Timber house with a protruding balcony. Wooden houses made of timber with a balcony on a country site

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What is a balcony and how does it differ from other building structures of the house?

Balcony(fr. balcony, German balco- beam) is an architectural element with a platform open on three sides, which protrudes beyond the facade of the house and is fenced with railings. The balcony is adjacent to the building on one side, from which there is a door with access to the balcony; it is open both above and below, unlike other similar structures.

Many people sometimes confuse the concepts of “balcony” and “loggia” due to the external similarity of these building elements, because architectural structures do not directly relate to the main heated room and are, as it were, “street”, especially in urban environments. Unlike a balcony, a loggia is open on one side and is most often built directly into the building.

The updated version of SNiP 01/31/2003 for the Code of Rules “Residential multi-apartment buildings” gives the following definition of lightweight unheated structures in construction:

« 3.8 Balcony. A fenced area protruding from the plane of the facade wall. Can be glazed;

3.9 Veranda. Glazed unheated room, attached to or built into a building, with no depth limitation. In multi-apartment residential buildings it is used as part of blocked premises residential buildings, or as part of apartment premises located on upper floors buildings of different heights and having access to the roof of the lower floor, on which a veranda can be installed;

3.10 Loggia. Built-in or attached, open to external space, a room enclosed on three sides by walls (on two sides - in case of a corner location) with a depth limited by the requirements of the natural illumination of the room, to external wall which it adjoins. Can be glazed;

3.11 Terrace. A fenced open area attached to a building or placed on the roof of a lower floor. It may have a roof and exit from the adjacent rooms of the house.”

Thus, we consider a balcony to be the most open area on one of the floors of a building, like a “piece of street” where you can go by taking a few steps from the room.

Do you need a balcony?

Every developer thinks through different variants planning the future home before starting to implement your idea. A private developer, especially, wants to make his dreams come true as much as possible. After all, much of what he did not have in his city apartment can be afforded when planning his own wooden house. Surely, many people are considering the option of having a balcony in their house if it is multi-story.

For a city dweller, a balcony in an apartment is a bit of city street space located at the height of one’s own apartment, i.e. a stone's throw. The city dweller uses this area in different ways: for one it is a place where you can go out into the fresh air without leaving the apartment, for another it is a small area where you can plant a small garden, plant flowers in boxes, and someone uses these extra few square meters, How warehouse space, in the absence of the latter, placing there everything that is not needed now, up to sports equipment and various rubbish.

But the owner of a country house or one does not have the same problems as a city resident. He has his own personal plot, which he is free to dispose of at his own discretion. He has more opportunities to visit often outdoors, it is enough to go beyond your own home.

For those who have a craving for the earth, who like to tinker with their hydrangeas, violets and roses, in a private house there is also no need to limit yourself to a few squares of cramped balcony: even on the most modest in size personal plot more space for space than on the balcony.

Well, a warehouse for unnecessary things, for things that are not essential, can always be found in own home, be it a nook under the stairs, an attic under the roof or a separate shed for these purposes.

Thus, there seems to be no urgent need for a balcony.

What is the use of a balcony in a private wooden house?

From having a balcony in your own log house, perhaps, two benefits: step-by-step access to open space and aesthetics appearance housing.

If Vacation home large, multi-storey, it has many rooms and bedrooms, some of them can be made with a balcony. When a building is located in a beautiful area with a picturesque landscape, then you want to admire this landscape constantly, at any time of the year, enjoying communication with nature. In winter, you can do this without leaving your home, watching the flying snowflakes out the window. And in the summer on the balcony, overlooking the surroundings from the height of the second or third floor of your own household. This will be a different view than the panorama from the porch, from the lower floor, from the ground. How wonderful it is to sit with a cup of coffee or tea on the balcony on a summer evening, when nature goes to sleep, contemplating the sunset and the fading sky in purple and pink tones, noticing the fading chirping of birds and the increasing squeak of bats flitting in the twilight.

If the bedroom or some other room has access to a balcony, then it is used exclusively for your own pleasure, for being in the fresh air: you do not need to leave the premises, just take a few steps towards the balcony door.

Beautifully designed balconies add to the aesthetics of the building. They decorate the facades of the house. There are balconies different designs: located separately for each of the rooms with a separate entrance or common, with exits from several rooms at once.

History of the balcony

In Europe.

If the first balcony structures began to be built in medieval buildings such as fortresses, and they were used only for their intended purpose - for military and defensive purposes, then over time balconies began to be built in public and residential buildings.

The first balconies, like other open spaces in civil engineering began to appear in countries with a mild and warm climate: in Italy, France, Spain, etc. The medieval resident, like our contemporary, always sought to expand his living space. And since the land was expensive, in order to avoid paying extra taxes, residents built houses with balconies. The balconies did not take up a single piece of extra land and at the same time increased personal space. Balconies became especially popular during the Renaissance, when residents of multi-story buildings could breathe fresh air on their balconies without leaving their homes.

In Verona (Italy) there is the famous house of Juliet with a balcony on which the young maiden stood when Romeo confessed his love to her: “But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony? There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight! Stand by the window, kill the moon with your proximity...” Juliet's House was built in the 13th century and is now a popular place among tourists who want to see this legendary stone structure in Italy and admire its main attraction - Juliet's balcony.

Later, balcony structures became popular in countries with temperate climate Europe - Germany, England, Belgium, Holland, etc.

In European countries with harsh climates, such as Sweden and Norway, such architectural elements are almost never found.

An interesting type of balcony is or , which is a type of balcony that cannot be accessed. It consists of an exit in the wall with a partition made of railings, i.e. without a platform, which, in fact, is a balcony.

There is a version about how the “French balcony” appeared. Its history goes back to the Louvre, where toilets were not provided. Noble people relieved themselves in “night vases” or right on the street. In the palace they did this by sitting with their backs to the window. To facilitate this process, subsequently window frames lowered to the floor, placing bars on the windows, in order to protect those who relieved themselves in such an exotic way for our times.

Since then, the “French balcony” has lost its original purpose, but is still used in the architecture of European countries.

In Rus'

In Russia, a country with a harsh climate, as in the Scandinavian countries, there was no urgent need for balconies; on the contrary, they tried to make as few openings as possible in the walls in order to retain heat as much as possible. However, prototypes of architectural structures similar to modern balconies were used in the most ancient buildings in Rus', including wooden houses, which were built from log cabins. These architectural elements then had their own, ancient Russian name.

The first semblances of balconies were installed in fortifications, which were built from log houses, i.e. were log. In the log house of a wooden house, openings were made at a certain height, on which a log floor was laid and a parapet was installed - barriers, protection from enemy weapons. Such a structure with a platform protruding from the wall and fences is called a balcony in modern times, and in ancient Rus' it was called "fenced". Zaborol has been known in ancient wooden fortifications in Rus' since the 11th century. Since the 17th century, the fence began to bear the name "regAma" or "bummer".

In the book of the famous Russian architect, Russian researcher wooden architecture M.V. Krasovsky(1874-1939) (1916) the following description is given fenced or bummer: “A more improved type of parapet consisted of the outlet ends of logs (consoles), on which a log floor was laid and a vertical wall was cut - the parapet itself; for greater safety of the defenders, the latter was sometimes made of double thickness. This type of parapet received the name “oblama” or “breakdown” in the 17th century. In the floor of the oblast, hinged loopholes (strelnitsa) were installed, through which boiling water or hot resin was poured onto enemies approaching the base of the walls and stones or cast-iron cannonballs were thrown. If the front wall of the oblast exceeded the height of a person’s chest by an insignificant height, then loopholes were installed in it, but if it was taller than human height, then for ease of use it was necessary to make special benches called “beds.” To make the front wall of the oblast more stable, transverse walls were sometimes cut into it, in which doors were cut for free movement of defenders along the entire length of the wall; the ends of these walls were connected at the top, with inside fences, beams, below which everything was covered with boards, but doors were left. The resulting corridor, about a fathom wide, was covered with a roof and in peacetime could serve as a warehouse for military and food supplies...”

IN wooden buildings for civil purposes, including for housing, balconies were also known since ancient times, but they were called differently, in the Russian way "gulbischami". Basically, under walkways meant open terraces along the walls of a building or temple (except for the side on which the altar is located). But the architect M.V. Krasovsky in his famous book "Course on the history of Russian architecture" The walkway is a balcony.
In the description of the “mansion” - the wooden house of a city boyar or landowner, the author writes this: “...The tower and towers had the same purpose as the canopy, over which they were, for the most part, built. Typically, the area of ​​the towers was smaller than the underlying canopy, which made it possible to arrange balconies around them - “gulbishchas,” as they were called then...”

Wealthy peasants, even in the countryside, did not shy away from such an architectural element as a balcony, since Krasovsky’s book also describes a Russian one with a balcony. In the northern provinces Russian Empire, as now, there was a lot of forest, so in Kostroma, Vologda, Arkhangelsk and other provinces there were often two-story houses from log cabins, which were called “double-fat huts,” in which balconies were built. At M.V. Krasovsky describes it this way: “In the attic of the front hut it is sometimes done living room, called the lighthouse, in front of which there is usually a balcony. However, these balconies are, apparently, a relatively later phenomenon, as well as small balconies on pillars...”

Thus, architectural elements with a protruding canopy and fences, called in the old way fences, bummer And walkways, but in a modern way balconies, have been known in Rus' since at least the 11th century. They were used in both military and civil construction. Balconies (oblamas, walkways) were built during construction wooden houses city ​​nobility, boyars and landowners, their mansions and towers, as well as during the construction of a two-story huts among the wealthy peasantry.

These architectural elements began to be called balconies in the European style when Italian architects built palaces for royalty. For example, the famous Catherine Palace, built by the architect Rastrelli in the Russian Baroque style. On the facade of the palace there are balconies with intricate wrought iron grilles of amazing beauty. Some architectural amateurs, familiar only with the masterpieces of stone architecture in Rus', claim that “balconies, as architectural elements, were found only on the facades of palaces of the 18th century.” But, as can be seen from the materials above, this is not at all the case. Since in traditional for Rus' wooden buildings These architectural elements were also used from log houses in the form of platforms with fences extending beyond the façade, but they were designated by other, not European, but native Russian terms.

Negative aspects of having a balcony in a wooden house

The most important points that need to be taken into account when building a log house with a balcony is the strength of the structures on which the platform rests open structure and the tightness of the entrance to the balcony, which should not allow air from the street to pass through, which is especially important in the cold season.

According to the rules wooden house construction, the balcony is constructed from the so-called. "issues" log house - these are elongated elements of load-bearing walls, cantilever logs or beams. Sometimes the outlets can come not from one row of the log house, but from several, which increases the strength of the balcony structure. And if cantilever logs or beams have different lengths, are shortened more and more with each subsequent row, then such a balcony design has not only increased rigidity foundation, but also acquires a special aesthetic appearance.

Sometimes builders resort to such a dubious design for constructing a balcony, such as erecting it on elongated wooden beams interfloor ceiling. This specialists from the Chukhlomskaya Usadba company This is highly discouraged and they never resort to this risky type of construction of balconies themselves. Moreover, such technology for constructing a balcony contradicts the requirements of SNiP 11-25-80 “ Wooden structures“, where it is said: “in heated buildings, load-bearing structures should be located without intersecting them with enclosing structures.” This requirement is not overly strict, since in the places where the beam passes, slanting rain can fall, snow can be swept up, and this is fraught with the accumulation of excess moisture in these places and further rotting, which is why the balcony supports can quickly collapse and then using such a balcony will be dangerous not only for health, but also for life due to the threat of collapse.

The installation of a balcony door must also be approached with special responsibility, since access to the street occurs without intermediate spaces in the form of canopies and vestibules, which prevent the cool air from outside from entering directly into the log house. The arrangement of the balcony door must be sealed, insulated, and impermeable street air into the living space so that the draft does not go directly from the street into the home, which is especially noticeable in cold weather, when a flow of cold air hits directly on the legs.

Balcony when designing a future wooden house

Traditionally, balconies in wooden houses arranged above the terrace or porch of the first floor, which makes them more stable. The balcony above the porch or terrace serves as a “roof”, and the supports of the latter are additional reinforcement, supports for the balcony on the second floor. In such cases, it is not necessary that the external structures of the first or second floor exactly match in size. There may be different options: the lower terrace is larger in size than the balcony above, and then the areas of the terrace open from above are covered with a roof; the balcony at the top is larger in size than the lower terrace or porch, then additional supports from below still insure the reliability of the upper platform.

Less often, balconies are planned as a separate platform at a height in front of rooms on the second or subsequent floors. These balconies can be either separate for each of the rooms, or a common area along the wall, to which there is an exit from each room. It is important to ensure safety in such balconies load-bearing structures under the floor covering. It is necessary to ensure the strength and reliability of the timber or log consoles in the log house; it will be better if there are several of them from the load-bearing wall.

The old way of constructing a balcony in a log house is a balcony in the attic, when the lower platform of the balcony is the upper part of the first floor frame, i.e. the balcony seems to be “recessed” into the house. This type of balcony is very reliable because there is no danger of it collapsing. But in such a balcony it is important that the area under the floor is securely covered with water-repellent coatings and well protected from rain and snow in order to prevent moisture from entering and leaking the ceiling in the part of the room under the balcony.

If such a balcony is covered with boards or siding, or glazed, then it is already considered a loggia. In this case, slanting rain and snow no longer falls on the open part of the site, which is located above the premises of the first floor, and there is no longer a danger of leakage onto the ceiling of the lower rooms.

Projects of wooden houses with balconies

On the site construction company "Chukhloma estate" presented different houses with different types of balconies. Most popular project of a 7x7 timber house with a small balcony on the facade located above the bay window. This type of balcony has reliable support from below, so it is never in danger of collapsing.

“Russkaya Postroechka” offers the construction of houses from timber with a turnkey and shrinkage balcony. We accept orders for the construction of buildings of this type in the Central and North-Western regions of Russia. The standard designs of houses made of timber with a balcony presented on the website are equipped with detailed description, photographs of facades and floor plans, approximate prices for construction. We give a year warranty on work.

What types of balconies are there on timber houses?

There are 2 types of balconies:

  1. external: can be with outlet or supported on racks. The release is called long beams, which also act as ceiling buildings and have a large cross-section. Balcony supported by posts - optimal solution for wooden houses of any configuration. The racks take on the entire load of the balcony structure.
  2. internal.

Features of houses with a balcony

  • If the balcony is insulated and glazed, it can act as an additional room where you can arrange workplace or a relaxation area.
  • If you equip your bedroom with a balcony, more light will penetrate into it and the room will look more romantic.

Most often, a balcony on a timber house is located on the side of the facade that faces the street. But if you want this place to be secluded, place the balcony on the inside of the yard. This way you can calmly drink a cup of coffee without fear of your neighbors’ glances.

Building a wooden house from timber with a balcony is a troublesome and costly task that only professionals can handle. The customer needs to decide on the shape and size future design. It is very important that the balcony fits into the architecture of the building.

Balcony - the highlight of the house or unnecessary problems?

IN modern architecture a balcony is not just a familiar attribute, it is rather an integral part of an apartment or hotel room. Balconies are widely in demand, both in residential construction and in office construction. Its presence greatly simplifies and decorates our lives. Each family finds its own purpose for the balcony. It could be like utility room for storing vegetables in the cold season, and a room for rest. Often offices, workshops, small winter gardens. In general, anything. On the balcony with beautiful view It's nice to have a cup of morning coffee or a leisurely dinner. But this is in multi-storey buildings. Although, Lately, you can increasingly see private houses with balconies, and Russia is no exception. In such a house, it is unlikely that anyone will store potatoes on the balcony, because there is a cellar in the yard. You don't need it for a bicycle either; there's a garage for that. But even in a private home there should be favorite places where you can read a book or, wrapped in a blanket, watch an interesting movie on your laptop.

A balcony is a great blessing in any home. There will always be something for him good use. But so that this benefit does not turn into “ headache", for its construction we need the right approach. Projects of houses with a balcony allow you to avoid many mistakes during construction and get a high-quality and beautiful result at the end. The peculiarity of the balcony is that this structure protrudes beyond the facade and is supported by beams protruding from the wall. Hence the name “balcony”, which means beam in Old High German (balko). It is in the project that everything is laid necessary information and calculations about how thick and what the beams should be made of, how they are attached to the wall, what load they should withstand. When is it being built new house, then it’s even simpler here. It is enough to buy a ready-made house project with a balcony or order an individual one. The house will still be built from scratch, which means that everything will be laid as it should from the very beginning, including the beams for the balcony. It’s worse when the balcony has to be attached to an already ready home. Here you need to calculate everything correctly and do it skillfully so that the balcony turns out strong and the wall is not damaged. Changes will have to be made to the house design to match the actual buildings.

Projects of houses with a balcony will not differ much in price from projects of similar houses without a balcony. After all, the structure is not large, and there will not be so many calculations and diagrams relating to it. The price depends more on general sizes home and its complexities. So don’t neglect your balcony project. There is no saving, but problems may arise due to its absence.

Project of a house with a balcony from the company DOM4M

In order for both the house and the balcony for a long time pleasing to both the eye and the soul, designs for houses with balconies should be purchased from specialists. After all, the design of amateurs and their hack work does not tolerate. The Dom4M company offers wide choose And high quality finished projects. The company's employees will help you choose the right design for a house with a balcony. If necessary, it can be adapted to a different soil or other Construction Materials. If nothing of standard projects If you don’t like the eye, you can order an individual design. It will cost more, but you won’t have to adjust your dreams to someone else’s templates. In this case, the specific wishes of the customer will be translated into reality. His task is to explain in detail what he wants. And how to implement it is the concern of the designers. Modern technologies and materials significantly expand the capabilities of architects and builders. So it won’t be difficult for them to make their dream of a private house with a balcony come true.

Beautiful and cozy a private house 1-2-3 floors cannot be imagined as complete if there is no balcony. Beautiful and varied in shape, area, glazing, insulation, placement, balconies delight the eye and give the outside of the house its unique appearance. Of course, not only him external view is the goal, it also carries a number of functional loads that increase the value and dignity of the house in general.


We must remember that the construction of a balcony for finished building can lead to high costs, therefore its design must be carried out together with general layout Houses. A balcony can become a high-risk area, so it is better to entrust its design and construction to specialists.

A balcony extension can serve as a place of relaxation, entertainment, and even a workplace for a creative person. Many books and scientific works were written by thinking people sitting in armchairs and sun loungers on the balcony. A balcony with its base can serve as a roof over the porch, protecting it from rain, snow and other influences of natural and human factors. A balcony installed above the veranda helps divide the facade of the house into two parts and creates the effect of a large air space and increases the apparent volume of the house.

And one more point - fire safety. This means the possibility of in case of emergency evacuate through such an emergency exit.


  • complexity of design and construction,
  • partial heat leaks through balcony doors,
  • in the case of concrete cantilever slabs, heat leaks through technological thermal bridges are possible,
  • the need to coordinate at the planning stage the visibility from the balcony of the external environment and the neighbor’s buildings,
  • additional structures on the facade of a private house complicate and lead to higher costs at all stages of the construction of the house.



This is the most common type, but it requires a special approach. The concrete base of the balcony is quite heavy and puts a significant load on the walls of the house. If the walls are not massive enough and there are doubts about their strength, additional supports are installed. Of course, they must be well made and match the overall design of the house.

Balcony slabs can be attached to the wall of a house in various ways:

  • a slab clamped into a wall is only suitable for concrete and brick houses because of its weight. The width of such a balcony is up to 1 meter;
  • a slab laid on several beams clamped into the wall at a distance of at least 80 centimeters from one another. Balcony width up to 1.2 meters;
  • slab on thrust brackets, where the strut can approach the edge of the cantilever part. This fastening makes it possible to decorate the structure with any finish from attic to modern. Width up to 1.5 meters;
  • the support at the end of a cantilevered slab in the main wall significantly expands its width;
  • the balcony slab on 4 supports already stands on its base and the balcony can be built after the main construction of the house is completed; it is practically a terrace on the second floor.

Reach and depth of the balcony concrete base with embedding in the wall should not extend beyond one meter, the slope angle balcony slab from the horizontal position must be about 2%. To the surface concrete slab it is necessary to install a water-repellent coating, which must be covered with a cement-sand screed. Welded to embedded steel elements metal racks, about them artistic form you need to worry about it in advance when deciding on the overall design.

The parapet handrails are attached to the risers, the ends of the handrails are securely inserted and secured into load-bearing wall. The height of the parapet is not lower than 1 meter. The artistic metal sheathing of the balcony should not have cell sizes that pose a danger to children. Balcony door should have a threshold height of 10 centimeters.

Bay windows

The word bay window, rarely used in everyday life, does not even make many people think, like many foreign words. This word means one thing - it is a balcony-type structure protruding beyond the facade of a building. Almost the same glazed balcony, but inside it is a continuation of the room. Bay windows can be of any shape; this is a huge field for imagination and real implementation.

Meet Various types designs: rectangular, semicircular, with many edges, divided and solid windows, colored, mosaic and many others. The bay window is part of the wall of the house, it is not an extension element and the base under it is the same as that used by the house. Above the bay window, part of the structure is made in the form of slopes, but even here they try to add some kind of addition in order to distinguish it from the neighboring house. Often above the bay window you can see something similar to a turret. A bay window is hidden very well outside under a roof, usually a gable one.

One of the main functions of a bay window, as well as a balcony, is to change the shape interior space, in increasing its area and illumination due to additional windows. Interior decoration, design, furnishing of a bay window makes it possible to turn this small corner of the room into a fabulous location. It all depends on the desires and tastes of the owners of a private home.


First, we make beams, for which we use a wooden beam measuring 10x20 centimeters. The beams will become the load-bearing elements of the balcony. The beams are impregnated with DL-3 solution and covered with waterproof materials. To a depth of at least 25 cm, every 80 cm, the beams are attached to the load-bearing wall with steel corners. You need to attach racks made of 4x10cm wooden blocks to the beams. Then we lay and fasten 6x9 centimeter boards on the cantilever beams at a distance of 30x40 cm between them. Next, we lay the floor using 40 mm boards.

We fasten the fencing made of boards 3x13 cm with screws to the posts, handrails made of wood measuring 4x9 cm are attached to the posts and are firmly fixed in the load-bearing wall. There should be no burrs or unevenness on the wooden handrail. The entire surface of the handrails must be thoroughly sanded and coated twice with water-repellent frost-resistant varnish. All elements of a wooden balcony are either oiled or treated with hydrophobic paint.

It is always advisable for cantilever structures to be supported by vertical pillars to ensure structural stability a long period time.

A little about the French balcony

As a rule, the balcony in a private house is open to be closer to nature, the fresh flow of forest air, and the smell of herbs. But there is also closed type, the so-called "French". In a private house, you can decide to install all kinds of extensions in accordance with the tastes and wealth of the owners. Closed, fully glazed with wrought iron grille, with beautiful windows made of clear or tinted glass, with a stylish frame, such a balcony will decorate any home.

But there is one peculiarity in this. It's not the balcony we tie to general appearance home, but on the contrary, you will have to coordinate the entire exterior design with a future French balcony. Detailed step by step instructions According to this design, this is a separate complex topic. It is necessary to coordinate the design of the room associated with the French balcony, their interior decoration, color scheme. All these are topics for the inspired work of artists, designers, and creative blacksmiths to create genuine masterpieces.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Rarely seen today country houses and cottages without balconies. They not only decorate buildings, but also create comfortable conditions for accommodation. Wooden balconies are cheap, easy to make and can be combined with any wall materials.

Construction of a wooden balcony is considered a very responsible job. First of all, there is a danger of the unreliable structure collapsing. To prevent this, the work is carried out in stages and includes calculation and practical components.

Types of balconies

Wooden balconies vary in type depending on the methods of creating support. These methods are the most well known.

  1. Console option.

If building a balcony on supports is impractical, then the cantilever method of support comes to the rescue. With this method, the base of the balcony rests on the extensions of the beams that create the interfloor ceiling.

In addition, the base can be created by beams laid parallel or perpendicular to the floor beams. This base decorates the walls of the building, but there is a high risk of rotting from moisture.

  1. Add-on option.

The simplest and modern way construction of a stable balcony. The side supports reliably hold the balcony base, and the front posts create rigidity of the entire structure. There must be a free area under the base to make the foundation. In some cases, such a balcony may serve as a roof for a veranda or terrace.

Preparing for work

Preparatory work, first of all, includes the creation of a project with calculations.

The success of construction largely depends on the quality of the project. When preparing it, first of all, the location of the structure is determined. Classic version- this is located above the entrance to the house. In this case, the porch columns will support the balcony base.

Balcony above the entrance to the house
  • balcony designs;
  • installed furniture;
  • people going out onto the balcony.

Placement of people and furniture depending on the size of the balcony

There are others requirements for the right choice designs extensions:

  • for safety there must be a fence at least 105 cm high;
  • the base of the balcony is mounted with a slope of up to two degrees, so that during precipitation the water flows out;
  • The location of the balcony must correspond to its purpose. For decoration it is placed on the facade of the building, and for relaxation in quiet places;
  • Additional equipment for the canopy will well protect the balcony from precipitation and extend its service life.

Construction of a cantilever balcony

Initially, the materials specified in the project are purchased and the tool is prepared. In addition, the project must include drawings with the dimensions of the parts. This will save materials and also simplify assembly.


1. If an extension is being made to a house under construction, then the protruding floor beams are a good basis for the construction of a wooden balcony. In a built house, the best option would be to support it on pillars.

In a cantilever balcony, one of the options is used for mounting the base:

  • pinching in the wall. Disadvantage: the width of the base is limited to one meter;
  • support on cantilever beams. The dimensions of the base increase to one and a half meters.

Types of attaching a balcony to a private house

Construction work is carried out in stages:

  • Markings according to the project are made on the wall;
  • prepared for balcony beams wooden beam sizes 200 x 100 mm. It is pre-treated with antiseptic solutions;

Construction of an attached balcony

As in the previous version, work begins with the purchase of materials and preparation of tools.

Unlike console structures, such structures are more complex to install and require more financial costs.

The stages of construction of the attached base are as follows:

  • according to the project, markings are applied on the wall and in the places where the pillars are installed;
  • for supports, pillars with a diameter of more than 140 mm are selected. They are treated with an antiseptic. The lower part of the pillars to the depth of installation in the ground is covered with bitumen;
  • holes are dug or drilled. A sand cushion is placed at their bottom;

  • at the level of the wall support, the pillars are tied with crossbars;
  • the pillars are connected to the wall support with lathing, which is necessary for installing wooden flooring;
  • arrangement is being made.

Useful video on the topic:

Arrangement of the balcony base

These works require special care, since reliability, attractiveness and longevity largely depend on them. balcony design. These primarily include:

As a rule, the frame of a wooden balcony is made of wooden elements.

Firstly, wood has high thermal insulation qualities, and secondly, it goes well with various architectural styles.

Typically, the balcony frame is connected to the wall using bars fixed vertically to the wall at the ends of the balcony base. The height of the bars determines the size of the fence.

The wall is most often covered with clapboard. The lining made of pine and larch looks good and is durable. If the balcony frame is large, then round profile boards are installed (block house). This wall has a distinct log look.

  1. Laying the floor.

The floor is mounted on the prepared sheathing. Forty-millimeter planed boards are chosen as the material. To prevent water from accumulating, they are laid with a gap of up to 2 mm.

  1. Installation of fencing.

A good fence not only has an attractive appearance, combined with architectural style building, but is also durable and reliable. Turned or carved balusters give a wooden balcony an attractive look.

Railings are made from different materials:

Such fencing combines elegance with high strength.

Exist certain rules, which the fencing of wooden balconies must comply with:

  • the height of the railing is not less than 1.0 m;
  • the distance between balusters is no more than 0.1 m;
  • There should be no nicks or roughness on the surface of the railing.

When choosing railings, you must first of all be guided by the safety of using the balcony.

  1. Creating a canopy.

Not every wooden balcony requires a canopy. It is equipped to create comfort and protect the balcony from the destructive effects of natural conditions.

It is easy to construct a canopy as an extension of the roof slope. In this case, it is enough to have longer rafters.

Most simple design- this is the binding of the upper part of the pillars of the support of the balcony base. After this, a sheathing is made on which the roofing covering is laid.

There are polycarbonate canopies mounted on the wall. Light materials that can withstand snow and wind loads are suitable for the canopy.

Processing of wooden elements

A mandatory requirement for all wooden balconies is protection against insects and weather conditions. Protection will be effective if it is carried out comprehensively:

  • applying primers;
  • impregnation with antiseptics;
  • coating with fade-resistant varnish.

Special requirements for the processing of cladding material on open balconies without awnings. Therefore, before we start installation work floorboards with reverse side are covered antiseptic primer VISASOL. It contains substances that prevent the formation of mold.

Antiseptic Teknos Visasol

For wooden railings An elastic, hard and weather-resistant varnish is selected. The best option- This is an alkyd-urethane varnish. It is not afraid of mechanical influences, temperature fluctuations, or direct sunlight.

IMPORTANT! Process wooden fencing It is necessary to use primer, impregnation and varnish from the same manufacturer. Only then will it be guaranteed full compatibility all coverings.

Cover outside wooden balcony It is necessary to use paint that matches the color of the façade of the house.

So, despite some difficulties, attaching a wooden balcony to a house can be done by people with little experience who know how to handle wooden materials. The main thing is that the installation is carried out carefully, and in addition, safety measures are observed when working at height.


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