What kind of soil is needed, is ordinary soil suitable, and what soil characteristics do you need to know in order to replant aloe vera at home. What soil for aloe can be used at home and how to make a soil mixture with your own hands

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For those who dream of growing unpretentious plant at home, you must first figure out when and how to plant aloe so that it takes root well and quickly.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the landing time. It is important to remember here that the active development of the flower occurs from mid-spring to the end of summer; in autumn and winter it is dormant. Therefore, it is better to replant or plant a plant in early spring, when it emerges from the dormant state and enters the growth stage. Having prepared planting material and soil, you can begin a simple procedure, the correctness of which determines the growth and development of the flower.

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    Preparing the soil and pot

    Since the plant is adapted to life in the desert, the soil for tree aloe must be appropriate. If the soil is not chosen correctly for aloe, the flower may get sick and die. As a rule, very little soil is needed for planting agave, so it is better to purchase special balanced soil in flower shop. A special earthen mixture for succulents and cacti is rich in nutrients that are necessary for the normal growth and development of not only young but also adult plants.

    When mixing aloe soil at home, it is important to consider the following points:

    • the earth should be slightly acidic or neutral;
    • the soil should easily allow air to pass through and not retain water;
    • For agave, clay-sandy soil with a high iron content is more suitable.

    This succulent will feel very uncomfortable in liquid black soil. Do not mix peat with the soil, as it increases its acidity level. Most often, turf, leaf soil, humus and sand are mixed. Moreover, turf soil is taken 2 times more than other components. You can mix a little charcoal with the soil to disinfect it and some small stones to make it looser.

    Before filling the pot, it is advisable to treat the soil high temperatures to reduce the likelihood of diseases and pests. Choose a medium-sized container for agave: a small container will not allow the flower to grow, but a large container, on the contrary, will suppress its development. When choosing a container for planting, you need to focus on the root of the flower - it should fit completely into the container at a distance of about 3 cm from the walls.

    It is better to give preference to earthenware, where it will be easier for the roots to breathe and excess water will not stagnate. Preparing a container for planting involves filling it first with drainage and then with soil substrate.

    Planting aloe

    There is more than one correct answer to the question of how to plant aloe. There are several ways to plant agave, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Growing from seeds

    If desired, receive a large number of Plants prefer to be grown from seeds. For a successful procedure, all necessary conditions must be taken into account:

    1. 1 Sowing time: last week of February - first week of March.
    2. 2 Temperature conditions: the room temperature should be from +21°C.
    3. 3 Container: small, flat.

    The container is filled with soil that meets the requirements of the given plant variety. The soil is moistened, seeds are laid out on its surface, and then sprinkled with sand. It is important that the seed material is no deeper than 1 cm from the surface. After this, the seeded container is placed in a warm and humid greenhouse, where additional lighting is installed.

    Watering should be done in moderation, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The emerging sprouts are sprayed with a sprayer. And when they have 3-4 true leaves, they are transplanted into small pots, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm. The next transplant is made after 1 year into a larger container for further development.

    The seed method of growing aloe is considered the most difficult, so it is used quite rarely. However, in this case, the probability of plant survival is much higher than when cuttings or growing from shoots.


    Grow unpretentious flower can be from a cutting cut with a sharp knife from an adult plant. For better rooting of the stem when cutting it, you must follow the following rules:

    • at least 3 pairs of leaves should grow on it;
    • the mother plant must be strong and healthy;
    • the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to disinfect the surface;
    • The stem is dried in a dark place for several days.

    You can dry the cuttings on outdoors or in the refrigerator at medium cooling, after wrapping it in paper. After drying, planting begins.

    Since aloe is a succulent, you should not root the cuttings in water, because they may rot. This is best done in the soil. To avoid excess soil moisture, you need to do good drainage, which will allow excess water to flow out through the holes on the bottom of the pot. To do this, lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the container and then fill it with prepared soil.

    The cuttings are buried in the ground so that the lower leaves barely touch the surface. If necessary, you can add a layer of fine gravel on top of the soil to increase the stability of the stem. Then the plant is watered and placed in a bright, warm place: no aloe is needed high humidity, but for better development he needs sunlight.

    Roots may appear within 2-4 weeks. It is during this period that it is important to water the plant properly. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the rule “Better less than more.” After all, the plant can withstand long drought rather than short-term waterlogging. If gravel is poured over the soil to stabilize the cuttings, then you need to water even less often, because it acts as mulch, which reduces the volume of evaporated liquid. When the first leaves appear from the rosette, we can assume that the rooting operation of the cutting was successful.

    Similarly, an aloe bush is grown from leaves, which are first plucked off at the base, then dried, and then planted in the soil to a depth of 5 cm. During care, it is important to try to avoid waterlogging of the soil, which can contribute to the death of the flower. After about 2 weeks, the leaf will begin to grow, and after 2 weeks you can admire the young plant.

    Planting the “babies”

    This is the name given to young shoots growing from the roots. This method allows you to grow several bushes from the children surrounding the mother plant. In order for the agave to take root faster, you need to know how to grow aloe from a shoot. When growing, you must follow the basic rules, which are as follows:

    • replant shoots that have at least 3 young leaves;
    • children are removed during replanting of an adult plant for better survival;
    • for planting the children are cut off using sharp knife from the root, leaving several roots on the shoot.

    Whole children can be immediately planted in prepared soil, but damaged ones are better left to dry for several days.

    Preparing the container for planting consists of the following steps:

    1. 1 Laying drainage.
    2. 2 Filling with special soil.
    3. 3 Good soil moisture.

    After the excess water has drained into the tray (about half an hour after watering), you can begin planting the bush. To do this, it is deepened into the soil by about 1 cm. For the first 10 days, the shoot is watered daily. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out in order to prevent the root system of the shoot from drying out. Within a month, rooting should occur and new leaves should appear.

    Planting a Broken Plant

    An adult plant must be moved very carefully. After all, the large fleshy stems are very tender, and if tilted incorrectly they can easily break. In this case, the roots remain in the ground, and the upper part is no longer connected to them. Even in this case, you can save the flower if you know how to plant aloe without roots.

    For this purpose, the main part of the plant is left in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, you need to have time to prepare the soil and container for the flower. Having moistened the soil, place the stem 1-2 cm deep into it, and then place the container in a warm place. sunny place. Care is carried out in the same way as usual: water as the soil dries.

    Succulent leaves of the plant at proper care directed upwards. If they don't have enough water, they sink and begin to curl. When exposed to excess sunlight, they change color from green to brown. Compliance with all planting and care rules will allow you to grow beautiful plant, which will delight not only with its appearance, but also with its high-quality healing characteristics.

    Plant care

    Agave is a succulent, so its leaves have a specific structure that allows them to retain moisture for a long time. That is why it does not need frequent watering. It is enough to water no more than once a week, and late autumn and in winter - once a month.

    You should be wary of excessive soil moisture, because this can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Overmoistening can be detected by appearance flower: it begins to fade, the leaves become pale. It can be saved by replanting it in new soil. Before planting, it is necessary to examine the root system and remove rotten parts.

    When growing aloe, do not forget that the plant will feel best in a well-lit place. Do not replace straight lines Sun rays artificial lighting: in this case, stretching of the flower and loss of decorative effect are possible. In summer it can be taken outside. The plant tolerates temperature changes quite well: it will be comfortable at both +10°C and +22°C. Therefore, you can place the pot in a cool place.

    Feed the agave once a month with liquid combined fertilizer during the period of growth and development. But you should not apply too much fertilizer - this can stop the development of the plant. When replanting in a timely manner, it is better to avoid fertilizers altogether, since a large volume of nutrients in fresh soil can negatively affect the flower.

    Having become popular thanks to amazing healing properties, the aloe vera plant decorates the windowsills of almost every home. For those who are just planning to get one home doctor or propagate an existing individual, you should learn how to transplant aloe correctly.

    In contact with

    Before transplanting this plant, it will be useful to know that the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula is considered its homeland. Despite this, it is widely cultivated throughout the world and has taken root well in North Africa(Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt), as well as in Sudan and neighboring countries, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Madeira. This species was introduced to China and southern Europe in the 17th century. It has spread widely in Australia, South America, Mexico, and the southeastern states of the United States.

    With all its unpretentiousness and vitality, this succulent presents its “rider” for living in your home, and the main question on this stellar list will be: what kind of soil is needed for aloe?

    This is what Aloe Vera looks like

    In what soil does it grow in nature?

    The wide geography of distribution of this xerophyte in wildlife united by the similarity of the conditions in which it grows. The type of soil needed for aloe to be replanted is determined by the soil characteristics in desert tropical areas, where it grows successfully in warm and dry climates with minimal rainfall. Sandy ones predominate there rocky lands, which cannot be called fertile, where moisture does not linger for a long time. This should be taken into account when you decide to transplant aloe.

    This species is relatively resistant to most insect pests, although mites, flour beetles and some varieties of aphids can cause damage to the plant.

    What kind of land is needed?

    As a migrant from African countries, South America and Madagascar, the plant is adapted to survive in dry climates, so the soil for aloe should not retain much moisture. The most obvious option, especially for novice gardeners, is to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store before replanting. Since the plant belongs to the cactus family, it is worth considering a succulent mix. By the way, some packages with the mixture describe in detail how to plant aloe at home.

    More experienced plant growers, in order to replant aloe, can prepare soil for aloe on their own, in which it will be comfortable for a long time.

    To plant aloe at home you will need:

    • sheet soil - 2 parts;
    • sand – 1 part;
    • humus - 1 part.

    Instead of sand, you can use perlite to replant aloe. This mineral is lighter and more porous and improves the drainage properties of the substrate. In addition, it has impressive hygroscopicity, absorbs excess moisture, leaving the soil for aloe breathable.

    How to properly plant aloe vera from a leaf?

    There are several options for planting aloe at home. This can be done by cuttings, separating young shoots from a mature mother plant, leaves and even seeds.

    Let’s make a reservation right away: the likelihood of a favorable outcome if you decide to transplant aloe using the leaf method is low. It is much easier to plant root shoots. But the difficult is not the impossible, and if everything works out, another entry will appear in the book of personal achievements! , and in cosmetology.


    Before planting aloe from a leaf, select a good organ from a strong healthy plant. Its length must be at least 8 cm.

    1. Using a sharp, clean knife, cut the leaf at right angles to the stem. Sterility in this process plays a decisive role, since this method of transplantation is quite painful, and a small infection is enough for the work to become in vain.
    2. Place the leaf in a warm place for several days to allow the cut to heal. protective film, make sure that it (the cut) does not come into contact with other surfaces. The film will prevent infection after you plant aloe in the ground.
    3. Choose a suitable pot, be sure to drainage hole below to eliminate excess moisture.
    4. According to the above description, prepare the soil before replanting the aloe. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, followed by slightly moistened soil. It should not be too acidic, otherwise you should add a little slaked lime.

    If it is not possible to find out the PH of the soil using a special device before planting aloe, try diluting a little soil in water to make a paste and adding ordinary soda to it. If the soil is too acidic, the soda will hiss; if not, you can replant the aloe without fear.

    Planting a shoot

    In order for the prepared leaf to take root with a larger share Most likely, before transplanting aloe vera, you can resort to the help of root formation stimulants. They can be phytohormones (sold in garden stores) or natural means at hand, such as flower honey, yeast and even ground cinnamon: treat the aloe with them before planting the shoot.

    1. Deepen the sheet into the ground approximately 1/3.
    2. Place the pot with the plant in a room with good lighting. The soil should be moist during the first month.
    3. When your leaf has taken root well, you can water it as the soil dries.

    If a leaf is slightly wilted, this does not mean that it is dying. It’s just that all the energy goes into forming the root system.

    How to replant at home?

    The plant will not cause much trouble with replanting. Nevertheless, this must be done regularly: for the first three years of life - once a year, and then - every 2 years, preferably in spring. There are two ways to replant aloe to renew the soil and make it comfortable in your home:

    • transfer;
    • transshipment.

    Before replanting, remove the aloe vera from the pot and place the roots in a bowl of water. Rub it with your hands, removing the old soil. Then they are planted in new prepared soil. No need to water for 3-4 days.

    When transshipping, the old earthen lump is not removed, but is immediately placed in another pot on a drainage layer and sprinkled new land, lightly tamping. Then water generously.

    What is needed for a transplant?

    Prepare everything you need. To transplant aloe, you will need:

    1. Pot. It is better to take ceramic, since it has a porous structure.
    2. Drainage. They can serve as coarse sand, gravel, expanded clay, perlite.
    3. Earth. The type of soil needed was described in detail above.

    In addition, to replant aloe, a convenient scoop will help you, latex gloves and oilcloth (cover your work surface with it)

    Step by step instructions

    When everything is ready, you can move on to the main stage. We'll tell you how to transplant aloe at home step by step.

    1. Before removing the plant from the pot in order to replant it, you need to water it generously the day before, this will simplify the task. If you run a knife along the walls of the pot and then turn it over, you can easily remove it along with the earthen lump.
    2. Remove any excess roots that are too long and shake off the soil. Don't worry, getting rid of excess roots will not harm your plant.
    3. For disinfection, clay pots into which you plan to transplant aloe can be pre-heated in the oven.
    4. Place a 4-6 cm layer of drainage material on the bottom of the container.
    5. Place an earthen cushion on top; its height will depend on the size of the pot.
    6. To replant, fix the plant in the pot, cover it with soil right up to the leaves so that the plant sits tightly in the ground, and tamp it down. Water thoroughly and place in the shade for about one week.

    Leaves after transplanting aloe should not come into contact with the ground, otherwise they will rot.

    How to plant at home?

    When the roots of a plant become crowded in a pot, side shoots begin to form, which can and should be replanted. Anyone who has encountered this and knows how to plant aloe at home will say that the process does not take much time and will not be difficult.

    1. Daughter shoots (rosettes) have their own root system and are easily separated from the mother plant.
    2. After separation, the “babies” should be transplanted into separate pots, leaving a couple of centimeters between the roots and the walls of the vessel.
    3. After planting, aloe can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to prevent the spread of harmful microflora.
    4. In contact with

    Some houseplants demand to themselves special care. For example, gardeners may be interested in the question of how to plant aloe. In general, this procedure is simple. However, in order for the flower to feel good subsequently, it is important to observe certain rules its cultivation.

    For aloe, use a shallow plastic pot. It is also possible to use heavy terracotta dishes. These containers, as a rule, do not have pores. Moisture will not evaporate through the walls of such pots, as usually happens when used pottery. It is necessary to choose a container according to the size of the flower. Its roots should fit easily into the pot (usually about 3 cm remains to the walls).

    While maintaining aloe, you need to replant it regularly (about once a year). In this case, not only the pot is usually replaced, but also the soil. It is worth knowing that the soil should be loose and airy. It is advisable to take into account that the plant feels very bad in clay and black soil.

    The earth must contain components in the form:

    1. River, coarse-grained sand.
    2. Gravel.
    3. Brick chips.
    4. Shell rock.
    5. Perlite.

    Today ready mixture for aloe can be purchased at a specialty store. Usually, land is purchased for cacti. If necessary, add coarse grains river sand. If a person is going to prepare the soil for aloe on his own, then he should take the following components in equal parts:

    • clay;
    • washed sand;
    • humus.

    Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the container (it is allowed to use broken bricks, small crushed stone). It must be remembered that the holes in the dishes must remain open. Thus, excess water will be drained.

    How to grow from seeds?

    It is recommended to plant the seeds of the plant around the end of February - beginning of March. The soil should be prepared according to the above recommendations. Pour it into a flat container small size. Spread the plant seeds on the surface of moist soil. Sprinkle everything with sand. Agave in in this case planted to a depth of approximately 1 cm.

    The container with the seeds should be placed in a greenhouse. The temperature in the room should be about +21°C. In the process of growing aloe, you should organize moderate watering. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. As soon as the sprouts appear, you should regularly spray them with water. After 3-4 leaves appear, the children need to be transplanted into separate pots (the height of the containers is about 5 cm). After 1 year, the plants can be moved to a container for further development. In general, the described method of propagating agave is one of the most labor-intensive. However, by following these tips, you can get a guaranteed result.

    Propagation of aloe from leaves

    Many people may be wondering how to plant aloe without roots using leaves. As a rule, from an adult agave you need to pinch off a leaf from the base of the plant. Take the powder from activated carbon and sprinkle it on the cut area of ​​the leaf. Place the workpiece in a cool, dark place for several days (about 5 days). This is done so that the cut area of ​​the leaf dries out a little.

    The soil should be prepared and moistened. Aloe should be planted in a pot with expanded clay and crushed stone at the bottom. Pour soil. Plant a leaf in it (deepen the element by about 5 cm). Next, cover the aloe vera with a jar. This container should not be removed until the plant is completely rooted. Watering should be done 2-3 times a month. It must be remembered that when using this method of planting aloe, the soil should not be overfilled. The presence of waterlogged soil can lead to the death of the agave. After about 15 days, the leaf will sprout. Usually after 2 months you can enjoy the presence of a full-fledged flower.

    From the shoot

    If you are interested in how to grow aloe from a shoot without roots, then you need to know that this method of propagating a flower is one of the most common. A shoot is cut off from an adult plant, which has about 7-8 leaves. The detachment of elements from the flower should be done with a clean and sharp instrument. The cut area must then be treated with activated carbon powder and dried. The plant is usually stored for about 7 days in the dark (preferably with Fresh air).

    You can plant an aloe shoot in the ground only after its cut has dried. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot. The plant should be planted in the ground so that its leaves do not reach the soil. If present large leaves, then it is recommended to place fine gravel around the stem.

    Typically, the described method of propagating aloe at home is used when carrying out a planned transplant of an adult agave (during the warm season). Using this method It is worth considering that after separating the babies, it is not advisable to place them in a container with water. This can lead to the aloe rotting process.

    What to do if the plant breaks off?

    Often people have to deal with the fact that the stem of a flower breaks. Sometimes this happens when moving or as a result of careless tilting of the plant. The top of the aloe comes off, leaving its roots in the bowl. In this case, the relevant question will be how to properly plant aloe in a pot. You need to take the broken part of the plant and place it in a cool place. Wait a few hours.

    Prepare suitable soil and a container for agave. Take a flower and plant it in moist soil. In this case, the stem should be deepened by about 2 cm. It is recommended to water as soon as the soil becomes dry.

    It must be remembered that aloe should not be watered frequently. This plant easily survives drought. IN summer time the flower is actively developing. It is recommended to water it once a week. In winter, aloe sleeps, so it is worth moistening the soil 2 times every 30 days.

    As aloe grows, it needs regular feeding. It is recommended to fertilize the plant in summer and autumn periods. Do this about once a month. As fertilizers, you can use compounds intended for cacti and succulents. Liquid mixtures based on minerals are also often used for feeding.

    It is recommended to install the plant in well-lit places. However, remember that aloe does not like direct sunlight. There should be no dry air in the room. In order for the plant to actively develop, it is recommended to regularly spray its leaves. The room in which the flower is located should be ventilated from time to time. However, it should be borne in mind that aloe does not like drafts.

    Winter time- This is the period of hibernation of the plant. In cold weather, you should not disturb it with fertilizing, transplanting and frequent watering. If you follow these rules, you can provide your flower with complete and high-quality care.

    Grow a medicinal plant at home so that there is always ambulance on the windowsill, more than one gardener wishes. Today, only a baby does not know about the benefits of a succulent known throughout the world for its healing qualities. Many people are puzzled by how to plant aloe in their home, but there are no special difficulties in this at all.

    What kind of soil is needed for aloe

    In its homeland in South Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the succulent grows on poor sandy soils of deserts and rocky soils of low plateaus.

    One of the South African sites provides the following recipe for a substrate for growing aloe and its fellows originating from those places:

    • 1 part humus soil;
    • 2 parts each of coarse and fine river sand;
    • 1 part perlite;
    • 1 part vermiculite.

    For domestic flower growers, such soil for aloe causes bewilderment to a certain extent - for every six parts of inconvenience there is only one of something nutritious. And, nevertheless, the plant feels comfortable in such a soil mixture and develops normally.

    However, for adapted indoor varieties, who have already moved away from such spartan conditions of existence, a more gentle and fertile composition of the soil mixture is proposed for growing aloe at home:

    • 6 volumes of turf land;
    • 1 volume of greenhouse soil;
    • 2 volumes of leaf humus;
    • 2 volumes of peat;
    • 2 volumes of sand.

    For planting aloe, the store-bought mixture “For succulents and cacti” is also quite suitable. A layer of drainage 2–3 cm thick must be placed at the bottom of the pot. Plants are replanted annually, and the best time for this is spring at the very beginning of the growing season, although aloe plants can adequately tolerate replanting at any time. life cycle, with the exception of the time when the plant is resting.

    In what container is aloe grown?

    The plant has a small root system and heavy, fleshy leaves. Tall and narrow pots are completely unsuitable for it. Such a vessel will easily tip over under the weight of thick foliage. Therefore, low but wide flower containers made of clay or ceramics are more suitable for growing aloe. In a plastic pot, the soil mixture dries out longer than in a clay pot. For a succulent, it is important that moisture in the substrate does not remain for long.

    How to properly plant aloe in a pot

    Before planting aloe, carefully inspect the roots - damaged or rotten ones are removed, and the sections are sprinkled with activated or charcoal powder or cinnamon. Dead roots appear during the dormant period and should not cause panic in the grower. They also need to be removed.

    A drainage layer 3–4 cm thick made of expanded clay, medium-fraction pebbles or crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pot. Then sprinkle it with soil mixture and place the root system of the flower on top, straightening it thoroughly. Gently pour the soil mixture on top between the roots, compacting it slightly so that the plant holds firmly in the new substrate. However, it is advisable not to overdo it - aloe roots are fragile and easily damaged.

    The root collar is the most vulnerable place of a succulent; it should be located at the same level with the soil and not go deep into the ground, otherwise it will rot very soon. Small decorative pebbles are placed around it as mulch, which save it from waterlogging.
    During planting, the plant is watered moderately, but after that it is not moistened for several days so that the aloe roots are firmly established in the soil. Only a week later, no less, for the first time after landing. They begin to fertilize no earlier than a month later.

    How to grow aloe from a shoot without roots

    It is necessary to plant aloe from a cutting without a root system in several cases - when a lateral shoot on the stem is used to produce a new plant, when the succulent grows and needs to be rejuvenated, when it has rotted root system and there is a chance to save the flower by rooting the top.

    Regardless of the reason for growing aloe from a shoot without roots, the planting material - the cuttings - is left to dry for several days, placed on a clean, dry cloth and left in a moderately warm room in a shaded place, not in the sun.

    The shoot is rooted in wet sand or a mixture of garden soil and river sand, the proportion of the latter being twice as large. The cuttings are regularly watered from below. The new leaves that have appeared on the top of its head indicate that it has formed roots. After 3-4 weeks, you can plant the aloe in a separate pot filled with soil mixture for adult plants.

    How to grow aloe from a leaf

    The principle of growing aloe from a leaf is the same as rooting a cutting. Flower growers rarely use this method, because it takes longer and is more troublesome, and the result is not always expected; often the rooted leaf simply rots without giving life to a new plant.

    A healthy leaf with good turgor, located in the lower part of the rosette, is cut off with a sharp tool at its very base. Leave it to dry for several hours or even a couple of days in a semi-shaded place, then sprinkle the cut with activated charcoal or charcoal powder.

    The leaf is rooted in wet sand, deepening it three centimeters. No shelter is built for it - a film or a glass vessel. Water regularly with a small amount of water so that the sand looks moistened, but not soggy. After 5–6 weeks, first one small leaf appears at the base of the buried leaf, then a second one, and soon a miniature rosette is clearly formed. When its leaves increase to 3–5 cm, the plant is transplanted into a separate container for growing aloe.

    Caring for aloe after planting

    The planted plant is placed in a dimly lit place and left alone for several days. Transfer to a bright windowsill only after 7–10 days. The first watering is carried out no earlier than a week later, and the first fertilizing is done after a month or even two.

    After planting, water aloe no more than once every 8–9 days, depending on the condition earthen coma, it must have time to dry completely during the break between subsequent moistenings.

    Possible problems during landing and immediately after it

    The most unexpected surprise when planting aloe is rotten roots. Even if at least a few healthy roots remain, the plant can be successfully revived. To do this, remove all damaged areas of the root system and immerse the remaining roots in a solution of an antifungal or antibacterial drug, depending on the causative agent of decay.

    After this, the plant is left to dry for at least 4–5 hours, then planted in the substrate, but not watered. The succulent is observed for 10–14 days. If putrefactive processes have not resumed, moisturize very sparingly and rarely until full recovery flower.

    Another, no less common “surprise” during planting is egg laying. mealybugs between the roots. The plant is washed well in a soapy solution, turned upside down so that all the liquid drains and does not remain in the axils of the leaves. The pot and substrate are changed, the old ones are thrown away. The succulent is treated with an insecticide and planted in a new flower container. Watch to see if the scale insects have appeared again. Usually one treatment, even the most thorough one, is not enough, and aloe is treated again with another preparation.

    The genus Aloe unites perennial leafy herbaceous, shrubby or tree-like succulents with thick, fleshy sword-shaped leaves collected in dense rosettes and arranged in a spiral. The edges of the leaves can be smooth or jagged, with sharp spines or soft cilia along the edges. The leaf pulp is divided into characteristic cells that retain moisture reserves during drought. The flowers are small, tubular, white, red, yellow or orange, located on a long peduncle in an apical multi-flowered raceme. Family Asphodelaceae. The genus contains about 340 species, distributed in tropical regions of Africa. Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula

    Most common types

    Tree aloe Aloe arborescens- the most widespread medicinal plant in our country. Homeland - Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. IN room conditions V temperate climate this plant blooms extremely rarely and it is precisely with this feature that its popular name- agave, which seems to bloom once every hundred years, but when good care can bloom every year. In a pot, aloe arborescens produces numerous side shoots and grows well in height and width. The leaves are narrow, succulent, up to 20-30 cm long, with spines along the edges. It grows very quickly reaching a height of up to 30-100 cm (in nature up to 3 m). Scarlet tree is very decorative and easily propagated by cuttings.

    folded aloe Aloe plicatilis- a small tree with a short, branching trunk. 10-16 bluish-green leaves sit on the branches in two rows.

    Frightening aloe Alou ferox- has thick fleshy leaves, with reddish-brown small spines all over the surface, which make it look warty. Grows up to 45 cm. When flowering, it forms a branched, spike-shaped inflorescence with red flowers.

    spinous aloe Aloe aristata- it is often confused with haworthia - numerous thick leaves with whitish-transparent soft spines on the lower surface. The leaves are arranged in the form of a basal rosette - 8-10 cm in diameter. A white jagged border runs along the edge of the leaf. Blooms easily in spring and summer indoors.

    Aloe variegated Aloe variegata- a low plant, up to 30cm high. Down side The leaf is boat-shaped, dark green with transverse wide and light stripes-spots. A light thin strip stretches along the edges of the sheet.

    Beautiful and suitable for growing in rooms Aloe Desquana- with triangular variegated leaves; Aloe multifolia- with an almost round rosette of pointed triangular leaves of a greenish-gray color; Pearl aloe- with green leaves arranged in a rosette and covered on both sides with rare pearl-shaped white warts; Aloe chessboard, which has spirally arranged olive-green leaves, covered on the upper side with a checkerboard pattern of white.

    Aloe tree, or agave, unfortunately, often suffers in our apartments. It is rather grown on medicinal purposes, regularly plucked and care little about living conditions. But if you grow this plant correctly and do not cut off its leaves, you can get very beautiful specimens.

    Most often, aloe plants suffer from excess moisture; if watering is too frequent, the roots rot and the plant dies.

    Aloe plants also often suffer from lack of sunlight, especially in winter. At the same time, their stems are elongated, the leaves are smaller and sit less frequently on the trunk.

    This plant does not benefit from planting in heavy clay soil. It does not evaporate moisture well and there is no aeration.

    Place of aloe in the room

    Aloe can stand on window sills facing north and on windows located on the south side. But the most optimal would be to place aloe in bright room so that the sun's rays fall on it. Aloe is very sensitive to the light source, so you should not move it without a special reason. From time to time you need to turn it to the sun in different directions.

    Aloe is sensitive to drafts, so you should not place it so that air currents pass through it.

    From early summer to late autumn, it is best if the plant is located on the balcony or in the garden. This way it can be better prepared for winter. In winter, aloe should also be kept in a well-lit room, but the air temperature in it should be low, within the moderate range.



    In summer it loves a sunny place, but it must be accustomed to the sun gradually, shading it on especially hot days.


    Transplantation is carried out in the spring. Young plants are replanted annually, old ones every 2-3 years.

    Preparing the pots

    The best pot for growing aloe is a clay pot. Plastic pots, common in Lately, do not meet the conditions in which the plant should be. Plastic does not allow air to pass through, and this quality is the most important condition life of the aloe root system. Aloe must be transplanted into a plastic clay pot. The transplant date is early spring, after a period of winter dormancy.

    The day before transplanting, water the plant generously to make it easier to remove the root system later. It is better to perform this operation on a cool, cloudy day. Under no circumstances should you replant the plant in hot weather. Or do it in the evening.

    A new clay pot must be kept in water for some time so that the clay absorbs water, otherwise the pot, after transplanting the plant into it, will “take away” most of the moisture, which can have a very adverse effect on growth and further development aloe. You need to add superphosphate to the water; it will neutralize the lime on its walls.

    An old clay pot must be treated before use in case it contains microspores harmful bacteria. To do this, it is dipped in a 2% solution. copper sulfate. You can also bake the pot in a stove or oven.

    Preparing the soil for aloe

    The growth of the plant and its appearance depend on the quality of the soil; a well-groomed plant will have greater healing properties than a sick and frail one. The soil must consist of several parts different types: turf, leaf, humus and others. Aloe is a desert dweller, so prerequisite The soil for it is pure river sand, as well as clay.

    • turf soil - 3 parts
    • humus soil - 2 hours
    • leaf soil - 1 hour
    • clay soil- 1 hour
    • river sand - 1 hour

    The mixture is thoroughly stirred. Can add charcoal- it has antibacterial properties.

    For drainage, clay shards and one of them, convex in shape, are used. It is possible to use medium-sized pebbles. The material is placed on the bottom clay pot directly above the hole in the center with the convex side up. Place a few more shards on top and cover with cooked soil mixture up to half.

    Carefully dig up the aloe, trying not to damage the roots, transplant it into a prepared pot with soil and sprinkle the rest on top.

    When replanting is carried out solely due to replacing the pot with a more suitable one, it is not necessary to shake off the soil from the roots; it is enough to carry out “transfer” - that is, replanting with partial preservation of the old soil.

    In the case when a transplant is carried out to improve the conditions of a diseased plant, the remains of old soil are removed from the roots, diseased roots are cut off, and the sections are powdered with crushed wood ash.

    The juice of aloe itself increases the germination of seeds and the growth of cuttings. Therefore, you can add a few drops of juice prepared from large fleshy leaves to the water for irrigation.

    Aloe propagation

    For propagation, an old aloe plant is taken, which over time, having reached a certain growth, begins to lose lower leaves, as a result of which its trunk turns out to be completely bare for a long distance from the base, and only at the top, at the crown, are there young leaves.

    Such a plant should be cut as high as possible to the top and the shoot should be placed in water, preferably mixed with complex fertilizers. You need to place the shoot in a place with intense lighting. After some time, the shoot will give roots and can be replanted.

    Watering aloe

    Watering depends on the time of year. But in any case, aloe does not need too frequent watering, since it is able to accumulate moisture and hardly evaporate it.

    Excessive moisture can kill aloe. At the same time, the plant’s leaves begin to turn yellow, then fall off, the root system rots, and if it is not replanted in time, nothing will save it. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the cutting as close to the top as possible and, placing it in water, wait until it takes independent roots.

    In summer, aloe needs to be watered once every few days, preferably in the evening. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it means it’s time for another moistening.

    Another way to find out if a plant needs watering is to knock on the pot. If the ground is dry, the sound will be loud, but if there is enough moisture, it will be dull.

    When watering abundantly, if the water, having passed through the entire pot, pours out of the pan, it is necessary to remove it.

    In autumn, the watering regime remains almost the same, but from time to time the intervals should be increased. In winter, the plant is in dormant mode, and therefore it needs to be watered no more than once every 10 days, or much less often. In the spring, when the forces dormant in the plant awaken to life, the watering regime should be increased.

    The water temperature is important. It should be within room temperature or a little warmer. You cannot take water directly from the tap for this purpose. It contains a lot of chlorine and harmful impurities, therefore, in order for the chlorine to evaporate, it should be left in the vessel for at least a day.

    The best water for irrigation is snow (not in Moscow!!!), rain and spring water. It is better to collect rainwater in metal utensils, avoiding those drops of water that pour from the roofs, drainpipes etc. Snow water can be obtained by typing pure snow and then melting it at room temperature.

    If it is not possible to collect rain or snow water, you can take a vessel with pre-settled tap water and put it in the refrigerator. When an ice crust forms on top, it needs to be removed - it contains harmful impurities. And the remaining water, brought to the desired temperature, can be successfully used for irrigation.

    Top dressing

    Aloe needs timely feeding artificial and natural fertilizers. It is better to use ready-made fertilizers, which are sold in specialized stores. You can also prepare a mixture of fertilizers yourself:

    Fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water. All fertilizers are first diluted in water room temperature, carefully observing proportions. You should not make a concentrated solution, thinking that this will allow you to better feed the plant - this will only bring harm to it.

    It is best to fertilize 2 times a month, and from autumn to mid-spring, fertilizers should be abandoned - the plant enters a dormant period.

    When watering a plant with water in which fertilizers are dissolved, it is necessary to keep the soil moist at the edges of the pot, away from the trunk and even more so from the leaves. Accidental contact of fertilizer with plant tissue can cause burns. Best time for applying fertilizer - day or evening.

    Can be used as fertilizer crushed wood ash, chicken or pigeon droppings. Fertilizer from manure is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of manure is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Then the vessel with this mixture is closed, placed in a warm place and left to ferment. After 10 days or 2 weeks, the fertilizer is ready. Before feeding the plant, this mixture must be diluted again with water in a 1:1 ratio.

    You can also use dried droppings. It is added to the soil of the pot to a depth of about 1 cm at the rate of 1 teaspoon per pot. average size. This feeding is enough for two to three weeks.

    A good fertilizer is water in which raw meat has been washed. This good source nitrogen for the plant.
    You can sometimes water the plant with water in which potassium permanganate is dissolved. The color of the water in this case should be light pink.

    To make aloe feel comfortable, its leaves should be periodically wiped and sprayed. Aloe leaves are covered with a waxy coating, and dust that gets on them makes it difficult for them to breathe.

    But aloe leaves release phytoncides that are destructive to bacteria and improve the health of the air in the room. Therefore, it is necessary once a week, and even more often in the summer, to wipe them with a slightly damp sponge or cotton wool, being careful not to damage the protective layer.

    It is better to do this early in the morning, before the sun's rays begin to get hot, or in the late evening. It is not recommended to do this during the day, since every drop of water remaining on the leaves under the influence of the sun can cause severe burn. It is useful to spray the plant from time to time with a spray bottle or place it in warm summer rain.

    If the aloe gets sick from fertilizers during this period, it is better to completely abandon it and water it extremely sparingly. If the disease progresses, it is recommended to transplant or take cuttings, following the recommendations.


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