How to choose or make LED lamps for seedlings. Seedling lamp

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To grow seedlings, a sufficient amount of light is required; in conditions of deficiency of natural light, artificial lighting should be used. To get healthy seedlings at any time of the year, learn what equipment is best to choose, what time to turn on additional lighting, and how to install lamps to illuminate seedlings with your own hands. Only proper lighting is safe and effective for seedlings, and errors in calculations often lead to the death of fragile crops.

Sprouts under artificial light

Why do you need to highlight seedlings?

The happy owner of southern windows and balconies has to worry less about artificial lighting for growing seedlings. The rest should think in advance about how, where and with what devices it is best to illuminate developing plants.

It is quite clear what kind of light seedlings need - the closest to natural light. The sun's rays provide plants vital energy necessary for photosynthesis. Leaves absorb light radiation and photochemical reactions occur in them, as a result of which minerals organics are synthesized.

Homemade device

In conditions short day During the cold period of the year, additional illumination of seedlings is simply necessary. Otherwise good planting material will not work. The lack of light has a depressing effect, the sprouts become weak and frail, and can stretch out greatly in an attempt to get at least a little more sunlight.

If you use additional lighting, the seedlings begin to noticeably grow stronger and form new leaves, their color becomes more saturated.

The Sun sends light energy to Earth, consisting of photons (segments electromagnetic waves different lengths). Visible white light can be broken down into photons different color(electromagnetic spectrum), differing in wavelength (red has the longest, blue and violet have the shortest).

Effective range of photosynthesis

According to research, light waves of red and red have the greatest influence on plant development. blue colors. Rays of the blue part of the spectrum (400-500 nm long) regulate the growth rate and contribute to the formation of thick stems. Red light waves (600-700 nm) ensure productive photosynthesis and intensive leaf growth.

Mini shelving with lighting

When to light seedlings

When placing seedlings on a windowsill, additional lighting is used in the morning and evening periods of the day (a couple of hours before dawn and 1-2 hours after sunset) to increase total time lighting during the short daylight hours of winter. If daylight difficult due to cloudiness, the presence of trees and buildings outside the window and unfavorable location, then artificial lighting more is required.

If it is impossible to place containers under the sun, all responsibility for providing light energy falls on electrical devices, which must maintain parameters as close as possible to natural ones.

Do seedlings need light at night? Seedlings need a period of night rest due to physiological processes. Some of the reactions of photosynthesis occur under conditions of light absorption (oxidative processes with the release of oxygen and hydrogen, energy storage), and in the dark, carbohydrate molecules are formed with energy consumption.

Illumination in the evening

Therefore, it is not recommended to illuminate seedlings around the clock. It is even dangerous for the health of plants; their leaves may become covered brown spots.

Although some experimenters conduct experiments on round-the-clock illumination of their seedlings and claim that the plants develop faster and become stronger.

How much light do seedlings need?

Developing plants need regular lighting. Seedlings should be provided with sufficient light for about 8-12 hours (more for some crops). The length of time the plants are illuminated depends on how much sunlight they receive.

For plants, not only the length of the period during which they receive light energy is important, but also its volume. The luminous flux should be required power, and illumination (amount luminous flux per unit area) - no less than 6000 lux (optimally 8000 lux).

The level of illumination that is comfortable for plants is regulated by bringing artificial sources closer or moving away; some lamps also allow you to change the emission power.

Nursery on the window

To calculate the light level of seedlings and determine required quantity lamps pay attention to their power (watts) - for a lighting area of ​​1 sq. m requires 100-150 watts (when using energy-saving lamps) for the room and 35-50 watts for the window sill.

The light source should emit in the range of 300-800 nm, with red and blue rays predominant. In order for artificial lighting to have the most effective effect on the development of crops, it should be taken into account that in each period of development, seedlings need rays of a different spectrum.

For a seed that does not yet have chlorophyll, the presence of light radiation in the red spectrum is important, which stimulates germination, and in green seedlings it affects the intensity of development.

Blue light prevents plants from stretching excessively, promotes cell division and the formation of strong planting material with good immunity. At the very beginning, the rays of the blue spectrum should predominate, then the ratio of red and blue is 2 to 1 (3 to 1), and after picking, an equal number of them is required.

Combined backlight with rays from the red and blue ranges

Choosing lamps for illuminating seedlings at home

The product range of lamps and fixtures is quite diverse in type, purpose and price. There is always the opportunity to choose a device suitable for specific needs and financial capabilities or buy what is needed for self-made. You should familiarize yourself with the parameters and advantages of various lamps and make right choice.

LED lamps - cost-effectiveness and efficiency

LED illumination of seedlings is considered the best alternative artificial lighting for plants. Modern LEDs cover the entire visible range of light. Therefore, making combinations of different colors, you can get artificial lighting with any necessary spectral composition.

Before choosing LED lamps for seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with their main technical characteristics. Compared to other sources, they combine a number of advantages:

  • compact size;
  • low level electricity consumption (1 W/hour per 1 diode);
  • The efficiency of photosynthetically active (assimilated by plants) radiation is 99%;
  • high light output (about 100 lm/hour);
  • long service life (100,000 hours);
  • resistance to external factors (mechanical stress, temperature changes, humidity);
  • safety to use.

Plants under LED lighting

Not all LED lights are suitable for growing plants. Models marked led grow, which emit light in a spectrum favorable for plants, are suitable for LED lighting.

You can make LED strip lighting yourself. First you need to calculate the required luminous flux. To do this, you will need to know the area of ​​crops, the height of the suspension and the power of the belt. The LED strip has an adhesive backing, so it is easy to attach to required height.

Sodium lamps for seedlings

The so-called agricultural high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) are traditionally used in domestic practice as an affordable source of artificial lighting. Compared to LED lights, they are less efficient and economical, but are quite suitable at home for lighting small areas of crops.

The performance parameters of sodium lamps are as follows:

  • The efficiency of assimilated radiation is 26-30%;
  • light output – up to 150 lm/W;
  • operating life – up to 24,000 hours;
  • electricity consumption – more than 70 W/hour per 1 lamp.

NLVDs are an order of magnitude cheaper than LED ones. The main disadvantage of sodium lamps for seedlings is the very small (~8%) radiation in the blue region of the spectrum, which is partially compensated by introducing special additives into the lamp.

Sodium lamps and the spectral composition of the light they emit

Fluorescent lamps for growing plants

Fluorescent lamps are also used to illuminate plants, but it is advisable to use them only on small area. Conventional models of such lamps are ineffective from the point of view of growing plants. A fluorescent lamp for seedlings must have a two-component phosphor coating with maximum radiation in the blue and red regions.

Their technical parameters are as follows:

  • The efficiency of assimilated radiation is 20-22%;
  • light output – up to 80 lm/W;
  • operating life – up to 15,000 hours;
  • electricity consumption is about 20-60 W/hour per 1 lamp.

Planting under fluorescent lighting

Fluorescent lamps are characterized by low power and insufficient radiation in the red region of the spectrum. Therefore, they are used only at the stage of growing seedlings.

Phytolamps are the ideal choice

Phytolamps are lamps specially designed for illuminating plants with a specified spectral composition of radiation. In small doses they also emit ultraviolet light (to provide resistance to low temperatures) and infrared light (metabolism stimulant). LED lamps are the best phytolamps for seedlings, due to their technical parameters. Luminescent ones are inferior to them in terms of efficiency and quality of emitted light.

Illumination with photo lamps

Phytolamps are very convenient to use at home. The design of phytolights for seedlings allows you to adjust the angle and brightness level of the lighting at any time. They are attached to the ceiling or other surfaces using special clamps.

Phytolight for home

DIY lighting installation

It is not difficult to fix the lamps yourself, especially if it is a special phytolamp. It is important to correctly calculate the distance from additional lighting to the seedlings and take care of the brackets.

Homemade adjustable bracket for illuminating seedlings

Important rules for installing lighting fixtures

When planning to install lighting for seedlings on the windowsill, you should be guided by the following considerations:

  • first of all, ensure safe operation (prevent the possibility of moisture getting on the devices and tipping over);
  • It is best to place the lamps from above, in this case the lighting reaches the plants as much as possible;
  • use reflectors (made of white fabric or foil) to direct the light flux to the desired location.

Homemade rack from PVC pipes with backlight

When illuminating seedlings in an apartment without a natural source a good decision will build a special rack (it takes up little space and can be disassembled after use), and place lamps above the shelves. In this case, additional illumination needs to take the longest time, so the possibility of overheating of the devices should be excluded.

At what distance from the seedlings should lighting lamps be placed?

It's important to choose optimal location lamps, if they are too close, the plants may get burned. Greater distances significantly reduce illumination and energy is wasted inefficiently.

Typically, the height at which the lamps are located is within 10-40 cm from the seedlings. At the shortest distance, the illumination is placed when the crops are pecking. You should check by turning on the light and placing your palm at what distance the heat will not be felt. It is desirable to be able to adjust the height as the seedlings grow.

The distance depends on the type of lamp and the age of the seedlings

Seedling lamps can be screwed into a regular table lamp or securely fasten it together with the cartridge on a self-made stand (using bolts, self-tapping screws or special glue). It could be rectangular suspended panel or other stable structure.

To install lighting for seedlings, it is very convenient to use brackets (special support parts for vertical fastening). They can be firmly screwed into place where they will support shelves or lamps.

Homemade lamp from LED strip

How to make an LED lamp + video

You can make a simple lamp yourself as follows:

  1. Prepare materials and tools - a backlight lamp with a socket and power cord, a construction beacon made of galvanized steel (has a stiffening rib and perforation holes), bolts and nuts, pliers.
  2. To make a stable support, bend the lighthouse into a rectangular frame that matches the size of the window sill.
  3. In the middle, install a vertical stand in the form of a frame of two parts - the lower ones vertical racks and the upper U-shaped curved part. The rack supports allow you to adjust the height of the structure by extending it to the desired length and fixing it with bolts.
  4. Strengthen the rigidity of the fastening by screwing the jibs through the holes in the beacon on both sides.
  5. Attach the lamp socket to the top of the frame using bolts; if required, you can attach several lamps.

Video: DIY lamp for seedlings

Additional lighting for growing strong seedlings with your own hands is simply necessary and there are many options for every taste and income that can be easily implemented at home. You can make the most of available materials or purchase everything in a set; the main thing is to correctly and effectively illuminate young plants, guided by the positive experience already gained.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. She's different strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils that are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkle with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or shrubs on the site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an item of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sifting the flour, combining everything necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties We will tell you about three of these most popular vegetables, which are distinguished by their excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the eggplant varieties “Almaz”, “Black Beauty” and “Valentina”. All eggplants have pulp medium density. In Almaz it is greenish, while in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united by good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Everyone's skin color and shape are different.

– it’s not an easy matter. It stretches out, becomes pale, or is affected by a fungal disease. However, experienced gardeners have learned to grow strong and healthy seedlings. They know that the plant, first of all, needs light. Its deficiency prevents the growth of full-fledged seedlings.

Therefore, lighting plays a key role in not an easy task for growing seedlings. With its help, the sprouts receive everything they need to grow. Plants need lighting, despite the skeptical comments of some gardeners that they will grow anyway. Let's consider the question of choosing a lighting device for plants.

In open ground, plants receive the full spectrum solar radiation. But placing them in a living space, the picture changes. The culture does not receive enough of the most useful radiation - blue and red. It is these spectra that contribute to the development of healthy, developed and strong seedlings. In apartment conditions it is impossible to give them useful light.

But illumination solves the problem; it provides the plants with blue and red radiation - the sprouts do not stretch, do not fade, and do not get sick.

The plant's immune system becomes stronger. Now it’s clear why seedlings need additional lighting. Moreover, it can be used to grow plants. all year round and provide them with full daylight, albeit artificial. Moreover, the red color helps the development of already grown seedlings, and the blue color forms tiny, barely hatched sprouts, it is involved in photosynthesis - the leaves acquire that same healthy green tint, and not pale.

The advantages and benefits of additional lighting will no longer be discussed, everything is clear without unnecessary arguments, plants need it just like water. Let's look at the types of lamps and figure out what to choose from. large assortment V garden centers.

The correct choice of lighting is based on calculating the number of lux and lumens per area occupied by seedlings. First, it’s worth understanding the most important characteristics of lamps – what is lux and what is lumen. The latter denotes the unit that measures luminous flux. And lux shows the degree of illumination of 1 m2 of luminous flux. It is lux that you need to pay attention to when purchasing lighting. Ideally, the number of luxes should be at least 8000. If the area with seedlings is more than 1 m2, you need lamps that would provide a total of 8000 liters per square meter. m. That is, as a rule, one device is not enough.

A standard window sill will require at least two lamps.

When choosing a backlight, you should also pay attention to the type of radiation - there should be red and blue in mandatory. The uniformity of lighting plays a big role, otherwise the plants will develop unevenly. So, there are several types of lighting devices:

  • Phyto lamps

Let's look at each type and see what to choose for a home greenhouse for the benefit of green pets.

A type of lighting popular among gardeners. It produces useful radiation and saves electricity, as can be seen from the name of the lamp. The backlight is inexpensive and lasts a long time. With its help, the gardener grows completely healthy and strong seedlings.

Energy-saving lamps are the most common and widely used types of lighting in gardening.

However, energy-saving backlights are usually weak. Specifications indicate insufficient lux and lumens. Therefore, even for a standard window sill you will need 2-3 lamps or more depending on the area. Otherwise, the plants will be drawn to the only “sun”, which is not enough for everyone. The stems will be crooked and weak.

Another alternative type of lighting used by gardeners. Of course, it is not intended specifically for seedlings, but its effectiveness has been assessed and is being used.

When choosing these lamps, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics.

The color temperature indicator, which is designated by the letter “K,” must be above 4,500. What does this mean? The higher this indicator, the more blue radiation the plant will receive. The 4,500 mark corresponds to sunlight. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to this parameter. A low score won't do any good. Alternatively, a fluorescent lamp can be used for illumination, but of course it will not replace a phyto lamp.


This type of lighting is designed specifically for flora and includes subspecies. Let us dwell on them for a more detailed study. Highlight:

  • LED. These lamps are very convenient. These are small devices that consume a small amount of electricity. The efficiency factor is large, it is considered the best option for lighting seedlings. The lamp takes into account all types of radiation necessary for the normal development of crops.
  • Metal halide. These devices are ideal for growing plants. They include useful radiation with a good light transmission coefficient. Moreover, the efficiency of metal halide lamps is higher than that of mercury lamps. They use metal iodides, not just mercury.
  • Sodium. These lamps are used for growing mature seedlings. The fact is that the predominant shade in the backlight is red. He is responsible for the immunity of the culture, the gain of strength in. However, it is also suitable for seedlings.
  • Induction. They differ from their counterparts in their “infinite” operating period – up to 100,000 hours. That is, once you have purchased such a lamp, you can forget about replacing or buying a new one - it will definitely last a gardener’s lifetime. According to all characteristics, the lamp is optimally suited for illuminating plants. Emits both blue and red spectrum.

These types of lighting are actively used in specialized garden centers, greenhouses and winter gardens. Experienced gardeners prefer them, since the lighting efficiency of phyto lamps is much superior to their counterparts.

All these types of phytolamps should be in the arsenal of a professional gardener who does not deny the need for light for green pets, especially in early spring. They will help you grow healthy and strong.

The backlight installation is based on technical specifications device. Remember luxes and lumens? The lamps are installed based on their quantity and light transmission indicators. That is, the plant must receive enough light.

Even if the gardener purchased an LED device with good characteristics, this does not mean that one lamp will be enough for a large area with seedlings. For a standard windowsill, for example, you will need two phyto lamps. Install them vertically, not from the side or from below.

Special devices do not heat, but illuminate, so there is no need to be afraid to lower the lamp over the plants.

The distance from the device to the plants will be approximately 30-40 cm, depending on the crop. If you install the lamps on the side, the seedlings will begin to bend towards the light, which is undesirable. If the leaves begin to turn brown at the edges, the lamp is located too close. That is, look at the plants and adjust the distance between the lights.

The use of lighting should be effective and useful. Therefore, it is important to follow the basic rules for using lighting equipment for seedlings. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the planting season:

  • If it is February or even January, the backlight should work daily - 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. That is, you need to increase daylight hours to standard summer hours.
  • In March and April there are much more hours of daylight than on winter days. Therefore, it is more advisable to use lamps for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening.

Shoots that have just appeared, many are illuminated all day long. But this is not entirely correct. biological process development implies a period of rest - night. Plants need it as well as all living things. Therefore, seedlings should be illuminated for the standard 12 hours, no more.

The period of illumination will also occur during the day, on cloudy days. The end of April, May does not require additional lighting. The seedlings are already being taken out to Fresh air for hardening, where the plants receive their daily dose of real sunlight. The use of backlight depends on the region, planting period and daylight hours. Consider these factors. This way lighting devices will give useful and effective results.

When using fluorescent lamps, the light is scattered so much that crops do not receive enough sunlight. Experienced gardeners have come up with a trick - they build partitions from white Whatman paper or foil. These materials collect light and reflect it onto the seedlings. This way, useful lighting does not “scatter” around, but focuses on the plants.

If the containers are located on window sills, the lighting can be attached to special, removable pins.

They are attached to the upper horizontal surface of the frame, and lighting equipment is hung on them. At the end of the season they are removed and stored until next spring.

It is advisable to place boxes with seedlings on eastern or western windows. This way you won’t have to spend too much on electricity, despite the use of special lamps. The fact is that there is more sun in the west and east than in the north. Equipment usage time will be reduced by a couple of hours. The south side, although sunny, is not recommended for growing seedlings. Young seedlings can burn on windowsills due to direct sunlight.

Every gardener who grows not only seedlings, but also all-season crops needs lighting. Having figured out why it is needed and what types of lighting lamps are suitable for green pets, you can purchase helpers for growing healthy and strong seedlings. Also don't forget about simple, basic rules caring for young seedlings.

More information can be found in the video:

Lighting is an essential component for plant life and growth. Without enough light, seedlings turn pale and wither.

What should the lighting be like, prices different kinds lamps and how to make a device for additional lighting yourself from inexpensive materials and LED strip we will cover in this article.

Lighting for seedlings

The most popular plants grown as seedlings are tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper and cabbage. Many decorative flowering annuals are also sown first in small containers and only when they reach a certain size are they transplanted into open ground.

This need is associated with the discrepancy between climatic zones and the duration of the growing season of individual species, or the need to pick the main root to improve the development of the root system.

Illumination of seedlings with LEDs

There is a fairly significant difference between lighting for mature plants and seedlings. Seedlings capture light in more than just chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phytochrome and cryptochrome also absorb light and are responsible for the division, stretching and specialization of cells of the future plant.

Light, its intensity, color temperature, spectrum and duration of illumination are very important for seed germination and growing viable seedlings. With a lack of light, plants stretch out, become pale or yellow, their development slows down, and the timing of flowering and fruiting is delayed.

In conditions where the seedlings are on the windowsill, they can be provided with passive lighting. A reflective screen (white paper or fabric, foil on a backing) is installed between the seedlings and the room. The light entering from the window is reflected from the screen and illuminates the plants on the other side. But all these are half measures, since natural light is completely insufficient.

Illumination with old incandescent lamps, despite the brightness, gave very poor results, since plants need a certain spectrum, and much less of the necessary blue and red remains in the total light flux. Incandescent lamps become very hot, requiring additional ventilation and watering.

Artificial lighting options for plants

For artificial lighting of plants (in particular seedlings), it is recommended the following types lamps:

  1. Luminescent. This time-tested option is still used by most greenhouse farms. Inferior to other types of lighting for seedlings.
  2. Metal halide. They are economical, but do not provide enough light in the blue spectrum.
  3. Sodium. A rather expensive type of lamp that requires the installation of additional control equipment. The glow is predominantly in the orange and yellow spectrum.
  4. LED. Of all types of artificial lighting, the future lies with LED grow lights. They deserve a separate listing of their numerous advantages. For plants located on shelves, it is convenient to use, for example, such as in.


The advantages of supplementary lighting of seedlings are:

  1. Economical– use 8 times less electricity than standard lamps.
  2. Durable– with heat removal, they can operate for up to 50,000 hours.
  3. Repairable – an LED that has stopped working can be easily replaced. Agree, this is much cheaper than buying a new lamp.
  4. Installation of LEDs different power and spectrum allows you to get exactly the lighting that the best way will satisfy the need of a specific seedling at a specific time. If you need to change the spectrum, simply replace one with another in the same lamp.
  5. Turns on instantly and gives an even glow without flickering.
  6. Heats up very little, which makes it possible to place them lower above the plants without the risk of causing burns on the leaf plate.
  7. Low voltage operation improves security parameters.
  8. Eco-friendly– do not contain harmful chemical substances and don't need special conditions for disposal.

It can be assumed that the ever-increasing interest of consumers will affect production volumes and prices will begin to fall.

Let's consider more details.

Popular models

The choice of a specific model depends on where exactly the lighting will be installed, for what crops, and at what distance from the tops of the plants.

Professional LED lamp for plants 75W (10 spectrums)

Where can LED phytolamps for seedlings be used:

  • in greenhouses and farms;
  • in private homes;
  • apartments;
  • in summer cottages.

Depending on the types of racks and the number of seedlings, LED lights can be of different shapes:

  1. Pipe– suitable for additional illumination of seedlings in long narrow rows, often used on window sills.
  2. Tablet or phytopanel– the shape of the lamp is in the form of a rather large square. This is a professional lamp designed to illuminate wide shelving.
  3. Single lamp– supplementary lighting in this form is used when growing a small number of seedlings for personal needs.
  4. – illuminate from a greater distance and a larger area than single lamps.
  5. LED strips– can be configured in any order. They are most often used for making phyto-lighting with their own hands.

When choosing a phytolamp, carefully read the instructions. Good manufacturer necessarily indicates from what distance which area can be effectively illuminated by a specific model of phytolamp. This information will be very necessary when planning the number and power of purchased lamps.

Example: “Topaz”, the parameters and price of which are given in Table 2, depending on the distance to the plants, gives the indicators indicated in Table 1.

As can be seen from the table, the prices are not encouraging. This is the main reason that LED lights not so popular, despite obvious advantages. But You can significantly reduce the cost of a lighting device if you make it yourself.

How to assemble an LED seedling light

The simplest version of LED phytolamp is made from LED strip.

Materials for work:

  1. Panel, the size and shape of which coincide with the area on which the seedlings will grow. You can use a lamp from a damaged fluorescent lamp.
  2. Aluminum profile.
  3. Red and blue LED strip with Velcro. Before purchasing, do not forget to correctly calculate the proportions of blue and red spectra recommended for your plants. Most often this is 1 length of the blue spectrum per 8 lengths of the red spectrum.
  4. Power supply or driver.

Do-it-yourself phyto-tape assembly diagram

Choosing between driver and a simple block power supply, keep in mind that the first one not only transforms the standard 220 volts into the required 12 or 24, but also stabilizes the voltage. Drivers are produced for specific LED power.

Assembly of the lamp consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. Clean and degrease the surface of the panel.
  2. Attach to panel aluminum profile– it is needed to remove heat and extend the life of LEDs.
  3. Cut the tape into the required lengths. You need to cut between the soldering - it is visible on the tape.
  4. We connect the segments with a connector or using a soldering iron.
  5. Filming protective covering from the inside of the tape and glue it with slight pressure onto the aluminum profile. Avoid strong kinks in the tape to avoid damaging the tracks powering the diodes.
  6. We install the panel on a stand with legs that will hold the lamp above the seedlings at the required height.
  7. We place the power source at the required distance from the outlet and connect it to the LED strip. It is important to maintain polarity.
  8. You can use it.

The price of an LED lamp for seedlings should not make you refuse such high-quality lighting. If you have hard-working hands, you can make a very high-quality lamp with your own hands.


This video will tell you how to make an LED lamp for seedlings with your own hands.


This is my fifth season growing seedlings under lamps. Proper seedlings can be obtained in an apartment only if there is additional lighting. The fight against cold stretching of seedlings is like bonsai (suppression of the plant). If it is a hardening effect, then it can be done several days before planting (which is not necessary). The main thing that causes seedlings to grow is the lack of lighting. In the phase of cotyledon leaves, it is possible to highlight for 3 days without interruption, when the first true leaves appear within 12-16 hours a day. You can completely use art. light (in the corner of the room, even in the basement). The electric timer is programmed (in the socket). Lamps are as close to the sprouts as possible. What is bright for us is dark for a tomato. Each sprout in a separate glass is at least 045L. Under the 60x60 lamps (ordinary ceiling lamps under "Amstrong"), at first there are about 30 cups. Later, more space is required. If you grow artificially until the end, you will have to have more lamps (and an electricity bill).

  • Guest

    All the windows in my house are north-facing, I placed 4 seedlings under Flora lamps, 36w each, the other part per window, those that are elongated under the lamp are weak, but on the window they are strong and have begun to gain color. I’m shocked, it’s snowing outside, but they decided to bloom, they’re about a month old. I wanted to push them into the greenhouse in May, but now I removed them from the window under the lamp and lowered the temperature to slow down the growth. Do you think it won't hurt them?
  • Registration: 03/14/09 Messages: 13 Thanks: 13


    Registration: 03/14/09 Messages: 13 Thanks: 13 Address: Belarus, Vitebsk region.

    Before I advise you, I need to ask you a couple of clarifying questions, wait for an answer... time. They say “in spring the day feeds the year.” Maybe someone else will write something. I will just briefly share my “experience” of using artificial light when growing seedlings. Something will answer your questions and “maybe someone else will say thank you.”
    The topic is one of the important ones. Almost all men and women, summer residents, do this in the apartment, do this regularly... this is described in book language - they make a race in the development and growth of plants. 50-65 days. This can be done well or as usual.
    Good means to illuminate fluorescent lamps. Power is 300-400 watts per 1 sq.m. and even then, an acceptable level of light is provided only at a distance of no more than 20-30 centimeters! Preferably as close as possible and so as not to burn 2-7 cm to the top leaves! It is important!
    You can imagine how “dark” it is for seedlings just on a window in cloudy weather, on northern windows. When objectively measuring the illumination in a room with instruments, we will find that it does not at all coincide with how the human eye perceives it. When moving 0.5-1 m away from the window, the light level drops by half, curtains, trees, the house opposite, not washed windows also significantly worsen the life of seedlings. The light from the window is “one-sided” than in a greenhouse with a transparent ceiling and walls, even there on cloudy days. initial stage growth is illuminated.

    About the lamps. (from the literature) it is believed that plants absorb the entire spectrum of daytime sunlight with the exception of the far red region. The maximum absorption in the blue violet is 430 Nm chlorophyll A and 450 Nm chlorophyll B, another maximum in the red part is 660 Nm chlorophyll A and 650 Nm chlorophyll B (for those interested), the minimum absorption of green rays. Graph - two hills between them, a depression (green rays) behind the hill, a depression to zero (far red light). Here are special lamps for aquariums and plants such as flora and others that must be “tailored” to the need for chlorophyll. Maybe the companies that make lamps have “conjured” the phosphor, I suspect it’s more marketing ploy. You need lamps for plants, here we have them, buy them, “a little” more expensive.
    IMPORTANT. Conventional fluorescent lamps create the necessary light. I tried to determine which ones are better with a cool shade or with a warm one, honestly I didn’t notice the difference. DRL cold light was previously successfully used in greenhouses, but now sodium light is pinkish with high efficiency; pinkness is a feature of the glow of sodium salts.

    Keep in mind that when additional lighting is applied, the seedlings develop correctly compared to their peers at an accelerated rate. Almost all of mine planted after March 10 bloom after April 15-20! At the end of April, early ripening varieties even bear fruit. This is normal. If the flowers and fruits bother you because the plant is weakening, tear it off. It's easier. It is necessary to feed with each watering or every other time. It is better to strongly dilute the fertilizer and water frequently than several times with a loading dose. Spray with brasinosteroids such as Epin. Several times before planting in the greenhouse. Harden only if you want - a few days before the greenhouse. I think this is not necessary to do when growing. It’s better to try to provide everything you need from a young age (like children) than to torment them with cold (how to do this in an apartment).
    It is usually planted when the threat of severe night frosts has passed (they can be in the flesh until June 8), tomatoes tolerate frosts normally, unlike peppers (they are damaged already at -0.5 degrees). (from the literature) tomatoes may have survived after a severe frost, but they sharply lose their yield in the future compared to their peers that were not subjected to this test. Usually the summer resident cuts through when it’s time. On average after May 10-15. (in the greenhouse). Proper tomato seedlings should be 30 cm high at the time of planting, have 7-8 maybe 9 true leaves and buds on the first flower cluster. Usually after the 7th, and then flowers in 1-2 (from the variety) tiers. It is advisable to remove the first flower (on the branch) of the pepper to save strength for future development. You may even have to remove it (since development is faster with additional lighting). Good luck!

  • Guest

    [Good means illumination with fluorescent lamps. Power 300-400 W per 1 sq.m.
    Oleg, I just can’t find what kind of illumination in lux or lumens the fluorescent lamps provide. I read on one of the forums that there are LED lamps with 90lm.W, how about fluorescent lamps, do they all have the same 1W?
    If the same, then how much? Plants require 500 to 3000 lux.
  • Registration: 03/14/09 Messages: 13 Thanks: 13


    Registration: 03/14/09 Messages: 13 Thanks: 13 Address: Belarus, Vitebsk region.

    In the suites. Lumens are written on the lamp packaging. For example: 18 Watt-1200lm; 36W-2850lm; 58W-4000lm. Lumen is a unit of luminous flux expressed in solid angle. Illumination can be measured with a photo exposure meter; I did this out of curiosity a couple of years ago. For example, my photo exposure meter Sverdlovsk4, the instructions have a table on how to determine the illumination and convert it to lux when measuring the luminous flux from a light source. The window is closed with a matte filter and directed at the light source, measuring quite accurately. Rather than looking for numbers online, it’s better to play around with the measurements yourself. It greatly depends, significantly, on the distance and on the light source; you write that plants require from 500-3000 lux. You can see the difference is big. For tomatoes, at the initial stage of seedling growth, for example, 8000-10,000 lux is needed! Even 5000 is generally the minimum. 500 may be acceptable for a shade-tolerant fern. I don’t remember the exact numbers now (you can insert batteries and measure). I remember that this is true, at a close distance from the lamps up to 8 cm, like light from the sky from the north (not from the direction of the sun) in clear sunny weather.
  • Guest

    Today, along with spam, this “LED phytolamp for illuminating plants MT5070” arrived. They are produced by Master Whale. Googled it. But we always came across only luminescent Osrams. Has anyone bought/used LED ones? Still, there will be big savings if the light bulb works around the clock.
  • Registration: 04/26/09 Messages: 601 Thanks: 746


    Registration: 04/26/09 Messages: 601 Thanks: 746 Address: Tver

    Messages 13 and 20 cover the topic as conveniently as possible.
    Regarding LEDs - they have the wrong spectrum and do not provide enough light; at the current moment in the development of electrical engineering - they are not suitable.
    For seedlings at home, OSRAM FLORA is definitely the best - but you need not just one of them - but two or three for each box, this is optimal.
    Energy-saving lamps (with a regular socket) of the red and blue spectrum are also suitable, depending on the stage of growth and type of plants. But these lamps must be of quite high wattage and there must be several of them.
    In large industrial greenhouses, lamps of the DNAT or DNAZ type are already used at any stage of growth - here the height and type of reflector are adjusted.
    Lamps with a reflector (as for suspended ceilings with a mirror reflector) - although intended for plants, are used very rarely - because give a strong heat flux and should be installed as high as possible, but at the same time the luminous flux is significantly lost as the illumination spot increases.

    In general, when growing seedlings, you can use the simplest fluorescent lamps. It may not be the optimal spectrum, but it is very low price. In general, daylight hours provide sufficient illumination for seedlings and it is not worth extending it much at all - seedlings grow well as is, the main thing is to provide back lighting - i.e. The lamp is located above and slightly behind the window and shines all day long. The main thing here is that the seedlings do not stretch too far upward. Well, of course, if the windows face south, there is no need for lighting.

    For many years I have been growing tomatoes and cucumbers on the balcony, as well as seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage of various varieties for planting in the ground. But in my city apartment the balcony faces south and is glazed. Illumination from conventional long (36 watt - 120 cm in length) fluorescent lamps is located above and behind the plants - the seedlings become stunted and the stems are strong. Tomatoes and cucumbers go to greenhouses, and partly to open ground (preliminarily under film) - depending on the summer, the yield is comparable.

  • griznik said:

    So, after all, how to choose the right lighting for a greenhouse - with fluorescent lamps?? Please tell me!

    But the greenhouse will not work with fluorescent ones. You will need to place hundreds of lamps, hundreds of chokes and a bunch of wires. They will completely block your natural light, and maintaining all this is extremely inconvenient. Luminescent only for seedlings, in the apartment.
    And in the greenhouse - only gas-discharge ones. The most accessible and effective are high-pressure sodium DNAT, DRIS (with an internal mirror reflector). Power of at least 400 watts.

  • Good means illumination with fluorescent lamps. Power is 300-400 watts per 1 sq.m. and even then, an acceptable level of light is provided only at a distance of no more than 20-30 centimeters!
  • Registration: 12/20/09 Messages: 122 Thanks: 59

    I read about sodium lamps and realized that I was not ready to install them in my apartment. I saw this message and decided to check how many fluorescent lamps I need for square meter for highlighting seedlings in the apartment. There are already a couple of 120 cm lamps.
    Their power is 36 W. By division I found that 8 lamps need to be installed for 83 cm of width at this length. It turns out that the lamps should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other?
  • Registration: 03/31/09 Messages: 264 Thanks: 409

    Yes, they are installed quite often. But a lot depends on the light that the seedlings receive from the window. If the window is south, eastern, then you can slightly reduce the number of lamps. Not 8 pieces, but 6. In addition, it is advisable to install a reflector above them if it is not included in the lamp. But the reflector will block natural light. So a 250 watt sodium would be best. Modern HPS with electronic ballasts are reliable and have a very long service life. The price is just that... But I bought it once, and it will last for a long time, and even in winter you can grow several pieces of pepper, for example, only in artificial light.
  • Registration: 12/20/09 Messages: 122 Thanks: 59

    Yes, the thing is that Lately very cloudy winters and even south-facing windows don’t provide much light. Again, the window sills are narrow, so it’s easier for me to place the seedlings on the table and install the lighting than to stick to the window.

    But it seemed to me from my first experience that even if the distance between the lamps is greater than 10 cm, the light from neighboring lamps blocks the space (I don’t know if I expressed myself clearly) and this frequency of arrangement of lamps is excessive.

    But it’s kind of scary to install sodium lamps in an apartment. What if it explodes? The voltage in our network fluctuates so much that ordinary incandescent lamps burn out in one go. And the costs, of course, are considerable.

    Yes, and the pepper under DNAT will be “golden”

    If it’s more convenient to sit on a table, then the light from the window can be ignored. About covering space - I admit, I didn’t really understand this phrase. What I meant was that the reflector would return some of the light from the lamps to the plants, but would interfere with the light from the window. So on the table this is not a problem.
    As for “what if it explodes?” Electronic ballast is not afraid of power surges. How does your other equipment work with such jumps?
    And what does cloudy winters have to do with it? Seedlings begin to be grown in the spring, when there is much more light. And under a lamp with sufficient lighting, seedlings grow much faster. My tomato is ready in 35 - 40 days. Peppers are about 45. However, I add a little vermicompost to the soil.

    As for the golden peppers, the lamp does not stand idle in winter. But of course, art requires sacrifice...

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