Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Tropical plant is contraindicated

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Landing feijoa carried out in several ways. The most common is planting by cuttings, less common is planting by seeds and propagation by roots. Feijoa seeds are sold in any store, but when buying them, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. If the seeds are more than a year old, then the probability of their germination will tend to zero. The most the best option will take a good and ripe fruit and get the seeds out of it. Before planting, they must be dried for a week. During this time, a mixture for planting is prepared, which can also be purchased along with the seeds. In order to prepare the mixture yourself, you need to take equal parts of turf soil, leaf soil or humus, peat and sand. The seeds are sown on the surface of the ground and sprinkled with a small layer (3-5 mm) of the mixture on top.

To prevent seeds from being washed out of the soil when watering, it is recommended not to water from a watering can, but to moisten the soil from a sprayer. To create an optimal microclimate, the container with planted seeds is placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass. The room temperature should be within 18-22 degrees, and the lighting requirements should be bright light excluding sun rays on foliage to avoid sunburn. After emergence, the seedlings require daily ventilation, and after 8-10 days the bag or glass is removed completely. When the young shoots produce 4-5 leaves, they are planted in separate ceramic pots. Further, caring for a young plant is no different from caring for an adult plant.

Location and lighting

Almost all indoor plants love light, and feijoa is no exception. Therefore, windows on the south, southeast and southwest sides are preferable for placing this plant. Windows on the north side will provide insufficient lighting, so if you want the plant to bear fruit, you need additional lighting with photo lamps or fluorescent lamps. The use of additional lighting, in addition to additional illumination, will also extend daylight hours to 14 hours. Additional lighting with conventional light bulbs is unacceptable, since the leaves of the plant suffer from the heat they generate. For feijoa, the optimal temperature is within 20-25 degrees, while the plant tolerates drafts painlessly. If the plant is taken outside, then it is not afraid of day and night temperature changes. During the dormant period, the temperature of the plant decreases.

Pot size

Grown and rooted first-year plants are planted in pots with a diameter of about 15 cm. Over the next three to four years, the plant needs annual replanting, during which the pot is enlarged. The size of the pot for an adult plant varies from 25 to 35-40 cm. The material of the pot is also required special requirements, it must be made in one of two options - enameled ceramics or light-proof plastic. A common pot made of unpainted clay is not suitable for feijoas, since moisture evaporates through its walls, which have a porous structure, which in turn negatively affects the root system plants. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

The soil

For those who save their time, there are stores where you can buy special soil for feijoa. And for the thrifty and caring, there are several recipes for preparing a mixture for planting this exotic plant. The first recipe (suitable for feijoas of all ages): earth, turf and leaf, coarse sand, peat and humus are taken in equal proportions. Recipe two (for young shoots): leaf soil, peat and sand. The soil in which the plant is planned to be planted must be subjected to a sterilization procedure.


The plant is replanted annually for the first three to four years. This must be done with caution due to the fact that feijoa branches are extremely fragile, and the tree itself is quite branched, and therefore there is a high probability of breaking them. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment with the addition of required quantity soil, with the exception of plants with various diseases or with depleted or acidified soil. In this case, replanting is carried out with the complete removal and replacement of soil, cleaning and elimination of diseased and affected roots.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

With the end of the dormant period, it is necessary to begin the stage of feeding the plant. This is especially important during the period when flowering begins and fruits set. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizer. Apply these fertilizers alternately. Organic matter is added approximately twice a month, solutions are mainly used chicken manure in a ratio of 1:25 and cow dung in a ratio of 1:10. Complex mineral fertilizers is paid monthly. Ordinary ash is also used from time to time.


This tropical, and also fruit-bearing, plant requires abundant and frequent watering. It is strictly forbidden to allow the soil in the pot to dry out; it must be kept moist at all times, but it is also forbidden to overwater the plant, allowing the soil to become acidic. Regular watering is equally important winter period peace. For these purposes, water must be used either filtered or settled for several days and at room temperature, since chlorine and lime do not contribute to the growth of the plant, but rather, on the contrary, will lead to its death.


Feijoa is a plant with an amazing ability to adapt to environmental conditions. It would seem that such a subtropical plant should be given the appropriate temperature, but this is not so. Feijoa feels great in the spring-summer months at a temperature range of 18 to 25 degrees, while proper care grows, blooms and bears fruit normally. IN winter months The temperature of the plant should be lowered to 12-14 degrees. Due to its adaptability, this plant can withstand short-term frosts. Winter Garden, balcony, terrace - these are the places where the feijoa will feel in its element.


The natural habitat for feijoas is air with high humidity. Frequent spraying with a spray bottle is best for increasing humidity. Irrigation water has the same requirements as irrigation water; it must be warm and filtered. In addition, spraying is an excellent prevention against such pests as spider mite. During the winter dormant period, the intensity of spraying should not be reduced, because heating radiators additionally dehumidifies the air, and this loss of moisture must be compensated.


Pruning a plant depends on the purpose for which the plant is planted. If the plant is planted solely for the purpose of collecting fruits, then it will not require pruning, because the young shoots bloom and bear fruit. If the plant is planted for landscaping purposes, then when it reaches a height of about 30 cm, approximately a third of it is cut off, which results in accelerated growth of side shoots, thereby forming the crown of the tree. Feijoas are cut only once, and subsequently the shoots are only pinched.

Pests and diseases

Feijoa pests can be successfully controlled using chemicals and traditional methods. Red spider mites can be successfully dealt with using preventive methods by periodically spraying the plant regularly and maintaining high humidity.

A type of scale insect is the brown false scale insect. Traditional method: remove all pest larvae with a damp swab or brush and wash the plant with soapy water. This treatment is repeated every week 6-7 times. It's pretty labor-intensive process and it can be replaced with chemicals, the most effective of which is karbofos in a ratio of 5 grams per liter of water. Signs of damage by these pests are premature loss of leaves, due to the fact that they suck the juice from the soft tissues of the plant, thereby weakening it and slowing down its growth.

A common disease of feijoa, manifested in the appearance of small brown spots on foliage, treated by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


Feijoa is extremely beautiful in the flowering stage. At the end of May - beginning of June, the young shoots of the plant begin to bloom with red or pink flowers with many long red stamens with a coral tint, which protrude beyond the flower, giving it a unique originality. If the plant periodically blooms, but the fruits do not set, the artificial pollination method comes to the rescue. To do this, you need to collect pollen from some flowers and transfer it to others. Only young shoots bear fruit, so when bearing fruit you must take into account that the branches do not break under the weight of the fruit.


Feijoa propagates in three ways: seeds, cuttings and roots. The cutting propagation method is the most widely used. To do this, a cutting is taken from the mother plant from a semi-lignified shoot, approximately 10 cm long. In this case, all the leaves, except the first pair at the tip of the cutting, break off. The cuttings are planted in a specially prepared mixture, previously sterilized or steamed. Before planting, it is advisable to immerse the cuttings for some time in a phytosolution. After planting the cuttings, the container must be covered with a glass flask or plastic bag. This required condition for rooting cuttings, as high humidity is required, about 85 - 95%. The temperature for rooting cuttings should be 25 - 28 degrees. Propagation by cuttings is usually carried out in the fall, therefore, the cuttings need additional lighting. The average rooting time for cuttings is 1 - 2 months. The plant begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.

Propagation by seeds is best done in February so that the seeds germinate by the beginning spring-summer period. Feijoa seeds are planted on specially prepared soil and sprinkled a little on top. It is necessary to water the seeds with settled water, and it is better to do this by spraying. The pot with the planted seeds is covered with film or glass and placed in a warm (25-28 degrees) and bright place. After about a month, the seeds germinate and when they reach a height of 5-8 cm, they can be planted in separate pots.

Quite often, when replanting a plant, root bundles recommended for removal remain, which some plant owners unknowingly throw out. Meanwhile, this is excellent planting material, which is also already rooted. Therefore, this root shoot can be planted and a beautiful plant will grow from it.

Rest period

In winter, feijoa begins a period of rest, which is necessary for this fruit-bearing plant to recuperate. During this period, the temperature of the plant is reduced to 12-14 degrees, with almost the same humidity level. Watering is also reduced slightly, but feeding the plant is stopped until the end of the dormant period.

Plant toxicity/beneficial properties

Feijoa fruits are very rich in such useful material, like iodine, potassium, vitamin C and pectin. The peel of these fruits contains substances that are used to prevent oncological diseases. Feijoa fruits are widely used for medicinal purposes. They are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as thyroid disease, gastritis, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, gout, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and vitamin deficiency. Feijoa fruits are also prescribed for weight loss, treatment of flu and colds.

The fruits of this plant are used in cosmetology. They are used to produce rejuvenating and nourishing anti-inflammatory masks. Feijoa fruits are also widely used in cooking for preparing salads and various pastries. You can only eat ripe fruits, which can be stored for no more than 7 days. People who suffer from diabetes, obesity and thyrotoxicosis are not recommended to consume feijoa. If you eat too many fruits, you may experience rapid heartbeat, decreased performance, depression, and even a nervous breakdown. Feijoa fruits combined with milk can cause stomach upset.

Feijoa is a typical representative of a subtropical climate, which did not prevent it successful cultivation in the collections of Russian flower growers. Acclimatization was not easy: the southern plant turned out to be demanding high humidity air, did not want to bear fruit for a long time, and certain difficulties arose with reproduction. And yet, breeders managed to obtain feijoa varieties that can be grown without much difficulty in greenhouses, on window sills, and in southern regions and in open ground.


The plant belongs to the myrtle family and can grow in the form of a miniature, not very spreading tree or lush shrub. Feijoa is valued not only for its decorative value - every summer flower growers and gardeners collect several kilograms of tasty and healthy fruits. The berries are used to make jams, preserves and juices. But fresh feijoa fruits are especially useful. They have a specific taste that combines fruity notes of pineapple and strawberries.

Eating several berries a day helps:

  • increase immunity;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements;
  • improve memory.

Trees up to 4 meters high can be found growing wild. Domesticated specimens in open ground can grow up to 1 m. The bark of the plant, regardless of the species and varietal affiliation always light brown, rough to the touch. The arrangement of silvery-green leaves is opposite. At the beginning of summer, many large light pink flowers with a delicate aroma appear on a tree or shrub.


Feijoa varieties bred by breeders reproduce well at home by seeds and cuttings. Gardeners who grow a plant in the form of a shrub practice dividing it into several parts. But this method is possible if the feijoa has formed several young, non-lignified shoots. In the vast majority of cases, the plant is grown as a compact tree, so this propagation method is not considered.

Feijoa seeds do not have high germination rates. But each fruit contains a huge amount of them, so there will be plenty of seedlings for growing. The berries for collecting seeds are chosen to be ripe but strong. For getting quality material The fruit is cut and the pulp is carefully removed. After extraction, the seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the soil without being buried. Before planting seeds, the soil is calcined to destroy the larvae and eggs of garden pests.

For growing feijoa at home, soil with the following composition is suitable:

  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • high peat - 2 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part.

The seeds are sprinkled with a little soil, the containers are covered with glass and placed in a warm (22-25°C) place for growing. The soil is moistened daily, while ventilating the planting. Green sprouts will appear in 1-2 months, after which the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Feijoa seeds are planted in late February or early March. At this time of year, the plant may not have enough sunlight to form roots and green mass. Great solution lamps will become daylight, installed at a height of 30-40 cm above containers with seeds.

In autumn, cuttings 8-10 cm long are cut from an adult plant. All leaves, except the top two, are pinched to speed up root formation. The cuttings are buried at a slight angle into the ground and a mini-greenhouse is built using an ordinary plastic bag. When grown in a warm and well-lit place, young leaves will appear in 4-5 weeks.

Plant care

Despite the fact that the bred varieties have increased resistance, feijoa still belongs to the subtropical fruit crops. The plant requires additional lighting in the cold season, but in summer it is shaded from active sunlight. Air humidity matters for feijoa great value. When growing it at home, regular water procedures are carried out using a spray bottle.

Feijoa is a moisture-loving plant. Water for irrigation is used from settled tap water or soft rainwater. The soil in the pot should always be moist and breathable. But overwatering destructive for a miniature tree. The accumulation of water near the roots will cause them to rot and cause the death of the plant.

Water accumulated in the pan is drained only when there is excessive watering. If the soil is porous and loose, then earthen lump quickly absorbs moisture from the pan through the drainage holes.

Feijoa quickly grows green mass and root system, so it needs frequent feeding. To ensure that fertilizers are fully absorbed, they are introduced in stages.

  • The soil is enriched twice a month organic fertilizers. It could be bird droppings, diluted with water in a ratio of 1/15, or a 10% solution of cow manure.
  • A week after fertilizing with organic matter, potassium fertilizers are added, diluted in accordance with the instructions.
  • Feijoas are fed monthly with superphosphate - a teaspoon of the dry mixture is diluted in 3 liters of water.

Fertilizers are introduced when the plant reaches two years of age. Until this time, a sufficient amount accumulates in feijoa nutrients for optimal growth and development.

For this plant, a combination of fertilizing and watering is unacceptable. The soil under the tree is fertilized after all water procedures for the prevention of root burn.

False scale insects and red spider mites love to settle on the tender leaves of feijoa. The presence of pests is indicated by transparent thin cobwebs between the branches and sudden drying of young shoots. Herbicides (Karbofos, Keltan) are used to control pests at home. The plant and the soil underneath it are sprayed generously at intervals of 3-4 days.

Crown formation

Feijoa can be grown as a compact tree or bush. To make the crown shape neat and attractive, shoots are pruned to 1/3 of their length in early spring. After a few days, increased growth of lateral branches begins. It is on them that large and juicy fruits are formed at the end of summer.

To grow a tree, the seedling is pruned at a height of 30-40 cm, and the young shoots that appear at the roots are removed. Aftercare involves pruning dry or damaged branches. Experts also recommend removing weak and elongated shoots. They excessively thicken the crown and cause poor fruiting.

Many lovers exotic plants grown at home. But they rarely appear delicious fruits. But the feijoa harvest from one tree is enough to make several jars of vitamin jam. Dried berries are added to tea and even used to make homemade tinctures and liqueurs.

Feijoa begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-6 years. Before adding to your collection of exotic plants, you should learn about the pollination characteristics of this species. In nature, the resulting pollen is transferred from flower to flower by bees. At home, this should be done by a gardener using cotton wool or a soft brush. To make life easier for plant lovers, breeders have developed self-pollinating feijoa varieties.

Feijoa is a unique fruit and ornamental plant. It was first discovered a century and a half ago by the German naturalist Friedrich Zello. The plant received its specific name, Akka Sellova, after the name of its discoverer, and its generic name, Feijoa, in honor of the director of the Natural History Museum in Brazil, whose name was João Feijo.

In 1890, feijoa first appeared in France. And the plant’s triumphal march around the world began. 1900 – Yalta and Sukhumi. 1901 – California. 1913 – Italy and other Mediterranean countries. Then feijoa was received by Georgia, Azerbaijan, Crimea and Krasnodar region. Interestingly, this subtropical plant, which categorically refuses to grow and bear fruit in the tropics, has perfectly adapted to the growing conditions in Crimea, where it can even tolerate frosts down to -11°C. In many countries, feijoa is successfully grown and bears fruit well as a houseplant.

Description of the plant

The feijoa genus belongs to the Myrtaceae family. There are only three species in the genus, only one of which has been cultivated. The plant is evergreen shrub, no more than three meters high, with grayish-yellow branches and hard, pubescent leaves. The leaves are green above and silver-gray below. They have a strong characteristic odor. Feijoa blooms very beautifully with crimson-red flowers at the base, with large white-pink petals.

The most main value feijoa plants are its fruit. This is a green berry with a slight reddish tint. The shape is oval or oblong. Diameter 4-6 centimeters. Length – up to 10 centimeters (depending on the variety). One feijoa fruit weighs from 30 to 50 g.

Feijoa value

Even when ripe, these fruits do not look at all appetizing. They remain green (rarely red or brown) and inconspicuous, looking like unripe plums with a short tuft-tail. But inside the feijoa lies a surprise - dense, juicy, pleasantly sour pulp with an amazing aroma and taste of strawberries, banana and pineapple at the same time. There are also seeds there, but they are barely noticeable and do not interfere with enjoying the exquisite taste.

Feijoa pulp contains a lot of vitamin C, and the more mature the fruit, the more of it. The fruits also contain sucrose, five amino acids, fiber, pectins and proteins. The fruits have quite high acidity. And they have the most valuable property - to accumulate soluble iodine compounds, which are perfectly absorbed by the body. In this respect, feijoa is far from all other fruits and berries, even persimmons.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about the feijoa fruit, and we will also talk about beneficial features feijoa.

Something seems to have drawn me back to the exotic...

Well, okay, since we are already talking about feijoa, I will definitely share information with you about rambutan, medlar, and some other fruits. Walk, just walk.

But we will talk about them separately. Now, let's figure this out with you.

As for the fruits of this plant, some claim that feijoa is a fruit, and some claim that it is a berry. Which one is right?

If you use a source such as Wikipedia, it clearly states that this is a berry. But, since it has become the custom among the people, it is often classified as a fruit - then it will remain so with us.


If we talk about the fruit itself, it is so unique that it is used not only as a delicacy or food for a variety of nutrition, but also in medicinal, cosmetics. But, since now we are talking more about its edible properties and characteristics, we will focus on them.

But about the cosmetic properties of feijoa, as well as medicinal properties we will talk in a separate article, which I called everything. By the way, we will also talk a lot about the presence of vitamins and minerals in it.

Where and how does feijoa grow?

To be honest, this plant can even be grown in your kitchen. This is due to the fact that although it is exotic, it is, however, quite picky. But, if you grow it at home, you can’t count on fruits. And if there are any, then, as they say, “one tooth at a time.”

But if you shelter him in some kind of greenhouse, where there is more space and a special microclimate, then everything is possible. Well, feijoa grows in both tropical and subtropical climates. At the same time, the subtropical climate is more natural for it.

Thus, those southern parts of Russia (the same Krasnodar region), which belong to a subtropical climate, can be quite suitable for growing it. If we talk about those countries where it is cultivated the most, then the list includes:

  • Central and South America,
  • Eastern countries (India, Japan, Korea),
  • region of New Zealand,
  • Southern countries of Europe,
  • southern regions of the Caucasus,
  • South Coast (Crimea), although it is not cultivated as much as we would like.

Feijoa grows in relatively small bushes from which you can collect good harvests. So, if one such bush is well looked after, it can produce up to 25 - 30 kilograms of fruits (berries).

Feijoa fruit

Feijoa fruit is a green fruit with a yellowish tint, the average weight of which is about 70 grams. Well, depending on the growing region and conditions, the weight can be either 20 grams or reach 120 grams. Everything, of course, depends on the care and skill of the person who grows it.

If we directly approach the consideration of this miracle - the fruit - then I want to say that everything in it is edible. Although, of course, the most edible is the pulp, the peel that covers it is also used in cooking, and not only in it.

But, due to the fastidiousness and variety of other fruits, local residents of the regions where feijoa grows prefer to immediately get rid of the sour and bitter peel and gobble up only the juicy pulp. For us (especially for residents of the northern regions of the former Soviet Union), the peel will serve as quite suitable food.

This can be immediately explained by some important properties:

  1. the peel contains a lot of fiber,
  2. it contains many antioxidants that are always necessary for humans,
  3. contains, like the fruit itself, vitamins and minerals.

Speaking about myself feijoa fruit and you don’t have to worry about what it tastes like, since it’s quite sweet. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of natural sucrose, as well as fructose, its sweetness is very reminiscent of a very juicy, ripe and very sweet pear.

In terms of consistency, the inside of the fruit is a jelly-like mass, which the local population devolves with a spoon. But you can eat without resorting to the help of this cutlery. By the way, eating feijoa fruit is somewhat similar to eating pudding.

Feijoa contraindications

Of course, before trying feijoa fruit for the first time, you need to find out about possible contraindications. In general, there is no danger for the average person. Danger may occur if:

  • a person has an individual intolerance to essential oils contained in the fruit, and especially in the peel,
  • eat more than 400 grams of fruit per day.

Due to the high sugar content, a large number of fruits can cause digestive upset or deterioration of the cardiovascular system.

Articles on the topic

In order to give you, my dear reader, even more useful information- decided to give you more detailed information, which I found on other sites:

Well, now, as promised at the beginning, let’s talk about other fruits, which I also recommend trying.


If we talk about rambutan, then in terms of the consistency of the pulp it is very similar to the feijoa fruit. It also has a “pudding-like” pulp, which is simply saturated with various sugars. It is very, very sweet and just melts in your mouth. In general, in order not to greatly stretch an already rather lengthy article, I wrote a separate article for you, which you can read.


Medlar is more common here, as it is grown in the south of Russia, as well as in Crimea and other similar climatic zones. If you haven’t tried it yet, it means either you don’t know about its beneficial properties, or no one has yet told you about its unusual taste. One way or another, for you, I also decided to work on a separate article in which we talk in detail.

To summarize our conversation today, I will say that it is advisable to consume all of the above fruits at lunchtime and it is not recommended to gorge yourself on them in the evening. The most optimal time, in which our body easily digests and assimilates them - this is from 9 a.m. to 6–7 p.m..

P.S: I ask you to leave a comment on this article, and also share information about the feijoa fruit with others through the buttons social networks below.

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We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.


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