Processing a wooden house, how to process a wooden house. How to treat the outside of a wooden house How to treat the outside of a wooden house against insects

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To wooden house on long years retained its original appearance, was reliable and attractive, it is necessary to prepare it for long service life. To do this, you need to go through all the required finishing stages, among which one of the main ones is processing wooden house inside with special protective equipment. Many owners of wooden log houses believe that if the structure is treated from the outside, the treatment wooden walls from inside the house is not necessary, the tree already has reliable protection. However, this is not the case, despite the fact that indoors the wood is in more favorable conditions However, it can also be damaged by moisture, insects and other negative factors.

Primary processing of lumber usually takes place at the production stage. If you purchased untreated logs, you need to process them yourself before building the house. For this purpose, special transport impregnations are used; usually their validity period does not exceed eight months. Thus, these means provide protection for logs only during the construction period.

After construction is completed, the effect of the antiseptic has already expired, and the house remains unprotected. This is a very difficult period for a wooden house; it will have to go through a long process of shrinkage, which lasts from six months to two years. How to protect log house in this period? At this time, a second protective treatment of the log house inside the house must be carried out. For re-processing, products are used that provide complete protection against any natural factors, but at the same time do not interfere with air exchange and shrinkage processes taking place in wood.

After the structure has undergone shrinkage, the main Finishing work, including complex internal treatment of a wooden house with protective impregnating compounds. Then the treated log house can be painted, varnished, and decorated with decorative materials.

The above processing steps are suitable for a new home. As for old buildings, they must be treated at least once every five years.

Requirements for internal processing facilities

When choosing a composition for internal processing of imitation timber, eurolining, profiled timber or logs, criteria such as environmental friendliness and safety come to the fore. When choosing a drug, you need to carefully study its label. It should say on it that the product can be used for interior work. Many manufacturers indicate on the packaging detailed information about all the components included in the product.

What is the best way to protect the walls inside the house? For interior spaces it is advisable to use funds for water based. Such preparations usually have a neutral odor, do not contain toxic substances, and are safe for humans.

Indoor treatment products

How to cover imitation timber, logs, clapboard or any other lumber? There are several types of preparations designed to protect wood from various unfavorable factors. The products are transparent, not hiding the natural texture of wood, but, on the contrary, emphasizing its beauty. You can also impregnate wood with tinting compounds that give it a darker shade.

Wall treatment in a wooden house can be done using the following means:

  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants;
  • biopyrenes;
  • primers;
  • bleaching compounds.

This group of products is intended to protect a house made of timber or logs from fungus and mold, as well as combat existing lesions.

Antiseptics are available in two types:

  1. Impregnated compounds that are deeply absorbed into the wood, forming a barrier in it that prevents biological damage. These impregnations can be very toxic, so before purchasing a product, you need to study its composition.
  2. Coating preparations that create a film on the surface that protects the wood from water and dampness.

Antiseptics are produced at different bases, but only water-soluble and combined compositions are suitable for treating the internal surface.

Water-based impregnations are the most preferred option because they do not contain harmful components and are safe for humans. However, they have one significant drawback - their protective properties decrease after a relatively short period of time. It is advisable to use these products under water-soluble paints.

Combined preparations containing oils and high-carbon components are excellent for rooms with high humidity.

There is also separate species antiseptics - biomoisture-protective, which protect wood not only from the appearance of mold and mildew, but also from the development of microorganisms and insects in its structure. This impregnation for a wooden house performs two functions at once: it protects the wood and creates a beautiful decorative coating on the surface.

Fire retardants

As you know, wood is very flammable and can ignite even from one spark. To avoid this, wood is treated with fire retardants. Wood impregnated with a fire retardant has high stability to the fire and maybe for a long time do not ignite even in the presence of an open flame.

There are two types of fire retardants:

  • Saline. Preparations containing salts, when wood is heated strongly, release gases that prevent rapid ignition.
  • Non-salt solutions block fire using foam, which forms on the surface under the influence of fire.


Biopyrenes are products that combine an antiseptic and a fire retardant. They provide protection from both biological factors and fire. These preparations can be used to cover the walls and floors of the house, and they can also be used for external treatment.

Biopyrenes are the best means comprehensive protection, as they save not only money but also processing time.


Before painting, applying a primer is mandatory. The primer is a good protection for wood from various destructive processes, and it also ensures optimal adhesion of paint to wood. For timber inside the house, it is recommended to use aqueous primers, which are transparent, translucent and opaque.

Please note that opaque primers provide more smooth surface. Transparent soils penetrate deeply into the wood without creating a protective layer on it.

If during the shrinkage process interior walls blue and dark spots appeared in the wooden house, this indicates that a fungus has appeared in the wood structure, causing such manifestations. You can get rid of blue discoloration and fungal spores using special bleaching compounds.

In this case, many resort to folk remedies, such as bleach, hydrogen peroxide, oxalic acid. These are simple and affordable drugs, but when used, there is a risk of misuse.

Today modern industry produces the latest and very effective bleaches that provide a high degree of lightening and protection of wood. The products are produced in one- or two-component versions.

Treatment of wooden surfaces indoors begins with the lower elements of the house, which are more susceptible to moisture than others, since they are in close proximity to the ground. First of all, logs, subfloors, lower floors. Then they begin to process the main parts of the wooden structure: walls, ceiling, interfloor ceilings, partitions, etc.

Before processing wooden lining, timber or logs, it is necessary to prepare the surface. If the walls of the house have old paint, it must be removed. To do this, first the surface is heated until the paint softens, and then it is removed with a scraper.

Next, the wood is sanded and polished. grinder or Bulgarian. Sanding is necessary for any lumber: logs, lining, imitation timber, etc. After sanding, the pores of the wood open, which better absorb processing agents.

An antiseptic is applied to a dry and pre-dusted surface. For interior spaces, one coat is sufficient. But for a bathhouse or an unheated house, one layer will not be enough. Such premises are treated twice.

The next treatment is carried out with fire retardant impregnation. Internal elements It is better to cover houses with a non-salt fire retardant.

The last stage is priming the surface, after which any decorative coating can be applied.

The Master Srubov company accepts applications for professional processing wooden houses. Protective treatment inside the house is carried out with certified preparations that are completely safe for humans.

You can check all the details of your order with our specialists at the coordinates located on the page.

Exterior treatment of a wooden house is an important part of its construction. Properties natural wood are such that the material has to be impregnated and coated with special protective compounds. This helps extend the life of the building and increases the resistance of its external surfaces to the harmful influences of the environment.

Fig.1. To give a wooden house durability, it is necessary to protect the walls from external influences.

Typical loads on wood

To factors that can damage wooden structures, include:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
    UV rays destroy wood lignin, a substance that binds cellulose fibers. Therefore, the surface loses its smoothness and becomes easily dirty. In addition, even with short-term exposure to sunlight without protective treatment, the log house darkens. With longer insolation, the wood acquires an unattractive gray tint, making the house seem dilapidated.
  • Exposure to moisture.
    Without waterproofing, wood quickly absorbs water and swells. In dry weather it gives it away, decreasing in volume. Such vibrations cause stress in the structure of the material. As a result, cracks appear in it, including adhesive ones (at the joints of logs). Moisture is absorbed most intensively through the ends.
  • Mold, fungus.
    High humidity promotes the development of mold, blue, and rot fungi. The first two types only spoil appearance wood surfaces. Putrefactive fungi destroy the structure of the tree. Gray mold It is also dangerous to health, as it can cause severe allergic diseases.
  • Insect pests.
    The activity of wood-boring beetles greatly reduces the quality of wooden structures. The main damage to timber is caused by the larvae of these insects, which gnaw the surface layers of wood, making long passages inside.

Special impregnations and paints help prevent these problems and preserve the quality of wood for a long time.

Fig.2. Wooden houses, untreated by special means, are susceptible to corrosion processes, as well as the formation of fungus and beetle larvae.

Products for protecting wood structures

Prevention of damage to the structure and surface of the wood is carried out immediately after the construction of the house. For this purpose, compositions of specialized or complex action are used.

Such funds are divided into three large groups:

  • Antiseptic impregnations and primers. Protect the home from the destructive effects of moisture, mold, and insects.
  • Fire retardants. Fire retardants, which increase the resistance of wooden structures to open fire.
  • Combined means. Provide comprehensive fire protection for a wooden house.

As a rule, products based on organic solvents. They are more difficult to wash out than water-soluble impregnations, so they are more effective.

Wood is treated with antiseptics immediately after cutting to preserve the material during transportation and storage. This protection only lasts for a short time, so after construction, the wooden structures of the cottage are again coated with protective impregnations.

Fig.3. To reliably protect a house from fire and other destroyers, antiprenes and various wood impregnations are used.

A set of measures for protective treatment of the house

To increase the service life of the building, all its wooden parts are processed accordingly.

Antiseptic treatment of critical structures

Elements that are constantly in contact with atmospheric and soil moisture include pillars, piles, lower crowns, logs, subfloor plane, facades, pediments. They are carefully coated with antiseptics with a fungicidal effect, which are intended for primary treatment. Penetrating into the structure of the tree, these compounds prevent the development of fungal spores, bacteria, and insect pests.

Protecting wood from fire

Wood can be treated with fire retardants at the lumber production stage. To do this, the latter are immersed in a solution of a fire protection agent. Fire prevention can also be carried out after the construction of a cottage, summer house, or bathhouse. In this case, fire retardant compounds are sprayed onto surfaces or applied using a roller or brush. Wooden surfaces are also treated internally with fire retardants. In this case, the period of protection against fire increases.

Combined fire and bioprotection

Majority protective impregnations have a complex effect. They not only prevent fire wooden elements, but also provide an antiseptic effect. When processing rafters and wooden floors 1 degree of fire protection is achieved. This means that the structures will resist fire for the duration of the fire. For this purpose, surfaces are coated with a fire retardant several times or a powerful impregnation is applied once.

End protection

The most intense evaporation and absorption of moisture occurs through the ends of the logs. As a result, these parts of the log house quickly rot and crack. Helps to avoid this problem preventive measures, which are accepted at the production stage, as well as during the construction of a log house. To do this, the ends are coated with moisture-proofing agents, which form a thin waterproofing film on their surface. It is permeable to air, effectively repels moisture, but does not disrupt evaporation processes. Waterproofing work is also carried out inside the house, in places where wood comes into contact with moisture.

Decorative processing

Immediately after the construction of a wooden house, its walls are covered inside and outside with paints or tinted protective and decorative agents. They can be applied directly to the surface. Or spread over the primer on a similar basis. Finishing wood protects it from UV radiation and moisture, and also improves aesthetic perception object.

When building from laminated veneer lumber, the Garden House company uses Tikkurila matte covering paints for the exterior of houses. They are acrylate coatings with oil that decorate the facade and create additional protection for wood from harmful factors. These coloring agents adhere firmly to the surface and subsequently do not peel off. There is no need to repaint the cottage in a year or two, since when using Tikkurila paints cosmetic repairs façade can be forgotten for at least 7 years.

A wooden house properly treated on the outside will last for decades, maintaining its attractive appearance, strength, and quality of natural material.

Unfortunately, wooden houses cannot stand forever; over time, they age and deteriorate: noticeable deviations from vertical lines appear, windows and doors stop closing, and walls begin to warp. At some point, it becomes obvious that it is time to start restoring the old wooden house. The review will discuss what work should be done first and in what sequence.

Wooden house

Log huts have long been built in Rus'. Our ancestors believed that this was the most suitable building material for a home. This is explained quite simply - the tree is unique natural material, which is able to pass air and perfectly retain heat indoors. An indisputable fact is that houses built from wood have a unique energy that lasts for a long time and has a beneficial effect on human health.

A wooden house, unlike a concrete or stone structure, is a kind of living organism that is able to independently tell its owners about its condition. An old wooden house will let you know that it needs restoration through various cracks and creaks, which owners should learn to listen to. Most often, problems arise due to the nature of wood: it is susceptible to rotting and is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and moisture. However, even the oldest can be restored with your own hands.

Most often in such buildings the porch, base of the house, roof, Entrance door. Before starting the restoration and repair of old wooden houses, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of all structures, identify places that require repair, and determine the volume of upcoming restoration work.

Stages of tidying up

Restoring an old building is quite a troublesome, but enjoyable task. It is necessary to pay attention to the protective and load-bearing parts, and only then to the decorative parts. First of all, you should conduct a strength test.


The degree of deterioration of the walls should not be ignored. If they have darkened over time, this does not mean anything. Very often, under the dark surface of a log you can see white core. However, if there is rot there, it must be cut out in whole pieces, along with clean areas, because there is no point in decorating a rotten surface.

Rafter system


It should be carefully inspected for damage. Restoring an old log house of a wooden house makes no sense without strengthening and strengthening the foundation. If it is not strong enough, its base will receive a strong load, which will lead to disruption of the external and interior decoration.

It is recommended to take a small pickaxe and a flashlight and inspect the foundation surfaces from the outside and inside. If whole pieces of the foundation fall off during tapping, it is advisable to invite specialists to assess the capabilities of the load-bearing platform.

Foundation restoration

The most difficult and at the same time important task is the old house on our own. The base of the building may begin to collapse due to additional load, for example, the addition of a second floor or attic, perhaps simply from time to time, because after a certain period of time all materials become unusable. Repair methods directly depend on the degree of destruction and the type of foundation. There are several restoration options.

Strip foundation

If a residential building has a strip foundation, and its destruction occurs after a long period of use, it can be restored by pouring a new reinforced concrete belt. To do this, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the building, and drill holes in the old foundation into which new reinforcement will later be laid.

The new frame is connected to reinforcing lintels and then filled concrete mortar. After the foundation dries, it will become a single whole and can serve the house for many years.

Restoring an old wooden house with your own hands is much more difficult if the destruction strip foundation occurs unevenly and the house settles to one side. In this case, in order to reconstruct the foundation, you will have to raise the frame. Beforehand, the residential building should be cleared of furniture and its floors, windows and doors should be dismantled. When all the necessary procedures have been completed, you should very carefully use special jacks to lift the frame onto the required height and place it on temporary supports. The affected part should be completely removed, new formwork should be installed and a new one should be poured. concrete plinth. To ensure the unity of the structure, it must be connected to the old foundation.

Columnar foundation

If the columnar foundation and pillars under the building begin to collapse, their reconstruction is carried out in the same way as when repairing a strip foundation. The frame is smoothly jacked up from four corners, the old supports are dismantled and new posts are installed. If you find that the destruction has just begun, they can be “dressed” in a new concrete belt. This is done in the following way: formwork is installed around them and the solution is poured directly into it. After this, the structure is carefully placed on a new foundation.

Such work is quite feasible; it is only necessary to update it on time (in whole or in part). external walls and the roof. If the lower crowns of a building are rotten, it is raised above the foundation, the damaged logs are removed and replaced with new ones. Please note: when replacing, you should select logs identical to the previous ones in diameter and length.

A layer of roofing felt or other material is laid on the surface of the foundation. waterproofing material. Only after that the whole box is installed on it.

Restoration of walls occurs due to the formation of cracks along the perimeter of a wooden house. They should be thoroughly cleaned, treated with antiseptic compounds, and sealed with sealant. And only then can you start complete restoration houses outside.

Sanding and eliminating defects in old timber

In case you are not going to sheathe the house facade panels, and you plan to grind it, you will need a special machine equipped with attachments. With its help you can cope with even the most difficult to reach areas. Sanding should be carried out until a layer of light color appears.

If there are large defects that are located along the length of the rims, they should be repaired before grinding. This should be done special mixture made of sawdust and asbestos, it is necessary to wipe down all damaged areas in advance. Instead of asbestos, it is allowed to use wood glue or construction plaster. However, such compositions are still better suited for correcting minor defects.

If there are many defects and they are too large, cladding is necessary, otherwise the inevitable dampness in the cracks can cause rot and damage to the wood. When restoring an old wooden house, you should remember that the wood must be treated with impregnations and various protective agents. This procedure should be carried out before starting caulking. Sealing materials should also be processed.

All seams between logs should be freed from old sealant; a vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job with this task. Replace old tow should be replaced with new sealing material.

Building coloring

After all the activities have been completed, you should begin painting the house. There are several nuances to be observed here. This procedure involves applying several different means- tinting, varnish, azure. All of them will retain an interesting texture natural wood. Please note: the ends of the logs cannot be subjected to either protective or decorative processing. It is in this place that a kind of capillaries of the tree are concentrated, with the help of which it “breathes”. If this condition is not met, normal air circulation will be disrupted. Since the processing process will seal them, the timber or log will soon undergo a rotting process.

You can learn how to cover a house with facade panels from the video presented.

Major repairs of a wooden roof

Distinctive feature Each wooden house has a roof, which is made at a certain slope. It can be of several types: gable, hipped, if it is equipped with an attic, attic. When conducting overhaul At home, these features should be taken into account. What should you pay attention to first when re-roofing? Ensure that the tree is dry, otherwise it may move after completion. repair work. It is necessary to erect the outer rafters, and install intermediate ones between them. In order for the roof to be level and as stable as possible in the future, it is necessary that all the upper parts of the rafters be located strictly at the same level. Increasingly, roofs are covered with ondulin, soft tiles or others modern materials, but first remove the old coating.

The roof is installed only after the rafters have been installed and secured. special ties. Please note: between installed rafters the distance should not be more than 60 cm.

Interior decoration

We'll tell you how to repair an old wooden house. We would like to present you with a photo of the interior decoration, or rather, one of its options. First of all, you need to decide what materials you are going to use to decorate the inside of the room.

This could be drywall, lining or plaster; all these types are extremely popular among ordinary people and have a simple solution. You should also prepare the surface for the selected raw material - drywall and lining require lathing, while plaster should be applied to a base with reinforcing mesh.

Replacement of doors and windows

Usually, when restoring an old wooden house, doors and windows must be replaced inside. This event you can do it yourself. But first you need to check whether the frame of the building is tilted; this can be done using a level. If such violations occur, they can be easily corrected using a pry bar and a nail puller. For making new wooden frames and doors, you can contact a specialist who will take measurements and complete the order in a short time.


If you are planning to repair an old wooden house with your own hands, Special attention pay attention to the floor. It can be replaced completely or subjected to a thorough protective process. The first step is to remove the floorboards and be sure to check the condition of the joists; they must be leveled using a level, brick posts or wooden blocks.

Many people prefer to buy or build houses made of wood, as they are attractive in appearance, warm and environmentally friendly. However, such buildings require additional protection from the negative effects of environmental factors. Therefore, it is very important to consult in advance on the features of the external and internal decoration of the house or contact a specialized organization for help. Our company's specialists perform high-quality processing wooden house in the shortest possible time.

Exterior treatment price for a wooden house

Why do you need to treat a wooden house?

The following factors can adversely affect the integrity of the house:

  • Hit sun rays on the surface, from the influence of which the log house becomes darker, porous, easily absorbs moisture, as a result of which aging and cracking of the log occurs.
  • Precipitation and high moisture, due to which products can swell and dry out, causing mold and mildew to form.
  • The appearance of insects in the walls that damage the integrity of the wood.

Do you want to protect the building as much as possible from these adverse effects? – You definitely need to conduct an internal and external treatment Houses.

Stages of impregnation of a wooden house outside

This process occurs in several stages:

  • application of antiseptics;
  • use of fire retardant impregnation;
  • final finishing.

When working outside, specialists use an antiseptic that penetrates deeply into the wood and protects against moisture, mold and microorganisms. After this, fire retardant impregnation is applied. This stage begins a few weeks after using the antiseptic composition. Fire retardant coatings should be applied in several layers. And at the very end you can begin the final finishing.

A house made of wood necessarily requires the application of an antiseptic composition. Eat different types wall coverings: varnish, paint, plaster, brick cladding, siding. Before applying any coating, the walls must be treated with solutions.

The solutions are as follows:

  • acrylate paints, resistant to external factors;
  • glazing, emphasizing the natural shade of the tree, and covering, hiding it;
  • oil paints are well absorbed.

The process of internal processing of a wooden house

When carrying out interior work, water-based products that do not emit toxins and are odorless are most often used. Moreover, they are moisture resistant. In the process of interior finishing, craftsmen first use the composition for the top layer, and then (after it dries) they apply fire-resistant impregnation to the working surfaces. The next step is to apply paint or varnish to the walls of the house. At the same time, you can choose the desired shade, since today manufacturers produce products in a wide color palette.

All types of wood need additional protection, because the wood is very susceptible to negative impacts, such as:

  • high level humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • exposure to the sun, etc.

But it is also worth protecting the wood from insects and rodents, fungus and mold, which can completely destroy the structure of the tree.

Surface treatment of a wooden house outside

So what is the best way to cover a wooden house so that it lasts for many years? Today it is easy to cope with this problem, because you can find various impregnations on the market for this. These include not only antiseptic substances and flame retardants, but also paints and varnishes, various waxes and other impregnations that will highlight the decorative properties of wood and ensure its protection and long service life.

Treating wood with specialized compounds allows you to:

  • protect the wood from moisture penetration into the finishing structure;
  • form a thin film on the surface of the material that will allow air to pass through but will not allow moisture to be absorbed;
  • protect the base from the harmful effects of the sun's rays;
  • keep the tree untouched by insects and fungi;
  • prevent flames from growing during a fire;
  • add visual appeal to the building, etc.

What products are there for treating a wooden house?

We process a wooden house on our own

So, how to process wood and what is best to use for this? The solution to this issue is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Wax is used to extend the shelf life and transform the appearance of a building. It is applied in a couple of layers, for which only the liquid consistency of the substance is suitable.

Natural oil is best used to protect the surface from exposure to sunlight. This substance is odorless and covers the surface in 2 or 3 layers with an interval of ½ day. Complete drying occurs within a day. You can dissolve the oil with turpentine, and the consumption of the substance is 1000 g per 10 m2.

Danish resin oil is used only for exterior work. After surface treatment, it is coated transparent film, which initially smells a little. The substance must be applied in two layers with an interval of half a day. The surface dries out after a day. Please note that the oil must be diluted with turpentine before use.

To treat a wooden surface you need:

  1. choose the most suitable substance;
  2. treat the surface with an antiseptic solution;
  3. coat the wood with fire retardant;
  4. protect from ultraviolet rays and moisture;
  5. apply primer or varnish;
  6. cover the product with wax.

Antiseptic substances

Self-external treatment

Typically, upon completion construction work a house made of wood needs to be coated with antiseptics, both inside and outside. It is better to carry out such processing in a factory, but if this is not possible, you can do the work yourself.

The classification of antiseptic substances is given in the table.

Basically, antiseptics are made on a water basis, which do not prevent the penetration of air. After such finishing, as a result of the surface drying, no odor remains.

In order for the antiseptic substance to cover the product efficiently and evenly, the coating should be carried out in several steps. To do this, the material is covered with a special substance in a couple of tiers, and then flame retardants and water-repellent substances are used. This technology helps to firmly protect the surface and can compete with factory processing.

How should wood be processed?

We process a wooden house

So, how to treat the lining inside and outside the house? To do this, you should adhere to a certain technology.

The wood processing process is similar for all substances, but working with antiseptics requires special care.

It is better to perform the work in the following sequence:

  • Decide which product you will use. Basically, substances are used that can protect wood from putrefactive changes and burning. The substance is applied with a brush or spray in 2 or 3 layers. It is worth starting the treatment from the outside, after which you can proceed to internal work. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can purchase wood that has already been properly processed in the factory, but additional protection it won't be redundant.
  • Antiperen, which protects your canvas from burning, should be applied in two layers after the surface has been treated with antiseptic substances. Antiperen is able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, after which it is not afraid of even direct contact with fire. Today, on the shelves of hardware stores you can see various analogues of this substance, which are designed for specific purposes. But, it is necessary to take into account that the material may become charred, but direct combustion will not occur. Of course, not only wood can ignite from prolonged exposure to fire, but it is the fire retardant that makes it possible to extinguish the flame in time and prevent its distribution over the entire surface.
  • The third layer with which the wood is treated is protection from moisture, because the house should not absorb water. For such purposes, impregnations with a water-repellent feature are most suitable. Such a substance should evenly and thoroughly cover the entire wooden surface, increased attention should be paid to the ends. It will be enough to treat the sides of the log with two layers of impregnation, but apply the substance in 4 or even 5 layers to the ends. This treatment will allow the wood to dry quickly, and the moisture will evaporate evenly, which will not lead to deformation of the wood.

If wooden building properly processed inside and out, in the future it will shrink evenly, as a result of which you will be able to avoid the appearance of cracks, distortion and large gaps.

Why use soil?

Upon completion of applying protective substances to the wood, the surface must be treated with a primer, which will serve as a preparation for subsequent work. For these purposes you can use alkyd acrylic primer, which is able to penetrate deep into cracks and “seal” them. It is through the use of a primer that you will achieve a high level of adhesion. The soil can be used both outside and inside the house.

At the end of all the work, the wooden building should be coated with a bleaching mixture, which will externally transform the wooden materials.

If there is a need or even an urgent need, the tree can be treated with other materials, such as wax. This framing adds attractiveness to the wood and extends its service life. There is no need to apply paint anymore, because the appearance is quite beautiful and does not hide the naturalness of the finish.

As you can see, processing a wooden building requires the use of specialized substances that differ different features. Be especially careful when choosing an impregnation that can protect the material from mold and fire.


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