Growing clivia at home: secrets and subtleties of propagating velvet tropical bells. Advantages of both options

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The clivia plant (better known as the kaffir lily) belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. A herbaceous evergreen perennial native to South Africa. Clivia flowers come in three types. It is especially popular among flower growers due to its ease of cultivation and special decorativeness. The plant retains its amazing shape not only during the flowering period. At the dormant stage, the crop retains graceful dark green leaves. Unlike traditional representatives of the family (hippeastrum, amaryllis, hemanthus), the plant does not form a classic bulb. In place of the vegetative organ, closely woven leaves appear, which form a massive stem. The stem in its natural habitat can reach gigantic sizes. At home, Clivia cinnabar, Clivia miniata and Clivia orange are most often cultivated.

Direct sunlight will destroy clivia.


Kaffir lily needs diffused sunlight. It is advisable to grow the crop on window sills on the south side of the building. Direct sunlight can damage the plant.

You can protect clivia from excessive exposure to radiation using blinds, roller shutters, curtains or a mosquito net.


Clivia should be watered as the top layer of the substrate dries. It is recommended to use only boiled water.

Excessive moisture of the substrate can cause rotting of the root system and the base of the leaves. It is quite easy to recognize excessive soil moisture by the brown tips of the foliage.

During the dormant stage, watering the plant should be stopped. After the first flower arrows appear, you can gradually return to standard scheme glaze.

Move the flowerpot to a warm room after winter holiday and soil moisture can be completely restored only after the flower stalks reach a size of more than ten centimeters. A premature change in climatic conditions will harm clivia.

The nuances of transplantation

Clivia should be replanted once every 2 years. The procedure must be carried out as the container is filled with the root system. If the roots come out, the plant should be replanted immediately. It is important to protect the fragile plant while changing the pot and soil. Damage to the earthen coma can destroy clivia.

It is necessary to thoroughly moisten the substrate. Then carefully remove the flower from the container. Carefully place the plant in a prepared container with moist soil. It is necessary to preserve the integrity of the earth.

The purchased plant can be replanted as needed.

After purchasing a small Kaffir lily, you can change the transport substrate to a suitable soil mixture. Transplanted young plant in the first two years life cycle does not require a period of rest. For accelerated development and the beginning of flowering, the crop will need timely watering, constant lighting and periodic feeding.

Trimming Features

The clivia flower does not tolerate unnecessary interference. Constantly changing locations or removing sites will stop development. It is strictly not recommended to transfer the crop during bud setting or during the flowering period. To prevent leaves from falling off, it is necessary to place the flowerpot in a new place, while maintaining the direction of growth.

The clivia flower reacts especially hard to pruning. It is necessary to collect fallen areas to prevent infection by fungal and bacterial diseases. Violating the integrity of vegetative organs is not recommended. For the same reason, it is undesirable to keep the plant in a draft.

Clivia flower in an open area

Growing clivia in open ground possible only in regions with warm winters. Clivia is often used in its homeland for urban landscaping.

The plant can withstand a slight drop in temperature. If exposed to frost for a long time, the root system of clivia will suffer.

In a temperate continental climate, a Kaffir lily planted in a container can be taken out onto a terrace or balcony in the summer.

Growing technology

For the rapid development of massive clivia, you just need to prepare the substrate yourself.

soil mixture

Clivia orange develops well in soil mixture for flowering indoor plants. You can also prepare the substrate at home. To do this, it is recommended to mix leaf, turf soil and clean river sand. The plant responds well to a mixture of leaf humus, peat, turf soil and sand.

The root system of the Kaffir lily in its natural habitat is located in the top fertile layer of soil. For accelerated development, gardeners use soil mixture for orchids. The substrate stimulates the growth of massive rhizomes. A flowering arrow may appear on a young plant.


To feed clivia, it is advisable to use complex fertilizers.

Container options

Clivia cinnabar will form inflorescences only in a properly selected container. To grow the crop, you should purchase a pot according to the size of the root system. Unlike other representatives of the flora successful landing Kaffir lily directly depends on cramped space.

You can learn how to successfully grow clivia from the video:

Main pests, diseases and typical problems

Excessive watering or stagnation of water causes rotting of the root system. It is recommended to lay out a layer of expanded clay, pebbles or polystyrene foam during planting.

The production of a short flower stalk indicates a dry substrate and a cool environment. It is necessary to regulate the frequency of watering and ensure warm microclimatic conditions.

Reddish and white spots indicate sunburn of the vegetative organs. It is necessary to create semi-shaded conditions for the plant.

The appearance of faded areas on the leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen. You will need a gram of saltpeter and a liter of water. The resulting solution should be treated with the plant. Excessive use of nitrogen-containing components can reduce the number of inflorescences.

Clivia affected by pests.

If clivia cinnabar does not form a flower arrow in a timely manner, the plant continues to be in the dormant stage. Heat treatment will help awaken the culture. Needs to be prepared for the plant hot water(no more than + 40 degrees).

Yellowing and wilting of leaves in winter is associated with the natural process of changing vegetative organs. There is no need to worry if the lower areas die off first.

Why does Clivia cinnabar turn yellow during the period of active vegetation development? Often yellowness on the leaves appears due to replanting. The plant will need a long recovery period. Helping clivia is quite simple. It is recommended to add “Kornevin” or other root formation stimulants to the water during watering.

The main problems of the kaffir lily are related to improper watering. Clivia can be damaged by insufficient or excessive soil moisture, as well as premature watering. Drying out can be corrected by adjusting watering. Stagnation of water leads to rotting. It is necessary to immediately change the soil and remove all damaged roots. The cut areas should be treated with crushed charcoal.

Yellowness can also be a consequence of insufficient nutrition or depleted substrate. It is recommended to change the soil and regularly feed the crop.

If the leaves of a clivia have dried out, you need to inspect the soil and the plant. Drying ends of vegetative organs along with brown spots and stagnation of water indicate excessive waterlogging.

The rhizome of clivia is very fragile. The development of the crop depends on the condition of the underground areas of the plant. From excess moisture limits the flower's access to beneficial substances.

Response to flowering

Clivia forms buds in the middle or end of the winter season. Observing the dormant period guarantees abundant flowering. An allergic reaction to inflorescences can manifest itself in the form of lacrimation, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eye membrane, increased salivation, and difficulty breathing.

You should beware of clivia leaves. The sap of the plant contains a poisonous component. Accidental use may cause gastrointestinal pain and vomiting. It is necessary to rinse the stomach, take the sorbent and seek medical help.

Clivia leaves are especially dangerous.

Clivia propagation

Kaffir lily can be propagated vegetatively and using seeds.

Clivia from seeds

The period from pollination to the maturation of the primordia can last more than ten months. Many seeds are formed in the seed pods. It is advisable to use seed material immediately after collection - at the end of November or beginning of April.

For planting, prepare a shallow container. As a filler for the pot, you need to mix equal parts of clean medium-grain sand, peat soil and turf soil. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between the buds - at least two centimeters.

Clivia sprouts.

The soil must be kept evenly moist. The container should be placed in a semi-shaded area. For creating greenhouse effect it is advisable to use clear glass or plastic bag. The seeds need to be ventilated daily.

Under favorable conditions, the first shoots will appear in a month and a half. It is necessary to remove the cover. After the first leaves form, you need to pick the plant. For transplantation, use a seven-centimeter container. IN next year The young plant needs to be transplanted by transferring it into a pot measuring 10 centimeters. In the third year of the life cycle - in a container (13 cm). For the development of a young crop, a mixture of peat, sand and humus is suitable.

A flower from seeds is characterized by slow growth. In the second year, the plant will form only four pairs of leaves. In the future, the annual increase will be two pairs.

A three-year-old flower at the beginning of September must be prepared for the rest period. Watering should be reduced. It will take about sixty days to keep the culture dry.

Rest stimulates bud production in about thirty percent of seedlings. Plants without inflorescences must be cared for according to last year's scheme - in September, the Kaffir lily must again be gradually prepared for the dormant period.

In the fourth year of the life cycle, the crop must be moved during the cold season to a room with an ambient temperature of about + 10 - + 12 degrees. It is necessary to expose the flower to low temperatures until the apical part of the peduncle appears. Then you should gradually restore watering and abundant spraying of the crop. The temperature can be increased to + 20 degrees.

Vegetative propagation

To spread clivia, you can use offspring. The technique is much more effective and simpler than the seed propagation method. It is enough to separate the formed areas from the mother plant. The culture has very fragile roots. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out very carefully.

Reproduction by offspring.

Divisions that have at least four are suitable for planting. full leaves. It is necessary to prepare pots measuring seven centimeters in advance. The offspring should be placed in a moist substrate. The temperature for rooting should be about + 16 - + 18 degrees. Moderation of watering must be observed. Fragile pieces can easily rot from stagnation of water.

After rooting, the flower should be transplanted into the soil mixture. At home, you can prepare greenhouse, leaf and turf soil.

Why doesn't clivia bloom?

To form inflorescences, the culture needs to create as much comfortable conditions. The plant is able to maintain decorative properties in winter. Subsequently, inflorescences will not appear on the crop.

Exhausted clivia needs rest. Therefore, in the cold season, it is necessary to provide an adult plant with about three months of rest. During the entire period, you need to keep the flower in a dried substrate. The ambient temperature should not rise above + 12 degrees.

For optimal “wintering” the plant can be placed:

  1. on the window in the southern part of the building;
  2. Under the bed;
  3. in the corner of a cool room.

In order for clivia to form buds, at the end of January you need to move the plant to a lighted windowsill. At this time, you need to gradually return to watering. Sprinkling should be done regularly. Decorative culture responds well to “tropical downpours”.

For abundant flowering of clivia, you need to provide rest.

Under favorable conditions, the plant can bloom twice a year. After the inflorescences wither, in the second stage it is necessary to provide the Kaffir lily with rest.

On forums you can often find complaints from flower growers. Clivia has not bloomed for several seasons. The cause should be sought in improper care or unfavorable microclimatic conditions.

A slight deviation can slow down the development of the flower. Common mistakes flower growers:

  1. Keeping the plant in a darkened room.
  2. Increased air temperature more than + 26 degrees.
  3. Complete absence or insufficient period of rest for three months in a cool room.

The plant can decorate the interior even without inflorescences. A common culture in offices without proper care. Clivia adapts to different climatic conditions. For abundant flowering at home, you will need to make every effort.

How to choose planting material

A Dutch copy of the Kaffir lily can be purchased at the flower growers forum for 250 rubles. In online stores, the average cost of Bronze Copper clivia is 420 rubles.

One of the most amazing indoor plants that can make a pleasant surprise for the gardener in a season when the eye is missing the colorful variety of spring and summer flowers is clivia. Care at home, built according to a competent scheme, leads to a phenomenon that is rarely found in other plants - flowering in winter time.

Clivia belongs to the amaryllis family. It comes from the subtropical climate zone of the South African coast. It has long, fleshy leaves, which are folded so tightly at the base that they form a false stem. And from the center of the rosette in the middle of winter, with proper care, shoots out a peduncle with beautiful bell-shaped flowers, collected in a neat umbrella.

To enjoy this natural phenomenon, you will have to make some effort. How to care for clivia? What soils does she like? How to properly maintain it in winter? Is it possible to achieve re-blooming in summer? We talk about everything in order in this review.

Flower varieties differ from each other only in the color of the petals, which can be red, orange, yellow, orange-yellow.

  • Clivia cinnabar- the most common variety. The inflorescence contains from 10 to 20 orange-red flowers.
  • Clivia Gardena differs from cinnabar by a slightly smaller number of flowers in the umbrella - usually up to 15, and also by a slightly higher peduncle.
  • Clivia noble has pale red petals and a curved perianth. The height of the peduncle ranges from 30 to 50 cm. The number of flowers in an inflorescence can exceed 20 pieces.

Clivia: nuances of cultivation

The most important thing that clivia requires from its owner is a cool winter, so as not to deplete the bulb and give it the opportunity to lay a peduncle. During the flowering period, the temperature can be increased to room values. Another important point– send the plant to “overwinter” after flowering.

In the warm season, he likes to relax in the open ground. During the period from late May to early August, it can grow noticeably and become stronger. Just be sure to place it in the shade, as direct sunlight causes burns on the leaves! With the onset of the first cold August nights, she is brought indoors.

Home care

Most of all, clivia is demanding on temperature conditions. Also, do not overwater it, as bulbs in excessively wet soil easily rot.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

  • In the warm season, clivia needs temperatures of about 20-25 degrees, and in winter it likes coolness. At the end of autumn, if possible, it should be moved to a bright place with an air temperature of 14-17 degrees.
  • The clivia flower loves bright, diffused light, but prolonged exposure to direct light is strictly unacceptable for it. sun rays. Therefore, it is placed on western, eastern, northwestern and northeastern windows. If necessary, it can be shaded using mesh material.
  • The flower is not as demanding of air humidity as some others. Strictly speaking, if the temperature conditions are observed, there is no need to additionally humidify the air. On dry summer days you can spray in the mornings and evenings.

Soil requirements

Soil for clivia is prepared from equal parts of turf soil and leaf soil with the addition of a small amount of sand, preferably coarse-grained. It is important that the pot contains drainer, and at the bottom before planting the plant there is a layer of drainage made of pebbles, expanded clay, stones or at least coarse sand.

You can also use purchased soil for bulbous plants, which, however, is best mixed with fertile garden or forest soil in a one-to-one ratio.

Watering and fertilizing

  • The soil should be moistened moderately, avoiding flooding. This flower is at risk for the development of root and basal rot due to overwatering.
  • The plant is fed only during the period of active growth, that is, in spring and summer, at intervals of 1-2 times a month. Universal complex ones are suitable for this purpose. organic fertilizers: “Giant”, “Ideal”, “Breadwinner”. Can also be used mineral fertilizers: dissolve superphosphate, potassium nitrate and urea in approximately equal proportions (slightly less urea) according to the instructions on the package. It is better not to overfeed with nitrogen fertilizers, as this will lead to rapid growth of green mass without flowering.

You can feed it once with potassium fertilizers in winter at the time of flower stalk formation. In general, fertilizing cannot be done from autumn to early spring.

Flowering plant

A distinctive feature of clivia is its winter flowering. It's so nice to admire beautiful flowers gray winter evenings. From a rosette of elongated leaves, between January and March, it shoots out an arrow, on which flowers are formed, resembling bells in shape. Their number can vary from a couple of pieces to several dozen. The color of the petals is usually red, red-pink, less often yellow. You can admire this beauty for 20-30 days while flowering continues.

Clivia enters a dormant period soon after flowering, that is, in the second half of winter or early March.

Peculiarity! A plant with a peduncle that has appeared should not be moved to a new place, otherwise the buds will fall off.

Flower transplant

Replant it bulbous plant It is only worth it if absolutely necessary, as damaged roots easily rot. The exception is young specimens, which can be transshipped every year in the first 2-3 years of life. The main criterion indicating the occurrence of an extreme case: the roots fall out of the drainage hole or become entangled earthen lump so dense that they do not fit in the pot.

When transplanting, try not to destroy the earthen lump. The new container should be slightly larger than the previous one and not inferior to it in terms of drainage quality.

Very old plants, especially those older than 10 years, do not need to be replanted until the end of their lives, but only replaced annually upper layer soil with new, fertile soil.

Winter care

IN winter period When kept cool, clivia does not need frequent watering. You can moisten the soil only 1-2 times a month as it dries out.

We must not forget that at temperatures below +12 Clivia dies! It is advisable that it winter at temperatures of +14 ... +17 degrees.

When a peduncle appears, the temperature is increased to 18-20 degrees. A cool window sill is good for this, but without drafts! After the flowers wither, the plant is returned to cool conditions until March.

Clivia propagation

Clivia reproduces in two main ways:

  • Most often, Clivia is propagated by baby bulbs, which large quantities formed around mature plants. They should be dug up as carefully as possible in order to damage as little as possible the roots of the mother plant.
  • Planting seeds. True, seed plants bloom only after 2-3 years, but this does not stop amateurs. One more nuance: only adult specimens over eight years old can produce seeds! It should also be taken into account that the formation of ovaries is possible only with cross-pollination. But if you manage to grow planting material, then propagating the flower will not be difficult.

The main thing is to remember that seeds quickly lose their viability after collection, so they should be sown immediately.

The sowing and growing procedure is standard for most ornamental plants:

  • Prepare standard soil and pour it into shallow containers with drainage holes.
  • Seeds are distributed over the surface soil mixture, press lightly, moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the containers with polyethylene or a mini-greenhouse and leave in a bright room with room temperature air.
  • The first shoots will appear in 3-4 weeks. When they grow a little, you can plant them in small pots.

Pests and diseases - how to treat them?

Among the pests that like to feed on clivia are scale insects and mealybugs.

  • Shields resemble strange dark brown immobile growths with a diameter of several millimeters to a centimeter.
  • Mealybugs- these are white small insects, loving to settle in the axils of leaves.

Both pests are well removed by Aktara and Aktellik. Aktara not only sprays the affected plants, but also waters the soil. Active ingredients This drug is harmless to plants, but toxic to pests.

Of the fungal diseases, the plant most often suffers from root rot and bulb rot. When the root system rots, the leaves turn brown and wither. Unfortunately, the process can only be stopped at an early stage, when symptoms are just beginning to appear. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, its roots are washed in warm water and treated with Fitosporin. Rotten areas are mercilessly removed, and the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal (wood or activated).

Why doesn’t clivia bloom, why do the leaves turn yellow and dry?

Why clivia does not bloom depends on several factors.

  1. The plant needs winter coolness to set buds.
  2. The consequences of flooding or, conversely, drying out of the land may affect.
  3. Baby bulbs can take a lot of effort, but it makes sense to plant them when they grow 3-4 leaves.

Important! If the leaves turn brown when overwatered, then when there is a lack of water their tips turn yellow and dry out. Therefore, in winter you need to regularly visit and check the condition of the flower: suddenly it’s time to water.

Clivia is one of the most unusual indoor plants, which when good care can delight the gardener with its amazing flowers not only in spring or summer, but even in the winter season.

The flower is a member of the amaryllis family. Its habitat is the subtropical zone of South Africa. The plant has only three varieties, the remaining species are obtained by hybridization.

General information

The culture has long, fleshy leaf blades that form a false stem, from the center of which a peduncle with buds appears, which over time turns into beautiful bell-shaped flowers, collected in one neat umbrella inflorescence.

However, in order to grow beautiful and healthy plant, you should make an effort that will be rewarded abundant flowering and extraordinary decorativeness.

Clivia types photos and names

(miniata , orange ) – is the most common type of plant. In Latin, the name of the culture is pronounced Clivia miniata. When dormant, almost all plant varieties look the same. The culture reaches a height of up to 70 centimeters and has prominent dark green leaf plates.

The inflorescences of the plant are large, reddish-orange. Flowering time occurs from February to March. Up to 20 inflorescences can be located on one peduncle. It was this flower that became the basis for the development of new varieties of clivia.

– the plant reaches a height of up to 70 centimeters. It has long, fleshy, dark green, belt-like leaf blades. Up to 20 beautiful white inflorescences, bell-shaped, bloom on an elastic, tall peduncle. The crop blooms in early spring.

– the culture has large, umbrella-like flowers of a yellow hue with a delicate aroma. They bloom on a long peduncle that appears during the growing season. Flowering time occurs in mid-spring. The plant reaches a height of 70 centimeters and has rich green strap leaves.

– the variety was bred in 1828 in Europe. In nature, the plant grows in Africa and reaches a height of up to 30 centimeters. The leaf blades are xiphoid, tapered at the ends, long, dark green in color. The peduncle reaches a length of up to 50 centimeters. Up to 60 drooping, tubular inflorescences of a red or yellow-orange hue are formed on it. Flowering time occurs in the second half of winter.

The length of the culture reaches from 30 to 50 centimeters. IN wildlife grows in the Cape Province. The leaf blades are long, dark green with a narrowed end. The peduncle is thick, elastic, and small, pale red inflorescences grow on it, collected in an umbrella. The crop blooms in the second half of winter.

– the plant was discovered by Robert Garden, who first discovered clivia in the city of Kwazal. The culture grows in the shady foothills. Its height reaches 50 centimeters, and the length of the bright green, sword-shaped leaf plates is up to 90 centimeters. The buds appear on a tall peduncle, and when they bloom, they turn into red-orange bell-shaped flowers. Flowering time occurs in autumn or early winter.

- is a miniature variety of plant reaching a height of up to 30 centimeters. The leaf blades are dark green, sword-shaped with a pointed edge. The peduncle is thick and long and can contain up to 60 medium-sized tubular orange inflorescences. This variety of clivia blooms in the second half of winter.

– this variety was bred in 1899. The height of the crop reaches up to 60 centimeters. It has long, strap-like leaf blades of a rich green hue. Inflorescences are creamy yellow with pleasant aroma located on a long peduncle. The flowering time of the plant lasts from February to March.

This plant variety was discovered in 1943 in South Africa. The crop is quite large, with an unusual stem formed from the lower dried leaf plates. The stem has an air root system and belt prominent, dark green, smooth, long leaves. The inflorescences are drooping, bell-shaped, red-orange in color. The plant blooms in spring or summer, but there are times when it blooms in autumn.

– this variety was discovered in 2002 in South Africa. The plant reaches a height of 60 centimeters and has unusual sword-shaped leaf plates of a dark green hue with a white stripe in the middle and a dark burgundy base. The inflorescences of the culture are medium-sized, drooping, bell-shaped, orange-red in color.

– the birthplace of the plant is South Africa. The crop grows up to 50 centimeters in length. It has prominent, smooth dark green leaf blades with a white stripe down the middle. Red-orange bell-shaped inflorescences are located on a high peduncle. The plant blooms at the end of spring and beginning of summer.

– the plant reaches a height of 180 centimeters and has long, sword-shaped leaves with a pointed end of a dark green hue. The inflorescences are medium-sized, bell-shaped, forming an umbrella cluster. The crop blooms in mid-winter.

Clivia care at home

In order not to ruin the plant or deplete it, clivia should be wintered in a cool microclimate. Thus, you can not only give the crop a rest, but also allow the bulb to form a peduncle. During flowering, the plant should be created favorable conditions, or rather, maintain the temperature in the region from +17 to +20. After flowering, the crop must be sent for wintering.

In summer, it is best to take clivia outside. From May to mid-August garden conditions she will become even stronger and grow. However, the crop should be placed in the shade, since exposure to direct sunlight will cause burns on the leaves. In mid-August, when the nights begin to get cold, the plant must be brought indoors.

IN summer time year in the room with the plant the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. In winter, clivia should be kept cool. In autumn, the flower should be moved to a bright place with a temperature of 14 to 17 degrees.

The plant likes bright, diffused light, but direct sunlight on the clivia is unacceptable. For this reason, it should be placed on a western, eastern or northwestern window. You can shade the crop using mesh material.

The plant has no special preferences in air humidity. The only thing you need to do is spray the flower in the morning and evening in the summer.

By observing all these requirements, you can grow a beautiful plant with decorative properties and bright unique inflorescences that will delight you with their flowering not only in spring, but also in the winter season.

Zephyranthes is also a member of the Amaryllidaceae family. It can be grown with care at home without much hassle if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

Watering clivia

The plant needs moderate watering. If there is an excess of moisture, this will lead to rotting of the root system and death of the crop. For watering, use only settled and warm water.

It is necessary to moisten the soil only when its top layer is completely dry. After the peduncle has been driven out and until all the inflorescences are fully opened, a little more liquid should be added under the plant. After flowering, watering should be reduced.

During wintering, the crop should be watered once a month to prevent the leaf blades from drying out. In winter, you need to carefully monitor the leaves. If they turn yellow and begin to dry out, then the clivia does not have enough moisture. In summer, the flower should be sprayed twice a day, and its leaf blades should be wiped with a damp sponge once a week.

Soil for clivia

You can prepare the soil mixture for the plant yourself. To do this, you need to take turf and leaf soil in equal parts and mix them with a small amount of coarse, river sand. Before planting a flower, you should take care of the drainage layer, making it from fine expanded clay.

If desired, the gardener can purchase a substrate specifically for bulbous crops. But before planting, it still needs to be mixed with garden and forest soil in equal proportions.

Transplanting clivia at home

Transplantation should be carried out only if necessary, since if the root system is damaged during the procedure, the plant may die. The exception is young plants, which need to be replanted once a year for the first three years of life.

The crop needs to be replanted if the roots begin to fall out of the drainage holes, or they entwine the soil so tightly that they do not fit into the containers.

The transplant should be carried out together with a land surveyor. New pot should be slightly larger than the previous one and must have a drainage layer and holes for water to drain.

Those clivias that are already more than ten years old do not need to be replanted at all, replacing only the top layer of soil with a new one.

Clivia pot

The container for planting the crop should be about 3 centimeters wider than the previous one. The plant should be slightly cramped in it, thus you can increase the flowering time of the clivia.

When planting a flower in big pot, the flowering of the crop will not occur until its root system completely occupies the entire container.

When choosing a pot for a plant, you should make sure that it has drainage holes, which will allow air access to the crop and remove excess moisture, thereby avoiding rotting of the root system.

Fertilizer for clivia

The plant should be fed only during the growing season, which lasts from early spring to late summer. Fertilizers should be applied once a month.

You can use complex organic fertilizer “Ideal” or use mineral fertilizer by diluting potassium nitrate, urea and superphosphate in equal proportions. Nitrogen fertilizing should be applied to a minimum, otherwise the plant will have luxurious foliage, but flowering will not appear.

Potassium fertilizer must be applied once in the winter season, when the plant forms a peduncle. From the beginning of autumn to the beginning of spring, clivia cannot be fertilized.

Clivia flowering

The difference between clivia and other plants is its flowering in the winter season. The plant throws out a peduncle in the time period from January to March, on which buds are formed, which over time turn into bell-shaped inflorescences. There can be from ten to sixty of them on one crop.

After the buds appear, the flower cannot be moved from place to place, otherwise they will simply fall off. Often the color of the flowers is red or red-orange; yellow and white flowers are less common. Clivia blooms throughout the month. The dormant period for the crop begins either in the middle of winter or in early spring.

Pruning clivia

The procedure for pruning a plant, or rather, its peduncle, is carried out immediately after flowering, cutting it off at the base.

However, if the grower wants to obtain seeds of the crop, the peduncle should be preserved until they ripen. Also, to preserve decorativeness, you can trim the tips of the leaf blades if they turn yellow.

Preparing clivia for winter

In winter, the plant should be kept in a cool room, watering it only once a month as the top layer of soil dries. It is also necessary to ensure that the temperature does not drop below +12, otherwise the crop will die. Optimal temperature conditions indicators from + 14 to +17 will be considered.

When the peduncle appears, the temperature should be increased to 20 degrees. After flowering, it must be reduced again to +17 and maintained in this mode until spring.

Propagation of clivia by children

The most common method of propagation is considered to be propagation of a flower with the help of children that are formed next to the mother plants.

To plant shoots in a permanent place of growth, they should be very carefully dug up and separated so as not to damage the root system of an adult plant. The shoots must have at least four leaves.

Clivia from seeds at home

You can also propagate clivia by seed. However, in this case, it should be taken into account that the young plant will begin to bloom only after several years. Seed material can only be obtained from plants that are more than eight years old. In order for the seeds to germinate, they must be planted immediately after harvesting.

To sow a plant, prepare a soil mixture and pour it into a container with drainage holes. Then the seeds are distributed over the soil and lightly pressed into the soil mixture, after which the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle, after which it is covered with polyethylene.

The prepared container is placed in a bright and warm place, removing the film from time to time and ventilating the seeds, and if necessary, moistening them. Sprouts will appear in a month. When the young plants take root and grow a little, they can be transplanted into separate containers for further growth.

Diseases and pests

Clivia is susceptible to both pest attacks and some diseases that often arise due to Not proper care behind the flower.

From harmful insects, the crop is subject to damage scale insects and mealybugs . Both of these pests feed on the sap of leaf blades and can lead to their death, and subsequently the death of the plant. You can fight them by treating the flower with the Aktara insecticide.

Diseases that can harm the plant root rot and bulb rot . For these ailments of fungal etiology, leaf blades turn brown and wither . If you do not help the plant at the initial stage, it will die.

To relieve the disease, the flower must be removed from the pot, cut off the damaged roots, rinse them in warm water with Fitosporin, treat the cuts with charcoal and transplant them into new soil and a pot.

Problems when growing clivia

When growing this unique flower, the following problems may arise:

  • Short peduncle - this situation can arise as a result of low air humidity or too low temperatures.
  • Slower growth - a similar problem occurs due to exposure to pests or lack of sunlight.
  • Yellowing of leaf plates - leaves may turn yellow as a result of sunburn, improper watering, lack of nutrients or after transplantation.
  • Lack of flowering - if the plant has stopped blooming, perhaps the dormant period was not observed, it did not have enough light or it was too heat, which led to similar consequences.
  • Drying leaves — drying of leaf plates often occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil.

By eliminating all the shortcomings in caring for the plant, the gardener will be able to restore it to its former beauty and healthy, decorative appearance.

Clivia signs and superstitions

There are many beliefs about this vibrant exotic culture that many gardeners believe in. Clivia also has its place in the eastern philosophy of Feng Shui.

Since the plant is poisonous, it creates a strong mystical aura and a certain mystery around itself.

Signs about this flower include:

  • Clivia should not be placed in the bedroom, as it will bring discord and quarrels into the marital relationship. In addition, the strong energy of the flower can affect dreams and cause insomnia.
  • The plant is ideal option for decorating the living room and office. In these rooms it will have a beneficial effect on the environment and eliminate negativity. And if you put a few coins in her pot, this will attract wealth to the house and improve family well-being.
  • If a flower has stopped blooming or has suddenly dried up, then this is a very alarming omen, foreshadowing expenses, negative changes and losses of a non-material nature.

With proper care of the plant, the owner of the clivia does not have to worry that any negative changes will occur in his life, everything will be exactly the opposite. Prosperity, joy and family well-being, isn’t this what every person dreams of?

Clivia according to Feng Shui

According to ancient Eastern philosophy, the flower should be grown on the south side of the house. Clivia can neutralize negative energy. It is a real find for travelers; it can inspire its owner to new discoveries, achievements and profitable projects.

Since the plant is under the sign of the sun, it is able to harmonize the energy in the house and balance the energy fields of everyone living in it.


Clivia is considered poisonous plant. By following simple safety precautions, the owner will not only maintain his health, but will also be able to enjoy the unique exotic flowers of this crop for many years.

Perennial clivia (Clivia) has only 7 species in its genus. At home, this flower grows up to 60 cm tall. Clivia propagates by lateral shoots, seeds and division of the bush. Proper care of young plants makes it possible to grow healthy flowering specimens, avoiding basic problems.

Propagation of clivia by side shoots

This method of propagating a blooming beauty is the most reliable and simplest. In a pot with an adult plant, over time you can find small sprouts on the sides. These are the “babies” that should be removed from the mother part of the flower when they already have four strong leaves.

The process of planting side shoots must be carried out by adhering to simple but mandatory rules:

  • each shoot should have 3-4 leaves;
  • the plant can be disturbed only after its flowering period has ended. this year;
  • the “babies” should be separated carefully, taking care to preserve the integrity of the roots of the mother flower system and young shoots;
  • accidentally injured roots need to be covered with a layer wood ash in places of damage.

The shoots are planted in personal pots 7 cm in diameter. For an adult flower, a small pot is also used. The clivia root system loves cramped spaces.. With this condition of the roots, the leaves of the flower grow fleshier and richer green.

The first two days after planting, the plant is not watered and kept warm at 20-25 degrees. Then moderate watering is gradually resumed.
Young plants will bloom for the first time in 2-3 years.

Seed propagation of plants

To propagate a plant by seeds, the easiest way is to purchase them in a specialized store. If you want to get seeds with your own labor, flowering clivia must be artificially cross-pollinated. To do this, use a thin watercolor brush to take pollen from one flower and carefully place it on the pistil of another flower. Thus, in a blooming clivia umbrella, which has about 60 flowers, half of them will be pollinated, and half will remain a source of pollination.

If the process is successful, then berries will form at the end of flowering. At first they will be light green, and as they ripen they will darken to a brownish hue. Inside each ripe berries There are 4-5 seeds each.
This method of propagating clivia gives a guarantee of 1/3 of all flowering specimens received.

Clivia: planting and care (video)

Planting seeds in the soil has preliminary measures and subsequent rules:

  • soak the seeds for a day in warm water, leaving them in a warm place to swell;
  • plant the seeds in a box with a properly prepared soil mixture, to a depth of 1 cm, at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  • covered with film or glass, creating a greenhouse. provide moderate watering and a temperature of 20-25 degrees;
  • If necessary, the seed box is ventilated by removing the greenhouse cover and watered a little.
When one strong leaf is formed on each sprout, they are planted in separate pots with soil from the mixture:
  • deciduous soil (2);
  • clay soil (1);
  • humus (1).

Now young flowers are cared for like adults, but they are left with a little more warmth.
Clivia from seed develops very slowly:

  1. The first year - 2-3 new leaves appear.
  2. Second year – 3-4 pairs of leaves will be added.
  3. The third year and beyond - 2 pairs of new leaves per year.

Clivia will bloom for the first time only after 5-6 years.

Reproduction technology by dividing the bush

This method is applicable at the time of transplantation. In this case, the root system is divided into equal parts, and the cut areas are covered with a layer charcoal.The plants are placed in pots filled with the correct soil mixture and not watered for the next three days. Then resume modest watering. The soil should dry out well between each watering.

Flowering of clivia, propagated by dividing the bush, will resume only after a few years.

The soil in the clivia pot should be loose and slightly acidic. The best mixtures will be:

  • turf soil (2) + humus (1) + peat (1);
  • turf soil (1) + peat (0.5) + sand (1);
  • turf soil (1) + leaf soil (1) + humus (1).

Clivia loves light and warmth, but leaving her in the hot sun is destructive. It is better to place a flower pot on the windowsill of an east or west window. On the south side of the house, clivia must be protected from direct sunlight at midday. In summer, it is useful to take the flower out into the garden or onto the balcony, leaving it there for a while. fresh air in partial shade.

Propagation of clivia by seeds (video)

Watering clivia should be moderate so that the soil has time to dry out well. If water collects in the pan during watering, it must be drained to avoid root rotting. You should not spray the flower. But when the leaves become covered with dust, they are carefully washed with a soft, damp sponge.

Clivia is fed every two weeks from the moment it is in the pot. For this purpose, use organic and mineral fertilizers for indoor leafy plants, strictly observing the dosages indicated on the packaging.

The resting period of Clivia lasts from September to November. During this period of time, the flower is placed in a cool place and watering is completely stopped. In this case, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off, which is a natural process of overwintering the plant.

Possible problems in development and ways to solve them

If you take proper care of your clivia, it will feel great. But it happens that clivia leaves dry out, turn yellow or become stained, trying to signal errors in its maintenance:

  1. The leaves dry out and wrinkle, indicating overdried soil. We must not forget about watering the flower.
  2. Rot spots on the leaves, their yellowing and falling off during the active state of the plant, indicate excess moisture in the roots. To save the flower, it urgently needs to be transplanted into a new substrate and henceforth do not exceed the permissible watering and allow the soil to dry well.
  3. Dry spots on leaves are sunburn clivia. The flower must be removed from direct summer sunlight, which burns it.

Vegetative propagation of clivia (video)

Clivia is sometimes susceptible to attack spider mite and aphids. If such trouble overtakes the plant, then it must be immediately treated with a special preparation purchased from a specialized flower department. If you do not drive away the pests, they can destroy the flower.


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