How to wallpaper the ceiling. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling: rules and tips

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Along with pasting ceiling panels, the most popular method of ceiling repair among people is pasting the ceiling with ceiling wallpaper. Using wallpaper for ceiling cladding is the cheapest way to repair. Although the important difference here is the fact that coping with wallpapering the ceiling alone is an impossible task, at least one assistant is needed.

The best wallpaper for covering ceilings is considered to be wallpaper with volumetric embossing; heavy vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is most often used. For kitchen and bathroom ceilings, it makes sense to use washable wallpaper that can withstand face washing with chemical detergents.

When choosing wallpaper, carefully read its technological and performance characteristics. Medium-width wallpaper (50-60cm) is easier to glue than wide wallpaper (1 meter or more), but there will be more inter-wallpaper seams when using it, which is not very good when achieving a monolithic effect.

The surface of the ceiling must be prepared before wallpapering: the ceiling is cleaned, cracks and defects are puttied and sanded, and the ceiling must also be well primed. The thinner and smoother the wallpaper for the ceiling you intend to use, the more carefully the ceiling surface is prepared.

Embossed voluminous wallpaper with a geometric or abstract pattern best masks defects in the ceiling surface, we mentioned this earlier. You should also choose voluminous wallpaper if the ceiling will be painted after wallpapering. Two or three layers of water-based paint can significantly smooth out excessively small wallpaper patterns.

Be careful when choosing wallpaper glue. All modern wallpaper manufacturers indicate the type of wallpaper and the recommended type of glue. This is usually adhesive for heavy or vinyl wallpaper. When preparing the adhesive mass, it makes sense to make it somewhat thicker than the calculation standards recommend.

Before you start wallpapering, be sure to mark the ceiling. This is a very important point, helping to paste the wallpaper exactly parallel to the walls.

The glue should be applied to both the wallpaper and the ceiling, then carefully apply a piece of wallpaper to the marked line on the ceiling and carefully level it with a soft roller. When pasting the ceiling, air and excess glue must be removed even more carefully than when wallpapering walls, since the overhead lighting of the chandelier will subsequently highlight even the slightest defects and blemishes of the surface.

The wallpaper on the ceiling is joined end-to-end; if the wallpaper may lag at the edges, these places should be immediately coated with glue and pressed well.

A ceiling covered with wallpaper will look complete if you use ceiling plinth, which is also used when gluing the ceiling with ceiling panels. If the room has a low ceiling, then it is best to use a wide ceiling plinth, this will visually increase the height of the room and add volume to the room.

How to properly hang wallpaper for painting

Every year the so-called paintable wallpaper is gaining more and more popularity. Wallpaper intended for painting with water-dispersion, water-emulsion or acrylic paints have a number of advantages compared to traditional paper wallpaper with a finished pattern applied to it.

Firstly, wallpaper intended for further painting, have a texture that gives the wall surface a unique appearance, expressiveness and character. In addition, the embossed structure of wallpaper for painting perfectly masks unevenness and other surface defects of the walls.

Secondly, wallpaper can be repainted several times before painting, and not necessarily with one color. Thus, with each new cosmetic renovation of your apartment, you can easily change the boring color scheme of your home.

Video on the topic: How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, all the nuances (renovation in an apartment).

Thirdly, correctly selected and high-quality wallpaper for painting gives the walls a holistic and monolithic look; stripes of wallpaper are almost invisible.

In our stores, supermarkets and markets building materials Wallpaper for painting is represented by three main categories (types), differing in the materials used for their production:

  • wallpaper for painting paper based(the most budget, inexpensive wallpaper option),
  • non-woven wallpaper (non-woven wallpaper),
  • fiberglass based wallpaper.

The first two types of wallpaper for painting have an external decorative structural layer made of special foamed vinyl, which is why such wallpaper is popularly called “vinyl”. The outer layer of fiberglass wallpaper for painting consists of quartz sand, bonded with special binding additives.

Paper-based wallpapers can withstand 5-7 paintings over the entire period of their operation, and more expensive and high-quality non-woven and fiberglass wallpapers can withstand up to 15!

All wallpaper for painting is classified as heavy wallpaper, so gluing it has several features.

  1. For gluing, special adhesives for heavy (vinyl, non-woven) wallpaper are used.
  2. Wallpapering for painting must be done using the “joint to joint” method.
  3. Wallpaper is painted after it has completely dried.

Before buying wallpaper glue, be sure to read the wallpaper manufacturer's instructions for gluing and using it, and pay attention to the recommended types of wallpaper glue. Wallpaper for painting is glued in the same way as any other wallpaper, and yet experts advise following several special important rules.

How to properly glue paper-based wallpaper for painting? The prepared wallpaper sheets, cut to length, are spread on the floor and carefully coated with a small layer of special glue for heavy wallpaper. For reliability, experts recommend diluting the glue to a slightly more concentrated consistency than indicated in the instructions for its use. When cutting wallpaper, it is better to leave a small margin of length.

The greased wallpaper is folded across with the adhesive parts facing inward and allowed to soak for no more than 5 minutes. In the meantime, the surface of the wall is treated with the same wallpaper glue; a thin but uniform layer will be quite enough for this.

After finishing the process of coating the wall with glue, the prepared wallpaper sheets are glued to the wall.

When gluing wallpaper for painting on a paper base, you need to be especially careful, because due to its fragile paper base, if it is over-moistened with glue, it tends to deform, stretch and even tear. And “overexposed” wallpaper, excessively swollen with glue, especially cheap ones, can almost completely lose its decorative embossing.

To prevent this from happening, they need to be coated with glue quickly, evenly and thin layer, and also try not to keep it too wet. All these precautions practically do not apply to durable non-woven wallpaper. because this one synthetic material does not stretch, does not deform and is quite durable. But non-woven wallpaper for painting has its own unique gluing features.

Unlike paper-based wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper does not need to be pre-lubricated with glue. When gluing them, coat a section of the wall with a width slightly larger than the wallpaper being glued well with wallpaper glue.

Then they simply take the roll and, carefully smoothing it out, glue the wallpaper from the ceiling to the floor. The non-woven base, which has excellent adhesive properties, allows you to special effort stick wallpaper to the wall. All that remains is sharp knife cut off the excess part of the wallpaper exactly under the baseboard.

Experts note not only the simplicity and ease of applying non-woven wallpaper for painting. but they also have another, no less important advantage. The non-woven base of such wallpaper is an excellent binding and fastening material. Non-woven wallpaper glued to the walls significantly strengthens it, reinforces its surface, and prevents the appearance of small cracks.

It will be useful to know that non-woven lining adheres well not only to walls, but also to any other surfaces - ceilings, door and window slopes.


Which wallpaper is better to choose for the ceiling?

To start choosing, you need to decide on the range of types and characteristics. Someone argues that the use of heavy types of wallpaper is unacceptable, but we will try to refute this from the point of view of practicality and aesthetics, but for now we will decide what material is used in finishing the ceiling:

  • vinyl on non-woven base,
  • paper on a non-woven basis.

Each of these materials can be in different color solutions, have textures, reliefs and various decorative coatings. But for the ceiling it is still preferable White color or wallpaper for painting.

Let's return to the issue of using heavy canvases. For some reason, there is an opinion that a canvas that is too heavy will simply sag under its own weight due to the fact that the mass of wallpaper with glue is much higher. This is all quite acceptable, but:

  • If the surface is well prepared, if the ceiling is fairly flat and high-quality glue is used, you don’t have to think about this nuance.
  • In addition, the denser the wallpaper, the more unevenness in the surface it will hide. And there is an invaluable advantage in this.

Wallpaper selection

Now let's take a look at the features of choosing each type of wallpaper. To do this, we will analyze the premises by main types.

Choosing wallpaper for a living room means in the hall, in the bedroom, in the living room, in the utility room - in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom. The type of wallpaper directly depends on the type of room. For example, a kitchen or a bathroom - rooms with enough high level humidity. In the kitchen, due to the temperature difference and the absence of a hood, condensation can easily accumulate, which can then turn into mold damage to the walls.

That is why it is best to take thick vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven backing. The less paper content the better in such cases. In addition, vinyl wallpaper can be easily washed. This is another important point for gluing in the kitchen.

Very often, various fumes leave marks on the ceiling. Removing stains from paper wallpaper is an art. But using vinyl or non-woven fabrics will easily solve this problem. In case of serious contamination, it can simply be washed off with ordinary soapy water without difficulty. Naturally, if there is no decorative coating on the canvases.

It is quite possible to use paper sheets in the bedroom or living room. Especially if the rooms are dry and warm, with smooth ceilings. Besides paper wallpaper much lighter and cheaper. As for liquid wallpaper, their choice is universal. They can be suitable both in the kitchen or bathroom, and in the living room with a bedroom.

Liquid wallpaper is essentially plaster with various decorative additives. But when used and applied correctly, liquid wallpaper can even get rid of a foggy bathroom mirror, as it allows air to pass through perfectly. Moreover, decorative options There are a lot of liquid wallpapers. It’s enough to even look at the photo catalog of manufacturing companies.

Roll width

Why is it worth paying attention at this moment? It's simple: there are several roll sizes. The most common widths: 50, 55, 100 cm, length: 5, 10 meters. There are more, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The width of the ceiling roll is important. The wider the roll, the more difficult it is to glue the strip. However, the surface will be more uniform and aesthetically pleasing. Although narrow wallpaper is no worse. It’s just that if the surface is large enough, for example, the room size is 5 by 4 meters, it is better to use wide wallpaper.

Glue selection

It's not just the choice that matters the right wallpaper, but also the choice of mixture for installation. Glue today is not just a starch solution, which does not always take one form or another. These are professional polymer compositions, which are prepared for a certain type of wallpaper. Therefore, it is important to know what wallpaper you purchased in order to choose the right adhesive.

For all types of wallpaper with the addition of polymer particles (vinyl, non-woven, non-woven paper, etc.), it is best to choose glue for heavy canvases, even if the main composition of the wallpaper is paper. This will just prevent the canvas from sagging under its own weight.


Wallpapering the ceiling: work order

A ceiling decorated with wallpaper has a rich range of visual effects. It will not only make the room more comfortable, but will also allow you to delimit the room into zones. This is especially true in one-room apartments, where a single room serves as a bedroom, study, living room and dining room. In addition, the porous structure of the material provides additional sound insulation.

What types of wallpaper are suitable for the ceiling?

The composition of wallpaper for the ceiling varies. These are paper, non-woven, vinyl, liquid and glass wallpaper. Embossed textile or non-woven wallpaper is best suited for pasting. They hide surface defects and provide noise and heat insulation.

Paintable wallpaper is often glued to the ceiling to give it a more desired color or draw some picture. In rooms with high humidity good waterproof film. It is easy to stick and protects the surface from water.

Video on the topic:

Preparation for pasting: cleaning and priming

So, you have decided which wallpaper to choose for the ceiling, now you can move on to the main task. But take your time. First the surface needs to be prepared. To do this, the ceiling must be cleaned from the plaster with a spatula and primed. Special attention should be applied to the joints of ceiling tiles.

The primer must be selected in accordance with the selected type of wallpaper. Most often used acrylic primers deep penetration. This operation may take more than one day, because... The primer is applied in several layers, allowing each of them to dry. The dried primer must be sanded to level the surface. Before processing, it is necessary to fill cracks, if any.

The treated ceiling must be marked so that the wallpaper is glued perpendicular to one of the walls. It is better to seal the place where the chandelier will hang masking tape, and before pasting, turn off the electricity.

Let's start the gluing stage

Wallpapering the ceiling is a job for two. So before you pick up your cutter and roller, mix up the glue, and spread it on the ceiling, find yourself a partner. Now you can start.

Video on the topic: DIY ceiling wallpaper gluing Tutorials

The glue must be made very thick so that it does not drip from above and holds the heavy ceiling wallpaper. To avoid problems with a wet strip, apply glue to the ceiling. Pasting should be started from the wall and the strip should be held so that it is directed strictly according to the markings. After this, you need to press the paper against the ceiling and level it with a roller.

The following strips are glued end to end. In this case, you need to carefully ensure that gaps do not form between them. After completing the pasting, you can rest: the wallpaper will dry for about another day. If you used a coating for painting, then next step there will be surface staining. To do this, you need to paint the wallpaper with a roller several times, and then use sandpaper to bring the surface to perfection.

Often after pasting, uneven edges are formed. It's no problem. They can be carefully trimmed with a cutter and then hidden with a ceiling plinth. The variety of shapes and colors of cornices makes them appropriate in any interior. If you glued wallpaper for painting, after completing the main stage, we begin painting work.

How to care for ceiling wallpaper?

To make the wallpaper last longer, it can be varnished. Many paintable wallpapers can withstand more than one coloring, so this type of ceiling decoration is very economical. If the wallpaper begins to peel off, you need to coat the fallen edges with glue and press them to the ceiling with a roller.

Embossed wallpaper is prone to absorption unpleasant odors and dust. Therefore, they need to be cleaned periodically. Cleaning is done with a brush, vacuum cleaner or dry cloth. And moisture-resistant materials can even be wiped with a damp cloth.


How to choose and hang wallpaper on the ceiling

When the question of finishing the ceiling arises, only three options come to mind: painting, hanging or tension structure. It seems that the choice is not great, but there is another option - decorating the ceiling with wallpaper. This finishing method has always been original. It opened up great opportunities for the designer. With the help of wallpaper on the ceiling, it was possible to create an incredibly beautiful and exclusive interior. In addition to its beautiful appearance, the option of finishing the ceiling with wallpaper has a number of other advantages:

Video on the topic: how to glue non-woven wallpaper for painting on the ceiling

  • There is no need to paint the ceiling often if it has suddenly faded due to poor-quality paint.
  • There is no need to spend a lot of money on the construction of a suspended or tensile structure.

Like any repair process, wallpapering the ceiling is divided into several stages. The correct sequence of work is important, so be careful.

Preparing the ceiling.

The first thing to do is get rid of the old finish. If it's whitewash, then you just need to wash it off warm water. If the ceiling is painted water-based paint, then you will have to work with a spatula with a spatula.

The second is leveling the ceiling surface. When dismantling the old finish, small defects may appear, so the ceiling must first be treated with a deep penetration primer. This material will not only increase the adhesion rate, but also strengthen the top layer.

If there is a slight difference in the plane, it can be removed by applying a thin layer of finishing putty to the ceiling, which, after drying, is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper or a special painting synthetic mesh. Grinding is done in a circular motion without strong pressure.

And the last operation at this stage is another layer of primer, after which has dried, you can begin the gluing process itself.

Decide what wallpaper you will use for decoration. There are no special restrictions on your choice; you can use everything that is on the market today. Photo wallpapers, for example, blue sky and white clouds or starry sky, are very popular.

Paintable wallpaper for ceilings is especially popular. The peculiarity of such wallpapers is that they can be repainted. If you are tired of a certain color, there is no need to remove the old finish, you can simply apply new paint.

Prepare the tools you will need for finishing:

  • Roller and brush
  • A special rubber roller or plastic spatula,
  • Scissors and knife,
  • Clean rag
  • Ladder,
  • Paint bath.

In order not to experience difficulties in the process of gluing wallpaper to the ceiling, make sure you have a partner who will work below.

Video on the topic: Wallpapering the ceiling.
You can glue wallpaper yourself without an assistant. In this case, the wallpaper sheet is folded into an accordion, but this method requires great experience, so it is not suitable for a beginner. And one more important point that you need to pay special attention to is a strong and wide pedestal, from which the likelihood of falling is minimized. To do this, it is better to use a table or install trestles.

Wallpaper sticker. The sticker process depends on what wallpaper you have chosen. For example, if it is paper or vinyl wallpaper, then glue must be applied to the material itself. If it is non-woven wallpaper, then the glue is applied to the ceiling. The adhesive applied to vinyl wallpaper needs to be left in place for a couple of minutes, but this cannot be done with paper wallpaper - apply the adhesive and immediately lay the material on the ceiling surface.

The strips of material are laid parallel to the window. In natural light, the joints between the stripes will be invisible. Therefore, wallpaper is trimmed based on the longitudinal size of the room.

  1. Apply glue to the first strip from the center of the strip to the edges. Make sure that the glue does not get on the front side of the wallpaper.
  2. One person climbs onto the sawhorse, carrying one of the edges of the wallpaper strip in his hands. The edge must be glued to the corner of the room, stretching it along the ceiling and leveling it over the entire area.
  3. After gluing the strip, remove any remaining air and excess glue from underneath it. To do this you will need a clean roller.

Air bubbles and joints should be rolled with a rubber roller.

This procedure must be repeated with the remaining strips. The only thing that can be difficult is gluing the adjacent strip to the already pasted one. The sticker is applied end-to-end; if the wallpaper you choose has a design or pattern, you will have to maintain the alignment of two adjacent stripes, so even at the trimming stage you need to pay special attention to this.

The excess is cut off before the glue dries using a knife and a long spatula. The joint between the walls and the ceiling can then be covered with a ceiling plinth.


How to glue wallpaper to the ceiling

The most common type of wallpaper for hanging on the ceiling is paintable wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is produced on paper and non-woven bases.

Paper-based wallpaper for the ceiling. For paper wallpaper, you need to carefully prepare the surface. Such wallpaper practically does not hide even minor defects and can tear if applied carelessly. This finishing option is quite economical, but only if the surface of your ceiling is perfectly flat.

Non-woven wallpaper. If the surface is very uneven, then more textured and structural wallpaper is chosen. This way you can visually level an uneven surface.

Important: the weight of wallpaper on the ceiling should not exceed 110 g/m². Before describing the process of gluing wallpaper to the ceiling, we will determine what tools and devices we will need for this.

Tools for work

Wide and narrow paint brushes. You will also need a square, tape measure, pencil and a container for diluting glue.

How to properly hang wallpaper on the ceiling

We measure and cut the wallpaper into strips. When calculating the length of the strips, you need to take into account the windows in the room, or more precisely, their location. To make the seams between adjacent strips less noticeable, you need to glue the wallpaper in the direction of the window, that is, in the light of the sun's rays.

Another nuance is to create a reserve, that is, the strips should be cut to greater lengths, so that when gluing to the ceiling, the ends of the strip extend onto the walls by 2-3 cm, and subsequently they will need to be cut off.

Glue preparation. Before applying glue, make sure that it is intended for the type of wallpaper you are using. Carefully read the instructions for preparing glue on the package. Remember that there are wallpapers with already applied adhesive layer, which first need to be immersed in water.

Apply glue to the wallpaper. Glue should not be applied to all strips at once, but 2-3 pieces at a time. at a time so that the wallpaper does not get wet. Lay down a strip of wallpaper front side down. Using a wide brush, apply the adhesive from the center to the edges. The thickness of the glue should be 0.3 - 0.8 mm. To begin, coat about 2/3 of the cut strip, and then fold this part (glue on glue).

Let the wallpaper soak. After this, it is necessary for the wallpaper to be saturated with glue.

Ceiling markings. Mark a line on the ceiling equal to the width of the strip (at least 50 cm from the edge of the wall). Apply paper masking tape to the marked line (under the seam).

Pasting the first strip of wallpaper onto the marked area. Apply glue to the marked area of ​​the ceiling with a roller. Fold the wallpaper strip in half so that the wrong side is on the inside.

For ease of gluing, one person, standing on the floor, should pass the folded strip to another, who is standing on a stepladder. Align the end of the wallpaper with the marking line and press it tightly to the ceiling. The wallpaper should fit slightly onto the wall.

Using a rubber roller or plastic spatula, go along the glued strip of wallpaper from the center to the edges, smoothing it out. This way you will get rid of air bubbles or folds that form during gluing. Press the longitudinal part that extends onto the wall tightly against the corner.

Pasting the remaining strips of wallpaper. Stick the second strip on the ceiling next to the first (end-to-end). The second canvas must be glued from the transverse wall, pressing the end of the glue-coated part of the wallpaper against the horizontal marking line. Then all other strips of wallpaper are glued in the same way.

The second strip of wallpaper and all subsequent ones must also be smoothed using a roller from the center to the edges.

Pasting wallpaper in corners. In the corners of the wallpaper, you should carefully press it with a clean brush and put a mark with a pencil - it will determine the exact position of the corner. After this, separate a small section of wallpaper in the corner from the ceiling again and, guided by the mark, carefully cut out the “extra” section of wallpaper from the corner.

Remember that you should cut off the extra piece of wallpaper in the corner quickly so that it does not have time to stick to the wall: otherwise unnecessary part wallpaper will be very difficult to remove. Read more about wallpapering corners.

Wallpapering the ceiling around the lamp. To glue wallpaper under the chandelier, you need to remove it from the ceiling and stick a strip of wallpaper around its box, after making a cut for the wire. Then trim the wallpaper so that the lamp box in place completely hides the cut out area. After this, you can connect the wiring and install the lamp in place.

Do not connect the electricity until the wallpaper is completely dry.

If you do not remove the lamp from the ceiling before gluing, a seam will be visible opposite the strip of wallpaper. When all the wallpaper is pasted, they should be given time to dry, and it is necessary to create good conditions(no drafts or direct exposure to sunlight). When renovating an apartment at this stage, it is important that the room is closed and the interior is warm and humid. Only in this case will the wallpaper on the ceiling dry well.


How to glue ceiling wallpaper and ceiling wallpaper for painting?

Having started a large-scale renovation of their apartment, people simply don’t know where to start. Personally, I would recommend first of all choosing wallpaper for the ceiling, and specifically its type. You can choose imported or domestic, vinyl, non-woven or paper, convex or flat, regular or paintable.

Video on the topic: Wallpaper on the ceiling, stupidity or design move

Pros and cons of ceiling wallpaper

Why do I recommend using wallpaper and not whitewash or paint? If we leave aside the aesthetic beauty that can be achieved with the same painting, then the wallpaper can boast of the purity of the process of gluing it. Of course, the cleanliness is relative, although in comparison with paint and plaster it will seem ideal to you.

It is also much easier to prepare the surface for wallpaper. Well, as for the disadvantages of wallpapering, it is worth mentioning the inconvenience of the process. It is unlikely that you will be able to do everything alone, and even together you will most likely suffer.

What stages of the process can be distinguished?

  • choosing the wallpaper you need,
  • ceiling preparation,
  • wallpapering.

Choosing wallpaper for the ceiling

The choice of wallpaper is, first of all, the choice of covering the finishing material. Wallpaper can be paper, vinyl, non-woven, liquid, textile. The material determines not only them appearance, but also the strength of the coating. If possible, the wallpaper should be moisture-resistant, otherwise, after applying the glue, it will be very difficult for you to glue it without tearing it. As for the design (color, 3D effect, starry sky, clouds), we pay attention to it secondarily, although for the interior it is the appearance that is decisive.

Pay attention to such a parameter as light fastness. The fact is that the vast majority of the walls in the house are at one time or another illuminated by the sun, which can cause the material to burn out. And fading is not only a change in color, but also a sharp decrease in the durability of the wallpaper.

The structure of the wallpaper should also not be ignored. Multilayer coatings will last you longer, plus they will mask all minor flaws in the wall surface. In addition, the thicker the material, the more heat-protective and sound-proof properties it has. The price of multi-layer wallpaper is higher than usual, but all of the above characteristics fully justify it.

Make sure your wallpaper is safe and environmentally friendly. If they contain toxic substances that, under certain conditions, will be released into the atmosphere, then this is a low level of environmental protection, and we do not glue such wallpaper in residential premises.

As I already said, preparing the ceiling for wallpaper will not require any serious effort from you. All you need to do is prime problem areas surfaces and the entire ceiling as a whole, so that the ceiling wallpaper for painting would stick to it better. At the same time, the primer provides good air exchange, as a result of which there will be no stale air in the room.

It is necessary to remove the old paint and remove the whitewash, although some experts do not particularly insist on this. The primer must be applied with a brush. It dries quickly, so you can start gluing on the same day. Large irregularities and cracks in the ceiling are treated with putty.

How to glue ceiling wallpaper?

We stock up on tools. We will need a wide brush, a seam roller, scissors, and an upholstery brush. As you understand, to hang liquid wallpaper on the ceiling you will need completely different tools.

We measure the length of the side wall. This indicator will determine the length of the canvas you need. We make control marks on the ceiling, which will determine the width of the canvases. Next, we cut the canvas according to the previously determined sizes, making a small reserve. Place the cut sheets in a stack, face down.

Apply thick glue with a wide brush to the middle of the canvas, carefully distributing it over the entire surface of the material.

We fold the finished sheet like an accordion. The depth of each fold is 30 centimeters. We wait a few minutes until the glue is absorbed and the paper becomes pliable. Do not overexpose, as paper wallpaper for painting on the ceiling may tear.

Take a stepladder, table, chair or whatever you like. Keep a wallpaper brush, seam roller and scissors in close proximity to you. Next, holding the wallpaper with one hand, we apply the last section of the “accordion” to the ceiling. We press it, smooth it with a brush to the edges from the middle. This operation is performed along all the folds of the accordion, with orientation towards the control lines that we did earlier.

The second sheet should be laid along the edge of the first. Make sure all seams are clean and fit snugly together.

Even before the wallpaper dries, you need to level the wallpaper joint, and then prepare a place for the chandelier by making a cross-shaped cut in in the right place. This will help avoid the wrinkle effect.

If you want to achieve a neat junction of the wallpaper with the wall, run the blunt side of the scissors between the wall and the ceiling, then move the canvas a little and cut along the break.

One of the popular options for finishing the ceiling is wallpapering it. This is not only quick, but anyone can do it with their own hands. This task will require patience, attentiveness and a small amount of space. useful information. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to glue wallpaper to the ceiling quickly and easily, what is the difference between the technique of gluing non-woven and vinyl panels, and a number of other tips that will make finishing work easier.

Wallpaper is the best way to finish the ceiling surface. Respectable appearance throughout long period, relatively cheap material and the ability to do the pasting yourself increases their popularity. But only high-quality canvases and compliance with all the subtleties of the upcoming work can guarantee the achievement of all these advantages.

The modern building materials market provides a wide range of ceiling panels. Their main difference from wall ones is their light weight (1 m should weigh no more than 110 g) at increased density. They do not get wet, are more difficult to tear and hold firmly. There are models with the possibility of updating by painting with special solutions.

As for the structure of the material itself, there are several suitable options: vinyl and non-woven. They differ in the pasting technique. How to glue vinyl and non-woven wallpaper to the ceiling correctly, let's look at it in more detail.

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper will last about 5 years without noticeable changes in color. Their dense structure and moisture resistance allow you to stick them on yourself. To avoid noticeable joints (seams), it is recommended to arrange the wallpaper sections in a certain sequence (as in a roll). After cutting, the top and bottom are marked on them.

For vinyl products, buy a special one, reliable glue. It guarantees fast and strong adhesion to the ceiling area in a short time. It must be applied in an even layer over the entire canvas. After this, the wallpaper strip is folded into an “envelope”. Only after this do you begin to distribute the adhesive mass over work surface.

Subsequent actions are universal. The wallpaper is attached to the ceiling. Then excess adhesive solution and air particles are expelled using a plastic spatula, elastic sponge or roller (depending on personal preference).

See the video for details and the procedure for sticking vinyl products.

Features of gluing non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven products do not require preliminary cutting into separate sheets, like vinyl or paper. In addition, the glue is applied only to the ceiling. This saves not only costs glue solution, but also reduces the time for gluing. In addition, they are very dense, so they can hide surface unevenness.

Non-woven products simplify the process interior decoration, and gluing work can actually be done alone. Apply glue to the working part of the ceiling. As the roll unwinds, attach the wallpaper to the treated surface using smoothing movements from the center of the strip. Finally, cut the wallpaper to in the right place stationery knife.

In the video you can clearly see how to glue wallpaper on a non-woven ceiling with your own hands.

List of required tools

Regardless of the type of wallpaper chosen for gluing, you will need:

  1. Stepladder, rack.
  2. Container for adhesive solution.
  3. Brush, roller for distributing glue.
  4. Tape measure for necessary measurements.
  5. A rag, a piece of fabric.
  6. A stationery or ordinary sharp knife.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Pencil, marker for marking.
  9. A plastic spatula or roller needed to smooth out wallpaper.

The specified arsenal is quite enough for gluing the panels yourself.

Preparation of the surface and adhesive solution

Before you hang wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the work surface.

  • de-energize sockets and other electrical outlets;
  • free up as much space as possible in the room so that there are no disturbances in the future;
  • remove old wallpaper;
  • Seal problem areas, joints and connections of structural elements with a special solution. After drying, sand the corrected areas with sandpaper until perfectly smooth;
  • the effect of direct sunlight on newly pasted wallpaper does not affect in the best possible way, therefore it is recommended to cover the sunny side with a piece of fabric or paper;
  • drafts, open windows and doors, turned on air conditioning will only do harm, eliminate their presence before gluing;
  • Treat the working area with a soil solution 2-3 times. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried;
  • for convenience, outline visible line under the first wallpaper strip.

An equally important question in preparatory stage- preparing glue. Follow the instructions. To avoid the appearance of lumps in the composition, it is recommended to add the dry mixture in small portions, stirring continuously. Leave the prepared adhesive mass for 20-30 minutes for proper swelling.

Pasting process

Let's take a closer look at how to glue wallpaper to the ceiling quickly and efficiently with your own hands.

The gluing process includes several basic techniques:

  • for gluing paper and vinyl, glue is applied to both surfaces (both wallpaper and ceiling). The adhesive solution is distributed evenly with a brush or roller, in the direction from the central part to the edges. The glue should be absorbed for some time; for convenience, the vinyl wallpaper is folded in half inward. Meanwhile, spread the glue over the working surface of the ceiling. After 7-10 minutes, start gluing it;
  • For non-woven materials, there is no need to apply glue to the canvas, only to the ceiling part. But keep in mind adhesive mass for non-woven wallpaper it is thicker. It must be applied in an even, dense layer;
  • Attach the first strip according to the markings. Its edge should coincide with the drawn line;
  • To ensure tight adhesion to the ceiling area, remove excess glue and prevent swelling of the canvas, smooth it out. Movements should be directed from the center to the side. To do this, use a rubber roller or wallpaper spatula;
  • Apply subsequent strips butt to the previous ones;
  • folds are not allowed. If they do not smooth out, then carefully separate part of the canvas and re-coat it. After that, try gluing the wallpaper again. Push excess glue to the edges of the canvas and remove with a clean cloth;
  • Make sure that the edges of the canvases fit tightly and correctly to the surface of the ceiling. Go over the joints several times with a spatula. This will prevent them from peeling off in the future;
  • the canvases should be 1-2 cm on the side wall. After drying, excess paper will be removed using a sharp knife;
  • this way, you should get a smooth surface without blisters or noticeable wrinkles. There is no need to worry about small folds.

They will smooth out on their own as they dry.

Additional subtleties of wallpapering the ceiling are shown in the video

Rules for wallpapering

The following recommendations from experts will help you learn how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands so that it lasts for years.

Long or wide?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The location of the stripes can be influenced by the shape and topography of the ceiling. But in standard cases, in order to visually hide the finishing joints, it is recommended to place the canvases perpendicular to the direction of the light flux.

Wallpaper cutting

Paper and vinyl sheets must be pre-cut. When determining the length of the strip, take into account allowances of 4-5 cm for going onto the walls. The overlap allows you to avoid gaps in the event of “shrinkage” of the wallpaper when drying.

Some wallpapers require a selection of patterns. Please note that a beautiful finish depends on strict adherence to the pattern.

We glue wallpaper in the corners

The angle causes great difficulty for many beginners. The technique for sticking a corner consists of the following steps:

  1. Carefully place the wallpaper strip into a corner and make a visible mark with a marker or pencil. Do not overdo it with embossed products so that there are no kinks left later.
  2. Release the wallpaper and cut out the marked part.
  3. Now you can glue the corner itself.

This technique is suitable for hard-to-reach places, kinks and the area under the chandelier.

Wallpaper should be glued in such a way that the glue does not have time to dry out and the material does not get wet. Speed ​​of action is an important factor in finishing work. Therefore it is recommended additional help. The assistant must hold the wallpaper strip, correct its position, point out visible defects, or hand over a tool if necessary.

Wallpaper hides structural imperfections, does not require regular updating and will last a long time. And in terms of price, the method is quite acceptable, especially if you glue it yourself.

This article reveals the main questions that may arise when finishing the ceiling surface with your own hands. The video will help you clearly see how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling.

With the help of wallpaper you can successfully emphasize stylish interior room, tastefully refresh it, add some kind of sophistication, modernity and originality. Make your home more comfortable and cozy. Give new life with minimal financial costs and time. But not everyone knows how to glue wallpaper correctly and on what surface is best.

How to hang wallpaper on the ceiling correctly

The most common and popular finishing materials today are ceiling wallpaper. You should know and distinguish between their types and properties.

  • Paper. A cheaper option for redecorating an apartment.
  • Non-woven. Very durable and elastic. The surfaces covered with such wallpaper have a deep and relief pattern.
  • Vinyl. Quite popular today. They are distinguished by their moisture resistance and durability.
  • Liquid. Noble and unique, seamless coating made from environmentally friendly material.

Before you start wallpapering, you should prepare the ceiling.

You can prepare cut strips of wallpaper immediately, or cut the required length in stages during the gluing process. It is advisable to draw a line on the ceiling, relative to which the first strip will lie. It should be drawn using a tape measure and a pencil, clearly and evenly. Then you can start gluing the wallpaper itself to the ceiling. Depending on the type of wallpaper, apply glue to the surface or a strip of wallpaper. Glue it to the ceiling strictly along the stripe marked in pencil. Having done everything correctly and carefully, subsequent stripes will lie smoothly.

How to hang wallpaper on the ceiling alone

Being left alone with such a task is not scary; the main thing is to approach such an important process responsibly.

For wallpapering with your own hands, it is better to give preference to non-woven trellises. It is easier to work with such material, and even a beginner can handle it on his own.

Non-woven wallpaper – best material for the ceiling. When dry, they do not separate and perfectly hide minor flaws on the ceiling.

To hang wallpaper one will need:

  • Material;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette;
  • Brush for applying glue;
  • Roller or plastic spatula;
  • Container for mixing glue.

To work alone, you will need to place a plane for movement, at least along one strip - these can be tables or bedside tables. Without this important moment nothing will come of it. You should also thoroughly wash the floors in the room so as not to stain the material during work.

Smooth and high-quality gluing of the first strip is the key to the success of the entire work process!

If you have made a choice in favor of non-woven wallpaper, then you need to distribute the glue on the ceiling along the width of the strip and then carefully, gradually apply the cut strip to the ceiling. The canvas should be glued from the middle of the strip to the edges. Remove any bubbles that form immediately. Also remove excess glue from the edges immediately.

If you prefer paper wallpaper, then gluing will be more difficult and longer. The measured strip should be coated with glue and folded like an accordion for 10 minutes for impregnation. Then carefully, without allowing the canvas to become limp, deformed or tear, glue the strip to the ceiling. After applying glue to the next strip, remove any remaining glue from the surface with a damp cloth.

Having glued the first strip, cut it off extra wallpaper along the edges, if necessary, re-glue the required area with glue.

Having mastered the first strip, gluing the next one will be much easier.

Wallpaper or ceiling tiles: what to glue first

If you decide to renovate your room and update the already boring furnishings, wallpaper and ceiling tiles will look like an advantageous option. First of all, the ceiling tiles are glued, then the ceiling plinth and then last resort wallpaper. This is exactly what to do correctly and rationally!

Doesn't have to be perfectly prepared flat ceiling, the tiles will perfectly smooth out all the unevenness.

Ceiling tiles are laid using special glue or putty.

Working with tiles occurs in several stages:

  1. Prepare the surface to remove debris and dust.
  2. Determine the location for the first tile.
  3. Using glue or putty, apply a thin layer around the perimeter of the tile and attach it to the ceiling. Hold each tile with your fingers for a few minutes.
  4. Inspect the entire ceiling and remove excess glue or putty without letting it dry.

After placing the tiles on the ceiling, the ceiling plinth is glued, and the wallpaper will be placed under it. The plinth is glued to the same putty or glue, using the same method.

Place the emphasis on seamless ceiling tiles, visually the ceiling will look perfectly smooth!

Is it possible to glue ceiling tiles to wallpaper and why?

Physically, wallpapering ceiling tiles is possible, but from the point of view of operational practicality, it is not recommended. Such tiles are glued only to an ideal ceiling in this regard. Old whitewash, wallpaper or paint are not suitable as a base. Everything is removed, blurred and torn off. At the end, the ceiling must be treated with a special primer.

There are several ways to glue ceiling tiles:

  • Starting from the corner of the room, in straight rows. This method is the most common and simplest.
  • From the center of the ceiling - rhombuses. The rows lie diagonally. In this case, more material will be consumed.

The process of gluing ceiling tiles takes less time, unlike other building materials. At the same time, the amount of garbage in the apartment is also minimal.

An excellent alternative to special tile adhesive is putty.

In general, ceiling tiles are the best option to inexpensively and beautifully decorate your ceiling.

How to glue wallpaper on a plasterboard ceiling without mistakes

The installation of the ceiling with plasterboard is completed, now you should stick wallpaper on it. The process of gluing wallpaper on drywall is no different from gluing the same wallpaper on a “regular” ceiling. The only pleasant thing about this process will be a perfectly flat surface.

You can glue wallpaper onto drywall:

  • On the surface of drywall (a simpler, but less effective method);
  • First apply a layer of putty and primer to the drywall.

Before wallpapering, paint the drywall with white paint - this will visually enlarge the room. Just don’t forget to go over the painted ceiling with a primer!

What wallpaper is best to glue to the ceiling in an apartment?

The choice of wallpaper for the ceiling depends on its purpose and what you want in the end.

According to their purpose, wallpaper for the ceiling can be divided into:

  • Wallpaper with a ready-made relief pattern.

In both the first and second cases, the wallpaper is made from different materials. It is this factor that should be given special meaning. A more difficult option in the gluing process would be paper wallpaper. Much more advantageous are liquid or non-woven and vinyl-based wallpaper.

Important preparation of the ceiling before wallpapering

Preparing the ceiling correctly before wallpapering will make the further process easier.

What work should be done:

  • Remove plaster, paint, and loose pieces of whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Clean the surface with coarse sandpaper.
  • Fill the joints between the slabs and cracks with putty.
  • Prime the ceiling.

These are the basic rules for preparing the ceiling. But there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account with the characteristics of the material, conditions, time and budget.

DIY wallpapering on the ceiling (video)

Wallpaper on the ceiling – good alternative expensive finishing materials. Variety of modern paintings and color ranges, allow you to decorate the ceiling exclusively according to the individual taste of each demanding owner. With the help of wallpaper on the ceiling, it became possible to divide the room into separate zones of coziness and comfort, making it warmer and brighter.

Attention, TODAY only!

Wallpaper on the ceiling is an excellent alternative to whitewashing and painting, because it allows you to hide defects and unevenness, is highly decorative and, moreover, is inexpensive. A huge selection of textures and colors practically does not limit your imagination: with the help of wallpaper you can give the ceiling any desired look, and you can do it yourself, without resorting to the expensive services of professionals.

How to choose wallpaper for the ceiling

Selection of wallpapers presented in stores finishing materials, is simply huge, they differ in the type of base and front covering, as well as in purpose. The technology for gluing it to the ceiling depends on the type of wallpaper.

Best suited for ceilings the following types wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven.

The choice of wallpaper type depends on several factors: type of room, condition draft ceiling, requirements for surface texture and color, as well as financial capabilities. The cheapest are simple paper wallpapers; vinyl and non-woven wallpapers are more expensive, but more durable and practical.

Can have different surface and colors. The simplest samples have a rough bottom layer and a smooth front surface with a printed pattern. The thickness of such wallpaper is small, so it completely follows the surface topography and reveals all the irregularities. They can only be glued to a perfectly flat ceiling.

Embossed or structured paper wallpapers are thicker; they can hide microcracks and small irregularities. Strips of embossed wallpaper are glued end to end; if the technology is followed, the seams become invisible.

Paper photo wallpapers are used for decoration multi-level ceiling and decorating niches and arches. Ceiling photo wallpapers can imitate the daytime or starry sky or have a large original design. The technology for gluing them is the same as for ordinary paper wallpaper, but it is necessary to clearly combine the pattern.

Vinyl wallpapers can have a different base, paper or non-woven. The choice of glue and ease of gluing depend on the type of base.

The outer, decorative side of vinyl wallpaper is also different; according to texture, they are distinguished:

  • flat vinyl - vinyl coating on a paper base, has a slight relief;
  • silk-screen printing is a type of flat vinyl; silk threads are used in the front layer, which creates the effect of finishing with expensive fabric;
  • foam vinyl - a relief layer obtained by cold stamping, imitating almost any texture, from ceramics to wood;
  • hard vinyl – the surface of heat-treated evaporated vinyl has a hard and dense structure;
  • Polyplen is a type of hard vinyl with a water-repellent, washable surface.

Vinyl wallpapers differ from paper wallpapers in their increased wear resistance and durability, as well as the ability to hide defects in the rough ceiling due to their dense and textured structure. Washable types of vinyl wallpaper can be safely used to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom.

Non-woven wallpaper There are two types: embossed plain wallpaper, intended for further painting, and two-layer vinyl-coated wallpaper on a non-woven base; they can have any texture, color and pattern.

Paintable wallpaper is usually imitated decorative plaster and are used to give the ceiling relief and a soft glow. They can be repainted several times, while they retain their texture and properties.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting on the ceiling

Non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coating is decorative and is used for original finish in any, including wet rooms. The non-woven base is stronger than paper, so this wallpaper is more resistant to external influences.

Note! Non-woven fabric is a transparent material, so it can show through on a ceiling with a non-uniform color. Before pasting over such a ceiling, you need to apply a piece of dry wallpaper to areas with color differences. The surface may need to be puttied first.

In some cases, other types of wallpaper are used to decorate the ceiling, which have certain disadvantages, due to which their use is not widespread.

fabric covering on a paper or synthetic layer. Stick them on conventional technology, while creating a feeling of deep structure and expensive finishing. The disadvantage of textile wallpaper is its high price.

– cellulose colored crumbs, which when soaked in water turns into a plastic mass. It is applied to the ceiling in a thin layer, like plaster, and after drying, a decorative coating is formed, reminiscent of structural wallpaper. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to apply and remove from the ceiling.

Glass wallpaperpolymer coating, applied to fiberglass. Due to their increased resistance to moisture, they can be used in the bathroom or kitchen. The disadvantage of the material is that it is quite heavy and has a small selection of colors.

For each type of wallpaper you must use the appropriate adhesive. This is especially important when finishing the ceiling, because under the influence of gravity, heavy wallpaper glued with insufficiently strong glue will simply begin to fall off and your work will go down the drain.

Types of wallpaper adhesives:

  • glue for paper wallpaper, consists of a starch base with the addition of antifungal components;
  • adhesive for vinyl and non-woven wallpaper based on starch and methylcellulose, which has more pronounced adhesion to the base and plasticity;
  • adhesive for heavy types of vinyl wallpaper based on starch, methylcellulose, biocide and polymer additives;
  • PVA-based glue for glass wallpaper.

There are also a number universal adhesives, suitable for any type of wallpaper on paper or non-woven basis. Their properties depend on the degree of dilution with water.

How to choose the right wallpaper glue?

  1. Carefully read the wallpaper manufacturer's recommendations on the label. As a rule, the type of wallpaper glue is indicated there, and sometimes the recommended manufacturer. If there are no instructions on the label, check the type and composition of the wallpaper and select the glue based on this.
  2. Some types of adhesive compositions include a component that gives the wet glue a slight tint. When applying such glue to a sheet of wallpaper, the uncovered areas are clearly visible, which makes the work easier. After the glue dries, the tint disappears.
  3. When gluing paper and vinyl wallpaper on a paper base, the adhesive is applied both to the ceiling in the form of a primer and to strips of wallpaper. In this case, you can use universal glue, diluted in different concentrations, to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  4. Non-woven wallpaper is glued differently: the glue is applied only to the prepared ceiling, and the wallpaper sheets are left dry. For reliable stickers, it is recommended to choose high-quality glue intended for non-woven wallpaper.

Note! The glue must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, only in this case its adhesive ability is guaranteed. The diluted composition can be stored for no longer than a few days.

Wallpaper glue "Methylane"

Preparing the ceiling for wallpapering

Wallpaper can be glued both to concrete surfaces and to drywall. In some cases, it is permissible to glue wallpaper onto other types of cladding: plywood, OSB. The main thing is that the surface is smooth, even and without flaking remnants of the old coating.

Concrete ceiling

Preparation concrete ceiling wallpapering involves several steps.

Step 1. First you need to remove the old coating from the ceiling. If it has already been covered with wallpaper, they are moistened, allowed to swell and carefully removed in strips. Remove the peeling putty and clean it with sandpaper or paint mesh.

Chalk or lime based whitewash must also be removed. To do this, it is moistened with water or one of the washing-off compounds, left for several minutes and removed with a spatula or washed off with a sponge. Paint on water based also needs to be washed off. If the ceiling is painted waterproof paint and it holds tightly, you don’t have to wash it off.

Step 2. Next, you need to seal all the cracks and cracks and level the surface of the ceiling. Seams between ceiling tiles putty with gypsum compound using sickle tape. Cracks and joints of the ceiling and walls are also covered with starting putty. Dry it and sand it with fine sandpaper.

If you plan to stick thick, non-transparent wallpaper in dark colors to the ceiling, finishing putty is optional. For non-woven light wallpaper, it is necessary to apply a layer of finishing light putty to the entire surface of the ceiling to even out the tone and avoid dark spots on the pasted ceiling.

The finishing putty is applied in a layer of up to 2 mm using a wide spatula. After application, it is dried for at least a day, rubbed with a fine mesh or trowel and swept to remove dust.

Step 3. The ceiling for wallpapering must be primed in order to bind the smallest particles of dust and ensure good adhesion of the adhesive. As a primer, you can use wallpaper glue, diluted in a weaker concentration than for gluing canvases.

The primer is applied with a roller or wide brush until the ceiling is completely wetted. After complete drying for best result You can apply another layer by placing your brush strokes perpendicular to the first layer.

Plasterboard ceiling

Preparing a plasterboard ceiling is generally no different from preparing a concrete ceiling, except that the need to level the ceiling is eliminated. Seams between sheets of drywall are sealed special composition based on gypsum (for example, Knauf Fugenfüller), the sheets are also leveled at the points where the screws are attached.

If the sheets have light shade, finishing putty Can not be applied under wallpaper. Before gluing the wallpaper, apply a primer layer, making sure that the sheets do not get too wet, otherwise they may delaminate.

OSB or plywood ceiling

Finishing the ceiling with these materials is quite rare, more often in wooden houses. Such surfaces are quite suitable for wallpapering if they are leveled and good adhesion is ensured. To do this, the surface of the OSB ceiling is first puttied with starting putty, then finishing putty and prime. The plywood does not need to be completely puttied, just seal the joints, dry and apply a layer of primer.

Wallpaper gluing technology

Example of calculating the number of rolls

It is customary to place wallpaper strips perpendicular to the window, so the joints will be less noticeable in daylight. The length of one strip is taken to be the size of the room in this direction plus a small margin for trimming of 10-15 cm. For example, with a room length of 4.6 m, the length of the strip will be 4.6 + 0.15 = 4.75 m.

Next you need to calculate the number of stripes. To do this, divide the length of the wall along the window by the width of the wallpaper you like and round the result up to a whole number. For example, with a room width of 3.2 meters and a wallpaper width of 53 cm, you will need 3.2/0.53 = 6.37 stripes. Rounding to the nearest whole number will result in 7 stripes.

After this, the number of strips in one roll is calculated. To do this, divide the length of the roll by the length of the strip and round down to the nearest whole number. According to the above example, the length of the strip is 4.75 meters and the length of the roll is 10.05 m, the result is 10.05/4.75 = 2.11; when rounded down, the result is 2 strips per roll.

To determine the required number of rolls, the required number of strips must be divided by the number of strips in the roll. Example: 7/2=3.5. Round to the nearest whole number and get 4 rolls. They should be enough to cover the ceiling in a room of the given dimensions.

Note! Wallpaper can be different widths and length! This must be taken into account when calculating.

Wallpaper sticker on the ceiling: step-by-step instructions

After preparing the ceiling and choosing suitable wallpaper, you can start gluing it. It is more convenient to glue any wallpaper on the ceiling together.

To work you will need the following devices and tools:

  • a stable stepladder or table;
  • a bucket or basin for diluting glue;
  • foam roller or wide brush for applying glue;
  • wide spatula and construction knife for trimming wallpaper;
  • rubber roller and plastic spatula for smoothing wallpaper;
  • tape measure, pencil and square;
  • soft cloth to wipe away glue spills.

Step 1. Roll out the wallpaper on a dry and clean surface, face down, and cut it into strips of the required length, not forgetting a margin of 10-15 cm. Wallpaper with a large, expressive pattern, in addition, needs to be adjusted so that the pattern is combined. It is more convenient to cut them face up, placing the strips side by side.

Step 2. Mark the ceiling in order to position the wallpaper strips strictly perpendicular to the window. To do this, use a tape measure to measure a distance from the side wall equal to the width of the wallpaper roll, for example, 50 cm. Lay a perpendicular line using a square and draw a strip directly on the ceiling. You can also mark the ceiling using a chalk cord.

Continue it to the opposite wall and measure the distance to the side wall. If it matches the original one, then the angles in the room are close to 90 degrees, and no adjustment is required. If the measurement results are very different, you need to draw another guide line so that the strip of wallpaper covers the entire space up to the wall. You may have to trim it after applying the sticker, but in this case the next stripes will lie smoothly and without distortion.

Step 3. Dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. This is usually done like this: pour the required amount of cool or warm water, actively stir it, creating a whirlpool, and pour in a pack of dry adhesive composition. Mix it well and leave it to swell, after which it is stirred again.

Step 4. Apply glue to strips of wallpaper or the ceiling, depending on their type. Paper-based wallpaper is smeared with glue and left to soak. The wallpaper impregnation time is given in the table.

Table. Time to soak the wallpaper with glue.

Apply glue to the wallpaper like this: dip a roller or brush into the glue, lightly squeeze it on the edge of the bucket, and then apply it to a strip of wallpaper laid face down, from the center to the edges. Particular attention is paid to the edges of the stripes.

After spreading the glue, the wallpaper is folded according to the diagram shown in the figure in the form of an accordion - this makes it more convenient to glue them to the wallpaper.

The non-woven base does not need impregnation, so glue is applied to the ceiling, after which a dry strip of wallpaper, cut to size with a small margin, is applied to it.

Step 5. After impregnation of the wallpaper, apply the first strip to the line previously drawn on the ceiling and press it against it with a soft cloth. The excess length of wallpaper is evenly placed on opposite walls.

Align the strip relative to the wall and the reference line, smooth the wallpaper using a soft plastic spatula or brush and a rubber roller, removing bubbles and wrinkles. It is more convenient if one master levels and smoothes the wallpaper, and the second supports the remaining part of the strip with his hands or using a block with a long handle.

Step 6. Without waiting for the wallpaper to dry, trim the stock of wallpaper near the walls. To do this, apply a wide metal spatula to the junction of the wall and ceiling and cut off the excess part of the strip along it with a sharp mounting knife. Press the edge of the wallpaper against the wall and smooth it out.

Step 7 The next strip of wallpaper is glued in the same way, with thin paper wallpapers being glued overlapping with a small margin, and embossed and vinyl wallpapers being glued end-to-end. The joints between the strips are carefully rolled with a rubber roller and, if necessary, additionally coated with glue using a brush. In the same way, stick all the strips to the end of the ceiling.

Thin paper wallpapers are glued overlapping with a small margin, and embossed and vinyl wallpapers are glued end-to-end

Step 8 When gluing the strip on which the lamp is located, it is necessary to turn off the switch and circuit breaker and remove the lamp, disconnecting it from the wiring. The wiring is insulated and tucked into a hole in the ceiling. The strip is glued as usual, and after smoothing, a hole or hook is found by touch, the wallpaper is cut in this place with a mounting knife crosswise and the corners are bent. Trim off excess wallpaper and press the edges with a brush or soft spatula.

Note! When trimming, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the decorative bowl of the lamp - it should completely cover the hole in the wallpaper.

Dry the ceiling covered with wallpaper in natural conditions, avoiding drafts. With active flows of cold or warm air the canvases dry unevenly, which can lead to their partial peeling. For this reason, it is impossible to open the windows, and heating radiators in winter time It is recommended to cover with a slightly damp cloth.

Video – Wallpaper sticker on the ceiling

Ceilings covered with wallpaper look original and fresh, and with the help of different colors and textures you can create a unique interior. Ceiling wallpaper does not require special care; it is enough to sweep it occasionally with a soft brush to remove dust. A ceiling covered with wallpaper is beautiful, convenient and comfortable.


My husband and I are redecorating our apartment in anticipation of our first child. I help him as best I can. But there is one thing where I won’t be of any use - wallpapering the ceiling. My husband will have to do this himself somehow.

Please tell me if this is possible, and if so, how? Surely specialists have their own tricks or devices that help them cope with such a complex matter alone.

Pasting the ceiling alone

Hello, Vera. In your position, it is really undesirable to climb a stepladder or walk through scaffolding. But this is not necessary: ​​you can help your husband by simply supporting the free end of the not yet glued canvases with a long stick with a crossbar on top.

If for some reason this option is not suitable for you, we will tell you how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling alone.

Selection of materials

First of all, you should think about which canvases to choose for finishing the ceiling to make your work easier.

There are two very good options:

  • Fiberglass wallpaper for painting. They are monochromatic, with a relief surface of varying degrees of severity. They are easy to glue and can be repainted several times.
  • Non-woven base. Their price is usually higher, but you can choose a design.

Both wallpapers do not need to be coated with glue, which will greatly facilitate and simplify your task. Only the base is processed.

Note. Glue for ceiling wallpaper must match the selected material. You shouldn’t save money and buy a cheaper product if you don’t want the coating to fall on your head one day.

Ceiling technology

You were absolutely right when you wrote that every master has his own secrets when performing this or that work. And pasting is no exception. We will not describe all the methods known to us, since many of them require certain skill and experience.

Let's talk about one that is accessible even to beginners.

Frame making

To cover the ceiling yourself, you will need to make a frame from wooden blocks.

The requirements for it are simple:

  • Height- almost to the ceiling, a few centimeters lower.
  • Sustainability– the frame must be placed on stable supports.
  • The top crossbar should be smooth, without corners. It can be made from a plastic or metal tube.

Photo of an auxiliary frame, made by hand

This is a temporary structure that can be disassembled after repair, so there is no need to achieve special beauty and strength. But it is advisable to try to make it as easy as possible.

Pasting the ceiling

Prepare a stepladder, a soft, clean towel or plastic wallpaper spatula, brush or roller. Dissolve the glue and you are ready to begin.

  • Measure the distance from wall to wall and cut the wallpaper into sheets with a margin of a few centimeters in each direction.
  • Place the frame about a meter from the corner from which you start pasting, and throw the first canvas face down over it.
  • Carefully coat the ceiling area from the wall to the frame with glue.
  • Take the canvas by the edge and start gluing it from the corner, making a slight overlap on the wall.

We glue wallpaper to the ceiling without helpers with our own hands

  • Having dealt with this area, slide the frame under it and apply glue to the next one.

How can one person cover walls with his own hands?

  • Carefully move the frame under the dry section of the ceiling again and continue gluing the canvas.
  • The second and subsequent sheets are glued in exactly the same way.

Advice. If it is difficult for you to fit the wallpaper end-to-end, glue it with an overlap of a couple of centimeters, and then cut both sheets together using a ruler. By removing the cut strips, you can easily join them together. True, this method is only suitable for wallpaper without adjusting the pattern.


Watch the video on this page, which shows the entire process described in great detail.

And you will see that gluing wallpaper to the ceiling with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem. Even if you have to do it alone.


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