Threshold seal for entrance doors. Door seal

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When choosing an entrance or interior door, they focus on its quality characteristics and aesthetic appeal. You should pay attention to a detail that is important from a functional point of view, the contour seal for interior doors. It is this that ensures silent opening and closing, softens mechanical shock, and ensures tightness. In the case of an entrance door, it prevents the penetration of cold and insulates the room from drafts. Additionally, they perform a fire-fighting function by insulating the room.

What types of seals there are according to their purpose, and what advantages and disadvantages each type has, we will consider below.

Existing types of seals for interior doors

Depending on the type of canvas, material, location of the entrance group, different seals are used. All doors are divided into entrance and interior, so the requirements for sealing strips differ. Varieties of seals according to their intended purpose are made from the following materials.

Rubber, polyurethane gaskets for entrance doors

Rubber seals are produced in various geometric shape, depending on the width of the gap and the type of blades. Most of them are tubular-shaped gaskets made of foam rubber, polyurethane for shock absorption and fit.

In this sense best analogues There are no such sealing strips. Seal models vary by configuration door leaf and boxes. Another advantage is that the material can withstand a wide range of temperature changes. Currently, sealing tapes with an internal magnetic stripe are produced. They are used for metal panels; they additionally tighten the door. Rubber is a good sealant, especially for the entrance area. They produce several basic colors of ribbon.

Deventer contour seal for interior doors, made in Germany, provides high-quality sealing. Due to the reinforcing gasket inside the thermoplastic elastomer, the service life is significantly extended. The material itself is resistant to low temperatures. The company's line of products also includes special threshold seals that provide an ideal fit and seal the gap.

Diagram with the dimensions of the curly door seal

Important. Manufacturers make frames and doors with a special groove for the tape. From a practical point of view, this best option. Groove seals must be purchased in a specific specific configuration. The material from which the tape is made can be rubber, silicone, or polymers. Initially, upon purchase, the entrance group is equipped with such sealing groove strips.

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Door lock with magnet

They differ:

  • by form;
  • manufactured material;
  • fastening method: self-adhesive or attached using sealant.

Door seals for wooden canvases for the most part flat shape. Thin rubber strips are used for interior, wooden and metal doors. They perfectly cushion doors and door frames. They produce quite a wide color scheme so that you can match the main color of the canvas. Elastic for interior doors lasts more than 5 years, but can last longer.
The video talks about seals for interior doors.

Silicone gaskets

Unlike rubber sealing strips, silicone is not recommended for the entrance group, since it is less plastic and susceptible to temperature changes. For indoor use, the transparent seal for interior doors is suitable for all types of leaves and frames.

Existing types of silicone gaskets for door sealing

Silicone seals are applied:

  • to plastic sliding systems(mostly white);
  • wood panels;
  • MDF doors and openings.

But first of all, silicone sealing strips are intended for glass doors. They are made with a groove of various widths, which is put on the canvas. It is pre-moistened with water and pulled over lateral surface. A highly stable connection is formed according to the principle of vacuum suction.

Options silicone seals for doors and showers

Sealant models and their configuration depend on the type of canvas. Transparent silicone is indispensable for glass surface, as it practically merges with it. For plastic doors They produce a seal to match the main color of the doors.

Silicone seal dimensions

Foam strips

Most accessible view material at a price, but with a limited service life. The seal is a self-adhesive polyurethane foam tape consisting mostly of air. It is perfect if you need to quickly and inexpensively install insulation and protect entrance group from blowing, cold.

Self-adhesive seal foam tapes insulate windows and doors for one season. Under the influence of the external environment, moisture, ultraviolet radiation, it sag quite quickly and begins to crumble.

8725 10/06/2019 6 min.

Interior doors must be provided with special seals for better isolating rooms from each other. Seals provide sound and heat insulation, block the path of unpleasant and pungent odors, and provide a comfortable and cozy life for all family members in one area. This important detail It is an unnoticeable thin elastic band that stretches along the entire perimeter of the door - usually we simply do not notice it.

However, such an inconspicuous element has vital importance, and without its presence the door will not perform its duties efficiently. In this article, we will look at the issue of seals for interior doors in more detail: we will find out what types of this material there are, and how to install the seal correctly. In addition, we will find out which manufacturers offer today best choice seals, and at what cost.

Functions of seals for interior doors

Let's find out why we need an interior sealant. The seal should provide good sound insulation between the rooms of the house/apartment. This point is of particular importance for the door leading to the bedroom: healthy and sound sleep can only be ensured by the absence of extraneous irritating noises.

Of particular importance is the quality of the seal for doors leading to the toilet and bathroom. These rooms must be practically airtight to prevent penetration unpleasant odors to the apartment. And in the bathroom, a good seal can also protect a person taking a shower from drafts coming from the door: after all, such unnoticeable drafts can sometimes even lead to a cold.

Read also about seals for metal doors.


First, it must be said that it is for interior doors that a seal is required that is wear-resistant, but quite simple. In addition, it should be much softer than the material used for entrance doors. Let's find out what types of seals for interior doors exist today.

Depending on the material


The most common and most frequently used type of seal. IN in this case The seal is made of high quality and soft rubber, which perfectly isolates one room from another, ensuring peace and quiet in the house. The soundproofing qualities of the rubber seal are its most striking characteristic.

This material has a significant drawback: over time, under the influence of air, the seal begins to lose elasticity, elasticity, and becomes less durable. And in those areas where the material was subjected to mechanical impact, it is deformed. Due to such deformation, the seal loses its sealing and insulating properties. Most often, this type of material is used for entrance doors.

Silicone gasket

This seal is more suitable for those interior doors that have glass. The material is transparent, so it is practically invisible. A very durable option, but used exclusively for interior doors, ensuring their uninterrupted operation for many years.

Foam rubber

If earlier this type of seal was used quite often for interior doors, now, with the advent of new materials, it is used less and less. Although foam rubber copes quite well with its direct responsibilities as an insulator, however, this material is not at all durable: Usually such a seal is enough for only four to six months of active use.

This is the cheapest sealant, but this cheapness comes at the cost of having to frequently replace the material.


Another name for this seal is fleecy. It can also be used to seal interior doors, however, it will not provide the proper level of sound and heat insulation. What it does an excellent job of is retaining dust, which is why brush models are most often glued to the doors of wardrobes.

Find out more about brush door seals.

Foamed polyurethane

Products made from this material are classified as modern species. Foamed polyurethane is a technologically advanced and high-quality material that can provide an excellent level of insulation, and at the same time serve for a long time and without interruption.

Seals made of this material are now becoming very popular, gradually replacing outdated models. Despite the fact that the material is technologically advanced and still new, it will not be difficult to install it yourself.

All information about types of seals for wooden windows, indicated.

Depending on the installation method: self-adhesive and grooved

In addition to classification by material, seals also differ in their installation technology. According to this criterion, the material can be:

  • grooved;
  • self-adhesive.

The groove version is installed, as the name implies, in a special groove provided for this purpose at the end of the door. However, not all doors are equipped with such a groove, so sometimes using this model is impossible. But when there is a groove, there is no better way to install it: the groove reliably protects soft material from external deformation and wear, so the product lasts a long time without breaking down.

The self-adhesive version is a sealing tape on which an adhesive composition is applied on one side. This material is very convenient - even a person far from any physical work can handle its installation. But this product has a significant disadvantage - fragility. Due to the fact that the material is constantly exposed to external mechanical influences, it quickly wears out and fails. The average service life of this option is a year or two.

Find out what a magnetic seal for metal doors is.

Depending on the purpose: threshold, contour

Products can also be divided into varieties according to their functional purpose. According to this classification, the following categories can be distinguished.

  • Threshold. This type insulating gaskets hide the technological gap between the floor and the door leaf, and at the same time ensure the isolation of rooms from each other. It is attached to the end of the lower part of the door leaf;
  • Fireproof. This type of material is especially relevant for wooden interior doors. During a fire, this gasket stops the smoke for some time, preventing it from penetrating into other rooms;

  • Contour. This type of product is installed around the entire perimeter of the door to provide better insulation. The most commonly used type of material.

Which seal for plastic windows better, it will help you choose.


Let's find out how to install an insulating gasket on an interior door yourself.

The first step is to remove the old seal, if there was one. After the material has been removed, clean the freed area of ​​dirt and dust. To ensure better adhesion, you can walk around the perimeter of the door with a degreasing solution.

If your material is in the form of self-adhesive tape, then first cut a piece of the required length from the coil (with a margin of 2 cm at each end). Remove the protective film from one end and then apply the adhesive side to the door. Thus, slowly removing the film, pull the tape, carefully monitoring the evenness.

At the joints in the corners, the material must first be overlapped. And then use a knife to cut out the corners of the required shape. The angle of the cut should be 45 degrees.

That's it, the work is completed. Open and close the doors several times, making sure that the insulating gasket does not interfere with its movement.

Try to choose the material so that its shade matches the color of the door as closely as possible. In this case, the technological insulating gasket will be invisible and will not damage appearance door leaf.

When installing in a groove, select the product according to size, otherwise installation will then be very difficult or even impossible. When installing the material in the groove, do not stretch it, but, on the contrary, compress it. This technique will preserve the shape of the material and provide better insulation. The product can be cut only after the groove has been filled along its entire length.

Manufacturers and prices of insulation for door frames

Let's find out which of the modern manufacturers can offer the best choice door seals.

Schlegel Q-Lon

This company from Germany offers seals made of modern polyurethane foam. The company provides a ten-year quality guarantee on all its products, and specializes exclusively in the development and production of high-tech and modern door seals.

Price linear meter the simplest and cheapest seal of this brand is 27 rubles. per linear m. More expensive, wide and solid models will cost no less than 48 rubles/linear. m.


This company offers widest choice insulating materials for any doors. You can purchase material in any color and match it to the shade of your door. The cost of a linear meter of a product starts from 30 rubles.


On video installation seal for interior doors:

We examined the features of such an irreplaceable material as a seal for interior doors. As you can see, choosing this material will not be difficult, and installing it will not be difficult either. And our recommendations for choosing a manufacturer will help you purchase a high-quality and durable seal for any interior door.

In function door block includes not only protection from unwanted guests entering the house, but also protection from cold or hot air, foreign odors and noise. There are always gaps where the leaf adjoins the door frame, and seals are used to stop the movement of air through the cracks. Not so long ago, our parents and grandfathers used various auxiliary materials for this - rags, felt, moss and even straw. Today, technological progress has replaced these artisanal methods with more effective and durable ones.

Purpose of door seals

It’s quite easy to understand why seals are installed on doors. Suffice it to remember the refrigerator that is in every home. What would happen if there was no rubber strip on the door? The answer is obvious - this is equivalent to the fact that the door would remain open, and the effect of cooling the products would have to wait a very long time. The cold air inside was constantly mixed with warm air, causing the refrigerator to become an air conditioner that lowers the temperature in the kitchen. To localize the cooling zone, it is necessary to stop the air circulation. This task is performed by the rubber seal.

Similar processes occur with entrance and interior doors. The door leaf is adjacent to the frame with a technological gap of 3–4 mm, otherwise the door simply will not open. Through it, air can freely penetrate both in one and the other direction. If for internal doorways this does not play a special role, then through the entrance doors all year round a stream of either cold or hot, sultry air will move. In winter, cold drafts will begin to blow inside the hallway, and freezing will intensify. In the summer, hot air from the street will appear in the house, and at the same time dust and noise.

Experts estimate that 25 to 30% of heat is lost through an unsealed front door during the cold season. The solution to all problems is an elastic seal that seals the cracks inside the door block and allows you to control air movement.

Air chambers inside the seal increase its thermal insulation properties

Types of door seals

For ease of selection, seals are classified according to the following criteria:

  • according to the material of manufacture (there are rubber, plastic, silicone, foam rubber and polyurethane);
  • according to the intended purpose (for entrance doors or interior doors);
  • according to the installation method (fixation with glue or in a special groove).


Rubber seals are time-tested and are most often used for entrance doors. Specially vulcanized rubber withstands not only moisture, but also a wide range of temperature changes (from -60 to +90 o C). Possible options settings:


An analogue of a rubber seal, adapted for interior doors. It is characterized by softness in operation and lower price, since its resistance to mechanical stress is lower. Used for lightweight doors made of wood and its derivatives - fiberboard, plywood, chipboard, etc.

Silicone seals are installed mainly on interior doors

Foam seals

Foam rubber is the most inexpensive and short-lived type of door seal. Service life is a year, at most two. With intensive use, the material quickly deforms (shrinks and breaks), so the sealing has to be renewed almost every season. Foam rubber is more suitable for insulating deaf people window frames. However, the low price allows you to change the seal as often as you like. The disadvantage is the ability of the porous material to absorb moisture with all the ensuing consequences - freezing and deformation of the junction of the doors and the frame.

The foam seal is available in the form of a twisted rope of various widths


Polyurethane seals are used in sliding doors (compartment, book, sliding, etc.). Their purpose is to minimize gaps, as well as soften impacts. The design feature is that inside the elastic body there is a polyurethane foam filler. Seals are different long term operation and are designed for 15–20 years of service (more than 300,000 opening cycles). They are also used for plastic windows and doors, as they can withstand exposure to UV radiation. The main disadvantage is high price.

Polyurethane seals are used in structures exposed to solar radiation


A relatively new product that arose with the development sliding doors. The junction of the canvas to the frame is not always so smooth that the rubber seal can be properly installed. In these cases, a brush design with bristles made of flexible nylon is used, which allows you to close gaps with an irregular configuration. Such seals are successfully used for revolving and sliding doors (not only interior and entrance doors, but also automobile ones). They are especially often installed on thresholds - where dust accumulates the most. As the blade moves, the brushes “shove out” debris and clean the guide track from contamination. Manufacturers claim (and not without reason) that such a seal is effective in combating dust and freezing. Although its sound permeability is, of course, much higher than that of rubber.

The brush seal is easy to install and slows down air movement at the bottom of the doorway


Magnetic seals are used primarily on metal entry doors where the seal is critical to keeping the home warm. The design of the seal includes a rubber casing and a magnet built into it around the entire perimeter. The force of gravity forces the leaf to press tightly against the door frame, thanks to which the smallest cracks are leveled. In each case, it is important to choose the right magnetic seal: weak attraction will not work effectively enough, and excessive attraction will create difficulties when opening the door. You can take the force of opening a refrigerator door as an example - this is the force with which the magnet should hold the door closed.

The magnetic strip mounted inside the seal has an unlimited service life

Sealing a room using a magnetic seal has received the highest ratings from experts. Air from outside, as well as noise and fine dust, practically does not penetrate into the room. Service life - from 15 years and above (depending on the quality of the rubber band). During operation, it is necessary to ensure that small particles do not fall between the door leaf and the door jamb. metal objects, steel shavings with sharp edges are especially dangerous. The outer rubber gasket must be washed and cleaned of adhering debris at least once a month (the magnet attracts not only metal, but also small electrostatically charged objects).

The bulk of household door seals are unified for self-installation. The only exception is magnetic gaskets; their installation is best left to specialists. Fastening is carried out using glue or a special groove machined into the door block. For household use, self-adhesive tapes are widely used, the surface of which is covered with a moisture-resistant adhesive with a protective film.

When selecting a ready-made factory seal, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • tape thickness;
  • width of the gasket;
  • method of fastening.

I would like to add on my own behalf. There is an old old-fashioned method, which is still relevant today. To determine the thickness of the seal, wrap a piece of soft plasticine (or raw rubber) in plastic bag and jam it against the door in several (at least four) places. It is possible that in the area of ​​the loops the compression will be stronger, and near door handle- less. Based on the imprint on plasticine, the maximum and minimum size compaction and then find the average value. For example, at the hinges the plasticine shrank to 3 mm, and in the opposite corner - to 4 mm. This means that you need to install a tape with a thickness of at least 3.5 mm.

It is believed that in normal operation the gasket compresses by no more than 50% of its thickness.

As for the width of the tape, everything is simple here. It should not exceed the width of the supporting part door jamb- at closed door it should not be visible from the outside.

The fixation method is determined as a result visual inspection door block. If there is no recess in the frame or canvas for installing the seal, it means that the fastening is carried out with glue. If a thin groove (from 3 to 5 mm) is chosen along the entire perimeter, the door is designed for a groove seal.

The compression of the seal should not exceed half its thickness

Installing and replacing seals on various types of doors

The tools needed for self-installation are simple and can be found in every home:

  • pencil or marker;
  • tape measure and ruler;
  • sharp knife;
  • brush with long (2–3 cm) bristles.

To install the brush seals, you will additionally need a hacksaw.

The glue used is waterproof, preferably rubber. Acetone solvents and sandpaper are used to degrease and clean the edge of the door.

When working with solvents, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from toxic fumes with a respirator.

If the old seal is being replaced, it is necessary to remove the used tape from the doors and carefully treat the surface with fine sandpaper. Before directly gluing the tape, the end of the frame (or canvas) is washed and degreased. Small tubercles are ground off, and small depressions are puttied (pre-filled with glue and dried).

Depending on the type of gasket, there are certain installation nuances. After familiarizing yourself with them, everyone will be able to install thermal insulating tape on their door themselves.

Sealing metal doors

Since a metal door has a smooth surface, self-adhesive or simply adhesive seals are most often used. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The main mistake when working with silicone and rubber products is excessive tape tension. You cannot tighten the gasket during installation; it must be laid in a loose, “relaxed” state.

Video: how to properly glue a seal to an iron entrance door

Installation of seals in wooden doors

On wooden base The seal is mounted in two ways - with glue (we discussed it above) and in a groove. The second method is considered more reliable. The procedure for installing the seal in this case is as follows:

When preparing a wooden door for sealing, the material should not be overly moistened. The glue will come off very quickly from damp wood. If moisture does get on the canvas or frame, you must wait until the wood is completely dry and only then glue the seal. To speed up drying, use a hair dryer.

Installing a seal in a plastic door

Plastic doors are equipped with seals at the manufacturing stage. IN living conditions Most often it is important to replace a used part. The door design includes a special molding (groove) for installing the seal on the adhesive. Therefore, to replace you need:

Installation of brush seals in sliding doors

Sliding doors are most often equipped with brush seals. Sometimes they are also called antithresholds. By virtue of design features installation of brushes differs from installation of rubber and silicone gaskets. They are mounted at the bottom of the door or (less often) at the side end.

The installation diagram is very simple. If the door is level and smooth surface, the brushes are glued to double-sided tape. If there are doubts about the strength of the adhesive layer, the fixation can be further strengthened with screws. Installation work steps brush seal are:

Some models of brushes are attached using brush holders - special metal or plastic profiles. Most often they are used on doors with large dimensions - in garages, warehouses, etc. In this case, a mounting profile is first installed, and then the brushes themselves are attached to it.

Video: installing a brush seal on a door

Sections of the article:

Metal entrance doors are reliable protection from unauthorized entry into the home. However, in winter such structures allow cold to pass through and heat to escape from the room. This is how about 50% of the heat generated is lost heating system. Energy tariffs are quite high and therefore many are trying to somehow solve the problem of heat loss through cracks, as well as the noise problem.

Most people use highly efficient insulation modern materials. But that's only half the story. To minimize heat loss, you should use a seal for metal doors. What is it, how to choose the appropriate option, how many varieties of these products are there? Answers to all questions in our article.

Tasks of door seals

The seal is an element of hardware for metal doors. The main problem to be solved similar products– reliable protection of the premises from the penetration of drafts, as well as various foreign odors. In addition, with the help of a seal for the front door, you can achieve high sealing - the door leaf will adhere to the frame with maximum density.

Requirements for sealing parts

There are certain requirements for sealing products.

This part must provide high tightness. A high-quality door system can reliably protect a home from extraneous noise from the entrance or from the street, from humidity, various small debris, and also from odors.

The sealing element must ensure a reliable and smooth closing process. The material from which such fittings are made must fully comply with certain standards for impermeability to moisture, odors, as well as shock-absorbing capabilities.

Such a fitting element completely eliminates the loud and sharp sounds that usually occur when closing a door. steel door. With a seal for metal doors, the closing process should be completely silent.

In winter, the part may be subject to significant temperature changes - the material must be able to withstand such loads. The sealant should not change its properties, namely harden or lose elasticity. A high-quality element works well together with the door leaf. During the closing process, even small gaps should not form.

Another requirement is fire safety. The rubber seal should prevent smoke from entering the room.

Types of seals

Products are differentiated depending on the material. Yes, there are rubber seals, products made of silicone, polyurethane, plastic and foam rubber.

Rubber products: advantages and features

Sealant for metal doors of this type It is highly resistant to various external factors, as well as durable.

Among the advantages of installing these products are: high level impermeability of moisture and air, high stability before exposure to ultraviolet radiation, prolonged exposure to precipitation, temperature changes. These elements also have a long service life and low price. Even in the most bad conditions the rubber will not crack.

They are made from special oil- and acid-resistant rubber of food or high-tech quality. The composition uses special modifiers that provide the material with high durability even in harsh conditions. Also, these elements can be made of special porous rubber. It retains heat much better than usual. Often, such solutions are self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies installation.

In most cases, such a seal is a hollow and fairly dense profile. Due to the fact that the rubber is thick, a reliable and tight fit of the door leaf to the frame is ensured.

Silicone sealing elements

This material is almost in no way inferior to rubber and is also ideal as a seal for metal doors. Among the advantages of silicone solutions are: environmental Safety and the absence of any substances harmful to humans. In addition, silicone does not cause allergies.

But in terms of durability, rubber is still better. Even with the help of special additives it is not possible to achieve high levels of material safety over time.


Such products are easy to install, as they are equipped with a special adhesive layer. These elements are very rarely installed on metal doors - they do not have the necessary characteristics. In addition, the material is too dense and not durable for an entrance door. However, such products are characterized by a low price.

Mounting types

There are sealing elements with self-adhesive tape, with magnetic fastening, and also with an additional clamping mechanism. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Magnetic seals

This new product appeared on our construction markets relatively recently, but has already become quite popular.

A magnetic seal for metal doors is a special frame that exactly follows the contours of the door opening. The product consists of a special magnetic insert, as well as a soft sealing part. The material used is thermoplastic elastomer. It has several advantages - after the product is worn out, it can be sent for recycling. In addition, thermoplastic elastomer has high resistance to unfavorable factors and temperature changes.

Magnetic seals are also resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture, reliably protecting the room from extraneous noise and drafts, dust and dirt. With these elements the door will slam shut quietly, and powerful magnets will attract the metal leaf to the door frame, thereby ensuring high tightness and silent closing.

For metal doors, triple seals should be used. The first two are located on the canvas, and the third is on the door frame.

Advantages and disadvantages

The production material used is thermoplastic elastomer, which replicates the properties of vulcanized rubber. Manufacturers assure that the service life of the product can reach up to 10 years, without any loss of quality.

Magnets help hide various defects, which could have been allowed when installing the doors. These are gaps between the canvas and the box, backlashes. This device will help increase the strength characteristics of the door leaf.

There are also disadvantages - if the manufacturer used very powerful magnets, then children may have difficulty opening and closing the door. If the magnets are weak, then the structure will open in much the same way as a refrigerator door. Such products are no better than ordinary sealing fittings.

Another disadvantage is the high price and non-repairability. If there are any problems with sealing, you will not be able to solve the problem yourself. You will need the help of specialists.

Installation of magnetic seals

This process will not take much time and will not require any special skills. Of course, it is better if professionals do this. Such systems are installed on canvases where there are no decorative elements.

Although this seal for metal doors has many advantages, it is not suitable for everyone. The main thing is to choose the right strength of the permanent magnet so that children do not have any difficulties.

Features of the selection and installation of self-adhesive seals

When choosing such an element of fittings, it is necessary to clarify whether the adhesive layer is suitable at the time of purchase. It is also not recommended to use a foam rubber seal on a metal door - these elements have a low price, but they place serious loads on the front door. Foam rubber will quickly become unusable.

When choosing, it is very important to study all the information about the manufacturer and materials. Expiration date and other issues are also important. specifications. To check the tightness, just press on the product - if it quickly regains its shape, then you can buy it.

If the attachment to the adhesive layer seems unreliable, you can additionally glue the product with silicone glue. Color is also important when choosing - there are several different shades.

Installation involves gluing a seal around the perimeter of the door. Anyone can do this - the process is very simple.

How to choose a sealing element for a metal door

Before purchasing and installing any seals, you should select the shape and type of product. These materials are sold in roll form. The average length of one is 600 mm. For ordinary standard door, this length will be more than enough.

The shape is selected according to the gaps. They must be measured first. Plasticine will help with this. It should be wrapped in a bag and placed in the gap when the door is closed. Then using measuring instruments determine the length of the gap.

For thicknesses from 1 to 3 mm, a rectangular profile made of absolutely any materials is suitable. Best for metal door- rubber. If the gap is more than 3 mm, then rubber with a profile type C, K or E should be used. If the length of the gap is from 3 to 5 mm, a profile type P or V is required. In all gaps larger than 5 mm, type D or type seals are used O.

Helpful information

Seal for wooden doors

Wood doors are among the safest and most environmentally friendly solutions in home interior design, but over time they tend to deform when dry and lead to heat loss in the room. To eliminate drafts and achieve good sound insulation at home, the TBM-Market company recommends purchasing a sealant for wooden doors, which will allow you to carefully close the gaps in structures and ensure high density their junctions.

Advantages of seals for wooden doors

Modern seals for wooden doors act as an optimal barrier against cold, dust, noise and odors from the kitchen. Thanks to their shock-absorbing properties, they soften the impact of the canvas on the frame, which significantly extends the service life wooden structure. In addition, after installing them, you can forget about the annoying slamming and squeaking of doors, which becomes a serious problem for many residents of the house.

Structurally, the seal for interior doors is a flexible or rigid profile of a broken configuration, which is attached to the grooves door frame or along its perimeter using self-adhesive tape. In its production, thermoplastic elastomer and water-saturated sodium silicate with glass fibers are most often used, which completely excludes air from entering the room.

Sales of seals for wooden doors is one of the core areas of work of the TBM-Market company. We cooperate with leading European manufacturers and offer our customers a wide range of reliable products with many significant advantages:

  • environmentally friendly - the seals sold do not emit toxins and do not have negative influence on people's health;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures (both winter frosts, and to summer heat);
  • the ability to quickly restore its shape after compression and deformation;
  • increased level of noise protection;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high wear resistance;
  • comfortable clamp;
  • resistance to microorganisms, ozone and ultraviolet rays.

By contacting our online store, you can purchase really high-quality seals for interior doors that will reliably serve for many years.

Types of seals for interior doors

The choice of a particular seal largely depends on the scope of its application and installation method. The main criteria for purchasing are the tightness of the accessory, the ability to retain its properties after deforming processes, and softness, which helps the door to absorb and soften impacts on the door frame. Based on my functional purpose, products are divided into several varieties:

  • Threshold - mounted on the lower end of the door leaf. Thanks to their design, they can completely replace thresholds and improve the tightness of the door. The seal operates only when closing, completely hiding the gap between the canvas and the floor.
  • Contour - mounted around the entire perimeter of the door frame in order to prevent impact external factors. Such a seal for wooden doors can be installed both on the leaf and on door slopes, creating comfortable conditions living in rooms without odors and drafts.
  • Fireproof ones - like contour ones, are installed around the entire perimeter, but protect not only from noise and cold, but also from possible fire. Due to their increased density and resistance to high temperatures, they help protect the room from fire and prevent the penetration of smoke and harmful products combustion.

In the TBM-Market company catalog you will find any of the above seals for interior doors and can make a profitable purchase by ordering products at an affordable price. Our consultants have many years of experience in working with door accessories and will help you choose the most appropriate solution for insulating your home and minimizing possible heat loss. We provide free delivery of your order to any point in Moscow or the region, which will make your purchase more efficient and as comfortable as possible!


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