Strawberry black and white. How to grow black prince strawberries

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Many gardeners are interested in what the Black Prince strawberry is. This variety has increased frost resistance and is adapted to the conditions of a temperate northern climate. Unusual fruits have excellent taste. Let's look at the description in more detail.

On long stems The plant produces many ovaries. The shape of the berries is cone-shaped with a slight truncation at the end. They are covered with strongly protruding grains that are dark red in color. In the dark, their color scheme resembles black. The berries are a little prickly. Fruit weight is about 50 g.

The berries are large, they taste sweet, with some sourness, and have juicy and dense pulp without internal voids. The stalk is short, the texture of the strawberry is quite delicate with a thin skin, and does not hold its shape well when harvested.

But it doesn't have any effect negative impact for transportation, since the berry is quite dense. Strawberries can be stored for up to 2 weeks. The berries do not spoil during transportation. The sugar content is quite high, the aroma is reminiscent of strawberries

About foliage

Unlike many representatives of this species, this variety has its own characteristics:

  • the bushes are large;
  • the foliage is dense;
  • powerful root system;
  • every year the plant looks more and more like huge balls;
  • five-year-old strawberries have 20–30 stems;
  • the leaves are dark green in color, have a pronounced gloss and slight wrinkles.

An average number of thickened tendrils are formed on the plant, which become less and less every year. Against this background, fruiting only increases every year.

Flowering, pollination

The flowering phase of strawberries occurs in May, and already in mid-June you can get the first berries. The plant is dioecious and requires a male pollinator for ovary production. If the plant is grown in open ground, then there are no problems with such a process.

When growing indoors, the bushes should be provided with artificial pollination.

This activity is carried out in two ways:

  1. Using a fan. The movement of air in the greenhouse will transfer pollen from flower to flower.
  2. Using a soft brush. You need to lubricate each flower with a brush.

Because this remontant variety, strawberries bloom almost constantly. Therefore, you should “pollinate” it up to 3 times a week for 3-4 hours a day. Pollination is mandatory, since without it it is impossible to achieve big harvest in greenhouses.

In addition, in order to create greater efficiency in the process, it is necessary to control the air temperature during flowering. It should be about +15 degrees, but not more than +25. The bushes are simultaneously capable of producing a harvest and forming new flowers.


The Black Prince is productive variety. It must be collected every other day.

You can get up to 1.5 kg of fruit from a bush over the summer. Moreover, the chances of collection increase when the bush is older. The peculiarity of this variety of strawberries is that during harvesting the fruits do not become smaller, and this allows you to obtain large fruits throughout the season.

Compared to average varieties garden strawberries, this plant is active not for 2–3 years, but for 5–7 years. Also when good care this period can still be extended for several years.

The safety of the crop is high - more than 2 weeks in a cool room equipped with good ventilation. For the purpose of sale, the entire harvest can be transported without any loss.

Berries during transportation:

  • do not crack;
  • do not wrinkle;
  • don't ooze.

Long-term storage at home will be ensured by the following steps:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • canning.

Strawberries also keep well in the refrigerator for more than a week. But you cannot tear off the receptacle and stalk of the berries in advance.

Suitable region and climate

This variety is suitable for growing in different regions RF. This is explained by the fact that black garden strawberries are quite resistant to sub-zero temperatures.

Black Prince is becoming a promising variety that brings a new direction to the development of domestic horticulture. If you follow the necessary care rules, in many climatic zones of the country, gardeners will be able to get a pretty good harvest.

Who bred the variety?

The strawberries were created in one of the nurseries in Italy by the New Fruits company. Breeders have been developing this variety for a decade. Product testing was carried out in European countries, including in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Although this variety of strawberry appeared quite recently, and not all lovers have heard of it, the Black Prince has already received positive reviews for the speed of ripening, productivity and excellent taste.

Ripening period

Strawberry Black Prince is a mid-early variety with a long period fruiting. Already at the beginning of the first summer month, the ovary appears on the plants.

The first harvest ripens in mid-June. From the moment fruiting begins until its completion, an adult bush produces about 0.7–1.2 kg large berries. From one hundred square meters you can get up to 200 kg of berries.

Black Prince is a high-yielding variety, therefore it is often used not only for individual needs, but also on an industrial scale. The variety is remontant, which allows, in the presence of good weather conditions get the harvest long time.

Resistance to adverse factors

A distinctive feature of this plant variety is its high winter hardiness. Strawberries are easily tolerated minus temperature. The bushes are also not afraid of spring frosts, which makes it possible to use it even in a moderate continental climate. Strawberries have high rates of disease resistance. Although the plant is quite susceptible to the transparent strawberry mite.


In most cases, reviews from gardeners are positive; they write that the berries correspond to the description. They make aromatic jam; I am pleased that there are no diseases on the bushes.

There are also negative responses. In them, gardeners note that it is worth working with the variety only if you have a great desire, since it is demanding of care. If the soil is weak, the black prince stops bearing fruit.


For successful fruiting, you should choose good soil for strawberries.

Selecting a location

  1. Before planting the variety, you should choose light soil and fertilize it well. On clayey areas The Black Prince will not produce a big harvest.
  2. The beds should be located in areas where there is a lot of sun and little cold wind. Plants do not grow well if the level groundwater high. When there is no other place, it is necessary to make high ridges with reliable drainage underneath.
  3. Cooking seat, you should add organic matter there in advance and treat the soil with peat-humic fertilizers. The bed should not be located near eggplants or potatoes.
  4. The best neighbors for the variety are cereal crops, onions with garlic, legumes. They should also be planted directly between strawberry bushes.

Planting seedlings

For planting, seedlings purchased only from reliable companies are required. Since the variety grows strongly, it is necessary to maintain a half-meter distance between the bushes.

Planting stages:

  • Having dug up the soil, prepare the holes by pouring 0.5 liters of slightly warm water into them;
  • Place the seedlings in the holes, straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil;
  • the heart should protrude 2 cm from the surface;
  • compact the soil well, removing pockets of air;
  • then water the seedlings and sprinkle them with mulch.

Use straw, rotted sawdust, and cut grass without seeds for mulching. Until rooting, the variety should be watered regularly. Perfect option- drip irrigation.

Leaving with the seasons

Although strawberries of this variety are not capricious, they require compliance with a certain growing technology. Let's describe it in more detail.

Watering with loosening

Strawberries do not tolerate drought well. Daily watering is important immediately after planting, during flowering, and also during ripening. When strawberries bloom, they only need to be watered at the roots. Moreover, you cannot be too zealous with this procedure, since stagnation of water can provoke root diseases, and the berries will become tasteless and will not be stored well.

It is recommended to make furrows between the rows, watering and then feeding the bushes through them. Water in the evening, when the sun has already set. Accompany each procedure by loosening the soil to remove crusts and destroy weeds.

Top dressing

Strawberries should be fed. Liquid solutions suitable for feeding roots. Dry fertilizer should be scattered over the soil, after watering it well.

Feeding scheme

Perform the very first fertilizing in the spring. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are suitable. Recommended use ammonium nitrate, urea or ammonium sulfate. When buds and ovaries appear, such fertilizing is prohibited, otherwise there will be no harvest.

During this period, plants need phosphorus. It is useful to water the plantings ash solution, containing all the elements necessary for further growth and maturation.

Perform the last fertilizing when the strawberries are ripening in a complex form. mineral fertilizer. It is recommended to use a pre-prepared infusion of fresh herbs.

Among the wide variety of garden strawberries, mistakenly called strawberries, it is worth highlighting several interesting and unusual varieties. A particularly promising variety that has recently appeared in the CIS is the Black Prince, with large, glossy, dark burgundy, almost black berries.

The history of the appearance of the Black Prince variety

The garden strawberry variety Black Prince was obtained from the nursery of the New Fruits company. This company is one of the producers of high quality planting material in Italy. The work of breeders from Cesene lasted ten years, the variety was tested in Ukraine and has proven itself well in Europe, as well as in many regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.

However, in some sources, early garden strawberries of the Polish selection Kama are passed off as this variety, which, due to its dark cherry berries, began to be incorrectly called the Black Prince.

Description of the variety

Garden strawberries Black Prince belong to the varieties of medium-early ripening. The first berries can be tasted in the third decade of June, and fruiting ends only at the end of summer. Young bushes with medium-sized dark green glossy leaves grow very quickly over time. Mature Black Prince bushes are taller than other varieties of garden strawberries. The flower stalks are tall and erect, but under the weight of the berries they can bend all the way to the ground.

The berries are truncated conical in shape, very large (weight - 50 grams), juicy, aromatic, and shiny. The color of the fruit is dark cherry, approaching black. The seeds are large, dark color, released on the surface of the fruit. The taste of the berries is sweet, with barely noticeable sourness.

The pulp is quite dense and does not contain voids, due to which the fruits are stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

It can be eaten in unlimited quantities even with diathesis, which is especially common in children. In general, there is a big paradox - strawberries are a very sweet berry, but they reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Therefore, you can eat strawberries even if you have diabetes.

Photo gallery: features of strawberry Black Prince

Young bushes of the Black Prince garden strawberry grow very quickly, producing a small number of runners. The Honey garden strawberry (left) is significantly smaller in size than the Black Prince (right) The berries of the Black Prince variety are large, dark cherry in color

Characteristics of the variety

The variety has the following valuable qualities:

  • long fruiting period - from June 20 to the end of August;
  • high yield - more than 1 kg of berries per bush per season, 20–28 tons per hectare, the yield increases with age;
  • large-fruited - the average weight of one fruit is 50 g, and the size of the berries does not change until the end of the season;
  • excellent taste - juicy, sweet, and the berry itself is dense and aromatic;
  • high transportability of berries and storage ability - up to 30 days when the temperature drops without loss of presentation;
  • the viability and productivity of each plant is more than 5–7 years, with decent care- to 10;
  • good frost resistance and the ability to withstand short spring frosts without harm to the crop;
  • resistance to many diseases of garden strawberries.

But the Black Prince variety also has some disadvantages:

  • average drought resistance - without watering the crop can withstand only a short period of time;
  • does not take root well and grows on heavy soils, the roots rot even with good drainage;
  • gives a small amount of runners and only 3-4 years, then you are left without planting material;
  • is affected by strawberry mites, and in the fall anthracnose, as well as white and brown spots, may appear.

Photo gallery: autumn fungal diseases of garden strawberries

The best hydration option for strawberries is drip irrigation.

To extend the life of the bushes and get a rich harvest of berries High Quality, it is necessary to feed strawberries throughout the season.

In early spring, Black Prince strawberries need nitrogen (15–20 grams of urea per 10 liters of water), and during budding and flowering - phosphorus (30–40 grams of superphosphate per meter 2). During the fruiting period, it is good to feed the bushes with complex fertilizers such as Berries or Agricola (according to the instructions). They need to be added dry to the soil under the bushes or dissolved in water.

After collecting the last berries, you need to take care of the bushes again, this time for laying the harvest next year. Remove damaged dried leaves and old mulch, feed the plants, weed, water the beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Keeping an eye on the weather, the bushes need to be watered periodically. Starting from the second year of life, the roots of the bushes are often exposed. In this case, they are covered with soil mixed with compost and watered (1.5 liters per bush).

Video: autumn feeding of strawberries

Strawberry black prince is still little known among domestic gardeners. But the varietal characteristics make it possible to put it on a par with promising species. Garden strawberries black prince are great for growing in different regions our country, including the northern ones.

The Black Prince is the product of ten years of work by Italian breeders. Thanks to persistence researchers The New Fruitis company managed to obtain a variety that differs increased frost resistance.

Strawberries are great for growing in regions with short, rainy summers and moderately cold winters.

In terms of ripening time, the crop belongs to the mid-early varieties. The first harvest of berries ripens on the 20th of June. The plant bears fruit before autumn time. Throughout the season, the berries retain their size, while the rest early varieties become smaller by the end of summer.

The strawberry bush amazes with its unusual appearance. The plant is large and from a distance can be confused with potato tops.

The shape of the berries is cone-shaped with a slight truncation at the end. Their mass according to the description reaches 50 gr. Covered with black, strongly protruding grains, the dark red berries are slightly prickly. In the dark, their color appears black, hence the corresponding name.

Sweet fruits have juicy and dense pulp without voids. Due to their high degree of density, they can be stored for a long time - 2 weeks. Fruit do not deteriorate during transportation over long distances.

Black Prince is a high-yielding variety. One bush per season gives on average kilogram of strawberries. With one dacha hundred square meters you can get about 200 kg of berries. The variety is good for cultivation on an industrial scale.

This type of garden strawberry bears fruit in one place for 7 years, while the berries do not become smaller by the end of summer and the yield increases every year.

Planting strawberries

Strawberries should be planted at the very beginning of autumn so that they have time to take root before frost.

In addition, at this time of year there is a sufficient amount of micronutrients in the soil, which are so necessary for growth and development.

Selecting a location

Before you start planting, you must select right place, which must meet the following criteria:

  • lots of sunshine;
  • protected from the wind;
  • deep groundwater.

Last point very important, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. For the same reason, you should not plant garden strawberries in lowlands, as well as on slopes, since water will flow down and the plant will not receive enough moisture.

You cannot plant black prince strawberries where potatoes, tomatoes or eggplants used to grow. Great option there will be a place where carrots, onions, legumes or grains previously grew.

The soil

Heavy clay soils where excess moisture predominates are not suitable for the variety. Strawberries prefer sandy loam, drained soil with excellent air circulation. This may be black soil or forest soil.

Having chosen a place, you need to prepare a bed. First of all, her dig up, removing all weeds. The soil needs to be well fertilized using organic matter.

Planting material

To avoid disappointments with planting material, it should be purchased in a specialized store or nursery. The distance between holes should be more than 40 cm, since the plant grows quite quickly.

The holes are watered abundantly and only then sockets are placed in them. Having straightened the roots, the seedling is buried in such a way that the growth bud (heart) remains on the surface of the earth. The soil around the plant is lightly compacted, irrigated and mulched.


Every year it is necessary to remove the tendrils so that they do not take away the strength from the main bush.

Feeding is done twice a season. Once in the spring using nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The second time in the summer, when buds appear on the bushes, they are fed with fertilizer containing phosphorus. For the black prince Do not use preparations containing chlorine. This is detrimental to the plant.

After planting the bushes, it is important to maintain soil moisture, especially during the flowering period.

After the ovaries form, watering should be stopped, otherwise the berries will lose their taste. To prevent the bushes from suffering from drought, the soil needs to be mulched.

Strawberry propagation

When propagating black prince garden strawberries, the same methods are used as for other species:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.


The first method, invented by nature itself, is the simplest and least expensive. When choosing mustaches for propagation, take those that are located closer to the bush. The shoot should have 5–6 leaves.

In order for the plant to take root quickly and surely, experienced gardeners It is recommended not to immediately separate the mustache. The socket must first be pressed to the ground and wait 36 ​​– 40 days until it takes root and only then separate it from the parent bush.

An excellent time for planting is considered to be the end of August - beginning of September. Before the onset of frost, the seedling has time to get stronger and recharge with nutrients.

Strawberry black prince gives a mustache only the first three years.

Dividing the bush

When the plant stops producing tendrils, the second method of propagation becomes relevant - dividing the bush. Choose bushes that have most of all small shoots.

The crop is dug out of the ground and, using a knife treated with potassium permanganate, it is carefully divided into parts. The sections are processed with crushed activated carbon and planted in the ground.


The most labor-intensive method is considered to be growing garden strawberries from seeds.

The result may be far from expected. Seedlings may not adopt varietal characteristics parent bush.

Seeds are obtained from the largest and ripest berries. Thin layer The pulp with seeds is cut from the fruit and dried. After drying, the seeds should be separated by rubbing the pulp between your fingers. They are stored in hermetically sealed containers no more than 3 – 4 years.

3 - 4 months before planting, the seeds are placed in water and kept at a temperature of 3 -5 degrees. Before planting, the seeds are thoroughly dried.

There is one more quick way seed preparation. Soak the bones for 15 minutes concentrated sulfuric acid solution, after which they are thoroughly washed for half an hour in running water and dried.

Planting seeds in February into small containers. Soil consisting of turf, dry peat and river sand(2:1:1) is irrigated and seeds are scattered on its surface. The containers are covered with polyethylene. The sprouts should appear in 10 - 14 days, and after 2 weeks the seedlings are plucked.

Autumn processing of beds

In order for plants to survive winter well, they need to be prepared for it:

  • remove mulch to avoid the development of fungal diseases;
  • delete dry and yellowed leaves;
  • clear the bed of weeds;
  • loosen the soil so that the roots are not visible;
  • fertilize the soil (manure, humus or vermicompost);
  • a couple of times until frost is good saturate the ground with water;
  • trim your mustache;
  • Before the onset of cold weather, cover the crop with covering material.

Diseases and pests of crops

When growing black prince strawberries you need watch the leaves carefully. Sometimes they can tell about the presence of some disease, timely treatment which will help save the plant and preserve the harvest.

If there is a formation on the foliage yellowness, then the reasons may be the following:

  • non-infectious chlorosis;
  • mosaic;
  • deficiency of magnesium or nitrogen.

If the foliage on the bush has begun dry out early, then this could mean:

  • infection with root rot or fungal disease;
  • damage to the root system by mole crickets or moles.

Despite the variety’s resistance to various diseases, if not properly cared for, the plant can become infected with gray mold, spotting, late blight, powdery mildew and anthracnose.


Like any other variety of strawberries, black prince can be consumed not only fresh, but also made into various preparations: preserves, marmalade, compote and even liqueur.

In addition, the berries have found application in cosmetology. Thanks to the large seeds, the fruit can be used to make not only nourishing masks, but also peelings.

The plants are beneficial not only berries, but also leaves. The decoction helps fight coughs and relieves sore throats during colds.

Strawberry black prince rightfully deserves the attention of gardeners. With proper care, the plant will show itself with the best side and will give you an excellent harvest of delicious berries.

First, without looking under the cat, decide - what color is the strawberry in the photo? Bolder)). The fact is that this is another optical task - an illusion from Japanese psychology professor Akioshi Kitaoko. All of his works become canonical, and it amazes me every time. But first, Internet users are actively discussing it. This time he invited everyone to guess the color of the berries shown in the picture.

At first glance, this is just a picture of poor quality - perhaps the author went too far with the filters.

In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated: the fact is that there are no red pixels in the picture - which does not prevent us from seeing red berries.

The red color of strawberries exists only in our imagination: our reason deceives us, since the berries are depicted on a blue background.
Things and colors look different in different lighting - for example, under office fluorescent lamps daylight or in the soft lighting of the living room.

However, our brain independently makes corrections to the image so that we still see strawberries as red, regardless of where and under what circumstances we eat them.

This feature human perception called "color constancy".
"Your brain says, 'The light source in which I see these strawberries is adding some blue to them, so I'll automatically remove the blue component from every pixel,'" explains color vision expert Bevil Conway in an interview with Motherboard.

"And when you take the gray pixels and remove the blue, the result is that the image appears red to you," Conway explains.
Of course, we know that strawberries should be red. And it also helps the mind to correct the color of the image.

Matt Lieberman then joined the discussion by tweeting a slightly modified image, which, however, also did not contain red pixels.

Matt Lieberman/Twitter Copyright holder illustrations by MATT LIEBERMAN/TWITTER

Many responded to Matt's post by adding gray rectangles to his picture for comparison. Carson Mall took color samples from several places that appear red to us and placed them on White background.

Carson Mell/Twitter Copyright holder illustrations by CARSON MELL/TWITTER
Image caption

“I took some of the flowers that seemed to be the reddest parts of the strawberries and layered them on the white background on the right.”

The gray color becomes more obvious if you look at each berry separately from the rest of the picture (for example, by covering the background of the photo with your hands).
Many remember how in 2015 the Internet was divided into two camps, fiercely arguing among themselves what color the dress was: blue-black or white-gold.

The red-looking gray strawberries have a slightly different explanation, but in both cases we are talking about color correction, which our mind resorts to depending on the type of lighting.

Good variety that requires standard care

Grade: 5

Strawberries feel good in the Vladimir region and tolerate long, cold winters. But it does not respond well to prolonged drought and extreme heat. The easiest way to reproduce is by antennae. On bushes they form powerfully and take root well. The optimal ones are those that are closest to the mother bush. The landing depth is great value. It is impossible to bury it too deep, and planting very close to the surface leads to the rapid death of the seedling.
The watering schedule is specific. Abundant moisture is only required for a couple of weeks after planting and during flowering. During the formation of the harvest, waterlogging leads to the ripening of watery, tasteless berries. In the fall, I remove all the tendrils so that the plants spend their energy not on growing them, but on preparing for winter. It is unacceptable to organize strawberry beds where tomatoes or potatoes previously grew due to severe depletion of the soil. The best option- in place of legumes or grain crops.
The taste of the fruits is good, they are suitable for fresh consumption, canning and cooking. I tried freezing it, but I didn’t like the result. After defrosting, the unique aroma is lost and the taste is lost.

The harvest is stored for almost 2 weeks

Grade: 5

Ripe berries look very unusual. They are dark dark red, almost black, with a large number of bright yellow grains. The fruits are large and have the shape of a cone with a blunt end. The pulp is always dense, has no voids and a large core. Sugar content and juiciness are high, the aroma is more reminiscent of strawberries. Safety harvested phenomenal - up to 12 days in a cool room with good ventilation. Almost the entire harvest can be transported from the dacha without loss. The berries do not crack, do not ooze or wrinkle.
The yield is consistently high, with standard care at least 1 kg per bush. Strawberries are ideal for making homemade liqueurs, wines and tinctures; they acquire a stunning aroma. The berries are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C and phytoncides. Consuming it during the summer helps to significantly strengthen the immune system. The number of whiskers is moderate; you can do without their regular removal. Every year their number decreases. Each bush has many flower stalks that do not bend to the ground under the weight of ripe berries.
The strawberry mite poses a great danger. In the fall, I regularly inspect the bushes for the first signs of spotting; it is at this time that it appears most often.

Excellent hardiness and good yield

Grade: 5

I have been growing Black Prince strawberries for many years; we bought them from the Voronezh fruit and berry nursery “Wonderful Garden”. We came across some good quality bushes back then, now we are breeding them ourselves, they reproduce with tendrils, but the seedlings produce stronger seedlings. The variety itself is quite unpretentious and tolerates our winters well, but I still cover it with straw. Drought resistance is average, I water regularly to get good harvest. The bushes are quite spreading; I plant them at a distance of at least 40 cm.
The berries are quite large, average weight - 30 grams for us, beautiful dark burgundy color, almost black, the pulp is sweet and sour, dense, strawberries can be stored for up to 10 days. Disease resistance is high, but very susceptible to the transparent strawberry mite. It bears fruit for up to 6 years, then it needs to be renewed.

For those with a sweet tooth

Grade: 5

I bought it for myself new variety strawberries Black Prince for experiment. I love sweet varieties, and this one is just that. The bushes took root, and in 2 years they grew quite large and tall. They don’t give much mustache, I saved everything and planted it in a new bed, over time there will be no mustache at all, only the old bushes. The berry does not degenerate over time, the harvest remains good from the bush, and does not become smaller.
I liked the taste of this variety of berries, it is really sweet. The texture of the berry is delicate, the skin is thin. The stalk is short and can choke in your hands when picked, but I put this one in my mouth with particular pleasure. The berry has a very pleasant aroma; for me it’s the smell of summer. The color is rich, dark red, hence the name of the variety. I associate this color with a very ripe berry and evokes an appetite - when these berries are on our table, they are swept away in an instant and are the very first.
Due to such a delicate texture, the berries do not hold their shape well when harvested. I grind them with sugar and store them in the refrigerator, but in compotes or jams with whole berries I put other varieties with dense fruits. This strawberry variety is quite expensive, and it is not as easy to propagate as many other varieties, but this strawberry is worth it.

Convenient variety

Grade: 4

I have several varieties of strawberries at my dacha, and the Black Prince strawberry variety is the easiest to care for. There is no need to renew the bed every 2-3 years, the bush grows well in one place for 10 years, and what is important is that from year to year it does not begin to produce fewer berries or smaller berries, but on the contrary, it only increases its yield over the years. I planted it once and that’s it - a strawberry harvest is guaranteed every year.
The berry is tasty, sweet, with a rich dark color. It’s nice to eat it fresh, especially children love it, and in the form of desserts - preserves, marmalade, and compote it makes beautiful.
The variety is Italian, but is quite ready for winter. I cover it for the winter just in case, I don’t want something like this delicious variety lose. For propagation, I used strawberry tendrils, but it gives them only in the first years of life, you need to know this and not miss the moment, stock up on a bed specifically for growing young plants in case of renewal. But you can buy additional varieties; they are available for sale.
Of the minuses, in reality the berry does not grow large, at most medium in size. The yield is also average, I have several beds of it so that I have something to make preparations from. One bed is only enough to eat during the season or for variety.

Loved by the whole family

Grade: 5

I have an ironclad rule when planting strawberry bushes: there should be a distance of 20 cm between the bushes and a 60 cm distance between the rows. Because the bushes grow and should not block one another’s space. This is the principle I used to plant the Black Prince.
I really like how the berries change color as they ripen. First they white, then they begin to turn red and become scarlet, then more red, and when the berry is ripe and ready to eat, it becomes burgundy, almost black. A ripe berry is very different in color from an unripe one. Taste ripe berries wonderful, it is sweet, aromatic, meaty, dense.
Also, the berries are large, about 7 berries are enough to fill a glass. That is, we have 15 rows on our plot, we harvest every day. Enough for us, for our relatives, and for jam.
The best thing about this variety is its remontant nature. It bears fruit in early summer, and then bears fruit again. The main thing is that there is sunny weather. We water the bushes only during the flowering period. When there are fruits, do not water them so that they do not absorb water, then the taste will be spoiled and the juice will flow. After eating it fresh, my daughter’s hands and face are dirty. This is the only drawback.


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