The yellowness of violet leaves is the result of ill-considered actions of the grower. Why do the leaves of violets turn yellow - how to feed the flowers

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How to treat diseases of violets such as spots on the leaves? Why do violet leaves turn yellow? What to do if violet leaves turn black? The above problems are the result improper care behind the flower. They can be cured if care is normalized. But in some cases, flower resuscitation is necessary. So, experts explain how to treat diseases of violets due to improper care. Photos of diseases are attached.

Why do violet leaves dry out and turn yellow?

The lower leaves of violets turn yellow, even if they are properly cared for. Cause: natural aging plants, which is expressed in yellowing of the lower leaves. If the process occurs gradually and within a week or two the plant loses one or two leaves, then there is no need to sound the alarm. The flower is renewed. If the leaves of a violet turn yellow en masse, this indicates proper care.

Why do violet leaves turn yellow? Common cause: excess moisture. Suffer from excess moisture in the soil root system. She's rotting. Rotten roots are no longer able to absorb from the soil nutrients and moisture. Oddly enough, in waterlogged soil, violets suffer from a lack of moisture, since damaged roots do not fully perform their functions. How to treat? To begin with, remove the earthen lump from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the latter, and wrap it in plain paper. It will absorb excess moisture and the earthen lump will dry out faster. Next you need to carefully examine the roots. If they are elastic, then the plant returns back to the pot. To restore the root system, you need to add root to the water for irrigation. You need to water the flower only from above and only after the top layer of soil has dried by 2-3 cm. In winter, watering is significantly reduced. The violet can be placed in a spacious greenhouse, but there is no need to spray it.

If the leaves of a violet have turned yellow and the root system looks flabby, then the plant cannot be saved. You can take several healthy leaves with cuttings from the violet for rooting.

Why do violet leaves turn yellow? Often violet leaves turn yellow if it has been transplanted into a pot that is too large. Moisture usually accumulates in soil that is not occupied by roots. It does not have time to dry out before the next watering, which leads to systematic waterlogging of the soil. According to the recommendations of experts, violets should be planted in shallow pots, since the root system of the plant is superficial. The diameter of the selected pot should be half the diameter of the plant crown. If the leaves of a violet have turned yellow due to the large volume of the pot, it needs to be transplanted into a smaller container, watered only after the top layer of soil has dried. Add root to the water for irrigation. If not enough natural light. you can organize artificial lighting using fluorescent lamp at 20 watts.

The leaves of a violet turn black if it is cold and lacks light. Blackened leaves, especially young ones, of a violet indicate a violation of the conditions of maintenance, namely: the plant is cold, it has been overwatered and it does not have enough light. In partial shade, all violet processes slow down and the amount of moisture consumed decreases. In such conditions, the plant can be overwatered. The situation is aggravated by low temperatures, especially in winter. At a temperature of +18 degrees and below, the violet falls asleep; naturally, it consumes very little moisture. In such conditions, you need to water it carefully. If the pot with the plant gets cold air from the window, which leads to hypothermia earthen coma, then most plants begin to have problems with roots. They are rotting.

If the leaves of a violet have turned black, the flower needs to be illuminated and only top-watered after the top layer of soil has dried with water whose temperature is 5 degrees higher than room temperature, but not higher than +30 degrees. Do not allow cold air to enter the pot.

Why do violet leaves stretch upward? The violet's leaves stretch upward if it doesn't get enough sunlight.. Due to the lack of sunlight, violet leaf cuttings can also lengthen. So that the violet leaves do not stretch upward, but form a beautiful, dense rosette, in the summer the plant is placed on windows facing west or east side. In winter, the plant needs artificial lighting. For this, ordinary fluorescent lamps are useful. They are placed directly above the violets. If it is not possible to provide artificial lighting for the flowers, they are sent to rest. Reduce the temperature to +16 degrees, reduce watering. The increased temperature and lack of light are scary not only because the leaves of the violet stretch upward. Under such conditions, the plant becomes depleted and may die.

A violet does not bloom if it either lacks sunlight or potassium and phosphorus. Due to lack of light, the plant will only grow green mass. It will not waste energy on flowering. For the violet to bloom, it must be placed on a window on the west or east side of the apartment, but not on the south side. From direct sun rays Burns appear on violet leaves. In winter, violets also do not bloom due to lack of light. It can be illuminated using a fluorescent lamp. Violet does not bloom if there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil and not enough phosphorus and potassium. Excess nitrogen in the soil stimulates the growth of green mass. In addition, an excess of nitrogen stimulates the development of a number of violet diseases, including gray rot. To keep the violet healthy, it blooms profusely. she is fed complex, liquid fertilizers, where there are trace elements in chelated form.

Yellow spots on violet leaves appear when the plant is affected by diseases, for example, spider mite. But in most cases yellow spots on violet leaves - this sunburn. The plant receives them if it stands in direct sunlight, especially in the midday sun in summer. A sure sign sunburn - yellow spots appear on those leaves that are turned closer to the window. Violets should not be placed in direct sunlight. A bright place with soft, diffused light is more suitable for them. Leaves that have yellow burn spots will not recover. But if the plant is hidden from direct sun, the spots will no longer appear.

How to treat other diseases of violets can be read in this article

Uzambara violet is very popular among professional and novice flower growers. This beautifully flowering crop is collected and exchanged, shown at exhibitions and used to decorate rooms. Many indoor plant lovers want to see it in their home, but sometimes instead of the expected beauty they get a sea of ​​disappointments. They consist of scanty flowering and the appearance of yellowness on the leaves; the appearance of the plants does not live up to expectations. To prevent such problems, you need to know the reasons for the yellowing of the leaf part and prevent them. After all, yellow leaves can not only affect general form, but sometimes lead to the death of violets.

Incorrect watering mode

Violets require regular and abundant watering. They cannot tolerate a lack of moisture and drying out of the earthen clod. The leaves on the plant first wither, then acquire a yellowish tint and dry out. Flowering crops also react negatively to overwatering of irrigation water. The soft, succulent stems and root parts begin to rot. The first sign of improper watering is pale and yellowing leaves. If there is an excess of moisture in the soil, the plant dies very quickly, starting from the root system and the lower part of the stem and capturing the entire aboveground part flower.

Since violets are very sensitive to lack and excess of water, then experienced flower growers It is recommended to use wick irrigation instead of the usual moistening and drainage. To do this, you will need a thick cord made of moisture-retaining material, which passes through the container with the plant and through drainage hole at the bottom it is removed into a vessel with water. It is important that there is water in this vessel constantly, and then the violet itself will take as much water as it needs. This method will eliminate the usual soil moisture and save the grower’s time.

Insufficient or excessive lighting

Too much light can also cause violet leaves to turn yellow. This applies to both natural and artificial light sources. Its excess and high level illumination (more than 3000 lux) leads to a gradual loss of leaf color and a decrease in their decorative value. First, the greenish tint changes to yellowish, then unhealthy external signs, the petioles stretch out, and the edges of the leaves begin to curl. By the way, low level illumination (below 2600 lux) contributes to the cessation of flowering or makes it very poor.

Preventive measures include correct selection phytolamps and their power, as well as the installation of artificial lighting in the autumn-winter period for optimal distance and height from indoor plants. IN spring-summer period It is recommended to keep violets in semi-shade conditions and shade them from direct rays of the sun, especially during hot midday hours.

Direct sunlight

The delicate leaves of violets react negatively to direct sunlight. Burning sunlight leaves sunburn on their surface, which may appear as slight yellowing or develop into dry, dark brown spots. In a short period of time, succulent leaf blades become sickly and die completely.

Water sprays

It’s a paradox, but moisture-loving violets really don’t like water treatments in the form of sprays. When drops of water hit the leaf plates, the color of the leaf surface begins to change in the place where moisture accumulates. Such burn spots can vary in shape, but the rest of the leaf remains in its original healthy state. Conclusion - violets cannot be sprayed!

The room temperature favorable for growing violets is between 20-26 degrees Celsius. When the permissible limit is decreased or increased temperature norm the color of the leaves changes, watery or yellowish spots may appear on the surface, which over time will lead to the death of the entire plant. Such temperature changes often occur when transferring a container with a flower from a mini-greenhouse to a windowsill. Leaves accustomed to warm air, come into contact with cold window glass or fall under a stream of cold air flow during ventilation and react with such changes in appearance. In this case, nothing threatens the health of the plant; only the general appearance of the crop worsens. When creating normal temperature conditions the plant will continue to develop fully, and damaged parts can be carefully trimmed.

When the air temperature in the room rises above 28-30 degrees, there is a great danger to the life of the entire plant. In such a situation, it is necessary to increase the level of air humidity in the room with plants using a steam generator, trays with wet expanded clay or containers with water next to the flowers, but not by spraying. Such support for flora representatives is especially recommended in the summer.

Inappropriate composition or soil depletion

The most suitable substrate, favorable for growing violets, should be light, loose, breathable and slightly acidic in composition. When the soil becomes alkalized, which often happens due to the use of hard water for irrigation, the leaf blades begin to turn yellow and discolored, and later become brown tint and dry out at the ends. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to acidify irrigation water. citric acid or vinegar. The sourness should not be noticeable on the palate. If water for irrigation settles in a container, then you can add it without a large number of high peat, which also reduces water hardness. Flower growers claim that 1 gram of peat can reduce water hardness by 1 degree.

Even with proper watering nutrient substrate in flower pot over time it becomes depleted, with missing nutrients. Yellow leaves may indicate precisely these problems. This can be solved by replacing the soil mixture in the flower pot and adding fertilizer. Young violets require fertilizing with a high content of nitrogen and potassium, and when forming buds, phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

Natural causes

In the second year of life of violets, natural death occurs lower leaves. This process should not be massive. Yellowing 1-2 leaves is not a cause for concern and does not threaten the life and health of the flower crop.

Variegated forms of violets

Among the huge number of varieties and varieties of violets, many variegated forms have been developed, distinctive features which are the yellow edges of the leaf plates, spots on the leaf surface of a yellow tint various shapes and configurations. At first glance, such plants (and especially their leaves) look like they are diseased, but their surface remains strong, juicy and without damage. There are several types of variegation - crown, spontaneous and mosaic. Each species has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

Crown variegation appears only on young leaf blades, coloring them in pink, cream, light green and yellow shades. Spontaneous - can be on any part of the violet, suddenly appearing and just as suddenly disappearing. A yellowed leaf may turn rich green again after some time. Mosaic - distributed in the form of a mosaic over the surface of all leaves in a leaf rosette.

Saintpaulia, also known as Usambara violet, is a very common indoor plant. Many of its varieties and hybrids have been developed with large gramophone flowers of varying degrees of terry and waviness of the edges. It's pretty unpretentious plants, with proper care blooming all spring-summer season.

Leaf age

Beginning gardeners often ask why violet leaves turn yellow? This can happen for various reasons. Firstly, these may be old, dead leaves, their yellowing is a natural process, just remove them.

Lighting and watering

Another reason could be sunburn, overheating or drying out. In this case, you need to increase watering and shade the plant. When drying out, the pot can be placed in warm water for an hour, and then the plant is placed in a shaded place. Sunscreen films for windows are very convenient; they allow the sun to illuminate the plant sufficiently and prevent it from burning. Also try placing violets with light leaves on a north or east window, and those with dark leaves on a west or south window, covered with sun-protective film.

Watering is carried out as the substrate dries, avoiding either drying out or excessive flooding. Waterlogged soil turns sour, aeration sharply decreases, as a result of which the roots rot, the leaves turn yellow and lose turgor. It is better to clean the roots and replant the Saintpaulia.

The soil

Often the answer to the question of why violet leaves turn yellow lies in the composition of the substrate.

Try in the spring, before flowering, change the substrate to a new one, specifically designed for Saintpaulias.

The well-being of Saintpaulia is greatly influenced by the acidity of the soil. The most in a simple way To measure pH is to water the pot with distilled water and wet the indicator paper in the water that seeps into the pan. A change in color indicates the acidity of the substrate (pink - acidic reaction, blue - alkali). This is, of course, an approximate method, but a fast one.

If you do not use store-bought mixtures, take note that soil from under linden and birch trees is suitable for Saintpaulias. They can also benefit from watering alder catkins with tinctures and drinking tea. They immediately develop brightly colored flowers. Coniferous and leaf soil, as well as iron supplements, increase the acidity of the substrate, and ash or chalk alkalize it. By periodically measuring acidity, you can successfully regulate it to the required standards. The norm for Saintpaulia is 5.5-6.8.

At home, we recommend measuring acidity as follows: pour five teaspoons of the substrate with half a glass of a one percent solution of potassium chloride, mix and leave for a day. The next day, we wet the indicator paper and use the scale on the pack to determine the acidity of the soil.


For the formation of a plant, the presence of a sufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil is very important, while for good flowering phosphorus is needed. Many novice gardeners actively feed violets phosphorus fertilizers, forgetting about nitrogen. Fertilizer "Emerald" is specially developed for Saintpaulias, including protecting their leaves from yellowing. Try using it.

A little about the regularity of feeding.

In December-February, a one-time feeding is needed; in April, May, September, October - 3 times; in June, July, August - 4 times a month.

Fertilizing alternates - organic (mullein, bird droppings) and mineral fertilizers. Organic ones are prepared a week before feeding. Dry cow dung(100 g) pour a liter of water. After a few days, the infusion is filtered and diluted in three liters of water. The remaining grounds can be diluted with water twice more, increasing the fermentation period.

Bird droppings (also dry) are diluted with water (20 g per 3 l) and, after infusing for several days, they are immediately used for fertilizing. First, Saintpaulia is watered with plain water.

Pests and diseases

Often Saintpaulias wither and their leaves die off if fungi, bacteria or pests appear.

If, after the leaves turn yellow, the base of the stem becomes brownish and they soften, then this indicates excess moisture and low temperature. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to adjust the plant maintenance regime and replace the soil.

The appearance of light yellow spots on plants may indicate the presence of greenhouse thrips. These are sucking pests with a narrow body 1-1.5 mm long. The color is brown, the larvae are yellowish. Spraying with tobacco infusion and dusting with pyrethrum are effective against thrips.

If white jumping little things appear in the pots, these are podura, or springtails. Their appearance signals signs of root rotting. They are not dangerous in small quantities, as they eat rotting remains. But a large amount can lead to healthy roots being eaten. They get rid of fools by sprinkling the soil with pyrethrum, shag or crushed citrus peels.

So, we looked at the main reasons for the yellowing of leaves in violets, and gave some tips for caring for them. Now watch your beauties, adjust their growing conditions if necessary, and they will thank you.

Violets - welcome guest on the windowsill, but to get a healthy plant you need to master proper care. The first sign of trouble is usually a change in the appearance of the leaves. They, as indicators, make the gardener wonder why the violet leaves turn yellow or stand upright.

Signs of plant diseases

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Any change in the appearance of Saintpaulia for the worse may be associated with physiological or infectious diseases. Physiological changes depend on incorrect agricultural practices; infectious ones are introduced next if the plant is weakened. A signal that you should look for the cause of the plant’s discomfort is the condition and position of the rosette of leaves. What to do if violet leaves turn yellow?

Correct position leaves horizontal. The leaves do not rise and create a beautiful rosette, in the center of which there is a head of flowers. On a non-flowering Saintpaulia, the leaves are also arranged horizontally.

Physiological changes and their signs

Reasons for the yellowness of violet leaves:

The first cause of all troubles may be the acquisition of a plant or cutting with ready-made problems. Therefore, the leaf for rooting must be taken from healthy plant without the slightest flaws and not from the lower tier of the outlet. The purchased plant must undergo a two-week quarantine. This means that the plant is not placed in the collection, it is kept separately and its condition is monitored. Diseases or insect pests will be detected during this time, and the entire collection will avoid infection.

Yellowing of the leaves on the lower tier may mean that the violet is old and has not been replanted for a long time. There is not enough food, and it is distributed to flowers and young leaves. The reason why violet leaves turn yellow may be a lack of potassium and nitrogen. The same result is possible if the earth has lost acidity; elements in an alkaline environment do not pass into a soluble form. The best way to correct the situation may be to replant the flower and replace the soil or water it with slightly acidic water.

However, the cause may be discoloration of leaves in bright light, and not just sunlight. Violets on racks artificial lighting Excessive lighting is also harmful. There is a special film that can be stuck on window glass or cover plants accessible ways. Violets with dark leaves are more resistant to excessive light.

The leaf blade may turn yellow when touching cold glass in winter, when watering cold water or abundantly. Saintpaulias love moist air, but this is achieved by placing a container of water or damp moss nearby. Is it possible to spray violets? No, this will not increase humidity, but it will ruin the appearance of Saintpaulia. The leaves do not like such moisture. Caring for them involves washing them with soapy water in the shower and drying them in the bathroom once a quarter. A flower with droplets of water will become a focal point for the sun's rays, and the leaf will get burned, an unsightly brown spot.

If the plant is standing in a draft , this may cause the appearance of pale or bronzed leaves. Both low and heat have for the plant Negative consequences. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the flower plate becomes discolored.

Yellow cut leaves can be used for cuttings. If the corolla is cut off at the bottom and the trunk is exposed, then you should wrap it in moss and moisten it. As a result, roots will appear. The plant goes deeper and receives additional nutrition.

Why do violet leaves rise up?

If green leaves are stretching upward, there may be several reasons.

One of them is insufficient one-way lighting. So that the violet can form correct socket leaves, they should all receive uniform lighting. Therefore, the pots need to be certain time rotate at a slight angle, changing the illumination of the leaves.

Another reason why violet leaves rise upward may be dry, superheated air, from which the leaves try to protect the core of the flower. The leaves become indignant when changing places, because they are homebodies. If the edges of the plate are also bent, then the plant requires nitrogen fertilizing, but within normal limits. In crowded conditions, the leaf blade can rise in the struggle for a place in the sun.

Infectious diseases of violets

Infectious diseases include those that invade a weakened plant. Therefore, the cause of the disease is always improper care. In order to protect Saintpaulia from diseases, you should first of all not bring infection with new plants. Quarantine serves as a warning.

The plant can be weakened by:

Under such conditions, violet appears on the stems or roots. rot, areas where late blight can penetrate. This is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases of Saintpaulia when temperature and humidity are not maintained. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through the soil. Therefore, it is important that all purchased and homemade soil decontaminate.

Another disease that can destroy all violets in a short time, called powdery mildew , which begins as a harmless white coating of dust, ends with the death of the plant. Powdery mildew on violets requires prompt treatment. You cannot take layering from such a specimen.

For treatment in the early stages, you can use special drugs such as Topaz or Saprol. As soon as you notice the powdery coating, cover the plant with sulfur powder, seal it tightly with a bag and create a temperature of 25 to kill the mycelium. You can spray it using a suspension of soda and laundry soap. If powdery mildew the violet is neglected, destroy the plant, and preventive treatment carry out for the remaining residents of the windowsill.

The difference between infectious rot is that it spreads to all plants in cramped conditions. Non-infectious diseases can destroy one plant due to improper care.

Problems of violets and their solution - video

Beginning flower growers do not always know why violet leaves turn yellow. Beautiful flowers They are attracted by the variety of colors and the amazing velvet surface of the petals. The charming appearance of the plant evokes a feeling of aristocracy, so much so that the leaves resemble royal velvet in a rich shade.

It is believed that caring for violets is quite simple. But even a cactus, which is very unpretentious, requires special care. Therefore, the problem can arise in each plant under a specific set of circumstances. In order not to wonder why violet leaves curl or their surface turns yellow, you should learn a little more about the flower.

Quite often, buyers inspired by violet blooms do not pay attention to the leaves. But in vain! Small dark spots, darkening of the surface shade, slight yellowing indicate the beginning of a problem with the flower. Usually at home the situation only gets worse, the plant begins to wither even more. Cuttings from the lowest row produce weaker offspring, which begin to turn yellow at the slightest violation of the principles of care.

2. The appearance of the disease.

Planting in an old pot, lack of soil disinfection, or sick plants nearby can cause trouble. Usually people think about the disease when the question arises: “why does dracaena, violet or other flower turn yellow?”

Careful attitude towards the plant, choosing a new pot to replace the old one (or a well-washed and disinfected container), as well as purchasing a special soil mixture will significantly reduce the likelihood of problems occurring yellow leaves. Additionally, violets should be placed separately from other flowers.

3. Excessive sun exposure.

Growing flowers on southern windowsills leads to overheating and fading in the sun. Yellowed leaves often signal that the violets need to be shaded at least a little or, if possible, moved to another part of the house.

If not special choice, then windows facing south are covered with a special sun protection film. The second solution to the problem is to place tracing paper or parchment paper on top of the flower leaves.

4. Lack of watering.

It is quite natural that the drying of leaves and yellowness on their surface are faithful companions of a disrupted hydration schedule.

It is enough to establish watering, and the plant begins to come to life and return to its natural green color leaves.

5. Problems of the growing medium.

The culprits of yellow leaves are considered to be a lack of nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. Most often, it is young specimens that react sharply to the deficiency minerals or unsuitable soil acidity.

The problem is solved by transplanting into another substrate or fertilizing with an appropriate complex of fertilizers.

6. Natural causes.

Any plant gradually ages in the same way as representatives of the animal world. IN advanced age the violet, of course, begins to get rid of old and unnecessary leaves. Thus, the life of young leaves is extended. Before dying, they first turn yellow and then fall off.

You can help by carefully cutting off the lightened leaves.

Violets from varieties with dark leaves are best grown on a western or eastern window. They need light almost 12 hours a day, but still do not like bright sunlight.

If a variety with light leaves grows at home, then the flower pot should be placed on the north side of the house. For such plants, a small amount of light will be enough to grow and delight the eye with their appearance.

Common care mistakes:

Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

A hot place causes not only the soil to dry out, but also the green leaves.

Improper watering- water getting on leaves and rosettes leads to their rotting.

No transfer- depletes the soil and interferes with the development of the root system.

Ignoring Humidity Levels- during heating season and in summer, a decrease in humidity below 50% will cause violets to wilt.

To obtain a blooming, pleasing vital forces You don't need too many plants. Taking into account the wishes of the violet is quite simple. If you develop the right flower care habits, it will delight you with its appearance for many years in a row. Violation of the basic principles of cultivation leads to yellowing of the leaves and a decrease (or complete absence) of flowering. A real florist will be able to find the right approach to tender plant at home.


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