Ceiling in a wooden house - step-by-step instructions for finishing it yourself. How to cover the ceiling - classic and modern in modern renovation Original ceilings in a wooden house

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The use of wood as a building material is gaining increasing popularity. A modern wooden house is not just a structure made of logs and boards. First of all, this is a style that includes both the appearance of the house and the design of the premises inside.

Wooden walls look good and retain heat well. Ceilings in a wooden house are no less important; they must correspond to the overall style, have a decent appearance and at the same time be no less warm than the walls.

Requirements for materials for finishing ceilings in a wooden house

Ceilings wooden house have their own design features and are lightweight structures made of beam floors and flooring assembled from boards. The space between the beams is usually filled with thermal insulation material.

The ceiling finish should be light, retain heat and provide sound insulation.

Basic requirements for materials for finishing ceilings in a wooden house:

    Safety. It is necessary that the materials for finishing the ceilings are strong and reliable, and also meet the requirements fire safety and did not emit harmful substances both in normal and heated states.

    Durability. The longer it lasts finishing material for a ceiling without the need for repairs, the better.

    Appearance. It is necessary that the materials for finishing the ceiling are in harmony with the walls, creating a unified design and making the rooms cozy and attractive.

Ceiling in the living room of a wooden house, trimmed with wood

Preference should be given natural materials, which are able to ensure sufficient air circulation inside the ceiling structure. In addition, the combination of finishing material with the general style of the premises is important.

Preparing the ceiling structure for finishing

Preparatory work includes antiseptic treatment of ceiling structural elements. In rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen, bathhouse), it is necessary to additionally treat the surfaces with special moisture-protective agents.

Don't forget about fire resistance. To do this, the wood is impregnated with special compounds that prevent burning. The finishing material made of wood must be subjected to the same treatment. This will significantly increase the service life and prevent possible deformation of the finishing elements.

Before sheathing the ceiling, it needs to be insulated. Any thermal insulation materials are suitable for this. Insulation can be done from the inside by hiding thermal insulation under the sheathing or from the side of the attic.

The preparation also includes laying electrical wiring and other engineering communications, if they are not carried out during the construction of the house.

Materials and their features

When choosing what to cover the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to take into account not only the quality and cost of the materials, but also the general style of decoration of the premises. Sometimes ceilings in wooden houses are not finished with anything on the inside; they are left as is and insulated only from the attic side. Exposed beams on the ceiling will help create a unique country house style, for example, one of the country styles.

If the thickness of the timber or logs used to build the house allows you to do without internal insulation and finishing, the wooden ceiling will fit perfectly with the walls. In addition, wood has unique properties: It absorbs excess moisture from the air and releases it if the air becomes too dry. In addition, wood retains heat well and is a good noise insulator.

The most popular material for finishing ceilings is wood. For additional ceiling cladding with wood, you can use following materials:

  • veneer panels;

If the house is insulated from the inside and the walls are hidden under finishing that will not combine with wood, you can use plastic, plasterboard for cladding the ceiling, or install suspended ceilings.


The most economical and simple option for finishing the ceiling is plywood. Typically, multi-layer plywood made from high-quality veneer is used. The large dimensions and light weight of the plywood board allow for easy and quick installation.


Lightweight and environmentally friendly pure material for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house - lining. Pairs perfectly with the wooden walls of the house. To save money, you can choose an inexpensive type of wood. The lining is easy to install thanks to the longitudinal tongue and groove at the ends.

The lining is divided into several classes:

    Extra class - lining of the highest quality without knots and irregularities. Expensive wood is used for manufacturing;

    Class A and B - slats and panels with minor defects that do not affect strength;

    Class C - a budget option. The panels are made from inexpensive types of wood and may have irregularities and a large number of knots.

Veneered panels

Essentially, veneer panels are the same lining, but with some differences. They are produced using the same technology, but a thin veneer of expensive wood is glued to a panel made of inexpensive wood, but not to the lining. The result is an imitation of a ceiling made of expensive wood. In addition, veneer panels may differ in size from lining.


Solid wood is made only from expensive types of wood; it is highly durable and can last for several decades. The ceiling made of “thoroughbred” solid wood looks very solid, but its price is quite significant.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are an inexpensive and practical option for finishing ceilings country house allowing you to save on material. Plastic panels are easy and quick to install, do not require additional finishing materials, and if damaged they are easy to replace.

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The most common finishing material not only for ceilings, but also for walls is plasterboard. With its help you can easily implement any design projects. Drywall has sufficient breathability, providing an optimal level of humidity. The only drawback is the need for additional finishing.

To install plasterboard on the ceiling, a frame is required. The sheets are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. The frame can be wooden or metal, assembled from a special profile.

The ceiling can be made multi-level, with built-in lighting. Drywall soaked in water can be easily shaped into almost any shape. This property is ideal for creating unusual designs.

Stretch ceiling

Material for suspended ceilings PVC film or seamless polyester fabric is used. The main advantage is that the stretched fabric retains its shape as the new home shrinks. The disadvantage is the impossibility of repair. In case of damage, the structure has to be completely changed.


Laminate can be used as a ceiling covering. This material has good performance thermal insulation, durable and does not require special care.

The only condition for installation: the ceiling surface must be perfectly flat.

Features of installation of slatted wooden ceilings

Installation of a slatted ceiling involves fastening the sheathing elements to a sheathing assembled from timber. The hanging frame is attached to load-bearing structure ceiling. Slats and panels can be attached to the frame without gaps, joining with grooves ( closed type) or at a distance, forming a small gap ( open type). It is also possible to install decorative inserts in the gaps between the slats.

The rack type of suspended ceiling allows you to solve the problem of laying utilities, such as electrical wiring and ventilation ducts. The free space inside the structure can be filled with thermal insulation material.

Features of installing lining on a wooden ceiling

The most common and available material for a wooden slatted ceiling - lining. It is used for closed type cladding.

Slatted ceiling made of lining in a modern style

The lining for ceiling cladding has the following dimensions:

    canvas length from 2 to 4 m;

    width from 70 to 150 mm;

    thickness from 10 to 25 mm.

Knowing the dimensions of the room, calculate required amount material will not be difficult.

When choosing lining made from inexpensive wood, you should buy several slats more than the calculated quantity in case of gross defects.

Pine beams are usually used as the base (frame). Its transverse size must be at least 40×40 mm. The amount of timber is calculated based on the length of the perimeter of the room, the length and number of load-bearing central beams and the number of hangers for attaching the sheathing to the main ceiling.

Installation of the frame should begin by marking the perimeter of the room. To do this, beat a line along the walls on required height, accuracy is controlled using a building level.

The next stage is attaching the guide beam using nails or self-tapping screws. To do this, you need to drill through holes or use furniture corners as fastenings.

Video description

For more information on how to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house with clapboard, watch the video

Further along the bottom of the guide beam from wall to wall, a nylon thread or fishing line is pulled as a “beacon”. This is necessary for alignment in the plane of the supporting structure. The supporting beams are attached at an equal distance, guided by a stretched fishing line.

All that remains is to fasten the lining panels to the frame: the first strip and all subsequent ones are attached to the sheathing at the points of contact with nails or small screws. To tightly join the panels together, you can use a rubber hammer.

It is impossible to sheathe the ceiling close to the walls and load-bearing elements. There should be a small gap in case the wood expands as humidity increases. The gaps can be covered with decorative plinth.

Inexpensive options for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house

When choosing what to decorate the ceiling in a private home, you need to focus not only on the appearance and other qualities of the material, but also on the price category.

If you need to save a little, then an alternative to expensive finishing materials can be their imitation. For example, a ceiling made of plastic panels can be of any color and texture. Wood-like plastic looks good in combination with natural wood on the walls.

White seamless panels can compete with expensive stretch ceilings.

MDF panels laminated to match the texture of wood are also suitable for wooden walls. It is easy to pass off pine wood lining as a valuable type of wood by impregnating it with stain and opening it with varnish. The same can be done with plywood.

Designer ceiling decorations

The ceiling can be the most unusual part of the interior. The use of various combinations of materials and elements can create a certain mood and style direction.

Decorative panels

Wood panels, made to order for a specific room, are the most expensive type of covering. Solids of valuable wood are often used, and wood carvings are used as decoration.

Raised timber and beams

You can profitably use elements of the ceiling structure to decorate it. The simplest one, but effective way decorate a wooden ceiling - dark tanks against the background of a light ceiling canvas. This design visually increases the space. If the beams are hidden under the sheathing, you can attach a false beam.

Alfrey finish

Alfreina is the name given to artistic decoration. This work is carried out using various methods: rolling a pattern with a roller or printing through a stencil, pulling out panels, trimming the painted surface.

This type of finishing is rarely used; it goes well with classic antique styles, but does not always fit into modern design.

Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house: several examples in the photo


The choice of material for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house depends primarily on individual preferences and budget. If you have decided to decorate the ceilings in your wooden house, but have not yet decided on the choice of material and design, contact professionals who will be happy to help you not only choose what to cover the ceiling with, but will also do this work efficiently. With skill and creative approach specialists, the ceiling will become the main decoration of the interior.

Construction of wooden houses in suburban areas is becoming increasingly popular. The natural beauty of wood, aesthetically attractive appearance, ease of installation of the structure are just a few of the advantages for which wooden houses are so valued. However, in addition to the construction of housing, its finishing will be required, consisting of several stages, one of which is the design of the ceiling surface.

Ceilings in wooden houses can be made from various materials, but we must not forget that each of them must fit harmoniously into the overall style of the room and continue it.

Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house: design methods

Ceilings in wooden houses are lightweight structures based on beams. Due to the minimal load they place on general structure, such ceiling surfaces are characterized by a long service life and reliability. The materials used for cladding ceilings can be: various options. But first it is necessary to understand the main features associated with the construction of such houses.

First of all, the natural shrinkage of the log house, which in the future can lead to deformation of the ceiling surface. It is this factor that should be taken as a starting point when deciding how to cover the ceiling of a wooden house inside. It is better if natural materials are used for such work, providing suitable air humidity and the required level of ventilation. For example, the same tree. But you can use other ceiling coverings depending on your financial capabilities and installation method.

You can sew up a ceiling in a wooden house:

  • Clapboard.
  • Plywood.
  • PVC panels.

And yet, how to decide what to decorate the ceilings in a wooden house? From what designer style is supposed to be indoors, you should start when choosing materials for finishing the ceiling surface.

DIY ceiling in a wooden house: preparing the surface for work

After the question of how to finish the ceiling surface has been resolved, it is necessary to prepare it for the main process. Regardless of the chosen option, installation of the material should begin only after high-quality treatment of the main ceiling with antiseptics. Wooden elements will also need a primer if they are chosen as the basis for the design.

In the case where the base surface is roof structure elements treated with preparations during the construction stage, work on the installation of thermal insulation materials can immediately begin. This can be a material produced in the form of slabs or rolls, laid between beams and covered with sheathing. Thermal insulation is necessary to prevent heat from escaping from the room and to protect the room from extraneous sounds if there is an upper floor.

As a thermal insulation material to insulate ceilings in a wooden house, you can use:

  • Mineral wool.
  • Expanded polystyrene.
  • Felt or jute.
  • Fibrolite.
  • Reed slabs, etc.

If you decide to finish the ceiling in a wooden house yourself, you need to prepare the necessary tools in advance: a tape measure, a level, electric drill and a screwdriver, hacksaw, construction knife, finishing materials.

Important! Ceiling installation can begin only after natural shrinkage of the main residential structure.

The gap between the mounted ceiling and the wooden walls must be at least 5 mm, since air humidity and temperature fluctuations affect changes in the size of the base material, which can lead to deformation of the ceiling covering. You can hide the cracks using ceiling skirting boards or galette depending on the option chosen.

How to make a ceiling in a wooden house: installation of various types of coatings

1. Wooden lining

The presented photographs were taken from real objects
  • Good heat and sound insulation.
  • Concealment of visible defects formed during the construction phase.
  • No preliminary grinding or leveling of the ceiling surface is required.
  • Long service life of the material if high-quality treatment of the lining with protective compounds is carried out at the installation stage.

A lining ceiling will visually change the size of the room when the right way laying the material. If the installation is carried out parallel to a narrow wall, this will expand the room. Laying the lining diagonally will enliven the interior.

Installation of the lining is carried out on the sheathing.

Important point! For residential rooms will do option “lining - wooden sheathing”. Where there is high humidity, it is better to use metal or plastic slats in combination with lining.

The step between the lathing slats should be at least 50 cm, the location of the bars should be strictly horizontal, forming a single plane. Before installing the lining, it is necessary to provide locations for electrical wiring for lighting fixtures.

The ceiling is covered with clapboard perpendicular to the slats. The first plank, on which the tenon is pre-cut, is attached with a slight indentation from the wall (the required gap is 5 mm), after which it is screwed to the sheathing using self-tapping screws from the front of the material. The caps can be covered with a plinth.

Next, a ridge is inserted into the groove of the first board. The elements are fixed to each other with light blows of a hammer through a piece wooden board so as not to damage the material. The protrusions of the groove are attached to the sheathing with metal clips and nails. The entire wooden ceiling made of clapboard is installed using this type.

For finishing, eurolining can be used, which differs from simple lining in its improved lock design and high physical properties.

Plywood ceilings are not often used as a material when necessary in a private wooden house.

And in vain. By finishing ceilings with plywood you can achieve original design and a flat surface.

Plywood is distinguished by the following parameters:

  • Moisture resistance. Coating with a layer of laminate makes the sheets durable.
  • Grades. There are five types of plywood in total, each of which can be used for cladding the ceiling surface.
  • Processing methods: untreated, sanded on one or both sides.
  • Appearance – decoration with plastic, patterns or “underneath” natural wood».

To the rough ceiling to be finished, you need to install a sheathing made of wooden slats or aluminum profile. You can attach plywood to the sheathing using nails or self-tapping screws. We will hide the joints under putty or sew them with a wooden strip.

They can also be used to decorate a ceiling with wooden beams. Such suspended ceilings They will help out if the rough surface is severely deformed or there are noticeable flaws on it. The result at the end of the work will be good and even.

There are two methods of installing a plasterboard ceiling according to the mounting methods:

On a wooden frame. This option is ideal for creating a regular single-level ceiling. At the same time, the wood for the frame must be of very high quality.

You must proceed as follows:

  • Determine the most bottom corner room and, stepping back 5 cm from it, draw along the perimeter of the room horizontal line.
  • Then attach wooden blocks and slats in a circular manner along the entire length of the room. The distance between them should be 80 cm.
  • After this, fix the supporting strips across them at a distance of 50 cm. Drywall will be attached to them in the future.
  • On a metal frame.

This method is reliable and involves the following sequence of actions:

  • The ceiling is marked according to the first method.
  • Metal guides are attached horizontally to self-tapping screws or dowels.
  • Next, the profile is fastened at a distance of 40 cm from each other perpendicular to the guides.
  • The structure is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • To increase the rigidity of the sheathing, hangers are used.

The drywall is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws in increments of 25 cm. The heads of the screws need to be slightly “recessed” into the surface of the sheets. In the future, they can be covered with putty.

They represent non-standard variations in finishing the ceiling surface in log houses. Budget-friendly, but nevertheless beautiful ceilings, ideal for a wooden house. Ready material polyvinyl chloride does not require further painting or processing. The main thing is to choose the right color.

Initially, a frame is installed from a metal profile or wooden slats in increments of 40-50 cm, which are screwed to the beam surface. Next, a starting profile is mounted along the entire perimeter of the room, into which PVC plates are then inserted. Each ceiling board made of polyvinyl chloride is fixed with self-tapping screws to the sides of the frame rail. The final finishing consists of decorating the structure with ceiling plinths.

To give the ceiling originality, any of the selected materials can be decorated with wallpaper, curly moldings, stucco molding, small wooden slats, or individual parts can be painted.

Installation of an insulated ceiling with visible beams video instructions

How to cover the ceiling in a wooden house inside so that it is beautiful, practical and environmentally friendly is not an easy question. Not all types of finishing are compatible with wood, a material with a distinct natural origin. When choosing, you need to focus on the design direction and texture of the walls. If this country style, then beams and imitation logs will go, for a luxurious living room a smooth texture is more appropriate, new technologies fit into the modern interior - tension and suspended structures.

The design of the ceiling of a wooden house has its own specifics. Due to the relatively light beam floor to which the ceiling elements are attached, wooden walls carry much less load. A heat-insulating ball and vapor barrier are placed between the beams, a rough ceiling is mounted under the insulation, and half an attic or top floor.

Slat and beam ceiling trim

Rough ceiling - the basis for decoration

The initial stage of finishing the ceiling in a wooden house involves the construction of a rough ceiling. For its manufacture, a beam is used, which is installed on the edge. By reducing the installation step, this method strengthens the entire ceiling structure.

Using nails, cranial bars are secured to the sides of the beams. They will be the basis of the surface draft ceiling. For the covering, it is necessary to prepare boards by cutting them according to the right sizes. Their length should be a little less distance between the beams. The finished boards need to be laid out so that a perfectly even coating is obtained.

Before hemming the ceiling wooden beams, you need to treat with antiseptics that protect the wood from pests, fungus, and mold.

Rough ceiling

Design and selection of material for vapor barrier

In order to limit the penetration of steam from the room into the insulation, a vapor barrier ball is installed. The lack of moisture does not allow mold and fungi to develop in the wooden part of the ceiling.

Exist different types vapor barrier films:

  • Polyethylene standard vapor barrier film. Serves to prevent the formation of condensation.
  • Foil vapor barrier with improved insulating properties and reflective heat. This film is best used in conditions high humidity.
  • The membrane film controls the amount of humid air leaving the room.
  • Membrane film with variable vapor permeability. The higher the humidity in the room, the more throughput isolation.

Vapor barrier layer in the ceiling pie

The vapor barrier film is first rolled out on the surface, after which its edges are rolled up and secured. The ends of the material should overlap. If the film rests on elements of the ceiling or other assembly, it cannot be cut. In this case, they bend and fasten.

Thermal insulation layer to save resources

It is necessary to insulate the ceilings in a wooden house. It has been proven that up to 30% of heat loss occurs through cracks in ceilings. For this purpose, you can use different thermal insulation materials:

  • Mineral wool. This versatile fiber material is made from mineral raw materials. Its advantage is that it does not burn.
  • Ecowool. Insulation made from cellulose and other non-volatile substances. Does not rot, does not support combustion, has good insulating properties.
  • Granular insulation. Its components are sawdust, antiseptic and glue. With good thermal insulation properties inferior in terms of sound insulation.
  • Styrofoam. Inexpensive and lightweight material, which can be easily and quickly installed. The disadvantage is that it supports combustion, mice often breed in it, and over time the foam can crumble.
  • Expanded clay. Made from clay. This porous material has high fire resistance and increased sound insulation.

Ceiling insulation

The heat-insulating ball is mounted on top of vapor barrier film. The insulation should tightly fill the entire space between the beams. To do this, the insulation in the slabs is cut, but not to size, but 2-4 cm larger than the interblock distance. The mineral wool is laid end-to-end, and a small gap is left between the foam balls that needs to be filled polyurethane foam.

Methods of covering ceilings for finishing

After the installation of the rough ceiling, vapor barrier and insulation has been carried out, you can begin cladding. It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which ceiling is better in a wooden house - there are many finishing options. The final choice depends on the interior design style of the house itself. The main types of ceilings are suspended and suspended. But in Lately there is a tendency for owners to decline wooden houses to suspended types of ceilings made of film and fabric.

With the help of hemming and suspended ceilings you can quickly, beautifully and reliably give your interior a finished look. Basically, in a wooden house, wood is used for this purpose. But other materials also have a right to life.

The scheme is quite simple. First, a frame is assembled onto which the covering parts are attached, making up a solid pattern. The designs differ only in the presence of a suspension. The hemmed option involves the use of a frame that is rigidly attached to the rough floor.

Laminate ceiling

Sheathing with boards or clapboards - design options and installation technology

Before making a ceiling in a private house, please note that to cover it in wooden building It is better to choose a board, wooden paneling or MDF. Plastic panels in this case will be inappropriate. For an original design, you can choose laminate, and a block house looks great in a house made of timber.

The appeal of choosing wood finishes


  • Environmental friendliness. Panels, like the boards on the ceiling in the house, are made from wood material without the use of resins and harmful phenol.
  • Design. The color, texture and width of the cladding can be selected for each specific interior.
  • Water resistance. The material is not afraid of moisture, which makes it possible to install it in bathrooms, saunas, and kitchens.
  • Easy care. To clean the lining, simply wipe it with a damp cloth without using cleaning agents.
  • Functionality. All necessary communications can be easily placed inside the structure of such a ceiling.

Finishing option

DIY installation instructions

Technologically, the installation process is practically the same and includes several stages:

  1. The last plank needs to be cut not only in length, but also in width, not forgetting to leave gaps from the walls. In addition, it must be secured in the same way as the first.
  2. Holes for spotlights can be made before or after installing the panels on the ceiling.
  3. Final finishing work includes the installation of lamps and plinths, the function of which is to embellish the interior of the room, as well as hide the seams between the ceiling and the wall. If desired, the material can be coated with colorless varnish.

Ceiling made of lining

Plywood sheathing is an economical choice

Question: how to make ceilings in a house can be solved by using ordinary or waterproof plywood as a material for filing.

Plywood looks decent

Advantages of plywood for ceiling finishing

This product has several advantages:

  • Naturalness. The natural components of plywood create a favorable indoor climate, filling it with the aroma of wood.
  • Light weight. The sheets will not create loads on the base.
  • Moisture resistance. Treated plywood performs well in conditions of high humidity.
  • Price. Plywood ceilings in a wooden house are an order of magnitude lower than most other options.
  • Strength. Thanks to its multi-layer structure, plywood has a greater degree of strength.

Plywood is based on wood

Of the obvious shortcomings, only two can be identified: the material supports combustion and is afraid of water.

Two technologies for installing plywood sheathing

Installation of plywood on the ceiling in a wooden house is done on a wooden sheathing made of bars. For cladding, sheets with a thickness of 4-8 mm are used. Thin sheets can be installed with glue, thicker ones can be nailed to the frame or screwed with self-tapping screws.

FK plywood is considered the most environmentally friendly. It has virtually no harmful substances, and the binder between the layers is urea glue. Let's consider both options for attaching plywood sheets to the base.

Mechanical installation:

  1. During primary fixation, the slab is placed in the middle of the block and secured in one place.
  2. After this, the plywood is aligned with other bars and finally secured.
  3. For installation, nails are used, the length of which is twice the thickness of the sheet.
  4. If self-tapping screws are used, holes must be drilled for them before screwing them into the panels.
  5. Fastening is carried out in increments of 15-25 cm, and in the middle of the sheet - 25-45 cm. In this case, you need to retreat from the edge by at least 1 cm.
  6. Between adjacent sheets, as well as at the walls, it is necessary to leave a compensation gap of 2-3 mm.

View before finishing

Gluing plywood:

  1. The sheets are cut into 2-3 parts
  2. Glue is applied to the plywood and smoothed with a notched trowel.
  3. After this, the panels are fixed to the base and pressed tightly for 1 minute.
  4. It is important not to forget about the compensation gap.
  5. For gluing to wooden base you can use PVA glue.

Plywood ceiling

Before hemming the ceiling in a private house, the plywood must be kept in the room for at least two days. A hand jigsaw is suitable for cutting plywood. Circular Saw or a fine-toothed hacksaw.

Finishing - installing a plinth between the ceiling and the wall, as well as hiding the gaps between the sheets with wooden slats if they are very noticeable. The ceiling can be varnished.

Ceiling "pie" diagram

Practical and quick plasterboard covering

Plasterboard ceilings are most relevant when it is necessary to level a very uneven surface. There are two main ways to attach drywall to a wooden house: wooden base from bars and on a traditional metal frame.

Drywall in a timber house

Features of installation on a wooden frame

A wooden frame for drywall is more suitable if the task is to make a simple single-level ceiling. At the same time, various types of imperfections are perfectly hidden without losing the height of the room. But you need to remember that for such a frame you can only use well-dried wood High Quality.


  1. First, you should determine the lowest point of the base, step back 5 cm from it and, using a level, draw a horizontal line around the perimeter of the room.
  2. After that, along this horizontal line in a circle, fasten the slats and bars along the length of the room in increments of 80 cm.
  3. Attach supporting strips perpendicularly to them in increments of 50 cm, which will become the basis for the drywall.

Metal carcass

Sheathing technology on a metal frame

A metal frame for attaching drywall is more reliable. Its design includes guide profiles that hold the ceiling frame, and rack profiles, to which the plasterboard sheet is mounted.

Installation procedure:

  1. By analogy with a wooden frame, the ceiling level is set and guide profiles are attached around the perimeter using self-tapping screws or dowels.
  2. A guide profile is attached to them in increments of 40 cm.
  3. The entire structure is fastened with self-tapping screws.
  4. To increase rigidity you need to use suspensions.
  5. If you plan to install a chandelier or lampshade to illuminate a room in the future, it is advisable to install mortgages that will hold the lamp. For this purpose, several rack profiles need to be attached to the frame in place of the lighting fixture.

Combination of drywall and wood

Installation plasterboard sheets begins with marking the drywall according to the size of the room and cutting it out. The plates are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws every 25 cm. In this case, their heads are slightly recessed into the panels. A sickle mesh is glued to the joints between the sheets, after which the drywall is primed, puttyed and painted.

Modern design

Fashionable and stylish ceiling with beams

Ceilings with beams in a private home help decorate the interior with clear lines. This type of cladding can be done using beams made of natural wood or decorative beams, or, as they are also called, false beams. Both options have a number of advantages - ease of installation, natural origin, attractive appearance.

A hint of country

On initial stage During installation, a tracer cord is stretched, with the help of which the degree of horizontality of the ceiling and frame is checked. The quality of assembly of the finished ceiling depends on this.

As for the installation itself, in the case of wooden beams everything is quite simple: they are nailed or screwed with long screws to a ready-made base.

Combination of beams with lining

With false beams it’s a little more complicated. First, the frame is made. To do this, you can use a metal profile or a wooden beam. The second option makes it a little easier to attach the false beam. You can already attach it to the finished frame decorative beams.

TO metal profiles they are screwed with self-tapping screws, and nailed to wooden beams with finishing nails. If the beam does not adhere tightly to the ceiling, wedges can be placed under it, and fastening can be done with longer self-tapping screws.

Ceiling with false beams

Modern types of suspended ceilings

The problem of how best to hem the ceiling in a private house can be solved with the help of stretch ceilings. They come in film and fabric, look good, fit perfectly with wooden interior, easy to install and easy to maintain. In addition, the film and fabric are not deformable when the house shrinks. It is easy to hide communications above them, they are environmentally friendly, and the version with fabric has a “breathable” effect.

Stretch ceiling in a wooden house

Practical film decor

Installation of the tension film should begin with the installation of the fastening profile. To do this, use a level to apply markings around the entire perimeter of the room. The profile or baguette is glued along the marked line to the wall. When the glue hardens, it is recommended to additionally secure the fastening element with self-tapping screws. Immediately mark the locations of lamps and communications.

Stretch ceiling system

Installation of glossy film involves the use of a heat gun. At the initial stage, the canvas needs to be secured in the corners of the room, after which the temperature in the room should be raised to 40-50º with a cannon. After this, gradually moving across the entire material with a heat gun, place the edges of the film in the baguette and securely fix it. When the ceiling has already been stretched, it needs to be given time to cool and take shape, then cut off the excess corners.

Glossy surface makes the room look taller

The matte stretch ceiling is stretched manually and fixed in a baguette in the direction from the center of the walls to the corners. After this, excess material is removed. The final stage is the installation of lamps according to the previously marked markings.

Textiles for ceiling decoration

Textile ceilings for the elite

Textiles, unlike PVC film, have the inherent property of “breathing”. In addition, the fabrics are very durable and retain their shape well. Another advantage is the width of the fabric panels; they are much wider than their film competitors, which allows you to seamless coating V large rooms.

The installation process is similar to the method of installing matte film. The differences are that the fabric is initially secured in the baguette in the center and then towards the corners every 50-60 cm, after which it is evenly stretched over the edges to avoid wrinkles. The angles in the profile are fixed in last resort.

Regardless of whether you choose a wooden ceiling or a ceiling made of another material, the main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the interior and becomes a real decoration of your home.

How can you compare the ceiling design in a house that is made entirely of wood? Most likely, with “pie”. There are two layers of sheathing that are fixed to the beams - insulation is laid between them. This is the most common scheme. The article below will look at some other designs. Study each of them carefully - and you can easily install good ceilings in a wooden house, without the help of professional craftsmen.

Experts suggest considering the main types of materials that have proven themselves in finishing. Wood is considered to be a true classic of construction, and numerous options for ancient interiors are direct confirmation of this. You can use quality wood to make doors, flooring, furniture and finally the ceiling.

In addition to boards or lining, plywood can be used in a house made of wood, PVC film and even a block house. Some people even take laminate and cover the ceiling surface with it, while others leave the beams completely uncovered. However, the choice of materials is not unlimited. When you are completely surrounded by a tree, apply some design techniques will not work.

  1. Wood is a classic in its purest form. Suitable for both new and old houses.
  2. MDF panels. Improved design option. True, he is very afraid of water and needs good waterproofing.
  3. Plastic panels. Be sure to purchase high-quality and expensive products. It is advisable not to take White color, but one that imitates natural wood. The interior will be attractive and harmonious.
  4. Installation of tensioner (film). This material especially good for the bathroom, where humidity is constantly high and there is a high probability of bacteria and mold accumulation on the wood.

As for plasterboards, most craftsmen are against their use. The fact is that during the shrinkage process the material begins to deform and lose its attractive appearance.

Below, each of the materials listed above will be discussed in more detail. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each type, and we will try to tell you exactly what subtleties you need to pay attention to.

Wood finishing

And here it is, the simplest answer to the question of how to make the ceiling in a wooden house environmentally friendly. Indeed, why reinvent the wheel again if you can take solid wood and create a favorable climate in the house.

Cladding can look different: from budget lining to more expensive oak or beech. By the way, no one forces you to limit yourself to one material - combine them to create a unique interior design.

The main factor when choosing suitable lumber is moisture content. It should not exceed 16%.

We set course for the clapboard

In essence, this is the tree mentioned above, but processed in a special way. His characteristic feature is the presence of grooves and tongues for ease of installation. Using lining, even a beginner can make a ceiling in a wooden house with his own hands.

Lining has such useful properties as durability and strength. In addition, it perfectly isolates sound. To provide additional thermal insulation, insulation is laid between the crossbars above the cladding. Since the material is 100% natural and environmentally friendly, the ceiling in a wooden house “breathes” perfectly.

When it comes to design, there are several generally accepted options:

  • If the room is small, it is better to do the cladding in one direction.
  • Have you decided to lay material between the beams? Experiment with the material, change its direction. This will help divide the room into zones.
  • The ceiling, made in the form of a continuous surface, goes perfectly with the lining, decorated with hand-painted and carved designs. This type of design looks very modern.

5 parameters of plywood for the ceiling

Many users are skeptical about plywood. However, “The Ceiling Expert” declares with all confidence that the material was simply underestimated. With it you can create impressive design interior design, decorate a wooden house without worries and hassle.

Plywood can vary in the following parameters:

  • Moisture resistance. Pay special attention to it if the house is poorly heated.
  • Variety
  • Type of wood: birch, maple and alder.
  • Processing method. For arrangement country house Untreated plywood is quite sufficient. In wooden houses and country cottages It’s better to make the ceiling from plywood, treated on at least one side.
  • The decorative layer is often covered with plastic, asbestos paper, and decorated with patterns.

Just plaster - that's it.

Plastering – good method finishing that was popular several decades ago. However, today it is still becoming a thing of the past.

  • Firstly, building such an overlap is not so easy - the procedure is quite labor-intensive.
  • Secondly, it is impossible to avoid thermal insulation of walls. Effective area The rooms are also hidden.

Tensile structures in a wooden house

Installing a ceiling in a wooden house is also possible using tension fabric. There is one small nuance. Mount tensile structures better 2-3 years after the construction of the cottage. During this time, the house may shrink. Ceiling material tensioned under the beams, not between them.

General principles of ceiling installation

There are more and more wooden houses lately. When the need arises to replace the ceiling, it is better to think through some nuances in advance.

First of all, you will need to stock up necessary tool. This is a hammer and tape measure, a drill (preferably electric), a level for leveling the ceiling, a tape measure and a hacksaw, and a spatula.

First, you dismantle the old covering and inspect the wooden frame. If there is such a need, it needs to be raised, lowered or replaced. When using materials such as plastic panels and lining, laying is best done in a diagonal direction. Straight lines are excluded. You can hide the nails and your DIY ceiling will look much better.

Specialists who are planning to replace or strengthen the ceiling covering in a wooden house need to take care of the wiring in advance. A plan for its installation is drawn up before the start construction work. Think about what kind of chandeliers and lamps you would like to see in the house, how they should look.

Special attention should be paid to finishing if the renovation is carried out in a house with stove heating.

Never start it from the ceiling. First, the entire building is reconstructed, including the foundation. Next, the walls are leveled and strengthened.

If the height of the house is small, it is recommended to do thermal insulation from the attic side, and finishing inside the house. The space between the beams is filled with expanded clay. Next you make a screed and install the covering.


Today, owners of wooden houses and cottages do not have any particular problems with the selection and subsequent purchase of materials for the ceiling. The choice is huge, prices range from ultra-budget to exorbitantly high. How exactly to sheathe the vault, everyone decides for himself, based on financial condition and personal preferences. Listen to your tastes and desires - and the final result will bring you complete pleasure.

Wooden houses are very popular today due to their high environmental friendliness. But at the same time, the question often arises about how to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house with your own hands. Finishing building materials There are quite a few suitable for these purposes. And although it is possible to leave the log houses in their original form, home owners prefer to additionally decorate them with some kind of material.

Wood can be called a classic material that is used to create interiors, and ceiling decoration is no exception. In ancient interiors there is a tendency to use natural materials. Wooden ceilings provide an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, and stability.

Frequent use of wood has undeniable advantages:

  • Wood creates a shaded atmosphere in the room as it diffuses light.
  • Wooden ceilings have increased sound insulation properties.

The final design style directly depends on the purpose of the room being decorated. For example, in a study it is easy to create an atmosphere of special restraint and rigor, and in a bedroom, such a ceiling decoration allows you to make it more comfortable. The methods of its design also differ from the purpose of the room. And, of course, I would like to know how to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house more profitably and for a long time.

By design features the ceilings in the house are lightweight structures, consisting of beam floors. They create on living room low load, ensure high durability of the entire structure. In a wooden structure, ceilings have a characteristic space between the beams and the exterior trim, which is usually filled with insulating building materials.

You need to find out the main points that are associated with the construction of residential structures, and then decide how to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house, what is best to cover it with. Firstly, shrinkage of the frame will lead to deformation of the ceiling. Experienced builder, due to this design feature, not any method will be selected exterior finishing. Here it is better to give preference to natural materials that will provide a specific level of ventilation and air humidity. Therefore, the ceiling is often finished with clapboard in a wooden house.

If you plan to cover the surface with slatted structures, then the slats themselves can be bought in finished form, and make them to order. The width of the slats varies depending on the width of the lining.

When choosing a tree, you should give preference to classic species: elm, poplar, aspen. Then you can save on material. Before installation, the wood must be treated with stain and special fire-resistant compounds. They are attached to the sheathing using screws and nails or installed in the grooves of the guide wooden beams. Then it remains to treat the installed slats with varnish or water-soluble paint.

Alfrey finish

Alfrey finishing is used very rarely, although experts recommend paying attention to the painting of the ceilings. Without significant financial expenses, you can radically change appearance dwellings. The painting can not be applied to the entire area - it is enough to apply the drawing to certain areas so that the room is already transformed.

Tension option

It relates more to modern methods finishing. Behind last decades The demand for tension coverings has increased. The characteristic advantages of such a coating justify the cost of installation . The advantages of suspended ceilings include:

But there were some downsides. Installation of such a ceiling can be carried out only after a couple of years have passed after the construction of the building, but in a frame house you can begin installation immediately. Such a ceiling does not always fit perfectly into the style of the room.

Wooden lining

Developers resort to it when they want to achieve the ideal appearance general design. The advantages of this coating include the following:

To increase the service life of the lining, you will need to treat it with modern wood impregnations. The disadvantages include an increased fire hazard; of course, this can be reduced slightly if the surface is treated with special fire-retardant impregnations. Complex treatment against fungus and various insects will also be required. Another disadvantage is the reduced resistance to humidity and temperature changes. This may lead to deformations.

The design parameters of the ceiling depend on the cladding method.. If you cover the surface with clapboard in one direction, you will get a rather boring design. But you can resort to ceiling beams. They can be finished to match the main surface or try to play with contrasts.

But it’s not always possible to use beams, so you can simply apply some interesting painting to the entire area. It looks aesthetically pleasing, especially if the wood is artificially aged beforehand.

But if you need to arrange the premises in classic style, then it’s better to choose instead of lining wooden panels, they can also be used to decorate walls. Then the room will be designed in the same style. Solid panels are usually used for living rooms, but for larger decorative effect stained glass windows with internal colored or matte lighting are added to them


Option with drywall

Drywall installation- a common option. With this universal material can be easily implemented original projects in life. The main advantages of plasterboard sheets include:

  • Air tightness. You don’t have to worry about condensation or ensuring a certain level of humidity.
  • You can hide surface imperfections.
  • It is convenient to hide engineering communications under the sheets.

But drywall cannot be installed on the surface frame house without preliminary installation of a metal frame. In addition, additional finishing will be required; over time, the structure may become deformed. All this can be attributed to the main disadvantages of plasterboard structures.

Preparatory work

They are quite universal and require antiseptic surface treatment. The insulation of the roof depends directly on the shape. If its design does not provide attic space, then they begin insulation from the plane of the slopes. The installation sequence of thermal insulation layers is simple: waterproofing is laid, then thermal insulation and vapor barrier. Today the construction market offers different materials, which imitate sheathing cells and roofing pie. The choice of thermal insulation material is usually made based on the specific conditions in which the roof is in use.

If you need to insulate roof slopes, where there is a small distance between the rafters, then the insulating layer can be placed directly between them. Installation and subsequent installation of rafters is carried out with big step, a wooden sheathing is installed in front of the insulating layer. A rolled membrane is glued onto the base surface, and an insulating layer is installed into the resulting cells after installing the sheathing.

After this, you can move on to decorating the ceiling under the roof in the room itself.

Plasterboard finishing

If there is a need to reduce the time spent on installation work, you can resort to for installation of plasterboard sheets. This is a fairly simple finishing option that even a novice master can handle. But it will require a certain approach to work. After all, floors are characterized by mobility associated with changes in the configuration of the structure due to shrinkage of the tree.

Plasterboard sheets can be attached to a wooden surface different ways. For example, directly onto a wooden surface or onto a pre-built frame made of wood or metal. In the first case, it is rarely possible to achieve an ideal surface, because in wooden houses it is rare to find ideally prepared ceilings for cladding. And not every type of wood can reliably hold screws. In this case, deformation of the drywall may occur if it is attached directly to the ceiling.

Due to the significant distance between the beams, it is difficult to install a metal frame on them. You will have to install the lathing; for its production, wooden beams with a cross-section of 40×30 millimeters are chosen. The timber is installed in a perpendicular direction in increments of forty centimeters. Before installing the sheathing, the load-bearing floor beams are insulated. Thermal insulation is attached to the beams using a construction stapler.

To ensure reliability plasterboard ceiling , it is necessary to secure all wooden structures. The gap between the frame and the wall should not be more than a centimeter - this determines the compensation of various deformation processes of the ceiling. It is easy to get rid of unsightly gaps with the help of decorative skirting boards.

The drywall installation process is very simple. Purchase in advance required quantity drywall, hangers, screws, fasteners. You will also need to take a guide and ceiling profile. After this, the metal frame is installed, and then all that remains is to secure the plasterboard sheets themselves.

Experts say that it is possible to eliminate excessive deflection of the structure by installing floor beams. But a slight deflection of the structure can always be compensated by puttingtying the joints and seams of the sheets. After this, the surface is ready for finishing. Sheets of drywall are covered with wallpaper, painted or puttied with decorative mixtures.

Very important the right approach to choosing the design of the ceiling in a wooden house so that you get not only an attractive design. It is more important that the installed finishing material lasts as long as possible without requiring replacement or restoration work.


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