What is the difference between MDF board and chipboard? What's best for the kitchen? Chipboard: what is it? features, advantages, review of manufacturers Which is better painted MDF or chipboard

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Wood is widely used both in the manufacture of furniture and in interior decoration, and the kitchen is no exception. But if earlier the interiors were dominated by solid wood, today it is particle boards, such as chipboard, chipboard and MDF. Of course, natural wood is beautiful, it creates a special atmosphere and comfort, but materials made from shavings and wood fiber can significantly reduce the cost of renovating and finishing the kitchen.

Chipboard, MDF or laminated chipboard panels are much cheaper than solid wood, which most often determines the choice. Although all these materials differ in their qualities, which are of no small importance in the conditions high humidity and temperature fluctuations.

What materials are best to choose for finishing kitchen walls and facades?

Long gone are the days when walls were covered with natural boards, although, of course, exceptions can be found. Modern and more functional solution is the finishing of walls with chipboard, laminated chipboard and MDF panels. Their design is not superior natural wood, since the difference between real boards and laminated materials always felt, but the properties are significantly different.

  • Chipboard- most cheap option, which is used to create furniture frames, since they are usually not visible, because externally it is not the most attractive material. The photo shows that the structure of such a panel or slab is quite porous, which leads to the absorption of moisture and odors. That is why chipboard is not recommended for wall decoration; however, it can quickly collapse as a headset body. Chipboard is used less and less for the manufacture of facades, as it does not provide a wide choice of designs and is characterized by low wear resistance.
    In the photo - particle boards

    In the photo - a pretty nice kitchen set made of chipboard

  • ─ a laminated version of the previous material, which, thanks to lamination, is more durable and resistant to aggressive factors. This board has the same structure as chipboard, but is covered with an additional paper-resin layer. The use of synthetic resins in production for gluing shavings excludes these two materials from the list of environmentally friendly ones. But laminated chipboard facades are used everywhere, since its cost is lower than MDF, and its properties are slightly better compared to conventional chipboard.
    In the photo - laminated chipboard

    In the photo - Olga’s laconic kitchen or laminated chipboard

  • MDF─ a higher quality and safer option made from wood-fiber materials. Finishing surfaces with such panels looks quite expensive, since finishing coat To a greater extent, compared to chipboard and laminated chipboard, it imitates the pattern and texture of natural wood. Instead of synthetic resin, MDF uses natural resin released by sawdust during the process of heating and pressing. The result is a more uniform and non-porous structure, which significantly reduces the ability of this wood material absorb moisture. Therefore, such panels are more suitable for the manufacture of facades. In addition, MDF boards are increasingly used for wall decoration. A wide variety of solutions are used for the headset: glossy, finished with film, plastic and veneer elements, with inserts of solid wood and other materials into frames, etc.

    In the photo - MDF boards

MDF for finishing kitchen facades

In terms of its characteristics, fiberboard outperforms chipboard and laminated chipboard and is in many ways superior to solid wood, including due to its reasonable price, which has made the material popular and in demand. The development of technology makes it possible to process MDF different ways, which significantly increases the choice: here are both plastic-coated, painted, and veneered products, and the difference between some is invisible even in the photo.

In the photo, the colors of MDF kitchens are practically unlimited

MDF is also used for the production of frames for. A wide variety of materials are inserted into such structures: rattan, lattices of thin wood slats, cork, solid wood, glass and even a chalk board.

Additional advantage of MDF─ this is an opportunity to paint the facades in any color if there is a desire to change the interior.

Traditional finishing options have long lost their relevance. Increasingly, designers are using unexpected materials to decorate this part of the wall: here there is metal, solid wood, and glass. Instead of tiles, MDF is increasingly being used. In the photo you can see that design ideas The usual wood fiber panels were also transformed.

If we compare MDF with the usual tiles, the latter will be more practical and easier to maintain, since it is still more resistant to water and detergents. But the cost and complexity of laying tiles sometimes help make a choice in favor of MDF, while the design of the panels allows you to choose options for any interior style.

MDF panels for walls working area can be standard ─ with a wood pattern, finished with plastic, veneer elements or film. Glossy painted boards are widely used. You can paint and varnish an ordinary sheet of material, thereby giving it individual design, suitable for the interior of your kitchen. Manufacturers' catalogs often contain photos of ready-made ones with printed images.

It’s easy to install MDF panels on an apron instead of tiles yourself; sometimes it’s enough to watch video instructions and master classes, which are easy to find on the websites of manufacturers and experienced craftsmen.

Installation of MDF panels for the apron of the working area

Attaching panels instead of tiles is quite simple, the main thing is to prepare necessary tool. This is a drill, a hacksaw, as well as self-tapping screws or liquid nails. The choice in favor of the latter is possible if the wall is flat. If the surface has flaws, then the MDF apron will correct them, which is another advantage of using this material.

After watching the video with instructions on how to attach the trim to the wall, start by preparing the panels:

  • if a non-ready design solution is used, then you need to cut out and assemble an apron on the floor to mark the location of the sockets, because the holes for them should be cut in advance; MDF can be pre-painted;
  • Next, you should fasten the panels according to the folded drawing or plan using the chosen method ─ on liquid nails or on pre-installed slats;
  • You can close the joints with the table top with special skirting boards or a corner, and cover the top by 1-1.5 cm with wall cabinets.

You can mount such panels either instead of tiles or as decoration on walls with your own hands, which, together with heat and moisture resistance, makes MDF a particularly attractive and popular material.

When buying furniture for the home, it often comes up not an easy task: what is better to choose - laminated chipboard or MDF. The slabs are very similar in appearance, the products made from them look approximately the same and at first glance there is no obvious difference. Meanwhile, there are very different differences: in terms of placement, durability and safety. And without having an idea about the features of each material, you will not be able to make the best choice.

But everything is not as difficult as it seems. In this article we will tell you how laminated chipboard differs from MDF, the advantages and disadvantages finished products. And also, you will learn what should be taken into account without fail.

And for those who don’t have time to understand all the intricacies of furniture production, at the bottom of the page there is a picture hint “Chipboard or MDF: which is better?” It indicates the main differences between furniture made from these materials and the suitable area of ​​the apartment for placement.


Chipboard and MDF - what is the difference?

laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard, or more correctly, of course, would be chipboard, as industrialists call it, but the name without the letter “t” has stuck among the people. It is produced from waste from the wood processing industry - sawdust, by hot pressing using a formaldehyde-based adhesive resin.

The chipboard is laminated with melamine film and cut into parts. Since the material absorbs moisture well and swells, the ends of the facades are sealed with an edge. This technology not only prevents water from getting inside, but also reduces the release of formaldehyde vapor to a safe minimum.

Russian GOST, adopted in 2010, obliges compliance with safety standards and allows the use of only laminated chipboards of emission class E1 and E0.5 in the furniture industry. Moreover, this standard allows us to produce chemically safe children's furniture. You can find out more about the current regulations.

Pros and cons of furniture made from chipboard:

  • Obvious advantage- This cheap price final product. Even with a modest budget, you can furnish your apartment quite decently.
  • Flaw- the possibility of moisture getting between the joints of the coating. It is necessary to remove water from problem areas in a timely manner.
  • And one more- the material is most vulnerable at the places where the fittings are attached. It is not advisable to frequently disassemble and reassemble furniture made from laminated chipboard. With constant screwing in and out of screws, the slab crumbles and the holes increase in diameter.

There are two types of boards that are difficult to distinguish, especially if their ends are sealed - these are chipboards and MDF (fine wood fraction). Due to the difference in production, their properties differ, and, accordingly, the slabs have different quality.

What is the difference between chipboard and MDF?

The names themselves tell you how they differ from each other. Wood-based material is made from sawdust and shavings impregnated with glue by pressing. Typically, formaldehyde resin is used as a binder. Pressing is carried out at high temperature.

MDF boards are also made from wood waste, but unlike chipboard, all raw materials for them are ground by a refiner, treated with steam and ground. After rubbing, the raw material becomes like felt. It is dried, a binder is added and pressed.

A big difference compared to chipboards is the presence in the composition binder lignin. It is much better than formaldehyde in terms of environmental friendliness, since it is obtained from wood after high heating.

The slabs also differ in their surface condition. If chipboard is most often laminated, then MDF boards can be painted, laminated, or covered with veneer. This is explained by the fact that their surface is much better - it is dense, uniform, even and smooth.

These boards also differ in strength: chipboard is considered a high-strength product, MDF is considered a medium-strength product. This fact directly affects the scope of their application.

What to choose?

Individual developers often wonder what is better - MDF or chipboard and what to guide their choice? The answer will depend on which of the characteristics will be important to achieve the desired result when used:

  • particle board is durable, but it cannot be used in places with high humidity;
  • finely dispersed slab tolerates even 80% humidity well, but it is more fire hazardous;
  • in MDF all components are natural, except for paraffin, but it is neutral; in chipboards, formaldehyde is used, the fumes of which are harmful to people;
  • You can’t fix chipboard with nails at all, and you can only use screws at right angles and then only once. MDF boards are easy to install, and thanks to the density of 700-870 kg/m 3, it becomes possible to process it with milling machines;
  • price chip material much lower than the cost of MDF, this is largely the result of transport costs, since these productions are still small;
  • MDF is much more durable than chipboard, which is ensured by the fact that this type of wood board is practically not deformed by fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • Chipboard withstands impact better than MDF.

As you can see, both types of slabs have their pros and cons. Therefore, the use of some a certain type depends on each specific use case.

Areas of application

Since chipboard is afraid of moisture, it is mainly used indoors. In construction, such a slab is most often used to construct partitions between rooms. It can be drilled, sawed, painted. Therefore, it is always in demand when decorating the interior. Other areas of use particle board- production of cabinet furniture.

Doors, trims, and facades are made from MDF. The arrangement of rooms, including the manufacture of partitions, is also best made from this material due to its environmental friendliness. The exception is floors - here it is better to use chipboard due to its greater strength.

Partitions, floors, large interior items in children's rooms, as well as furniture in children's rooms, should be made exclusively from MDF in order to completely eliminate the toxic fumes of formaldehyde resins.

Repair who hasn’t encountered it? Almost everyone has done renovations in their life. own apartment or helping a friend. IN modern world range building materials diverse. Every year more and more advanced ones appear.

Correct prioritization helps you choose the right one: in which room the renovation is being carried out, what characteristics the material should have, design solutions and, of course, cost. As a result of repair and construction work, materials made from natural wood - MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard - have become most popular.

Before proceeding to compare these materials, it is necessary to understand their essence.

MDF boards are tiny sawdust glued together using dry pressing. This material is very often used to make furniture. It has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Homogeneous structure
  • Strength
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Moisture resistance

Disadvantages include exposure to high temperatures and high cost.

For chipboard manufacturing wood particles and a non-mineral binder are used. Under the action of a hot press, the chips are compacted and acquire a stable structure.

The advantages of this material are low cost, strength and moisture resistance. The disadvantages usually include Negative influence formaldehyde resins included in the composition, per person.

At its core, it is a chipboard board, additionally treated with melamine films. The advantages of this material are strength “thanks to the additional layer”, low cost, wide choose colors, ease of processing. Disadvantages did not go unnoticed. These include the difficulty in making curly cuts and low moisture resistance.

The two materials presented have many of the same characteristics. The cost of both satisfies market demands and is affordable to the average buyer. Strength indicators are at good level. So what is the difference between chipboard and laminated chipboard, which is better?

The first difference is durability. When exposed to harsh and critical conditions, the laminated surface of the board allows it to retain its original shape to a greater extent.

The second difference is the breadth of choice design solutions. Laminated chipboard can have different textures, glossy or matte, and also has a variety of colors.

The third difference is resistance to high temperatures. Chipboard board does not reach the laminated chipboard indicator for this property.

The fourth difference is the increased moisture resistance. Thanks to the additional coating of the laminated board with a specific varnish, the scope of use increases “it is possible to install furniture made from this material in the bathroom.”

It’s difficult to say laminated chipboard or chipboard, which is better. Both options are widely used in the construction and furniture industries. If we take into account only the main characteristics, then laminated chipboard is superior in a small part.

These two materials are leaders in use in furniture production. Everyone occupies their specific place. When comparing laminated chipboard and MDF, it is necessary to remember their characteristics. Being soft and easy to process, MDF allows you to produce carved parts that can decorate any interior. Wardrobe fronts, headboards, carved elements - everything is made from MDF.

Laminated chipboard is a material that has the ability to withstand high temperatures and has good moisture resistance. Often in the furniture industry it is used for the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture. The cost characteristics of this material are very attractive. Wide choose color shades laminated film allows the use this material for the manufacture of various furniture. It will easily fit into any interior.

Differences between laminated chipboard and MDF

  • Material Density. MDF is soft and is used in the furniture industry to make carved elements.
  • Price. laminated chipboard available material and allows you to produce budget furniture options.
  • Environmental friendliness. MDV does not contain harmful components, unlike laminated chipboard.
  • Design. Laminated chipboard has a wide range of colors.

Bedroom furniture. The place where a person spends most of his life. An important aspect therefore safety will serve. Based on this, preference is often given to chipboard material. As already mentioned, the cost solution to this issue will go beyond the average. Great solution A combination of several materials can serve. This will save money and give the bedroom an interesting designer look.

Furniture for kitchen. The second place where we spend a lot of time in the apartment is the kitchen.

The environment should be pleasing to the eye. But when choosing material to create kitchen set two nuances need to be taken into account. One of the disadvantages of MDV is its instability to temperature influences. And high temperatures in the kitchen are a daily occurrence. On the other hand, laminated chipboard is afraid of moisture. In this regard, the use of this material in the manufacture of furniture under the sink becomes unacceptable.

An optimized solution and careful planning of all the necessary cabinets will allow you to choose The best decision in the choice of material. Currently, the furniture industry has learned to adapt to the shortcomings of the material. In this regard, chipboard with increased moisture resistance has appeared on the building materials market. During its manufacture, paraffin emulsion is added to the chips, thanks to which the chipboard acquires enhanced properties.

Furniture for children's room. For children, safety and environmental friendliness of the material are the main properties that are taken into account when choosing furniture. If you can still be creative and combine things in the bedroom, then you shouldn’t skimp on things for your child. It is preferable to choose MDF. But still, if the cost does not allow it, you need to take the time to study the safety certificates and choose the best option. According to environmental standards, there are two classes of chipboard:

  • E1 – highly environmentally friendly. The emission rate of harmful substances for this type of chipboard is minimal. Manufacturers are trying to reduce this mark to zero every year.
  • E2 – less environmentally friendly. The degree of formaldehyde emission from chipboards of this class is higher than the previous one. Elements made from this type of material are prohibited from being used in children's rooms.

Closet. This piece of furniture is used in almost every room. Furniture specialists have already found best option. Often curly cut and curved cuts are made from MDF, internal filling remains with chipboard and laminated chipboard. Facades are, of course, preferred in their manufacture by MDF. They can be refined with a pattern or winding lines.

Bathroom furniture. If you rely on the properties of the material, it would be preferable use of MDF. It has a high degree of moisture resistance. But as mentioned above, paraffin-impregnated chipboard is suitable for making an economical option. If price plays an important role when choosing a material, you can consider this option.

Construction. These materials are used not only in the furniture industry.

Thanks to their properties, they have found their niche in construction industry. Having a good structure, chipboard perfectly withstands the effects of screws, nails and bolts. It is often used in the manufacture of partitions. The ease of processing MDF made this material necessary for the device ventilation facades, roof elements.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies and materials are constantly filling the construction and furniture materials. Wood boards excellent alternative solution natural wood. With their characteristics, they make it possible to make furniture of high quality and accessible to everyone. Undoubtedly natural wood looks noble and expensive, but also requires special care. Very often there is simply not enough time and money for this. A competent approach to choosing a material will allow you to choose one that will satisfy all the required requests and will not disappoint during operation.

The material used to make kitchen furniture is a guarantee of its high-quality execution and long-term use. In the process of choosing a material, questions often arise: which one is better to order? What to choose: MDF or chipboard? What is the best way to treat the surface: plastic, film or enamel? Today, manufacturers offer all kinds of kitchen design options, and to choose from suitable option you need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Pros and cons of MDF

MDF (fine fraction) is wood dust boards pressed on an adhesive base. This material is very practical and, at the same time, inexpensive. Painted MDF is much more expensive, but its price corresponds to the quality. The process of applying paint occurs in several layers, which are varnished at the end of the process.

The customer can simulate the desired look kitchen furniture, its shape and resolve the issue with color preference. MDF provides the opportunity to give furniture oval shapes, make sharp corners more rounded, thanks to various technologies. If you choose the painted MDF option, you can use any shade from a wide range of colors to personalize and brighten your kitchen furniture. A good option would be color synthesis.

There are several types of MDF. The painted material is distinguished by its durability. It is resistant to any external damage: excessive humidity, a large number dirt, scratches. Frame MDF visually creates the appearance of use various types wood MDF with PVC elements will perfectly protect kitchen furniture from moisture and high temperatures.

  • regular MDF will be great budget option;
  • huge range of colors;
  • relatively moisture-resistant material;
  • any preferences in choosing a form are possible;
  • the process of washing and wiping the surface occurs without problems;
  • various coating options: varnish, matte, laminated, plastic;
  • Perfect for long-term use.
  • painted MDF is quite expensive;
  • Any dirt or abrasions easily remain on the surface of this material;
  • from contact with high temperatures deteriorates quickly if covered with film.

MDF has become a real breakthrough in the market facade materials. It is ideal for making kitchen furniture. MDF is an analogue of real wood, so you should not use dense materials to cover it. The most popular methods for finishing the surface of this material are PVC films and enamel.

Advice. In order for the MDF facade to serve for a long time, it is better to cover it with plastic.

Advantages of laminated chipboard

Chipboard - chipboard, replaced facades made of ordinary wood. This material has become a budget option for making kitchen furniture.

The basis of the material is dried shavings, pressed together with synthetic resins. For the best appearance The chipboard is varnished and the surface is covered additional material, which hides the unevenness remaining after grinding.

Laminated chipboard is the cheapest option for making a facade. But, unfortunately, of poor quality. A kitchen facade made of this material will look cheap and unattractive. Laminated chipboard cannot be adjusted to fit the required form, since it is not flexible. It can only be used to make simple designs, which can hardly be called fashionable and easy to use.

Attention! LDPS must be covered with additional material. This will help hide unevenness and make the surface of the kitchen furniture usable.


  • very cheap material;
  • can be used as a temporary option.


  • low quality;
  • must be covered with additional material;
  • simple and unattractive appearance;
  • low heat and moisture resistance;
  • requires constant care.

Main positive quality Laminated chipboard is its budget. This material cannot be the best option for the production of fashionable kitchen furniture. Moreover, it does not meet all standards kitchen equipment. But LDPS will be an ideal temporary option for kitchen facade or a new thing for a rented apartment.

Advantages of plastic

Unlike MDF and laminated chipboard, plastic is not the basis for the manufacture of kitchen furniture, but its decorative coating. This The best way preserve the appearance of the facade. Thanks to this additional coating, kitchen furniture will last much longer and retain its appearance. Care plastic surface does not present any difficulties: it is easy to clean detergents, without absorbing them, it is easily wiped off from dirt.

Since plastic is only a coating, a base is used to make the kitchen facade. Such a basis can be a budget option - chipboard or a more expensive one - MDF. During processing of the base material, plastic is glued to its surface.

The plastic is based on plain paper, which allows you to connect different color schemes, drawings, and create a unique product for further use. Color design will favorably emphasize the appearance of kitchen furniture and make it more visually attractive.


  • durable to use;
  • heat resistant;
  • moisture-resistant material;
  • large selection of colors and patterns;
  • easy to clean, does not absorb heavy dirt;
  • does not fade in the sun.

Thus, plastic will become the best material additional coverage. It is perfect for a long period of use and will be well preserved. Cleaning kitchen surfaces will become even easier, since the plastic is easy to wipe off and does not come into contact with detergents.

What material is better to use?

The answer to this question depends on several factors.

Firstly, the price characteristic. If kitchen furniture should become a regular budget option, you should use laminated chipboard. MDF is a much better option, but accordingly it costs more. It resembles natural wood and is of higher quality.

Secondly, surface treatment. Chipboard is initially treated with varnish, but the coating must be finished with plastic. By using finishing material the top ball of the kitchen façade will become smooth and usable. The surface of MDF can be treated with enamel or PVC film. This will improve the appearance of the facade and make it smoother. In order to extend the life of the facade, it is better to treat it with additional material – plastic.

Thirdly, the shelf life. If kitchen furniture is made for a long period, you should spare no expense and choose MDF. Laminated chipboard is perfect only as a temporary option.

Fourthly, design. If the kitchen furniture is planned to be made in fashionable style with round corners and additional features designs - the only option would be MDF.

Find suitable material for the manufacture of kitchen furniture is very difficult. It all depends on the price characteristics, duration of operation, appearance and design. The market offers a wide selection of raw materials for kitchen facades, but the best option would be MDF with plastic coated. It includes everything necessary qualities for the production of perfect kitchen furniture.

Furniture facades: video

Material for kitchen furniture: photo


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