An article on the topic of doors is just for you. Entrance doors to the apartment: high-quality metal doors and tips on their selection (75 photos)

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The door is the calling card of a home.

We invite you to get acquainted with interesting facts about this familiar part of any home.

1. One of the first in human history

It is believed that Swiss maple doors were the very first in human history. And although they are already twenty-four centuries old, they can still be used now - they are perfectly preserved (perhaps the reason for this is the mild climate and good ecology of Switzerland). Doors were installed in lakeside houses. They are very dense and protect houses well from cold and wind.

2. Portal of the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist

Westminster Abbey (UK) is another address of a magnificent ancient door. The door is oak and is still in use. This door is twenty centuries old.

3. Doors are not only made of wood

Doors were mostly made of wood, but archaeologists have also found stone and iron doors. As experts say, nothing has changed since then: doors are still made of wood and iron.

4. Open the door and escape

The great Chinese commander Zhuge Liang saved the city from its enemies by simply opening the gates. The invaders did not dare to enter, because they were sure: since people are not afraid to close the doors, the city is full of warriors. But, according to legend, Zhuge Liang was the only warrior in the city.

The famous French philosopher Michel Montaigne did the same. At a time when the Catholic wars were raging in France, he was able to protect his home from thieves simply by opening the doors of his home. The robbers thought that since the doors were open, it meant that the house had been robbed and the owners had nothing left to protect.

5. Why are there so many colored doors in Ireland?

Bright Irish doors are part of the local flavor and memory of historical event. After the death of Queen Victoria, a decree was issued that all doors should be painted black as a sign of mourning. The freedom-loving Irish painted their doors in every possible color except black as a sign of protest.

Several door records

1. The heaviest door - weighing 321.4 tons - is located in America at the National Laboratory in California.

6. The most unusual door

2. Yourself unusual door considered a Tanaka door consisting of vertical slats. They have built-in touch sensors. When a person approaches the door, sensors detect the contours of the body and the slats move back.

3. The tallest doors cover the assembly hangar at the Kennedy Space Center, owned by NASA. There are four of them in total, each height is 139 meters. For comparison, the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York is 93 meters.

5 most unusual doors

1. "Sports" door.
A door with a built-in ping pong table called Ping Pong Door. If you want to play table tennis, you simply turn the door horizontally, put it on the latch and play as much as you want. By the way, you can make such a door yourself if you use a saw to cut out the central part of the door and install hinges with which the door will rotate and take a horizontal position.

2. Door for writing.
You can turn the usual one, for example, kitchen door on a slate board. Notes under a magnet on the refrigerator are a thing of the past, neither stylish nor cozy, but on a slate board there will always be a handy list of ingredients written in chalk for some dish. By the way, instead of slate board You can use rough dark glass. Now in fashion decorative overlays on the door, so there can be a great many options.

3. Solar door light + air.
Inside the door there is a built-in movable plate on which the holes are located. There are also holes in the door body. They may or may not align with the holes in the inner plate. If you are short of air and light, you can use a simple latch to move the plate inside the perforated door.

4. Door-staircase.
This door is suitable for those who love secret passages, who work with valuables at home and do not want to take risks. If you lift this staircase up, a passage will open into the room below, for example, in the basement. However, if there are problems with lifting mechanism And

Door as a partition in the interior Modern interiors combine not only style and beauty appearance, but also comfort. Often, a comfortable and easy-to-use home comes first. Home is a place where it should be cozy and comfortable, so the most advanced and modern technologies participate in the creation of finishing materials, furniture and interior items.

In a home that is thought out to the smallest detail, the wishes of all family members are taken into account. The slightest nuances that could ruin your leisure time are eliminated. Paying attention to even the smallest details, it is worth choosing, among other things, a high-quality and easy-to-use interior door. Most of us prefer to install a classic swing door. It is very convenient, simple and profitable. However, if your goal is to create a modern interior, pay attention to sliding doors.

They can not only fit stylishly into the interior, but also perform several functions at once. Modern trends in interior design are focused on application advanced technologies. Unfortunately, an ordinary swing door cannot claim this title. Interior paintings with non-standard methods opening and performing various functions.

Types of sliding doors

Sliding doors for the home - can be divided into two types. The first is when the door goes into the wall (opening) when opening, the second option is when the door opens along the wall, in other words sliding partition. With both options you will get the desired result - a high-quality sliding door-partition. In general, we have encountered sliding doors often in our lives. For example, sliding doors in the subway (they go into the opening), or long-distance trains (they open along the wall). Just imagine what would happen if there were swing doors there - how much useful space would be allocated for the banal opening of the door. This means that you need to buy sliding doors for convenience in Everyday life and organization of the work process.

Scope of application of sliding doors.

A sliding door performs several functions at once, which means it can be used in a variety of situations.

Zoning of space. Due to their mobility, sliding doors can play the role of original partitions. This way, closing the door to the room, you can advantageously zone the space. On the contrary, an open sliding door can visually expand the room, since the panel can merge with the wall, leaving a large space for the door passage.

Dividing the room. The advantage of sliding doors is that when installed, you can divide one large room into several small ones. Install guides for the door panels along the lines of the future rooms and move the finished partitions depending on your needs. This way you can combine the kitchen and dining room, or separate the living room from the bedroom. When guests arrive, you can open all the doors in the room and free up a large space.

Modern look. The use of modern technologies makes any room more comfortable and functional. So the use of sliding doors is a prerogative modern designs and styles. High doors to the ceiling, moving with one hand and allowing you to cast a spell over space - isn’t this the technology of the future?

Non-standard sizes. In most cases, each owner standard apartment forced to buy interior canvas under specific sizes. In the case of using door partitions, it is possible to completely abandon traditional doors. The now popular studio apartments are one large room without partitions. Sliding doors can be used in this room standard sizes. Such a design, of course, would have to be made to order, but the advantages it provides are more than offset by beauty and functionality. finished product.

Non-residential premises. Sliding doors can serve as partitions not only in residential premises. These doors are widely used in offices, hotels and hospitals. Their mobility, modern appearance and ease of use have made their widespread use possible.

Variety of materials. Sliding doors are mainly made to order, which means that in the process of their production materials can be used that are suitable specifically for your interior. The mobile design allows you to make a canvas from lightweight plastic, spectacular glass or economical textiles. As a result, you get a modern, beautiful and functional partition door.

Doors with a rotating mechanism in the interior

Most interior doors in our houses and apartments have a swing opening system. It is not only popular, but also convenient. When there is no need to save space behind the door, you can successfully use this option. Swing doors are represented by a wide range of models, a rich color palette, quality and price. Almost every modern residential or office space It closes with just such a door.

However, there are interiors in which it is necessary to install more modern interior paintings. These may be modern fashionable stylistic trends that require technologically advanced and modern finishing materials and interior items. And vice versa, designs in which you want to preserve as much free space as possible. In these cases, doors with a rotating mechanism - rotary doors - will come to the rescue.

Interior rotary doors have come into use recently, but have already gained wide popularity as perfect solution for small-format apartments and small offices. Traditional swing structures create a lot of inconvenience in narrow corridors and cramped halls, and door leaves on the rotary system will save precious centimeters and allow you to rationally organize the space.

Advantages of a rotary door

The operation of the door opening mechanism is based on the sliding of the leaf along the installed door frame track using a carriage and simultaneous rotation around an axis fixed in the slider. In this case, the two levers connecting the canvas to the jamb are shifted to the side. When open, the rotary door appears simultaneously on both sides of the opening plane, reducing the space it occupies. This solves the problem of insufficient space when aisles are close to each other. The mechanism avoids collisions and damage to doors. This design doors helps solve the following problems:

Limited space. If you need to close a doorway that opens into a narrow hallway or under a staircase, a swing door can create some inconvenience. When you open the door towards yourself, you can hit it against walls or pieces of furniture every time, which will ruin both. In this case, it is worth resorting to the help of a rotary door. Thanks to its design, the canvas will move smoothly in in the right direction, opening the passage.

Maintaining style. Roto-doors are a kind of technical breakthrough in the field of installation and application of doors. They are not only beautiful in appearance and comfortable, but can also fit into any interior very harmoniously and modernly. Using a rotary door, you can decorate a variety of interiors, both modern and classic.

Comfort during use. Home is a place where you want to relax your soul and body. Everything in the house should be convenient and comfortable, including the doors. If you are annoyed by a swing door that creaks and hits furniture, you should think about replacing it. Doors with a turning mechanism are not only aesthetically beautiful, but comfortable, beautiful and practical.

Wide range of models. At the moment, everyone major manufacturer of interior doors has doors with a turning mechanism in its line. They meet high modern requirements and have a varied color palette and texture. Moreover, the rotary door can be made to suit required sizes and using materials required by the customer.

Areas of use.

Interior revolving doors have come into use recently, but have already gained wide popularity as an excellent solution for small-format apartments and small offices. Traditional swing structures create a lot of inconvenience in narrow corridors and cramped halls, and door leaves on the rotary system will save precious centimeters and allow you to rationally organize space. Thanks to their versatility, rotary doors can be used in various rooms.

In narrow passages. The design features of rotary doors allow them to be easily installed in narrow spaces. Where space saving and ease of use are needed, a door with a turning mechanism is perfect.

Little children. If there are small children, animals or people with disabilities in your home, the rotary door will become good option for decorating an interior opening. It opens easily and does not require special effort to move. Special swivel mechanism Easily provide access to the desired room.

Versatility. Unique advantage rotary doors is that this design opens in absolutely any direction, combining the operating principles of swing, sliding and pendulum structures.

Door upholstery with leatherette. Materials and tools.

When it is not possible to change the appearance of an interior door using film, paint or varnish, you should pay attention to a material such as artificial leather. Door upholstery with leatherette is quite common. a budget option to restore an old door and give it the necessary performance characteristics.

There are situations when door leaf needs not only external transformation, but also protection from external adverse influences. If your door leads to an unheated pantry or utility room, then you should approach the choice of finishing material carefully.

Artificial leather can protect the door from harmful effects low temperatures, as it is resistant to frost. Leatherette also protects the material underneath from high humidity and harmful microorganisms. The door, upholstered in leatherette, is easy to clean and can withstand cleaning with chemical cleaning agents. Also, today there is a diverse range of this finishing material, which makes it easy to choose the right one. color shade and texture.

A significant advantage when upholstering a door with leatherette is that this process can be carried out without the involvement of a third-party craftsman. Upholstering a door yourself will require you to have a minimum of tools and knowledge of the necessary instructions.

Selection of materials.

To carry out high-quality and durable work, it is important to choose the right materials. To work you will need:

Leatherette. It can be matte, glossy or textured. Depending on the certain requirements, you need to decide in advance on the appearance of the finishing material. Preference should be given to thick leatherette; it is stronger and more durable, but its color and texture are selected by the buyer, depending on personal preferences. High quality material when stretched, it should spring back slightly - this indicates its good performance characteristics. You should carefully inspect the leatherette for scratches, cracks or paint chips. The base itself should fit tightly, without gaps, to the top layer of leatherette.

Insulation. It is better to use foam rubber or special mineral wool; these materials are best combined with leatherette. Mineral wool should be purchased with a small reserve; it will come in handy when decorating the door leaf. If such material cannot be found, you can buy either isolon or batting. By the way, isolon allows you to enhance the sound insulation and thermal insulation of the front door. Therefore, this insulation option will be the best for people living in noisy areas.

Tools and upholstery pattern

In addition to the material itself, you will need the necessary tools for the job. Tape measure or meter ruler, pencil, scissors, stapler, decorative nails, hammer, glue, flexible thin wire, metal corners, decorative strips, pliers, screwdriver, pliers.

Not all of the above tools may be required; it all depends on how exactly the upholstery will be done - in the usual way or with a pattern. In any case, all tools should be prepared in advance and placed near the work site.

In essence, upholstering a door with leatherette involves making some kind of pattern on the door using a hammer and decorative nails. There can be quite a lot of options for this design; only your imagination can make restrictions here. The door can be decorated with ordinary upholstery with virtually no pattern, or there may be more complex options.

Conventional upholstery using special strips-rollers. With this method, the pattern, or more precisely, its edging, is present only at the edges of the door, the rest of the surface is perfectly flat and smooth.

Another simple design that consists of studs installed diagonally from right to left and vice versa. This pattern is done quite quickly and looks best on doors in dark shades.

A simple, but at the same time stylish and not quite ordinary design, which consists of three separate ornaments. To perform it, you will need to use not only nails, but also special rollers or applications made from several strips of leatherette.

Door upholstery with leatherette

Modern manufacturers of interior doors offer a fairly large selection of door panels. They all differ in appearance, design and price. You can choose interior fabric that suits the specific parameters and needs of the consumer. Also, a wide range of models satisfies the need to choose a door to suit the desired style of the room.

However, there are times when there is no need to purchase new door, but I really want to give the old canvas a beautiful appearance. In this case, you can try to transform the canvas on your own at home. Special self-adhesive film, paints and varnishes applied to the old canvas will change the appearance of the product quickly and quite inexpensively. If these materials are not available to you, use leatherette.

Quite inexpensively and quickly you can change the appearance of the door if you cover it with leatherette. This procedure is performed quite simply and easily, and, most importantly, does not require the use of any special and complex tools. The choice of this material is quite diverse. Based on price, appearance and quality of workmanship, you can choose suitable option, and transform an old interior door.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Leatherette used for door upholstery is an artificial leather consisting of several layers. The composition is as follows: cotton fabric and nitrocellulose. In this case, these two materials are applied in layers on top of each other. This material is used not only to change the appearance of doors, but also for upholstering furniture, making bags, and even for decorating car interiors. The manufacturers of the material themselves say that leatherette is a high-quality and presentable substitute for real leather.

The main advantages of the material include:

Rot resistant. Doors leading to storage or utility rooms are often covered with leatherette. As you know, there may be no central heating, and the temperature and humidity are not constant. Under these conditions, mold or mildew may form in the door leaf, which is subsequently difficult to combat. Leatherette can solve this problem. By upholstering the door with leatherette, you protect the canvas from harmful microorganisms. Artificial leather is resistant to fungi and mold, as well as rotting.

Moisture protection. Doors leading to utility rooms may also be subject to adverse effects high humidity. A door upholstered in leatherette can even go out onto the street or into an unheated room, for example, in a country house. In this case, artificial leather will protect the interior fabric from excessive exposure to water. Leatherette is resistant to moisture and protects the material underneath.

Long service life. Unlike other finishing materials, leatherette has an almost unlimited service life. Due to its performance characteristics this material will help maintain the original appearance of the product for many years. The main rule for achieving this goal is timely and high-quality care of the product.

Easy to care for. It is difficult to imagine a material that is more easy to care for. Artificial leather can withstand cleaning with chemical cleaning agents, and sometimes simply requires wet cleaning with water. Despite the fact that the door is covered with leatherette, it may be exposed to unfavorable weather conditions, maintenance may be minimal.

Exposure to low temperatures. We have already found out that leatherette for the most part protects doors located in unfavorable conditions. This door leaf can also be influenced by low temperatures, especially if it leads to unheated premises. There is no need to worry about this, since leatherette will help protect the door leaf from the effects of cold and frost.

But there are also some disadvantages, the main one being the impossibility of restoring part of the material. That is, if a hole appears, you will have to re-upholster the entire door. Leatherette also scratches and cuts easily, so you need to use a door upholstered with this material carefully.

Interior doors for narrow openings

Typical buildings are not uncommon in any city. Often multi-storey buildings are built according to the same plan and have the same area of ​​premises. Accordingly, in these rooms there are standard doorways, which are subsequently used by manufacturers of interior doors. However, in rare cases, a narrow interior door may be needed.

Such a need may arise if there are small storage rooms and utility rooms in the room. Even the door leading to the toilet can be quite narrow compared to other passages. Most domestic factories produce standard single-leaf products with a width of 55 to 90 cm. If narrower doors are required, they can be manufactured to individual orders.

When remodeling an existing apartment, you will be able to make such doorways as necessary. Their number and width will meet your requirements. Non-standard size doors, however, will require custom-made interior fabric. Also, when carrying out construction or redevelopment in a country house, it is possible to provide for the presence of narrow doorways, followed by installation of a narrow interior door.

Where a narrow interior door may be needed

Typically, rooms with narrow openings are small-sized rooms for special purposes in standard buildings, and various rooms according to the owner's needs in individual interiors.

Pantry. As a rule, this room does not take up much space, or the entrance to the room should not attract too much attention. Also, the door to the pantry can be located in the corridor, which in turn can be a narrow space. In this case, a narrow door can solve a number of problems and save space.

Wardrobe. Unlike a storage room, a dressing room can take up quite a lot of space. However, you can get into this room, for example, from the bedroom. In order not to disturb the overall style of the bedroom and not to distract attention from the main interior details with an unnecessary doorway, you can use a narrow interior door.

Bathroom and toilet. Narrow doors for the bathroom and toilet are products with a width of 55–60 cm. In this case, the narrow opening not only corresponds to the size of the room, but also performs functions such as reducing heat loss and reducing the level of moisture spreading to other rooms. For these purposes, the design is often supplemented with a seal and a threshold.

Kitchen. Installed in kitchen openings, narrow interior doors save a small amount of room space, leaving room for household appliances, furniture, etc. However, swing options are not always a good choice for the kitchen space: a door with a rotation angle still requires free space for opening. You can solve the problem by installing narrow sliding doors or folding options.

Types of narrow doors.

Swing. Perhaps the most common type of narrow doors has a swing opening method. Any materials are used in their production: glass, plastic, MDF or natural wood. Similar designs are the easiest to manufacture and do not require special skills for installation. Of the swing options, the most common are single-leaf interior doors; the width of 55 cm allows the blocks to be mounted in standard openings. Narrow double-leaf interior doors are usually installed in country houses. The width of identical sashes in this case can be 40–50 cm. Double-leaf models with different blades are also available. Domestic manufacturers Along with standard options, they offer designs equipped with leaves of 60 and 40 cm, 70 and 40 cm. If necessary, asymmetrical double-leaf narrow doors are equipped with leaves of smaller sizes.

Sliding. To equip small openings in cramped spaces, owners choose doors with a narrow frame that occupy a minimum of space. Since a certain area (at least 1 sq. m.) is required to open the door of a swing model, the passage is blocked using sliding systems. If it is possible to re-equip the opening, it is advisable to install cassette design, the sash of which, when opened, goes into a niche. This solution allows you to completely free up the area near the wall. If reconstruction is not possible, use conventional compartment options. Sliding narrow doors of this type completely free up the passage without creating an obstacle, even in cases where you need to carry a large piece of furniture through it.

Doors for utility rooms

When planning renovations in a residential area, we think through all the details and interior elements. Decoration Materials, furniture and textiles are selected by us with special care. However, we do not pay due attention to utility rooms, although they are also part of the general home and can look very impressive.

Often, storage rooms or utility rooms open onto a common corridor, which means they should have beautiful and high-quality interior doors that are in harmony with the overall interior. Because the Technical buildings These are not primary purpose rooms; inexpensive models of interior paintings can be used to decorate them. However, they must also be visually attractive and of high quality. How to make a choice when beauty, quality and economy must be combined in one model?

In fact, there are quite a lot of options. Modern market doors can offer various models, which suit consumers in appearance, quality and price. The lineup is quite diverse and includes doors finished in various materials. Therefore, you can choose a canvas to suit any stylistic design of the room.

Popular door models

Laminated doors. A universal door option for a utility room can be an interior door with a laminated surface. Inexpensive models have smooth surface with a laconic design, suitable for various styles premises. Diversity color solutions allows you to choose a door that matches the main finishing palette. Laminate is not afraid of moisture and dirt, which means these doors can be installed in rooms with high humidity, in which, for example, there are no heating batteries. Lightweight and easy to use, laminated doors are perhaps the most common option for arranging utility rooms.

Veneered doors – best option in terms of price/quality ratio. Veneered doors are more expensive than laminated ones, but they look more aesthetically pleasing. If your interior is designed in a classic direction and is replete with natural materials, then a veneer door is right for you. The variety of veneers sometimes amazes the imagination. Imitations of expensive wood on a budget door will effectively fit into general interior, and the door will fulfill its direct function. The design of such a door is a frame made of trees coniferous species, MDF canvas and natural veneer paneling.

Book doors. Sometimes it is not enough just to hide the utility room; you also need to save space, for example, in a narrow corridor. In this case, a book door will come to the rescue. The folding model has an interesting appearance that helps save space behind the door. This model is also convenient to open and close in narrow aisles. Book doors are in the middle price segment and are great for decorating utility rooms.

An original solution for a utility room would be to install an invisible door. Such a door merges with the wall and is almost invisible. This becomes possible thanks to a special built-in wall aluminum box, hidden hinges and lack of platbands. These doors fit perfectly into a minimalist design. The peculiarity of the plain door lies in its installation. The installed plain door forms a flat surface with platbands that protrude from the wall only a few millimeters. Such a door will become a special decoration of any design, from classic to modern.

In country houses you may encounter the problem of a non-standard doorway in utility room, since the pantry may be located, for example, under the stairs. Today, many manufacturers offer custom door manufacturing services. Therefore the opening custom size will not be a problem and will give great opportunity for creativity. Interesting solution for small openings there will be installation of sliding doors and folding doors. For large openings, it is more advisable to consider double-leaf doors and stained glass structures. It is worth considering that making a door to order will cost more than buying a finished product from a warehouse, and will require some time.

Curtains for interior doors

An open opening between rooms is an interesting design idea. It can be designed in the form of a classic doorway without doors, in the form of an arch or other design. To zone the space and hide the interior from prying eyes, designers use curtains. With their help, the interior becomes complete and harmonious, and the atmosphere itself becomes light, airy, and atmospheric.

However, if the task is to preserve the interior door, but decorate it interesting detail, you can use special curtains. A variety of materials can serve this purpose. So dense or light textiles, bamboo sheets or hanging threads from decorative elements are able to change the existing interior and give the doorway the desired accent.

Curtains on the door

You can decorate only the doorway with textiles or other objects, removing the interior fabric entirely. This method of decoration has its advantages. This way you can combine adjacent rooms, expand the space and make the necessary accents. However, if you need to maintain some intimacy, the interior door should be left to perform its direct functions.

A room draped in a classic style looks luxurious thanks to high-quality textiles. Although modern technologies make it possible to create interior paintings in various stylistic directions, sometimes to maintain the interior you can decorate the door with curtains. In this case, you can use textile curtains to match the main pieces of furniture. You can also highlight the area of ​​the door and windows with a bright canvas to create contrasting combinations.

If the interior doors are made of glass or occupy a large area, the curtains doorway help shade the room and create a more secluded style. Depending on the style of the interior, curtains made of thin or thick threads, bamboo curtains or light linen drapes can serve this purpose. For glass openings, ordinary curtains are often used, the same as for windows, as well as a model called an hourglass: the lower and upper edges are fixed along the entire length, and in the middle the fabric is folded and shaped with a clamp, taking the shape of an hourglass. Roller or Roman blinds are also used.

Many people think that modern styles loft and hi-tech do not imply the presence of textiles in the interior. However, these trends are so universal that they too can be transformed in the vicinity of correctly selected decorative elements. Of course, thick textile curtains in these stylistic directions will not be appropriate, but light curtains can not only complement the interior, but also bring a touch of coziness to it. Curtains made of light and light organza covering the interior door will help lighten the futuristic design and add volume to the room.

For lovers of Japanese styles in home decoration, there is also an option for decorating an interior door. In this case, lightweight bamboo partitions are suitable. They can be mounted in front of sliding doors or placed in front of a doorway. Classic Japanese panel curtains will also become excellent option, but they should be used with caution. This model is suitable exclusively for wide openings, and in the case of standard door sizes, narrow panel doors will make the room look like an elevator.

Thread curtains on the door are an excellent alternative to traditional fabrics. The translucent texture looks lightweight and allows air to pass through freely. This option is well suited for open openings without doors, decorates the space and makes the interior complete. Color palette thread curtains is almost limitless and allows you to create interesting combinations from several shades.

In custody

To decorate and diversify a room with curtains for an interior door, you can turn to the services of professionals, sew curtains to order or buy ready-made ones. But you can also show a touch of creativity that lives in each of us.

To make classic curtains on fabric doors, select suitable material. You will need a piece of fabric equal to twice the width of the doorway, curtain tape or eyelets, a cornice and decorative details: braid, tassels, fringe. If the curtain will consist of two halves, cut the fabric in half. Finish the edges with sewing machine or overlocker, sew on the braid and fringe. You can place the decor only along the bottom edge, or you can decorate the canvas along the entire perimeter. Sew curtain tape or fasten eyelets to the top edge. Place the curtain rod at the desired height and hang the curtain. To make your curtains more original, add a tassel tieback.

According to the Orenburg store interdoor56.rf, a door is a special thing. Being a phenomenon of crossing the border, it connects the spaces of things. And in two ways: by unlocking and closing the border. By letting in, the door opens access to other things; by locking, it protects them from encroachment. This is its special, if not privileged, position in the system of things.

Interesting facts No. 1:Automatic door "Tanaka" opens automatically when someone approaches it, and a passage of exactly the same shape and size opens so that a specific person can enter. Each of the horizontal sliding bars that make up the door is equipped with sensors that calculate the shape of the person wishing to pass through and repeat it.

Interesting facts No. 2: The bronze gates of the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist in Italian Florence are considered to be the most beautiful. The entrances were so skillfully decorated that the great Michelangelo called them the “Gates of Paradise.” They were made by the then famous architects Andrea Pisano and Ghiberti, commissioned by the Merchants Guild in 1425.

Interesting facts No. 3: One of the creepiest doors in the world can be considered the door of St. Nicholas Cathedral, this cathedral is located in Slovenia. In fact, all the doors of this cathedral are a little creepy, but this one is especially creepy. It is quite young; this door appeared in 1996 in honor of the visit of Pope John Paul II to the cathedral. According to the design concept of the authors, the door should represent the history of the diocese.

Interesting facts No. 4: Supposedly the most secure residential door on the planet is made in Colombia. This monster has the following characteristics: bulletproof, fireproof, explosion-proof, protection from metal cutting, 10 locks (pins almost 2 cm wide), biometric lock system (first a fingerprint is checked, then a blood test is taken to verify that the finger belongs to a living person) , camera integration via IP (if you wish, the visitor’s photo will be sent to you via e-mail, as soon as he presses the bell).

By the way, it is well known that interior doors, in particular openings, can save a person’s life during an earthquake or other natural disaster. Thus, interior doors from Orenburg prove this axiom; prices for interior doors in Orenburg can be found on the official website.

Interesting facts No. 5: IN Ancient Rus', the doors were specially made low so that guests would greet the hosts who sheltered them.

Interesting facts No. 6: Everyone knows the rule of behavior when a man lets a woman in open door has origins from ancient times. It’s sad but true: when people still lived in caves, a man would check the safety of his home in this way, in case a mammoth accidentally ran in or an enemy tribe dropped in. So the weaker sex had to check for the presence of danger on themselves.

Interesting facts No. 7: Philadelphia inventor Theophilus Van Kannel received the first U.S. patent for a revolving door in 1888. In New York City, government buildings are required by law to have door rotation speeds of no more than 15 revolutions per minute.

Interesting facts No. 8: Heron of Alexandria is credited with developing one of the most early systems automatic doors, in the first century AD. A system of balanced, steam-powered scales opened the temple doors as the priests carried out the burning at the altar.

Interesting facts No. 9: Doors in Ireland are very colorful. This is due to the fact that after the death of Queen Victoria, it was ordered that all doors be painted black as a sign of mourning. As a protest, the Irish painted their doors in different colors.

Interesting facts No. 10: January was named after the ancient Roman god of doors, Janus. The god Janus was the Roman god of beginnings and ends, passages, gates, doors, and doorways. In his honor, the doors were always opened into the house, an act of welcoming not only guests, but God. However, Romans who did something outstanding for the empire, such as war heroes, were given the honor of having doors that opened outward.


Interior doors made of wood differ from each other:

  • finishing material;
  • internal filling;
  • type of glass insert fastening;
  • type of opening;
  • number of door panels;
  • filling the sash.

Let's look at each position of the group in more detail. This information will definitely be useful to you when purchasing and ordering a door.


1. Veneered

The basis for veneered doors is natural wood of an economical species (often pine), covered thin layer valuable wood.

The thickness of the coating can reach 1 mm. The veneer layer is tightly glued to the door leaf. The result of a well-done job of applying veneer in a perfectly even layer is a complete resemblance to a door made of valuable wood species. Our company produces veneered doors in this way.

2. Laminated

Laminated doors are made from economical wood ( coniferous trees) with lamination applied to the surface. Laminate is a plastic film decorated to look like wood. It can imitate various tree species. The lamination option is considered more economical than veneering, as it is inferior in wear resistance to the coating and is less environmentally friendly.


1. Made from solid wood

Doors made from solid wood are classics. They are considered prestigious and expensive, as they are made entirely of valuable wood species (oak, beech, ash, cherry). Doors made of coniferous solids are the most economical option in this category.

2. Frame

Frame doors consist of wooden frame, covered on both sides with layers of MDF. The door inside contains honeycomb filling - pressed cardboard. This type of filling provides better air exchange and makes the entire structure lighter.

3. Moldings

Molded doors are represented by a solid glass sheet, complemented by molded elements on the sides.


1. Overlay baguette

In baguette doors, the glass sheet or panel is fixed using a wooden decorative frame - a baguette. A baguette can frame the door leaf only along the contour, or it can visually divide the plane into two or more sections.

2. Inserting glass using the gluing method

In door models of this type, the glass is installed and glued into the grooves designated for this purpose, located on the door leaf.


1. Swing

Hinged doors are the most popular option for doors installed in houses and apartments. When installing such doors, it is necessary to provide space within the opening radius of the doors.

2. Sliding

Single-leaf sliding doors are classified as sliding structures. If the door is double-leaf, then it will be a sliding option. In this case, the door leaves move apart in the direction of the wall or into the wall. Sliding doors are installed on one guide bar, which can be located either below or above. It is also possible to attach the panels to both planks at the same time.

Doors of the Volga region can be manufactured in both versions: hinged or sliding. Depending on the type of opening selected, the appropriate fittings are selected.


Doors can have one or two leaves. Their design and the number of required leaves depend on the size of the doorway. Double doors require the installation of a shutter strip, which hides the space created between the doors in the closed position.

Volga region doors can be made with either one or two leaves.


1. Deaf

The design of blind doors does not require glass inserts. They are made entirely of wood. This option is suitable for installation in bedrooms and bathrooms.

2. Glazed

Glazed doors include in their design glass inserts, which can be supplemented various elements decor. This type of door is usually installed in kitchens and living rooms. They have an effect visual expansion space of the room and make it brighter.

Volga region doors can be ordered either solid or glazed.

The need to protect your home has existed since time immemorial. Historically, people saw iron as something hard and durable that could be used to protect themselves. Throughout the history of mankind, the technologies for manufacturing door structures, as well as the materials from which they were made, have changed many times. We will talk about such ordinary entrance metal doors, but as it turns out, with a huge number of interesting facts and a non-standard history.

Interesting fact #1: In 2010, in Zurich (Switzerland), archaeologists discovered an entrance door whose age is about 5 thousand years. Thus, this find is the same age as the British Stonehenge. According to scientists, the door structure has survived to this day due to the fact that at that time the harsh climatic conditions forced people to build their houses around lakes, and this required strong wood.

Interesting fact #2: the oldest wooden door, still in use, is located in Westminster Abbey (UK). It is reliably established that it is made of oak, felled in the 11th century. Thus, the approximate age door design is about 10 centuries.

Interesting fact #3: All over the world, metal entrance doors are divided into 13 security classes. And if doors of 6-7 security class are found everywhere in bank vaults, then a steel door system of 13 security class is only available in Fort Knox (USA). Fort Knox is a storage facility for US gold reserves. The steel product, which reliably guards the gold reserves of the United States of America, weighs 22 tons and is 1 meter thick. It is made of seven layers of steel, and it was welded using a secret technology.

Interesting fact #4:
The tallest door in the world is located in the workshop spaceships in Florida (USA). It has a height of 140 meters, and 45 minutes is approximate time its closing/opening.

Interesting fact #5: is rightfully considered the heaviest door system metal structure, installed at the Lawrence Laboratory in California. Its weight is about 320 tons, and its thickness is almost 2.5 meters. And although it seems that with such a mass only remote opening/closing is possible, but thanks to special door hinges the system also opens manually.

Interesting fact #6: The fastest closing door products are installed in laboratories that work with explosives. In case of danger, they close in 0.3 seconds. Such a high speed is ensured by nitrogen compressed to 1000 atmospheres.


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