Homemade machine for floor scraping. Do-it-yourself parquet scraping: a homemade scraping machine, floor scraping and a manual sanding machine

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Parquet flooring requires periodic maintenance. Despite its durability, during its long-term operation there is a need for minor repair work: replacing the varnish or mastic coating, etc.

The parquet flooring is scraped immediately after installation, when it is time to restore the varnish coating of such a floor or replace it. Looping work usually includes two stages:

  • rough processing, consisting of leveling the coating, removing stains and marks from feet and old dirt, removing old varnish, etc.;
  • final sanding and preparation for applying a new coating.

A device for scraping parquet is essentially a grinding device. It can be successfully used not only for working on parquet flooring, but also on other wooden floors: for example, on deck flooring. Especially if the board was fastened using hidden staples. The use of this machine is convenient for working in corners, areas near walls and heating radiators, and other “blind spots”.

Sanding machine - types of design

The looping machine may have tape or a drum structure designed to perform initial grinding, rough cleaning work. To perform final finishing grinding, a device has a flat surface. disk design grinding mechanism. It is used after working with a draw frame.

A modern sanding machine, regardless of its size, has a special connection in its design for connecting a dust removal system or dust collector. In the simplest case, this is a regular vacuum cleaner. But its use allows you to quickly remove fine dust, since the processing is carried out with abrasive sandpapers of various grain sizes with the formation of a large amount of fine dust.

By changing the abrasive paper (from coarser grain to fine grain), the floor sanding is brought to a fine finish. As a rule, at least four sizes of abrasive paper are used in the work.

Sanding machine - choose the option for your purposes

When performing work on surfaces large area you need a serious sanding machine (parquet sanding machine). If its design is based on a surface grinding disc, then it is better if the machine is three-disc. This way the work gets done faster and the results are usually better.

In addition, the presence of three grinding wheels allows you to guarantee high-quality grinding with at least one of them. In addition, the manufacturer usually comes with replacement nozzles of different types.

In conditions small rooms or household work, a manual sanding machine is quite suitable. It is no less convenient to handle “blind spots”. By design, manual machines are of belt, vibrating, eccentric, delta and other types. All designs are equipped with connections for connecting a vacuum cleaner and have the ability to easily change the working sanding attachment.

The scraping machine can be designed for different time continuous operation, therefore various models will have different power. In terms of supply voltage, household models are designed for 220 V, while professional ones may require industrial power supply of 380 V.

For practical application and performing work on parquet flooring, it is best to have a kit that will include PShM and manual typewriter for grinding. The latter is convenient to use for work in places where it is difficult to reach the PShM. Although you need to be careful when working so that the areas are not cleanly processed.

As already mentioned, there must be at least four numbers of abrasive paper - from forty to one hundred and twentieth. The amount of abrasive sandpaper is taken at the rate of one set for every twenty meters of area. To cut sanding wheels or tape, you will need scissors, a pencil, and a minimum set of tools (screwdriver, pliers, etc.).

Natural materials have been used as flooring since ancient times. Previously, this was done forcedly, since there were no other products.

But over time, people came to the conclusion that the warmest, most beautiful and durable floor can only be made of wood.

One of the most ancient natural floor coverings is parquet and, although it requires careful treatment and regular maintenance, a worthy replacement has not yet been invented for it.

To keep it flawless long years it is necessary to periodically carry out restoration measures, and the very first tool for them is a parquet scraping machine. What is it and what capabilities does it have? How to choose the required model?

Sanding machines are a worthy replacement for manual labor

Previously, processing of wood materials was carried out manually. A plane was used for this. But to give parquet floor perfect evenness and smoothness was required good tool, and skills to perform such work.

A sanding machine was able to simplify the parquet processing process. The first model was created in Germany in 1964, but its analogues appeared on the domestic market only in the 1980s.

When the Ukrainian company Novatek, together with the Belarusian MISOM, developed an analogue of the German model. They completely replaced manual labor, performing the same functions as a regular plane, but much faster.

These days you won’t surprise anyone with such technology. Manufacturers offer dozens of different modifications. Do not get confused in brands and models from the most famous manufacturers The following information will help.

Equipment intended for scraping parquet is divided into three main types:

  1. simple scraping machines
  2. angle grinders
  3. surface grinding

They are produced by domestic (SO-206, SO-301, SO-401, SO-318, SO-501) and foreign (Hummel, Flip, Elan - Germany) manufacturers.

Types of scraping machines

Since the appearance of the first models, more than one generation of parquet sanding equipment has already changed. Planing samples, which removed a large layer of wood, are practically no longer used, thereby reducing the resource of the parquet. They were replaced by parquet grinding machines.

They are produced in two main types:

  • drum
  • tape

The difference between them is that in the drum model the abrasive is held on the drum, while in the belt model a continuous solid material is provided. It does not need to be cut when refilling and is very easy to replace if necessary.

At the final stages of processing it is permissible to use surface grinders allowing to achieve High Quality parquet processing.

Choosing the right equipment

Since today all work involving the restoration of parquet floors is carried out using sanding machines, you should find out in advance which type of equipment will be most suitable for you. The most important limitation to their use is the thickness of the parquet. In the case of scraping thin piece material use machines most rationally drum type. Sandpaper is fixed along the outer diameter of the drum in such models.

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It is also permissible to use surface grinding samples, which may have several disks rotating in a horizontal plane, which significantly improves the quality of parquet processing. And the presence of a special dust suction device in them increases ease of use.

It is acceptable to use both belt and drum models with 36 or 40 mm sanding grain. But there is one nuance here - tape ones are the most convenient and easy to use, so in Lately are being used more and more often. At the same time, drum machines, although practically no longer produced abroad, are in great demand in Russia. These models are preferred by many professional parquet floorers for their high reliability.

Brands, manufacturers, prices – what to choose?

To decide which tool for scraping parquet will be the most practical and profitable to purchase, you need to study all their features. Let's start our consideration with domestic models.

They are represented by CO 206 parquet sanding machines, which are of the drum type. It is difficult to use for non-professionals, because when misuse can make the surface wavy.

But this defect can be detected only after applying a protective layer of varnish and under certain lighting. On small area it is completely invisible. Drum machine– the optimal device for sanding hardwood parquet, which is more difficult for belt equipment to handle.

Imported equipment on the domestic market is represented by the following types of machines:

  • tape (Cobra, Humel)
  • surface grinding (Trio)

The use of the former allows you to completely avoid waviness and dispense with the use of surface grinders in the future. Parquet scraping using such equipment is the most profitable in terms of price-quality ratio. This is the most convenient sanding machine in terms of surface treatment, but not everyone can buy it, so most often such equipment is rented.

Processing using surface grinding technology is more expensive due to the high cost Supplies, but at the same time does not require the use of other equipment.

The Trio parquet sanding machine is capable of performing the entire range of sanding work, if only changing the abrasive is necessary. They are very easy to operate and working with this equipment is accessible to everyone.

There is another type - angle grinders or eccentric grinders. They are used for processing parquet in hard to reach places, where other equipment is powerless.

As you can see, each of the listed models has its own application nuances and therefore the choice of a specific model depends not only on the quality of the parquet that requires processing, but also on the skill of the person who will perform all the work.

There is one more aspect. If a domestic machine for scraping parquet boards, the price of which is about 50 thousand rubles per drum model and 80 thousand rubles per tape is available to the consumer.

Not many people will be able to buy imported models costing more than 200 thousand rubles. Therefore, most often, if it is necessary to restore an old parquet floor, it is more profitable to resort to the services of companies and rent the necessary equipment.

IN in this case there is always the possibility of using it yourself, but most the best option is to use the services of professionals. They know all the details grinding work and will be able to carry them out high level. If you are interested in this option, then renting equipment for scraping parquet ranges from 400 to 2000 rubles per day, which will save a significant amount of money.

Purchase or...

So your hardwood floors look terrible? Are you determined to update it? Then renting a sanding machine can be the only necessary and very profitable option that can return your flooring not only to its previous appearance, but also to make it flawless.

  1. What is looping and why is it needed?
  2. What will you need?
  3. Which varnish is best to use?
  4. Performance of a rented scraping machine
  5. Beginning of work
  6. How to cycle further?
  7. Floor cleaning
  8. Floor priming
  9. Applying varnish
  10. Final works

Old parquet has a worn or completely disappeared layer of varnish. Individual parquet boards may become deformed, interparquet seams may crumble, and potholes, cracks, and chips may appear. In such cases, restoration is required. Cycling the floor - bringing it to a condition close to new. For this upper layer sanded (scraped) - the remaining varnish is removed and the surface is leveled.

When sanding is completed, you should end up with a smooth parquet floor, not protected by a layer of varnish. Then the parquet is primed and varnished. The restoration of the old is completed, the surface is almost new.

What will you need for the job?

Manual scraping of parquet is less expensive, but takes much more time, so it is better to trust the technique. The main equipment includes a sanding machine and an angle grinder. For a sanding machine you will need sandpaper.

It should be taken in different grain sizes: for rough sanding work by hand, sandpaper with grain number 30 is more suitable, and for fine sanding, final stages– with grain number 120.

If the parquet is in poor condition and you have to restore it manually, you can purchase 60-grit sandpaper for better sanding.

For an angle grinder, you buy a grinding wheel for processing wood. The diameter should match the saw rotor. During operation, it may form a large number of wood dust and debris, so prepare the necessary tools in advance - a dustpan, a broom or brush, a vacuum cleaner.

Which varnish is best to use?

For home needs, the most preferable option is matte varnishes on water based. They are practically harmless, dry quickly and do not form a shiny surface. Semi-gloss varnishes are also used. The use of glossy varnishes is undesirable. Firstly, in bright, sunlit rooms, shiny surfaces give glare and reflections, which further strains vision. Secondly, such a coating is subject to rapid abrasion.

With an uneven load on the floor surface, abrasion will vary, which sooner or later will affect the appearance of the entire floor. Some places will remain fresh and shiny, while others will be slightly worn out. For example, there is relatively little movement at the edges of the room and in the corners, but intense movement in the central parts of the room.

Where can I get scraping equipment?

It is not necessary to buy a scraping machine. It will be much more effective to rent equipment from rental companies for several days. During this time, one or two craftsmen carry out the entire volume of work as in small room, and in the apartment as a whole.

Performance of the scraping machine

The rental company should check the car for its suitability for operation. First, pay attention to the rubber band of the drum. It should only be new. If the part shows signs of use, ask for a replacement. A worn out rubber band may break during use.

Then you need to make sure that the air passages are clean - they should not be clogged with debris.

Ask to attach a dust bag to the air duct and turn on the machine. This must be done carefully so that dust does not get into your eyes.

Electrical equipment and network load

Looping machine It has more power, consumes a lot of energy. You need to make sure that the wiring in the apartment - sockets, internal and external cables, electrical extension cords - can withstand such a load. All electrical equipment is rated at 16 A. Otherwise, you will need to connect the car directly to the electrical panel in the entrance, bypassing the apartment wiring.

Preparing the premises for work

All objects and things located on the floor must first be removed from the room. Wall paintings, clocks, shelves are well protected from dust and debris. Sockets must be freed from other electrical appliances.

Then you begin to inspect the floor: the skirting boards are removed along the perimeter and the parquet is thoroughly cleaned. All objects made of metal and hard material, such as nails or screws, are removed. If these rules are not followed, there is a risk of tearing the rubber band of the drum when using a scraping machine.

Beginning of work

The correct technology for scraping parquet begins with cutting out a piece of coarse-grained wood with scissors to match the width and length of the drum circumference of the scraping machine with some margin. sandpaper and is tucked into the drum with an overlap. Then a dust bag is tied with a rope.

The regulator sets the height of the drum above the floor. The smaller it is, the deeper the scraping of the floorboard goes, and the larger it is, the finer it is. If the floor has significant unevenness and potholes, then deep scraping is required on the first pass. Subsequently, the scraping is made finer.

The equipment is placed at the edge of the room and connected through extension cords. The principle of passages is as follows. The car is driven from one end of the room to the opposite. Then they return to the place where the scraping began, move it to the already covered width of the parquet and repeat everything. This is done until the entire room has been passed from one side to the opposite.

If the room is large, then more than once you will need to replace the sandpaper in the drum. The direction of scraping should be different from the direction of placing parquet flooring on the floor. Best option– angle 45 degrees.

Working with an angle grinder

After sanding the floorboard, you need to perform work in places that are inaccessible to a conventional machine. Such places include the edges of the room, its corners, parquet under heating radiators.

First, a disc is inserted into the angle grinder to sand the wood. The grinder has high shaft rotation speeds - about 11,000 rpm.

The disk must be positioned strictly parallel to the floor surface. If it is located at an angle to the parquet, then you can easily leave a deep scar on the floor. Such a mark is then extremely difficult to level with the rest of the surface.

Carrying out the floor putty process

You can use the most common wood glue. There is also a special putty for similar works. If you use glue, you need to collect some sawdust from the floor after sanding and mix it well with the glue until a thick consistency is obtained.

Then, covering the entire area of ​​the room, rub the putty with a spatula into the cracks, holes and other irregularities in the floor that could not be cut off, and remove using a sander. After completing the work, a pause is made to give the putty time to dry.

How to cycle further?

After puttying, they move on to sanding again. This time the drum of the machine is filled with fine-grained sandpaper and the entire floor is covered with it in the same way as the first time.

The only difference is the direction of scraping relative to the placement of the parquet itself. The directions of the parquet flooring and the sanding must match, as in the photo. At this stage it happens final alignment the entire floor area. In addition, the surface is cleaned of excess putty mass. This final stage, which required the participation of a scraping machine.


The surface should be cleaned very carefully after sanding. To begin with, use a dustpan, broom or brush to collect all large debris - sawdust, wood chips, sandpaper scraps, putty residues, etc.

Then wait the time it takes for the dust to settle on the floor. Then use a vacuum cleaner to remove all dust from the floor. Only dry cleaning is carried out in the room, since wet cleaning can negatively affect physical properties parquet

Floor priming

You can use the inexpensive and familiar to many primer “Berezka”, or other universal or specially designed products for wood processing. Primer consumption can be read on the container. Treating the floor surface will make it harder and reduce the amount of varnish during further manipulations.

The primer is applied in the same way as paint - using a roller or brush, sequentially passing from one wall to another over the entire area of ​​the room. Upon completion of the work, you need to give the floor time to dry again.

Applying varnish

If there is a possible shortage of varnish to complete the work, it is quite acceptable to dilute it with the appropriate component - a solvent.

In this case, the applied layer becomes thinner, but this method will allow you to complete the work without purchasing an additional container. Apply the varnish using a regular brush. Further stages include sequential passage of all rooms - this is not difficult to do.

The floor is usually varnished twice. In this case, each layer must have time to dry completely. The entire room must be isolated from drafts during varnishing. The windows are closed. This will allow you to maintain the microclimate in the room at the same level, which will contribute to obtaining a better result in the end.

Final works

The last thing you need to do is to ventilate the room well. You can then bring in furniture and reopen wall items that remained wrapped up in the room during scraping.

The floor is the most used surface in a residential area. It is for this reason that the floor loses its quality faster than other surfaces. appearance and needs renovation. The biggest difficulty in repairing floor coverings is sanding parquet. But if you know the stages of this process and have necessary tools, even a beginner can bring a parquet board into proper shape.

The process of scraping parquet is carried out with a special machine. It consists of several stages, including:

  • elimination of visible defects,
  • surface preparation for varnishing,
  • varnishing.

Once the work is completed, wooden parquet will regain its former beauty even after many years of use. Restored with my own hands the parquet will become more the best decoration rooms.

Required tools and materials

Effective scraping of parquet is possible only with the help of a special drum-type machine, which can be rented
  • Drum type scraping machine(parquet sanding machine). This expensive equipment, which makes no sense to buy. Great option– rent a car (cost about $20 per day for a sanding machine, $50 for a parquet sanding machine). Typically you need to rent a car for one day;
  • Equipment for scraping corners, called “boots”. Earlier processing Angles were made exclusively with manual scrapers and Bulgarian ones with a special attachment. If “boots” are difficult to get, then you can use the old proven method;
  • Rolled sandpaper. You need an abrasive for rough processing (P40) and for grinding (P80 and P 120 depending on the type of wood);
  • Scissors for cutting sandpaper;
  • Keys for drum clamps(often included with the machine);
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Despite the fact that the dimensions of the scraping machine are quite compact and this tool can be transported in the trunk of a car, it is very heavy. The machine weighs about 70 kg, so when going to buy a tool, you should take this into account.

Stages of parquet scraping work

Stage No. 1. Preparation

The most important thing is to prepare the room for work.

All furniture that hangs on the walls should be covered with a film that will protect it from dust
  1. To do this, all the furniture that is on the floor is removed from it. Furniture that hangs on the walls needs to be protected from dust with film.
  2. After clearing the floor from furniture, it must be vacuumed and washed well.
  3. Next, examine the parquet for any falling out or loose tiles. If they are, then you need to find their place and glue it securely.
  4. The last step in preparation will be removing the baseboards.

In older homes, baseboards are often firmly nailed to the base. When dismantling such skirting boards, there is a high probability of damaging the parquet board. If you cannot carefully dismantle them, then it is better to leave such skirting boards in place.

Before starting work, it is also recommended to inspect the floor again to ensure there are no protruding nails. If they are noticed, they should be driven in or removed. You also need to check the condition of the wiring, because the machine requires up to 2.5 kW of energy, especially at the time of start-up.

Stage No. 2. Personal protection

Sanding parquet without dust is impossible. It is imperative to wear a respirator and goggles to protect yourself from small particles that will appear when working with the machine. Also earplugs to protect against noise.

Stage No. 3. Rough scraping

Rough sanding removes unevenness and possible contamination from the parquet floor.

Initially, rough sanding of the parquet is carried out. During this process, the varnish will be removed from the old parquet if it is processed new parquet, then rough sanding will rid it of unevenness and possible contamination. During this stage of work, a layer 5 mm thick will be removed from the wood.

Before starting work, you need to install a coarse sanding tape (P40, in rare cases P60 is required) on the machine drum. The first row must be walked diagonally across the room. Then move the machine half the width of the drum and make the next row. This is how the entire floor is sanded. If the sandpaper wears off, it must be replaced. If the floor is in very poor condition, up to three rough sanding cycles may be required.

The machine has a special screw that allows you to adjust the pressure of the drum on the floor. If the engine is unable to dial required amount rpm, the pressure should be reduced. If it is noticed that the layer removed by the machine is too small, then the pressure should be increased.

Manual scraping

The manual scraper consists of wooden handle and a sharpened steel plate that removes the top layer of wood

If for some reason it was not possible to rent a sanding machine, you can sand the floor with your hands. This will be a complex process that will take a lot of time. In the store you should purchase a hand scraper or a steel plate in the shape of the letter “L”. Optimal width manual scraper - 5 cm. This tool consists of a wooden handle and a sharpened steel plate that removes the top layer of wood. To make it easier to work with manual cycles, it is recommended to either stroke the parquet with a cloth or moisten it.

Stage No. 4. Grinding

At this stage of the work you will need P80 or P120 sandpaper. The first is suitable for heavily damaged parquet, and the second for treating regular flooring. When sanding, passes are made along the dies, that is, as if along the wooden fibers. A fine abrasive will remove scratches and stains from the surface from the previous stage of work, making the wood almost perfectly smooth.

Stage No. 5. Treatment of hard-to-reach places and corners

To scrape hard-to-reach places you will need a “boot” or a curb scraper

After sanding, untreated areas will remain along the walls and in the corners. It is almost impossible for a car to get into such narrow places. Here you will need a “boot” or a border scraper. If he is not there, then old varnish It is removed by hand scraping and then processed using a Bulgarian sanding attachment.

After sanding the entire floor, you can begin applying new varnish to the parquet. After the varnish has completely dried, the process of restoring the old parquet will be completely completed.

One day will be enough to scrape parquet in a regular-sized apartment. A special machine greatly simplifies the process of self-restoration of parquet, so preference should be given to this method.

The cost of a high-quality wooden floor or parquet is quite high, and when after a few years the boards begin to fade and wear out, there is a desire to update them.

It is quite expensive to completely re-cover the flooring, and the procedure for laying the boards takes a lot of time. In this case, manual or mechanical scraping of the wooden floor is carried out - a quick and economical way to restore your flooring to its original appearance.

During the scraping process with wooden surface a layer whose thickness does not exceed tenths of a millimeter is scraped off. The treatment allows you to clean and return the original color to the parquet or floorboards and renew the appearance.

Purpose of the procedure

When sanding an old wooden floor, cracks and sags, stains from oil and other stubborn dirt are eliminated, which ultimately extends the life of the coating. After sanding, a floor made of any wood looks much better. You can scrape not only parquet, but also simple floors made of pine boards.

Note! The wood must be thoroughly dry before sanding. This is especially true for new floors.

If the boards are very worn out (thin), rotten, or loose, then they need to be replaced. You can carry out scraping with minimal material costs if you rent a machine and do all the work yourself. Let’s figure out what the sequence of actions is, whether it’s possible to repair the floors yourself or whether it’s wiser to invite specialists.

Most in a budget way is to use a hand scraper, which is a scraper with a metal tip. An alternative is to use sandpaper sheets attached to a holder. These methods require virtually no money, but are very labor-intensive. Therefore, they are usually used for cosmetic spot repairs, and when comprehensively updating a wooden floor, machine options are preferred.


The scraping technology involves the use following types devices:

  • drum (tape);
  • disk;
  • peeling;
  • corner (border).

Drum-type machines allow processing in a short time large area. However, they cannot ensure uniform removal thickness flooring. Therefore, they are usually used only for removing the top layer of paint or varnish, when quality can be sacrificed for speed.

Devices disk type There are household and professional. Disc machines allow you to process wooden floors efficiently, without leaving any unevenness on the surface. The disadvantages of using include high cost. Typically, scraping machines of this class are used by teams of professionals involved in finishing the premises. The device is equipped with discs with fine, medium and coarse fractions of abrasive material.

A stripper is used to remove old coating from a surface. The device is equipped with a roller with wire pile, which is used to clean a painted floor or parquet from a durable paint layer.

Thanks to its design features, the curb scraper will allow you to clean wooden floors in hard-to-reach places. The device cleans areas adjacent to the wall, as well as corners and joints in the room.

You may need a screwdriver as a tool for the job. It is used to deepen the heads of self-tapping screws deep into the surface of the boards. This must be done to avoid damaging the disks of the scraper.

It is not necessary to purchase all of the listed tools, but a complete set will significantly speed up the repair process. An alternative to buying is renting necessary equipment. At a minimum, you can get by with a disk machine and a device for scraping borders.

Modern devices make it possible to carry out sanding without dust, but after work, debris may still remain, so cleaning is an integral stage of the procedures.

Old floor scraping technology

They begin scraping the old wooden floor by preparing the room, completely emptying it of furniture.

It is better to protect paintings and shelves on the walls from dust using film. Interior doors removed from the hinges, the doorway must be covered with film so that dust does not penetrate into other rooms. On the contrary, it is better to open windows wide before starting work. It is necessary to purchase headphones as the device produces a lot of noise. A respirator is used to protect the respiratory system. Scraping process wooden floors consists of four stages.

The first stage is preparation of the coating. It is necessary to eliminate defects by replacing damaged parts of floor boards or parquet strips. The gaps between the boards are filled with sawdust. Residues of varnish are removed by treating them with a solvent followed by using a scraper. The floor prepared for sanding must be washed and dried for a couple of days.

After this, you can treat the wooden floor grinder. The sanding procedure begins with the use of coarse-grained sanding sheets. They will allow you to remove remnants of the paintwork, remove unevenness and protruding defects. After turning on the machine, you need to carefully place it on the floor and move across the room, trying to keep the device level. Moving straight from wall to wall, you need to treat the entire surface of the room.

Wood with curling (winding arrangement of fibers) is less susceptible to machining. For sanding twisted boards, medium-grain sanding sheets are used. You need to move around the room diagonally, this will provide more smooth surface. After pre-processing the twisted boards, you need to change the sanding sheet to a fine-grained one and repeat processing the entire area with it.

Sanding the floorboards near the walls is the final stage of the procedure. To do this, they usually use a special curb apparatus, with which they scrape the areas of the floor adjacent to the wall. The procedure begins with medium-grained discs, and then the surface is additionally treated with a fine-grained disc.

After completing the work, it is necessary to remove all scraping products by vacuuming and wiping the floor. Next, you can begin applying the varnish coating to the surface of the parquet.

Floor treatment after sanding

After removing the top layer of the floor covering, you must immediately prepare the wooden floor for applying varnish. First, the gaps between the boards are puttied. The putty composition must first be prepared according to the instructions. The paste is applied to all visible holes by hand until they are completely filled. This prevents the subsequent penetration of moisture and dust between the parquet elements. The composition needs time to dry and settle. If necessary, repeat the procedure, leveling the putty layer in areas of subsidence.

Repeated sanding of the seams where the putty was applied is carried out using fine-grained discs to remove protruding excess. After it, you also need to sweep up the dust or vacuum the room.

The first layer of varnish is applied to give the wood strength and durability. The first layer dries within two days. After this, it is necessary to carry out light sanding again for better adhesion and cleaning of the surface.

The last stage of work is applying a second layer of varnish, which will provide a shiny texture to the wood and protect it from premature wear.

Note! On the floors from coniferous species It is not recommended to use water-soluble varnishes, as they are highly absorbed.

For expensive, rare species wooden parquet Apply up to five layers of varnish. The flooring updated in this way will serve its owners for at least another five years. If the floor is pine, it is advisable to distribute the furniture evenly over its surface to avoid overload.

Important Notes

To ensure a high-quality scraping result, you should adhere to the following recommendations. The sanding machine must move continuously and very smoothly along the grain of the wood.

The direction depends on the pattern and method of laying the dies or boards:

  • laying herringbone parquet is scraped at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • with a rectangular pattern, scraping is carried out at a right angle;
  • decorative parquet should be scraped in circles or in a spiral, from the wall to the center of the room.

The final finishing is carried out with a surface grinder along and across the parquet flooring.

In general, sanding should be carried out by specialists, since it will be problematic for a beginner to level the floor over the entire area and evenly apply paintwork the first time. However, if the budget does not allow attracting specialists finishing works, then it is quite possible to repair wooden floors yourself.


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