Wallpaper expanding the space in the interior for the living room. How to visually expand a room - 10 proven ways to increase space

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January 4, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Small rooms require a competent approach to the choice of finishing materials so that they can visually hide their shortcomings. Therefore, I propose to further familiarize yourself with some wallpaper options that will help solve the problem - visually enlarge the space. Of course, this will not help turn the Khrushchev into royal chrome, but it will be quite possible to somewhat disguise the lack of space and get rid of the “squeezing” feeling.

Wallpaper options

So, you can use the following wallpaper for a small room:

  1. Photo wallpaper;
  2. Striped wallpaper;
  3. Wallpaper with patterns and textures.

Option 1: photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is one of the most effective ways expansion of space. The only important thing is to choose the right plot. If the photo wallpaper depicts a large object, for example, a flower, then the room will only become visually smaller.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only plots that visually increase the space, i.e. with perspective. They seem to erase the boundary of the room or move it.

It must be said that in addition to choosing a subject, it is also necessary to correctly position the photographic image in the room. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a wall, you must consider the following rules:

  • The wall must be free. It is advisable that there is no furniture near the wall with photo wallpaper, as in this case the effect will be reduced. Furniture located along the wall with a picture visually marks the boundary of the room;

  • Place the photo wallpaper on a long wall. If the room is not symmetrical, it is necessary to stick photo wallpaper that expands the space on a long wall, otherwise the narrow room will seem even narrower than it actually is.

An even greater effect can be achieved with the help of so-called 3D photo wallpaper. Their peculiarity is that the picture seems three-dimensional and, as a result, even more natural. This effect is achieved modern technologies photo printing.

For very small rooms, it makes no sense to use three-dimensional photographic images on the walls. The fact is that the volume effect occurs only if you look at the image from a certain distance.

Also do not forget that although photo wallpapers are large photo, but do not cease to be wallpaper, i.e. are a finishing material that must match the interior of the room. Therefore, it is desirable that their color scheme intersects and harmonizes with the color scheme of the interior.

Option 2: striped

Stripes can influence the perception of space no less than photo wallpaper. The only thing is that they do not shift the boundaries, like a photographic image, but expand or narrow the walls.

To achieve the desired result with striped wallpaper, you need to choose it correctly and place it correctly. When choosing the type of canvas, first of all consider the following points:

  • Horizontal stripes expand the wall. Horizontal stripes are great for finishing short walls. However, keep in mind that they not only expand them, but also reduce the height of the ceiling;

  • Vertical stripes increase the height of the ceiling. Therefore, it makes sense to use vertical stripes when it is necessary to visually make the room taller. True, the effect will be achieved at the expense of the length of the wall.

It must be said that striped wallpaper can have the most different design, so when choosing, be sure to focus on the interior style and, of course, the color scheme.

Option 3: with patterns or textures

Photo wallpaper can be used only on one of the walls, or at least on two adjacent walls. Therefore, the remaining walls will have to be covered with ordinary trellises. But what wallpaper colors make a room look bigger and how to choose the right pattern?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to remember the following rules:

  • Light colors increase space, while dark colors reduce it. This does not mean that all surfaces must be finished in white. Great solution is the use of pastel colors, which will make the home not only bright, but also cozy;

  • Tapestries with large patterns bring the wall closer. Therefore, in small rooms it is better to give preference to canvases with small patterns. The only thing is, if the room is not symmetrical, to visually correct the situation, you can stick trellises with larger patterns on short walls, and small ones on long walls;

  • Relief surfaces increase space. The more voluminous the relief of the trellises, the more spacious the room seems, which is due to the play of shadows.

It follows that in our case the best solution are light wallpapers with small patterns. For example, white canvases with colorful plant-themed patterns are perfect for a small kitchen.

For the bedroom, you can use pastel-colored trellises with classic patterns (ornaments, rosettes) or abstraction, depending on the style of the interior. They will go well with photo wallpapers that can be hung at the head of the bed.

For the living room, wallpaper with silk-screen printing is a win-win option. The fact is that the gloss they possess also helps to visually expand the volume of the room. Of course, if you like gloss, you can also use silk-screen printing in the bedroom.

When choosing trellises, be sure to focus on the lighting in the room. If the apartment is located on the south side and there is enough natural light coming through the windows, avoid cold colors, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable. If there is not enough natural light, it is better, on the contrary, to use more cool shades.

When choosing a color, be guided by your own preferences and the furniture that will be in the room. All colors used within the same room must be in harmony with each other - this is the main rule for choosing any finishing materials.

That, perhaps, is all the wallpaper that visually increases space that I wanted to tell you about.


Now you know which trellises to buy to visually expand the space of the room. If you are in doubt about your choice, contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help you with advice.

January 4, 2018

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Connoisseurs of spaciousness in the interior should carefully consider a fashionable means of visually changing the room - photo wallpaper, expanding the space. Thanks to this technique, you can not only smooth out existing planning flaws, but also create a unique interior. When choosing wallpaper for a specific room, you should consider not only its purpose and style, but also possible additional visual effects from the use of this or that image on the walls.

Options for expanding space

Designers have come up with many ways to visually expand the space. If we consider photo wallpaper as a means of expanding space, it is worth considering the following points:

  • The use of horizontal and vertical stripes allows you to expand the room wider or higher. If the ceilings in the apartment are low, you should choose wallpaper with images of trees, tall buildings, ears of wheat, etc. If you want to visually expand the boundaries of a narrow or simply small room, you should focus on a wide surface of water, an image of the sky, mountain peaks in the distance, etc.

Advice! Since photo wallpapers with realistic images are best perceived, it is better to choose them, although for individual styles Reproductions of paintings, various textured panels, etc. are suitable for the interior.

  • Glossy surfaces also have the ability to visually increase the area. Thanks to reflection, the effect of additional space appears, as when using mirrors in the interior.
  • To visually expand the space, it is worth thinking about the color palette, remembering how certain colors are perceived by our eyes. If warm shades make any room more cramped and cozy, then cool shades push the walls apart. Will add airiness and lightness to any room light blue shades. Dark, bright accents should be avoided, as they will only emphasize the small area of ​​the room.

  • When the wallpaper depicts a certain extension of the room, the room is perceived as larger in size. It doesn’t even matter what kind of continuation it is - a long corridor, a door, a balcony, windows or an open veranda. It is important that the room acquires wider boundaries.

Advice! Photo wallpapers “view from the window” are especially popular, since this creates the effect of the presence of more light due to additional “lighting sources”. Images have an interesting effect open windows, when there is an opportunity to consider beautiful nature, a metropolis in lights or a seething ocean outside a non-existent window.

Selection of drawing

There are a huge number of design options that can visually enlarge a room. Different themes are suitable for apartments with different purposes and styles:

  • One of the most popular themes for photo wallpaper is nature. Forest, park, field, mountain peaks, sea, animals, flowers - all these objects can be found on the walls of our apartments. When choosing, it is important to know that large details in the foreground (for example, mountains) will make the room cramped and emphasize its small area. Mountain peaks, if the owner dreams of them that way, should be located in the distance in the photo, close to the horizon line.

Advice! When using nature themes, be careful with macro photography. If a large solitary flower, stone or wild cat on a light background of one of the walls can become an interior decoration, then a huge bee or any other insect can scare.

If the room is very small, then you can enlarge it using visual techniques. To do this, you just need to know some design tricks. In this article we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using various methods(wallpaper, curtains, colors, furniture).

Most often, wallpaper is used to decorate the walls and ceilings of residential premises. They also influence the interior design and even visual perception premises. Wallpaper patterns can visually expand or reduce a room.

It is better to give preference to wallpaper in light colors. It is important to consider that the drawing also affects visual perception. So, a large image narrows the space, while a small one, on the contrary, will make the room more voluminous. Therefore, wallpaper with small patterns looks great in small rooms. Also excellent results can be achieved by combining wallpaper.

  • A large pattern on the wallpaper brings the surfaces closer and, therefore, makes the room smaller. If such a pattern is placed only on the back wall, the room will be visually shortened.
  • A small pattern on a light background creates the illusion of volume.
  • The transverse stripes on the wallpaper seem to push the walls apart, making the ceiling seem lower. Just as in the case of placing wallpaper with a large pattern on the back wall, the room will be visually shortened.
  • Vertical stripes on the wallpaper increase the height of the ceiling. Wide stripes enhance this effect.

Visualization methods

To level a narrow and long room, you need to use wallpaper with a horizontal pattern. At the same time, to bring the far wall closer, you can use warm-colored wallpaper.

Bright and wide wallpaper conceals the height of the ceilings. Therefore, bright wallpaper can only be used to create accents. A room whose small walls are covered with wallpaper with a large pattern, and the larger walls, on the contrary, with a small pattern, looks very impressive. Large patterns can successfully divide a room into functional zones.

Small, dark rooms with low ceilings can be made larger by gluing more dark wallpaper, and at the top - the lightest. The joint can be covered with a suitable horizontal strip or left as is, without placing emphasis in this place.

Photo wallpaper can also expand the space. There is only one condition - they need to decorate only one wall. The photo wallpaper should have a perspective design. For example, with a road going into the distance, mountain ranges, a field or water surface, etc.

To increase the height of the ceiling, you should glue the wallpaper close to it. If you plan to stick a baguette between the ceiling and the wall, then it should be narrow.

Another option for removing the ceiling is to paste wallpaper on the walls and “go” to the ceiling, 15–30 cm. In this case, wallpapering should begin from the ceiling. IN small rooms The overlap on the ceiling should be minimal and vice versa.

Depth of perception is created by wallpaper without a pattern or with a barely noticeable image. So, you can successfully highlight interior items. The light colors of such wallpaper increase the space and allow you to decorate the walls, for example, with paintings or photographs, drawings or paintings.


Before you start decorating, you need to figure out which colors make the room larger and which ones make it smaller. Light colors help to increase space. It especially helps White color, so in a small room it is better to make the ceilings white. This could be paint, wallpaper or tension structures.

Cool colors help expand a room, as do warm colors. However, too bright colors, like deep red, shrink the room.

Small details on the walls help make a room feel larger. But a bright large drawing hides the space.


Furniture takes up a lot of space in the room. Therefore, if you choose the right furniture, you can increase the space not only visually, but also actually. Freed from unnecessary bulky structures, you can create extra bed for accommodation.

For example, built-in wardrobes are perfect for small rooms. If you place a bed here, it is better to have a prefabricated one or a transformer. By the way, transformers perfectly solve problems with lack of space and space.

There is no need to clutter the room with heavy furniture and massive chairs. It is better to make the environment in a minimalist style. Perfect for small high-tech spaces. Glass, chrome, metal - all this allows you to create an airy atmosphere.

Before making drastic changes to the interior, you need to remove all trash and unnecessary things. The room will look much more spacious.

The fewer items, the more free space. You can draw up a rough plan of the room and distribute furniture in it so that it does not clutter up the space.

Interior details

The visual size of a room very much depends on the lighting and the size of the windows. Big windows enlarge, small ones shrink. If possible, it is better to make windows without partitions. Solid glass changes perception.

When finishing the floor, it is better to use a uniform coating. Various cubes, diamonds and other decorations on the floor will take up space. Also, there is no need to lay a multi-colored carpet on the floor. Especially if the carpet has a large pattern. The effect will be the same as with a non-uniform floor covering. Linoleum should also not contain obvious designs.

If the ceiling is too low, then you should not make additional hanging structures like stretch ceiling. There is also no need to raise the floor. This will entail a reduction in room space. The color of doors and frames should not stand out too much. It will be great if the doors match the shade of the walls.


You should not decorate the windows with heavy curtains. They should be light and bright. Various decorative elements, lambrequins, complex designs It's better to remove it. If possible, window openings should be widened. When the windows are large, the room looks different. Her space is expanding.

When installing frames, you should choose a classic white color. Bright frames will work against expanding the space. The same can be said about the bright color of the curtains.

Other ideas

One of interesting ideas which works great in small rooms, is based on the mirror effect. It is noted that a large mirror on the wall can create the illusion of additional space. This does not mean that you need to install a mirror surface on the entire wall. However, the larger such an element, the better.

If desired, you can create several mirror surfaces in room.

Very often in apartments you can find heavy massive shelves with books. This element must be removed from the premises immediately. Because such shelves not only steal space, but also, time after time, prove how little there is. In small rooms, the owner and his guests will constantly bump into them.

The presence of lamps has a good effect. This is especially true for built-in structures. Such lamps do not interfere and create additional lighting. When choosing furniture, you need to choose one that has smooth, rounded shapes. Such structures visually have much smaller dimensions.



Few homeowners are satisfied with the quantity square meters in him. Most apartments need improvement, which requires a lot of money and effort. They solve the problem “without noise and dust”, without breaking partitions and without making extra costs to an expensive designer, choosing the right wallpaper that expands the living space, freeing the interior from accumulated rubbish.

Color influence

The chosen color scheme directly affects how household members will feel at home. Lilac and bright blue give a feeling of spaciousness, but not everyone likes them. When choosing wallpaper, you should take into account not only the advice of professionals and personal feelings, but also listen to the opinions of your family.

When choosing the color of the walls, they are guided by general principle: The cool end of the spectrum makes the room feel more spacious, while warm tones make it appear a little smaller. This rule does not apply to very light warm shades (pale yellow or peach, caramel colors and milky beige). They give a feeling of spaciousness, filled with clean air.

Pale silver, bluish, green shades relax and slow down. For those who are prone to depression or mood swings, it is better not to use them. Bright colors activate, help overcome chronic fatigue, but do not always have a good effect on easily excitable people. This especially applies to kids. Colorful wallpaper in a nursery will provoke the whims of a hyperactive child.

When choosing the color of the wallpaper, take into account which side of the world the windows of the room face. On the north side, warm colors and gloss are used. Windows facing south will require a cooler palette with a matte effect.
The ideal solution, significantly increasing the volume of the room, there will be a choice in favor of pastel, transitional tones, light shades natural wood, wool, delicate pinkish, sandy.

The effect will be enhanced by a minimum of furniture, matching all furnishings to the color scheme.

The influence of texture and texture on spatial perception

Embossed wallpapers are in demand, with the help of which they not only decorate the room, but also make the space more free. Discreet voluminous patterns are appropriate in any style and are indispensable for those who prefer the classics.

Walls with shine and shimmer fill the house with light, pushing the walls apart. The effect is enhanced if you add glossy or mirrored ceilings to the decoration. You just need to remember that many small furnishings in the interior will be doubled.

Intricate relief lines distract the attention of those entering from the volume of the room. A small room looks advantageous if it is covered with textured wallpaper with small patterns. Such walls are pleasant to the touch and form an elegant backdrop. It is more preferable to cover one color.

The most popular invoices are:

  • Linen. The surface of the wallpaper reproduces a dense fabric surface.
  • Dust. The surface is fine-grained, good basis for decoration.
  • Canvas. The outer layer imitates a porous structure.
  • Plaster. Deliberately careless relief over the entire surface.

A coating that imitates masonry, brick, leather or metal. Interesting design create structural materials that can be repainted more than once.

If you have difficulty choosing, smooth and textured coatings can be easily combined.

Which drawing to choose

The well-known rule: decorating a room with light wallpaper without any patterns, and if there is one, then only small and directed vertically, greatly limits the flight of imagination and makes the room boring. Special techniques will allow you to use bright colors, and even a large drawing.

  1. The base color should really be light. Others will take about 40% of the room's volume. It is also better not to use white. A room less than 8 square meters will resemble a hospital or a bathroom. Focus on the color of carpets, furniture, and basic accessories.
  2. Desirable textured walls. Even a slight relief of the matting creates a play of shadows, which makes you see more space.
  3. Use shiny coatings. If you like silkscreen printing, you can safely use it.
  4. Patterns are also not contraindicated. If you cover the entire room with them, then the geometry should not be large. If the ceiling height is sufficient, it is better to direct the pattern horizontally, which will add space to the room. If you are planning a bright carpet or a lot of paintings and photographs, you should buy plain wallpaper.
  5. Sometimes they use bright geometry and large prints. But then they decorate only one wall. Select one of functional zones, headboard, TV, fireplace.
  6. The walls are covered diagonally. The area of ​​the room will be added visually if the pattern or texture is directed differently than is generally accepted.

Enlarging a room by combining wallpaper

The combination technique will help increase the room in height and width.

  1. Covering one color range, but of different intensity. Both single-color wallpapers and those with patterns are used. The lower part of the wall is covered with darker colors, the upper part with light ones. In order not to “steal” the height, the border is selected thinner. The lower part of the finish should not exceed a meter.
  2. A room of up to 10 square meters can be decorated vertically with two types of wallpaper. In a more spacious room, even 3 types are pasted various materials. “Companions” should match well in color and pattern. With horizontal and bright combinations It’s better not to “overdo it”; in a small bedroom, it’s better to place “ripples” at the headboard so that they don’t irritate the eyes before bed.
  3. An accent wall, on the contrary, is placed in the field of view. They cover her with expensive ones beautiful wallpaper and admire the beauty while sitting over a cup of coffee in the kitchen or relaxing on the sofa in the living room.
  4. Sometimes attention is directed to the ceiling. Then it becomes a continuation accent wall. A small room is not decorated with dark materials so that the ceiling does not “put pressure” on the psyche. The combination of “companions” is smoothed out by redistributing attention to the surrounding decoration.
  5. A small bedroom can be covered with dark wallpaper only if it is close in shape to a square. Make the partitions near the window or any other part of the room dark, except for those walls that should reflect sunlight.
  6. In a tight space, large flowers cut out from wallpaper you like, silhouettes of a kissing couple pasted on top of a discreet background at the head of the bed, or houses and elephants in the nursery will be useful.

Low ceiling, especially in small kitchen or hallway, can make them even closer. To visually lift it, use the following techniques:

  1. Wallpaper with a glossy surface will increase the height of the room and make the space deeper.
  2. A vertical pattern will pull the walls up. It is better not to use borders.
  3. The ceiling is covered with photo wallpaper depicting the heavenly heights.
  4. If the walls and ceiling are finished in the same shade, the boundary between them is blurred, the eye does not fix a specific boundary, and the space visually increases.
  5. The furniture should be light, perhaps with glossy facades. They prefer cornice lighting and place it around the perimeter LED strips, under the eaves - LED lamps. Spot lighting wall cabinets pointed at the ceiling.
  6. Doors and windows extend as much as possible. The ceiling is made multi-level, combining its parts with mirror tiles, “heavenly” photo wallpaper, equip it with a false window.

Photo wallpapers and murals

The quality of photo wallpapers now is much different from those offered in the USSR era. Modern photographic paintings, now fashionable frescoes, are of excellent quality, realistic, and serve long years. Any room will become more spacious, original, and warm if you use materials with the right patterns when decorating.

Stylish canvases are made to order, in accordance with the size of the room and the general furnishings. They take into account not only the design, but also the purpose of the room. Images of flowers, fields, and waterfalls are suitable for the kitchen. A picture with a terrace and a space theme would be appropriate for a bedroom. Urban and natural themes are popular in the living room. The visibility of three-dimensional space will be created by 3D patterns.

To expand a tight space, it is important to choose the right design not only, but also its location.

Frescoes used for decoration are applied according to various technologies, have different sizes, forms. Even in a small room they can occupy the ceiling or one of the walls completely, provided that the image has a perspective and imitates open balcony, an alley stretching into the distance, a sea expanse. The theme is selected based on the style of the room.

We select canvases for rooms of different configurations

Wallpaper is used not only for decorative purposes. With their help, you can change the visual perception of space, increase its height, lengthen or expand. Professional designers think through combinations of colors, patterns, and select wallpaper fabrics different quality. Certain difficulties arise with disproportionate rooms, but following the established principles of selection and adjustment, even the most awkward room can be given an original, stylish look.

For a narrow room

  1. Adjust narrow space the easiest way is due to the play of colors. A narrow wall is decorated with bright canvases, while a long wall is covered with light ones.
  2. If you want wallpaper with a pattern, choose small ornaments that are not overpowering with color.
  3. Geometric images, such as small diamonds, blur the space a little and expand the space.
  4. The old trick with stripes can be used in narrow rooms. The narrower they are, the stronger the effect.
  5. A win-win option is to choose a light palette. In a wallpaper store they select material with a fuzzy chaotic pattern.
  6. Use 2-3 transitional colors from top to bottom from light to dark, adding, if desired, narrow borders.
  7. It will help to “move aside” one of the walls correct selection colors, use of photo wallpaper. Long wall decorated with a vertical pattern, the short one with a horizontal pattern, hidden behind a beautiful drapery of curtains.
  8. The best “friend” of room volume is good lighting.

Everyone wants to have large apartment, and it has cozy and spacious rooms, but this is not accessible or possible for everyone. To expand the space, you can break the partitions, but why bother? big renovation when visually expanding the area of ​​a small room, some simple design solutions.

To the question of how to visually expand the space in a small room, our answer is simple, use available tricks of optical illusion (optical illusions). Such visualization methods are effective and very important in design; these techniques are often used by architects, interior designers and fashion designers.

Visually enlarging a room, even a very cramped or narrow one, can be achieved by combining such techniques as the play of light, the harmonics of color and its shades, increasing the number of reflective mirrors in the room, using frescoes and photo wallpaper. This should include the correct selection of furniture and layout of interior items, the location of cornices and harmoniously matched tulles, curtains and curtains, as well as the use of textiles in the room, creating an atmosphere of freshness, softness and lightness.

In this article, we want to take a detailed look at the methods used to visually expand a small room by adding photo and video materials.

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper

Visually expanding the space in a small room with wallpaper is considered one of the available options, but taking into account some rules:

  • One of the rules is that drawings and patterns on wallpaper should not be very large; small drawings and patterns will help to significantly increase the overall volume of the room.
  • If the ceilings in the room are low, you should use wallpaper with vertical stripes. Keep in mind that wallpaper with vertical stripes has the ability to visually increase the length of the walls, as shown in the photo.
  • Another way is to combine wallpaper of two tones. That is, make the top part light and the bottom a little darker.

Design Rules - Textures and Patterns Video

And the basic rule, to visually expand a room with wallpaper, choose wallpaper with light or cool shades and preferably plain ones, avoid horizontal borders, and keep in mind that borders in the upper edges can visually reduce the ceiling.

How to visually enlarge a room with light

Light plays a significant role in visually increasing space, both small and large room. In a room with a small space, it is worth using small lamps. cornices, under the cabinet, lighting at the bottom of the bed, sconces on the wall perfectly help to visually expand the space in a narrow room. Keep in mind that the more light there is in the room, the wider the room will appear.

Rules of Design – Play of Light video

One more point, make the most of it daylight. Daylight, filling our home, not only affects the visual increase in space, but also our health, mood, feelings and emotions.

How to Enlarge a Small Room with Mirrors

One of these techniques is. When placing mirrors on the wall, you need to take into account that they should hang strictly vertically, since any distortion will distort your reflection. Mirrors should not be exposed to direct Sun rays, otherwise the mirror will quickly fade or become completely stained. Also, you should not place a mirror opposite the bed, according to the Chinese teaching of harmony Feng Shui, such a reflection can take away vital energy sleeping.

To visually increase the space and illumination of the room, hang a large mirror opposite the window. They can also be placed on the chest of drawers behind the lamps; the light of the lamps reflected in the mirror will give the room additional depth. Placing a mirror opposite the chandelier and interesting element decor, will help to visually focus attention on the bright details of your interior.

The most the best option using a mirror for visual expansion space in a small and narrow room is the use of huge mirrors the size of the walls, that is, from floor to ceiling and across the entire width. Thus, you can expand the wall in depth and width, as shown in the photo.

Furniture will help visually expand the room

Furniture plays a huge role in the interior. Correctly selected and arranged furniture also contributes not only to the visual enlargement of the room, but also to the real one. Try to choose furniture standard sizes, and even better if they are the same height and slightly smaller in size.

Instead of a big bed and dining table for several people, it is better to use transformers, and a bulky wardrobe can be made built-in or mirrored. Chairs and Coffee table, can be selected from plastic and glass, this will give a feeling of lightness and will not overload the space in the room.

You can also visually expand the room by arranging furniture. There is one rule here: place tall furniture in the background, and smaller furniture a little closer.

Design Rules - Video Balance and Order

Our advice is to stick to minimalism, do not clutter the room with unnecessary furniture, the selected furniture should not be in contrast with the walls, if possible, harmonize them.

How to visually enlarge a room with photo wallpaper and frescoes

Among the many options to visually expand the walls in a room, photo wallpapers are classic version. Its use in wall decoration has come to us since Soviet times. But with the advent of advanced technology, modern materials and the method of application, their quality has undoubtedly changed.

Photo wallpapers have become more realistic and lively. There was an opportunity to give the walls individuality and depth by ordering an image on photo wallpaper based on a photograph.

Frescoes can also be considered to visually expand the space of a room. in ancient times they decorated walls; they are similar to today's photo wallpapers. Decorating walls in small bedrooms, in children's rooms, or in narrow corridors with photo wallpapers or frescoes will a good option visually move the walls away, giving uniqueness and individuality to the photo.

How to increase the space of a room with textiles

Properly selected and decorated textiles for the room play an important role. This includes curtains. First of all, give up dark and thick curtains, give preference light colors. Remember, slightly gathered curtains in an accordion style and length to the floor on wide cornices up to the ceiling create an optical illusion visual increase rooms.

I will have to give up the tablecloth, as it visually attracts the eye. Colorful carpets with complex patterns make the room much smaller. Please note that the carpet should not cover the entire floor; pay attention to harmony and proportions.

How to visually move back walls, floors and ceilings using a 3D effect

Visually enlarge a small area or narrow room, you can not only use furniture, textiles, mirrors, color and light, but also apply modern design solutions such as 3D effects. Such effects are used on walls in the form of 3D wallpaper, with a 3D effect (pictured) and in floor coverings How .

The use of decoration with a 3D effect by interior designers is no longer uncommon. Finding yourself in a forest grove and towering above a skyscraper in a home environment is already a reality, and the effect depends only on your wildest imagination.

How to expand the space of a small room with color

Small rooms can be visually enlarged with color. Of our senses of perception, vision is the most powerful. Each eye contains approximately 37 million color-sensitive receptors. Colors have the ability to influence our hormones, health and mood.

Light colors do an excellent job with this task. Color is divided into two groups: warm stimulating colors and cool soothing colors. Remember, warm colors like orange, red and yellow can visually narrow your room, while cool colors like light blue, lime or green can expand it. Avoid bright and saturated colors.

Design Rules - Video Color

By using optical illusions, the question of how to visually enlarge the space in a small room, I think, will be resolved, the main thing is not to overdo it. Any room can become visually small, narrow and uncomfortable if the rules of proportion are violated.


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