Fiberglass wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpaper: what is it, photos in the interior, advantages and disadvantages

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More recently on the market building materials Innovative glass wallpapers have appeared, which are distinguished by their practicality and have already gained enormous popularity, despite the fact that many consider them harmful.

Non-woven fabric for painting also gets good reviews, since this coating is made from fiberglass and is widely used in repair work.

If you plan to paint glass wallpaper, then it is worth considering that cheap paint will quickly clog the texture of the wallpaper, and it will lose its attractive appearance. appearance after the next repainting.

Fiberglass pros and cons

The advantages of glass wallpaper include the following:

  • strength. Research has proven that such wallpaper can last over 30 years, while the cost of glass wallpaper is low;
  • resistance to any impact;
  • possibility of accumulation electric charges, which protects the wallpaper from dust settling;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of cleaning, since glass wallpaper can be washed using detergents.
  • unusual “breathable” material structure;
  • reinforcing properties that can protect walls from cracks.

Thanks to these advantages, fiberglass for putty is popular. At the same time accessible and quality material. They can be glued to the ceiling, and in this case the reinforcing properties will be fully manifested.


But glass wallpaper still has disadvantages, and these are:

  • this wallpaper can only be glued on perfectly flat surfaces, which must be carefully prepared beforehand: cleaned, puttied and reinforced with a large mesh;
  • It is necessary to glue glass wallpaper only with special glue, and the price of wallpaper glue is high, which can negatively affect the budget if you need to carry out repairs in a large room.

As for fears that such wallpaper is harmful to health, they are not justified, because glass wallpaper has nothing in common with glass wool.

Moreover, this type of wallpaper is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and hypoallergenic and can provide an ideal microclimate in any room. Among the positive characteristics, it is also worth noting their fire safety.

Glass wallpaper comes in various structures, and the most commonly used decors are diamond, matting and herringbone. With good imagination and Money You can always buy original glass wallpaper with a designer pattern. In addition, you can order your own drawing, although it will cost a little more.

The market for finishing materials today is greater than ever. For interior wall decoration, you can choose whatever your heart desires. Today's article will be devoted to glass wallpaper, which Lately began to be used especially often. From the article you will learn how to glue glass wallpaper for painting, as well as other nuances of this finishing material.

Choosing finishing material for home rooms, you need to think through the entire design so that everything in the new interior looks harmonious and perfect. Remember that the right finish is half the success.

Today many people standard types finishing prefer modern materials, which are characterized by more advantageous advantages. Recently, glass wallpaper (brands) has become increasingly popular among the population Leroy Merlin and others). This modern look finishing material, which includes substances used in glass production. This, in principle, is evident from the very name of the material.

To make such unusual finishing the following substances are used:

  • limestone;
  • dolomite;
  • quartz sand.

At high temperatures these components are melted to form yarn. The production technology requires a temperature of +1200C. In this way, light and thin threads are formed from the hot mass. If you press them, you get a fiberglass web. It is used in construction as a fastening material. But glass wallpaper is made in a slightly different way. First, fiber is spun from the formed threads that were noted above. They are then woven special machine, which vaguely resembles a weaving device. The result is rolls of cullet.

Previously, in the 30s of the last century, colored glass was used for the production of glass wallpaper. Somewhat later, a method for synthesizing them from glass and wool was discovered. The resulting products were characterized by excellent quality, which contributed to the popularization of this type of finishing to the current level.

In the interior such material has beautiful view due to the fact that it can be painted in different colors. We will tell you a little more about how to glue glass wallpaper for painting below.

Designers consider fiberglass wallpaper as the most interesting and practical material, perfect for interior wall decoration. On the walls they look especially presentable.

Some believe that there is only one option for glass wallpaper and they are all similar in appearance. But this is a misconception. Today there are two versions of this product:

  • Embossed. The material here has a denser structure, so it will be correctly used for finishing. It is also worth noting that it will be quite difficult or almost impossible to damage it or tear it during gluing. Such glass wallpapers have a large assortment relief drawings.
  • Smooth. They are characterized by a lower density, as well as an even texture, which is why they are popularly called “cobwebs”.

If you want to decorate walls or ceilings with such material, you should choose the right not only its type, but also its textured pattern, if any. With the correct gluing and painting technology, your walls and ceiling will have a chic look and will fit perfectly into any interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any type of finishing work, the use of glass wallpaper has positive and negative points. You need to know them to evaluate whether it is worth using this type finishing or better pay attention to other options.

The advantages of glass wallpaper (for example, Leroy Merlin) include the following points:

  • The material is environmentally friendly, since no toxic substances are used in its production process.
  • High fire safety of the finish. The sheets are not subject to combustion. Please note that when in contact with fire, glass wallpaper does not release toxic and toxic substances into the air that are harmful to human health.
  • The material does not accumulate static electricity, dust, or dirt. In addition, the sheets are absolutely hypoallergenic.
  • High moisture resistance. The material does not delaminate when exposed to moisture. Also, glass wallpaper does not swell.
  • Good breathability.
  • The surface is able to “breathe”.
  • No requirement for a smooth starting surface. This finish is great for masking small potholes and cracks.
  • The presence of a reinforcing effect. Thanks to it, glass wallpaper can be used to simultaneously strengthen the wall or ceiling surface of old structures.
  • They have high surface resistance to prolonged exposure to light.
  • Mold and mildew do not form under the finishing.

In addition, working with this material is very easy and even a beginner in the matter of gluing wallpaper on walls and ceilings can handle it.

It is also worth noting that glass wallpaper is an excellent surface for painting. Their surface can be repainted many times. As experts note, paint can be applied 15 to 25 times on one coating. Moreover, each layer of paint will not have a negative influence on the appearance of the walls and ceiling. Therefore, glass wallpaper is considered indispensable in the interior. For repeated painting, experts recommend choosing sheets with a clearly expressed relief pattern. This is due to the fact that the implicit design will gradually begin to wear off after several layers of paint, which will have a bad effect on the appearance of the entire interior as a whole.

It should be noted that such decoration in the interior looks very beautiful in combination with plasterboard ceilings. The main thing here is to choose the right style and other interior elements.

Another significant advantage of this product is its durability. This is the strongest finish that is used for interior design residential and non-residential premises.

The service life of such a surface is approximately 30 years. Moreover, this parameter does not decrease with each new coloring.

The high mechanical resistance of the surface makes it relevant to use them in the interior of a children's room, living room, corridor and kitchen. In this case, the surface of the glued sheets can be cleaned from dirt and dust with a regular cloth. Can also be used for cleaning various means household chemicals.

If you are purchasing products famous manufacturers(for example, Leroy Merlin, etc.), then you will only get positive aspects. But, like any material, cullet has some disadvantages that can sometimes change the buyer’s decision.

The disadvantages of glass wallpaper, which are associated with low quality products, include the following:

  • risk of cracks appearing on sheets;
  • peeling off the material (this can also happen if the gluing technology is violated);
  • during the gluing process, the sheets may tear;
  • during operation, the appearance will begin to deteriorate after just two paintings;
  • uneven absorption of paint.

The disadvantages that are also typical for quality products include:

  • difficulties in removing the finish from the starting wall;
  • for gluing, you should use only special glue (ordinary wallpaper glue will not work in this situation);
  • there are a lot of fakes on the market (it is best to buy Leroy Merlin products);
  • only need to be applied certain types paints

For painting, latex and acrylic paints. Using other types of paints, you risk smearing or clogging the textured pattern, as well as making the structure more dense.

Disadvantages also include high cost products. Of course, with such an impressive list of advantages, the price of glass wallpaper will naturally be somewhat more expensive than other types of finishing materials. But not every person can afford to decorate the entire room with them. Therefore, glass wallpaper, although it is the most advantageous type of finishing, still cannot replace less impressive materials.

There is a wide range of canvases on the building materials market to suit every taste. The price of glass wallpaper per roll varies over a wide range, so everyone can find an option that suits them. Find out and compare prices for various options fiberglass is possible.

As you can see, in the situation with glass wallpaper there are both obvious advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, purchasing high-quality products and correctly gluing the sheets will help you avoid a lot of problems and make your interior unusual and beautiful.

How to glue wallpaper

In order for everything to be fine in your interior, and for the glass breakers to perform their functions as expected, you should stick them correctly. There is a whole gluing technology here. Therefore, answering the question “how to glue glass wallpaper for painting”, two words are indispensable.

The technology for gluing glass wallpaper includes several stages. It is important that each stage is carried out efficiently and in strict compliance with all requirements.

At the very beginning, preparation should be made. It involves the following actions:

  • It is necessary to dismantle the old finish (wallpaper, paint, etc.).
  • Large surface defects (cracks, potholes, etc.) should be filled with putty. Fiberglass wallpaper can only mask minor defects.
  • After all the finishing has been removed and the wall defects have been puttied, the entire working surface needs to be primed. This will strengthen the outer layer of the walls or ceiling. Please note that you can prime before applying putty. This will prevent the formation of defects in the future at this very place.

Preparation is completed by applying a primer after all defects have been eliminated. To increase the adhesion of the two surfaces, the primer should be applied in several layers.

After this, you can proceed to the second stage - preparing the glue. The evenness of the treated surface and the service life of the finish will depend on how well and correctly the adhesive composition was prepared.

Please note that the most common mistake at this stage is the use of glue for paper analogues.

In this situation, you cannot use adhesive mixtures for paper wallpaper for the reason that the density of glass wallpaper is much higher. Standard wallpaper glue will not be able to withstand the weight of such sheets, and they will very quickly lag behind the ceiling or wall surface.

For glass wallpaper, you should use a special glue, which finishing manufacturers produce as an addition. Please note that this glue can only be used for gluing glass wallpaper. Here you can use glue with colored pigment (for example, Oscar). It makes it possible to evaluate the uniformity of coating work surface adhesive composition.

You should also remember that the glue still needs to be prepared correctly. It is sold in powder form and prepared according to the special instructions indicated on the package. The dry mixture is diluted with water in a certain ratio and stirred until smooth.

In addition, it should be noted that there are types of glass wallpaper for which you do not need to purchase glue. They already fundamentally contain adhesive layer. To make them stick to the wall or ceiling, simply moisten this layer with water. You can learn about all the features of this product from the seller or from the information provided on the packaging.

Now that the preparation and preparation glue mixture behind us, we proceed to the third and final stage - gluing glass wallpaper. The technology procedure itself is practically no different from gluing paper wallpaper.

In order to properly glue glass wallpaper onto the prepared surface, you must remember the following nuances:

  • during work and after its completion, until the adhesive solution has completely dried, there should be no drafts in the room where the work was carried out;
  • gluing occurs at room temperature;
  • During gluing, straight lines should not fall on the working surface. Sun rays(you can use curtains or blinds to protect from the sun).

It is worth noting here that fiberglass may crumble during the gluing process. Therefore, to avoid excessive irritation of the skin of your hands and face, you will need additional equipment in this situation. To avoid unwanted effects from your body, gluing glass wallpaper is carried out in the following form:

  • clothing must have long sleeves and long legs;
  • You should wear socks on your feet and gloves on your hands;
  • To protect your eyes from small fragments, you should wear safety goggles on your face.

It should also be remembered that glass wallpaper, like other types of wallpaper, has a front and back side. On a roll front side is always inside. But at the same time, a special mark in the form of a gray or blue stripe is still placed on the reverse side.

The gluing process itself is as follows:

  • First, cut the roll into strips of the required length. Be sure to cut the strips in such a way that it is possible to compensate for losses due to the pattern (when using textured types).
  • We coat the walls with the prepared adhesive. The glue is applied only to the surface of the walls or ceiling, and not to the sheets. To apply it evenly, use a roller or brush.
  • We glue the strips end to end. This is the most important point, since the strips must touch each other without cracks or gaps.
  • After fixing the strip, you should go over it with a dry and clean roller to remove air and excess adhesive composition. Instead of a roller, you can use a clean special spatula. At the joints, the glue must be removed with a rag or sponge.

The described technology is applicable for gluing wallpaper on the ceiling or walls. If you did everything correctly, then glass wallpaper will last on the surface of the ceiling or walls for up to 30 years, even after repeated repainting.

Painting technology

The most the last stage Putting the surface in order is painting the glass wallpaper. This process is completely doable with your own hands, and it does not require extensive knowledge. You just need to follow simple rules and recommendations, then your decoration will look great in any interior.

The technology for painting glass wallpaper, as well as gluing it, is practically no different from painting other types of surfaces.

The main difficulty here lies in making the right choice paints. According to construction experts, the best option for painting of this type The finishing material will be water-dispersed compositions in which acrylic resins are the binding element.

The advantages of such compositions include the following points:

  • do not hide the texture of the wallpaper;
  • retain all the qualities and properties of glass fiber;
  • are environmentally friendly products;
  • are resistant to open flames;
  • characterized by vapor permeability and moisture resistance.

It is worth noting that if you pursue the desire to passively create maximum fire protection in your home, then you should give preference to special acrylic fire-resistant paint. At the same time, you must not forget to treat all metal communications in the room with a special fire-resistant compound.

In addition to the properties described above, water-dispersion paints have the following advantages:

  • water is used as a solvent, so they are devoid of a sharp and unpleasant odor (such solutions have practically no odor);
  • quick drying of the painted surface;
  • paint can be applied by any means;
  • affordable price.

When choosing paint for glass wallpaper, you should give preference to washable types. This will help greatly simplify wet cleaning indoors and keep the appearance of the wall or ceiling decoration beautiful for a longer period of time.

Detailed information about the properties of the paint is contained on its packaging.

Before direct painting, you need to apply a primer to the surface of the glass wallpaper, but not an ordinary one, but a special one. Its composition is similar to glue. The glue must be diluted with water. Priming at this stage will increase the adhesion of the coating to the paint, and will also allow you to significantly reduce the consumption of glue, which will not be absorbed into the finishing surface, but will be evenly distributed over it.

Remember that before priming you need to wait until the glass wallpaper is completely dry, and also remove any dust left over from its surface after gluing. Typically, dust removal is carried out in situations where the wallpaper has already served for some time before painting. final finishing. To remove dust from them, just walk over the entire working surface with a slightly damp cloth.

Now everything is ready for painting. This procedure is carried out as follows:

  • We prepare inventory. To apply paint, use a brush, roller or spray gun. The method of applying paint is determined by the tools you have in your home, as well as your desire. Most often, paint is applied to glass wallpaper using a roller.
  • Open the paint and stir it well until a uniform color is obtained.
  • Pour the coloring composition into a special tray and dip the roller into it.
  • After the roller is well saturated with paint, we place it on the raised area of ​​the pallet and begin applying the coloring composition to the surface of the glass wallpaper.

Please note that the paint must be applied in a thin and even layer. It is best to paint the joints between the strips with a brush. The second coat of paint should be applied only after the first has completely dried. Several layers will allow you to obtain a uniform and rich color of the walls or ceiling.

At the same time as the walls and ceiling, the communications (heating radiators, etc.) should be painted.

As you can see, in many respects glass wallpaper is modern and the most practical material, which will allow you to quickly and effectively perform interior decoration premises. The key to the success of gluing and painting them is strict adherence to the instructions and rules, without which it will not be possible to properly glue the wallpaper and apply a finishing layer to it. Remember that when high-quality painting And correct selection paints, this process can be carried out repeatedly.

Video “How to glue glass wallpaper”

  • Dmitry Ivanovich

Glass wallpaper is high quality new material for wall decoration. They are made from special fiberglass fabric, popularly known as fiberglass. The glass material itself is made from the very ordinary glass, or, more precisely, from a combination of sand, clay, soda and limestone.

Starting a conversation about unusual material for wallpaper, my friends often ask - “ glass wallpaper, what is it?? So that you do not have such questions, I will tell you briefly about the technology for creating this type of wallpaper:

quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are straightened and then poured into glass fiber. After the glass fiber manufacturing process is completed, it is woven directly into fiberglass. And only after these production stages have been overcome, glass wallpaper with a colorful pattern is born. The shape and appearance of fiberglass is ensured by a special solution with which it is thoroughly impregnated. The fiberglass wallpaper is ready for painting, this is what it looks like:

Glass wallpaper photos in the interior

Advantages of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is unique view wallpaper for painting. Their uniqueness lies in the following properties:

  • Glass wallpaper does not allow air to pass through. Due to its airtightness, moisture does not accumulate under this finishing material, which eliminates dampness, mildew and mold in the rooms. This is very important for residents of the first floors (especially if we are talking about “Khrushchev” buildings). modern version wall coverings will be a real salvation.
  • High fire protection characteristics. Special tests have shown that among all types of wall coverings, glass wallpaper is the most protected in this industry. They are assigned the highest degree of non-flammability. And as a result, they are non-toxic because they do not emit harmful and toxic substances when burned.
  • Natural material. Wallpaper consists of peeled quartz sand, special protected glass, soda and dolomite. Thanks to this, an environmentally friendly environment is created in the room.
  • High strength. These wallpapers have a number of high characteristics in the field of reinforcing the top layer of finishing. Their base consists of fiberglass - this is one of the strongest materials. For example, if the wall decoration consists of ordinary wallpaper or decorative putty, then if cracks appear on the wall, there will be cracks in the finish. This is possible as a result of shrinkage of new buildings. In the case of glass wallpaper, there will be no cracks in the finish.

Fiberglass wallpaper is suitable for pet owners, as animals will not be able to chew, scratch or otherwise damage the surface. In addition, if someone gets them dirty, the wallpaper can be easily cleaned and washed with water.

Recently, wallpaper has begun to appear on sale that does not require prior priming. Moreover, many of them are soundproofed (find out what thermosound insulation is). All thanks to the rubber backing, which absorbs sound waves. And probably one of latest achievements in this area it is magnetic wallpaper. You can hang, for example, metal frames with pictures on them without any fastening.

Wallpaper classification

This product is available in different price categories. It all depends on the quality of the material and the following criteria:

The 1st grade of glass wallpaper (full-weight glass wallpaper) has a high density (over 100 g/sq.m.). Thanks to this density, this wallpaper is very durable. Also, some companies offer wallpaper with highest density(more than 200 gr./sq.m.). In this case, the durability of these wallpapers is more than 30 years. They can be repainted several times and still look like new.

Economy class - these glass wallpapers have a low density, below 100 g/sq.m. This is also the most common wallpaper on the finishing materials market. The low density of the material will not allow it to last long. In addition, if you need to repaint them, the texture of the wallpaper itself will be clogged with paint.

2nd grade (non-standard) - some builders claim that the 2nd grade differs from the 1st grade only in the defective packaging. But that's not true! The second grade is exclusively a defect. And therefore, the canvas may contain all the results of defects (holes, knocked-out patterns, protruding threads).

Application area

Glass wallpaper is finishing coat. Subsequently, paint of any color is applied to the wallpaper. Their originality is manifested in the fact that after applying the paint, the pattern or texture of the glass wallpaper itself appears. They can be used anywhere, especially in places where the walls are subject to heavy loads (kitchen, corridor; also, when using special paint, they can be used in the bathroom). Widely used in public places such as offices, schools, hotels, or other government institutions.

Gluing process

First you need to prepare the wall. It needs to be cleaned of dust and old wallpaper. If there are large defects on the wall, be it cracks or gouges, they need to be puttied and sanded. The wall needs to be primed, and diluted glue should be used as a primer.

After this, you need to liberally apply glue to the wall to glue 2-3 strips. Apply stripe by stripe and smooth with a rubber roller or wallpaper spatula. If necessary, adjust the stripes according to the drawing.

Fit the strips end to end. The first strip must be glued evenly, plumb or level. Cut off excess parts using stationery knife. After drying, it can be painted with two layers of paint.

Process of creation

Stage 1 - quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are placed in a furnace and melted at a temperature of 1200 degrees. Next, fibers are pulled out of them.

Stage 2 – weaving looms. At this stage of production, simple patterns and patterns are made on machines. To make more complex patterns, more complex equipment. On such machines, each thread of the fiber can be controlled, making it possible to create patterns of any complexity.

Stage 3 – impregnation of wallpaper. This stage is unique for each manufacturer. The composition of any company's impregnation is a secret.

Stage 4 – sorting and packaging. They are usually cut one meter wide and 25 or 50 meters long. Hermetically sealed and a tag is attached.

History of glass wallpaper

The first such wallpaper appeared in Europe back in the 1930s. They became more widely used already in the 1970s in France, Germany and Sweden. And in our countries, glass wallpaper appeared in the 1990s. And since then they have occupied a worthy place in the finishing materials market.

Video - all about fiberglass wallpaper (what is fiberglass wallpaper?)

Important: a niche for a TV made of plasterboard will look great together with glass wallpaper.

Glass wallpaper

There are many myths and superstitions around glass wallpaper, as a relatively new material for us. Some say that all the advantages of this coverage- this is just marketing, but in fact “wallpaper is like wallpaper.” Others argue that glass wallpaper is terribly harmful, like glass wool, and therefore should be excluded from residential premises. Still others, on the contrary, declare that all of Europe only glues glass wallpaper to their walls, since there is nothing better. Where is the truth and where is idle fiction? Let's talk about the pros and cons of glass wallpaper and the features of working with them.

What is glass wallpaper?

Fiberglass or fiberglass wallpaper is a covering for walls and ceilings woven from glass fibers. Fiberglass wallpaper is compared to a knitted sweater - the technology for making it is similar. Thin threads-fibers are drawn from glass - this is how “yarn” is obtained. This yarn is used to knit or, in other words, weave fabrics. “Knitting” can be simple or complex, creating different textures and patterns.

Fiberglass wallpaper is produced mainly in Germany and Sweden. The quality of the material is traditionally high - European.

Fiberglass coatings are usually divided into two types: glass wallpaper and fiberglass itself(cobweb, painting canvas). What is the difference? Basically, the surface of the glass wallpaper is decorated with a textured pattern, while painting fiberglass looks like a smooth canvas. In addition, glass wallpaper is more dense. This is a finishing coating for walls.

Fiberglass webs are usually used to strengthen and smooth the surface and eliminate small cracks. For example, fiberglass is often glued to the ceiling before painting it - it is often easier to stick wallpaper on the ceiling (in in this case- fiberglass) than to putty and sand.

Walls and ceilings with fiberglass webs turn out perfectly smooth, like marble. But they look like they're just painted, not wallpapered.

Advantages of glass wallpaper

1. Environmental cleanliness and safety. Fiberglass wallpaper is as safe as the glass in our windows. In the production of the glass from which the fibers are drawn, only natural materials are used.

2. Non-flammability. Glass, as you know, does not burn. Fiberglass wallpaper will never ignite, and when heated, it will not emit harmful substances.

3. High strength. If we talk about tensile strength, then in this parameter glass wallpaper is approximately 2 times superior to its “vinyl counterparts”.

4. Long service life. Fiberglass wallpaper is more expensive than paper, vinyl, etc. But the cost pays off with a long service life, which can be 30 years. This is ensured by moisture resistance and strength. Fiberglass wallpaper can withstand numerous stains.

Harm of glass wallpaper: truth or myth?

There is an opinion that glass wallpaper is harmful to health. The manufacturer allegedly knows about this, but for the sake of high sales, he hides from the consumer the facts that indicate the inadmissibility of using fiberglass coatings inside residential premises.

Where did this come from? Apparently, from the analogy with glass wool, about the dangers of which much has been said. They said that because of the glass wool used to insulate houses, “glass dust” flies in living areas. By inhaling it, people cause irreparable harm to the respiratory system. However, glass wool is located inside ceilings and partitions that do not allow glass dust to pass through.

In any case, glass wallpaper is very different from glass wool. For the production of glass wallpaper, much thicker fibers are used than for the production of glass wool. With such a thickness, fiber particles cannot get into the lungs.

The fibers from which wallpaper is woven are not only thicker, but also smoother, more elastic, and therefore less brittle. At the same time, they are tightly intertwined with each other, that is, they are firmly held in the coating.

In addition, glass wallpaper must be painted. Paint is an additional protective layer.

In Germany, for example, where glass wallpaper is most popular, they are used in the decoration of hospital premises. This type of coating is also recommended for home kitchens, since surfaces covered with glass wallpaper are completely resistant to moisture.

According to German standards, finishing with fiberglass wallpaper is acceptable in children's rooms. Fiberglass wallpaper can often be found in kindergartens in Germany.

However, care should be taken when working with glass wallpaper. When planning to cut and glue them, it is worth protecting the body, since microparticles of the wallpaper during the work separate, get on the skin and prick. Some people experience irritation the first time after working with this material.

For work, you should wear closed clothing with long sleeves. You can also use a protective medical mask.

After gluing and painting, the wallpaper does not scratch, even if you rub the surface with an unprotected hand.

Useful recommendations for those who plan to buy and install glass wallpaper

If you just need to level the surface, purchase fiberglass web - smooth, “texture-free”. The density of the web varies. If you are going to level the ceiling, take the thinnest web. Thicker cobwebs are for walls.

Manufacturers of glass wallpaper position their products as “reinforcing and leveling material.” But this does not mean at all that glass wallpaper and cobwebs can be glued to completely uneven walls and ceilings covered with cracks. The surface must be prepared. To prepare means to putty and sand if necessary, and then prime. It is permissible to ignore only small cracks and insignificant errors.

If you want the walls to have texture, keep in mind that with each new paint job, the faint texture becomes less and less noticeable. Choose wallpaper with deep texture.

The adhesive for gluing glass wallpaper and fiberglass webs is applied directly to the surface to be glued. Glue should not be applied to wallpaper. Special adhesives are sold for glass wallpaper - purchase them.

For painting glass wallpaper, water-dispersed paints are used. latex paints. Wallpaper that is pasted for the first time is usually painted twice: the first time no earlier than two days after pasting. The second layer is applied no earlier than 12 hours after the first layer.

The construction market offers huge selection various wallpapers. Paper, vinyl, non-woven. They differ in texture, composition, pattern and color. Which ones to choose? I want something unusual, not like everyone else. A new product has appeared - fiberglass wallpaper. What it is? Fiberglass wallpaper is a decorative finishing material similar in structure to fiberglass fabric - it is a smooth and elastic fabric. They are made from completely natural ingredients: soda, quartz sand, limestone and clay. From the resulting glass, by heating to a temperature of 1200 C, thin fibers are drawn from which yarn is formed. The resulting fibers are then woven into a material. It is used to weave glass wallpaper with textured patterns and simply fabric - fiberglass. This wallpaper does not contain toxic substances, so it is considered an environmentally friendly material.

Texture of glass wallpaper

All glass wallpapers are made for painting. Thanks to the different textures and variety of patterns, they can be selected for any type of room. Repeated dyeing does not spoil the appearance of the material, the design does not fade. Repainting is allowed up to 20 times. For long-term use of fiberglass wallpaper, you need to select a suitable adhesive. Paints for wallpaper should be chosen based on water based– they do not clog the pattern and promote air exchange.
Basic drawings: matting, diamond, vertical, zigzag, herringbone, diagonal, circles. There are many other different designs, you can also order your own individual design.

Advantages of glass wallpaper

  • environmentally friendly: the material contains only natural ingredients;
  • excellent Fire safety– do not burn, do not support combustion, do not emit caustic substances upon contact with fire;
  • durable: do not tear, do not scratch, can be washed with detergents;
  • high wear resistance - service life up to 30 years;
  • do not accumulate dust, do not cause allergies;
  • breathable material - fungus and mold do not form under them;
  • create a healthy indoor microclimate.

Thanks to all the above advantages, glass wallpaper is increasingly used in interior decoration. When choosing glass wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Good ones, high quality wallpaper made of fiberglass do not crumble or break. And when working, taking them off does not cause any problems.


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