Air-water heating for home. Air heating system for a private house - features, design and diagrams

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So to be or not to be this system - and This is exactly how the question can be posed when air heating of a private house is discussed. And if, in relation to our climatic conditions, it has already become a classic of the genre, then there are many rumors and legends about it. The time has come to clarify the situation, and they will help us with this FORUMHOUSE users! But first, let's look at the experience of our compatriots living in the USA - whether it is applicable in Moscow and our other cities, at least partially.

OnlyOn :

I constantly communicate with relatives living in the American town of Janesville, not far from Chicago. The climate there is similar to ours. And in all the houses gathered together frame technology Air heating and air conditioning systems are installed.

The air heating system of a house works according to the following principle: a heater, electric or powered solid fuel or natural gas, located in the basement of the house. Air is taken from the street and, heated in winter and cooled in summer, is distributed through air ducts throughout all rooms of the house.

Read about how to choose yours for your home and country house.

And in each room, under the windows, in the walls, in the floor, there are exits closed with adjustable bars. Thermostats with manual or automatic adjustment air temperature.

Let's see if we can use such a system in relation to our climatic conditions

Forum user with nickname Traks.

– On our forum we have already discussed air heating of a house, and not just a frame one, more than once. But here implemented projects, very little. It seems to me that this system is not yet justifiably expensive for us, both the equipment itself and its installation and operation.

But the traditional, for us Russians, types of hot water in radiators, stoves, fireplaces, heat generators, which have been in operation for more than one year, live and thrive.

So is it worth experimenting, because usually everything new needs in the run-in and is initially perceived with a certain amount of skepticism.

But our forum member with the nickname Anchous, is going to equip his frame house with an area of ​​150 m2 with an air heating system.

– I want to divide heating and ventilation into two zones - public and sleeping, so as not to waste heating what is not currently in use. I also plan to provide exhaust ventilation office so that you can smoke there with a clear conscience.

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle of such a system.


– General circulation heating and separate supply are planned fresh air in each zone, the hood, respectively, each also has its own separate air supply and hood in the office.

The operating modes will be as follows:

  • Circulation with inflow is the main mode when someone is at home;
  • Circulation without inflow - minimal maintenance required temperature when there is no one at home;
  • Circulation without inflow (quick warm-up) - after SMS "Driving home";
  • Displacement ventilation - rapid ventilation, the recirculation dampers are closed.

An article about the ventilation system is available here .

But such a system also has its pitfalls.


– Ve ventilation heating at home is complex system. N You need to calculate how many valves and other control devices you will have, because... all this can fail, and setup can take an indefinite period of time and cost a lot of money.

An air heating system is a complex engineering structure. And it needs to be developed at the stage of designing a house!

Also, with an air heating system, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • A filtration system is required;

Without it, the air heating system at home is a fiction, since the air in front of the stove must be cleaned. Otherwise, the furnace will burn waste products and release combustion products directly into the room.

  • The mechanical filter must be cleaned every month, the electrostatic filter once a quarter, the carbon filter once every six months;

If you clean less often, the flow of dust into the heat exchanger increases, where it begins to burn out.

  • It is necessary to install an antibacterial filter, because Warm and moist air flows through the air ducts.

But despite a number of complex technical points, which you need to pay attention to, the use of a correctly calculated and installed air heating system, according to our user with the nickname TGSV has the following advantages:

– There is no heating system , which causes significantly lower thermal inertia and much faster heating of the surrounding space than in the case of using water radiators.

Low inertia provides the opportunity for flexible control of air heating operation. The temperature in the heated room is controlled using built-in automation and a remote thermostat.

Upon reaching desired temperature the air heater turns off, and when it drops by 0.5-2 degrees. (depending on settings) is activated again. The operation of the installation can be programmed by hours and days. At correct calculation system to ensure a temperature of 20 degrees. the installation will turn on for 15-20 minutes per hour. And during the period when there is no one in the house and there is no need to keep 20g. then 5-10 minutes per hour.


– The air installation can also be beneficial in summer period. It is ideally suited for combination with air purification, air conditioning and humidification systems.

Thus, in addition to centralized heating and ventilation, the user also purchases a central air conditioner. Those. in total, this is the installation of full-fledged climate control based on one air duct system, with the possibility of zonal air distribution throughout the house.

As additions, multi-stage systems are integrated into this scheme air filters from mechanical to electrostatic, ultraviolet lamps for bacteriological cleaning, automatic. The operation of the entire complex is controlled from a single control panel, including using remote access technologies via the Internet.

Interesting experience in operating an air heating system by our forum member with the nickname Nadezhda_Kiev:

– I have a frame house with an area of ​​300 square meters, plus a monolithic basement mezzanine of 70 square meters. Heated area 250 sq.m. Gas heating, electric air conditioning. In 2010, 2,500 cubic meters of gas were spent on heating, plus electricity costs - a fan for heating a house drives air through pipelines to heating season 20 USD in 6 months. Air conditioning costs approximately 1 USD. in a day.

With your own hands

As mentioned above, air system heating system is the best suited for equipping it. But it is necessary to take into account that the heat loss of such a house should be minimized and even at the design stage it is necessary to leave space between the walls for laying pipes and ventilation ducts.


– Large main air ducts are usually hidden in built-in cabinets, under stairs, in corridors, attics, and crawl spaces. Air ducts with a cross-section of 250x80 are distributed throughout the rooms. if it is not possible to pass them under the floor or through the attic, then the suspended ceiling will eat no more than 100mm. Now there are more modern high-pressure systems that use flexible ventilation ducts with a diameter of 70mm.

An air heating system works best in combination with, but the experience of our forum member is indicative Andrey who decided to independently manufacture such a heating system based on a solid fuel boiler.


– I have an 8x8 frame house. Insulation - 15 cm polystyrene foam - floor, ceiling and walls. Heating TT stove Professor Butakov installed in attached garage. There are four air ducts running from the furnace to the corners of the house under the floor. The air is driven by a fan through the oven. Hot air outlet in the floor in the form of an ordinary iron ventilation grille. The air intake is partially from the house, partially from the street through air ducts.

Thus, heating and ventilation of a private house is carried out simultaneously.


– In winter, at night it was -38 degrees outside. 31 degrees during the day, at home it’s always +25+27. Cold air (30-70%) from the street is mixed with warm air (70-30%) from the house and through a filter (100 rubles) - fan - stove is supplied into the house. Created overpressure and if there are cracks somewhere in the house, then cold air from the street does not blow into them, but on the contrary, it blows out of the house.

According to a forum member, the stove itself is heating up all day long, no breaks. And the thermal energy from one stack of firewood is enough for 8 hours if you burn with pine and 12 hours if you burn with larch.

The outlet pipes on the stove were combined with a tin box into one air duct. Hot air comes out from above, cold air enters from below. Two insulated air ducts extend from the stove to the left and to the right. And under the floor of the house, the air ducts in the rooms are separated by a tee.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that the air heating system is too noisy.


– I have warm air coming from the floor near the windows, creating thermal curtain near the window, rises up and is taken up by a grate, which is located in the hall near the stairs much higher than our head, therefore, we do not feel the forced flow.


– I don’t feel any air movement, only if you stand near the grille, you can see that the curtain is barely noticeably swaying. There is no dryness either. Air duct with a diameter of 100 mm. with hot air, insulated with isover with foil, enters the house under the floor. Next comes between the lags. And goes out to four corners at home from under the floor.

Let's calculate the cost of a homemade system, what was spent:

  • Boiler - 25t.r.;
  • Pipe, sandwich (6 meters) - 12t. R.;
  • Air ducts - 2t. R.;
  • Fan - 3t. R.;
  • Filter - 100 rub.;
  • Filter housing - 500 rub.;
  • Silencers (2 pcs.) - 2 t.r.;
  • Oven sealant - 200 rubles;
  • Self-tapping screws - 100 rub.


- And before that, I’m talking about water heating I found out at the company. Boiler + pipes + radiators + work - they calculated me 320 thousand rubles.

FORUMHOUSE users can learn about the best and how to install an air heating system themselves, take part in a heated discussion on the topic "". Watch our video about the secrets of air heating.

Working diagram air heating includes a minimum set of equipment:

  1. heat source (heat generator);
  2. air ducts delivering heat to heated areas.

Examples of homemade air heating are presented in detail on the Internet with photos and diagrams, but interest in such systems does not wane. The advantages of air heating include:

  • high efficiency, reaching 93%;
  • direct heat transfer to heated areas without pipes, heating radiators, etc.;
  • the ability to create a room microclimate by combining heating with a climate system;
  • power and low inertia of air heating, allowing you to quickly warm up your home to the required temperatures.

Here are several ways to install air heating in a private home on our own, let's note the pros and cons of each method.

How to make air heating of a private house from the sun

Advantages solar heating are obvious - the homeowner invests only in the purchase of equipment, and the heat source itself costs nothing. Pay off solar power plants in about three years, and their service life is ten times longer (up to 30 years).

There are two types of solar heating: from solar panels And .

Advantages of solar heating:

  • absolute environmental safety;
  • ease of operation;
  • constant development of production technology and reduction in equipment costs.

Among the shortcomings we note:

  • low station productivity on cloudy days;
  • for now high cost equipment and installation;
  • the need for accurate calculation and correct placement of equipment for maximum productivity.

Solar powered installations

The operating principle of such installations is based on the formation of direct current by sunlight when it hits special semiconductors. Converter translates D.C. into variable. The voltage that appears in the solar panels is transferred to the heating system. The energy can also be stored by the battery and then used in cloudy weather.

Solar batteries are technically difficult; their production will require knowledge and skills. In addition, such equipment is usually used to. This type of heating is used where there is electric heating- or . If the installation power is sufficient, then you can provide the house with hot water.

The efficiency of batteries depends mainly on the amount solar energy. In middle and northern latitudes where there is not enough sun, it can be recommended to use combined installations in which solar panels will play a supporting role.

Installations on solar collectors

The principle of operation of such installations is also based on the collection and conversion of solar energy, only the transformation occurs not into electrical energy, but into thermal energy. The coolant in the collector heats up under the influence of sun rays and gives off its heat to the room. The performance of such an installation also depends on the amount of sunlight.

Heating installations are classified according to the type of coolant:

  • water and antifreeze;
  • air.

The procedure for installing a solar collector:

  1. Insulate the wall on the south side of the house with polystyrene foam and paint it with black paint.
  2. Sew wooden slats on top.
  3. Punch 2 convection holes for cold air from below through the wall of the house and the insulation from the edges, and 1 from above for hot air. The diameter of the holes is 20 cm.
  4. Sew corrugated sheeting onto the slats and cover the top with black plastic film(preferably glass).

The principle of operation of the collector is very simple: cold air circulates from the house through the lower openings, heated air enters the house through the upper convection opening.

In November, at noon at a temperature of 9 degrees on a sunny day, the air supplied to the house is heated by the collector to 46 degrees.

Scheme of solar air heating of a private house

How to make air heating with your own hands from a stove

When calculating air heating, it is assumed that 1 kW of power heating device can heat 10 sq.m of a well-insulated room. Fireplace inserts with a power of 10 kW are respectively capable of heating a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.

Natural convection systems

An air heating system from a stove (fireplace) involves the distribution of heat to other rooms of the house by streams of heated air. For this purpose, flexible heat-insulating channels coming from the fireplace are usually used.

The movement of heated air flows can be natural or forced. If the air flow is directed vertically, then natural movement will be ensured; if hot air needs to be supplied over long distances horizontally, then you need forced submission. A project for air heating a house from a fireplace should make maximum use of natural convection, which requires large-section air ducts.

Fireproof materials and minimal aerodynamic resistance are the main requirements for air ducts. The length of the air duct from the fireplace to the room should be no more than 3 m. There should be no narrowings or bends on it. The natural air movement heating system can heat no more than 4 rooms. During installation Special attention is given to insulating sections of air ducts near combustible building materials.

Forced convection systems

The principle is to collect air in a convection chamber and pump it from there into different rooms home with one or more duct-type fans. The heat supply distance is no more than 10 m. Flexible ventilation ducts or air ducts of small diameters are used.

Scheme of air heating from a forced convection oven

How to make air heating based on buleryan

The Buleryan stove was developed for Canadian lumberjacks. Due to its unique characteristics, it spread very quickly, and today buleryan is used for heating homes, factories, garages, greenhouses and other facilities.

The operation of the furnace is based on the principle of gas generation, i.e. “smoldering” combustion mode with oxygen deficiency. Cold air enters the furnace openings from below, and air heated to 60 - 80 degrees comes out of the pipes of the upper part of the furnace. The combustion mode in such a furnace is full, i.e. with afterburning of combustible gases in a furnace with air supply. The stove is very economical - one load of firewood is enough for 6 - 8 hours.

Air heating Do-it-yourself private house from Buleryan is arranged by connecting air ducts to the stove pipes and distributing heat through air ducts throughout the house. Ducts can be made of corrugated aluminum or tin. Air ducts transport hot air only from the furnace; there is no return flow, which reduces heating efficiency.

The photo shows a buleryan stove. Made in Canada

How to make air heating from cans

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house from cans - example self-made efficient heating system from scrap materials.

1. Making air flows

  1. Will need 196 tin cans soda bottles, which need to be washed and holes made at the bottom and top.
  2. Fasten the cans together with silicone, making a pipe of 14 cans. There are 14 columns of 14 cans in total. These are the channels through which warm air will enter the house.

2. Making a box for the collector

  • For the box you will need plywood and boards, PVA glue, high-temperature silicone, and mineral wool for insulation.
  • The board needs to be cut to size, the joints must be nailed and glued.
  • The finished dry box must be insulated with mineral wool.
  • In the top wall you need to make 14 holes to fit the size of the can. These are places where warm air collects.

3. Manifold assembly

It is better to see the assembly of the collector and its preparation for operation - the whole process is shown in detail in the video at the end.

The collector is capable of heating the air to 70 - 80° C. The use of such a collector can significantly save the consumption of natural gas and electricity for heating.

This is what a collector made of aluminum cans looks like


A variety of air heating systems allow you to choose a convenient and maximum effective scheme for each specific case. The popularity of air heating in the USA and the EU is not accidental - the efficiency of such heating installations is about 90%, while that of water heating, which is popular in Russia, is no more than 60%. The future lies in inexpensive and effective methods air heating, so now you need to select installations and use them to heat your homes.

Even before the start of frost, you should start thinking about heating your home. In the case of heating an apartment, there are several options autonomous heating, which are often used - gas and electric. Both of these types of heating are mainly aimed at the same thing - heating the batteries, and therefore, in essence, the type of heating does not change.

However, owners of private houses have a little more options. One of them is air heating of the house, which we will talk about today.

What it is

We are all accustomed to standard methods heating the home, but this option for many may turn out to be something incomprehensible and new. The air heating system of the house is modern way thermoregulation of the room.

To do this, use either existing system ventilation, or created specifically for this task. Through it, air is supplied into the room, which is preheated to a certain temperature.

This method of heating a house has a number of undeniable advantages, which are accompanied by some disadvantages. We will analyze them further.

Advantages of air heating

All modern systems heating have positive and negative sides. Air heating of a private house is no exception in this regard, but it is worth noting that it has many more advantages than disadvantages.

If you already have a quality ventilation system in the house, then you will not need to spend money on additional batteries and pipes; we are not talking about installing them yet. At the same time, the heating itself copes with its task very successfully, and this happens without extra costs energy.

Traditional heating is carried out by hot water, which, while moving through the system, quickly loses its temperature, and therefore has to be heated more than we would like.

In the case of air heating, the coefficient useful action above 90%. If air pump heating the house is working properly, the heated air will enter the room as quickly as possible, while the temperature will be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.

Another positive side of this option is the ability to combine several important tasks together - heating and air conditioning.

If the project is drawn up competently and implemented in the same way, your home will first of all have air conditioning, which does not lose its relevance throughout the year. Heating is added to it, which is turned on only when necessary, with the onset of cold weather.

Don't forget about the financial side of the issue. With all its advantages, the price of air heating is approximately at the same level as that of analogues, but energy costs are much lower, which directly affects the payback period.

Operation is as simple and convenient as possible - the equipment does almost everything for you. The most important thing is that the person himself practically cannot harm the operation of the system after it is started, because apart from choosing the desired temperature, the person does not need to do anything special. All together was the reason why similar heating has become very popular in Western countries.

Disadvantages of air heating

We named quite a lot of advantages of air heating, although we did not talk about its durability, which is also at the forefront. high level, along with reliability. But everything cannot be so perfect, because everything has its weaknesses.

The main disadvantage of air heating is the regular need for maintenance, on which the stability and durability of the entire system depends.

Of course, we are an inventive people and can easily design air heating at home with our own hands, after which we can take care of its maintenance ourselves. But not all people are able to do this.

We must not forget about dependence on electricity - as soon as all the lights are turned off, heating system will stop. There are several ways to solve this problem. First, you can install a source in your home autonomous power supply, or a regular uninterruptible power supply that can work for several hours.

The second option is more interesting and complex, and you will need significantly more financial investments - solar air heating of the house using solar panels. The option, although expensive, is environmentally friendly, and will significantly add autonomy to you.

During a sunny day, electricity will be collected in the batteries, and then there are several ways to use it: it can immediately be used to heat the house, and the excess stored in the batteries, or the electricity will be used for heating only if the batteries are already full.

As you can see, living in a private house has its own characteristics, which can definitely make life much more varied and interesting, even if it adds worries.

Photo of air heating at home


In order to equip a reliable, high-quality and, very importantly, economical heating system in a private house, you can use air-type heating. Air heating in a private house will significantly simplify the operation of the entire system and will create a favorable microclimate in the room.

How to choose such heating largely depends on a number of criteria. However, this heating option has already proven its performance and high performance in practice, which is why it has gained comparative popularity among consumers.

The most common is the air heating system for a home, since this option is not only quite affordable in terms of cost, but also has good performance and efficiency. The design of such a system includes the following set of functional elements:
  • a heat generator, which is a heater running on water. This device is the main one in the process of heating indoor air;
  • special branched channels called air ducts. They are designed to direct heated air into the right room;
  • equipment like a standard fan, which is directly responsible for transferring heat to the desired area of ​​the room.
About the features of operation, as well as about technical specifications such a procedure as air heating of the house will be discussed further.

Pros and cons of air heating in a private house

Among undeniable advantages that the air heating systems of a private house have, it is necessary to highlight the following:
  • Very high performance work (about 90%);
  • the entire design excludes the presence of any additional heating elements such as radiators, pipes, etc.;
  • air heating systems can be linked to climate control systems, this is especially important for residential premises, as this makes it possible to maintain the desired comfortable temperature in the room;
  • Thanks to the low inertia, you can efficiently heat the room very quickly.

But there are also some disadvantages in such systems, the most obvious of which are:
  • the air heating scheme involves the installation of this communication exclusively at the construction stage of a private structure;
  • For quality work such a system requires constant attention from the owners and proper maintenance;
  • The operating principle of air heating is designed in such a way that it requires constant power supply, which, in turn, explains the need for a mandatory backup power supply point;
  • During operation, it will not be possible to improve such a system in any way.
In addition, it should be noted that any drafts occurring in the room can disrupt the normal circulation of warm air in the room, which inevitably leads to overheating of the space under the ceiling and cooling of the area of ​​the room near the floor.

IN forced system circulation, it is necessary to have a fan, which, by means of pressure, directs the heated air flows entering through the air ducts. Installation of such a fan is carried out under the combustion chamber, which is equipped with air heating boilers (read: “How to use an air heating boiler - options for heating with warm air”). This device is designed to clean the air entering it from dust particles and other harmful substances and transfer the already purified flow to the heat exchanger.

Directly after the heat exchanger, air heated to the required temperature enters the room, after which it is returned back to the system through the ventilation system through the return air ducts.

How to correctly calculate an air heating system

Correct calculation of the air heating system must be carried out taking into account the following parameters:
  • air heater power indicators. This parameter should be such that the room is heated normally even taking into account all heat losses;
  • the speed at which heated air is transferred;
  • the volume of heat loss through window and door openings, as well as through walls and ceilings;
  • diameter that the air ducts have. It is important to perform an aerodynamic calculation to determine how much warm air is lost. Read also: "".
If the heating system is calculated incorrectly, this can cause the following problems:
  • significant overheating of the coolant;
  • unpleasant noise and knocking during operation;
  • draft appearing in the rooms.

Installation principle of an air heating system

The heat generator in such a system can be either a standard electric heater or a heating boiler that runs on both gas and solid fuel.

If the heat generator is a solid fuel boiler, it is very important that it be equipped with a function for regulating the speed at which the heat source will burn. If a gas boiler is used, it must be equipped with an automatic on and off system, as well as a fuel temperature control function so that this indicator does not exceed the limits of the designated parameter.

Purchase all necessary installation materials, such as air valve for heating, dampers, air ducts and other elements are required in advance and ready for installation.

The video shows one of the options for an air heating system in a private house:

It is safe to say that such an air heating system can be installed in any room; it is only important to strictly follow all the standards for its installation and take the installation process seriously. If any difficulties arise, you can always resort to help professional specialists who will tell you how to properly equip air heating radiators, and also provide various photos of these products and will help you understand the features of their connection to the system.

Systems organized on the principle of heating with heated air are successfully used for heating workshops, warehouses, administrative buildings, private houses and other objects.

This type of heating can be carried out different ways and using different equipment. What such systems have in common is the absence of any coolant other than air, and auxiliary elements, in particular, radiators.

Types of air heating

There are two fundamentally different schemes for this type of heating

Air heating combined with ventilation

Heated air is transferred using elements supply and exhaust ventilation. In this case, the operating parameter is not only the room temperature, but also the specified air exchange rate.

Heat is generated using boilers or gas heat generators. A system of air ducts is connected to them, through which warm air is distributed throughout all areas of the heated premises. The system can be supplemented with filtration, a humidifier, and a recuperator.

Air heating using fan heaters, gas or electric heat guns, convectors

It implements so-called direct heating. One or more devices are installed indoors to generate and distribute warm air. The heated air spreads in a certain direction, gradually mixing with colder air. It is possible to combine such heating with recovery systems.

Regardless of the chosen scheme, preliminary implementation is recommended in any case.

Feasibility of application

It is advisable to use an air heating system in the following cases:

  1. If necessary, arrange heating as soon as possible
  2. For heating large premises with complex configuration
  3. If necessary, organize zones with different temperatures
  4. The air heating system can be used as temporary heating during construction, renovation or finishing works. This system can, if necessary, be upgraded to a permanently functioning level. And in the future use it as the main or backup
  5. If the budget is limited, the heat source for air heating is comparable in cost to water heating boilers of equal power, and air ducts are much cheaper than pipes, fittings, radiators used in heating systems with liquid coolant

Features of heating with heated air for industrial and production facilities

Organization of air heating combined with ventilation in private residential buildings differs from the implementation of air heating systems for industrial real estate - warehouses, workshops, hangars, repair shops, etc. These differences are related to scale industrial facilities, a large volume of heated spaces, increased requirements for functionality and reliability.

Let us list these nuances that our specialists usually encounter at industrial facilities:

Currently, air heating of a private house, organized according to the so-called Canadian method, has become quite widespread in frame houses. The thickness of the walls and roofs in them is relatively small; they are not able to retain heat in the house, even taking into account the gasket thermal insulation materials. Traditional with installation of water communications in big houses is often a costly and complex undertaking.

In this case, an air heating system combined with ventilation may be the most optimal solution with high efficiency. This method of heating home premises has long been successfully used in the USA and Canada.

The principle by which air heating of a private house is built is similar to that used when organizing similar systems at industrial facilities. The heat source heats the air flowing through the ducts into all heated rooms.

But there are some peculiarities. Air ducts used in homes, as a rule, have a smaller cross-section compared to air ducts installed in industrial facilities, and in the lion's share of cases they are laid hidden. They are covered with suspended ceilings, hidden in the space under the floor, behind walls, or decorated to match the design of the premises.

Self thermal equipment, as a rule, this is a household gas or diesel air heater, heat exchanger, filter, humidifier, automation devices, also visually closed.

Another difference from industrial systems is that the source of warm air is located in one of the rooms, while at production facilities it is usually taken out to a separate room - a boiler room or heat generator room.

The main pros and cons of using air heating technology

The widespread use of air heating technology at various facilities is due to its many advantages. The main ones are:

  • High efficiency. In some systems this value can be close to 90%. For comparison, a heating system with coolant has an efficiency of less than 60%
  • Possibility to heat a large area, including in the central areas of the premises
  • Low installation and operating costs
  • Compatibility with the ventilation network. Possibility, subject to connection to a ducted air conditioner, to use the system for cooling in the summer
  • The absence of liquid coolant in the air heating system, which eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations (frost, leaks)
  • Low level inertia. Warming up of rooms is carried out very quickly
  • The ability to stop the system even in very coldy without the risk of failure

But there are obvious disadvantages of these systems, of which we can highlight:

  • Warm air tends to rise upward, so for the most efficient and uniform heating, it is advisable to lay a network of air ducts in the lower part of the room or hide them under the floors. Unfortunately, this is often impossible or very difficult to do, especially at industrial sites.
  • The use of air heating technology can lead to the rise of all the dust that is present in the house on the floor surface. If you do not clean the premises often, the air will be dusty.
  • The complexity of calculations for such a system. In order for air heating to function effectively in a small private house or at a large-scale industrial facility, it is necessary that this system be professionally calculated. These calculations are quite complex and much more complex than the calculations required when organizing a water heating system. They need to take into account many parameters. It is necessary to calculate: heat losses in the premises served, type and required power heat generator, optimal air flow speed, air exchange rate, necessary and sufficient cross-section of air ducts and other specific engineering parameters

Having analyzed the above, it becomes obvious that the air heating system is at the junction of two engineering sections. These sections are heating and ventilation.

Accordingly, the Contractor to whom you entrust the work at your Site must have such specialists or generalists who have experience in calculating, selecting and installing such systems.

It is necessary to take into account that if the air heating system is made with errors, then it will not only fail to cope with its intended purpose - to provide the necessary comfortable temperature in winter period. But it can also be noisy and quite expensive. When laying air ducts hidden, reworking such a heating system that is not working correctly is a very expensive and problematic undertaking.

If you are looking for a contractor for air heating of your private home or industrial facility, we are happy to offer you our services!


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