Majestic Myrtle - necessary care at home. Transplantation and reproduction! How to grow myrtle at home

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The genus belongs to the myrtle family myrtle (lat. Myrtus), which has 20-40 plant species. In nature, this plant grows on almost all continents - in West Africa, in Florida in the USA, in North America and off the Mediterranean coast in Europe.

Representatives of the genus are low evergreen shrubs or trees. The leaves on the branches grow opposite, leathery to the touch, whole. Flowers grow from leaf axils, are collected in short racemes, grow either singly or in clusters.

It's quite popular in indoor floriculture a plant that is used in medicine and perfumery - essential oil is obtained from the leaves and shoots of the plant. If you follow all the care recommendations, the plant will grow well and for a long time. room conditions. The plant has phytoncidal properties.

Planting and caring for myrtle (in brief)

  • Bloom: from early to mid summer.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: in spring and summer – 18-20 ºC, in winter – no higher than 10 ºC, but better around 5 ºC.
  • Watering: from spring to autumn - abundant, as soon as the top layer of the substrate in the pot dries. During a cool winter, you only need to earthen lump not completely dry.
  • Air humidity: During the growing season, myrtle needs to be sprayed regularly warm water. This is not required in winter.
  • Feeding: from spring to autumn - every week with complex mineral fertilizer. In winter, fertilizing is not needed.
  • Rest period: in winter. When placed on the north side, the dormant period lasts up to three months; on the south side it is half as long.
  • Trimming: the bush is formed annually at the beginning active growth.
  • Transfer: young plants need to be replanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Substrate: 2 parts humus, clay, turf soil and peat and one part sand. Or: humus, turf, peat soil and sand in equal parts.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips and spider mites.
  • Diseases: Myrtle can suffer from low air humidity and improper watering.
  • Properties: is a medicinal plant that successfully competes with antibiotics.

Read more about growing myrtle below.

Myrtle – photo

Caring for myrtle at home


Because myrtle needs a lot of bright diffused light; placement on windows on the east and west sides is considered optimal. On northern windows, the myrtle flower at home may bloom sparingly, and on southern windows in summer period you will have to protect the plant from direct rays. In summer, you can expose myrtle to fresh air, providing shading from midday sun rays. The plant must be gradually accustomed to a large amount of light.


In summer and spring, the temperature should be 18-20 °C, because... indoor myrtle needs cool air. In winter, the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, and optimally should be around 5 °C. If the plant overwinters at temperatures above 10 °C, there is a risk of the plant shedding its leaves. The room must be ventilated regularly.

Watering myrtle

You need to water the myrtle with soft water, and before watering you need to let it settle for 24 hours. In the spring-autumn period, water abundantly, immediately after the top layer of soil dries. In winter, watering is reduced, but at any time of the year you should not let the earthen ball dry out, nor should you allow it to become waterlogged. If the soil is dry, the pot with the plant must be immersed in a container of water.

Spraying myrtle

During the spring-autumn period indoor flower myrtle should be regularly sprayed with settled soft water, because the plant needs high air humidity. If the plant overwinters at low temperatures, then there is no need to spray.

Feeding myrtle

In spring, summer and autumn, the myrtle houseplant needs fertilizing with fertilizers for indoor plants. The plant needs to be fed every week at this time.

Myrtle dormant period

If the plant overwinters on the north side, the dormant period lasts up to three months. When wintering on the south side, this period is halved.

Pruning myrtle

The plant can and even needs to be pruned. When pruning the upper shoots, the plant will take the shape of a bush; When trimming the side trees, the tree, if not trimmed at all, will have a pyramidal shape. It is better not to prune side shoots frequently, because... The trunk of the plant is not very strong, and frequent pinching reduces the abundance of flowering. In a couple of years you can grow beautiful lush bushes, because... The myrtle flower grows quite quickly in indoor conditions.

Transplanting myrtle

Young specimens require annual replanting, and older ones every two to three years. When replanting a plant, the base of the trunk is not covered with substrate. Several soil mixtures are suitable for growing a houseplant myrtle: first - two parts each of peat, clay, humus, turf soil and one part sand; second - humus, turf, peat soil and sand are mixed in equal parts; the third mixture is ordinary greenhouse soil. Be sure to have drainage so that water does not stagnate in the pot.

Myrtle from seeds

Myrtle seeds are sown on top of the substrate, after which the same substrate is poured thin layer on top of the seeds. The soil mixture is made up of vermiculite and peat, or peat and sand. Before planting seeds, the soil is watered and treated with a fungicide. After planting the seeds, cover the container with plastic film or glass, periodically water it, ventilate it and keep the temperature around 19 °C. The seedlings should sprout in one to two weeks, and after they have a pair of true leaves, they are planted in individual pots with a mixture of equal parts of sand, turf, peat and humus soil. Seedlings may not grow for some time after transshipment, after which development young plant will resume. The next transfer is done after the roots have completely filled the pot, after which I care for the seedlings as if they were adults. At the age of five, home myrtle begins to bloom.

Propagation of myrtle by cuttings

Cuttings can be propagated both in July and January. For propagation, semi-lignified cuttings from 5 to 8 cm long are taken, a good half of the leaves are cut off, and the remaining ones are shortened to reduce moisture evaporation. It would not be superfluous to treat the cut site with a root formation stimulator. The cuttings are planted in bowls or boxes with a mixture of coarse sand and leaf soil. The container with the cuttings is covered with film or glass, placed in the shade, watered and ventilated, and the temperature is kept at 18 to 20 °C. Within 3-4 weeks, the petioles take root, after which they are planted in individual pots 7 cm in diameter with a mixture of equal parts of sand, turf, peat and humus soil. To stimulate flowering, the plant is watered abundantly and pinched. When the myrtle roots fill the entire pot, transfer it to a slightly larger pot. Myrtle blooms at home, grown from cuttings, after 3-4 years.

Myrtle toxicity

Myrtle leaves may cause headaches and nausea in sensitive people.

Healing properties of myrtle

Myrtle kills germs and bacteria, including diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus. The plant purifies the air, kills staphylococcus and streptococcus. Helps with acute respiratory infections and flu.

Diseases and pests of myrtle

Myrtle leaves turn yellow, fall off and curl. When there is insufficient light, new leaves grow small and pale, and the stems become elongated. With excessive light, the leaves turn yellow, lose their shine and curl. At high temperatures and lack of light, myrtle can shed its leaves.

Myrtle leaves are falling. When the soil dries out, the myrtle sheds its leaves - you need to shorten the shoots by half, spray and water the plant more abundantly. Young leaves will begin to appear in a couple of weeks.

Pests of myrtle. Keeping myrtle at high temperatures contributes to damage

The content of the article:

Myrtle (Myrtus) is a plant belonging to the genus of evergreen woody specimens of the green world of the planet, which is included by botanists in the Myrtaceae family. In natural conditions, you can find the myrtle tree in the lands of the Mediterranean, the Azores Islands and the north of the African continent. Currently it is grown in the USA, Australia and Asia. In total, in this genus there are, according to various sources, from 40 to 100 varieties.

Myrtle gets its name from its consonance with the Greek word “myrra,” which means “balm” or “liquid incense.” All this is due to the fact that the plant has long been familiar to humanity as an incense and a cult attribute, which was used in temple complexes of various faiths of the world.

Under natural conditions myrtle tree or a shrub can reach a height of about three meters, but when cultivating myrtle in indoor conditions, its parameters rarely exceed a meter. Regular height home myrtle with a rounded crown is 30–60 cm.

The leaf blades have a leathery and glossy surface and short petioles. Their color is dark green and their size is small. The arrangement on the branches is rarely alternate or opposite. The shape is elongated, there is a point at the top. If you crush the leaves in your hands, you can clearly hear the myrtle aroma due to the large amount of essential oil in them.

When flowering, small buds are formed, located singly on thin stalks or can be collected in a racemose inflorescence. The flowers are bisexual, the petals are white. They take a simple or terry form.

During the fruiting process, nuts or drupes with ovoid (elliptical) or round outlines ripen; they are comparable in size to peas. The color of the fruits is bluish-black or white. Each berry contains up to 15 seeds.

Interestingly, eucalyptus, tea and clove trees are also considered myrtle trees.

  1. Lighting. When cultivating, bright but diffuse lighting is necessary. A suitable location with east and west facing windows.
  2. Content temperature. For myrtle, in the spring-summer months, they maintain 18–20 degrees, and with the arrival of autumn, heat indicators are reduced to 10 degrees, optimally about 5 units. If myrtle overwinters at temperatures above 10 degrees, it may begin to shed its leaves. Also needed frequent ventilation rooms.
  3. Air humidity when growing a myrtle tree, it should be increased, so it is recommended to frequently spray the leaves with soft water. If in winter the heat indicators exceed 15 degrees, then daily irrigation of the leaf crown will also be needed, and not just as in spring-summer period at elevated temperatures.
  4. Watering. In the spring-summer period, soil moistening should be frequent and abundant, as soon as the top layer of the substrate in the pot dries out. With the arrival of autumn and throughout the winter, watering is reduced. It is important to prevent both the substrate from flooding and its drying, since in the first case the root system will begin to rot, and in the second, the myrtle will shed its leaves. If it so happens that the soil in the flowerpot is too dry, then it is recommended to place the pot in a basin of water until the soil and roots are saturated with moisture. Only soft and warm water is used for irrigation. It is recommended to allow the water to settle for several days before watering.
  5. Myrtle fertilizers must be carried out in the spring-autumn period; complex preparations for indoor plants are used. The frequency of feeding is weekly.
  6. Replanting and soil selection. When myrtle is still young, the pot and soil in it are changed annually, but for adult specimens such an operation is recommended only once every 2-3 years. When replanting, it is important to plant the myrtle at the same depth without covering the base of the stem. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the new container.
  7. When replanting, you can use several options for soil mixtures. The first is peat, turf and clay soil, humus soil, coarse sand in the ratio 2:2:2:2:1. In the second case, all these components are taken in equal parts, and in the third, greenhouse soil is used.
  8. Rest period for a myrtle tree or bush depends on its location in the premises. If the side of the pot with myrtle is placed on the northern side, then it will winter for up to three months, but in the southern location this time will be halved.
  9. Trimming myrtle. In order for the plant to branch and its crown not to thicken, it is necessary to carry out scheduled pruning. If you cut off the top shoots, the myrtle will take the form of a bush, and when the side shoots are shortened, it will grow like a tree. If pruning is not done at all, the myrtle plant will become pyramidal in shape. Often, side shoots should not be shortened, since the myrtle trunk does not have sufficient strength and thickness, and if you often pinch the shoots, the number of flowers formed will decrease. After several years, with proper care, you can get lush bushes, since the growth rate of the home world is quite high.

Steps to propagate myrtle yourself

To get a new myrtle tree or bush, you need to sow seed or take cuttings.

When sowing myrtle seeds in spring, a substrate of vermiculite and peat or peat-sand soil is used. It is placed in a bowl, watered and treated with a fungicide to disinfect it. Then seed material is distributed over the substrate and sprinkled with the same soil. After planting, the container should be covered with a plastic bag or placed under glass; a lid made of transparent plastic. In this case, you will need to remember to ventilate the crops every day and, if necessary, moisten the substrate. The temperature during germination is maintained around 19 degrees.

After 1–2 weeks, you can see the seedlings, and when they grow up and a pair of true leaf plates form on them, you need to pick (transplant) into separate pots. In this case, the substrate should consist of river sand, turf and humus soil and peat (equal parts). After transshipment, the seedlings do not show their growth, as they are adapting to new conditions, but a little later their development will resume. After the root system has completely mastered the substrate offered to it, another transplant is carried out (using the transshipment method in order to injure the myrtle roots less). Then care proceeds as for adult specimens.

You can cut blanks for cuttings both in June and in January. Cuttings are cut from semi-lignified shoots. The length of the blanks should not go beyond 5–8 cm. Almost half of the leaves are removed, and the remaining ones are halved - this will help the moisture not evaporate so much. It is recommended to treat cutting sections with a root formation stimulator for better rooting. The cuttings are planted in pots or boxes filled with a soil mixture of river sand and leaf soil. Containers with cuttings should be covered with a plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle - this will create the conditions of a mini-greenhouse. Then they are placed in partial shade, ventilated daily and, if the soil is dry, moistened. The temperature during rooting is maintained within 18–20 degrees.

Rooting occurs in 3–4 weeks. After this, you can plant in separate pots (with a diameter of 7 cm), filled with a substrate of humus soil, peat, turf soil and coarse sand (equal parts). In order for young myrtles to begin to actively branch and bloom, pinching and abundant watering are performed. When the root system completely fills the entire pot, the myrtle tree is transferred, without destroying the earthen lump, into a slightly larger container. When grown indoors, such a plant will bloom in 3–4 years.

Difficulties, diseases and pests when caring for myrtle flowers at home

If heat levels increase and humidity is low, the myrtle plant may be susceptible to whitefly, mealybugs, thrips, scale insects and spider mite. If these pests or their metabolic products are noticed (cobwebs, sticky sugary substance (honeydew), whitish lumps), it is recommended to immediately treat with insecticidal preparations, followed by repeating a week later, until the harmful insects and their manifestations are completely destroyed.

If the myrtle foliage begins to turn yellow, curl, deform, dry out and fall off, then this is possible:

  • at low levels of lighting, the size of the leaf blades becomes smaller and the color fades;
  • In low light, the stems become very elongated;
  • when there is an excess of light, the foliage loses its gloss and shine, becomes yellow and curls;
  • if the temperature is too high, leaf shedding may begin.
The falling of leaf blades can also be caused by drying out the soil in the pot too much. Then it is necessary to shorten the branches by half, often spray and water the myrtle.

Despite all its advantages, myrtle is poisonous plant, since leaf plates in sensitive people can cause not only headaches, but also nausea.

According to studies, myrtle helps destroy pathogenic microbes and bacteria, and also kills diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus. Due to the aromas of essential oil emitted, the plant helps purify the air and can destroy staphylococcus and streptococcus. If you inhale with essential oil or just stay near the myrtle tree for a long time, it helps with colds, acute respiratory infections and flu.

Myrtle has been known to people for a long time; ritual incense was made with its help; wreaths made from myrtle branches were considered a symbol of glory and good deeds. Also, if roses were woven into such a wreath, then it served wedding decoration. Such wreaths and bouquets were used at the weddings of royalty of the English court. This tradition was introduced by Queen Victoria (1819–1901), who herself grew a myrtle tree from a cutting taken from her daughter's wreath when she married the Emperor of Germany. Later, at the next wedding of a person of English royal blood, a twig from the myrtle tree was always present in the wreath.

Even in the era of antiquity, myrtle was known as a symbol of the goddess Venus and her three handmaidens, known to the world under the name Graces. When the Renaissance began, the myrtle branch symbolized eternal love and marital fidelity.

From the ancient Greeks, the cult of the myrtle tree passed on to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, and there are also quite a few mentions of myrtle in the Bible itself. If you follow the religion of the Jews, then myrtle is one of the 4 plants that must be taken on one of the Tanakhic holidays - the Feast of Tabernacles. And according to Arab beliefs, it turns out that myrtle trees decorated the gardens of Eden, and when the time came and Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, the first man took a myrtle branch with him so that it would be a memorable sign of those blissful times.

Myrtle essential oil is used not only for colds, but also folk medicine With the help of tinctures on mature myrtle leaves, diseases such as diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, as well as manifestations of chronic bronchitis are alleviated.

Myrtle is capable of stimulating human performance and raising the level of all life processes in the body; it is also used under increased stress. And since side effects(except for allergic ones) myrtle does not have, it is prescribed to children from the age of one.

Myrtle leaves are also used in the wine and vodka industry, for example, the aromatic liqueur Mirto is infused on the leaves.

Myrtle species

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis) is the most common species. The plant has the life form of an evergreen shrub. The stem is short, branched, its surface is covered with peeling bark scales, colored red-brown. The leaf blades are small, oval-lanceolate, with a pointed apex, exuding pleasant aroma. Their surface is leathery and glossy, the color is dark green. When flowering, buds with five petals are formed, with a white color, but there is a cream or reddish tint; when opened, the flower reaches 2 cm in diameter. The stamens are decoratively visible from the corolla. The flowering process occurs in June-August. The ripening fruit looks like a dark green, red-black or dark blue berry.

The most popular varietal forms are cultivars:

  • "Tarentina", characterized by the compact shape of the bush, the resulting fruits and berries are smaller in size than those of the base form, but their number greatly exceeds the original specimen of myrtle;
  • "Tarentina variegate", which has a creamy white pattern on the surface of its green foliage.
Myrtle (Myrtus apliculata) can take on either a bush or tree form of life. The trunk is covered with peeling bark of a dark brown hue, under which a creamy color is visible. white the inside of the trunk. The leaf blades are dark green in color, their shape is elliptical, the surface is matte. The flowers grow singly, their petals have a snow-white hue. The flowering process occurs in July-August, after which edible black-red fruits are formed.

Myrtus chequen is a tree decorated with glossy shiny leaves with a wrinkled edge. This variety is the most resistant of all.

Ralph's myrtle (Myrtus ralfii) has a bush-like form of life, its crown is decorated with pinkish flowers, which are later replaced by edible red-colored fruits. There is a variegated (variegated) variety, which has a white-cream border on the leaves.

Bog myrtle (Myrtus calyculata) is an evergreen shrub whose branches do not exceed a meter in height. The crown of the plant is spreading, the stems are straight. The entire surface of the branches is covered with very small scales. The leaf blades are not large; they can vary in length by about 1–4 cm. The petiole of the leaf is shortened. The color of the resulting flowers is snow-white; racemes are collected from the buds.

This variety tolerates Russian winters quite well. Sometimes you can see dry, bare myrtle branches peeking out from under the snow cover. If you cut them and put them in a vase with water, they will soon turn green. With the arrival of spring, the myrtle plant is reborn and the growing season lasts until the onset of cold weather. Most of all, this species loves to settle in wetlands, especially sphagnum bogs, which became the reason for the species name. In common parlance this plant is named Cassandra. The lifespan reaches half a century. It is important to consider that swamp myrtle contains a large amount of poison in its leaves and branches, so feeding it to livestock is prohibited.

For more information about myrtle, watch the video below:

Up to 5 years - annually, then every 2-4 years In summer 18-20 degrees, in winter 8-10 In summer - when the top layer of soil dries out, in winter - once a month Every day Western and eastern windows Doesn't like sudden changes in lighting


When choosing a place for a plant, you must proceed from the fact that it is quite light-loving.

Myrtle can even tolerate direct sunlight, but still requires protection from the scorching summer sun.

The light-loving nature of myrtle must be taken into account if there is a desire to enjoy abundant flowering.

Western and eastern windows will be an excellent option for plants. If you place myrtle on southern windows, you will need additional shading to prevent the plant from getting burned. If located on northern windows, due to the lack of sufficient water, it will not bloom profusely.

The amount of light affects not only the abundance of flowering. It also affects the timing of exit. In winter, you need to try to give the plant maximum light., because in this case the rest period can last only 1-1.5 months. If the light comes from the north, then the rest period can last up to 3 months.


Myrtle tolerates temperature fluctuations quite calmly. However, you need to know that this plant prefers moderate or cooler temperatures (18-20 degrees Celsius).

If you want to have a healthy and well-groomed myrtle, you will have to organize a cold winter for it.

In winter, myrtle will feel great at a temperature of +8-10 degrees. If it increases, then there is a risk that the plant will shed its leaves.

Cold wintering of the plant is the key to its abundant flowering in the spring. If the myrtle overwinters at room temperature, then most likely it will not bloom later. In addition, under these conditions the plant requires abundant watering and spraying.

Falling leaves during a warm winter is not a sign of plant death. In the spring, with good care, myrtle will quickly restore its green mass.


Myrtle doesn't like dry soil. Both in winter and in summer, the ground should be moist. In summer, watering should be more intense as the top layer of soil dries.

In winter, it is best to reduce watering
, but under no circumstances stop (water once a month).

If in winter the myrtle is located next to heating devices, then watering should be carried out as often as in the summer.

It is better to water soft and warm. You can spray the plant every day, especially in the heat.

The soil

The soil for the plant should be well-permeable to moisture and air, but at the same time be moisture-absorbing. We should not forget that the soil in which myrtle grows should never dry out completely. This can lead to the death of the plant.

The soil can be not only slightly acidic, but also neutral. But usually it contains peat, which slightly acidifies the soil and makes it loose and airy.

The soil mixture for planting myrtle may also include the following components:

  • Turf land;
  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

All ingredients are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. Myrtle also grows well in regular greenhouse soil. It is useful to add a little baking powder to it.

It is best to use fine expanded clay as drainage. It, unlike pebbles, is a moisture-absorbing material. It is very useful for keeping the soil moist.


It is best to feed the plant in spring using complex fertilizers. In addition, fertilizing should take place during the flowering period and in the autumn.

With the beginning of spring growth, the fertilizer should contain a high percentage of nitrogen content, during flowering, preference is given to phosphorus, while in the fall the plant should be enriched with potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on the ripening of shoots.

In winter, when kept in the cold, myrtle does not need to be fed at all.

If the myrtle is kept in a warm room, then you can feed the myrtle a couple of times during the winter with half the dose of fertilizer.

Young and fast-growing plants need more fertilizing, while cuttings or seedlings do not fertilize at all.

Once every 10 days, it is advisable to use foliar fertilizers rich in microelements. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 grams of complex fertilizer in 1 liter of water, add microelements to it and spray the leaves.


Myrtle does not put forward any special requirements for air humidity, however, overdried air can be an extremely undesirable phenomenon for it.

This is especially true in spring and autumn, when the heating is turned on, and the plant itself is still or already in the active phase.

To increase humidity, the plant is placed on a tray with wet expanded clay. In addition, the plant must be sprayed at least once a day.


The plant does not like sudden changes in light. When moving myrtle from one window to another, you need to give the plant time to get used to it.

You can try placing the tree away from the window and then gradually moving it to the windowsill (or vice versa).

Myrtle is very demanding when it comes to lighting. With its deficiency, the shoots become thin and elongated, and the leaves become smaller and lose color intensity. This usually happens in winter, so in winter it is necessary to provide the plant with maximum lighting.

Excess light also has a bad effect on the appearance of the plant.. Its leaves turn yellow and their edges curl. Most often, the plant suffers from direct sunlight. We should not forget that the plant easily tolerates direct sunlight in the morning and evening hours or in winter. In the summer heat, direct rays of the sun can cause burns on the leaves.

Cold wintering is desirable for the plant, but not required. However, during wintering at room temperature, myrtle can shed its leaves. The plant also reacts to lack of lighting in winter.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Myrtle is very easy to shape. If you do nothing with the plant, it will try to acquire a pyramidal shape.

To get the myrtle into the desired shape, it will need to be pruned regularly in the spring (before new growth begins) and also in mid-summer (after flowering).

In order for myrtle to begin to bush, it needs to cut off the top.. If you trim all the side shoots, the result will be a lush tree with a branched crown.

In any case, the myrtle will bloom, but in order for the flowering to be abundant, it is still not worth pinching the shoots often, since in in this case the plant will increase green mass.

Young branches need to be pinched only when 3 pairs of leaves have been formed.. Inward-facing shoots are also subject to removal.

When pinching a young myrtle, you must remember that its central trunk is still quite weak to support a lush crown. In order for him to cope with this task, give him time to get stronger. As a result, after 3 years you will be able to get a beautiful and lush bush.



Let's look at how to care for myrtle at home if problems arise.

  • The most common problem with myrtle is rapid loss of leaves.. The main reasons are drying out of the soil and keeping it warm in winter with a lack of light. Sometimes myrtle sheds its leaves when it is moved to a new place (for example, from a balcony to a room).
  • Improper care of myrtle entails unpleasant consequences!

    If the plant withers and the base of the main stem rots, then we are talking about fungal disease, which could occur due to improper deepening of the root collar after transplantation. Rotting can also be a consequence of excessive watering. Such a plant cannot be cured.

  • If the stems lengthen and turn pale, then the plant is deficient in light. At the same time, the leaves become small, and flowering is practically not observed. You need to move it closer to the window.
  • If the leaves fade, turn yellow and curl, then the plant is getting too much light.. Move it away from the window;
  • Chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves can be caused by a lack of iron in the substrate.


Now we’ll find out how to propagate myrtle at home. Myrtle can be grown either by cuttings or by seeds. It will be much easier for an inexperienced gardener to deal with cuttings. You can take cuttings twice a year: in mid-summer and at the end of winter.

Already strong cuttings from the middle or lower part of the crown are best suited for this purpose. The length of each cutting must be at least 8 cm.

To propagate, myrtle cuttings need to be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat., cover with a plastic bag and place in a pot. The light falling on the future plant should be bright, but diffused.

The optimal temperature for rooting myrtle cuttings is 16-21 degrees Celsius.

Growing myrtle from seeds at home

Growing myrtle trees from seeds is not particularly difficult. Of course, this method is labor-intensive and time-consuming, so it is used when there is a need to obtain a large number of young plants.

Only fresh seeds are needed for sowing. It should be remembered that their germination capacity decreases significantly after 1 year of storage. Therefore, you need to buy them only from trusted sellers. Expired seeds may not germinate.

To sow myrtle seeds, prepare a special soil mixture. It must contain in equal parts:

  • Sod land;
  • Humus;
  • Sand.

To increase looseness, you can add a little baking powder (vermiculite, perlite).

Sowing is carried out in spring from early March to mid-May. It is advisable to sow in a shallow container or container. It should be no more than 10 cm in height and have several drainage holes for water to drain.

A small layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, then it is filled halfway with moistened soil mixture. The soil is leveled and seeds are placed on the surface. They are sprinkled with earth on top, but its layer should not be more than 3-5 mm. The container is covered with glass and placed in a warm place with a temperature of 18-22ºС.

With regular soil moisture, seedlings appear within 2 weeks. After this, the glass is removed from the container. Seedlings dive only after they have 2 leaves. For the first year of their life, they should be protected from direct sunlight.


Young plants should be potted annually in slightly larger pots. If the plant is already more than 5 years old, then this should be done no more than once every 2-4 years.

Transplanting myrtle at home is carried out in the spring as soon as the first green leaves begin to appear.

During the process, it is extremely important not to bury the root collar, as the plant may rot and die.

After transplantation, myrtle does not need to be placed in the sun. The plant will require intensive spraying.

Description of the plant and species

Myrtle is an evergreen shrub that grows wild in the subtropical regions of Europe, North America, Australia and Asia. Reaches a height of 5 m, often in the form of a small tree. In cultivation it rarely grows above 60 cm. Its shoots are covered with very small emerald-colored leaves that contain essential oil. The flowers of this plant are very fragrant.

In warm regions, myrtle is grown as a raw material for essential oil. Also, some of its types are used in cooking.

This plant lends itself well to shaping, so it is very popular in indoor culture. This tree is relatively easy to grow in bonsai style.

Myrtle is a very beautiful and showy plant with fragrant leaves and flowers. The myrtle tree is not the most capricious specimen of garden fauna, but it is also quite demanding. Caring for and growing myrtle at home will require a lot of attention and care, since only in caring hands will it reveal its full potential.

The entire aerial part of myrtle contains a large amount of essential oil, which is used in alternative medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. Common myrtle will become a decoration for many years and decades not only in the house, but also on the balcony, terrace or garden.

The myrtle tree is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Thanks to different sources There is evidence that many centuries ago the myrtle plant was grown as an ornamental garden tree. Great importance gave the flower back in Ancient Greece, where he personified innocence, youth and beauty.

There are many beliefs and legends associated with myrtle:

  • in ancient times it was an integral part of the holiday in honor of Venus;
  • during the Renaissance served as a symbol of youth, marital fidelity and eternal love. Thanks to this, many people now believe in the sign that bridal bouquet the bride should contain a sprig of myrtle, as a sign of a future strong union;
  • There is a superstition that myrtle in the house is the key to a good atmosphere, warm relationships, and a friendly family;
  • According to legend, when passing by a myrtle bush, you should pick a leaf or twig if you want to live for many years and maintain good health and good spirits.

The evergreen myrtle is a tree or shrub from the Myrtaceae family with white fragrant flowers. The homeland of myrtle is the Mediterranean zone (North Africa, Southern Europe).
Myrtle is a very slow growing plant, annual growth is no more than 10–15 cm.
Myrtle leaves are lanceolate, dark green, opposite, on short petioles. The leaf blades contain myrtle oil. If you look through a sheet at a bright light source, you can see small dots and stripes, which contain oil.

The myrtle flower is axillary, bisexual, has a pleasant smell, five white petals are attached to a thin peduncle. Common myrtle flowers bloom in June-July. After flowering, edible round or ovoid fruits (berries) of dark or light color with a diameter of 5–8 mm are formed. One fruit berry contains 10–15 seeds. In the natural environment, the flowers of the plant are pollinated by insects; indoors, the procedure is carried out independently using a brush or a cotton swab. The fruits ripen in November-December.

In landscape design Lately standard plants became popular. A myrtle trunk is a way to lift shrubs and give the plant an unusual appearance with a bare, even trunk without a single branch and a lush crown at the top.

Myrtle is medicinal flower, preparations based on it have a tonic, antiviral, stimulating and antibacterial effect. Like any medicine, myrtle can bring both benefit and harm. Currently, in pharmacies, you can purchase a plant extract, which, in fact, is a natural antibiotic. By disinfecting and refreshing the air in the room, the flower carries positive energy, creating a favorable, healthy atmosphere at home. Healing preparations based on myrtle are used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Women should use myrtle with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and older people. A flower pot with myrtle in the bedroom at the head of the bed can cause insomnia and severe headaches, as a result of which it should be placed away from the sleeping areas.


The myrtle tree is a beautiful flowering plant with white fluffy flowers. Myrtle blooms (photo above) are observed throughout the summer and until mid-autumn. Myrtle begins to bloom if the watering regime is followed, the location is chosen correctly and there is enough lighting. Probably the myrtle does not bloom due to the frequent change of location of the flower. If you constantly move it from place to place, the plant does not have time to adapt to changes in lighting. You should gradually move the flower to a new place with brighter lighting.

Too low air humidity, poorly ventilated room - possible reasons lack of myrtle tree color. When sick, the plant does not bloom; all its energy goes into recovery and survival.

Plant species

About 40 species are included in the myrtle genus, but only one is grown indoors - the common myrtle. In its natural environment, the myrtle tree is found in North Africa, Western Asia, on the islands of the Caribbean, and on the Mediterranean coast. Many varieties of myrtle are grown in botanical gardens, greenhouses, on garden plots and at home. Varieties of myrtle differ in height, shape and color of leaves, so the Luma myrtle reaches 25 meters in height, and mini-variants of the myrtle tree grow no higher than 60 cm.

Common myrtle

The most popular is the common myrtle (Myrtus communis) or myrtle communis, also known as indoor myrtle. However, it was not widely used due to low winter hardiness. Prefers shady places and diffused sunlight. In its natural environment it can be found under the canopy big trees, in the bushes of the Azores, North Africa, and the lands of the Mediterranean zone. In nature, the plant grows up to 2–5 m, in indoor culture no higher than 40–60 cm, rarely up to 1 m.

The trunk is short with dark brown-red bark. Stems are faceted, bare, rounded. Glossy, smooth, lanceolate, leathery leaves up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, arranged oppositely in one or three. Thanks to the presence of essential oil, the leaf blades emit a subtle, pleasant aroma. Single flowers, up to 2 cm in diameter, with five white, less often pale pink petals, have a brighter and rich aroma than leaves.

Flowering begins in June-July in the third year of life. Seeds - black and red berries ripen by the end of October.

The species calmly tolerates a short-term drop in temperature to -10... -12°C, but freezes when exposed to lower temperatures for a long time. If the above-ground part freezes completely, new shoots grow from the root collar in the spring.

TO ordinary appearance include many cultural forms.


Myrtus Variegata

Variety common myrtle. Variegata variety (Myrtus Variegata) or variegated with beautiful two-color leaves.

Green, large, oval-elongated leaves with white strokes and streaks along the edges. With a lack of lighting, the mottled spots fade and disappear. The aroma of flowers and leaves is less pronounced compared to common myrtle.


Myrtle Hamedaphne (swamp)

Myrtle Hamedaphne or Cassandra are other names for marsh myrtle. In nature, it is found exclusively in swampy areas, which is why it got its name. Bog myrtle is the most resistant to low temperatures. Tolerates snowy winters well middle zone Russia. The shape resembles a low, spreading shrub 80–100 cm in height with straight branches. Smooth dark green leaves up to 4 cm in length.

The flowers form racemose inflorescences in the axils of the leaves. During the cold season, Cassandra sheds its leaves. The above-ground part of the plant contains toxic substances that are dangerous to animals. Life expectancy is 40–50 years.


Myrtle luma

An evergreen tall species of myrtle, in its natural environment reaches 20–25 m in height. The trunk is highly branched, up to 50 cm in diameter, covered with smooth gray-brown bark. Young branches are pubescent. Leaves are up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, opposite, ovoid, tapering towards the petiole, the end of the leaf is rounded. The petiole is short, no more than 5 mm, covered with hairs. The leaf surface is smooth, the upper part is a darker rich green color compared to the underside. The leaves emit a strong odor.

Myrtle luma blooms profusely, white flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences in the axils of the leaves. Flowering period October-January. After flowering, a fruit is formed black-violet color up to 1.5 cm in diameter, myrtle luma bears fruit from December to March. The tree is winter-hardy and can withstand temperatures down to -7...-10 C.

Most often found in the natural environment in South America at an altitude of 500–1500 m above sea level, along the banks of rivers and lakes.


Small-leaved myrtle

A dwarf variety of common myrtle. Small-leaved myrtle is covered with small leaves up to 2 cm long. It grows no higher than 60 cm. It is often grown at home.


Myrtle macrofolia

A varietal form of common myrtle with large, opposite leaves up to 5 cm long, with a smooth, glossy surface and a pointed end. The plant can reach 3–4 m in height. Stems are tetrahedral. Myrtle macrofolia has medicinal properties; preparations based on it are used in alternative medicine. It has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

How to care for myrtle at home?

At home, myrtle requires very high-quality and stable care. In addition to the main requirements for temperature conditions, watering, lighting and pruning, the plant needs a period of rest. This is the only main difficulty that may arise when growing a houseplant at home. If myrtle sheds its leaves, this is the first sign of improper care and maintenance.

Despite its capricious nature, the plant is quite tenacious and hardy, capable of recovering from freezing and fire, and can live up to 300 years.

Location and lighting

The best option for the plant would be a place with bright, diffused light. The flower loves to be in the fresh air, the place in front open window will be ideal for the plant. The window sills of western and eastern windows are the best place for a flower. On the south side, the plant requires protection from intense bright light in spring and summer.

Without compromising its decorative appearance, myrtle can be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours. In summer, a pot with a flower is taken out to open air to a balcony, terrace or garden, the new place should be protected from direct sunlight.


At home, caring for myrtle requires close attention. From the beginning of spring until the dormant period, the plant must be kept at a temperature of +18...+20 C. During the dormant period, in winter, the temperature should not be higher than +10 C and not lower than +5 C.

Air humidity

Since the plant comes from hot southern countries, it should be provided with a slightly higher than normal humidity level, about 60%. At home, air humidity is quite low, and in winter the air is even drier due to working batteries central heating. Plant care involves not only maintaining water balance, but also periodically spraying the plant with soft, settled or filtered water.


One of the nuances of caring for capricious plant are correct stable watering. The soil should always be kept moderately moist. How to water myrtle correctly so as not to harm the flower? It is necessary to draw up a watering schedule and calculate required amount water.

Myrtle is very sensitive to the watering regime and even a single miscalculation (applying insufficient or too much water) can affect the decorative qualities of the flower. Warm, soft, settled water should be used.

Do not allow the soil to become too dry or waterlogged. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. As soon as excess water has drained into the pan, it is removed, otherwise the roots may rot. When the soil dries out, the pot with the plant is not watered in the traditional way, but placed in a container of water. Complete drying of the earthen clod can lead to the death of the flower; in this case, it is almost impossible to revive the myrtle.

Soil for planting and replanting

The optimal soil for planting and replanting myrtle is chosen from three options.
The first soil option for myrtle is an earthen mixture of equal parts of turf, peat soil, humus and sand. The second option is regular greenhouse soil. The third - one part each of clay, turf, peat soil, humus and ½ part sand. In this case, you need land with an acidity level in the range of 5–6. To avoid stagnation of water, choose a flower container with a sufficient number of holes in the bottom. The plant is provided with a good drainage layer of expanded clay, broken brick or crushed nut shells.

Feeding and fertilizers

Myrtle is a fastidious plant, so care at home is necessary. Myrtle fertilizers are necessary for full growth and lush, abundant flowering. As a fertilizer, myrtle should be given only special complex mixtures for indoor or container crops. Fertilizing is applied during the period of active growth every 14 days.

The nutritional mixture should always be liquid. The fertilizer is diluted in warm water and applied only the next day after watering.

Any other types of fertilizers and fertilizers (organic, mineral, special garden) are not suitable for myrtle.

Winter care

A characteristic feature of the flower is a long period of rest (hibernation). The duration of the myrtle dormancy period depends on the location of the flower pot in the room. On windows with a northern orientation, the dormant period is 3 months, on western and eastern windows about two months, on southern ones no more than 1.5 months.

Caring for myrtle during hibernation differs from maintaining the flower during the growing season. In winter, watering is limited, the plant is not sprayed, and the temperature is maintained within +5...+10 C. In case of violation temperature regime If the flower is kept in a hotter room, the plant may lose its leaves.

Difficulties in growing

Growing myrtle large and healthy is not an easy task. Many people, when buying a flower, soon discover that the plant has a very complex character. Shortcomings and errors during cultivation are reflected in the appearance of the flower.

When a pot of myrtle is placed in a shaded place with insufficient lighting, its leaves begin to turn pale and become smaller. What to do in this case? The first step is to move the flower pot to a more illuminated place. Under intense bright light, the leaf blades lose their rich green color, becoming duller. When exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the leaves wither, become deformed, and the edges become wavy. If myrtle leaves fall, this indicates a violation of the temperature regime; it is higher than permissible.

Myrtle dries out and sheds its leaves if the watering schedule is incorrect, or if there is too much or too little water in the soil.

If the reason why myrtle dries is due to overdrying or waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to cut the shoots in half. When the soil is dry, watering is carried out as usual. If the reason for dropping leaves is waterlogging of the soil, water with caution, halving the amount of water.

If the soil is very wet, the roots may begin to rot, in which case replanting is required. The first sign of eliminating the cause of improper care is the appearance of new leaves. In case of drying out, when the myrtle leaves fall off, you can revive the plant by immersing the flower pot in a container of water. If the myrtle has dried up, completely lost its leaves, and the branches have lost their flexibility, then in most cases it will not be possible to save it.

Lack of flowering indicates too frequent pruning and lack of influx. fresh air(more frequent ventilation is required).

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle is completely calm about pruning and pinching. In its natural environment, the plant has a pyramidal crown shape. To maintain and shape the desired shape The plant needs regular pruning and trimming.

The crown formation procedure is carried out after “hibernation” before the growing season. The shape of the plant can be changed by pinching and trimming last year's growths, leaving 3-4 buds. This will allow new side shoots to form. If you trim the top shoot, the flower will bush, pinching the side shoots - the plant takes the form of a crowned tree with a branching crown.

This process stimulates more accelerated tissue healing, growth and adaptation to a new form. During this period, the plant needs additional strength. Immediately after pruning, apply a full dose of fertilizer, regardless of the main schedule of planned fertilizing. Applying fertilizer on schedule and after pruning are two independent procedures, even if there is a difference of several days between them, one should in no case replace the other.

After pruning the crown in spring, the growth of branches will increase; the plant will not bloom in the coming summer. For annual flowering, pruning is carried out in the summer, after flowering or in winter. You should make a choice between neat branching bushes and a beautiful flowering plant with a natural crown.

Diseases and pests

The evergreen perennial is quite resistant to disease and attack by insect pests. However, with improper maintenance, violation of temperature conditions, water balance, and improperly selected lighting, it is likely that diseases and pests will appear on myrtle. Myrtle is most often affected by scale insects, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites.

Signs of damage by various pests:

  • in case of defeat scale insect a sticky coating appears on the leaves;
  • light formation in the form of fluff on leaves and twigs indicates the appearance mealybug;
  • thrips cause the appearance of light spots on the upper side of the sheet and dark spots on the bottom;
  • when aphids leaves dry and curl;
  • formation of white cobwebs on bottom side leaf indicates damage to the flower spider mite.

Planting and propagation

Myrtle is propagated in two ways - seed and vegetative (cuttings). Both methods give good results, but with the vegetative method, flowering occurs much earlier compared to the seed method. Propagation by cuttings is the only method of maintaining cultivars. Propagation by seeds does not guarantee preservation varietal characteristics. Due to its slow growth, it will not be possible to quickly grow a large plant.

Many people give up the idea of ​​growing myrtle from scratch and purchase an adult flower, since the purchased plant is quite large in size, with a formed crown. Those who bought myrtle in flower shops, receive consultations and recommendations from specialists on care and replanting after purchase, pruning. Despite its capricious nature, the plant reproduces well, planting myrtle is quite simple, but difficulties arise in ensuring comfortable, optimal maintenance.

Propagation by cuttings

For this method, cuttings of 6–10 cm are cut from the lower and middle parts of the crown from semi-lignified annual growths. The lower cut is made under the bud at the place of leaf attachment. To minimize moisture loss, some of the leaves on the cuttings are cut off at the base, except for the top ones, which are shortened by half. Select wide, low containers filled with an earthen mixture of equal parts of leaf soil and sand.

The cuttings are planted in a moist substrate to a depth of 4–6 cm, at a distance of 5–10 cm from each other, and sprayed. The box with cuttings is covered transparent film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Keep the cuttings in a cool room at a temperature of +16...+20 C, with diffused light. Periodically, the container is opened for ventilation to avoid rotting of the cuttings.

Rooting of cuttings occurs by the end of the first month. The first sign of successful rooting is the appearance of new leaves. Next, the cuttings are planted in separate flower pots up to 7–10 cm high with an earthen substrate made of equal parts of sand, turf, peat, humus soil. Water young plants abundantly.

The next transplant, into a more spacious pot, is carried out when the roots of the plant completely fill the flower container.

Myrtle is propagated by cuttings in winter (January-February) and in summer - in July. Myrtle grown from cuttings blooms for 3–4 years.

Propagation by seeds

The process is quite labor-intensive and less effective compared to the vegetative one. To get a new plant from seeds, you need to be patient. Prepare a wide container for sowing, with an earthen mixture of peat and sand in equal parts. Myrtle seeds are placed on the surface of the soil at some distance from each other, and sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate on top. The container is covered with a transparent lid (glass, polyethylene), kept in a warm, bright room at a temperature of +18...+20 C. Ventilate daily, removing the lid for 20–30 minutes to avoid acidification of the soil. The soil should be moderately moist; it is highly undesirable to overdry the soil.

The first shoots when myrtle is propagated by seeds appear by the end of the second week or even earlier.

After the formation of two true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots of appropriate size. The earth mixture for picking is prepared from equal parts of turf, peat soil, humus and sand. Stunting after transplantation is a common occurrence for young seedlings. Adapting to a new place, they begin to grow again.

The next transplant is carried out only after the flower pot is completely filled with horses. IN further care for young plants is identical to an adult. Myrtle grown from seeds blooms in the fifth year of life.

Myrtle seeds


At home, myrtle is transplanted in the spring. Young trees are replanted annually, then the procedure is repeated if necessary. The first sign of the need for replanting is the appearance of roots from the drainage holes of the flower pot.

For the myrtle transplant procedure, prepare a more spacious pot compared to the previous flower container. The edges of the pot should not extend beyond the crown of the plant. It is necessary to remove the entire root system from the pot together with the earthen ball without damaging it. To do this, the flower is not watered for several days. Holding the plant firmly by the base at the roots, turn the pot over and remove the root ball. The lower roots are carefully released from the ground. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the flower container and sprinkled with earth. The plant is lowered into a pot and covered with soil. It is necessary to ensure that the base of the trunk does not go deep into the soil.

The transplantation procedure can stop the growth of the plant; to adapt, the flower is placed in a warm, shaded place.

Transplanting myrtle after purchase

After purchasing, the myrtle must be replanted. Replacing the land with a new, more nutritious and enriched one nutrients, will benefit the plant and allow it to grow faster.

Before replanting, you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture - the ideal condition is 2-3 days after watering. A dried earthen ball will be easier to remove from the pot without damaging the root system. When you remove the myrtle from the pot, be sure to hold it by the bottom of the trunk close to the ground. If it is difficult for the earthen ball to come out of the pot due to overgrown roots, then you should take a sharp tool (for example, a knife) and carefully walk it along the walls of the pot.

The diameter of the pot should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. Drainage is poured onto the bottom (for example, expanded clay), prepared soil is added and the plant is planted, leaving the root collar on the surface. Then the newly planted plant is watered abundantly, and the remaining water is drained from the pan.

Application in medicine

In alternative medicine, the beneficial healing properties of myrtle have been known since ancient times and are used quite widely. Thanks to the presence of a large amount of essential oil and other useful components, myrtle has gained fame as an excellent healer. Myrtle oil is widely used throughout the world and is used in many areas of medicine. Decoctions, inhalations, lotions and tinctures of myrtle are useful for various ailments, prevention and prevention of diseases and inflammation of the female genital, genitourinary, digestive and respiratory systems. You can make decoctions, infusions and tinctures from indoor myrtle at home. It is better to buy essential oil in pharmacies.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of myrtle

Preparations based on the plant (myrtle oil, tincture, decoction) provide:

  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • antitumor;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • and antiviral effect.

The healing properties of myrtle are used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, colic), since preparations based on myrtle have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect.

Myrtle oil, as an infusion for external and internal use, is excellent for various seasonal viral and cold diseases. If you have a sore throat, runny nose, sore throat, or flu, it is good to be near the plant, since by releasing phytoncides, myrtle destroys pathogenic microbes, increasing immunity and overall body resistance. When you have a cold, it is useful to chew a couple of myrtle leaves several times a day, this will strengthen your immune system and help you cope with the disease faster.

The calming and analgesic properties of myrtle essential oil for headaches and migraines are very effective.

The plant can be classified as a natural antibiotic, since it contains myrtilin. Myrtle has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating effects.


Unique in its healing properties, myrtle has a number of contraindications. Preparations based on it are not recommended for use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to the components of the oil, as well as for elderly people.

When planning the location of a flower in an apartment, it is highly recommended not to place a flower pot at the head of the bed. The plant can cause sleep disturbances.

Use in cooking

Common myrtle and its cultivated varieties are widely used in different countries with different culinary traditions. It is used as an additive in the preparation of many dishes and drinks. Jam is made from fresh fruits and berries and liqueur is made. Dried fruits are added during production sausages. Myrtle leaves, along with bay leaves, are added to pickles and marinades. The bark and branches of the tree are used to cook meat and fish on the grill or fire; they give the dish a unique aroma. Use the plant as a seasoning for dishes with caution; in large quantities it gives the dish a bitter taste.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of myrtle are widely used in cosmetology. Having a tonic, anti-inflammatory, soothing, nourishing, strengthening effect, myrtle oil is used in various cosmetic preparations. Oil-based creams are excellent for the treatment and prevention of oily, porous, acne-prone skin. The oil allows you to eliminate and prevent the appearance of rosacea, the appearance of clearly defined blood vessels on the skin of the face. The oil nourishes, moisturizes and evens out skin color, giving it healthy looking, relieves inflammation. Myrtle oil is an indispensable remedy for excessive sweating, seborrhea, weak, brittle and falling hair. Thanks to its strengthening properties, it is possible to significantly reduce hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, improve their structure and general condition.

Application in landscape design

Common myrtle will fit perfectly into any home interior. Thanks to its disinfecting properties, it is ideal for children's and children's game room. The myrtle tree with its capricious nature is suitable only for true lovers of ornamental southern plants. At home, with some experience and a good supply of patience, you can form a crown within a few years a certain shape. Optimal comfortable conditions are able to transform an evergreen tree into a lush, beautifully flowering plant. Currently, in specialized flower shops you can buy myrtle bonsai - a ready-made, formed miniature tree.

Small-leaved myrtle


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