How to fertilize the soil in the spring before planting. How to fertilize your garden in spring: tips for choosing quality fertilizer

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Every owner of a garden or vegetable garden knows that even the most fertile soils after growing on them different cultures after some time they become depleted and require fertilization. This should be done annually, otherwise there will be no good harvest on poor soil. But, before you start feeding the soil, you should familiarize yourself with the types of fertilizers for your garden and garden and learn how to use them correctly.

Types of fertilizers

To fertilize the soil in the garden or vegetable garden, there are several types of fertilizers, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages and features of use.


Organic fertilizers are the result of the vital activity of birds, animals and plants. These include:

As organic fertilizers Gardeners often use rotted sawdust or grass, potato sedums and eggshells.

Benefits of organics:

  • the amount of humus in the soil increases;
  • the soil is saturated with natural macroelements;
  • the soil on the site becomes light and loose;
  • after adding organic matter, the soil becomes more nutritious and plants for a long time no feeding required.

Despite the fact that organic is natural product, it has its drawbacks:

  1. Specific smell.
  2. Fresh bird droppings and manure can “burn” the roots of plants, causing them to die.
  3. Composts, and especially manure, may contain weed seeds and pest larvae.
  4. If there are no animals and birds on the site, and there are no farms nearby, then manure or humus will have to be purchased and brought to the site. It requires financial costs and physical effort.

Mineral fertilizers

A good harvest of vegetables, herbs and berries can only be obtained if the plants are provided with minerals in the form of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are sold in granules and applied to the soil in the spring when digging.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. The granules are buried about 20 centimeters into the soil, after which the bed is watered.

As a result, the granules will gradually dissolve and provide the plants with minerals through the roots.

Nitrogen is contained in azophoska, urea, sodium, potassium, ammonium and calcium nitrate. They can be used in both dry and liquid form. Nitrogen stimulates fast growth shoots and foliage. In dry form, it is applied to beds or under bushes in early spring and early summer. The seedlings are fed with a solution of ammonium nitrate (10 grams of nitrate per 10 liters of water). Using a spray bottle, the leaves of young bushes are sprayed with the solution. IN clay soil Ammonium sulfate is added, and calcium and sodium nitrate are added to acidic soil.

Phosphorus promotes the development of the root system, the formation of buds and fruits. Experienced gardeners use phosphate rock and superphosphate in liquid form. Superphosphate is added during planting and budding of plants.

Potassium enhances the immunity of plants and strengthens their tissues, due to which vegetable crops, flowers, shrubs and trees become more resistant to pests and diseases, and more easily tolerate drought and frost. Potassium fertilizers are quickly washed away during watering and rain, so they should be applied regularly.

Advantages mineral supplements:


  1. An exact dose must be applied, otherwise all planted plants may die.
  2. Mineral granules must be used regularly.
  3. The price of mineral supplements can be quite high.

Complex fertilizers

In specialized stores you can see complex fertilizers, which consist of microelements and other substances necessary for the growth and development of crops. The most popular of them are:

  • nitrophoska;
  • ammophos;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • nitroammophoska.

Nitrophoska is produced in granules and contains potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It can be added to neutral and acidic soils in liquid or dry form. Application standards:

  1. For young trees - 200 grams, for adults - 400 grams.
  2. For bushes - 50 grams.
  3. Before planting seedlings and potatoes, each hole is fertilized with five grams of nitrophoska.
  4. Before sowing seeds, five to seven grams of granules are scattered per square meter of bed.

Nitrophoska can be used throughout the growing season.

Ammophos contains potassium and phosphorus, is well absorbed by plants, and is used mainly for fertilizer garden crops. The fertilizer contains more phosphorus, so it is used for seedlings that still have weak root system. Ammophos stimulates root development, increases crop resistance to diseases and drought resistance. Granules are applied under bushes, fruit trees and grain crops in spring and autumn:

  • for each tree - 300 grams;
  • per hectare of area when sowing grain crops - from 60 to 90 grams.

Potassium nitrate contains potassium and nitrogen in the form of oxides. Used for feeding ornamental plants, flowers, shrubs and trees, vegetables and berries. Complex fertilizer has a positive effect on the taste and size of fruits, increases plant immunity to pests and diseases, and protects crops from excess nitrogen. Before use, potassium nitrate is diluted in water. Dilute in 10 liters of water:

  • 250 grams of fertilizer for watering fruit trees (from 2 to 8 liters for each tree);
  • 150 grams - for berries and ornamental shrubs(one and a half liters for each bush);
  • 100 grams - for flowers and vegetables (one liter per 10 square meters beds).

Feeding with such solutions is carried out twice a month.

Nitroammofoska contains potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and some sulfur. Complex fertilizer is well absorbed by plants. Its use increases crop growth, yield and disease resistance. Nitroammophoska can be added to the soil both in spring and autumn:

  • 30−40 grams of granules for each bush;
  • 450 grams for fruit trees;
  • 20 grams per square meter of bed before planting vegetables.

The soil should be watered before adding granules.

What fertilizers are needed in the spring for the vegetable garden?

When spring comes and gardeners begin planting vegetables, when digging the beds it is necessary to apply organic and mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are applied for every ten square meters of soil:

  • potassium substances - 200 grams (can be replaced with wood ash);
  • phosphorus fertilizers - 250 grams;
  • nitrogen fertilizing - from 300 to 350 grams.

Organic fertilizers for the garden

Organic matter is added when digging up beds or while planting seedlings:

Spring garden fertilizer

In early spring, while the snow has not yet melted, shrubs and trees are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, which are introduced into the tree trunk circles.

Gooseberries, currants and raspberries are fertilized with organic matter and nitrogen. For each bush you will need about 10 kilograms of humus. If fertilizers were applied to the hole when planting seedlings, then feeding the bushes is carried out only after a year.

Pear and apple trees need nitrogen in the spring, which stimulates the growth of new shoots and old branches. The following is added to the trunk circle of each tree:

  • 5 buckets of humus;
  • 30 grams of nitrophoska and ammonium nitrate;
  • 500 grams of urea.

Plums and cherries should be fed three years after planting. As for mineral fertilizers, ammonium nitrate or urea is used as top dressing every spring. Five liters of solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 30 grams of ammonium nitrate or 20 grams of urea are poured under each tree. Once every three or four years, the trees are fertilized with rotted manure or humus.

Strawberries grow in one area for three years, so every spring they require mineral and organic fertilizers. After the snow has melted, the bed is cleared of old leaves, loosened and watered first with water and then with a solution of fertilizers. Getting ready nutrient solution from 10 liters of water, ½ liter of mullein and a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate. After a few days, dry humus is scattered around the strawberry bushes and mixed with the soil.

Plant nutrition plays an important role in obtaining a good harvest. For each crop, certain fertilizers are selected, which should be applied strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can not only not wait for the harvest, but also destroy the planted vegetables, flowers, and shrubs.

Greetings, dear friends!

The busy season in the garden begins in the spring with digging up the plot. One of the important agrotechnical techniques is the application of fertilizing. For optimal growth and development of all vegetable and berry crops macro-, microelements and other nutritional compounds needed by plants must be present in the soil in sufficient concentration. Only then can we talk about getting a good harvest.

The easiest way to compensate for the lack of these substances is to carry out soil fertilization in spring, introducing mineral and organic elements into it.

Adding organic matter

It is believed that rotted manure (humus) has the most beneficial effect on soil fertility. Organic fertilizers loosen the soil, structure it and fill it with a large number of useful microelements. It is recommended to add organic matter once every three to four years. heavy soils and once every two years on sandy ones. Throughout this period, fertilizers continue to act. A few weeks before spring digging and sowing vegetable crops Humus, peat or ready-made compost are scattered around the area. Application rate – 10-liter bucket of fertilizer per square meter. meter of land.

Complex application of mineral and organic fertilizers

In the spring, it is advisable to incorporate organic matter into the soil, which is used as humus or at the rate of: a bucket of fertilizer for each square meter, along with mineral compounds. Optimal combination– humus (compost) + superphosphate + potassium sulfate (add a tablespoon of each mineral composition to a bucket of organic matter). In order to provide plants with nutrients to the maximum and create favorable soil acidity for greenhouse crops, it is recommended to add to the soil in the spring and wood ash, at the rate of 1 full glass per square meter. meter.

Application of mineral fertilizers

The most common method of spring soil enrichment is the use of nitrogen fertilizers, in particular ammonium nitrate. If at the end of the previous season during autumn digging you did not fertilize the soil with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, then their application in the spring is allowed. However, it should be remembered that it is too late to apply potassium fertilizers with chlorine, since most plants react poorly to this chemical element. In the spring, either wood ash or potassium sulfate is applied as potassium fertilizer.

Approximate application rates for superphosphate, nitrate and chlorine-free substrates: 30 grams of each fertilizer per square meter. meter of vegetable garden. They are popular among gardeners for fertilizing the soil in spring and complex mineral compounds, for example, ammophoska, nitrophoska, azofoska, etc.

Spring time is the awakening of nature and active preparation for the next season. Easy work for you personal plot And bountiful harvests! See you!

A good harvest can only be obtained on good soil, and for the land to be good, it must be fertilized. When is it better to fertilize the soil - in spring or autumn? The timing of applying fertilizer to the soil has great value. Many agronomists believe that those who fertilize the land with manure removed in winter make a big mistake. The benefit is minimal. The soil should be fertilized in the spring, leaving the manure to sit for a month and a half before plowing. In this case, the efficiency of the fertilizer will almost double. About varieties, timing of application to the soil and effectiveness various types fertilizers will be discussed in this article.

Timing for applying fertilizers in the spring

Experts consider the spring season to be the most favorable time for applying all types of fertilizers to the soil: organic, necessarily prepared in advance, mineral, taken in strictly defined doses, as well as their mixtures. They begin the procedure of fertilizing the garden soil after the snow cover has melted. Some amateur gardeners practice spreading fertilizers on top of the snow, but with this method the applied substances can “float away” from the site along with melt water.

You can start fertilizing fruit trees without waiting for the soil near the trunk to thaw completely. Vegetables and flower crops It is recommended to feed immediately before planting. In order not to forget what fertilizers to apply, where and when, you need to make a plan in advance. In this case, all plants are guaranteed to receive the necessary microelements in quantities optimal for their development. When applying fertilizers, you cannot act on the principle: the more, the better. Because organic and minerals applied in excess can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the crops being grown. Mineral fertilizers and mixed fertilizers require special care. When working with these types of fertilizers, you must follow the doses indicated on the label.

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Soil types by consistency

First, we need to understand what we have so that the use of fertilizers in the garden is competent. There are the following types of soil consistency:

Sandy, sandy loam, clayey and loamy. To determine what kind of soil is on your site, you can do the following test. Take some earth into a bowl and add water to make something similar to a dough. We need to try to make a donut. If you manage to do this without difficulty, the “donut” does not crack - the soil is clayey - consider yourself lucky. If it cracks a little or breaks, it’s loamy. If you can’t even make a donut, everything crumbles to pieces—sandy or sandy loam.

Owners of a vegetable garden with CLAY OR LOAM SOIL you need to ensure that top layer to avoid the formation of a dry crust (loosen under each bush), and also to avoid stagnation of water. Such land needs to receive fertilizers in the spring, such as: sand, peat, manure (if possible - rotted - under perennials– up to 10 kilograms per 1 sq.m., for the rest – up to 7 kg.). And if you add chopped twigs or straw, you will make digging much easier. If you apply the above-mentioned fertilizers from year to year for many years, the soil will change in the right direction.

SANDY AND SANDY LOAM SOILS also have their pros and cons. This type of soil heats up well and quickly, but does not store this heat well, and has quite a few microelements in its composition. When spring comes full swing Digging up the garden, you need to add compost and peat. To improve the ability of sandy soil to retain moisture, as well as for its fertility, experienced gardeners mix the existing soil with turf. Also, mineral fertilizers selected and purchased for each individual crop that are most suitable will only be beneficial.

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MAIN RULE in applying fertilizers to your land is to prevent an excess of microelements, which can harm both plants and people. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on all fertilizer packages.

Application of organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil in spring

In spring, the soil must be saturated with substances necessary plants on initial stage growth. When asked which fertilizers are better, the answer is that you can use both mineral and organic substances. Most best option- their combination.

How to fertilize the soil in spring with organic fertilizers

The best time to add organic matter is in the spring, after the snow melts. Many people prefer to spread fertilizer directly on the snow. But then they can be washed away by melt water and then the plants themselves will not have enough useful components. The most important thing is to get there before plowing begins.

Organic include

  • humus,
  • ash,
  • compost,
  • peat bog
  • bird droppings or manure.

The most universal and well-known organic fertilizer is humus. It can be found in almost all gardening areas, because every summer resident tries to provide himself with it. The recommended norm is one bucket per square meter. Method of application: before digging up the area, spread it in an even layer.

Organic substances fill the earth with necessary substances and have positive influence on the composition of the soil. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with them. Spring feeding is preferable. No more than once in 3 - 4 years on heavy clay soils. On sandstones a little less often - once every 2 years.

It is difficult to determine how much nitrogen is contained in compost or humus. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with fertilizing. An excess of organic matter can lead to negative results. This can be disastrous for young seedlings. Brown leaves, a light coating on the plants themselves and around them is a sign of the appearance of fungus. To prevent the appearance of fungus along with humus, it is necessary to add ash from dolomite flour. This neutralizes the soil.

The main disadvantage of manure is the presence of various weed seeds in it. Weeds end up in it with bedding and animal feed. Once in the soil, the seeds germinate, clogging the area weeds. Fresh manure is not used in spring!

Adding organic matter in spring has a beneficial effect on soil structure and plant growth. It is even better to feed the soil using a combination of organic and mineral substances. For example, compost is well mixed with lime. Peat compost (a mixture of peat and manure) is mixed with phosphate rock.

How to fertilize the soil in spring with mineral fertilizers

Since organic fertilizers feed the soil mainly with nitrogen, plants may experience potassium and phosphorus starvation, which will negatively affect the initial stage of development. Therefore, it is necessary to use agrochemicals that will restore the nutritional balance. The rates for applying mineral fertilizers in spring are as follows:

  • phosphoric (superphosphate) - 250 g/m²;
  • potash (or wood ash) – 200 g/m²;
  • nitrogen (nitrate, urea, urea) – 300g/m². Nitrogen fertilizers are applied only if the soil has not received organic matter.

Ready-made mineral fertilizers help to correctly calculate the application dose. They reduce the labor intensity of fertilizing work when planting plants and guarantee a predictable result.

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They nourish and protect plants. For example, the Kristallon complex contains not only necessary set nutrient macro- and microelements, but also improves immunity, protecting the plant from fungus.

And especially for potatoes, which are grown in almost every garden, a ready-made organomineral complex “Bulba” has been developed. They treat the soil with it before planting to stimulate the germination of bushes. Mineral fertilizers must be applied to the soil every year. They are quickly absorbed by plants, and therefore their supply is quickly depleted.

The main problem with spring feeding soil with mineral fertilizers - they can be washed too quickly into the lower layers of the soil during precipitation, and leave the land plot along with groundwater. Therefore, they must be applied several days before planting, or scattered into the furrows between rows of garden plants and into the trunks of garden trees.

How to fertilize the soil in spring with organic-mineral fertilizers

They are humic compositions of mineral and organic substances. Each drug is used according to an individual scheme, but there are also general rules. For open soil spraying is used, and for closed ones - surface watering, drip watering, sprinkling and manual spraying on the leaves. For seed treatment, 300-700 ml of fertilizers per ton of seeds are used, for foliar feeding - 200-400 mm per 1 hectare of crops, for spraying - 5-10 ml per 10 liters of water, and for drip irrigation– 20-40 ml per 1000 liters of water for irrigation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning plants that improve the soil. These include rapeseed, oilseed radish, rapeseed, turnip and others. Until recently, only lupine was used to improve the soil, which enriched the soil with nitrogenous mineral fertilizers, but in Lately Other equally useful and effective plants became known.

For example, after harvesting, you can sow the area with rapeseed, which will have time to sprout before the onset of frost and grow to a plant with 6-8 leaves in a rosette. In early spring, after the snow melts, it will begin to grow intensively and should be plowed into the soil before the beginning of May. After this, the earth will be enriched with mineral and organic substances and improve its structure. In addition, rapeseed contains a large amount of phytoncides, which destroy pathogens in the soil.

If there is a possibility of non-use land plot whole year, then you can sow it with oilseed radish. In this case, the soil will receive the necessary amount of nutrients, and there will be much less weeds. Approximately 70 grams of radish seeds per hectare of land. For uniform sowing, it is better to mix the seeds with river sand.

In the spring, along with the awakening of nature, summer residents also become active, because the busy season is coming. To obtain good harvest in the fall, from the beginning of the season it is necessary to prepare the soil for future beds by selecting necessary fertilizers V required quantities. At the same time, the needs of the crops with which they plan to plant the beds are taken into account. Experienced gardeners they know how to feed the garden and how to do it correctly. A similar question usually arises among beginners who have decided to master the science of growing vegetables and flowers on their own plot. The need to fertilize the land is dictated by the annual depletion of resources. If you do not enrich the soil with useful nutrients, then the yield will decrease every year.

Experts consider the spring season to be the most favorable time for applying all types of fertilizers to the soil: organic, necessarily prepared in advance, mineral, taken in strictly defined doses, as well as their mixtures. The procedure begins after the snow cover has melted. Some amateur gardeners practice spreading fertilizer on top of the snow, but with this method, the applied substances can “float away” from the site along with melt water.

You can start feeding fruit trees without waiting for the soil near the trunk to thaw completely. It is recommended to feed vegetable and flower crops immediately before planting. In order not to forget what fertilizers to apply, where and when, you need to make a plan in advance. In this case, all plants are guaranteed to receive the necessary microelements in quantities optimal for their development.

When depositing funds, you cannot act on the principle: the more, the better. Because organic and mineral substances added in excess can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the crops being grown. Mineral and mixed fertilizers require special care. When working with these species, you should follow the doses indicated on the label.

Organic fertilizers: advantages and disadvantages

Organic include:

  • manure or humus;
  • bird droppings"
  • peat;
  • compost.

Organic matter, which perfectly loosens the soil, contains many useful microelements. In the village, these fertilizers are available in abundance in every household, so they can be purchased inexpensively. Considering that organic matter is added once every three years, it will not require too much money. The best effect on soil fertility is humus (rotted manure), which is scattered over the site three to four weeks before digging the soil and planting vegetables.

Pre-prepared organic fertilizers are suitable for spring application to the soil. Rotted manure, which turns into humus in a couple of years, increases the fertility of the land several times.

A ten-liter bucket of humus is distributed on one square meter of garden, which can be replaced with peat or compost. Here's how to make your own compost:

Organic fertilizers, in addition to obvious advantages, also have a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • some substances (fresh manure, bird droppings) can simply “burn” plant roots;
  • a large amount of funds that need to be delivered to the site and distributed, requiring a lot of physical effort;
  • danger of infestation of onions and carrots with vegetable flies;
  • problems with searching in the absence of nearby farms and private farmsteads;
  • pungent specific odor.

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And here is another video example about self-production fertilizers:

Minerals are the key to high yields

It is easier to work with mineral fertilizers, since they are sold in concentrated form in all specialized stores. However, when calculating the volume of their application, special care must be taken. Dosages recommended by manufacturers should be followed depending on the needs of the crops grown in a particular location. garden plot. Granular phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in accordance with established standards into the soil in the spring immediately before digging it. In this case, useful microelements will be in close proximity to the root system of the plants. The recommended depth for granules is approximately 20 cm.

Many gardeners are biased towards mineral fertilizing, believing that “chemistry” harms the soil and the plants growing on it. Of course, the soil structure does not improve by adding minerals. For this purpose, organic matter is needed. But plants gain access to all the microelements necessary for growth, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium-based preparations promote faster ripening of fruits. Complex fertilizers, which include two or even three components, can satisfy the plants’ needs for all nutrients. Complex fertilizers are available in the form of liquid or granules.

Mineral fertilizers in granules are applied in the spring in strictly defined doses to the soil, thereby providing the plants with all the necessary nutrients

For ten square meters of garden in the spring, they usually add:

  • 300–350 g of nitrogen fertilizers ( ammonium nitrate, carbamide or urea);
  • 250 g – phosphorus agents;
  • 200 g – potassium substances, which can be replaced with wood ash.

In summer, during intensive plant growth, fertilizing is repeated, but the dose of all fertilizers is reduced by three times.

Granular superphosphate is a universal nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer suitable for use on all types of soils. Provides nutrition for agricultural crops grown in the country house or garden

Unlike organic fertilizers mineral complexes must be added to the soil annually. And more financial resources should be allocated from the family budget for the purchase of mineral supplements. Naturally, you won’t have to wait long for a return on your investment. In the fall, the plot will delight you with a rich harvest, and flower crops will begin to bring aesthetic pleasure even earlier.


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