Thuja hedge. We decorate our plot with a thuja hedge

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The picturesque evergreen tree is loved by designers and cottage owners because of its unique decorative qualities. Elongated coniferous thuja pyramids form beautiful “living” hedges that hide the territory of individual plots from prying eyes. The plantings emit a delicate aroma all year round, and in winter they turn the area into an enchanting fairy tale.

Thuja is responsive to care. The crown is easy to cut and give the desired shape, which the slender beauty retains for a long time.


The homeland of thuja is North America and East Asia. Despite its exotic origin, it has excellent winter-hardy qualities, unpretentiousness, and good survival rate. The only “contraindication” to cultivation will be arid areas or regions with winter temperatures below – 30-36°C.

Brabant branches of a lush green hue


  • Compact branched crown of conical shape;
  • with scaly needles with a strong aroma;
  • saturated green crowns, sometimes with a golden-yellow veil at the ends of the branches. The peculiarity of the Brabant variety is that it retains its rich color, unlike other types of thuja, all year round.
  • rough brown bark with exfoliating structure;
  • rapid growth: over the course of a year, thuja occidentalis can increase up to 30-40 cm in height, and in diameter - up to 12-15 cm.

Brabant is the tallest representative of the thuja family, reaching a maximum height of 20 m with a crown 4 meters in diameter. True, in conditions central Russia You can rarely find coniferous representatives taller than 5-6 m. Some record holders reach 10-15 m. The flowering period of the tree is April-May: oblong brown cones up to 10 mm in size appear on the thuja.

When and how to plant thuja Brabant?

Points to consider before boarding:

  • Brabant is not picky about soil type, but it is dry and poor nutrients the soil will lead to poor crown formation and inexpressive color.
  • Thuja loves illuminated areas, but straight ones Sun rays lead to dehydration of the plant. It is optimal to give preference to partial shade.
  • Brabant has a closed root system, which allows replanting without harming the health of the tree.
  • All planting measures are effective in spring.

Planting a thuja seedling

The root hole for planting is prepared according to the size of the root system: approximately 1 meter wide. On wet soil, loamy soils, drainage of 15-20 cm is pre-filled (expanded clay, broken brick).

A mixture of turf, peat, sand in a ratio of 2-1-1 is laid on top. Pre-planting fertilizing with nitroammophos at the rate of 300-500 g per tree will accelerate the development of the root system. After filling the hole, the root collar should be level with the ground.

The landscaping is completed with abundant watering. The water should “stand” in the depression near the trunk.

Landing geometry

Rules of care

Two weeks after planting, the cuttings are watered abundantly. So that the soil around the future tree is well moistened.

You will also need:

  • Watering during the dry period (2 times every 7 days) with spraying.
  • The first winter is a big test for the young Brabant: the adaptation process is not yet completely completed. Therefore, covering the crown with kraft paper or other material is required. The method protects the tree from the cold, sunburn winter-spring sun.
  • To improve root nutrition and enrich the soil layer with oxygen, the soil is regularly loosened (no deeper than 0.1 m) and mulched with peat additives.
  • Regular prevention with fungicides against diseases and insect pests that are relevant to thuja.

You should not hope for a sharp increase in size in the first year of planting. This is a period of rooting, adaptation to soil and climatic conditions. You can make the establishment easier by fertilizing the young shoots. However, when adding growth accelerators to the planting soil, you should not abuse feeding with such compounds during growth. An excess of nutrient chemicals inhibits the formation of the crown and the color appearance of the needles.


There are practice-tested methods for propagating thuja occidentalis:

  • Cuttings with heel. They are collected from young bush in the spring before waking up or when buds begin to set.
  • They reproduce well cuttings obtained from pruning thuja occidentalis. For rooting, it is enough to place shoots 10-12 cm long in a jar of water. After a year, such roots are ready for planting in the ground.
  • Summer cuttings of the first stage of growth. True, complete rooting cannot be achieved over the summer: it will require wintering in a well-lit, cool room.
  • Dividing young bushes, which are earthed up in the spring and divided at the beginning of autumn.
  • Horizontal bends followed by rooting within 12 months. True, this method is fraught with disruption of crown formation, which worsens decorative characteristics.


Trimming the western thuja in compliance with the basic requirements allows you to achieve very interesting options registration

  • The first full pruning is carried out 2-3 years after planting.
  • Thuja withstands the haircut procedure. But you need to select a powerful pruner to avoid deformation of the cutting areas. This way, the planned crown configuration is formed faster and the structure of the branches is not damaged.
  • If there is an idea to acquire a green wall, a two-stage pruning will be required. summer season. The first pruning takes place in early summer after budding and formation of branches. Then leveling is carried out at the end of August. This method gives good compaction of coniferous mass for hedges or decorative forms. To maintain the configuration between haircuts, it is necessary to periodically carry out corrections: cut off the side shoots and the top of the crown.
  • Formation begins only after Brabant has reached the planned height. It is not recommended to cut off more than a third of the shoot, otherwise the bush weakens and the crown becomes sparse.

Pests and diseases


Sometimes the rotting process is caused by a fungal infection. In this case, it is enough to treat the tree with medicinal preparations.


The greatest danger to thuja Brabant is aphid colonies. If the pests have settled “seriously and for a long time,” a waxy coating appears on the branches. silvery patina due to the grayish tint of insects. Subsequently, the needles acquire a yellowish-brown color and fall off. You can resist the invasion by treating with foundationazole and spraying with fungicidal preparations.

Insects lay larvae under leaves and in the root system area. If you don't preventive treatment fungicides, the tree can be lost.

Estimated cost

Purchasing western Brabant thuja seeds will cost, on average, 700-800 rubles per package.

Choice ready seedlings will cost more: about 10-15 thousand rubles per seedling. The price range is determined by the age and size of the plant.

For a 3-meter seedling you can pay within 10 thousand rubles, but only a rooted “baby” costs no more than 1 thousand.

At first glance, purchasing seeds provides significant cost savings, but when purchasing a small tree, the costs are recouped by the quick greening of the area.

Thuja Brabant is in great demand among gardeners. And this is not surprising, because this unpretentious plant remains attractive all year round. In addition, the culture grows quickly, it is not difficult to create hedge in a short time. You will learn how to plant and care for the plant in this material.


Thuja Brabant, whose photo is presented in the article, is prominent representative Cypress family. In its natural environment, this attractive tree is found in forests North America. There it grows up to 20 meters in height. At home, the size of the conifer is much more modest. And the culture does not exceed 4-5 meters. But height is not the main quality for which this plant is valued. After all, the main advantage of Brabant is its rapid growth. Over the course of a year, the seedling grows up to 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width. Thanks to this quality, trees can be grown into a beautiful hedge in 2-3 years.

Selecting a location

Thuja Brabant is a light-loving plant, so choose well-lit areas for it. Of course, the green beauty will take root in the shade. But the lack of light will affect the color saturation and density of the needles. The ideal place for the plant would be the eastern or western side of the site.

As for the soil, the plant takes root in any type of soil. But the maximum decorative qualities of thuja appear on fertile loams. If the soil is depleted, then do not forget to regularly feed the crop. Then she will please lush crown and emerald color all year round.


plant coniferous thuja Brabant can be visited in spring and autumn. But experienced gardeners It is recommended to start work in September-October. Then the plant has time to take root well before the cold weather, and with the arrival of spring it continues to grow. Moreover, when autumn planting no need to water the plant.

Although thuja is unpretentious to the soil, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance. Then you will be sure that the crop has enough nutrients. To do this, mix the following ingredients:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

For seedlings, dig holes 0.7 m deep and 1 meter wide. If you are growing an alley from coniferous plants, then maintain a distance of five meters between crops. If you want to create a hedge of thuja Brabant, then the distance between the trees should be 0.5-0.7 meters. So, how to plant a plant:

  1. Place a 20 cm layer of drainage at the bottom of the recesses. For these purposes, use expanded clay or broken brick.
  2. Cover the drainage with a layer of prepared soil. It is advisable to add 500 g of nitroammophosphate to each hole.
  3. Remove the plant from the container and place it in the hole along with the earthen ball. To make it easier for the thuja to come out of the pot, do not water it for 2-3 days before planting.
  4. Fill the voids with soil. At the same time, make sure that the root collar is flush with the ground level.
  5. Compact the soil, make a watering circle and moisten the plant well.
  6. When the water is absorbed, mulch the surface with a layer of sawdust, peat or pine needles.

The first 2-3 years after planting Thuja Brabant needs careful care. In spring and summer, protect tender needles from the scorching rays of the sun. Also, do not forget to remove dry shoots. Once the plant is established, it will require minimal attention.


If you planted thuja Brabant in the spring, then water the plant once a week at the rate of 10 liters per tree. Increase hydration in summer, especially during hot, dry weather. At this time, each seedling needs 20 liters of water 2 times a week. In autumn, reduce watering. An adult plant has enough rainfall and groundwater. And thuja should be watered only during dry periods.

The plant responds well to sprinkling. After this event, the needles acquire a rich color and shine. Therefore, carry out the procedure as often as possible. Remember that thuja Brabant tolerates waterlogging much more easily, which only slows down the growth of seedlings. But lack of moisture affects the plant much worse: the tree sheds its needles, its needles turn yellow and die.


For the first 2 years after planting, feed the seedlings every spring. mineral fertilizers For coniferous crops. In summer it is advisable to add compost. But do not overdo it with fertilizers and under no circumstances increase the dosage. Otherwise, you risk burning the coniferous beauty. In the future, it is recommended to feed thuja once every 2-3 years.

Loosening and mulching

The next day, after each watering or rain, loosen the soil. Otherwise, a crust will form on the surface of the soil, which will block air access to the roots. But don't go too deep. The roots of this coniferous beauty are superficial. And they can be damaged when loosening.

After the procedure, be sure to mulch the soil. This will help the plant retain moisture at the roots. In addition, mulch will nourish the crop and prevent weeds from growing. For these purposes, use sawdust, dry grass, peat or needles coniferous trees.


The plant should be trimmed for the first time two years after planting. Moreover, it is better to carry out this event at the end of spring, when twigs and buds are formed. Further pruning is carried out as follows:

  • Every spring, as soon as the snow melts, cut out any damaged or broken branches. This will improve appearance plants and protect it from diseases and pests.
  • Perform formative pruning annually at the end of summer. Then on next year the thuja needles will become thicker.

It is better to carry out sanitary or formative pruning on cloudy days. Then the shoots hidden under the crown will not get burned. If you give a certain form coniferous beauty, then shorten the branches by no more than 1/3 of the length. Otherwise, the “bare spots” will take a long time to overgrow.

Preparing for winter

Young plants will not be able to survive frosts on their own, so prepare them for cold weather. To do this, tie up the crown and cover the crops with lutrasil or other non-woven material. In addition, do not forget to mulch the soil near the plant and cover the roots with spruce branches. Adult thujas can easily tolerate temperatures dropping to -25 °C. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover them. But still tie the needles of the trees. Otherwise it will break from the weight of the snow.

Propagation by cuttings

Coniferous beauty seedlings are quite expensive. Therefore, if you want to propagate Thuja Brabant cheaply, use the cutting method. But keep in mind that shoots of a plant that are at least 2 years old are suitable for this. Start the event in late summer. Then the sprouts will strengthen over the fall and winter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

For cuttings, choose strong shoots 50 cm long. Do not cut off the branches, but tear them out with a piece of bark. Before rooting, keep the shoots in a solution of potassium permanganate or heteroauxin for several hours. This way you will disinfect the cutting areas and protect the crops from pathogenic microbes.

Root the cuttings in a special substrate consisting of equal parts of turf soil, sand and peat. Before planting, be sure to disinfect the soil. How to root cuttings:

  1. Pour the substrate into boxes or containers and moisten.
  2. Trim the lower part of the needles of the cuttings, treat the cuts with Kornevin and root them into the soil. Bookmark depth - 2-3 cm.
  3. Cover the planting with glass or polyethylene and place it in a warm, bright place.

To ensure that the cuttings take root, regularly moisten the soil with a spray bottle. In addition, do not forget to periodically ventilate the seedlings, otherwise they will rot. In winter, provide the cuttings with additional lighting using a phytolamp. When the plants take root and new shoots appear on them, harden off the seedlings. To do this, first remove the film for 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time. After this, accustom the plants to open air. Provide proper care tue Brabant, and pine beauty will delight you with an attractive appearance and rapid growth for many years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners argue: what is better to plant for a living fence - thuja Smaragd or Brabant? Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Smaragd’s needles have a more saturated color. But Brabant grows faster, and per year the growth of the variety is 0.5 meters, in contrast to 10-20 cm of the first variety.

At the same time, Smaragd’s frost resistance is much higher, and the variety takes root in the shade, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Brabant does well in areas with close groundwater. But the variety loves a lot of light. In general, which of these varieties is suitable for the site is up to you to decide. In any case, these types western thuja you won't be disappointed. After all, they are unpretentious and delight with their beauty all year round.

The climate of the middle zone is well suited for all forms of thuja occidentalis. This plant is one of the most popular and used by landscape designers. The reasons are obvious: it is not particularly demanding in terms of care, it grows quickly, creating a dense green mass that is an excellent background in both summer and winter gardens.

Western thuja has different forms, some of which are quite tall (up to 15 meters), others are shrubby and slow-growing. Tall thujas "", columnar "" and some shrubby forms that grow separately or are part of a composition should be trimmed.

A tree that is not limited in growth has a loose, thin, untidy crown with fresh growth sticking out chaotically. Thujas are trimmed several times during the growing season. The first haircut occurs in the spring.

Thuja Smaragd, a young plant.

Pruning in spring - how to do it right

The first pruning is sanitary. Its purpose is to prune, perhaps completely remove, tree branches that have dried out or been broken by winter winds and snow. When the tree has fully awakened from hibernation, and the average daily temperature is approaching 10 ⁰C, then you can begin shaping haircuts.

Thuja occidentalis is a very flexible material for forming almost any topiary pattern: it easily tolerates haircuts and “responds” to them with new growth that fills gaps in the crown. Pruning will transform a thin thuja with an openwork transparent crown into a lush, dense beauty.

Often, after a harsh winter, thujas that exceed the threshold of 3 meters in height bend their crowns under the weight of snow, their own weight, or shy away from large trees shading them, and are cut in height.

As a rule, thuja "Smaragd" has several trunks (from 3 to 5 depending on age): 1 - the leader and several accompanying ones. Pruning begins with the main central trunk, which is cut 20 centimeters below the point that should be the top of the tree. The accompanying trunks and branches are cut so that the upper part of the thuja looks natural, cone-shaped. Here you will need experienced hand a gardener who understands the basic principles of the formation of the crown of coniferous trees.

Important! Haircutting tools must be clean and disinfected.

Cones from thuja Smaragd.

Trimming schemes

Crowns different forms Western thujas are each formed in their own way. This is due to the natural shape of the trees, which dictates the direction appearance plants in a composition created by designers:

  1. "Brabant" by nature it has a wide cone-shaped crown, which can be formed in the form of any geometric figure, and complex topiary designs can be cut;
  2. "Emerald"- columnar plant. Its crown is formed in the correct shape regardless of the gardener’s participation - thick and dense. Therefore, for this type of thuja it is advisable to trim spiral and other shapes, deployed vertically: intertwining spirals, one spiral, balls from bottom to top from largest to smallest. There are many options. For some complex shapes it is possible to use a frame or special devices, which will make the gardener’s work easier.

Almost any standard shape can be formed from thuja Smaragd.


Three categories of tools are used to trim thuja occidentalis:

  1. Mechanical. These include pruning shears and garden shears.
  2. Electrical: brush cutters with different lengths working tire.
  3. Rechargeable. They differ from electric tools only in the charging method and power.

Mechanical ones are the easiest to use and do not require additional technical specifications(Access to electrical network, the ability to recharge the battery). Secateurs are used for cutting individual branches with a diameter of 0.2 to 3 cm (various models).

Garden shears differ in the length of the blades and the arms of the handles. The larger the tree, the longer the blades should be. A gardener should have scissors in his arsenal. different sizes because they have various purposes. Tools with short blades are mostly intended for trimming small plants or for “jewel-cutting” already trimmed shapes.

Electrical and cordless tools They make the gardener’s life much easier, since they do not require special physical effort during cutting. It is advisable to use for large volumes of work to save time. The speed of movement of the blades of the electric tool, additional devices (horizontal level) allow cutting work (especially for hedges) to be carried out quickly, in accordance with the pattern specified by the project.

When exactly to prune

Pruning of thujas, which forms the crown of the tree, is carried out at the end of April or May, depending on weather conditions . Next haircut could be in one and a half to two months, if there is sufficient growth. A light “cosmetic” haircut can be done without being tied to a specific time frame: a separate branch on the plant begins to grow actively, clearly overtaking the main mass, breaking the shape pattern - it is shortened by several centimeters in order to stop its growth, giving the rest the opportunity to catch up.


During curly haircut It's hard to avoid mistakes. Even experienced master may cut off something unnecessary. To minimize errors, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Before you begin work, you need to carefully inspect the tree and map out places, where you will need to cut to form the required contour.
  • Cropped tips of branches, no more than 20 cm. this is enough for the main growth to stop, the sleeping buds to wake up and the crown to fill with fresh growth. The process is not fast - it usually occurs within 2 months, sometimes longer.
  • In order for the green mass to actively grow, it will be necessary immediately after cutting feed the plant with complex fertilizers and water it abundantly.
  • Regular watering is necessary for thujas. These are hardy trees that can survive drought, but sufficient watering they will not only remain viable, but will also have a lush emerald crown.

Trimming various types of thuja, examples of curly haircuts

Each type of thuja is used to form certain shapes. For example, from the thuja “Smaragd” it is difficult to obtain a spreading shape with spherical shapes at the ends of the branches, while “Brabant” can be turned not only into a smooth pyramid or cone, but also to make nivaki based on it.


The main shaping haircut is carried out 2 - 3 times a season, cosmetic - as necessary.

A hedge of parallelepiped thuja Brabant.


Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" is cut in a vertical plane. The pattern can be different: in the form of any tiers geometric shape, balls strung on a barrel or spirals.

Adult thuja Smaragd, formed in the form of a spiral.


The method of forming the “niwaki” crown is rooted in Japanese culture. There are 8 main styles, for each of which a specific place in the garden is prescribed:

  1. "Tekan". It is based on a vertical single trunk, around which a crown is formed in the form of a regular triangle.
  2. "Sokan". Niwakis of this style are cut on two trunks forked from the root collar.
  3. "Kotobuki." This is a kind of amulet, since its shape is an image of the Japanese hieroglyph for “happiness”, next to which there must be a traditional stone lantern.
  4. "Shakan". A single tree trunk is formed at an angle to the surface of the earth. Traditionally, these forms of nivaki are located on the banks of reservoirs.
  5. "Moegi." The trunk is formed in the form of a sinusoid. As a rule, they are included in garden compositions.
  6. "Kongai." Crowns formed in this style have a flowing shape. Look good next to rocky walls and slides.
  7. "Monkaburi". A tree formed in this style traditionally precedes the entrance to the garden: the lower branch should be very long and located horizontally above the entrance.
  8. "Kyoto". The style originated in the city of the same name in Japan. The peculiarity is that it is formed exclusively on cryptomeria.

In the video below, Andrey But (Osokor nursery) voices the basic principles of the “niwaki” haircut. Having many years of experience in growing plants, the nurseryman uses in his work various ways formation of the crown of plants and willingly shares his knowledge by conducting master classes.

Formation of the thuja crown

The cutting that forms the crown of the plant begins upon reaching the age of 6 years when it enters the phase of active vertical growth, having sufficiently developed root system. By cutting the apical shoot, the gardener sets the plant's horizontal growth, which, with subsequent cuttings, allows the crown to be given a certain shape.

The crown of “Brabant” can be formed in the form of a ball at the ends of the branches. At the same time, the abandoned branches are exposed, at the ends of which spherical shapes are formed.

Standard forms are given to the thuyas when they reach the desired height, after which the trunk is exposed from bottom to top, leaving on the standard some of the branches, from which a ball, cube or other shape will subsequently be formed.

Arborvitae "Smaragd" are cut with a spiral. Their crown is most suitable for such forms.

Garden, the main tone in which is created different kinds thuy.

Each activity in the garden, including formative pruning of coniferous plants, requires certain practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of ornamental gardening.

Many amateur gardeners have a special love for evergreens. The reason for this attachment is the fact that the color remains green throughout all year round and aesthetic appearance. Coniferous trees of this variety always attract attention; regardless of the season, the thuja needles are fresh and expressive. For many years in middle lane In Russia, the thuja with green needles was considered the most common, but for ten years recent years The market for garden coniferous plants is being conquered by thujas of silver, blue, yellow and bluish hues. Read the review of varieties of thuja Danika.

The alley is framed by bushes - Thuja Brabant

Thuja has become incredibly widespread personal plots and in park areas. Thuja Brabant is presented in Russian garden markets in six varieties. Experts believe that this species originated in East Asia.

Description and characteristics of thuja Brabant

Thuja Brabant is a “giant” in the world of thujas. The average description of this plant sounds like this: a tree of the cypress family, reaching a height of four meters. It has a lush conical crown, which can reach four meters in diameter. The bark of the thuja is brown and peeling. The needles of the plant grow in the form of scales vertically upward. The most favorable soil for this species is loam. You need to care for the plant as follows:

  • watering every week;
  • haircut twice a year (in March and at the end of August)

The tree's cones are ovoid in shape and brown in color.

Types and varieties of thuja Brabant

Thuja Golden Brabant is an elegant and relatively unpretentious shrub

On Russian market garden plants of the coniferous type there are more than fifteen varieties of all kinds of thujas. The most popular Brabant variety is Thuja Golden Brabant. It is distinguished by “fluffy” light green jewelry needles that fill the surrounding space with color. Looking at her, it seems that everything is saturated with warmth and life.

Thuja Brabant in landscape design, photo

Landscape designers use this variety of thuja as a hedge. Due to its rapid growth and dense crown, the plant fits perfectly into any design composition.

Any landscape designer will say that Brabant is not just great option to create a hedge, but also excellent solution for decorating a garden or park area. Thuja lends itself well to cutting and takes the shape that the gardener gives it.

Planting thuja Brabant in autumn

With proper landing western thuja Brabant forms a green hedge.

  • Seedlings must be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. Brabant has an incredible growth rate. For example, throughout the year, a plant can gain about ten centimeters in diameter and forty centimeters in height.

The best place to plant seedlings will be a windless space.

Whether it is sunny or located in the shade does not matter at all. The plant should be immersed deep so that the entire earthen lump ended up in the ground (about seventy centimeters). Over the next thirty days it will be necessary to thoroughly water the thuja. She should receive up to ten liters of water per week, and during dry days the Brabant will need about twenty liters.

If the tree is planted in the fall, the root system will have time to get stronger before the onset of frost, but with the first snow the plant will have to be “wrapped up” from the cold. IN autumn period Thuja does not require careful watering, because the season already brings enough moisture. In autumn, Brabant will grow well, better than in summer.

Caring for Thuja Brabant

Thuja Brabant is unpretentious and high level adaptability. For example, the plant tolerates pruning well, perceives sunlight well and feels good in the shade. Thuja Brabant should be trimmed carefully, cutting off all incorrectly protruding branches; the plant can be given any shape, it all depends on the gardener’s imagination.

Thuja should be covered in winter only for the first few years. In subsequent years, the strengthened plant will withstand frost well. In order for the thuja to feel comfortable during the cold season, you should sprinkle the root with a mixture of leaves and soil, which will rot during the winter and give off heat to the roots of the thuja.

Propagation of Thuja Brabant by cuttings

Cuttings are considered the most successful method of propagating thuja brabant. The plant quickly gains strength and quickly begins to strengthen both the root system and the trunk itself. In order for the thuja to be ready for planting garden plot, she needs to be placed in a “school”.

Thuja occidentalis includes several varieties, the most popular of which are: Brabant, Smaragd, Danica, Golden Globe, Columna and others. One of the most beloved by gardeners is the thuja occidentalis Brabant. This plant is a real decoration of city parks, squares, and, of course, personal plots.

Description of thuja Brabant

The tree grows quickly, surpassing the similar thuja Smaragd in speed, and second only to larch in this indicator. But, unlike it, Thuja Brabant remains evergreen, since it does not shed its foliage for the winter. This type of thuja grows up to 20 m in height, and the crown diameter is up to 4 m. The tree trunk has a reddish-brown color, often exfoliates, the cone-shaped branched crown descends to the ground. This form of Brabant allows you to form beautiful plants from plants. geometric figures. A lonely growing thuja can give it a spherical shape, a strict cone or a pyramid, and from plants planted in a row, get a fence in the form of a large rectangle.

Thuja needles have green color, sometimes with yellowish tips. Unlike similar plants, it does not change color with the onset of cold weather, which is a rare and valuable property.

This type of thuja belongs to the cypress family and is a real giant among its fellow tribesmen. Scaly needles up to 0.5 cm in size occupy a vertical position, firmly pressed against the shoot. Every 2–3 years the needles are renewed along with the branches. Oval shape cones up to 12 mm in size are a set of plates with two flattened seeds attached to them. Each seed has two wings, allowing it to travel considerable distances under the influence of the wind.

Over the course of a year, the thuja grows in size: 25–30 cm in height, 8–10 cm in width. Brabant has a compact root system. The tree trunk is durable, resistant to rot, with a delicate, pleasant odor.

Light-loving plant, he likes to be in sunny places, although the shadow is not an obstacle to its growth. Close groundwater and highly moist soil have a beneficial effect on thuja.

Mature, mature plants are quite tolerant of dry weather and frosty winters.

Easily accepted the required form, the crown allows the use of Brabant in landscape design both as single planted plants and group compositions.

Thuja Brabant - planting and care

When purchasing thuja Brabant seedlings, you should pay attention to the fact that they have already undergone acclimatization and occupy a separate container with the presence of fertilizers. This allows you to avoid damaging the roots, as is the case when digging up plants, and then the thuja will definitely take root. Fresh seedlings are distinguished by bright, juicy and green needles, as well as strong, light roots, 1–3 mm thick. Shoots of brown and yellow color- a sign of a diseased plant. For successful survival, size of purchased plant should be in the range of 20–100 cm.

When planting thuja Brabant, certain rules must be followed:

These are general recommendations when planting both thuja western Brabant and Smaragd and other varieties of the family. If a decision has been made to plant plants in autumn time, then we need to get this done before October . You can extend the planting period until November, if the base was in a container. In the fall, you should only use fertilizer that stimulates root growth, and mulch can be used to insulate them. The crown of a young plant needs to be protected from the upcoming cold weather.

Growing Thuja Brabant

So that the thuja grows healthy and a beautiful one needs to provide her with appropriate care, which is not an easy task for owners, because it is necessary to organize all necessary work: fertilizing, mulching, timely watering, correct pruning and a haircut.

Loosening, mulching and watering

After planting the seedlings, you should Water them abundantly, and then mulch the soil with a diameter of 10–15 cm from the trunk, so the soil will not dry out and overheat, and the mulch, gradually overheating, will supply the plant with nutrients. In winter, the roots of the thuja will be protected from frost, and the soil will not become compacted. For mulching, you can use peat, bark, shavings, compost, and rotted leaves. The most important and stressful months to care for are the first months after planting. At this time, it is recommended to water the plant every day, which will allow the roots and young shoots to be protected from lack of moisture. It would be a good idea to periodically loosen the soil around the plant to a depth of 10–15 cm.


For Brabant, as for all members of the family, timely application of fertilizers has great importance. When spring planting It is recommended to feed the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in September, and in early spring apply dry fertilizer “Kemira-universal”. After two weeks, the event is repeated, and autumn is again the time for phosphorus-potassium mixtures. This procedure should be repeated year after year..

Trimming and cutting

Sanitary pruning of western thuja is usually done in June, when they get rid of diseased and damaged branches, cutting them off by no more than 1/3 if possible. . Here's to trimming the plant in order to give it the desired shape, carry out twice a year: in early spring and early autumn. For this procedure, pruners are used, and if the volume of work is large, special garden equipment is used.

Preparing for winter

In preparation for cold weather, the crown of the thuja Brabant is tied with a rope, the plant becomes more compact and can more easily withstand the effects of snow and wind. Young trees can be covered with spruce branches, non-woven covering material or craft paper.

Plant care- it’s not an easy task, but it’s interesting, and the result of this work is often a source of pride for gardeners.

Diseases and pests

Thuja Brabant, like other plants, is not immune to disease. Below is a description of the main diseases and pests:

The use of thuja in landscape design

The use of this tree in landscape design is varied, and often depends on the personal preferences of gardeners. Let's highlight the most popular solutions:

With proper care, thuja With helpful long years delight owners with a luxurious and stylish look both as a single plant and as part of a composition.


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