the wrong end).​

When to sow tomatoes for seedlings according to the growing season?

The soil for tomato seedlings should not be too acidic, that is, pure peat is absolutely not suitable for this plant. At home, the easiest way to clean soil for seedlings from diseases and pests is by freezing. To do this, leave a bag or box of soil on outdoors, where frosts will quickly kill everything harmful to seedlings. The container with soil must be covered from precipitation, which can wash nutrients from the soil.​

  • ​Usually early tomatoes are a pleasant delicacy for the table after a long winter, mid-season tomatoes accompany food throughout the season, and late ones are used for canning and processing.​
  • ​The tomato, or tomato, is a plant from the Solanaceae family native to South America. Europeans became acquainted with it only after the discovery of the New World and the tomato, like everything new, “took root” quite difficult and for a long time. Despite this, the tomato is now one of the most popular and sought after vegetables all over the world. It is difficult to imagine at least one of the national cuisines where tomatoes would not be used. You can’t imagine some dishes without tomatoes - just remember Ukrainian borscht, Italian pizza, Mexican chili, American ketchup and much more.​
  • ​I described in detail how to use packages in this question. (See my answer).​

​Tomato: seedling age – 45-50 days, period from sowing to germination – 7-8 days. Sowing occurs on April 1-8.​

When is the best time to plant tomato seedlings?

​early varieties - April 15 - May 1;​

​It is necessary to understand: when we plant plants in a permanent place, they should be provided with the maximum comfortable conditions. The slightest frost can destroy tomatoes and all your work. If the air temperature is below +5 degrees for several days, nightshades will stop growing and will continue to get sick.​

​Agrotechnics of sweet pepper​

  1. ​Pepper seedlings can be treated with any complex fertilizer; dilute according to instructions and water once a week. It is better if there is not only nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but also a set of microelements. At least iron.​
  2. ​In general, to be honest, this entire previous long boring paragraph could not have been written. And just write that

​Let's start from the very beginning 😉 .​

How to properly plant tomato seedlings indoors?

​Healthy seeds hatch and germinate very quickly and within 2-5 days, first “loops” appear from the soil, and then full-fledged cotyledon leaves. At this time, the room temperature should not fall below 25 degrees, and then it is gradually lowered slightly. Low temperatures dangerous for this plant, serious damage begins already at 10 degrees - it turns yellow, buds and ovaries fall off, growth stops.

​For growing tomato seedlings on a windowsill, it is the early varieties that are most suitable, since they need to be sown as seedlings early in the spring, in order to be planted in the ground after the end of return frosts.​

An important condition for obtaining a bountiful and high-quality harvest is the correct planting of tomato seedlings. Only strong and healthy seedlings will quickly and easily take root in the soil or in a greenhouse, begin to actively bloom and set large and tasty fruits.​

​And here I’ll add just a few photos.​

​Cucumber: planting in a greenhouse - after May 25, age - 25-27 days, period from sowing to germination - 3 days. Sowing occurs on April 25.​

​When determining the timing of planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is necessary to take into account the region where your garden is located, the equipment of the greenhouse and permanent residence in the country. For example, in Siberia and the Leningrad region this time will be different. In the latter region, in order to plant tomatoes in unheated greenhouses, it is better to sow after March 15.​

​Recently, many excellent natural fertilizers have appeared in stores: granular bird droppings, sapropel, vermicompost, etc. All this can be used when transferring from the initial 50-100 ml. cups in large ones. How much exactly should you add of each type of fertilizer if you have never done this before?.. It is better to underfeed than to overfeed, say in the case of vermicompost, it could be about a teaspoon per bush. Mix the fertilizer with soil at the bottom of the pot, then water it a little and place a bush with an earthen lump from a smaller container on top, add soil on the sides.​

​in middle lane It will be normal to sow pepper seedlings in late February - early March.​


For tomato seedlings on the windowsill to be strong and green, they need a lot of light. In case of shortage natural light landings will have to be illuminated, sometimes this needs to be done around the clock. Tomatoes need to be provided with stable and uniform watering without waterlogging and drying out, which are equally detrimental to the plant.​

​If you plant tomatoes as seedlings too early, they will quickly grow and form, and weather conditions will not allow planting in the ground or under film. Such seedlings will stretch out, become fragile, pale and sickly, will have difficulty taking root in the soil and will bear fruit poorly. Sowing too late means getting small, unformed seedlings. The timing of planting seeds depends on the weather conditions of the area where it is planned to grow seedlings; usually it takes 1.5-2.5 months to grow tomato seedlings.

Growing tomato seedlings at home (video)

How to grow good pepper seedlings at home?

In order for tomato seedlings at home to be healthy and of high quality, you need to follow simple but very important rules:

​This is how the bottom is trimmed.​

​Sweet peppers: planting in a greenhouse - June 5. Age – 70 days, period from sowing to germination – 12-14 days. Sowing occurs on March 10.​ Gardeners living in the central regions choose the following dates when they can plant tomato seedlings:​If you have set a date for planting tomatoes, count 55-65 days ago from it. When you grow seedlings by picking, take away another seven days. The resulting number is the date when you need to sow tomatoes. For example, if the date of planting in a fixed place is June 1st, then you need to plant on last days March.​ ​1740 Replies​​Pepper seedlings do not like a draft on the windowsill, or a cold window sill in general. Touch your windowsill with your hand, or place a thermometer on it. Often the window sill is 5-10 degrees colder than the temperature in the room. In order not to create conditions for the development of “black leg”, place a layer of foam plastic on the windowsill under the pepper seedlings... or at least a board.​

​I sow before mid-March because I have large southern windows. And light greatly affects the growth rate of seedlings.​

​. We’ll talk about choosing pepper varieties separately, later. Pepper seeds differ from tomato seeds in having a shorter germination period. So, if tomato seeds germinate normally after 5 years, and even after 10, then in pepper about half of the seeds germinate after three years, and every year the number of those that hatch decreases. So, when buying pepper seeds, be sure to make sure that they are fresh, 1-2 years is normal, 3 years is also a chance that enough will sprout, but nothing may sprout. This depends on the storage conditions of the seeds. And you know what the storage conditions are... Grown tomato seedlings are picked for the first time, and after a pair of true leaves appear, a second picking is carried out into seedling cups. When performing this operation, young plants are carefully buried along the cotyledon leaves. There is no point in damaging or even cutting off the cotyledons - they are the source nutrients for a plant that has begun to develop. Subsequently, they will fall off on their own when they are no longer needed.​

According to the type of growth, all tomatoes are divided into two large groups: ​Correct timing for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings.​​If you constantly plant tomato seedlings, then buy special plastic cups with a tray; the bottom of these cups is detachable; the seedlings can be removed without damaging the lump of earth with roots. The tray protects the window sills if water leaks. The size of the cups is from 300 grams to 700. You can, of course, grow seedlings in milk cartons and other containers.​
​Eggplant: planting in a greenhouse - June 5, age - up to 50 days, period from sowing to germination - 12 days. Sowing occurs on April 1.​
​early plants - May 1-15;​

Gardeners often rely on the lunar calendar to determine when to plant tomato seedlings. The phases of the moon affect all areas of our lives. In such a calendar, everything is planned out for gardeners. Moon phases It is recommended to do the first sowings on February 20-22. It is better to choose varieties based on taste and for preservation: “Persimmon”, “De Barao”, “Yellow Giant”, hybrid “Zlatozar”.​

​Since we started talking about light... Let's continue about it. At the very beginning of the article I already wrote: “More light - better seedlings.” But, relative to tomatoes, peppers are quite shade-tolerant plants. They do not stretch and wither in the absence of sun for several days, so you can grow pepper seedlings even on a north-eastern or north-western window. The quality of seedlings, of course, will be better on a south-facing window.​ ​Suppose you have already purchased the treasured bags of pepper seeds and joyfully lay them out on long winter evenings, anticipating the moment of planting. And I can’t wait to plant it all as quickly as possible... I can’t wait...​

​With the help of picking, you can slightly reduce the effect of stretching the plant in the early stages - by deepening the seedling and adding light, you can make the seedlings stronger and healthier. The part of the stem that, after picking, will be in the ground, will give roots and will additionally nourish the plant. In order for the picked seedlings to take root quickly and without loss, the soil must be warm enough and the watering must be uniform without flooding. If we plant tomato seedlings correctly, we end up with plants with strong, stable stems, lush green leaves and an overall healthy appearance.​

​Determinant (low-growing).​ ​Maintaining temperature conditions.​​My wife plants tomato seedlings in disposable plastic cups or special plastic molds (they are sold in stores and are kept in special flat plastic boxes).​

​Early white cabbage: planting - after May 20, age - up to 50 days, period from sowing to germination - 5 days. Sowing occurs on March 15.​

All chemical and biological processes in them are inhibited. The vegetable grower’s task is to awaken and give impetus to a long chain of natural transformations. Growing hot peppers in pots

​Pepper seedlings should be planted as the soil dries out; there is no need to water them, but you also need to let them dry out. However, I didn’t have any problems with watering peppers (unlike tomatoes) even in my earliest growing experiences, so I concluded that peppers are unpretentious and easy to grow 😛 .​​Regarding the illumination of pepper seedlings, from the above we can conclude , that backlighting is not necessary, but desirable.​ ​You can’t wait, right? Well, don’t tolerate it - put it in prison!​

​The question often arises: how to feed tomato seedlings? During the growth period, plants need complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen and a mandatory content of microelements. Grown-up seedlings need potassium more; with a lack of this element, the plant becomes covered in spots, stretches out, turns pale and gets sick.​ ​Indeterminate (vigorous).​

​Stable water balance.​

​When planting, the seedlings are easily removed and the cups with molds remain intact and ready for the next seedlings.​ ​Discussion of the publication​

​But before doing this, the embryos must be disinfected. To do this, they are placed for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 0.5 cup of water). In order to speed up the ripening time of tomatoes, you can pre-soak the embryos in solutions of microelements or growth stimulants. You can use this method: soak in wood ash infusion (pour half a liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of ash). After stirring, leave the liquid for two days, stirring occasionally. Having wrapped the grains in a gauze bag, you need to lower the future tomatoes for 4-5 hours.

​Properly grown tomato seedlings quickly take root in the soil and form a strong green plant, begins to bloom and bear fruit within the time limits established for this variety.​

What time should you plant tomato seedlings?

​Author Alenusik « 1 2 3 … 29 »​

Sowing time

​2) how soon they will rise.​

Almost everyone who grows tomato seedlings also grows pepper seedlings. It is not so important whether the pepper is sweet or hot, because in terms of their agricultural technology they are not much different.​

​Healthy calibrated seeds are selected for planting; puny and damaged ones are thrown away. There are two ways to sow seeds - in a common container, followed by picking, and directly into individual cups.​

​Proper planting of tomatoes in the ground.​

​It is better to plant seedlings in peat pots; when planting in the ground, the roots are not damaged, although there is one drawback: if the soil in the pots dries out very much, you have to water more often and mold may form, but this does not affect the seedlings.​

Secrets of proper sowing

​B last years I buy at the market in a stall with plastic containers disposable beer glasses of 0.5 liters. I use a drill to make a hole half a centimeter in diameter. And I plant the seedlings there without enough sleep to the very edges, about 5 cm. Then you can add soil if the sprout stretches out and begins to bend. This happens if the specimen does not have enough light. It is convenient to label the variety on the glass with a marker. These glasses are for one year, but they cost 1 ruble apiece. Sometimes I come across strong ones that I can use in the second year.​

​Avid summer residents and gardeners begin preparing for seedlings of flowers and vegetables already in February. In order to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seedlings, you need to know the time it takes for them to reach maturity. You can learn how to plant seedlings correctly from our article. And in this article we will tell you in detail when it is better to start sowing and when to plant seedlings.​

There are industrial methods for preparing embryos - panning, or granulation. They are covered containment from an organomineral nutrient mixture. If you purchased such grains, they do not need to be pre-soaked or processed. Dried grains are planted dry so as not to wash off the protective shell.​

​Successful varieties of sweet peppers and paprika​

​564 Replies​

It’s not true that peppers don’t need much space

​Both of these meanings are important, especially the one 2). Because pepper seeds can take anywhere from 5 to 30+ days to germinate at the same temperature. Of course, the old seeds will sprout within 30 days. But even for fresh crops, 2-3 weeks can be a completely “normal” period from sowing to germination.​

Landing time

What do we need to grow good, strong pepper seedlings? First of all, of course, a sunny window. For growing

Since tomatoes tolerate picking and transplanting well, in order to save money and space, you can sow tomatoes in boxes or other suitable containers. Subsequently, the seedlings are planted for the first time, planted at a greater distance, and then transplanted into separate containers, where the seedlings remain until planted in the ground. In the second option, seeds are sown 2-3 in pots or cups, more weak plants subsequently they simply pull it out. This method is more expensive, the plantings will take up a significant area, and it will not be possible to grow a large number of seedlings in an apartment.​

  • ​Tomatoes come in early, mid-ripening and late varieties. Between these three varieties there are intermediate ones with a difference in ripening of 5-15 days, but basically this division is competent and correct.​
  • Now they sell convenient paper cups, but you can do it the old fashioned way in a large box with soil

​You can use any jars for seedlings. It depends on how many seeds you plant. Mayonnaise jars will do just fine. I plant a lot in large boxes. But the tomatoes need to be picked and planted; boxes of milk and kefir are suitable for this. I cut large bags in half. I don’t plant seedlings in cups, they are very small. Tomatoes and the root system must grow and develop; there is much more space in bags. As the seedlings grow, I add soil. And it’s easier to get seedlings from milk bags. I take out the seedlings with a clod of earth, so that the roots are not damaged.

  • ​It should be taken into account that planting in open ground begins much later than in greenhouses. Thus, in greenhouses, seedlings are planted in mid-May, but in open beds, due to the possibility of frost in early summer, seedlings usually begin to be planted no earlier than June 10. If you have heated greenhouses, you can start sowing tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in late February - early March. In this case, the transplant will take place at the end of April or beginning of May.​
  • ​Grains that have received heat, moisture and oxygen begin to sprout within 2-3 days. This means it's time to sow them. Tomatoes are grown with or without picking, and the grains are planted directly in pots. When planting without picking, a large area is required. More often, seedlings are grown with picking. Pour the soil mixture into the prepared container. If you sow future seedlings in individual containers, the height from the ground to the edge should be at least 10 cm. If you plan to dive further, then a height of 6 cm is sufficient.

Video “When to plant tomatoes for seedlings”

​for roots and 200 ml is enough to grow 2-month seedlings. It will grow somehow... But you won’t see the full harvest. You cannot create too cramped conditions for the root system. If possible, allocate 1 liter for each bush, or even better, a two-liter pot. Yes, this is a utopia, in apartment conditions. But we must strive for the best 😉 . The photo below shows 2 liters of pepper. pot, the most optimal size... Where can I put them?

​Why is it important to know this? Because then you will be able to more accurately answer the question -

When is the best time to plant seedlings?


​Almost any non-soaking container can be used as a container for planting seedlings. Amateur gardeners successfully use wooden and even cardboard boxes lined with plastic film, disposable plastic or paper cups, sour cream and yogurt containers, juice boxes or milk cartons. For used containers, it is important to thoroughly clean the remaining contents, otherwise it can rot, contaminate the ground and destroy the seedlings.​

Early varieties tomatoes have the shortest growing season from sowing to flowering, therefore they bear the earliest and most valuable harvest. Early tomato seedlings produce delicious fresh vegetables, but require more attention and effort to grow.​

Features of planting various crops

A good option is using peat tablets. When the seeds hatch and leaves appear (100% germination is never guaranteed, but in this way you will save yourself from unnecessary containers), place the tablets with sprouts in a container with the prepared soil mixture. The most convenient ones are the so-called peat pots, as in the photo of the author of the question. Although in reality they are made of cardboard. Then, when planting on the garden bed, the roots will not be injured, and this shell will quickly decompose. You just need to remove the bottom. Another option is plastic cups for yoghurt, sour cream, etc. It is easy to extract a plant with an earthen lump from them. And don’t feel sorry for this container; from spring to spring you can accumulate it in sufficient quantities.​

​First I sow the seeds in low polystyrene boxes. As soon as the first true leaf hatches, I drop the seedlings into disposable plastic cups.​

Approximate dates for sowing and planting crops

  • The first shoots should appear within 3-15 days after planting. In this matter, you should also take into account the age that the seedlings must reach before planting in a permanent place. In this case, the plant will need two or three days to take root.
  • ​Water the soil with warm water. You can make grooves every 3-4 cm, up to 1 cm deep, and spread the embryos in them every 1-2 cm. Then backfill and moisten the grooves. You can simply spread the germs on the surface in rows, cover the top with a 1 cm layer of soil and water. For planting, choose sprouted grains, as they have more energy and will not lag behind in development.​
  • ​1679 Replies​
  • ​Hot pepper​
  • ​Do I need to soak pepper seeds before planting?​
​When to sow pepper seedlings?​

What is the best way to plant tomato seedlings?

​of nightshade crops (and most others) this rule works flawlessly.​


​When deciding how to properly grow tomato seedlings, you need to remember that this plant is very demanding on room temperature, lighting and watering. Humid air is harmful to tomatoes, so when we plant tomato seedlings, it is important to regularly ventilate the room where they grow, avoiding strong temperature changes and drafts, which are detrimental to this plant. There is no need to spray crops with water; they can easily get sick and die.​

Medium-bearing varieties produce fruits at the height of the season; they are the most delicious and healthy. The growing season is longer than that of early tomatoes.​


It is better to grow seedlings in a pot. Of course, a seedling box is more convenient and saves space, but when the plant grows, it will become cramped. a transplant will be required. Not all plants tolerate transplantation easily; the plant is injured. Therefore, it is still better to have a separate glass or pot. The best option peat humus pots. They can be easily found in gardening stores.​


​It’s convenient that each plant is separate, you can add soil, and taking it out with a lump of soil is also convenient. In my opinion, disposable cups are the best option. Just don’t take transparent ones, it’s bad for the roots.​

​If you would like the crop to germinate by a certain date, you should take into account the time that the plant will require for the growing season, that is, the duration of the period from planting to the appearance of the first fruits. Typically, such information is indicated on the packaging in which the seeds are sold.​


​Pack containers with sifted sprouts in plastic bag. If the seed boxes are large, you can cover them with glass. This is done to keep the soil mass constantly moist. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. The tomatoes will remain in this state until the first shoots. Afterwards the plant needs to be transferred to the light.

​Unlike tomatoes, which I don’t soak, considering it unnecessary fuss, I can’t say so definitely with peppers. Soaking, especially in various growth stimulants, can really help to get more shoots and, most importantly, earlier shoots. On the other hand, if the seeds are fresh, you checked their germination rate and it was approximately 100%, then again there is no point in soaking.​

​So... when?​


​More light means better seedlings, everything else is secondary.​


Tomatoes are sown in trays or boxes, lightly sprinkled with sifted nutrient mixture and sprayed generously, covering with film. Air humidity is needed only until the seeds germinate, and then the film is removed.​

​Late tomatoes bear fruit from the second half of summer until late autumn; in warm weather, tomatoes remain fresh on the bushes until frost. These tomatoes have the best a long period growing season.​

Nowadays there is a very large assortment of containers for seedlings for summer residents. But it's best to choose for this natural material. Clay pots, which unfortunately is not very convenient. Wooden box completely decent option, but perhaps not very convenient for transplantation.​


For many years now I have been using boxes of milk, kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cream to grow seedlings. I use tall bags for tomatoes and peppers, low ones for cucumbers.​


The growing season for early tomatoes is 100 days. The optimal age of seedlings for moving to a permanent place is 45-50 days, and already about a week after planting the first shoots sprout. In greenhouses, seedlings are planted in early June. Thus, in order to get a harvest of young tomatoes by July 20, the seeds need to be sown 107-108 days before, plus a few days for adaptation. As a result optimal time sowing occurs in the first week of April.​


The time when you can plant tomato seedlings is the beginning of June. It is impossible to give precise recommendations here, because each climate zone has its own characteristics. Climate change and sudden changes in weather conditions force vegetable growers to plant vegetables when constant warmth is established. This temperature is not lower than 20 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night. Focus on the lunar calendar. You should look at the condition of the plants - it is better to plant them when the stem height has reached 25-30 cm. If the soil is well heated, after planting the vegetables will set fruit in a week.​

What is the best way to grow seedlings?


​Timely planted seeds guarantee timely germination, good growth, development and high fruiting. Gardeners often make mistakes about when to plant tomatoes as seedlings, because such a procedure depends on the influence of many weather factors, light and temperature. How, when and how to plant tomatoes, we will talk in today's article.​


​1787 Replies​


​Pepper seeds germinate at a temperature of 17-18-19 degrees, but very slowly, and many will not hatch at all. It is best to place them in a warm place, where it will be +30 degrees, where they will sprout quickly and thickly. At + 25 germination is also normal.​

How to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings How to plant asters for seedlings video

An important factor in successfully obtaining seedlings on a windowsill is good quality seed material. Buy seeds from proven companies in proven stores. If you have your own seeds, then there is nothing to worry about.

Seed preparation

If you have seeds from last year (fresh), then it will be enough to treat them for two to three hours before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate (pink).

If the seeds are more than a year old, then it is better to soak them first in warm water for several hours, and only then pickle them in potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, there will be no friendly shoots; some seedlings will grow larger than others and after a while will begin to oppress the smaller ones.

Seeds pickled in potassium permanganate are filtered and laid out on a regular blotter or cotton pad; after 30–50 minutes, the seeds acquire a free-flowing state, and now it is much easier to sow them.

Purchased processed seeds (they are in green or red shells) are not pickled in potassium permanganate or soaked, but are sown dry in very moist soil. Soaking these seeds can only harm germination.

Timing for planting seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown, not all crops at once, because they have different growing seasons.

  • and pepper - sown in early February.
  • Tomatoes - sown in the second half of February or the first ten days of March.
  • Cabbage - (early), in the first half of March, (late) in late March-first half of April.
  • Cucumbers - at the end of March, the first half of April.

Seedlings sown in February will not be strong and lush at first, as a result of lack of light. The onset of spring, sun and warmth, an increase in daylight hours will lead to the seedlings awakening in a couple of weeks, gaining power and strength.

When planted at the end of February, the seedlings will go through the entire cycle of vegetative ripening in May and in the open ground there will be eggplants and peppers 30–45 centimeters tall, and tomatoes even taller. Now all they have to do is take off, bloom and bring a powerful harvest, much earlier than seedlings sown later.

Planting seeds

Fill the cups (or containers that have been prepared) with planting substrate. After light tamping (pressing with your fingers), bring the height of the mixture to approximately two-thirds of the height of the glass.

If the earthen substrate is moist, then the filled cups are ready for planting seeds. If the earthen mixture (substrate) turns out to be dry, then pour plenty of water into the filled cups. Then the seeds are laid out on the substrate and the substrate mixture is poured on top, in a layer of 1–2 centimeters. Lightly tamp again with your fingers and slightly moisten.

The soil above the seeds should be no higher than two centimeters, otherwise the seeds will take a long time to germinate, or may not germinate at all.

Usually 2–5 seeds are placed in all cups. If you are confident in the quality of the seeds, 2-3 of them are enough (after picking, after a week, one of them is left, the healthiest seedling).

If you are not confident in the seeds, then you need to sow 5-6 seeds in each glass. When growing seedlings in pairs (tomatoes and peppers go well together in pairs), sow 3-4 seeds in a cup.

With the same quality of pepper, tomato, cabbage and eggplant seeds, pepper has the lowest germination rate and tomatoes have the highest germination rate. Therefore, when sowing peppers, it is better to play it safe and sow a couple more seeds in each glass.

After planting and watering the seeds, cover the cups with cellophane (which prevents the substrate from drying out before the seeds sprout) and place them in any warm place (the sown seeds do not need light before sprouting). It is necessary to look under the film every day so as not to miss the beginning of seed germination. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and the cups with plants are placed in the light.


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