How to install beacons? Correct installation of beacons on a wall under plaster. How to correctly place beacons under plaster

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Can't create flat wall by eye, no matter what others tell you, so we will tell you how to place beacons under plaster. With the help of these simple devices, the work of leveling walls can be carried out not only better, but also much faster. Placing beacons under plaster is actually not as difficult as it might seem. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the basics of this skill.

Today you can buy special perforated beacons made of galvanized iron at any hardware store; in addition, it is possible to make them from plaster mortar– we will definitely consider this method below. And just a few decades ago, various improvised means were used as beacons for plastering walls - from even scraps of wood to metal pipes. This may sound ridiculous, but some, in order to save money, continue to use these means to create a smooth surface today. But this is their personal business; for us today it is important how to correctly place the beacons under the plaster.

Special perforated beacons made of galvanized iron can be bought at any hardware store

Before that, let's look at what the pros and cons exist when using these devices. It is worth mentioning that installing beacons on the wall allows you to create perfectly flat surfaces and display correct angles. Using beacons, you can bring even curved planes to zero. Installing beacons under the plaster allows you to increase the speed of work. True, installation of devices also takes time. Lighthouses help avoid waves and surges, which is often inevitable when working without them. If it is necessary to plaster large areas, only installing beacons on the wall will help to do it correctly; otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a flat surface. When installing the guides, you can calculate the approximate volume of the required mixture.

However, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of installing non-plaster beacons. The main one is higher consumption material with sufficient height differences, but this problem can also be solved by partially installing beacons (when the most protruding point on the wall is a continuation of the beacon level). Do not forget that the installed beacons should be removed from the walls after completion of the work, which means additional time and material consumption for sealing the resulting cavities.

Installing beacons on walls does not require complex tools

To properly install the beacons, you will need screws with a flat head and different lengths– from 40 to 80 mm. Their length depends on how big differences are available on the plane. You also need a screwdriver or screwdriver to screw them in, a tape measure, a level, painter's cord for making straight lines, and a strong cord or fishing line. Don't forget about a spatula and a container for preparing the solution.

Surface preparation - cleaning and priming

Before installing beacons for plaster, carefully examine the surface for dirt, sagging and large depressions. Of course, this stage can be skipped, but the service life of the surface will be significantly reduced. In addition, if done correctly, you can significantly reduce consumption plaster mixture. If there are large protrusions, knock them down using a chisel, ax or other tools. It is important not to overdo it in this matter, since old walls may not withstand excessive pressure and collapse. We also remove from the walls everything that is peeling off and that can be removed without much effort. A brush with metal bristles is suitable for this.

IN mandatory After the preparatory work, prime the wall. For this there are special primers for each type rough coating. Particularly smooth surfaces. It will increase subsequent adhesion. When treating a painted surface, it is important to remove as much paint as possible, as e.g. water-based compositions begin to bubble under the influence of moisture, which leads to their peeling and subsequent destruction of the plaster layer.

With oil paints the situation is more complicated. If you cannot remove them, you can make notches all over the wall or treat the surface with the same Concrete contact. It is important to treat the wall just before installing the beacons, especially if they are made of plaster mortar. Agree, it is easier to process free walls, rather than applying mortar between the beacons before plastering. After the work has been done, you can start placing beacons for plaster, but which ones are up to you to decide.

For plastering walls with your own hands, these beacons are most often chosen. This is due to the fact that they are affordable, and their installation is not so difficult. You can find 3 types of products on sale:

  • 3 mm. It is extremely rare. Suitable for applying a thin layer of plaster on fairly flat surfaces.
  • 6 mm. Ideal for plastering works. It comes in different lengths - 2700 mm and 3000 mm.
  • 10 mm. They are most often used for pouring screeds on the floor, although in some cases when it is necessary to apply a large layer of mortar, they are also used.

Holes must be made along the entire length of the applied markings.

The beacons themselves are products made of galvanized metal, made in the shape of the letter L or T. The galvanized coating protects the metal from corrosion, but during work this layer is damaged, which leads to the appearance of rust on the surface, which eventually appears through the plaster. For this reason, it is imperative to remove the beacons after work. By purchasing beacons, Special attention Pay attention to the evenness of the product, as well as the strength of the metal.

Before installing beacons for, apply markings on the wall according to which the products will be located. To do this, draw a strictly vertical line on the wall at a distance of 20–30 cm from the corner. The location of the next one will depend on the length of the rule and the skill of the plasterer. The distance between the beacons should be 10-30 cm less than the length of the rule. Use a paint cord to draw the line. The thread is stretched vertically, pulled to the side and hit against the wall. The result is a straight, outlined line.

Now we begin to install landmarks for the beacons. To do this, step back 20 cm from the ceiling and drill a hole for the dowel-nail. You need to make holes along the entire length of the line we drew. The distance between the marks should be 40–50 cm. We screw screws into the upper and lower holes. If the walls are made of cellular concrete, then it is not necessary to drill holes, the screws can be screwed into the blocks right away, but be careful, since the wall material is quite fragile and crumbles very easily. Stretch a fishing line or strong thread horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

When everything is done, determine the most protruding section of the wall using a level, applying it to the resulting plane. Having chosen the “zero point”, using a screwdriver we begin to tighten the screws so that a perfectly flat plane is formed vertically. The next step will be to screw the screws into all drilled holes. This must be done in such a way that the flat cap is flush with the tensioned thread. After finishing the work, check again that all elements are on the same level. This is the most painstaking stage before correctly placing the beacons under the plaster; the evenness of the wall directly depends on it.

The final step is to install the profile on the surface (on the screw heads)

The final step is to install the profile on the surface (on the screw heads). To do this, apply the prepared plaster solution to the wall in small portions between the installed screws. Then we take the profile and press it with a rule to the screw heads. Excess solution will protrude through the perforations. Each time you install the guides, make sure that they are evenly mounted using a level. After the solution has set, it is advisable to further secure the beacons by coating them on both sides with plaster. This must be done so that the solution does not protrude beyond the plane of the beacons.

To complete the work faster, you can use alabaster or gypsum instead of plaster mixture - they dry faster.

First you need to draw a straight vertical line, 20–30 cm away from the corner. To do this, you can use a level or painting thread. After this, screw three screws into the wall - at the top, bottom and in the middle. These will be the points on which the rule will be based when making beacons from plaster. On next stage mix the plaster solution and apply it in small portions along the entire line drawn earlier. Then apply the rule, resting on the screws, and squeeze out the excess mortar, removing it with a spatula. Instead of the rule, you can use any other level device.

You can make beacons from plaster mortar

After the solution has set, the rule can be removed. Next, unscrew the screws. If irregularities in the form of small depressions have formed on the lighthouse, we recommend repairing them using mortar and a trowel. After installing the outermost beacon, repeat a similar operation in the other corner of the room. When the corner beacons are made, proceed to install the central one. All steps for its installation will be similar. The main thing is that it is in the same plane with the extreme points. When working, wrap the rule with cellophane. This way you will protect it from the frozen solution, and used cellophane can be easily removed.

Installation of beacons for plastering mortar walls can be done using metal profile U-shaped. To do this, its inner surface is lubricated with oil. Then, along the broken line, we throw a solution into which we press the profile until its surface comes into contact with the heads of the screws. Then, using up and down movements, distribute the entire solution evenly under the profile. We remove any remaining plaster from the wall with a spatula. After some time, the profile should be deleted.

This way you can install beacons without having to buy iron products in a store. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting several points:

  • beacons do not need to be removed from the plaster mortar after completion of work;
  • they save mixture consumption because they have a small height;
  • for their installation, only a few screws are enough, which allows you to save money on consumables;
  • the period of work is reduced, since there is no need for additional work to fill voids.

The only downside that can be noted is that making them requires practice.

We have reviewed the most popular types beacons used when plastering walls. In addition to them, there are several other devices used in this area. It’s quite rare in stores, but you can find plastic analogues of metal beacons. These products are made from durable materials. They can be left in the plaster without removal. They can undoubtedly be used in interior wall decoration. Why internal? Because the eraser becomes brittle when exposed to cold, easily breaks and bursts.

An analogue of galvanized products are reusable beacons

Another analogue of galvanized products are reusable beacons. How to display such beacons on the wall? Using special devices included in the kit. With their help, products are mounted on the wall in any convenient location. Such products are highly durable, but they also break and become unusable if removed from a dried solution. Reusable guides are quite expensive, so it makes sense to purchase them if you plan to do repair work on an ongoing basis. Buying for a one-time repair is a waste of money.

On sale you can find special fasteners for galvanized and plastic beacons, which can easily be attached to the surface.

A budget-friendly way to create beacons yourself is to make them from scrap materials. String beacons for plaster are a prime example of this. To install them, you need to drill holes vertically under the ceiling and near the floor. Dowel-nails are inserted into them, onto which the wire is wound. After this, the prepared plaster solution is poured under it. When the mixture sets, it is necessary to remove its excess protruding above the wire. The advantage of this method is that it is cheap, but it also has a disadvantage - when trimming or applying plaster it is easy to knock the level down.

You can put up beacons made of wood. This option has been used for a long time due to the lack of other options. The problem is that wood swells when exposed to moisture. For this reason, the plane turns out to be uneven. You can often see that profiles for attaching drywall can be installed as guides. This method is material-intensive, since it is necessary to apply an excessively thick layer of plaster mixture. Sometimes even drywall itself is used as beacons. This option is allowed, but you should be extremely careful not to crush the material when plastering.

We looked at how to place beacons under plaster walls various types- from traditional to homemade. The choice is always yours. Remember just one thing: thorough surface preparation and lack of haste will help you in any task.

High-quality wall finishing requires them perfect alignment by level and creating the maximum smooth surface without sinks and slops of solution. It is quite difficult to achieve this, but the task is greatly simplified by special guides attached to the surface to be finished - the so-called beacons.

We invite you to carefully read the information below and watch the video - installation of beacons for plaster.

Beacons are a kind of rails, based on which the plaster mortar is leveled along the wall according to the rule. If you place them strictly in one vertical plane, then there will be no problems with leveling the surface with your own hands, the work will take a minimum of time.

Of course, you will have to tinker with the installation of beacons, but this time will more than pay off in the future and will have a positive effect on the quality.

Previously, plaster guides were often made from smooth wooden blocks of the same cross-section, from plaster or from the same mortar that would be used for leveling. Now there are metal beacons on sale that make the work much easier and faster.

However, they have certain disadvantages, which we will talk about a little later, so the old methods are still in demand among many masters.

Installation technology

Before we tell you how to set up beacons for plaster, let’s focus on preparing the surface, choosing tools and consumables.

Which beacons to choose

First, you should decide whether you will use ready-made metal or wooden guides or make them yourself from plaster mortar.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • In the first case, the work will take less time, but after leveling the surface, the beacons will have to be removed from the plaster layer and the resulting defects will then be sealed.

Note. Conscientious craftsmen, when asked whether it is possible to leave beacons in the plaster, answer in the negative, since over time they begin to rust, and rust spots can appear on the surface. And sudden changes in temperature can lead to cracking of the solution along the metal guides. Although in constantly heated dry rooms the risk of such consequences is small.

  • The method of making beacons from solution is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but you do not have to do extra work to remove them.
  • Wooden beacons are almost never used today, since wood is characterized by its ability to absorb moisture and deform, which negatively affects the quality of alignment. They find active use only in finishing wooden houses clay plaster.

To make your choice, watch the video on how to place beacons under plaster.


To work you will need building level(preferably laser), trowel, spatula and two rules - long and short. The distance between future beacons depends on the length of the short one with which the solution will be leveled: it should be 10-20 cm less.

You also cannot do without a hammer drill, dowel nails, a primer roller, a large bucket and a drill with an attachment for mixing the solution. Before you install plaster beacons, the walls need to be prepared.

The preparation process includes the following steps:

  • Inspection of the surface to identify gross defects and deviations from the level;
  • If sagging mortar or protruding masonry elements are found, knock them down using a chisel and hammer;

  • After this, the surface is cleaned of dust and must be primed to ensure good adhesion of the plaster solution to it.

It is important! Neglecting this step entails the risk of the plaster peeling off the wall in the future. If you don’t want to renovate from scratch again in the near future, be sure to prime the walls before installing the beacons.

Installation of metal beacons

Ready-made beacons are an L-shaped or T-shaped perforated profile made of galvanized metal. The galvanizing layer protects the metal from corrosion, but during installation or leveling the mortar it is easily damaged, so the appearance of rust over time is quite possible, and therefore it is recommended to remove the profiles from the plaster when it has set.

When buying beacons, make sure that they are level and sufficiently rigid. Products made of thin metal may bend during the plastering process, which will deteriorate the quality of the finish.

Now it’s time to tell you how to place beacons under plaster - video and detailed description will help you cope with this task without any problems.

So, first you need to mark the position of future beacons on the wall by drawing vertical lines on it. The first should be located at a distance of 20-30 cm from the corner, all subsequent ones should deviate from the previous one by the length of the rule minus 10-30 cm. For beginners, it is most convenient to work with a step between beacons of no more than 1.5-2 meters.

Now you need to set the landmarks for the beacons according to the level. This is a very responsible and scrupulous job.

The following instructions will help you do it correctly:

  • On the drawn lines, stepping back from the ceiling by 20 cm, drill several holes to install reference points - dowel-nails. For a wall 2.5-2.7 m high, 5-7 such holes are enough;
  • Hammer dowels into all holes, screw self-tapping screws into the upper and lowermost ones;
  • Stretch the fishing line between the screws in all directions: vertical, horizontal and diagonal;

  • Determine the most protruding section of the wall;
  • Using a level and a screwdriver, with which the screws are screwed into or out of the dowel, achieve their position so that all stretched threads located in the same vertical plane and spaced from the protruding area at the minimum distance for plaster;

  • Screw the screws into all the other dowels so that their heads are flush with the fishing line stretched vertically. This way you will achieve their location in the same plane. After finishing the work, check the level again and, if necessary, adjust their position.

You may spend a lot of time and patience on this work, but now the question of how to properly install beacons for plaster will be resolved quickly and simply. You will only need to place the profiles on the heads of the screws so that they rest against them along the entire length, and secure them to the wall with mortar.

To do this, the solution prepared in advance is applied in heaps between the landmarks, a beacon is installed, and pressed with a long rule against the heads of the screws, while simultaneously making sure that they are in the correct vertical position. Excess solution protrudes through the perforation holes.

To secure the guides in a given position, after the solution has set, they are fixed with dowels or additionally coated on both sides so that the solution does not extend beyond the beacons.

Advice. To reduce installation time, use plaster or alabaster for fastening - they dry much faster than the cement mixture.

The process of plastering on beacons is a topic for a separate discussion. Let us remind you here that when the mortar on the leveled wall has set, but has not yet completely hardened, the guides should be removed from it.

This should not cause any difficulties: just pick out the fresh plaster from any edge, expose the end of the beacon, and then carefully and gradually tear it away from the wall.

It is unlikely that the product can be reused, since it will definitely be deformed when dismantled. But its price is not significant enough to save on it.

The longitudinal recesses remaining from the beacons are cleaned of alabaster residues, moistened with water from a spray bottle and sealed with the basic solution. The screws also need to be unscrewed before doing this.

Construction of beacons from working solution

The preliminary stage, namely the installation of landmarks for beacons, in this case is the same as in the case described above.

  • Knead the solution and apply it in heaps onto the protruding heads of the screws;
  • When it has set slightly, remove the excess that protrudes from the caps;
  • When the resulting marks have hardened well, place a long rule or a straight line against them vertically. wooden slats and throw the solution into the space between it and the wall;
  • Tap the strip with a hammer along its entire length to level the resulting strip of mortar, wait until it begins to set and carefully remove it;
  • If there are voids and shells left on the homemade lighthouse, rub them with a trowel;
  • Repeat the procedure for all landmarks.

If you have metal PP profiles, you can do it simpler: spread the solution along the entire height between the landmarks, lubricate the profiles inside with oil and press them into the solution, ensuring that their inner surface comes into contact with the screw heads. To do this, the profile is cut slightly less than the required length and moves up and down so that the solution inside is evenly distributed.

Excess mortar on the sides must be removed, and the profile must be carefully removed after a while. You will get smooth plaster beacons, which, after leveling the entire plane of the wall, will not need to be removed.

If something in the description remains unclear to you, and you do not fully understand how to install beacons for plaster, the video will help you fill in all the gaps.


It is not only physically difficult to plaster a surface well. This work requires precision and accuracy. The smoother the walls are, the less problems And financial costs will arise with subsequent finishing - putty, cladding, .

Installing beacons allows you to reduce labor costs, consumption of plaster mixtures and time for work. The videos offered in this article clearly prove this.

Any interior decoration of the walls of a room begins with their alignment. It very rarely happens that during construction the walls are made perfectly, and all that is required is to apply a layer finishing putty and paste wallpaper. A typical disease of the walls in a room is the walls themselves. If the unevenness is small, then the wall can be easily leveled using one or several layers starting putty. If the curvature of the walls is “decent”, then you cannot do without plastering work and choice. And only then apply a layer of putty.

To ensure that the wall surface is perfectly smooth after plastering work, “lighthouse plaster” is used. This method received its name from the beacons that are used when performing work. To make the wall even, these “beacons” need to be positioned perfectly. This process cannot be called complicated, but you should know how to correctly place the beacons under the plaster, do everything carefully and slowly. Having dealt with it, you can proceed to the main activities.

Several ways to install beacons

There are only two ways to install beacons:

  • using a solution;
  • using special fasteners.

Any other methods of installing beacons are variations of these two methods. For example, instead of mortar, you can use alabaster.

Installation of beacons on special mounts

Before you begin installing beacons, you need to prepare tools and accessories. We will need:

  • rope;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels;
  • level;
  • hammer drill;
  • The beacons themselves are made of metal.

When everything is ready, you should make vertical markings on the wall. Straight lines should be drawn at a distance of 1 meter from each other. We will attach the beacons along these lines. We start marking from the corner, retreating 20 cm from the edge of the wall. To ensure that the lines are straight, use a plumb line, a laser or a regular building level.

Now, on the outer lines, every 30 cm, we hammer wooden dowels or plastic dowels into these holes. We screw self-tapping screws into the dowels or choppers. But not completely. We still need to adjust the thickness of the plaster. We align the caps of the screwed-in screws with a plumb line or level. After the installation is completed, we put on special fasteners for the beacons. Now all that remains is to install the beacons in this fastener.

Thus, we created two perfectly even beacons along the edges. Now we stretch the cord between them and install other beacons along this level. Everything can be plastered. When using this method, the thickness of the plaster can be minimal, and the beacons can be adjusted very precisely.

It should be remembered that when installing beacons, we not only have to install them at the same level, but also make minimum thickness layer of plaster. Therefore, you will have to tinker with the adjustment, unscrewing and tightening the screws. But the layer of plaster will be minimal.

Installing beacons on the solution

To install beacons on the solution we will need:

  • beacons;
  • level;
  • cement mortar or diluted alabaster.

Before applying beacons to the wall, it must be prepared. We carefully examine the surface of the wall, looking for cracks, bumps and other protruding elements. We remove sagging and flaking areas. cover it up. After completing the repair and preparatory work, we prime the wall. You should not plaster without primer! If the layer of plaster then peels off, then everything will have to be done again. And these are considerable costs.

We all start with a rule: we find out what the horizontal and vertical deviation of the wall is, and draw lines along which we will then install beacons.

Now you need to prepare the cement mortar. The solution should have a thick consistency. Otherwise it will simply flow down the wall. To make the solution set quickly, you can add gypsum to it. A little.

Then we apply the solution to the wall and attach beacons to it. On one edge of the wall. Align using a level or plumb line. We do the same on the other edge of the wall. Let the solution dry and stretch the cord between the outer beacons. We install the remaining intermediate beacons, aligning them along the cord. Be sure to check the beacons in all directions using a level!

After the beacons have been placed and the mortar has dried, you can begin plastering. Read about it. A solution is poured between the beacons, which is leveled by the rule. It is pressed against the beacons, moving from bottom to top. The solution is evenly distributed over the wall. For lighthouses, plastering is done very quickly.

After the solution has dried, the beacons are selected from the wall. They begin to remove the beacon from below and from the outermost beacon. The recesses that remain on the wall are also plastered. Experts believe that plastering on beacons is the most professional and correct method.

Installation of beacons for plastering walls – important stage all the work. The evenness of all coatings depends on how correctly the beacons are positioned, so it is important to take a comprehensive approach to the installation procedure.


Plastering walls is a mandatory step repair work. Properly applied plaster makes the walls smooth, and the finishing coat on such walls holds up well. However, in order to carry out all plastering work correctly, you must first install beacons.

Plastering itself is designed to completely improve appearance walls, transform them. It's about hiding imperfections and imperfections. In addition to eliminating all defects, using plaster you can level the walls, and sometimes even change the proportions of the room by adjusting the length and width of the walls.

Beacons are needed so that the plaster can be applied in a perfectly even layer. Even experienced builders cannot do without installing beacons for plastering work.

There are lighthouses different types, however, the purpose of their use is the same: to help level the walls as much as possible. Also, beacons greatly simplify the plastering process, because they are based on the rule.

By installing the beacons correctly, you can minimize the mixture consumption. There will be an opportunity to save on material. This is especially true since the purchase of plaster and the plastering work usually cost quite a lot. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the amount of material is influenced not only by the correct installation of the beacons, but also by the quality of the surface. If it is badly damaged or uneven, then a lot of material will be needed. Levels greatly reduce the amount of material required if the surfaces are relatively level.

The choice of height for installing beacons is also influenced by the choice of mixture. In particular, the level of attachment of beacons depends on the composition of the plaster mixture. Some of them require preliminary installation of a plaster mesh, which also affects the distance between the lighthouse and the wall. It also plays a role that some plaster compositions are applied relatively thin layer(5-10 mm), and some are thick (up to 60 mm). When setting up beacons, you need to keep each factor in mind.

Beacons for plastering walls are not specialized. They can also be used when leveling the ceiling if such a labor-intensive and expensive design method as plastering is chosen. A special feature of beacon installation schemes is their versatility: they can be used not only for walls, but also for ceilings.

It is important to specify the specific installation of beacons in niches, as well as around door or window openings. This step needs to be given special attention.

Pros and cons of using

Some professional plasterers advise using beacons, the other half advise against it. It is worth taking a closer look at why such contradictions arose. The advantages of using beacons include:

  • Speed ​​of work. After the beacons are installed, work on leveling the walls will go much faster.
  • Simplicity. Leveling the walls after the beacons are installed becomes much easier, so even a beginner can do the job.
  • Perfectly flat surface. If you don’t use beacons, you won’t be able to level the walls that well.

There are also some disadvantages here:

  • Increased material consumption. Thus, the plaster layer increases by the thickness of the lighthouse, which leads to increased financial costs.
  • Need for additional time. The work of installing beacons takes extra time and requires additional effort, so some people neglect to carry out such preparation. But in vain.
  • Possible damage to the finishing coating. If low quality metal beacons are used, they may rust over time. Rust spots will appear on wallpaper or other decorative coating, and the repair will have to be redone.
  • Also, someone may be stopped from using beacons by the fact that the wall will have to be specially prepared for their installation.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether it is worth or not to install beacons for plastering walls, but we strongly recommend that beginners do not neglect this step. It can be difficult to level walls without beacons for experienced builders, let alone inexperienced people. There are several types of beacons. This means that you always have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.

In addition, one of the negative features of using beacons is the need for dismantling. After plastering, beacons that are not made of plaster must be removed, since if they are left, unforeseen incidents and complications may arise. Dismantling beacons is also a difficult process, because it is important to carefully remove foreign devices from the coating so as not to damage the plaster layer.

The positive thing is that the beacons themselves are inexpensive. This applies to all types. In addition, some of them can be made from existing plaster material, which, firstly, will reduce the cost of the solution, and secondly, will save on the purchase of beacons.


There are several types of beacons. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages due to the material from which they are made, as well as their size. There are metal, plastic and plaster beacons. There are also plasterboard and wooden beacons, but they are used much less frequently, so it makes sense to consider only three popular varieties.

  • Metal. Metal beacons come in different lengths and heights. There are varieties of 250 cm and 300 cm in length, and 6 cm and 10 cm in height. There are T-shaped and L-shaped profiles. The first ones are used when working with the plane of walls, the second ones are used for fastening at corners. Builders choose metal beacons more often than others because they are easy to work with, they are affordable, and are available in a variety of sizes. The master gets the opportunity to save a lot of time when installing such models. In addition, they are quite durable.

They also have their drawbacks. For example, during installation, a metal beacon is easy to deform if you make any awkward movement. It is dangerous to “forget” such beacons in the walls, since they can rust, and this rust will appear on finishing coating. Beacons must be mounted on a solution that will ensure their rigidity (for example, gypsum).

  • Plastic. Plastic beacons are similar in structure to steel ones, but they also have their own characteristics. Thus, high-strength plastic is used for manufacturing. Plastic products are lighter and stronger than metal ones, making them easier for beginners to work with. Beacons made of plastic do not deform, unlike metal ones, but they break if you apply force. Another positive feature is that the beacons can be left in the plaster without worrying about anything happening later, because the plastic does not rust or oxidize.

However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Plastic beacons are only suitable for plastering interior walls, because plastic does not tolerate low temperatures. Also, if the beacons are installed incorrectly, they will deform under pressure. This, in turn, will lead to the walls not being perfectly smooth.

  • Plastering. Only professionals can make such beacons. They are formed immediately during plastering work from the plaster itself, after which they are given the rule required form. The obvious advantage is the saving of material, but the disadvantage is the inaccessibility of production for a beginner.

also in Lately so-called string beacons appeared, which are a metal cable stretched between two carabiners. It has the common minus of all metal options– susceptible to rust, but working with it is much easier. All levels are perfectly level if the carabiners are correctly secured.


Depending on what type of beacons is chosen, the material consumption also depends. It is logical to assume that in first place are plaster beacons as the most economical representative. There is no need to spend additional plaster even to secure the beacons.

In second place are string beacons. You will need to spend a little more compound just to seal the carabiners, but otherwise, plaster is practically not needed to seal the cables themselves. They are quite thin and almost invisible in the thickness of the coating.

There will be a slightly higher consumption during installation metal beacons. One cannot ignore the fact that it will take enough a large number of solution for sealing cracks after removing beacons. It is important to take into account the correct installation of beacons. You should not make the distance between the lighthouse and the wall surface greater than necessary. Remember that if you reduce the plaster layer by just 1 cm, you can save up to 10 liters of plaster per 1 m2.

The maximum consumption of plaster is when using plastic beacons. This is due to the fact that of all the listed options, plastic samples are the thickest. According to statistics, the layer of material when using such options is 6 mm larger than when installing metal ones, which is precisely due to the difference in the thickness of the beacons themselves.

Regarding the calculation required quantity the beacons themselves, it is done quickly and simply. First you need to measure the length of the wall. So, you will need:

  • one lighthouse on each side of the wall;
  • one beacon on each side of the door or window opening;
  • one beacon for every 1-1.3 m of wall surface.

2 (on the sides of the wall) + 2 (on the sides of the door) + 4 (one beacon for every 1.25 m of surface) = 8 beacons.

The easiest way to calculate the number of beacons is when you have ready plan rooms. On it you can depict where the levels will be.

When choosing the distance between beacons, proceed from the length of the rule you have. Thus, the step between them should be less than the length of the rule, so that during operation it rests freely on the beacons.

However, make your cadence less than a meter also not recommended: it will complicate further work for removing beacons from the wall.

Tools and necessary materials

Before displaying beacons, you need to acquire the necessary tools and materials. They will make working with beacons much easier and help carry out all activities quickly and efficiently. Tools you will need:

  • The lighthouses themselves. If used as beacon profiles wooden blocks, they must be impregnated with a special antibacterial composition.
  • Trowel or spatulas for applying fixing solution. Moreover, it is necessary to purchase both large and small tools. They are useful not only for direct fastening of beacons, but also for preliminary preparation surfaces.
  • All kinds of levels: laser, hydro (spirit level), bubble. Each of the listed tools greatly facilitates the work of determining horizontal lines and further calculating the location of beacons.

  • Plumb. It is necessary directly when determining the verticals on which the beacon profiles will be fixed.
  • Rule. Along with the level and plumb line, this tool is used to determine horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Colored crayons and pencils for marking.
  • Bright fishing line or cord. These materials will be needed to build levels and construct diagonals.

  • Hammer. Necessary for drilling holes for dowels. In the future, beacons will be built along the fixed dowels. In addition to the hammer drill, you need to purchase a set of special drills of different diameters.
  • Roulette. It's best to choose construction options made of metal 8 m long, since this way you can cover the entire distance both vertically and horizontally, and diagonally of the wall.
  • Screwdriver Set. Both cross-shaped samples and those with a straight slot will be useful, but it all depends on what kind of head the dowel has.

If speak about additional materials, then you will need to purchase a primer. Will need a liquid primer deep penetration for treating the base and paste-like for application to the plastered surface. To attach the beacons, you may need plastic clips or so-called “ears”. If you have a choice, then it is better to give preference to “ears”: with them you can significantly save on the plaster composition.

You may also need a thickener for the mixture or adhesive composition, if you plan to mount the beacons on the solution. Such additives will help the mixture quickly set and, accordingly, quickly fix the beacon in the right place.

Surface preparation

Before installing beacons, the surface must be prepared, regardless of what walls are planned to be plastered - brick, foam or gas block, plasterboard, concrete or others. The foundation preparation process consists of several stages, each of which is very important. You can't miss a single one.

The first step is to remove the old covering from the wall, and we are talking not only about wallpaper, but also about plaster, paint or something else. Please note the specificity of the procedure. So, the wallpaper will have to be removed in any case, just like water-based paint. If the walls are covered oil paint(it is almost impossible to remove), then you can leave the paint, having previously made notches to improve the adhesion of the plaster and oil composition. Old plaster it can also be preserved if it does not fall off or “bounce”, but if there is even the slightest concern, it is better to dismantle the coating. It is extremely important to take the time and thoroughly clean the surface of the base.

The walls are well primed using liquid primer deep penetration. Please note that priming work is carried out 2-3 times. Each time you need to wait until the previous layer of primer has completely dried.

Depending on the type of surface, before installing beacons and plastering, it may be necessary to apply specific material. Yes, for brick walls additional processing will not need. Concrete surfaces needs to be treated with liquid cement mortar. Wooden and metal walls additionally strengthened with special plaster nets, which are fixed between the beacons.

Basically, on this preparatory work can be considered completed. Before starting any repair work, you need to protect adjacent objects and surfaces with masking tape: door jambs, glue strips of tape on the floor and on the ceiling, where they are adjacent to the walls. This will completely protect the environment and will not require much time in the future to clean adjacent surfaces.


It is important to determine exactly where to place beacons. Not only the correct alignment geometry, but also the evenness of the walls depends on the correct markings. The marking process is called wall hanging. Performing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. All you need is knowledge of a school geometry course. Stages of work:

  • First you need to determine the evenness of the wall. To do this, apply a long rule to different sections of the wall alternately, marking protruding places or depressions different colors. For example, green chalk can be used to mark bulges, and blue chalk can be used to mark depressions.
  • Measure down 2 m from the top of the wall. It is best to take measurements at the junction of two walls in the corner. Use a laser level to line up the horizontal line. Then measure 2 m up from the line adjacent to the floor and also build a horizontal line.
  • On the top horizontal line measure 10 cm from the corner joints. Drill holes in these places and install screws in them.

  • There is an easy way to build straight verticals. A plumb line is used for this. A cord with a plumb line is attached to the upper screw and lowered until the distance from the floor is 3-4 cm. As soon as the plumb line stops oscillating, mark points on the lower horizontal line. Holes are also drilled here and screws are installed.
  • Next, measure 10 cm from each screw and drill holes again, installing the screws. The outermost lighthouses will be located here.
  • The distance between the locations of the outer beacons must be divided into several approximately equal parts about 1-1.3 m in length. Please note that it is better to plot the points along the upper horizontal line, and mark the corresponding points on the lower horizontal line using a plumb line. Drill holes at each of the new points and insert screws.
  • If there is a door or window opening in the wall, then you need to retreat 10-15 cm from it on each side. Additional beacons will be installed here. Be sure to determine the evenness of the door or window opening using a level or plumb line. Even if the opening is level, it is still better to determine the verticals with a plumb line.

  • Now stretch the fishing line between the outer screws along the perimeter and diagonally. Next, screw in the screws until the line lightly touches the protruding area. Diagonal lines should touch slightly, be at the same level, and lie in the same plane.
  • Next, all the screws that determine the position of the beacons are unscrewed until they lightly touch the fishing line. It is important that they lightly touch, and do not rest against the fishing line. This indicates the thickness of the plaster layer. Make sure that the screws lag behind the wall at a distance no less than the height of the selected beacons. If this is not the case, then adjust the position by unscrewing all the screws to an equal distance.

How to secure?

After the marking is made, it is necessary to decide how exactly the beacons will be fixed. The fasteners depend on the type of beacon used and the material from which it is made. There will be no problems if you make beacons directly from plaster with your own hands. Beacons made of other materials - metal, plastic, wood - can be mounted in two ways:

  • Used plaster mortar. For fastening, you can choose either the solution used for plastering work or a modified equivalent: plaster with additives responsible for the setting speed, gypsum mortar and others. The solution is applied with slaps from top to bottom along the line on which the beacon will be attached. Then metal or plastic profile is pressed tightly into the solution until it is completely level with the screw heads. The evenness of the profile relative to the vertical is checked using a rule. If the profile becomes deformed during the process, it is promptly replaced with another. After the profile is installed as it should, excess plaster is removed from it, and then proceed to the installation of the next beacon.

  • Fastening without mortar. This option is more modern, because it uses specially designed devices - plastic fasteners or “ears”. If you have a choice between plastic fasteners or “ears”, choose the latter, since here the thickness of the fixing element itself is insignificant, therefore, a smaller layer of plaster mortar will be required in the future. The clamps are screwed in place of the screws used for marking, and then the profile is simply snapped into the fasteners. Please note that removing plastic fasteners from the wall is quite difficult, so many people leave them directly in the wall.

Smoothly plastered walls, corners and slopes are the key quality repairs. Carefully prepared surfaces make it easier finishing, help save materials. Guides will help you achieve ideal geometry - beacons with the help of which horizontal and vertical lines are formed for further finishing.

In this article we will review what types of plaster beacons there are and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will provide instructions on how to correctly place beacons under plaster with your own hands, we will analyze the technology for applying the solution and leveling surfaces along the guides.


Before starting plastering work, using a laser or conventional level or plumb line, it is necessary to identify deviations in horizontal and vertical lines. Hanging the walls is done carefully; this will help to lay the plaster evenly and reduce the consumption of the mixture.

The starting point is the most convex section of the surface; the thickness of the beacon should be added to it (depending on the model 3-10 mm), this is how the thickness of the plaster layer is determined.

Advice: If the difference is too large relative to other surfaces, then in order to save materials and time, it should be knocked down with a hammer.

Diagram of how to properly screw in self-tapping screws for attaching beacons

How to hang walls

We start hanging the walls from the vertical. At a distance of 150-200 mm from the ceiling and corner, we hammer in a dowel, which should protrude from the wall 10-15 mm more than the most convex place. We attach a thread with a plumb line to it, drive in another dowel, tighten the thread and fix it, then check the geometry, tighten the self-tapping screw until the level is completely level. Using the same algorithm, we fasten the thread in the opposite corner.

For horizontal sag, we pull the threads diagonally, at the intersection we have the middle of the plane, where we screw in the self-tapping screw. From there, according to the level, we make horizontal markings to the corners, here we also screw in self-tapping screws, tighten the thread, after which we again check the geometry with water or laser level. When the fishing line comes into contact with the surface, you should remove the unevenness or adjust the threads by unscrewing the screws.

Scheme of how to make wall sagging

Intermediate guides building regulations are mounted at a distance of 2 m from each other. If you are installing beacons under plaster yourself, then the distance between the rails should be 150-300 mm less than the length of the rule. Watch a video with instructions on how to plaster walls using beacons with your own hands; the video will help you understand the intricacies of wall hanging technology.

If the unevenness is insignificant, then plastering the walls with your own hands without beacons is acceptable. The solution is thrown onto the wall and leveled with a long rule. A level is applied, gaps are identified, which are refilled with mortar and smoothed. Plastering without beacons requires skills, then we offer a video with detailed technology applying the solution and leveling it.

How to place beacons under ceiling plaster

Hanging the ceiling is done using a long rule or a water level. The most low point ceiling, here the first self-tapping dowel is fixed, from it at a distance of 100 mm in level the next mark is set, and so on across the entire surface. Instead of self-tapping screws, you can use markers - squares cut from plasterboard, which are attached to a quick-fix solution. To provide our readers with comprehensive information, we have selected many thematic videos for this article on how to install beacons for plaster; the video will help you understand all the intricacies of the process.

Choosing the right beacons

Previously, lighthouses were formed from cement-sand plaster, gypsum or alabaster blotches; the technology is still relevant today, used by craftsmen high level to level out minor differences, this avoids additional costs for the purchase of auxiliary elements. Instead of threads for sag, you can stretch a thin wire and fix the string guides on the sides with a solution. Slats cut from plasterboard or other material are an excellent alternative to store-bought products. We suggest watching instructions on how to install beacons for plaster; the video demonstrates the production of guides from mortar.

New, more advanced beacons for plaster have appeared, simplifying the process. They are thin, even, perforated strips, 3, 6, 10 or more mm thick, 2.5 to 6 m long, made of galvanized steel or polyvinyl chloride, which is preferable. Plastic ones are not subject to corrosion and do not require dismantling after finishing plastering work. The most popular shapes for do-it-yourself plaster strips are T (for flat surfaces) and L (for corners and slopes).

Installation of beacons for plaster - video and detailed description of the technology

Each type of guide has an individual installation method; next we will look at how to install beacons for plaster.

From solution

After the walls have sagged, an even strip is installed along the heads of the screws; it can be replaced with a rule. The resulting gap between the lath and the surface is filled with a solution, after it has hardened, the plank is carefully removed, the hardened solution will serve as a guide for subsequent plastering. This operation should be repeated throughout the entire marking.

How to place beacons under plaster walls: video and step-by-step instructions for installing metal and PVC guides

Metal and PVC beacons are displayed on stamps - these are cakes made from a quickly hardening solution and glue. If plaster is not your thing, first we make markings and sag, as described above, then we make marks from the solution using the heads of the screws - cakes approximately 50-80 mm in diameter.

We apply the beacon and press it strictly vertically using a level. First we install the outer strips, then the intermediate ones, it is important to monitor the horizontal geometry: there should not be even minimal gaps between the rule and the beacons. After the marks have hardened, the planks are firmly in place, we fill the gaps between the wall and the guide with mortar.

Idea: Beacons made of plasterboard under plaster are installed according to the same principle as metal ones. It is better to attach strips 40 mm wide to starting putty. They are not used for outdoor work.

To clarify technological nuances, we bring to your attention a video lesson on plastering walls using beacons with your own hands, which shows step by step and in detail the entire process of installing guides.

Modern mount for beacons under plaster

The listed technologies for attaching beacons under plaster require time and skill. After installation, you will have to wait until the solution dries thoroughly. Taking into account all the nuances, modern market responded with a new proposal - mounting it under a lighthouse.

Holes are drilled along each marking line at a distance of 300-500 mm. Dowels are inserted, usually 6*30, into which SHSGD self-tapping screws are screwed, their length depends on the thickness of the plaster layer. The level caps are twisted into a single plane. Puts on with a self-tapping screw special devicepvc fastening with a groove into which the guide is inserted. After installation, the strip is secured with a plug.

Modern fasteners for lighthouses under plaster

Plaster under the lighthouse

Quality standards for plaster are regulated by SNiP in part III-21-73:

  • Simple - vertical and horizontal deviations of up to 3 mm per 1 m/p are possible, the total height error is no more than 15 mm over the entire height, as well as smooth irregularities, up to 3 pcs./4 m2, in diameter and depth up to 5 mm.
  • Improved - horizontal and vertical deviations of up to 2 mm are permissible, holes and irregularities are 2 pcs./4 m2, with a diameter and depth of 3 mm.
  • High-quality is strictly regulated - tolerances in plane deviations of no more than 1 mm/1 lm are possible. and smooth irregularities 2 pcs./4 m2, up to 2 mm deep.

Watch how beacons are installed under plaster walls; the video below demonstrates one of the methods for attaching guides, pouring mortar and leveling it. This method is most often used in repairs.

Types of plaster

Conventionally, mixtures for plastering walls can be divided into 2 types: cement and gypsum. The former are much stronger, have high stability to moisture and sub-zero temperatures, That's why cement-sand mixtures usually used for outdoor work and in rooms with a difficult microclimate, for example, in a bathroom. You can apply a thick layer of plaster in several stages; if the thickness exceeds 50 mm, then a reinforcing mesh is laid between the layers. For interior works used cement-sand mortar with lime paste, it is more plastic than usual; PVA glue is added to it for strength and improved adhesive characteristics.

Modern gypsum mixtures, huge selection which are presented in construction stores, such as Leroy Merlin, used for interior decoration. They are characterized by high adhesion, do not shrink, set quickly, are plastic, do not crack, the maximum permissible layer is up to 50 mm.

Technology of applying plaster on beacons

Before plastering, the surfaces are primed, which will help increase the adhesion of the mortar to the walls and ceiling, and this will also prevent moisture from being drawn out of the mortar. Ready mix It should be thick, sticky, and not run off the spatula. Plastering walls with cement mortar on beacons, as well as gypsum, is carried out in parts, from bottom to top, in sections of up to 2 m 2, as a rule, a bucket of mortar is used for such an area:

  • moisten the surface well;
  • spread the solution with a spatula, a little more than required, there should be no gaps between slaps;
  • attach the rule strictly perpendicular to the beacons and carefully move it upward with zigzag movements;
  • For best quality repeat the pass, but as a rule, move smoothly, smoothing out unevenness.

In this chapter we have selected one more for you detailed video plaster on beacons, which shows how to apply the mortar and smooth it with the rule.

Is it necessary to remove beacons after plastering?

After the plaster has hardened, it is recommended to remove the metal guides. When grouting with a solution, it usually slides along the beacons and tears off the galvanized layer, which may subsequently cause rust spots. The beacons are pulled out using X-shaped movements. The edges of the grooves are passed with a spatula blade, protruding irregularities are removed. The recesses are covered with the same solution as the main layer.

Suggested on YouTube various options plastering walls on beacons with your own hands, video tips will help you choose the most the best way for better quality repairs. We invite you to watch another video with instructions for applying cement-sand plaster.


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