Indoor flowers that should not be kept at home: photos and names, poisonous plants and folk signs. What indoor flowers cannot be kept at home and why

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Hello. IN flower shops– abundance indoor flowers, they are often given as birthday gifts. But are all plants useful? Let's find out which flowers should not be kept at home and why.

Caution - flowers

It turns out that the harmful properties of some indoor flowers can have a negative impact on human health. Perhaps you have noticed that after receiving a gift your health suddenly begins to deteriorate?

You need to be especially careful when buying a green resident if there are small children or animals in the house. The sap of some types of green plants contains dangerous poison or they release very toxic substances into the air.

But not only greenery is not recommended to be kept at home, but also many popular among gardeners beautiful flowers. If you cannot refuse their content, then try to find the right location for them. They should not be placed in the bedroom, or maybe even in the kitchen.

There is constant debate among gardeners about the dangers of some plants. Mixed in with the disagreements are the most various signs, which are capable of intimidating even experienced gardener, not to mention beginners.

This article will help you figure out which flowers should not be kept in the house and which plants you need to be careful with because possible consequences for human health and energy.

List of poisonous plants

This list includes those species indoor plants with photos that are best avoided, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. Concerns arise due to excessive dangerous properties green spaces.

A baby, dog or cat may be attracted to the beautiful flowers of a dangerous plant, from which they can get severe burns or even be poisoned by poisonous juice.

If you have neither children nor animals, but do have such plants, then be very careful when caring for them:

  • Be sure to wear gloves when handling these flowers.
  • Wash your tools after use.
  • Do not trim flowers or leaves with the knife you use in the kitchen.

Group of dangerous plants


This popular plant can be found in many homes. Florists are attracted by its huge yellow-green leaves, which form a crown that impresses the imagination.

Why can’t you keep Dieffenbachia in an apartment? The sap of the plant, which splashes when cutting the stem or leaves, is toxic. If a child or a pet takes a leaf of this flower into their mouth, its juice can cause quite noticeable poisoning.

In addition, the juice of this green pet causes burns and unpleasant redness on the skin.

Oleander (Nerium oleander)

Flower growers are attracted by bright crimson flowers, so it grows in many homes. But if oleander juice enters the human or animal body, it can cause blindness.

And from the smell flowering plant You may feel dizzy or feel unwell.

Euphorbia (Euphorbia)

This plant has so many species and varied forms that it is impossible to describe it unambiguously. Many species are very similar in appearance to cacti with spines, the injection of which is dangerous for people and animals.

The leaves and stems of milkweed contain white juice that can cause burns and irritation on the skin, and if ingested, cause poisoning.


This potted plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and looks like a small tree with variegated, elongated leaves. At home it hardly blooms.

Croton juice is dangerous. It can cause burns on the skin, and if ingested or cut into the blood, it can lead to intensive care or even death.


Among home gardening enthusiasts there are very popular look. It is loved for its lush flowering. The azalea blooms pink, white, red and yellow flowers.

The most dangerous is Azalea Simsa (Indian Azalea). If particles of its leaves enter the body, convulsions or intestinal colic may begin.

Mimosa pudica

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A bizarre green organism. It is a thin stalk with small delicate, fragile leaves. Its behavior is very interesting: as soon as you touch it, its leaves roll into a tube.

Evergreen ivy (Hedera)

The shrub in the form of vines belongs to the Araliaceae family. Cats love him very much. They are attracted to bright green leaves and berries, after playing with which the animal can become poisoned and even die from severe poisoning.


He is loved for beautiful view, represented by a powerful stem similar to a tree trunk. At its top there are sparsely growing leaves and a large number of delicate flowers. Pink colour, medium size.

The toxic sap of the plant is very dangerous and can cause severe burns and even severely poison the body.


A spectacular monstera is not considered very dangerous looking, but keeping it at home is not recommended. Most often, monstera is placed in public places or botanical gardens, as it is endowed with leaves of impressive size.

Green giant juice can cause burns on the skin, indigestion if ingested, and damage to the eyes.


Classified as belonging to the aroid family. These can be vines, bushes with lush greenery. Poisonous philodendron sap in contact with skin and eyes can cause burns and irritation.


This flower is incredibly popular among gardeners. Thanks to its small size, lush flowering With its varied shades and velvety foliage, primrose has become a favorite of many gardeners. Lovers of home gardening decorate all the rooms of their homes with it.

But not everyone knows that when flowering, primrose releases harmful substances that can cause dizziness and nausea. And contact with velvety foliage, covered with small fibers, leads to allergies and redness.

Stellera chamaejasme

Steller is famous for its medicinal properties, but they can only be used on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor.

The flower itself has a tall stem with inflorescences consisting of 20-30 small white flowers. If pieces of foliage enter the body, it may cause numbness or swelling. vocal cords.

Nightshade (Solanum)

It captivates with its bright orange fruits, which grow together on an evergreen shrub. It is these elegant berries that are considered extremely dangerous and poisonous.

The bright color of the fruit irresistibly attracts children and pets. It is better not to grow this flower at home, so as not to get into trouble.

Gesner's tulip (Tulipa gesneriana)

This species blooms very beautifully. A marvelous flower blooms on a medium-sized stem, with a variety of colors - from yellow to red.

It is important to remember that being around this for a long time beautiful flower- Not recommended. This can lead to baldness or partial hair loss.


This is a type of cactus. Trichocereus has long needles, it blooms with rather large snow-white flowers that have a pleasant smell. But a pleasant aroma can lead to hallucinations or even paralysis of the nervous system.

Difference by family

The list of poisonous plants is much longer, so when making a green purchase, immediately ask which family a particular plant belongs to. Four main families of the most dangerous and harmful indoor plants for humans and animals have been identified.

Superstitions and signs about indoor flowers They will tell you how you can improve your life with the help of properly selected plants, and what varieties you should beware of placing in your home.

It is believed that a house in which indoor plants die is filled with negative energy. This is not entirely true. Most plants, if you take good care of them and devote a considerable part of your time, can ward off diseases and negative programs from their owners.
If one plant has dried up, it means that it has taken away from you strong evil eye, damage or serious illness. But about the contents in the house negative energy it doesn't say. The dead flower should be thanked (preferably out loud), and then buried somewhere on the street or on your property.
But when home flowers dry up one after another, this can mean either the presence of strong negativity in the house or serious damage. Of course, if it's not a matter of care. Some plants are quite whimsical, and some of them even react to loud sounds. Perhaps this is a good explanation for the sign that says that flowers do not take root in a house where scandals are a frequent occurrence.
Sometimes flowers get sick and wither natural reasons. This portends purchases.
With the help of colors you can identify the negative areas of the apartment. If a plant that bloomed well before the “move” begins to fade, for example, near your bed, then the latter should be moved to another place.
Among the superstitions and signs about indoor flowers, there is also a slightly shocking one. modern people. It says that in order for a plant to grow better, it must be stolen. This superstition remains from the days when homemade varieties were too expensive for ordinary people, and only the rich could afford to have them. When our ancestors stole a flower shoot, they left a coin for the mother plant in exchange.
If in the middle of winter a plant begins to bloom, which is usually covered with inflorescences in the summer, it will be a surprise. In some regions of Russia and other countries - to death in the house. The interpretation may also depend on the properties of the plant. For example, the unexpected flowering of a money tree means the unexpected appearance of money.
It is believed that it is impossible to give plants in pots; this transfers the failures and problems of the giver to the person to whom such a gift is intended. If you receive one, give a coin of any denomination in return. So the gifted plant will think that it was bought and has received a new owner, who does not need the energy of the old one.

Good signs about indoor plants

There are plants that carry only positive energy and are suitable for everyone. For example, Crassula or Crassula attracts the energy of money into the house. At proper care and conditions for growth, the fat plant can even help you get rich. It is better to choose a pot for it red or green - these are the colors of money magic. Place a few coins in it when planting your Crassula.
Fern protects against harmful radiation from electrical appliances, so it can be placed near a TV or computer. This property allows it to replace the usual cacti, which are associated with not only good omens.
Another name spathiphyllum- Woman's happiness.

As you can guess from the name, this plant carries only positive energy. It brings family happiness and prosperity.
Bamboo carries energy career growth, desire for success and good luck in business and at work. But it will only bring you happiness if you place a pot with this plant on your desktop. After all, in the bedroom, near the bed, such aspirations have no use for you.
Aloe serves as a normalizer family relations and communication with guests, brings peace and tranquility to the house. This plant will protect you from unwanted visitors and their influence on you. Therefore, it is often placed near the entrance to the room.
Divorce sorrel, if you have problems finding a suitable partner or in a relationship with an existing one. It normalizes family and love relationships. Hibiscus– a flower of love and passion. Perfect for placing in the home of both newlyweds and elderly couples. Excellent in strengthening and restoring normal family relationships. Avocado has a similar meaning.
Tradescantia protects its owner from gossip, and the aspidistra adds strength to character.
Ficus- this is a plant that gave Adam and Eve leaves to hide their nakedness and fruits (figs - a type of ficus) to satisfy hunger. He is considered the patron of the home, bringing prosperity and good luck. Read more about signs about ficus trees.
Chlorophytum It cleans the air well, and if you believe the signs, it brings happiness to all family members.
Violet helps resolve conflicts peacefully. If there are scandals in your home, plant violets. More about signs about violets.
Geranium fights stress, loneliness and depression, and can also boost self-confidence. It can make a person’s character more calm and balanced.
Dracaena improves your mood, shares your energy, brings good luck and success.
All citrus plants suitable for placement in residential buildings. They bring good luck, happiness, wealth and love.
Homemade roses symbolize fidelity and chastity. If you are worried about your teenage daughter, place a box of roses, preferably white ones, in her room. Roses in the marital bedroom protect marriage from betrayal and deception.

Bad omens about houseplants

The most common sign about house flowers warns unmarried women from breeding ivy and scindapus. The fact is that they are considered husband-seekers, that is, they can prevent you from getting married, driving potential spouses away from you. But when you already have a husband, this sign does not prohibit you from purchasing ivy.
In addition, ivy is considered an energy vampire. But it takes away not only positive energy, but also negative energy. If you want to get rid of negative emotions, sit for a while near the ivy. Some people believe that it gives them self-confidence.
cacti very popular among those who want to get rid of or at least reduce harmful radiation emanating from electrical appliances. People believe that if you place them at the door, cacti will protect the house from thieves and robbers. But they not only have positive influence. Cacti worsen relationships between spouses.
Calla lilies bring sadness, you shouldn't grow them.
People sometimes say that monstera, if she stands near your bed, she can choke you at night. This is not entirely true. The fact is that monstera absorbs oxygen. If you sleep near it, you will wake up in the morning with headache and muscle pain, weakness and other negative symptoms. She is considered an energy vampire, perhaps only due to her ability to absorb oxygen.
Another vampire plant is orchid. They are more active at night, so if you do decide to plant an orchid, do not leave it in the bedroom. This flower takes away vitality, is especially dangerous for indecisive and apathetic individuals.

When growing plants, few people are interested in the question of which flowers should not be kept at home. At the same time, there are both scientific evidence harmfulness of some flowers, and folk signs and Feng Shui, which many gardeners also take seriously.

What does science say about dangerous plants?

First of all, let's look at the scientific side of the issue. After all, when growing plants, we want them not only to decorate the room, but also to be useful, or at least not cause harm to household members.

It's no secret that indoor plants can cause serious harm to their owners. So, some of them are poisonous, others are allergens, and others even combine these two dangers. In addition, some types of plants can negatively affect your well-being. For example, you may experience headache or fatigue due to the strong aroma of some flowers.

However, do not panic and throw out all the flowers from your windowsill. After all, about 50 indoor plants are on the list of poisonous plants. This is approximately 2% of their total number!

Indoor plants from the “black list” can cause poor health

Plants dangerous to children

First of all, all mothers take care of their children. Therefore, first of all, let's talk about those indoor plants that can be harmful to babies. The danger increases due to their excessive mobility and curiosity. They strive to touch or taste the new inhabitants of the house. Therefore, the choice of plants in a house where there are children should be approached especially carefully.

Keep children away from the seemingly innocent and beloved plant lily of the valley because it contains cardiac glycosides. They harm the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, this would seem useful plant, like celandine, was also included in the list of dangerous plants. This is because it contains milky juice. If it gets on the mucous membranes or even the skin of a child, it can cause redness and burns. That's it negative impact it doesn't end at all. Celandine contains alkaloids. If they get into the gastrointestinal tract, the child may be poisoned.

In addition, you should get rid of those plants that have brightly colored fruits. For example, aglaonema is especially dangerous. When it self-pollinates, small red berries may appear. Children may want to pick them and taste them. However, they are extremely poisonous and can cause serious harm to health.

Children need to be explained which plants are poisonous and why. In the future, this will only be useful to them, but now it can protect them from poisoning.

Other plants that are absolutely contraindicated for a child’s room include the following:

  • oleander;
  • ehmeya;

  • monstera;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • alocasia;
  • ficus.

Ficus "Lyrata"

  • cacti;

All of them have negative energy, and some are even poisonous. Others, like ficuses, intensively absorb oxygen at night.

Advice! Considering that it is extremely important for a child to always receive a lot of oxygen for normal development, it is better to avoid ficus in the house.

In addition to the danger for children, you should also think about whether indoor plants benefit them. So, you need to choose those colors that have positive energy, add oxygen to the room, purify the air. This is very important for a child.

Poisonous plants

Poisonous indoor plants are dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, check your window sills for the following types plants:

  • Alocasia. All its parts are extremely poisonous.

  • Azalea(see photo). Its leaves contain toxic substances - glycoside and andromedotoxin. Other parts of the plant are also poisonous. Swallowing them is deadly.

Azalea bonsai. Unfortunately, it is toxic if it enters the digestive tract, so move it as far as possible from places where children have access

  • Anthurium. The juice of this plant contains strong poison.
  • Clivia. It contains lycorine, which can cause paralysis.

  • Croton. It has a poisonous milky juice.
  • Monstera(photo). Its juice contains strong poison.

  • Oleander(see photo). It also contains poison. The juice of this plant can even cause loss of vision, and the aroma of such beautiful flowers can cause dizziness. It is not for nothing that, according to Greek legend, wives placed this flower near the plates of their unfaithful husbands, hinting that next time it would end up in their soup.

  • Poinsettia. It is dangerous due to its poisonous milky juice. So, if you cut poinsettia leaves, they will release white poisonous juice, which can cause burns.

Many of these plants, in addition to being poisonous, are also highly allergenic.

Plants are allergens

It's sad, but enough a large number of indoor plants, often found in many homes, are allergens when they bloom.

Allergens, in addition to many of the plants listed above, include pelargonium, fern, cyclamen, rhododendron (aka azalea) and others. What reaction do they cause in humans? For example, juice aglaonemas can severely irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Dieffenbachia is able to decorate any window sill thanks to its exquisite large leaves. However, it can cause tissue swelling if it enters oral cavity. Why is this beautiful plant poisonous? Dieffenbachia can cause poisoning in a child or pet if they swallow its leaves. In addition, you need to be careful when replanting it or cutting off its leaves. In this case, you may get burned by its juice. Philodendron poses the same danger.

Croton And oleander are also strong allergens, and ficus and does not occupy an honorable third place after them.

The dangers of favorite and common plants

Of course, the greatest danger lies in wild or exotic plants, which hardly anyone would think of growing on their windowsill. At the same time, you need to be careful even with such familiar compact plants as begonia, orchid, geranium and hydrangea . What is their danger?

Rarely does a window sill now do without beautifully blooming geranium. After all, this beautiful plant is unpretentious and does not need special care. In addition, it has a fairly long flowering period. However, geranium can lead to headaches or even severe asthma.

Other common houseplants are also dangerous. IN Lately Growing orchids at home has become fashionable. However, they have a relatively strong, pungent odor, which can lead to insomnia or simply worsen your mood, which is also unpleasant.

Such a plant, beloved by many flower growers, is also fraught with danger. azalea. If its leaves enter the body, it can cause convulsions and intestinal colic.

Contains some danger and is beloved by all begonia. This seemingly harmless plant has the property of releasing volatile substances. They fight pathogenic microbes. Of course, this is a positive property of the plant. However, you need to work with it carefully. This is because begonia contains insoluble salts oxalic acid. They can cause severe burns and mouth irritation.

You should also be careful with such beautiful flowers as lilies. At night they intensively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So don't be surprised if you wake up with a headache the next morning.

Folk signs

There are many legends about which flowers should not be kept at home. Since the majority of avid flower growers are women, most of the folk wisdom boils down to the fact that due to wrong choice plants, the husband can leave, cheat, drink himself to death, die, etc. Who among us has not heard “horror stories” about ivy? Which under no circumstances should be kept at home, otherwise there is a high probability that your spouse will leave you. This mainly applies to climbing ivy (see photo). Its wax relative is contraindicated unmarried girl. If she dares to grow it, then there is a high probability of remaining an old maid.

Despite popular beliefs, ivy purifies the air, reducing the content of microbes in it

Thus, if you believe the signs, then ivy and marriage are completely incompatible things. And these beliefs arose, most likely, because ivy is considered an energy vampire.

If you can still believe in some signs, then there are completely strange beliefs. For example, there is a legend among the people that if you are given a palm tree, it is strictly forbidden to bring it into the house, as this can lead to misfortune. However, with such a gift you can find a way out of the situation. You can simply roll the palm tree into the house on a bicycle.

Trust but check

Despite the paradox of these folk beliefs, many signs are justified from a scientific point of view. For example, as described above, it is not recommended to keep a cactus at home due to its danger to children and some other properties. Folk omens also do not trust this prickly plant. It is believed that growing a cactus at home can lead to the husband becoming an alcohol addict.

Paradoxical signs relate to wealth and happiness. Yes, it's worth someone house plant bloom, then expect trouble. And if it never blooms, then you will be poor.

Of course, most of these signs regarding indoor plants only make modern people smile, but it’s not for nothing that our ancestors were so attentive to the choice of plants. Therefore, of course, you should not blindly believe foreign wisdom. Better check them out scientific facts. And if they do not recommend keeping this or that indoor plant at home, then it is wise to listen to such advice.

If your favorite indoor plants are on the “black list” and you don’t want to throw them away, then read the rules for handling them and work with them only with gloves. But to be completely sure of your safety, it is better to completely refuse to grow such a plant at home. After all, there are many more equally beautiful plants. And, of course, one must avoid holding poisonous flowers at home if you have growing children.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefits to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types They not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in cold weather and simply please the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is known to everyone house doctor. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, and cleanse the air of harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


By many favorite plant fits perfectly into the kitchen interior and does not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and pink colors lift the spirits and can protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus, looks good in hanging planter. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

This climbing flower with hard leaves oval shape. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleanses the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical, slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits are calming nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, just like fruits, are capable of exerting useful action. Plants emit essential oils, which help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. This miniature tree pyramidal in shape with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring to life married couple agreement and mutual feelings. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers of a curled form. It protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs suggest that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Have you ever wondered why you can't keep climbing plants at home? If not, then we hasten to tell you about it, but first we’ll explain where this sign came from.

History of signs

  • People have long been afraid all kinds of plants that curl. They were not planted in their gardens, nor were they kept in their homes. These plants were afraid because, according to them, climbing stems Devils and Satan could get out of hell and one fateful night capture the owner of the house or his relatives, or livestock, and take them with them to eternal hell.
  • We were afraid to approach these plants alone during the day, because ancient people I believed that with its tenacious and curly branches the plant could grab someone and strangle them.
  • Since then, they began to be afraid to have climbing plants at home and began to consider their appearance in their homes bad omen .

Why can't you grow indoor plants that climb?

  • So why are climbing plants at home a bad omen? What is so bad they bring us? And the sign with climbing plants at home means that they take a lot into themselves positive energy, leaving one negative.
  • Climbing plants in a couple's bedroom can cause discord in a relationship. They may raise suspicions on the part of one of the spouses that the other is unfaithful, or the husband and wife may simply lose interest in each other. The more climbing plants in the bedroom they will have, the worse their relationship will be, and the faster the divorce will come.
  • It is highly undesirable to place any climbing plants in children's bedrooms, because they long stems and a lot of leaves they will absorb all the health of the kids. The child may experience severe headaches or the immune system may be seriously compromised.
  • If there is a climbing plant in the kitchen, then conflicts will constantly arise there and the family will not be happy. The neighbors of this family will hear swearing almost every day, and all this is because of a simple climbing indoor plant.
  • But in the hallway, a climbing plant can delay the bad thoughts of those who enter the house. Therefore small indoor flower with climbing stems you can put it there.

What plants are climbing plants?

  • The most famous of the climbing plants is Tradescantia. It has many varieties. There are tradescantia with small fluffy leaves that are colored green and purple. And there are tradescantia with just smooth green leaves.
  • There is also an indoor climbing plant called Cissus or, as people call it, Birch. This plant really has its leaves reminds me of a birch tree.
  • Many people also plant Scindapsus in their apartment. This plant has yellow spots on its leaves.

Now you know why you can’t keep climbing plants at home.

Why can't you grow climbing plants at home?

    It is believed that it is undesirable to keep climbing plants such as ivy and birch trees at home, since there is a folk belief in this regard that these plants seem to survive from the men’s house, draw out the energy of love from the owners and family life The owner of such a flower garden will either not work out at all or will be unsuccessful.

    At home I only have wild grapes on a shelf, they have been growing for many years and nothing, I really wipe a lot of dust on them. A friend of mine has ivy, and her family is like everyone else - husband, children, it seems normal. In general, it’s better if you have doubts, then it’s better not to get climbing ones, get some other flowers that have no signs, so that they don’t confuse you.

    Who told you that vines cannot be grown in the house? It’s very possible, but they weave a lot and there are a lot of leaves, you have to clean the dust once a week, but there are a lot of leaves! But the vine pleases us with green leaves all year round. For the holidays we attach decorations to it. So I don’t see anything wrong with Liana!

    There is such a judgment that in a house where, for example, ivy grows, a man will walk, get confused, drink, and may generally wander into unknown places - apparently, they are judged by the nature of the plant itself, which weaves everything around and knows no restrictions.

    If we talk about the energy of these plants, it is cold, so if passions regularly boil in the house, then climbing plants can slightly dampen them. But if it’s still cold, then it’s better to look for other flowers.

    If you believe in omens, then there is one such that weaving plants at home lead to frequent quarrels and loneliness. I don’t know where this belief came from.

    I also heard that all the climbing plants will not let a man into the house. They are popularly called muzhegons. Somehow I even got rid of all the climbing plants at one time. Friends have both plants and men. So, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe in such a sign or not.

When purchasing another flower, we don’t even know about some harmful properties indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If they live in the house Small child or animals, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, there are adverse effect on the human body of some flowers. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. Child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

Consider this group of plants:

  1. Dieffenbachia.

    A popular indoor plant that attracts gardeners with its huge yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. The flower is dangerous because of its juice, which is released when the leaves or stem are cut. If a pet or child decides to chew any part of this flower, the juice that enters the body will cause severe poisoning. In addition, Dieffenbachia juice causes burns and irritation to the skin.
  2. Oleander (Nerium oleander).

    Popular for its bright crimson flowers. Ingestion of oleander juice into the body causes blindness. The smell of a flowering plant contributes to dizziness and poor health.
  3. Euphorbia (Euphorbia).

    This plant is represented by a huge number of species and various forms, so it cannot be described unambiguously. Many representatives are similar in appearance to cacti and have spines, the injection of which is also dangerous for a living organism. Euphorbia contains white sap in its stem and leaves, which causes burns and irritation on the skin. If it enters the body it causes poisoning.

    By the way, on our website there is a large article about caring for this plant, so we recommend that you read it!

  4. Croton.

    If we talk about this plant, which belongs to the euphorbia family, then it looks like a small tree with variegated leaves that have an elongated shape. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and it rarely blooms at home. The juice of this plant causes burns on the skin. If the juice gets into the bloodstream through a cut or ingestion, the matter may result in death or intensive care.
  5. Azalea.

    A common plant among flower lovers. It is famous for its lush and attractive flowering. Azalea flowers come in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, red, yellow. It is Azalea Simsa (Indian Azalea) that is considered dangerous. Ingestion of the leaves of this flower causes intestinal colic and cramps.
  6. Mimosa pudica.

    A bizarre plant, which is externally represented by thin stems and small leaves. The leaves look fragile and delicate, and when they come into contact with an object, they curl into a tube. Prolonged human contact with these flowers leads to hair loss and hair loss. Sometimes it even comes to complete baldness. The fact is that this plant releases harmful and toxic substances that poison the human body.
  7. Evergreen ivy (Hedera).

    This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is a shrub in the form of vines. Cats are very attracted to the bright green color of the leaves of this plant, but ivy leaves and berries are poisonous, so the animal can die or be seriously poisoned.
  8. Adenium.

    Very beautiful plant, which is represented by a thick, plump stem in the form of a small tree trunk. At the top there are sparse leaves and a large number of medium-sized pink flowers. The plant is very toxic, adenium juice is especially dangerous. Upon contact with the body it causes poisoning and burns.
  9. Monstera.

    Monsterra not so much dangerous plant, but still it’s better not to start it at home

    A spectacular plant with huge leaves and growing to an impressive size. Usually, monstera can be found in public places or botanical gardens. Monstera juice can cause burns on the skin, disorder digestive system, and if it gets into your eyes, it can damage them.

  10. Philodendron.

    Belongs to the aroid family. The plant is represented by bushes, vines and lush greenery. Philodendron juice is poisonous. In contact with skin and eyes, it causes irritation and burns.
  11. Primula (Primula).

    The flower has gained such popularity due to its beautiful blooms of various shades, small size and velvety leaves. During flowering, the plant releases toxic substances that cause nausea and dizziness. The velvety leaves are covered with small villi, contact with which leads to burning and allergies.
  12. Dwarf Stellera (Stellera chamaejasme).

    The photo shows Steller in his natural habitat. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can only be used for such purposes under the supervision of a doctor. The flower itself has a tall stem on which the inflorescences are located. They consist of 20-30 small white flowers. If the leaves of the plant are ingested raw into the body, it can cause swelling of the vocal cords and even numbness.
  13. Nightshade (Solanum).

    This flower attracts attention with its bright orange fruits, which decorate evergreen shrub. These fruits are very poisonous and dangerous. May cause poisoning. The bright color of the berries attracts children and animals, so you should not keep such a flower at home.
  14. Gesner tulip (Tulipa gesneriana).

    This plant blooms very impressively. It has a medium-sized stem on which it is located big flower. The color is varied - from yellow to red. But staying indoors with this flower for a long time leads to hair loss and baldness.
  15. Trichocereus.

    This plant is a type of cactus. It has long and large needles and blooms with large white flowers with pleasant aroma. The plant contains hallucinogens and toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system.

By family

The list of poisonous plants seems much longer, so when buying a flower, ask what family it belongs to. There are 4 main families of the most poisonous plants, namely:

  • Euphorbiaceae family. The juice of many representatives of this class is poisonous and causes burns to the skin.
  • Family Araceae. Most representatives of this group are toxic plants. Their juice is especially dangerous.
  • Kurt family. This class includes the most dangerous plants for human and animal life. They attract with their bright and colorful appearance. Wear gloves when working with flowers from this family.
  • Solanaceae family. In this class, not all plants are poisonous, because the well-known potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. But home flowers are most often toxic, and especially their fruits. Berries cause indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

Watch the video for details:

Sometimes indoor plants bring not only beauty, but also danger. For this reason, be sure to use protective equipment when working with flowers. If, no matter what, you decide to acquire such flowers, then try to protect them from possible contact with animals and children.

List of plants that need to be treated with caution

There are a number of indoor flowers that can harm the human body only if they are placed incorrectly in the house. In addition, some plant varieties cause allergies or minor illnesses. The list of these plants is as follows:

All flowers with strong aroma, should be placed in thoroughly ventilated areas. Then problems with feeling unwell will not arise.

Folk signs: what is possible, what is not?

To trust folk signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. It is worth remembering that most often signs arise on the basis of many years of observations of ancestors. Let's consider what the appearance of some indoor plants in the house entails:


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