How to cover an old table. We restore an old round table with our own hands

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Everyone has dreamed of discovering artistic talent at least once in their life and trying themselves as a restorer or decorator. Table restoration is unique opportunity mix business with pleasure. Firstly, this good way save on buying new furniture, and secondly, restore old table with your own hands - doubly pleasant. It is noteworthy that restoration technology is available to everyone, even non-professionals. The result is an exclusive product that has no analogues. How to restore and transform an old kitchen table? What to cover wooden table top? Tips, recommendations, photos, as well as a unique new master class on restoration from designers will help you make a real masterpiece from an outdated piece of furniture.

Furniture restoration is a very exciting process in itself, and with the right approach it is also very useful, allowing you to significantly save on purchasing new furniture

Update methods

How to update your kitchen countertops with your own hands? What are wood countertops in the kitchen covered with? Beginners have many questions and, as a result, difficulties in the restoration process, which plunge them into a stupor. Of course, any alteration and restoration kitchen furniture may ultimately lead to a result that is not originally planned. However, here you should remember that it’s never too late to get rid of your old table and buy a new one, but it’s still worth a try.

You can restore your kitchen table yourself or update it in the following ways.

  1. Painting through tulle involves painting the product with paint according to the stencil principle. To do this, the fabric is spread on the table in such a way that there are no tubercles. Next you need to use spray paint paint the entire surface and let it dry, then remove the tulle. As a result, a beautiful lace pattern is formed on the table.
  2. Remodeling the table may involve restoration using ceramic tiles. This coating is not only attractive, but also practical, since it can withstand various types of influences. These can be whole blocks or multi-colored fragments in the form of a mosaic. If there are no tiles, glass shards can be used as restoration material.
  3. You can update an old table using self-adhesive film. Modern manufacturers offer inexpensive models with original drawings. For restoration, it is enough to paste over the surfaces of the product - and it will be transformed before your eyes.
  4. If the table is made of solid wood, you can use the burning technique as an idea for restoration, but this requires certain work skills, as well as special equipment in the form of an electric burner.
  5. Decoupage is very fashionable way transform furniture and give it a completely different look appearance. This does not require special artistic skills, because the basis is taken finished photos on paper or a napkin that is attached to the table.

Product restoration

Restoring a tabletop involves returning it to its original appearance without visible changes in design. Many private craftsmen and companies offer their restoration services, but due to high cost This option is not available to everyone. The restoration process is long and painstaking, however, if you want to update the kitchen table with your own hands, you can do it at home. Before repairing the countertop, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • glasses, respirator, gloves;
  • sanding machine or coarse and fine grain sandpaper;
  • artistic or paint brush, roller;
  • impregnation and putty for wood;
  • wood glue, liquid nails;
  • acrylic or alkyd paint, stain, countertop varnish or wax;
  • antiseptic and primer.

When the necessary tools are at hand, you can get to work.

Preliminary repair

Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should pay attention to the underframe and the general condition of the table: whether the legs are loose or whether some parts are missing. New life Repairing an old table begins first of all with eliminating these defects, since the functional component is important for any furniture. It must be disassembled, the old coating removed from each part, sanded and reassembled, fixed with glue or liquid nails. Many restorers insist that the integrity of the table should not be damaged, as it will quickly become unusable.

Here, each case is individual. For flimsy structures, assembly can really be disastrous. A hammer drill may destroy the surface or cause chips. If the furniture is good quality and massive, then you should not be afraid of this. If assembled correctly, the product will become more durable and stable. After work, it is important to ventilate the room, since accumulated dust can subsequently settle on the kitchen table top. Dust adhering to the surface after painting will spoil the appearance, so spring-cleaning not prevent.

Primary processing

A wooden table, like chipboard countertops, requires mandatory impregnation with an antiseptic, which will protect against pests and fungi. This substance will not allow woodworms to attack the product in the future. After treatment, it is recommended to leave the table to dry for at least a day. Next, you need to remove the old coating using grinder. You can also use coarse-grit sandpaper at the beginning and fine-grit sandpaper at the end of sanding.

Kitchen countertop restoration

Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should carefully inspect the surface for damage and chips. Small cracks up to 3 mm are sealed with putty and then sanded again so that there are no tubercles. Large chips can be repaired using veneer. You must first make a stencil the right size. In order to make it correctly, you should cover the surface of the chipped part of the table with paint, then press it with paper. A clean place, untouched by paint, is the necessary stencil. Next, you need to cut the veneer along the contour and glue it to the surface with wood glue. Press the part tightly and leave to dry for 10–12 hours. How to cover the tabletop after cosmetic repairs? Alkyd or shellac primer for wood. This will ensure even paint coverage. The primer should be applied in 2 layers and wait until completely dry after each treatment. After this, the surface can be sanded again.

Painting tables

Now you can start painting directly. Since restoration requires restoration of the original appearance, the correct shade should be selected. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range color palette, but it is not always possible to find an absolutely identical version that was used before restoration. You can purchase several types of paints, mix them and come up with desired color. How to cover a wooden tabletop so that it lasts for many more years? There are a lot of options here, but the most common is water-dispersed acrylic paint. It is non-toxic, dries quickly and is quite moisture resistant.

Using a brush, apply a thin layer, leave to dry, then apply a second coat and also let dry. For dark shades, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times. If the table will be placed outside, care must be taken to protect the surface from moisture and precipitation. Alkyd paint is suitable here. Despite the pungent toxic odor, it is successfully used for exterior finishing. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of direct contact sun rays. Most a budget optionOil paint based on drying oil. This material is suitable for restoring the tops of coffee tables that are not actively exposed to mechanical stress. Please note that after dyeing, the product will be ready for further processing after 3-4 days.

Protective covering

How to cover wooden countertops in the kitchen for long-term use? It is best to use matte polyurethane varnish on water based. He will provide reliable protection from external influences and damage. The varnish is applied in 2-3 layers in one direction, after each it is necessary to dry the surface for 4 hours and sand it. How to varnish a tabletop so that there are no waves? You need to wait until it dries completely and clean out any small spots. sandpaper. May form at the cleaning site White spot, however, you should not be afraid of this, because after polishing the surface will become perfectly smooth.

The polish should be selected based on characteristics similar to the previous varnish. After the procedure, you can cover the countertop with wax. These are special wax sheets with a pleasant natural aroma. Before work, it should be softened (you can warm it up a little or leave it in the sun), and then rub it in in a circular motion using felt. This process is long and painstaking, but special attention should be paid to it, because the further service life and presentable appearance of the product depend on the quality of the coating.

There is another option for covering a wooden tabletop - this is ordinary wax, which is rubbed into the surface with a cotton cloth. This polished table looks very stylish and elegant, but is more suitable for a living room than a kitchen.

This is how the long restoration process is carried out. A little patience, diligence and creativity - and old item the interior will look like a photo from a glamor magazine.

And in conclusion, a video from detailed description process of restoration of a wooden tabletop.

We continue our journey into the world of updated things. In the previous episode they told us their stories, this time there are 8 tables on stage. And no less interesting transformations that occurred with each of them.

They received not only a fresh appearance, but also new functions. And for their “flexibility of character” and willingness to change, the owners gave them a chance for a second youth. Some have become simply comfortable things, and others - even as interior decoration.

Check out the stories 8 tables and tables in “before” and “after” condition, and let your own things acquire equally interesting and spectacular “faces”!

If you want, take a look at our new collection of ideas, where 23 models are described in detail.

idea No. 1: ancient table-book-> colorful table for the terrace

A very old thing that, despite everything, has retained the stability and grace of its lower limbs. Her young owners decided that a slightly outrageous outfit would not hurt her. Unlike lovely ladies, old things bright colors sometimes it suits you very well.

But when small children come to visit, they are delighted with such a dining table, which on ordinary days does not take up any extra space. These are acrylic paints, a stencil and a preliminary sketch on paper.

idea #2: instead of boring lessons-> exciting hobby

Once upon a time there was a girl, and she considered preparing her homework to be the most boring thing in the world. Therefore, on your own school desk endured all my feelings. And then she grew up and realized how to get rid of not the most pleasant memories.

The body of the old table was stripped of worn paint, puttied and repainted in stylish color wenge. Furniture film with a zebrano pattern was attached to the drawer fronts. And the new bright red funny paw-shaped handles are in harmony with the shade of the inside of the drawers, also updated. It turned out to be an excellent place for a home hobby: just look at it, and the boredom will blow away like the wind.

idea #3:massive monster ->elegant gentleman

The massive old table has survived more than one generation of intellectuals in this family. One of the great-grandfathers of the current owner even owned a successful publishing house. His entrepreneurial spirit was inherited.

The young lady got creative and transformed a family heirloom into an elegant piece that fits perfectly into her home. And to complete the impression, I surrounded it with interior details that matched the color. Laconic bronze handles, specially purchased in vintage style- in memory of the origin of the table.

idea #4: sad gray donkey-> flirty green crocodile

The gray, faceless two-pedestal table had long ceased to please its owners, and they were thinking about how to get rid of it. But one day a student niece came to visit, critically examined the “donkey” and a couple of days later moved it to her home, despite the protests of her parents.

Imagine the amazement of the old owners when they saw what happened to the boring object. Its young owner created a flirtatious corner for studying and sewing. Juicy green tone matte paint- on the table and an old chair from the pantry. Plus - new fluffy leather upholstery for the seat. And for harmony - flat handles for drawers, covered with printed pink fabric.

By the way, she is thinking about attaching a mirror in the same colors to the wall: it would also create a dressing table. That's what fantasy is!

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idea No. 5: the Baroness's journey from the 18th to the 21st century

Its new owner purchased this elegant antique item at a flea market. The seller assured that Baroness N had once owned it. Well, the buyer decided, then we’ll rejuvenate the Baroness.

As is known, White color even quite refreshing advanced age. It was chosen as the new color for this antique dressing table. The necessary variety is achieved thanks to a new tabletop using the decoupage technique and harmoniously selected objects on it.

Idea #6: The Exhausted Friend of Magazines-> mobile thing for a children's room

Almost every house once lived like this coffee table. And some people still have it somewhere in their closet or at their dacha to this day. Why not give it a chance to serve your children too?!

Check how tightly the fastenings for the legs and table top are held. Add bright colors and a stencil pattern - in general, nothing complicated. This table already “wore” rollers. If yours does not yet have such mobility, then strengthen them too: a bright mobile thing will certainly please the young owner.

idea #7:old card table -> a cozy place for a meal on the balcony

Like all previous tables, this card table was stripped of its old finish and given a fresh coat of paint. And small format ceramic tiles were attached inside. Now it can easily withstand weather fluctuations on an open balcony.

Let's give our 2 cents on this topic: instead of tiles, you can use inexpensive mosaics - it will look absolutely luxurious. Or - scraps of multi-colored tiles left over from renovation: split into small pieces and laid like a mosaic - this is a budget solution.

Important: regular tile adhesive (dry in bags) cannot be used, only ready-made, viscous, solvent-based adhesive (dragon type).

idea #8: fresh colors bring summer closer

A weather- and wind-resistant metal table served you faithfully in your yard for several years, but now, alas, it has lost its appearance? The same situation happened in this story. And recently, folding chairs with a wooden seat and a backrest were added to the table. metal frame. In anticipation of summer, the owners decided to create such a colorful corner that attracts attention. Turquoise paint for metal and the same for wood (on chairs). Plus - update the legs of the entire “set” with black.

But the most spectacular decoration is the white pattern on the tabletop, applied using a stencil. If you don’t want to bother with “small art,” you can use ready-made stickers made from vinyl film.

Don't rush to throw away your old table. It has served you for many years and will serve you again if you give it a little attention.

The table can be decorated in such a way that it will compete with any designer item.

New life can be breathed in with absolutely different ways and technician.

Let's look at the most common methods.

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Ways to transform a table

  • painting;
  • veneering (covering an old wooden surface with veneer);
  • pasting with self-adhesive film;
  • (table applique with drawings from napkins, rice or banana paper);
  • tiling;
  • painting a table using a stencil (through a fabric, paper or plastic stencil);
  • decor using gold leaf (foil that is glued in the form of a pattern).

We will look at some decorating methods in this article in a little more detail. In addition, transform an old table into a modern and original item design can be done using a regular LED strip. fits perfectly into any interior.

Materials and tools

To restore the old table to its former beauty, we will need the following:
  • Sander;
  • wood paint;
  • impregnation;
  • primer roller;
  • varnish (colored or colorless);
  • brushes for each type of coating.

As well as personal protective equipment:

  • protective glasses;
  • respirator;
  • work gloves.


Step 1. First, you need to inspect the table for breakages, cracks, and scratches. If there are any breakdowns, they must be repaired. We check all the bolts on the legs and table top and tighten them.
The best option would be to disassemble the table into parts, clean it from dirt and dust, then put it back together. You can add glue to all fastening points and wait until it dries (at least 15 hours).

Step 2. Next, you need to sand the table using a machine or sand it by hand. This allows you to reveal everything problem areas, which were not visible before.
Take off old paint and varnish is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process. We clean the surface with fine- and medium-grain sandpaper.

Note! Wood should be sanded along the grain. At improper processing difficult-to-remove defects arise.

Step 3. All identified cracks and deep scratches needs to be sealed using . Dry the patches completely. Next, we clean and polish the surface again.

Step 4. Degrease the table with acetone and prime its surface. A universal primer is suitable for this. Instead of impregnation, we prime the tabletop 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.

Step 5. Sand the table surface again.

Step 6. If the countertop has no scratches, chips or cracks, you can treat it with water-repellent impregnation and cover it with several layers of stain or varnish. This will give the unique effect of fresh wood.

Step 7 If the condition of the surface is unimportant or you plan to decorate the table later, you need to paint it. We choose water-based paint. Apply with a large brush (it is better if it is not a paint brush, but an artistic one). When the paint dries, apply a second layer. Application should be quick, short strokes, thin layers. We dry the table for at least 4 days.

Note! Dark paint should be applied in two or three layers to avoid light gaps.

Decorating the tabletop


Painting is one of the most popular techniques for decorating interiors and household items. There are several options for painting furniture: artistic painting with a thin brush, painting using a stencil (template), painting with stamps.

For glass table top perfect solution— bright and airy painting with stained glass paints.

Painting using tulle or any other lace looks very beautiful. To apply an openwork pattern to the surface of the table, you need to attach the tulle to the tabletop (it is advisable to secure it with tape on the back side).

We paint the table in the same way as with a regular stencil, using a sponge, roller or spray paint. We select the color of the enamel that contrasts with the color of the surface.

Note! On glass table top painting is applied from the inside out, front side remains smooth.


We first lay out the frame elements of the mosaic using tile adhesive. We try to make the seams as uniform as possible. Then we begin laying out tiles (or pieces of tiles) from the center of the table. Interesting solution There will be tiles of different colors laid. The top of the tile is covered with a special grout. To prevent the ends of the tiles from being visible, you can attach them to the edges of the table plastic corners in the color of the tile grout.

In the mosaic technique, you can use not only tiles, but also other materials and a wide variety of objects - shells , pebbles, pieces of glass, eggshells etc.


Potal is the thinnest sheets from various metal alloys, which are used to imitate any surface in gold, bronze or silver. The gilding technique is often used in furniture decoration along with other decorative techniques.

First, we draw a stencil on which the gold leaf will be glued. Then apply glue to it with a thin brush.

We carefully place the sheets of sweat on the glue. Using a soft brush, carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.

The thicker the brush with which we apply the glue, the thicker the gold leaf pattern will be.

Note! Particles of sheets of sweat remaining from decorating the tabletop can be collected and used again in powder form.

Painting in different colors

To begin with, the tabletop is completely covered in one color. After drying, you need to stick on masking tape, using it to create a stencil for other colors.

Using a roller or brush, all other colors are applied one after another. After this, the masking tape is removed.

You can draw or glue various pictures on a colored background.

Finally, the table must be covered with two layers clear varnish. This will add strength to the decor and protect it from external influences. The varnish can be glossy or matte.

How to restore an old table using veneering, watch the video:

Photo gallery

Over time, a wooden table loses its former attractive appearance. But this is not a reason to send it to the nearest landfill or dusty attic. If desired, all shortcomings can be corrected. To do this, the table is restored, after which it will look like new. By showing your imagination, you can completely change the design of the product. Updating furniture yourself will save your budget, since restoration in specialized workshops is very expensive.

Repairing an old table at home is a good way to decorate the interior of your home, giving it newness and comfort. After all, it’s the little things that make up general impression about the house. Do-it-yourself restoration has the following advantages:

  1. Saving money. Repairing furniture yourself is much cheaper than buying new or ordering restoration from a specialized workshop.
  2. An opportunity to radically transform furniture and give it a second life.
  3. Decorate the table based on your own taste preferences. You can decorate your home with a unique designer item.
  4. If the furniture is of high value and is made from good breeds wood, then restoration will help save it from damage and preserve it for a long time.

Updating furniture yourself is a very painstaking task that requires some skills. However, before you repair an old table with your own hands, it would be useful to study the algorithm for carrying out the work. After all, failure to follow the rules can negatively affect the result.

Saving money

Design based on your own taste preferences

The ability to radically transform furniture

Features of restoration of a wooden table

Even the most quality furniture cannot last forever. Over time, the table surface loses its original appearance. Small cracks and chips appear on it, the varnish begins to wear off, and the fastenings no longer withstand the load. Restoring an old table is a serious repair, which primarily involves updating damaged parts. It is very important to understand that chipboard is almost irreparable. It is better to simply throw away the old surface and put a new one in its place.

Before updating your countertop, you need to mandatory delete old finishing coating. If it is a painted or varnished table, then the top layer should be washed off with alcohol, acetone, and organic solvents. There are also many on sale special means for these purposes. They are available in the form of liquids, gels or powders.

If there are minor scratches or other damage on the wooden structure, they are carefully treated with sandpaper with a small grit. Repairing cracks when repairing wooden tables is carried out using:

  • wood putties;
  • mixtures of glue and wood shavings;
  • epoxy resin or special wax correctors.

You can insert suitable sized rectangular pieces or wedges of wood into wide and deep cracks and secure it all universal glue. The resulting gaps need to be hidden; to do this, they are filled with resin or putty. When carrying out such repairs, it is worth remembering important rule– all surfaces must be dry. Wood is a very vulnerable material. It must be protected from moisture, bacteria, fungi, and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore it is necessary to take care of protective layer(primer, paint, varnish or azure). Most often, varnish is used for these purposes. To change the shade of furniture, you need to cover it not with transparent, but with colored varnish. The result is a very stylish and presentable polished table.

The next step is to sand the entire area of ​​the furniture with fine sandpaper. Here you need to try and sand the table to a perfectly smooth state. The level of smoothness will largely determine how the paint or varnish lays down. Before varnishing the product, the wood is primed. To preserve natural beauty and texture wooden products, they are often coated with a special tinting liquid (stain) or acrylic varnish water based.

When restoring a table with your own hands, the craftsman is required to be attentive and careful. To Work with chemicals It is necessary in a room with good ventilation; it is also advisable to do this in special clothing and a respirator.

View all details

Remove old finish

Seal the cracks

Prime surfaces

Sand the table

Treat with stain


Necessary tools and consumables

Before you update your desk, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and consumables, the availability of which is best taken care of in advance. To carry out the work you may need the following equipment:

  • sandpaper of varying degrees of grit (from 80 to 180 for initial processing, from 500 to 600 for polishing the final coating) or a sanding machine;
  • set of brushes and roller;
  • electric drill and several drills of different diameters;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • hammer, supply of nails and nail puller;
  • saw;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • rubber spatula for removing old paint;
  • putty, primer, varnish, paint;
  • wood glue;
  • protective equipment: masks, gloves, respirator;
  • wood protection products (impregnation that protects against unfavorable factors, for example, from rotting wood or from pests).

A set of screwdrivers is also useful for disassembling the product. Using a marker and tape measure, markings will be made, and paints and varnishes will help protect the furniture from negative impacts and change its appearance. Choosing paint and varnish composition, it is better to give preference to a well-known brand. Before you restore an old table with your own hands, you need to make sure that the tools are intact and in working order.

Stages of work

The restoration process consists of several important stages:

  1. Selection and purchase of all necessary Supplies. It's better to do all this in advance.
  2. Preliminary table repair. In the case of desk restoration, moving parts are lubricated and drawers and shelves are repaired.
  3. Identification and elimination of major defects for further restoration.
  4. Removing old varnish.
  5. Application of protective solutions.
  6. Surface decoration using various techniques.

The last stage is the most interesting. It gives you the opportunity to realize your creative potential and bring the most creative ideas to life.

Preliminary repair

At the preliminary stage of restoration, furniture is restored and repaired. You should start by assessing her condition. You need to carefully inspect the wooden table, see if the legs are broken, and check the integrity of all parts. A stable structure should not tilt or creak under load. Repairing a table begins with searching for visible defects. Next you need to disassemble it into its component parts. If the plywood that serves as the bottom of the boxes has delaminated, it must be dismantled and these parts replaced with new ones.

Presence of small bubbles on chipboard surfaces or MDF indicates that the process of veneer peeling has begun.

Moving parts are lubricated with machine oil, and if necessary, the mechanism itself is repaired. If on metal parts Corrosion has appeared, they must be replaced with new ones. Outdated, unfashionable fittings can be replaced with more modern ones.

Poorly fastened elements are connected using glue. To make the table more stable, you need to replace its legs with wider ones. Not everyone knows how to restore a table if it becomes loose. The product can be strengthened using corner ties.

To repair a book-table, you need to lubricate all moving joints with machine oil.

Assess the condition of the table

Throw away the old countertop

Disassemble the table frame

Knock out the legs

Mark with a pencil where the legs are attached

Glue the broken parts together using self-tapping screws

Primary processing

Many people are interested in how to update an old coffee table if there is a long-cracked layer of varnish on its surface. In this case, it is necessary to remove the old coating and then apply a new one in its place. This work is carried out mechanically (manually using a spatula) or using special chemical compositions, which are also called washes. Mechanical method involves the use of a grinding machine. But if it’s not there, it’s okay. You can replace it with medium-grain sandpaper. The main thing during machining is not to damage the product. This is especially true for antique wood. To avoid this, movements should be directed along the wood fibers.

Remains of the old coating can also be removed using chemicals. They are applied with a small soft brush to the surface of the furniture. Active substances quickly dissolve all existing layers of varnish or paint. After 30 minutes, this solution can be easily removed using an ordinary sponge. After removing the varnish, the wood is impregnated with protective mixtures. This is an extremely important stage of restoration. wooden table, which will subsequently protect the product from damage.

Choosing between mechanical and chemically, it is worth considering that if we are talking about rare and expensive furniture, then it is best to use a remover. It can be commercially presented in the form of liquid, gel or powder. All these mixtures are absolutely safe and will not damage the structure of the tree.

To remove small cracks, chips and scratches, the following operations must be performed:

  1. Sweep dust from all crevices.
  2. Seal the cracks with wood putty.
  3. Remove excess putty and level the surface.
  4. Wait until completely dry and clean the treated areas with fine sandpaper.

These operations will help remove all defects from the surface of the table.

When restoring a coffee table with your own hands, sometimes you have to deal with the fact that there are depressions or even holes on its surface. In this case, you can use epoxy resin or fill the recesses with a mixture of fine sawdust and glue.

Remove old coating

Use sandpaper to go over the depressions and bulges.

Glue all joints and tighten the structure

Install legs

Attach the new tabletop to the underframe

Glue the legs

Connect the frame to the tabletop

Coating with decorative composition

Before you start final finishing, you need to do priming. The composition must be applied in stages - first on the tabletop, then on the frame of the product. You can use both acrylic and alkyd primers. Processing a wooden table consists of several stages:

  1. The selected composition is applied to a clean surface and spread with a spatula; the mixture should be distributed in an even layer.
  2. After the first layer has dried, you need to apply a second one.
  3. When all layers are dry, remove uneven surfaces by sanding.

This way you can cover not only tables. Any wooden surface (chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets) needs an additional primer layer before painting. After priming it is necessary to paint. This can be as simple as painting with a brush or decorative application paint through tulle or stencil. The last stage will be treated with varnish or wax. Varnish is often used when restoring a kitchen table with your own hands. Wax is used mainly for furniture that is constantly under the influence of external factors. It perfectly protects from the sun, moisture and various damages.

When choosing tools for application, you need to remember that low-quality brushes can leave fluff that, after drying, will be impossible to remove.

The varnish is applied using a brush, drying time is from 18 to 36 hours. Wax can be solid or watery. The liquid is immediately ready for use, while the solid must first be melted. Before you renew your kitchen table with your own hands using a protective layer of wax, you need to prepare a thick brush or cotton swab. It is advisable to carry out all these manipulations on outdoors, since the formulations used contain toxic substances that are harmful to health.

Quite often there is a need to disguise minor visual defects or you just want to change the boring color of an old table. To do this, before applying the varnish composition, you can cover the desired areas with paint.

Cover with stain

Part by part, priming the products in several layers

Remove irregularities by sanding

Grind joints on convex and concave parts

Remove dust from surfaces

Apply varnish

If desired, coat with matte varnish

The table is ready

Creative ways to update

Many people are wondering how to update old desks that are looking dismal. There are many ways to decorate the top of a kitchen table or any other:

  1. Painting. A very simple restoration method. Are used different types paints, such as acrylic, alkyd or enamel.
  2. Artistic painting. Enough the hard way, requiring drawing skills. You can use a stencil, this makes the task much easier.
  3. Craquelure. This method is a decoration by applying a finish that imitates an old, cracked coating. This is done using special chemical mixtures.
  4. Mosaic. You can make it using smalt, but it is very expensive. It's better to use a bat tiles. For gluing, use universal glue.
  5. Decorative film. It is pasted after polishing and cleaning the surface. Using this technique, you can turn an old coffee table into a fashionable piece of furniture.
  6. Pasting with decorative tape. After polishing and treating with alcohol, adhesive tape is applied. Then the pasting area is rolled with a special roller.
  7. Processing with epoxy resin. This solution turns into plastic after application to the surface. With its help, decoration occurs with the addition of various patterns.
  8. Applying varnish or stain. This the simplest way decoration that even a beginner can handle. Moreover, it will preserve the natural texture wooden covering, and will also provide protection from moisture and fading. Most often, this method is used to update an old kitchen table.
  9. Painting through tulle. To do this you will need to find a piece of old tulle. Next you need to paint the table white. After the paint has dried, apply tulle to the surface of the furniture so that the arrangement of the pattern looks as beautiful as possible. Secure the fabric so that it does not move during painting. Then you need to take a can and start painting. After 15 minutes, the tulle can be removed.
  10. Gilding. Using transfer gold, you can achieve a beautiful gilded effect. This operation is carried out in the same way as painting, using a stencil.

To get the effect of a pleasant dull shine, you can apply a matting solution on top of the varnish.

In order to restore a coffee table with your own hands, it is best to use mosaic decoration, painting, burning or varnishing. To “revive” faded desk You can choose staining or varnishing. There are quite a few ways to decorate a kitchen table: dyeing through lace or tulle, decorating ceramic tiles or using decoupage.

Garden tables are best decorated with tiles or mosaics, especially if they are under open air. If you need to decorate a table for children's creativity, you can be creative and paint each leg in different colour– you will get a bright and cheerful piece of furniture.

Summarizing all the recommendations, we can confidently say that you can carry out the restoration of outdated furniture yourself. Anyone who has ever held tools in their hands can turn an awkward, shabby table into a real work of art. Of course, this will take time and patience, but the result is worth it.




Decorative tape

Decorative film

Processing with epoxy resin

Applying varnish or stain

Painting through tulle




People like to be surrounded by beautiful things at home. Over time, the interior of the premises loses its luster and goes out of fashion. Sometimes it is so difficult to get rid of a favorite item, because it has witnessed many pleasant events of the past, and not everyone can afford the purchase of new furniture. But the problem can be solved by restoring old thing. In this case, you won’t have to throw it away, it will look fresh and creative in the room, and Money it will cost much less to update than to buy modern furniture.

IN Lately people prefer to restore old things with their own hands. This process is creative, interesting and not at all difficult. Housewives especially love to experiment with interior items such as coffee tables, because they can then be shown to guests with pleasure. There are many ways to restore these things. How to update a coffee table at home to turn it into a small masterpiece?

Furniture restoration

People embellish old interior items in different ways; they are updated by varnishing, painting, using decoupage techniques, covering them with leather, fabric, oilcloth, and tiling.

Thanks to certain techniques (craquelure, brushing), the tables are artificially aged, and things whose age does not exceed 10-15 years look like products half a century or a century ago, giving the premises a spirit of antiquity. Many restoration enthusiasts like to combine several techniques together, for example, they combine the decoupage technique with craquelure. By using these methods to restore a coffee table, the owners will receive interesting thing, which will fit into the design of the room in a new way.

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Updating the table using decoupage technique

Since we are talking about restoring a coffee table, the most original and beautiful solution would not be covering it with fabric or simply varnishing it, but updating it using the fashionable decoupage technique. Its essence lies in the fact that applications or entire paintings from special napkins, wallpaper, geographical maps and sheet music are glued onto the surface of the tabletop, and then the products are coated with varnish. To execute this work, you need to take care of the materials and tools needed for it in advance. In addition to the above-mentioned paper and napkins, these will be:

  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper of 2 types (fine and coarse);
  • primer;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • watercolor;
  • acrylic outline;
  • PVA glue;
  • a can of furniture varnish;
  • regular or curly scissors;
  • flat brush (flat brush);
  • watercolor brush.

Before updating, it would be better to disassemble the coffee table by separating the tabletop from the frame and unscrewing the legs. This must be done in order to remove old varnish or paint even from the most hard to reach places. Next, all parts of the table should be thoroughly sanded, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper; the front side of the tabletop is sanded especially carefully. After this, the piece of furniture is bolted back together. The next step The job is to prime the coffee table using a flute and paint it white acrylic paint. It is advisable to apply at least 2 layers of acrylic to all surfaces of the item, drying each layer well for 5 hours. Otherwise, the paint underneath the varnish may become stained or crack.

Preparing the surface for decoupage: 1. Selection of a pattern; 2. Leveling the surface; 3. Application of primer.

Then the aerosol varnish easily lays on the surface of the tabletop. After it dries, they begin to creative process– cutting out decorative elements from napkins. It is better to do this with special scissors. To cut a pattern out of wallpaper or trim edges geographical map, regular scissors will do.

When the applications are ready, they should be moistened with water. In accordance with the plan, the wet wipe elements are laid out on the surface of the tabletop, greased with PVA glue, and smoothed using a flat brush. But it’s better to soak a thick card or wallpaper pattern in water for a few minutes. In this case, the surface of the table in the areas for applications is lubricated with a mixture of PVA glue and water (ratio 1:1). When the glue has dried, you can paint on some parts of the appliqués with watercolors. To make the images look three-dimensional, use an acrylic outline. Finally, the entire surface of the table is covered alternately with two layers of acrylic varnish.

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Tabletop using craquelure technique

Along with decoupage, you can age it using a special craquelure varnish, which forms cracks on the tabletop and, thus, makes it “more ancient.” To work you will need:

Decoration process using craquelure technique: 1. Applying color to cracks; 2. Application of craquelure varnish; 3. Applying the main color.

  • acrylic paint of two colors (brown and white);
  • furniture varnish;
  • tassels.

All stages: grinding and priming the surface, preparing applications, gluing them and final varnishing will be carried out as in the method described above. But in the middle of the work process, changes will occur. You will need to apply several coats of dark paint to the primed countertop and let it dry. The surface will need to be covered craquelure varnish. You should not wait for it to dry completely; the varnish should remain sticky and only slightly harden. Then the tabletop is painted with white acrylic and dried. Within an hour, the product will begin to become covered with cracks, and dark paint will be visible through them. When the acrylic is completely dry, you will need to glue the appliqués onto the surface of the table and finally cover it with furniture varnish.


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