Replanting indoor plants: favorable days, lunar calendar, technology. Monthly lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

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The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal ,

April picks up the water and opens the flowers.

April is the month in which we can enjoy the first flowers. Crocuses and daffodils are the main harbingers of spring warmth. In April, previously planted annual flowers are plucked a second time and fed. After the snow melts, you need to remove the foliage from the area that you did not have time to remove in the fall, after the ground can already be cultivated in the clubs and flower beds, in order to prepare the sowing of flowers with a short growing season.

About the transplant plants: For replanting most indoor plants, the most favorable periods are March and April - before their intensive growth begins and after the end of the growth season, August - September.

In April 2017, the lunar month is almost a week behind the calendar month, so the most favorable days for sowing flower seedlings ( flower crops) fall in the second ten days of the month (on the waxing Moon).

ATTENTION! by Moscow time

from 09 April 2017 15:34 (Sun)
to April 10, 2017 18:24 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering indoor plants and seedlings. Favorable period for planting and replanting honeysuckle and roses, planting bulbous perennials. Ornamental trees and shrubs planted these days take root well.
from April 10, 2017 18:24 (Mon)
to 12 April 2017 20:42 (Wed)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, remove garbage, prepare beds, etc.
April 11, 2017 09:08 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until April 12, 2017 01:41 Moon in the sign of Libra then in the sign of Scorpio)
from April 12, 2017 20:42 (Wed)
to 14 April 2017 13:27 (Fri)
In spring, this sign prohibits pruning of plants. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Favorable time for picking seedlings colors. Soil treatment: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Transfer indoor flowers. You can sow seeds or plant perennial seedlings in open ground.
Seedling picking planned

Work on the florist's lunar calendar table: flower garden, flowers and indoor plants for April 2017 completed 03/12/2017

The florist's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to take your comments into account. Please contact us with your suggestions at

Additions based on reviews on the forum:

Lunar calendar 2017- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

Folk signs about the weather in April:
“If the waters open late in April, then summer is bad.”
"No water in March - no grass in April."

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, both indoors and in the flower garden at the dacha.

February snow smells like spring.

In February, it's time to sow seeds of flower annuals, such as petunias, for seedlings. different varieties. The sooner you sow them, the sooner they will bloom. The busy time is coming for purchasing seeds, preparing the soil for seedlings and containers for planting them. At the same time, you still need to carefully monitor and care for indoor plants that are in winter depression (possibly hibernation), monitor the soil moisture (waterlogging at this time is no less dangerous than drying out).

About watering plants. In winter, it is necessary to carry out moderate, infrequent watering of indoor plants and flowers, avoiding waterlogging of the soil substrate, since with low plant activity, this will lead to stagnation of water in the lower part of the planting container and rotting of the roots. It is worth resorting more often to the so-called “dry watering” - loosening the surface crust of the soil, which destroys the capillaries that, on the one hand, draw moisture from the soil, and on the other, prevent air from penetrating there.

ATTENTION! Our moon calendar gardener is underway by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

from 01 February 2017 00:46 (Wed)
to February 03, 2017 04:50 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Aries

We still have a blog, login only from the lunar calendar)
from 03 February 2017 04:50 (Fri)
to 05 February 2017 07:44 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. Sowing seeds of annual flowers (lobelia, petunia, verbena, snapdragon, impatience, annual aster). Sowing green and spicy plants. Picking flower seedlings.
from 05 February 2017 07:44 (Sun)
to 07 February 2017 10:02 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Conducting dry fertilizing, planting, dividing and replanting plants. Planting climbing flower plants and annual flowers with a long development period before flowering. Picking seedlings is possible.

February 6 (24.01 senior style) - Ksenia (Aksinya Spring Pointer)
“Aksinya is clear - spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring”

from 07 February 2017 10:02 (Tue)
to 09 February 2017 12:41 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable time for pruning plants. Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is possible to sow annual and perennial flowers.
from 09 February 2017 12:41 (Thu)
to 09 February 2017 15:37 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for sowing seeds and replanting all plants except climbing annual and perennial flowers; planting and replanting climbing indoor perennials is also favorable. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants.
from 09 February 2017 15:37 (Thu)
to 11 February 2017 18:07 (Sat)


Prohibited days for working with plants . Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, pest control products. and containers for laying out soil for sowing.

February 11, 2017 03:33 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until February 11, 2017 16:51 - in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo)

February 10 (28.01 old style) - Ephraim the Syrian. (Ephraim day.)
“Ephraim brought the wind - don’t expect good oats” (Towards a damp and cold year)
"The wind has rushed towards Ephraim - the summer will be damp and cold"

from February 11, 2017 18:07 (Sat)
to 13 February 2017 23:43 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Virgo

It is better not to sow flowers for seedlings these days. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Purchase of fertilizers, growth stimulants, seeds.
from February 13, 2017 23:43 (Mon)
to February 16, 2017 09:41 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Libra

Spraying flower seedlings with growth stimulants.

February 14 (01.02 art. style) - Tryphon (Trifon Perezimnik).
"On Tryphon, the stars build a long road in the spring"

February 15 (02.02 old style) - Candlemas
“What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring. On Candlemas there will be snow - there will be rain in the spring.”

from February 16, 2017 09:41 (Thu)
to 18 February 2017 21:52 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing flower seedlings with organic fertilizers. You can do anti-aging pruning of plants, but it is not recommended to propagate plants by cuttings and layering.
In nature, plants choose the favorable time to start growing themselves. A person, when planting plants, tries to guess this time, but the main thing when planting is not only this. It is also important how we do it, if with love, Right, With faith in success, then the expected result will certainly be...)

February 17 (05.02 old style) - Nikola (Nikola Studeny)
"We'll get a mountain of snow on Studeny Nikola"

from February 18, 2017 21:52 (Sat)
to February 21, 2017 10:08 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Pest control. Spraying fertilizer for indoor and greenhouse plants. Loosening the soil - “dry watering”.
from February 21, 2017 10:08 (Tue)
to 23 February 2017 20:17 (Thu)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Picking Shabot carnation seedlings. Possible transplantation picking and fertilizing seedlings, sowing bulbous flowers from seeds. Pruning ornamental plants.
from February 23, 2017 20:17 (Thu)
to February 25, 2017 6:57 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

An extremely unfavorable time for planting and sowing, as well as watering indoor plants and flowers. It is good to thin out and pinch out the seedlings. Spraying against pests. .

February 24 (11.02 style) - Vlasiy
"Vlasiev day is a cow holiday (cows begin to calve at this time)"

from February 25, 2017 6:57 (Sat)
to February 27, 2017 7:51 (Mon)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. Preparation of soil and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin out flower seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil. Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, protective equipment from pests and diseases.

February 26, 2017 17:58 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until February 26, 2017 03:24 Moon in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces.

from February 27, 2017 7:51 (Mon)
to February 28, 2017 07:51 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing flower seedlings and indoor plants with mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of flowers that take more than 12 weeks from the moment of planting to the beginning of flowering (with mandatory additional lighting). Sowing perennials that require preliminary stratification of seeds (delphinium, hellebore, roses, primroses, corydalis, sleep grass, eryngium, etc.).
from February 28, 2017 07:51 (Tue)
to 28 February 2017 23:59 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Loosening the soil, as well as thinning out seedlings. It is possible to plant annual flowers for seedlings (ever-blooming begonia, Chabot carnation, tree heliotrope, zonal pelargonium, sparkling sage) and perennials (primrose, sunflower, edelweiss). Preparing the soil for growing seedlings. Purchase of seeds and fertilizers.

Folk signs about the weather in February:
As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall.
The beginning of February is fine - and expect an early, beautiful spring.

Warm February brings cold spring.
The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March.

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Even in ancient times, people began to notice that the Moon magically influences the processes occurring on Earth. This celestial body is located at a small distance from our planet, by cosmic standards, and therefore is capable of making its own adjustments to the course of life of all living organisms. Throughout the history of its existence, man has tried to unravel the secrets of this heavenly body.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the Moon represents darkness, and the Sun. A bunch of mystical events happens on days full moon. However, there were scientists who were able to shed light on the mystery of the Moon. The thing is that the planet exerts incredible gravity on Earth. In turn, gravity affects all biological rhythms of living beings. But the Moon has a special influence on plants.

Gardeners and flower growers have even compiled a special calendar, which outlines favorable and unfavorable days for sowing, caring for and harvesting. WITH florist lunar calendar 2017 year you can find in this article.


People who are interested in plant growing have noticed that the Moon, being in different places, affects green spaces in different ways. On some days their growth slows down, on others, on the contrary, it accelerates. From time immemorial, humanity spent most of its life in vegetable gardens and orchards, which is why the lunar calendar was invented, which helped to understand all the intricacies of the Moon’s influence on plants and to know when to perform certain actions with them.

The florist's lunar calendar is not just a description of lunar cycles. This is a very important document that even shows in which zodiac sign the celestial body is located, because these criteria are also extremely important during planting and harvesting work.

Astrologers say that all signs can be divided into three groups:

  1. Promoting fertility - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If you start planting flowers at a time when the Moon is under their influence, then all the crops will sprout and begin to delight the eye with their splendor and health.
  2. Neutral. This category includes Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn. If night celestial body will be under their influence, then the crops may not give the expected result, but may, on the contrary, germinate with a vengeance.
  3. Negative. Such zodiac signs as Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius contribute Negative influence for crops, and it is extremely undesirable to plant plants at this time.

According to the lunar calendar, planting flowers and other plants should be done during periods of the waxing moon. The result of this action will be excellent and abundant. But at a time when the Moon is decreasing, it is better to refrain from planting work.

Florist calendar

Already now you can familiarize yourself with the gardener’s lunar calendar, according to which you can plan the planting of flowers and other plants. Astrologers are sure that during the growth of the Moon, green plants grow better due to the rapidly rising sap, which first goes along the stem, enters the leaves and reaches the buds.

During the days of the waning moon, all nutrients remain in the roots, and only some of them enter the flower. That is why it is best to land during the period when the Earth’s satellite is in the growth phase.

In addition, there is an opinion that you should not plant flowers during the full moon. Just like on the days of decline, the sap practically stops moving along the stem and remains in the roots. Your seedlings simply will not germinate. During such a period, it is best to plant plants where the roots need to flourish.

On days of solar and lunar eclipses, astrologers do not recommend working in the garden. It is believed that during such a period nature freezes in anticipation of something extraordinary. All these days are also indicated in the gardener’s lunar calendar.

Let's take a look at the gardener's month by month. With it, you will know exactly when to move a particular flower to the garden, and also when to refrain from doing so.

January calendar

With the arrival of winter, plant growth slows down significantly. At this time, the plantings require minimal care, so gardeners practically do not waste time in the garden. All that is required is timely watering, fertilizing and treatment against bugs.

It is worth noting that the most successful seedlings will be climbing plants, if you plant them on the 2nd, 3rd and 11th. In addition, during this period you can plant tuberous and bulbous plants.

February calendar

In the last month of winter, the days are longer, so many gardeners begin planting plants and dividing roots. It is worth noting that in February 2017 there will be a lunar and solar eclipse. Follow the calendar carefully so as not to plant seeds in vain.

Please note that it is better to plant flower seeds from February 26 to 29, climbing seeds from 26 to 28, and bulbous seeds from 8 to 12.

March calendar

Already with the arrival of March, the life of flower growers becomes busy. You need to sow seeds for seedlings. IN special days You can plant, fertilize and trim plants.

Flower seeds are sown between March 28 and March 31. Rooting of cuttings should begin from the 8th to the 11th.

April calendar

April is the most important month for spring gardening. At noon, the sun is already warming up well, so the annual flowers are transferred to the ground. This month should also include planting seeds, replanting climbing plants, rooting cuttings and other work.

Calendar for May

May is a busy month for a gardener. A large amount of work needs to be done in thirty days. The main task is dividing perennial bushes and planting annual seeds in the ground. Flowers such as asters, marigolds, daisies and cornflowers are planted in May.

We must not forget that in the early days it is advisable to plant seeds of flowering plants, but at the end of May it is better to postpone planting climbing plants. It is best to root cuttings at the end of the month.

Horoscope for June

Any gardener, whether professional or amateur, knows that summer brings with it the active phase of plant growth, so you won’t be bored. It is important to know on what day a particular plant should be planted so that it takes root and produces excellent seedlings.

Tip: Try to plant flowers at the same time. This way they will grow well, bloom well and stay in the garden until autumn.

Horoscope for July

This month is notable for the fact that flower growers take cuttings of phlox and roses. In addition, July is the ideal time for digging up bulbous flowers, dividing irises and other identical flowers.

Note that from July 1 to July 10 it is best to sow seeds of flowering plants, but from July 23 to July 31 to plant climbing plants.

Horoscope for August

Summer is coming to an end, but for summer residents this is the “hottest” time. Just in July it is necessary to plant tubers perennial plants, so that they give color in next year. In addition to these flowers, gardeners are beginning to plant plants that are easy to care for, but at the same time beautiful flowers: chamomile, mallow, cloves. To understand when you can plant green plants, and when it’s better to hold off.

From 3 to 7 you should start replanting, but from 21 to 31 you can sow flower seeds.

Horoscope for September

Many gardeners have already noticed a lot of benefits of planting flowers in autumn period. Plants become more hardened, react less to cold and take root better in the flowerbed. Already with the arrival of spring, these plants bloom faster and are pleasing to the eye.

Horoscope for October

In mid-autumn, the garden is empty for about an hour, leaves begin to fall from the trees, and the flowers slowly “fall asleep.” In October, tubers of perennial plants are most often dug up and the last bulbs that were not planted in August and September are planted.

From October 19 to 20, you should plant seeds, and from October 1 to 4, plant climbing plants. It is advisable to allocate the end of October for plant replanting.

Horoscope for November

Due to the fact that November is a changeable month, gardeners rush to finish all their work as quickly as possible in order to rest peacefully for several months of winter. So, in November it is customary to plant asters, marigolds, calendula, mignonette and others in the ground.

Using the gardener's calendar, you can determine a favorable day for planting and, with a clear conscience, expect beautiful shoots in the first days of spring.

Horoscope for December

As a rule, in winter flowers are planted on the balcony. For example, seedlings in pots. Even though it is the winter month, indoor plants also need care, repotting and pruning.

Watering flowers according to the lunar calendar

The most important process for flowers is watering. The beauty and growth of the plant depends on the water entering the soil. It is not surprising that this process also depends on the Moon. On those days that are considered favorable, the water is charged with positive energy and, in turn, transfers it to the plant. Watering on unfavorable days, of course, will not harm green spaces, but it will not bring much benefit either.

Watering flowers is best done at a time when the Moon is under the influence of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Follow this rule, water your flowers once a week, and they will soon delight you with their health and lush blooms.

On days when the Moon is in the constellations Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, you should refrain from watering flower plants. Astrologers claim that this period is suitable for winter watering, when the Sun is not so active and cannot burn flower foliage with its rays.

If you have indoor plants, then you need to not only water them, but also spray them. Especially if the weather is hot outside. Follow the lunar watering calendar and your indoor green “friends” will be with you for a long time. As for spraying, they also need to be carried out based on the data of the lunar calendar.

The article was written specifically for the site “2017 Year of the Rooster”: http://site

The time for the florist's lunar calendar is Moscow.
The beginning lunar days is the time of moonrise.

Attention: During the winter months, most indoor plants experience a period of dormancy or a significant slowdown in growth. Minimal care is watering, pest control and re-handling if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as necessary: ​​if the soil in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried out from a draft, etc. Other care methods: fertilizing, grafting, formative and rejuvenating pruning, replanting, dividing, etc. It’s worth postponing until the end of March until truly bright days arrive. The exception is plants that are illuminated with lamps and continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

date Lunar day Moon in a sign moon rise Moonset Moon phase Moon without course Recommended Not recommended
March 1 4th Aries 1st quarter, waxing moon

Grafting and cuttings.

Drastic crown pruning.

Planting and replanting plants.

2nd of March 5th Taurus from 10:18 1st quarter, waxing moon

from 5:18 to 10:42

Until 10:42 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 10:42

Drastic crown pruning.

March, 3rd 6th Taurus 1st quarter, waxing moon from 18:20

A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

From 18:20 the Moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Drastic crown pruning.

March 4 7th Gemini from 12:27 1st quarter, waxing moon until 13:05

Until 13:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

5th of March 8th Twins 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Planting, transplanting and forming only climbing, ampelous, climbing plants. Including wild strawberries, strawberries, honeysuckle.
Sowing seeds of garden and indoor crops. Weeding, soil loosening, land preparation.

Treatment against diseases and pests.
Preparations and home canning.
Stepsynching, air layering.

It is possible to dig up bulbous plants for storage.

Transplanting and pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and suckers.

Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

March, 6 9th Cancer from 15:02 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 11:22 to 15:54

from 11:22 to 15:54 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 15:54

March 7 10th Cancer 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.

March 8 11th Leo from 18:57 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 17:59 to 19:45

Soaking, sowing and planting vegetables that bear fruit in the aboveground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

from 17:59 to 19:45 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.
9th of March 12th a lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon
10th of March 13th a lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 20:05

Planting cacti, succulents and any drought-tolerant plants.

Loosening, weeding, mulching, hilling.
It is possible to transplant plants with strong roots (ficus, not fruit trees and shrubs).

From 20:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Undesirable: watering, spraying, fertilizing.
Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.
11th of March 14th Virgo from 01:05 2nd quarter, waxing moon until 1:07

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can plant only the most unpretentious ones, like tradescantia or coleus.

No serious work with plants or planting.
March 12 15th Virgo Full Moon 17:53
March 13 16th Libra from 08:42 3rd quarter waning moon from 5:36 to 8:28

Until 8:28 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 08:42

Soaking and sowing seeds.

March 14th 17th Scales 3rd quarter waning moon

Feeding plants with organic or humic fertilizers and watering.

Loosening, weeding, mulching.

Planting and sowing of tuberous plants and caudex (adenium, jatropha, etc.) and flowering plants.
Rooting of cuttings, pruning (rejuvenating, shaping, sanitary).

Vaccinations, spraying, pinching.
It is better not to soak the seeds.

March 15th 18th Scorpio from 17:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 13:05 to 18:11

Until 13:05 see calendar for 14th Mary

From 13:05 to 18:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:11

March 16 19th Scorpion 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.

March 17 20th Scorpion 23:59 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.
Sowing, planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, hanging plants. It is possible to plant greenery.

Pruning and pinching to control crown growth.
It is possible to loosen and weed (carefully), if necessary, transfer indoor flowers, prepare the soil and lay compost.

Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Transplantation, any damage to roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.
Sowing, planting, picking tuber and root crops.

18th of March 20th Sagittarius from 05:59 09:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 0:56 to 6:00

Spraying against pests and diseases.

March 19 21st Sagittarius 3rd quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting hanging plants.
Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

Watering and regular spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.
20th of March 22nd Capricorn from 18:31 4th quarter waning moon from 13:37 to 18:31

From 13:37 to 18:31 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:31

21 March 23rd Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon

Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.
March 22 24th Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon from 16:20

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, removing weeds, digging and preparing the soil, adding compost. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning dried and diseased branches, extra shoots.

After 16:20 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.

March 23 25th Aquarius from 05:01 4th quarter waning moon to 5:28
March 24 26th Aquarius 4th quarter waning moon

Treatment against diseases and pests (spraying, watering with pesticides carefully).
Land preparation, weeding, loosening.

Sanitary treatment of plants, removal of old and dried shoots. Cleaning up fallen leaves.

Sowing, picking and planting fruit trees and shrubs. Refrain from watering, transplanting and fertilizing.

March 25 27th Pisces from 14:24 4th quarter waning moon from 8:56 to 13:06

From 8:56 to 13:06 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 14:24 Moon in the sign of Pisces

26 March 28th Fish 4th quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting vegetables and root crops not intended for long-term storage, but for canning, drying or for seeds.

Sowing and planting indoor plants, especially decorative flowering ones, cacti and succulents.
Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

Sanitary and formative pruning.
Leaf spraying against pests.

Plant greens and tender herbaceous plants, intolerant drying (for example, azaleas), as well as fruit trees and non-frost-resistant plants.

Prepare the ground, dig, loosen, plant and replant. It is undesirable to injure the root system (dividing rhizomes or planting suckers).

March 27 29th Aries from 18:34 4th quarter waning moon from 13:19 to 17:11

Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

from 13:19 to 17:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants. In the remaining time until the new moon, we rest.

March 28 1st and 2nd Aries New Moon 05:58 We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.
March 29 3rd Taurus from 20:07 1st quarter waxing moon from 15:07 to 18:48

We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.

From 15:07 to 18:48 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 20:07 you can soak the seeds and water the seedlings and flowers.

Don't plan any serious things for this day.
30th of March 4th Taurus 1st quarter waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and bushes.

A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can replant (with caution), transfer plants and graft.

Drastic crown pruning.

Weeding. Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.

March 31 5th Gemini from 20:48 1st quarter waxing moon from 2:12 to 19:40

Until 19:40 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

If you need to water the plants, it is better to do it between 19:40 and 20:48 hours.

Favorable days in March 2017

  • from March 1 to March 3, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • March 7, 9, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • from March 14 to March 19, 2017 (waning moon)
  • March 21, 24, 26, 30, 2017 (waning moon)

Unfavorable days in March 2017

  • March 5, 2017 - First quarter
  • March 12, 2017 - Full Moon
  • March 20, 2017 - Last quarter
  • March 28, 2017 – New Moon

Note: you should not take the gardener’s lunar calendar literally as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that “you can sow and plant some indoor plants” or “water and feed with organic fertilizers,” then know that only experienced gardeners can follow them and this only applies to plants in certain conditions. For example, fruit-bearing indoor trees can be fed monthly, even in winter. Plants that are in warm conditions of long daylight hours in autumn and winter (with additional lighting by lamps) can also be fed and even replanted. Experienced flower growers and in winter they can successfully take cuttings and re-root plants, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of plant growing, with the onset of autumn, cooling, reduction of daylight hours and lighting intensity, i.e. When plants enter a stage of dormancy or slowdown in development, fertilizing, replanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures are strongly not recommended.

The moon affects not only people, but also plants. In order for your home garden pleased with beautiful and healthy flowers, use the recommendations of the lunar calendar for indoor plants.

April - time active growth and flowering of many plants. It is during this period that they require careful care. Calendar recommendations will help determine the days when your intervention is necessary and the time when the plants are best left alone. Favorite flowers also need care and attention, so please yourself and purchase new beautiful containers for replanting, as well as add new pets to your home garden.

12th of April. These days the waxing Moon is in the constellation Gemini. This location is good for pest control work. Thorough watering and loosening the soil will allow the root system to actively develop and the plants will produce good new shoots. Also on weekends you can start sowing seeds for seedlings.

April 3 - 4. These days will pass under the influence of the fertile zodiac Cancer. Use its energy to actively care for your house plants. Roses will be especially grateful to you - timely measures to remove excess branches will enable the plant to form buds and soon delight you with elegant flowers with a unique aroma.

April 5 - 6. Influence zodiac Leo unfavorable for active actions, so give yourself and your plants a good rest. Limit yourself to wiping large sheets of dust. Small shower for money tree will enhance its unusual properties.

April 7 - 9. Virgo has a good effect on replanting indoor plants with small inflorescences, so from Friday to Sunday please your flowers with new pots with fertile soil. Newly acquired flowers also take root well. Violet helps attract love, so buying this delicate flower not only pleasant, but also useful.

April 10 - 11. The constellation Libra and the waxing Moon favor active actions with plants. This can include replanting, pruning overgrown branches, and root feeding. However, you should not plant annuals during this period - the shoots will be strong, but the flowering will be weak.

April 12 - 14. Zodiac Scorpio, a fertile Sign, allows you to plant and sow new flowers, as well as vegetable crops, from April 12 to 14. Good shoots at correct landing provided for you. Use mineral fertilizers so that the root system quickly gets used to the new place and produces strong and healthy shoots.

April 15 - 16. On the waning Moon, the growth of flowers slows down and they need peace. Therefore, on weekends, limit yourself to loosening the soil, so-called dry watering. Also move flowers that need active sunlight to the south side. Plants with delicate greens, on the contrary, require shade and cool air.

April 17 - 19. This period will pass under the influence of the energy of the constellation Capricorn. The period is intended for selecting seeds for planting, loosening and watering the soil, as well as fertilizing flowers that are gaining buds. Pay attention to the orchid - a flower that attracts material well-being. Wipe the leaves from accumulated dirt and move it to the room where you store your money.

April 20 - 21. The moon in the constellation Aquarius continues to wane and fills the space with weak energy. This period is intended for plant rest, so moderate spraying will ideal solution for these days.

April 22 - 23. The moon in the constellation Pisces makes it possible to use the weekend to transplant overgrown roses, pruning them and cuttings. Such shoots grow strong and resistant to diseases. These days, use pest control products that have settled in upper layers soil. Tobacco dust will scare them away from the delicate roots and save the plants from suffering.

In almost every home there are several pots of indoor flowers on the windowsill. Someone really loves such plants, willingly cares for them and is interested in new specimens. For some, it doesn’t matter what kind of flowers are on the window, as long as they look attractive and don’t require special attention. But in any case, even the most unpretentious crops require minimal care, including periodic replanting. And it is best to perform it in accordance with the phase of the moon. And today we will talk about when you can replant indoor flowers in November 2017 according to the lunar calendar...

Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the fact that the lunar cycle affects the growth processes of living cells. And over time, it was proven in practice that the development of plants really depends largely on the phase of the Moon, as well as on the location of our satellite in a certain zodiac sign.

When is it worth replanting flowers according to the lunar calendar??

So, when the moon wanes, life force of plants tends to the roots, and when it grows, accordingly, to the stems, flowers and fruits (to the aerial parts). Therefore, to prevent the root system from being injured during transplantation, readers of Popular About Health need to carry out such work during the period of the waxing Moon. At the same time, at the new moon stage, it is not recommended to work with plants at all, since the crops will not receive enough vital energy for growth and development. The full moon is also not considered a favorable time for replanting; during this period, flower growers advise fighting pests and loosening the soil around the plants.

How to determine the phase of the moon?

When the night sky is clear and the Moon is not visible at all, this is the New Moon period. Afterwards, a narrow sickle appears in the sky; if you mentally “draw” a stick to it, you will get the letter “P” - this is the growing Moon. It gradually begins to increase and grows to a full disk - this, accordingly, is the Full Moon. Then the disk begins to shrink, becoming a thinner and thinner sickle every day, it is bent in the other direction and looks like the letter “C” - this is the period of the waning moon. It gets smaller and smaller until it disappears. And everything repeats again, a new lunar cycle begins.

The best time to replant indoor plants depending on the zodiac

The development of indoor plants also largely depends on what sign the Moon was in at the time of transplantation. It is best to carry out such work when our satellite is in the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.

The optimal time to replant is November 2017

November 2017 begins with the waxing Moon, which is in the sign of Aries. This is not a favorable period for transplantation. The full moon follows, and then the moon begins to wane.

Already from the nineteenth of November, the Moon begins to grow again, but the optimal time for transplanting indoor crops comes on the twenty-first of November, when it is in the house of Capricorn. This period will last until the twenty-third of November inclusive, after which the Moon will enter the sign of Aquarius and the transplantation work will have to be postponed until later.

The next favorable period for transplantation begins on November twenty-sixth (Sunday), the waxing Moon will be in the sign of Pisces and will remain there until November twenty-ninth inclusive. There will be no more optimal time for working with indoor flowers this month.

So, it is best to replant plants according to the lunar calendar in November 2017. November 21 – 23 and November 26 – 28.

Experienced indoor plant lovers recommend replanting such crops in the spring, adhering to the lunar calendar. But in some cases there is an urgent need to transfer the plant to a new pot in the fall or even winter. In such a situation, it is important to provide the flower with comfort and tranquility after transplantation, provide it with sufficient lighting, a suitable watering schedule and optimal air humidity in the room.

Replanting indoor plants is necessary for better development and comfortable condition. The best days for replanting indoor plants, lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers, rules and features of replanting different plants at home.

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Favorable days for replanting indoor flowers

The right time is an advance for a successful transplant. Replant healthy, strong plants.

Suitable season, spring - summer. This is when most indoor plants are at their peak: they grow rapidly, turn green, and receive enough sunlight and warmth.

A prosperous time is often determined by the location of the Moon. How does the Moon affect indoor flowers? What is it good to know to manage your calendar?

The sap and energy of plants, like the waters of the world's oceans, are responsive to the location of the earth's satellite. They rush towards the growing moon along the stems from bottom to top. From the roots to the leaves on the top of the head. At full moon saturation occurs nutrients aboveground part. On the waning Moon, a reverse movement occurs towards the roots. During the new moon, everything is concentrated in the underground part.

Transplantation is not performed during the periods:

  • new moon, full moon;
  • two days before and after them;
  • Solar and Lunar eclipses.

An important role is played by the location of the Earth's satellite in the signs of the Zodiac. The best signs for transfer work are:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Calf;
  • Fish;
  • Scales.

It is not advisable to rely only on the lunar calendar. For example, do not replant flowering or ready-to-bloom plants, even on the best day.

How to properly replant indoor flowers - technology and tips

All indoor plants are divided into families. Are different appearance, characteristics, needs. This is taken into account when transplanting.

Green spaces grow in artificially created conditions and require regular saturation with nutrients. Changing the soil, cultivating the root system, and increasing capacity contribute to this.

Transplanted indoor plantings regularly. Young, fast growing plants every year. Adult specimens according to classification. For example:

  • violet - annually;
  • ficus - once every six years;
  • azalea - in three years.

Land for planting is one of the important elements. The best option- blank. They take fertile layers of turf and mix them with peat, leaf, manure, and pine humus. Add sand in a ratio of 1/10.

Such soil can be light - the bulk is humus, or heavy, with a predominance of clay.

Plants with thin or weak root systems are transplanted into light soils. Fast-growing plants are neutral (the amount of turf and humus is equal). Heavy soils Designed for specimens with powerful, thick roots.

Take into account the individual needs of green pets. Orchids are planted in acidic soils, consisting of peat, moss, roots.

The next step is choosing a container. Choose:

  • by form;
  • material;
  • sizes.

The best shape is considered to be a cut-off cone. Pots are often selected when the top diameter is equal to the height. The holes for water drainage are of normal size.

When replacing the container with a larger pot, the difference in diameter is no more than two cm.

The nuances are related to the view indoor flower. Orchids require a tall, narrow container, preferably transparent. A low, wide pot is suitable for azaleas.

Expanded clay, pebbles, and clay shards are used as drainage. Cover the drainage with a small layer of moss to avoid clogging.

The transplant technology is as follows:

  1. Take out a plant prepared for transplanting. It is carefully knocked out using a wooden blade. It is undesirable to pull the stems and branches, which can seriously harm them. Use the same blade to shake off excess soil. The original lump should shrink by a quarter of its size. Small felt roots are trimmed.
  2. The drainage is sprinkled with prepared soil. Holding it, lower the plant in the middle of the container. Fill the gap with soil, compacting it with a wooden spatula.
  3. They suggest not deepening the root collar, leaving it at the same level as before. This promotes better adaptation and eliminates rotting.
  4. Check the compaction of the soil by lifting the plant by the trunk. If it rises with a pot, good.
  5. After transplanting, water. Place it in a place protected from direct rays.

When replanting plants due to damage to the earthen coma, diseased roots are cut off. The cut area is treated with fine coal. The pot is taken with a smaller diameter. A pinch of coal is added to the ground.

If pests or diseases are detected, a complete transplant is carried out. The roots are freed from the soil and washed. Everything infected and diseased is cut off and treated.

Rarely replanted plants need to renew the top layer of soil. It is removed by 2-4 cm and freshly filled.

Replanting indoor flowers in autumn (September, October)

Autumn is an unfavorable time for transplantation work. Plant biorhythms slow down and daylight hours are shortened. The humidity in the room decreases and the temperature fluctuates.

Having eliminated these factors, the transplant is carried out using conventional technology.

  • Increase daylight hours by lighting. Turn it on required time, at the same hour.
  • Air humidity is increased by spraying plants with lukewarm water. Use trays with wet moss. Or install it near a container of water.
  • Eliminate drafts and maintain constant air temperature.

Indoor plants are usually replanted in the autumn by experienced gardeners.

For regular care and attention, green pets will delight you with a beautiful view, lush flowering, and bright fruits.

Detailed video about the technology of transplanting indoor flowers:

Useful tips

In May, it’s time for serious work in the garden and especially in the vegetable garden, because now is the time to move seedlings of vegetables and flowers into the ground. Beans and potatoes, strawberries and herbs, as well as many other plants, are also planted in May.

The work done this month largely determines what kind of harvests you will receive in summer and autumn, so it’s worth treating plants with care now. special seriousness. Perfect time For various works the lunar calendar will tell you.

For example, the moon will grow from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 31 May 2017. These days should be used for planting most vegetable crops, greens, and also for diving. It is better to plant root crops on the days of the waning moon ( from 11 to 25 May 2017), with the exception of potatoes, which can be planted on both the waning and waxing Moon.

This month it's worth avoid the next days for planting and pruning trees: 2, 4, 10, 18, 20 and 25, 26 May 2017.

Most lucky days for landing vegetables and strawberries will take shape on the days of the Moon in the sign of Leo and Virgo - 3, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31 May 2017, that is, at the beginning and end of the month. At the beginning of the month, planting will take place in warmer areas, where by this time there are no longer frosts. At the end of May, seedlings are planted in more northern areas, as there is still a threat of frost. To prevent plants from freezing at night, make protective shelters.

At the end of the article you can find , where the main work in the garden in May is indicated, as well as better days for them in May 2017. We also paid attention to indoor plants, as they will also require serious attention this month.

Other useful articles headings Lunar calendar for May 2017:


♋ 1 MAY, Monday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:04.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:23

Today you can mow the lawn. After this procedure, the grass begins to grow faster, pleasing the eye healthy looking. In order for the lawn to be perfectly smooth, it needs to be cut regularly. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid that you will trample weak blades of grass, since this will not harm the young lawn. On the contrary, the grass layer will be denser. Ideal conditions for mowing the lawn - this is dry grass with slightly moist soil.

Houseplants : watering day. In May, the air temperature is already much higher than in other spring months, and in more southern areas, in May the sun is quite hot, so the plants will require more abundant watering. Still, you should be careful when watering plants that are not very moisture-loving, for example, cacti or succulents.

♋♌ 2 MAY, Tuesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER , A LION from 07:12

Moon without course until 07:11

Put off complex work, such as planting or pruning bushes, as your shift is approaching. lunar phase. Today you can do mulching the soil, that is, use a number of measures that will protect it from drying out (one of the uses of mulching).


♌ 3 MAY, Wednesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:25.A LION

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 05:45

An auspicious day is coming for planting work. It is recommended to complete these works before the onset of settled warm weather. During this period, fruit trees such as apple tree, plum tree, sea buckthorn. In addition, you can decorate your garden by planting perennial actinidia. Among the entire assortment of these woody vines, it is recommended to give preference to cultivated varieties - “kiwi”, which will delight you with delicious fruits.

Today you can start planting garden strawberries (strawberries). We must remember that they are not suitable for planting young rosettes from old bushes that bore fruit. You have to choose sunny place on fertile soil. Please ensure that water does not stagnate in this area. If strawberries grew in this place potatoes, tomatoes, raspberries, cabbage and cucumbers, That the soil is not suitable for it. Choose the place where you grew up legumes, beets, carrots, garlic. Scheme for planting - the distance between passes is 60-70 cm, and the distance in a row between individual plantings is 20-30 cm.

It's time pick seedlings. Despite the fact that many do not consider it necessary to expose plants to stress once again, diving helps the root system develop and strengthens it. Make a pick if the seeds were planted in a common box, if there is a danger of seedlings outgrowing, if diseased plants have appeared nearby, if there are too many seedlings and you need to choose the best ones. remember, that eggplants, mallows, poppies, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon and some other plants and crops must be replanted at an early stage of development, as they do not tolerate picking well.

Houseplants : good day for landing fruit bushes. For example, avocado , lemons , pomegranates, which can be grown on a windowsill from a seed.

♌♍ 4 MAY, Thursday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:39.A LION , VIRGO from 12:47

Moon without course from 07:35 to 12:46

After 13:00, when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo, you can prepare the seedlings for transplanting. Today is not the best day for planting, but for now you can choose a place, loosen the soil, and clean the area. In the first half of the day, you should especially not engage in landings, since this is the time of the Moon without a course, and you risk don't get the desired result(that is, in this case, harvest) from planted crops.

Houseplants : Today is a bad day for transplanting, but you can start preparing the soil.

♍ 5 MAY, Friday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:52.VIRGO

Time plant seedlings into the ground. Remember that this procedure is stressful for the plants. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account the type of crop, the size and age of the seedlings, as well as the type and size of the container in which it was grown. When transplanting seedlings from cardboard containers, the latter are cut, the plants are removed from the ground and lowered into the hole. Then they are covered with earth and compacted. After which they are watered.

If the seedlings were prepared in peat pots , then it is lowered into the holes directly with the containers. When removing seedlings from a box, you should use a planting scoop, after first cutting the soil into squares. In this case, it is recommended to move the boxes to the planting site so that do not damage them when carrying. Remember that it is better not to water the seedlings a few days before planting, but to water them generously immediately before extraction so that the extraction is painless.

Houseplants : good time for plant transplants. If you have not yet had time to replant your indoor flowers in previous months, you can do it today. Plants transplanted in spring recover faster and begin to grow rapidly. Remember that after transplantation you should not apply fertilizers for about a month. We also do not recommend replanting flowering plants.

♍♎ 6 MAY, Saturday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:04.VIRGO , SCALES from 21:20

Moon without course from 15:42 to 21:19

Today you can continue planting if you did not have time to plant everything yesterday. But you shouldn’t start sowing plants or transferring seedlings into the ground on this day. Today is good continue and finish things off, but don't start new ones.

Today, the bark of some trees is harvested. Very useful infusions oak bark, alder or viburnum, which should be cut from thin young trunks or branches. Viburnum bark is recommended for use in preparing sedatives. It also helps stop bleeding and is a mild diuretic. For the treatment of skin diseases, it is collected in May. buckthorn bark. It is used freshly dried. To do this, the bark should be heated at a temperature 100 ° WITH for an hour or more - this helps remove toxic substances from buckthorn.

Houseplants : Today it is better not to engage in transplantation, as the Moon will be afflicted by Saturn. Do some easier types of work. You can loosen the soil in pots, or prepare soil mixtures for future plantings.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017

♎ 7 MAY, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:14.SCALES

Today you can go for buying plants, fertilizers and gardening tools. We recommend buying seeds and fertilizers only from trusted sellers whom you trust. You can stock up on seeds peas, radishes, parsley, carrots, lettuce, radishes and so on.

On this day you can collect flowers medicinal plants . The most popular in terms of usefulness during this period are lily of the valley and coltsfoot. Mother-and- stepmother It fades quite quickly, so you need to catch the moment of flowering. When collecting the flowers of this plant, the petioles (stems) are not cut off. When picking flowers lily of the valley it should be remembered that this the plant is poisonous. But its flowers make wonderful alcoholic infusions, which are useful for a wide range of diseases: as a sedative, for stomach diseases, for tachycardia, and so on.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited. Today you can start sowing indoor plants, especially those that produce beautiful flowers. You can also go shopping.

MAY 8, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:23.SCALES

Today you can arrange flower beds. It's a good time for a whole series annual plants. The soil has already warmed up and is quite moist. You can plant aster(it cannot be planted near nightshades), nasturtium(do not choose too fertile soil, as the plant turns green, but does not bloom as it should), gypsophila, daisies, marigolds(if the ground is wet enough, do not sow them to a depth of more than three centimeters), petunias, roses and other plants.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited.

9 MAY, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:31.SCALES , SCORPION from 08:01

Moon without course from 01:59 to 08:00

Today you can harvest leafy vegetables. First of all this spinach, dill, lettuce, celery, parsley, catnip, lemon balm, tarragon, fennel And so on. In addition, you need to collect chervil, Chinese cabbage, anise, aromatic spices. The above-mentioned crops are recommended to be collected in evening or early morning. This will keep them looking appetizing, as they will not fade under the sun.

Houseplants : watering day. Plants should be watered after 8:00.

♏ MAY 10, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:38.SCORPION

Today you can prepare leaves, buds and stems for medicinal purposes. At this time of year, the buds are collected for this purpose when they are already swollen, but have not yet blossomed. They are used for useful decoctions and infusions that can treat many diseases. The most popular are birch buds(if the leaves have not yet bloomed in your area); it's also time to collect buds of cedar, pine and spruce. They are recommended for use in the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as for many pulmonary and respiratory diseases. During this period, you should prepare leaves of nettle, lingonberry, primrose, birch, currant, wild rosemary. Currant leaves can be used to make tea. But with wild rosemary you need to be careful, as the plant itself is poisonous.

Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today. Watering is acceptable.


MAY 11, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:44.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 20:00

FULL MOON at 00:41

Moon without course from 00:42 to 19:59

It's time to fight pests. May is extremely important month for this procedure, as the weather begins to level out, leading to their activation. If the temperature during the day exceeds 18 ºС, it is recommended to treat tree crowns with Fitoverm. However, this must be done three to four days before flowering, not earlier. At a temperature below 18 ºС should be used for processing foifon. After flowering, during the first three days, treating the crowns with phytolavine will be effective.

Houseplants : watering day. You can take measures against pests, as well as to prevent infestation.

♐ 12 MAY, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:46.SAGITTARIUS

Still a good time for pest control. Fruit crops After the flowering period it is recommended to treat pharmacodom. It is better not to plan complex work (planting, pruning, diving) for this day due to the approaching negative aspect with Mars.

Houseplants : We continue to fight pests. Also on this day you can apply fertilizers to the fruit bushes growing in your home.

♐ 13 MAY, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:43.SAGITTARIUS

It is better to postpone complex work. You can enter fertilizers for vegetable crops. If you fertilize early varieties, add more nitrogen to the fertilizer, which speeds up the growth and ripening processes. Nitrogen acts quickly and has a good effect on the formation of green mass in onions, parsley or radishes. Vegetables fertilize well with manure or compost.

Houseplants : We continue to fight pests. You can prepare cuttings for future plantings.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

14 MAY, Sunday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:35.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 08:38

Moon without course from 05:14 to 08:37

It's time to prepare roots some medicinal plants. Now they are digging roots of burdock, medicinal angelica and comfrey. For many centuries, herbalists have made from angelica roots medicine (theriac), which was considered almost a panacea for all diseases.

From the roots burdock It is recommended to produce a diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, burdock root has a weak analgesic effect. Prepare an infusion from it: pour up to 25 grams of crushed root with half a liter of water, and then leave it for at least an hour in a thermos. You should drink it 3-4 times a day after meals, 250 grams warm. This is very useful for gastritis, gallstone disease, hemorrhoids, diathesis and other diseases.

Houseplants : the day is suitable for applying fertilizers for the development of the root system of plants. Remember that. It is not recommended to feed the plants immediately after transplantation for about a month.

♑ 15 MAY, Monday, 19th lunar day from 00:00.CAPRICORN

It's time for planting root cropsbeets, carrots, rutabaga, radishes, radishes. It is necessary to know the nature of the soil and use appropriate fertilizers for a particular crop. For example, radishes are planted in loose soils, while using organic fertilizers. For planting, you need to select the largest seeds, that is, calibrate the seeds. As for carrots, it is necessary to sort in water planting material. This will allow speed up the process emergence of seedlings. Before planting, beet seeds must be kept in clean water for 24 hours. room temperature. The water must be changed every six hours. Once the seeds have dried, they are ready to plant.

It's also good to do mulching. Before starting this procedure, it is necessary to prepare the ground surface appropriately. The first thing you need to do is clean it and remove weeds. Pay attention to removing the root system of perennial weeds. Then it is necessary to apply complex fertilizer shallowly into the soil. And only then can you cover it with mulch. In this case, the soil should be moist and loose. The coating does not need to be applied to tree trunks or plant stems. Mown grass, sawdust, rotted manure, wood chips, pine needles, bark, green manure, etc. are used as mulch materials.

Houseplants : You can deal with soils. It is not worth replanting the plants yet, but you can loosen or replace the top layers of soil. Also on this day it is good to clean your home flower garden. You can wipe off the dust, remove dry leaves and flower stalks.

♑♒ 16 MAY, Tuesday, 20th lunar day from 00:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 20:50

Moon without course from 13:22 to 20:49

Time to fight weeds. The list of weeds is very large, but traditionally the greatest trouble is caused by wheatgrass, dandelion, nettle, woodlice, quinoa. When fighting weeds, the main rule is not to be lazy. They must be removed before they strengthen their root system. After weeding, you must carefully select the removed weeds from the soil, otherwise they will become seeded again. Remove weeds You need to use a rake, not a shovel, as parts of the roots may remain and your work will be useless. To make weeding easier, it is recommended to do it immediately after rain.

Houseplants : It’s still good to work on the soil, do some cleaning, or apply fertilizer to develop the root system.

♒ 17 MAY, Wednesday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:37.AQUARIUS

Not a bad day for shopping. You can also do some Not complex work in the garden as you see fit. Listen to your own intuition. But today you shouldn’t water the plants, transfer seedlings to the ground, or do diving.


♒ 18 MAY, Thursday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:36.AQUARIUS

Can seek advice To knowledgeable people. On the days of the moon air signs It's easy to get the information you need. It is also recommended to fertilize flowers today. It is better not to water the plants. Complex work cannot be planned today, as the change of the lunar phase is approaching.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited. You can apply fertilizers for beautiful flowering plants.

♒♓ 19 MAY, Friday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:55.AQUARIUS , FISH from 06:52

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 03:31

Moon without course from 03:33 to 06:51

Today is a good day for watering. Along with watering, you can add fertilizers for greenery and for the development of the leaf system of trees and other plants. This day is also suitable for planting potatoes. It is not worth harvesting today, and you should not prune fruit trees and shrubs: this can harm them.

Houseplants : watering day. Fertilize plants with beautiful leaves.

♓ 20 MAY, Saturday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:20.FISH

A bad day for any planting and pruning of bushes and trees. Today it is better to postpone all complex work. You can do watering the garden, you can’t overwork. If you collect the first crops, immediately use it for food. There is no need to make any preparations.

Houseplants : watering day. It is better to postpone complex work, especially when replanting plants is unfavorable.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

♓♈ 21 MAY, Sunday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:42.FISH , ARIES from 13:11

Moon without course from 06:39 to 13:10

In the first half of the day it is good to start watering. Because until 13:10 The moon will be in Idling", don't start anything new. After 13:10 it is good to fertilize the vegetables.

Houseplants : watering day.

♈ 22 MAY, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:04.ARIES

We plant potato. When planting potatoes, it is necessary to determine the conditions on the basis of which the most optimal planting method is selected: smooth planting, ridge planting, planting in trenches. Regardless of the planting method, they should be placed With south to north. This will give even lighting to the plants. For early varieties, the distance between tubers in a row is recommended 25-30 cm, and for later – 30-35 cm. The distance between the rows of tubers for early varieties is – 60 cm, and for the later ones - 70 cm.

Houseplants : If you have plants that propagate from cuttings or leaves. Today you can prepare them for future plantings. Carefully separate the cutting from the mother plant and place it in water. After small roots appear (7-14 days), the cuttings can be planted in the soil.

♈♉ 23 MAY, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:27.ARIES , CALF from 15:33

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:32

Clean up your garden today. If there are greenhouses on your site, inspect all its parts. Remove rotten wood parts (treat if necessary special means), check the strength metal structures, and wash the walls of glass greenhouses thoroughly. Collect old leaves and plants and other garden debris. Take care of the condition of garden paths - you may have to clear them of moss.

Houseplants : Don't start anything new before 3:30 p.m. Today is a good time to work on soils or fertilize fruit bushes. You can buy new plants or equipment for growing them (after 15:30).

♉ 24 MAY, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:53.CALF

Moon without course from 22:08

Loosening and hilling the soilimportant work in the garden that you can do today. Firstly, loosening allows the soil to have greater access to oxygen. If loosening occurs on a personal plot or in a vegetable garden, then this process makes it possible to destroy the sprouts weeds. Loosening also makes it easier for the soil to absorb water. Hilling, that is, the process of rolling moist, finely structured soil onto the stems, accompanied by loosening, allows you to achieve many important things at once: protecting the stem from temperature changes, stimulating growth, implementing drainage, fighting weeds, pests, and so on. It is necessary to hill up and leeks, beans, and peas, but especially needs hilling potato.

Houseplants : It is necessary to loosen the soil not only in the garden and vegetable garden, but in pots with indoor plants. Today is a good time for these works. Today is also good for pest control.

♉♊ 25 MAY, Thursday, 28th, 29th from 04:23, 1st lunar day from 22:43.CALF , TWINS from 15:15

Moon without course until 15:14

NEW MOON at 22:43

Do not use this day for complex work, as the new moon is approaching. The day may turn out to be quite stressful. You can't overwork yourself. If you do decide to do some work, let it be the easiest work. You cannot plant or replant anything, as there is a high risk that the plantings will be unsuccessful; there is too little energy.

Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar


♊ 26 MAY, Friday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:00.TWINS

Today we do not recommend engaging in complex work, such as planting, due to the Moon’s approach to negative aspects. But you can go for purchases of seeds or equipment. It is also good to collect information about the plants on your site and talk with specialists. You should remember the rules of crop compatibility when planting: for example, beans not compatible with onions, garlic, but compatible with cucumbers, corn, peas. Peas incompatible with beans and garlic, but compatible with cabbage, carrots and so on.

Houseplants : It is better to postpone planting and replanting, as this is a bad day for such work. Also, you shouldn’t water the plants today. You can collect information of interest or go shopping for pots, soil, fertilizers, seeds, etc.

♊♋ 27 MAY, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:47.TWINS , CANCER from 14:25

Moon without course from 09:18 to 14:24

After 14:30- time to refine personal plot using a lawn and decorative greenery. Proper seeding of the lawn is one of the guarantees of success. Choose grass so that it is suitable for the temperature conditions of your region. In order for the lawn to grow as evenly as possible, regardless of soil unevenness, it is necessary to add more seeds on uneven surfaces than indicated in the instructions (also on slopes and hills). On level ground, scatter the grass evenly. For this purpose, it is better to use a special seeder that will help distribute the seeds.

Houseplants : It is good to water the plants in the afternoon, and also plant greens on the windowsill. You can read about how to grow greens in the article Growing greens on the windowsill .

♋ 28 MAY, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:46.CANCER

Today you can do planting legumes. Standard for us are peas, beans and vegetable beans. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nature of each culture. For example, peas ripen quickly and are a cold-resistant crop, so they can be planted even in unsettled weather. It is better to sow it where it grew pumpkin or nightshade crops. Beans love warmth. Provide bush beans with the best light in the garden. At the same time, it is worth providing the beans with moderate watering, since an excess of moisture will lead to a later harvest due to too intensive growth of the leaf mass.

Houseplants : We continue planting greenery on the windowsill. It is also good to water the plants if you did not have time to do so yesterday. You can give the plants a shower. It is useful to do this at least a couple of times a month to wash off leaf dust.

♋♌ 29 MAY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:54.CANCER , A LION from 15:12

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:11

Not a bad day for harvesting greens, radishes, in warmer areas – garden strawberries and cherries, but if you wouldn't like to make home canned food instead use collected immediately. In the afternoon, when the Moon is in the sign of Leo, you can start planting. Can be sown leeks, sunflowers, corn.

Houseplants : You can still water indoor flowers, but it’s better to do it in first half days while the Moon is still in the sign of Cancer. Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start new things. After 15:12 you can start boarding lemons or avocados.

♌ 30 MAY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:08.A LION

Another good day for planting seedlings vegetables in the ground, as well as for planting greens. The recommendations from the previous day apply. Also today you can sow grass on the lawn: it promises to grow quickly and delight with bright colors.

Houseplants : Protect indoor plants from direct sun rays. This especially applies to those plants that do not tolerate direct sun. After you have taken the plants to open balconies and terraces

♌♍ 31 MAY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:24.A LION , VIRGO from 19:16

Moon without course from 14:14 to 19:15

Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start new things. In the first half of the day ( until 14:00) it is good to sow lawns and also plant vegetables. This day is also suitable for harvesting vegetables, fruits or berries that have ripened. But it’s better to consume them right away and not make homemade preparations.

Houseplants : after 19:00 you can start planting and replanting indoor plants. This is the most favorable time, since the Moon will have time to move into the sign of Virgo. You can also loosen the soil in pots.

Basic pgardening work and the best days for them in MAY 2017

Watering: recommended days: 1, 9-11, 19-21, 27-29
Watering: days not recommended: 7, 8, 17, 18, 25, 26
Purchase of seeds, balcony and indoor plants, fertilizers, equipment: 7, 17, 26
Pest Control: 11-16, 23, 24
Fertilizers for the leaf system: 19-21
Fertilizers for the development of the root system: 14-16, 23, 24
Fertilizers for fruits: 12, 13, 21-23
Fertilizers for flowers: 17, 18
Planting trees and shrubs: 3, 5, 6
Planting garden flowers: 7, 8
Planting vegetable seedlings in the ground: 3, 5, 6, 29-31
Planting greenery and lawn: 27-31
Planting and replanting indoor flowers: 5, 6, 31
Planting legumes: 28
Planting potatoes: 3, 13, 19, 22
Planting root crops: 14, 15, 22
Planting strawberries: 3
Lawn mowing: 1, 27-29
Harvesting for quick consumption: 9-10, 21-23, 29-31
Collection of medicinal plants (flowers): 7, 8
Collection of medicinal plants (leaves, buds and stems): 1, 10
Collection of medicinal plants (bark): 4-6
Digging up the roots of medicinal plants: 14, 15, 23, 24
Removing weeds and growth: 14-16
Loosening the soil, hilling: 4-6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Mulching: 2, 4-6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Pruning branches: No
Dive: 3
Garden cleaning: 4-6, 23, 24
Unfavorable days for landings: 2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 26

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Florist lunar calendar 2017 - indoor plants and flowers. Perennials. Planting bulbs.

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, both indoors and in a flower garden in the country.

September - farewell to summer.

September is the month when you need to complete all summer work and gradually begin to prepare the plants for the cold season.

In September they plant bulbous flowers. At the beginning of the month, daffodils are planted, in the middle - lilies, at the end of September, when the soil temperature drops below 10 ° C, tulips are planted.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

from September 01, 2017 00:00 (Fri)
to 02 September 2017 23:06 (Sat)
Digging the soil. Planting and replanting plants overwintering in open ground. Possible time for dividing and replanting rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials. Planting perennial flower plants from cuttings.
Flowers cut at this time will not last long.

(A blog is written in connection with the lunar calendar: Cottage and garden, entry only from the lunar calendar)

from 02 September 2017 23:06 (Sat)
to 05 September 2017 08:28 (Tue)
Unfavorable days for watering and root feeding. Loosening the soil, thinning out the seedlings. It is possible to carry out " dry irrigation"indoor plants - loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries that draw moisture from the depths.
from 05 September 2017 08:28 (Tue)
to 05 September 2017 19:04 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Pruning and pinching indoor plants and flowers is strictly prohibited. Tying decorative conifers and tying them with burlap to protect against spring burns. In indoor conditions, the time is favorable for watering, followed by loosening the soil, and feeding plants with mineral fertilizers.
from 05 September 2017 19:04 (Tue)
to 07 September 2017 19:49 (Thu)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or prune anything. Digging the soil and forming flower beds, adding compost to the prepared flower beds.

September 06, 2017 10:02 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until September 20, 2017 13:06 Moon in the sign of Pisces, then in the sign of Aries)

from 07 September 2017 19:49 (Thu)
to 09 September 2017 19:22 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aries

Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Land cultivation. Transplanting perennial flowers. Flowers cut at this time will last a long time.
from 09 September 2017 19:22 (Sat)
to 11 September 2017 22:29 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Tying conifers with burlap and craft paper to protect against spring burns. Digging up gladioli bulbs and dahlia root tubers and storing them in boxes sprinkled with dry peat or sawdust. Planting bulbous flowers: tulips, daffodils, hazel grouse, hyacinths, decorative onions, etc.

September 11 (29.08 art style) - Johann the Baptist (Ivan Lent) - in the old days, the beginning of Indian summer.

from September 11, 2017 22:29 (Mon)
to September 14, 2017 01:12 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Removing patients ornamental trees and shrubs, preparing planting holes for spring. Shelter for perennial flower plants. Digging up gladioli bulbs and dahlia root tubers, chrysanthemum mother plants.

September 14 (01.09 old style) - Simeon (Semyon) Summer Conductor. - calendar beginning of Indian summer.

from September 14, 2017 01:12 (Thu)
to September 16, 2017 04:09 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Digging (loosening) the soil. Digging up anemones, dahlias and other non-wintering perennial plants. Planting bulbous flowers.
from September 16, 2017 04:09 (Sat)
to September 18, 2017 07:52 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for planting any plants. Carrying out formative and rejuvenating pruning of ornamental shrubs. Removing diseased trees and shrubs, preparing planting holes for spring planting. Soil cultivation with incorporation mineral fertilizers. Flowers cut at this time will last a long time.
from September 18, 2017 07:52 (Mon)
to September 19, 2017 04:41 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Virgo

Pre-winter moisture-recharging watering of ornamental shrubs is possible. Planting hyacinth bulbs, digging chrysanthemum queen cells. Deep digging of the soil without breaking clods of earth, to freeze out weeds and pests overwintering in the soil. Covering perennial flowers for the winter with sawdust, spruce branches, peat, and boxes.
from September 19, 2017 04:41 (Tue)
to September 21, 2017 07:15 (Thu)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or prune anything. Digging the soil and forming flower beds.

September 20, 2017 08:30 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until September 20, 2017 13:06 Moon in the sign of Virgo, then in the sign of Libra.

from September 21, 2017 07:15 (Thu)
to September 22, 2017 20:40 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid fertilizing.
A favorable period for planting, fertilizing, dividing and replanting perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against the first frosts. Application of mineral fertilizers for flowers.

September 21 (08.09 Old Style) - Nativity of the Virgin Mary ("Presentation Day" - all relatives and friends came to the newlyweds).

from September 22, 2017 20:40 (Fri)
to September 25, 2017 07:01 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Possible time for planting and replanting any plants. Planting tulip bulbs. Replanting indoor plants and flowers.
from September 25, 2017 07:01 (Mon)
to 27 September 2017 19:24 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Removing diseased ornamental trees and shrubs, preparing planting holes for spring planting. Spreading compost, half-rotted manure, and old sawdust on flowerbeds. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil. Pruning perennial flowers.
Flowers cut these days will last a long time.
from September 27, 2017 19:24 (Wed)
to September 30, 2017 07:40 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Pre-winter sowing of annual flowers. Digging the soil. It is possible to replant indoor plants and flowers.

Flowers cut at this time will not last long.

from September 30, 2017 07:40 (Sat)
to 30 September 2017 23:59 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Digging and loosening the soil. Digging up gladioli bulbs and root tubers of dahlias and other non-wintering perennials.

Lunar calendar 2017- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

Folk signs about the weather in September:
In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.
Thunder in September - for a long autumn.
September is a time of wet weather, but above all fertile

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.


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