Design and decoration of walls in the kitchen: which material is better? Kitchen wall design - how to choose the right material and decor Kitchen wall.

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The kitchen is one of the most frequently visited places in the apartment. Here the hostesses prepare a variety of delicious dishes to pamper your household; here the whole family gathers for breakfast and for warm communication over evening tea. That is why the kitchen space must be decorated with love and special attention.

Design options

The following materials are most often used for finishing kitchen walls:

Wallpaper. On modern market There are a huge variety of wallpaper types, but do not forget that not all are suitable for the kitchen. The greatest preference should be given to non-woven, washable and vinyl wallpaper. Due to their properties, they can be easily cleaned of dirt using water and a sponge;

Brick. A wonderful original material to decorate your kitchen space. Such walls do not even require additional decoration. It is only important to choose the color of the brick to match the main one color scheme kitchens;

Ceramic tile. A very practical coating for a kitchen “apron”, characterized by increased strength and resistance to frequent washing, even with the use of aggressive detergents. Its choice on the market is huge. You can also use it as a floor covering, only in this case give preference to matte porcelain stoneware;

Plastic wall panels. Another type of finishing for kitchen walls, characterized by practicality and durability. You can completely decorate the entire kitchen with them, and use the following design trick in the “apron” area: stick a collage of photographs or photo wallpaper there, and glass panels on top. This coating will be resistant to stains and will be a beautiful addition to the interior of the kitchen;

Relief plaster. An excellent option for those who want to give the walls a certain texture (for example, the texture of wood, leather, stone, etc.) and paint them in one or more tones;

Wall paint. There is also a place to roam here designer's imagination. On the modern market you can find not only simple, but also very interesting textured paint, for example, with pieces of marble chips or sawdust, which will create a unique relief on the walls. A smooth glossy finish will also look beautiful.

Decoration in the dining area

It's no secret that in the kitchen it is best to separate the working and dining areas. This can be easily achieved by creating an accent wall at the dining table.

As a rule, the table in our kitchen is located near a free wall. You can't hang cabinets and shelves there. But this does not mean that the wall should remain boring and faceless. Let's think together about how you can decorate an empty wall?

The following options are available:

Decoration with photo wallpapers. That's where it is, and on a free wall in the dining area, photo wallpaper will look very harmonious and successful. It is important to choose a picture that matches the meaning and color scheme of your kitchen space. Rustic motifs, city views, and nature look very beautiful. Don’t forget that the chosen design should not only please you and fit into the interior, but also whet your appetite;

Fresco. This type of wall decoration differs from photo wallpaper in that the fresco is applied manually to a plastered wall or to a canvas on a self-adhesive or non-woven basis. This is a rather expensive type of decoration, but such a wall looks very impressive. However, if you have artistic skills and are confident in yourself as a master, you will be able to paint the fresco yourself;

Decorating a wall with wallpaper. If you don’t really want to bother and your option is to simply wallpaper the walls, take note of the following idea - choose wallpaper for the wall in the dining area that is in harmony with the rest of the kitchen walls, but still differs in pattern, texture, and shade. In this simple way you can create visual zoning of the room without creating extra work for yourself;

You can do the same if you painted the kitchen walls with paint. In the eating area, you can use a different shade of paint to create an interesting design using a pre-made stencil. You can also “play” with textures.

Choice of colors

In order for your kitchen space to be not only beautiful and stylish, but also to make you want to eat, you need to choose the right color palette for its design. Here's what designers have to say about using different colors in kitchen decor and their effect on appetite:

Red. The most aggressive, energetic color, very good at increasing appetite. But due to its excessive intrusiveness, you should not overload the interior with it; a few bright accents are enough. By the way, the color “Bordeaux” is one of the most recommended when decorating a cafe or restaurant;

Orange. A very “delicious” color that evokes a strong desire to eat. Often used in decorating fast food establishments. It is also advisable to dilute it with calmer colors, for example, various shades of brown, gray;

Yellow similar in perception to orange. However, in addition to increasing appetite, it also causes an increased desire to communicate, since it carries a very positive, “sunny” charge. A kitchen decorated in yellow colors will delight you and lift your spirits every day;

Green shades good for people who are interested healthy eating. Due to the fact that there is a lot of natural greenery in nature, this color is associated with something healthy and tasty. You just need to pay attention to the tone that you are going to use for decoration - a too dark, dirty shade of green can discourage even a hungry person’s appetite, but a light one, on the contrary, will help you get hungry and enjoy your food;

Light blue, blue, purple. Cold and unattractive colors in terms of kitchen decoration. You, of course, can use them in decorating your kitchen space, but not as the main color, but as an additional color, literally adding a few small accents. This color scheme is only suitable for you if you intend to lose weight and struggle with overeating;

White. A very insidious color. The fact is that it creates a feeling of a certain weightlessness and lightness, so food eaten in a white interior seems low-calorie and harmless. So be careful what you eat in such a kitchen and don’t overeat;

Black. In contrast to white, it does not cause the desire to overeat, but reduces appetite. However, it is often used in the decoration of expensive restaurants due to its strict sophistication and elegance. You can use it in the design of your kitchen, just dilute it with white or metallic color.

Additional decorative elements

When decorating a kitchen, in addition to materials for decorating the walls, additional decorative elements are also used, such as:

Bright wall clock. There are now a great variety of them, of all shapes and colors; a lot in a purely kitchen theme (for example, with an image of a cup of coffee or scrambled eggs, in the form of an element of tableware, or with a print in the Provence style - lavender, interlacing leaves or a couple of birds).

You can hang them above the kitchen table, which is very convenient when you are in a hurry to work or important meeting. In any case, this decorative element will be very useful to you;

Decorating with unusual wall plates. They can be attached to the wall using special holders. The order of their placement may be chaotic, but make sure that even in chaos there is order so that the final composition looks harmonious and does not contradict other decorative elements;

Decorative shelves. These are not only beautiful, but also very functional interior items. You can put beautiful dishes on them, bright jars with spices; Hang oven mitts and towels on hooks. You can also decorate them with souvenirs and even potted flowers;

Paintings. Depending on the overall style of your kitchen, you can choose almost any image - from still life to abstraction. Instead of paintings, you can decorate the walls with a selection of family photographs;

Slate. A very popular item in the West kitchen interior. Indeed, it is convenient to write down recipes, meal schedules, valuable instructions for family members, or simply draw funny pictures. Just be sure to choose high-quality chalk, otherwise the entire floor under the board will be strewn with chalk chips. By the way, an alternative could be a marker board that does not have similar lack;

Wall stickers and paintings. If your kitchen walls are painted in one color or covered with plain wallpaper, vinyl wall stickers will help to brighten up the interior. They are resistant to sunlight and moisture, they can be changed from time to time without harm to the main coating. You can even make this sticker yourself! To do this, buy self-adhesive film of the desired shade and cut out the shape according to a pre-made stencil.

Wall painting – more labor-intensive process, requiring possession of certain artistic skills or the invitation of a master. She always looks expensive and unusual;

Three-dimensional panels made from elements of kitchen utensils or depicting food. Such interesting decorative elements can be made yourself from unnecessary dishes or artificial fruits or vegetables;

Kitchen wall decor is all about making it cozy, vibrant and personalized. In addition, some wall decoration techniques can help out if you need to zone a space, correct some shortcomings in the room or mistakes in the interior, say, curtains and an apron that do not match in color. In this material we will tell you how you can decorate your kitchen walls, how to do it correctly and what wall accessories you should make yourself.

Whatever kitchen decor idea you like, consider the following before starting the decorating process: general principles and recommendations for wall decoration:

  • The most suitable places for decorating with wall decor these are: the partitions between the windows, the area above the dining table, above kitchen set, above the sink, hood and any free-standing furniture, as well as in niches and on ledges.
  • When planning the placement of wall decorations or the order of layout of elements of a wall composition, do not forget about the principle of symmetry.
  • Try not to get carried away with decorating the walls of the kitchen if its interior already has a lot of complex details. On small kitchen and you should remember the saying “less is more.”
  • Of course, choose wall decor You need to focus on the style and color scheme of the kitchen interior, especially paying attention to the color of the wall being decorated and the objects surrounding it.
  • In most cases, paintings, panels, posters and other wall decorations should be hung at approximately eye level.

And some more useful tips:

  • If there is an item in your kitchen that stands out from the general color scheme of the interior, choose wall decor that contains both the color of this item and the main colors of the kitchen.
  • If you have a beautiful piece of decor, but it seems to you that it does not fill the wall area enough, then you can combine it with smaller accessories, for example, paintings, plates, and smaller mirrors.

12 wall decor ideas

Idea 1. Composition of saucers and plates

If your kitchen is in a traditional style, then you can decorate one of the walls with saucers and plates.

This decor will look great in the dining area, in the design of the walls between windows, in niches and on ledges, under/above wall sconces, above consoles or a set, if it is not too high.

Here are some tips to help you create a cohesive composition:

  • Saucers should “echo” not only with each other, but also with neighboring decorative items and the interior as a whole. Color, print, border relief and/or shape can unite different plates with each other.
  • It is advisable to maintain equal intervals between plates.
  • Plates can form some kind of figure, they can be hung symmetrically or deliberately chaotically, or around some center (for example, a large dish, clock, painting or mirror).

Symmetrical arrangement of plates on the kitchen wall

  • Before hanging the plates on the wall, you should assemble the composition on the floor, then cut out the outline of each saucer from paper and hang it on the wall (or you can simply trace the plates on the wall with a pencil). This way you will have several paper circles that will tell you where each plate should hang.
  • If you have a beautiful set that you use from time to time for its intended purpose, then you can arrange them on a narrow display shelf like in this photo.

An old Soviet-era set should not gather dust in the closet, because it can be used to decorate a kitchen interior in a classic or “rustic” style

  • If you wish, you can paint the plates yourself, following our step-by-step master class .

– Making this kind of wall decor with your own hands is very simple: take bright plates and paint their bottoms slate paint and draw cute pictures or captions

Idea 2. Mirrors and mirrors

Mirrors are good not only for their spectacular appearance, but also because they enhance lighting and visually enlarge the space. Therefore, the idea of ​​decorating walls with mirrors is a real godsend for small and dark kitchens. Moreover, they are so versatile - they can fit into both modern and classic interiors.

Mirrors can be used to decorate an entire wall or a very large section of a wall from floor to ceiling, as in these photo examples.

A mirror is a must-have attribute of an Art Deco kitchen

Here are some useful tips for decorating kitchen walls with mirrors:

  • If you hang a mirror opposite the window, there will be more light in the kitchen.
  • Remember that the larger the mirror, the stronger the effect of increasing the space and multiplying the light in it. At the same time, the more difficult it is to clean the room. In order not to condemn yourself to daily cleaning of mirrors, do not install them near the work area.

Idea 3. Wooden cutting boards

In fact, the most ordinary things, the beauty of which we often do not notice, can decorate the walls of your kitchen. For example, these could be cutting wooden boards– deliberately old and hung on hinges. A couple of boards can be made up of rolling pins, metal trays, baking dishes and vintage dishes as in the photo below.

Idea 4: Decorating an accent wall with wallpaper or photo wallpaper

An accent wall (or part of a wall), decorated with wallpaper or photo wallpaper, can not only decorate the interior, but also visually expand the kitchen, raise the ceiling or create the effect of depth in a small space. Most often, the wall in the dining area is suitable for the role of an accent wall, but you can also decorate the kitchen apron with bright wallpaper.

  • When the ceiling is low, the situation will be saved by wallpaper with a diamond pattern, vertical stripes and any print with an abundance of verticals.

  • Photo wallpapers with a perspective image, for example, of a road or forest path running along the road, will help to increase the space.

  • Pull apart the walls narrow kitchen Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will help.

  • If there is a catastrophic lack of sunlight in the kitchen, yellow or gold wallpaper will help replace it.

If your kitchen does not need “special effects”, then you can choose any wallpaper that fits into the interior in style and color scheme.

Idea 5. Slate wall or message board

If you hang a slate board on the wall or paint one of the kitchen walls/part of the wall with slate paint or cover it with chalk wallpaper, then you and your children will be able to “renew” the interior at least every day. Drawings, motivating slogans, quotes, poems, songs - all this will look great on the kitchen wall. And also slate wall will also bring practical benefits, because it will be convenient to make grocery lists and plans for the day, write down best recipes and leave notes with instructions for household members.

To make such a board with your own hands, simply paint a sheet of plywood with chalkboard paint.

Idea 6. Vinyl stickers

If the walls in your kitchen are plain, and you want to frequently update their decor without spending a lot of money and effort, then your choice is vinyl stickers. They stick easily, peel off even easier and leave no trace of the old picture, and there are so many design options for stickers that you are sure to find something that suits the interior of your kitchen.

  • Vinyl stickers are sold in construction and stationery stores, art stores and, of course, on Aliexpress.

Idea 7. Ceiling rosettes

Ceiling rosettes made of polystyrene foam are beautiful and versatile, inexpensive, easy to glue and easy to paint, which means they are ideal for decorating walls in the kitchen.

  • If you paint the sockets to match the walls, you can create the effect of a wall with relief.

  • It is best to glue sockets away from the stove and higher from the countertop dining table(suitable height is at eye level). After all, polystyrene is quite easy to damage, and due to the many grooves and depressions it is difficult to clean.
  • To decorate a kitchen wall with ceiling roses with your own hands, you must first paint them with acrylic paint, create a composition on the floor, apply markings on the wall, and then glue them to the wall using glue. ceiling skirting boards, any universal glue or Velcro fasteners for paintings from Command.

Idea 8. Retro posters and billboards

You can look for real vintage posters, propaganda posters and playbills at flea markets, on Ebay or Amazon. Or you can simply buy modern imitations, because among them it is much easier to find options that match the color and content.

  • It is best to frame retro posters. This way they will look even more stylish and, moreover, will not get dirty from accidental splashes and touches with dirty hands.

Idea 9. Artistic painting

Do you want to create a unique kitchen decor and realize your drawing talent? Then we suggest placing a bet on artistic painting walls All you need is acrylic paints, a drawing idea and our master class, which will be useful for both beginners and advanced artists.

  • Decorative words can be illuminated with light bulbs and play the role of a kitchen “night light” or sconce.

Wall letters can be bought at a craft store, interior stores, online stores, or made with your own hands from plywood or cardboard using a jigsaw, band saw or a hand router. This video tutorial shows one of the ways to cut words out of plywood. Let’s add just one piece of advice: remember that the main thing in interior letters and words is their font. The more interesting it is, the cooler your kitchen decoration will be. You can download cute fonts for free from specialized resources.

Idea 11. Panel organizer

A panel organizer can decorate the walls of the kitchen and help you in everyday life, because you can leave all kinds of business cards, notes with instructions, shopping lists, as well as photographs and postcards on it. There are three options for a wall organizer: made of cork (or even wine corks), wood/plywood (then the notes will be attached with buttons) or made of a sheet of metal (attached with magnets).

Here are some photo ideas for wall hanging organizers that you can make yourself.

DIY wall decor made from an IKEA frame and wine corks mounted with thermal glue

When considering what the kitchen decoration looks like, the photo options of which are presented in the selection, you need to pay attention to the quality of finishing materials for decorating the walls, floor or ceiling. This is due to the characteristics of the room, because the walls are constantly exposed to external influence destructive factors. These include: high humidity and the presence of soot and condensation in the room. The construction market is simply replete with proposals suggesting the choice of modern building materials that can not only actively resist the effects of a negative environment, but also decorate the room and help realize unique design solutions and original projects.

When choosing decorative design The overall interior design and the quality characteristics of the finishing material should be taken into account. Due to the functional features and specific microclimate of kitchen premises, there is a certain list of qualities that building materials must have:

  • moisture resistance - an increased degree of resistance of wall coverings to constant exposure to water;
  • heat resistance - materials withstand stress associated with sudden changes in temperature for a long time;
  • sound insulation - the ability to receive and block shock and structural noise;
  • ease of care - contaminated areas can be treated with modern cleaning products.

Let's consider the existing pros and cons of various materials.


Decorating a kitchen with a rolled canvas is one of the well-known and popular methods. You can decorate vertical walls and shelves with wallpaper. A positive feature of this type of finishing is the relatively low price and simplicity of the construction process. For decoration, it is better to use more durable, washable fabrics.

Negative points include the impossibility of wallpapering the work area. Construction Materials created on a paper basis do not resist well negative impacts and over time they lose their original appearance.


Practical, durable tiles will become the best option finishing the work apron, kitchen walls. At the same time, the tile will fit perfectly into any room design. Positive characteristics ceramic tiles are reliability, strength, fire safety, resistance to various contaminants.

Despite all its attractiveness, tiles are expensive finishing material In order to qualitatively finish the kitchen walls, it is better to use the services of professionals. It is better to grout the tile seams with special means that prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on the surface.


To paint the walls or ceiling of the kitchen, it is better to use materials intended for use in wet areas. Most often these are latex, acrylic or water-based paints. I would like to note the moisture resistance of the wall covering, the ease of applying the paint layer, the varied color palette, and the low cost of this type of finishing. However, interior wall finishing with paint and varnish products requires preliminary preparation ceiling, leveling surfaces, which will require additional investments.

Modern material allows you not only to hide all the unevenness and defects of the wall, but also helps to create luxurious classic or antique styles in the interior. The effect of expensive wall decor is created using structural or textured plaster. All materials contain inclusions of marble or granite chips and have special breathability and moisture resistance. The disadvantages include the duration and complexity of the work, and the high cost of high-quality finishing.


Thin cladding boards are an ideal decorative element for decorating rooms in rustic style. Natural eco styles, for example, country or Provence, are decorated with unique natural materials.

Today, kitchen decoration with clapboard has lost its relevance a little, but despite this wall decoration, natural raw materials still remains the best option for decorating kitchens in brick cottages. Natural materials have many advantages: ease of installation, environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance.

Due to the increased fire hazard and poor resistance to mechanical damage, experts do not recommend decorating the work area with clapboard. The walls of the kitchen room can be decorated with modern PVC lining. The wide range of colors of the panels allows you to organically fit into any modern design.


Finishing the kitchen with decorative or artificial stone looks very attractive. Durable and impact-resistant finishing material allows you to create a unique modern design in the loft style. The most famous materials are brick, clinker tiles and rock. Finishing stone is particularly durable, environmentally friendly and relatively low cost.

Most often, only one of the walls of the room is finished with natural stone. It's best if they are individual elements interior, otherwise you can visually reduce a small room. The most popular finishing materials are presented in the photo.


Finishing of the floor must be done using especially durable and reliable materials. The most popular floor coverings are:

  • Ceramic tiles - tiles are practically impervious to various stains and mechanical shocks, and can withstand increased humidity and temperature changes. A wide color palette allows you to create a unique design in your room;
  • linoleum - modern flooring It is characterized by low cost, long service life and good thermal insulation properties. Linoleum has a great design, but it can be easily damaged by cutting objects;
  • Laminate flooring is easy to install and is particularly durable and reliable. The texture of the laminate resembles a natural array - this allows decorators to create beautiful classic, modern or eco-friendly styles;
  • parquet board - with proper care, wooden flooring will last for decades. Parquet flooring creates a sophisticated and luxurious design.

The photo shows options for finishing the floor with porcelain stoneware, tiles, and laminate.

Parquet board


There are several options for decorating ceilings:

  • ceiling tiles - the most economical option ceiling decoration. Expanded polystyrene tiles hide all visible defects of the vertical surface well. For decoration, it is better to choose laminated tiles; they are easy to clean and react poorly to ultraviolet radiation, even if the kitchen windows face south;
  • suspended ceiling - for manufacturing suspended structure The ceiling uses moisture-resistant plasterboard or plastic panels. Using drywall you can build spectacular multi-level structures. To create popular eco-styles indoors, decorators suggest using lining to decorate the ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling - unlike plasterboard construction, stretch fabric practically does not take up space under the ceiling vault. PVC material Great for finishing the ceiling not only in a kitchen with a balcony, but also in a bedroom or living room.

Photo gallery contains the most original plasterboard structures, used to decorate the ceiling.

Expanded polystyrene tiles


Decoration requires particularly careful selection of wall coverings. More often fine finishing carried out using the following materials:

  • washable wallpaper - a protective film protects the coating from ultraviolet radiation and makes maintenance much easier. To create a modern design in a room, you can use non-woven or liquid wallpaper;
  • paint - wall decoration paint and varnish materials This is the simplest type of repair work. An already painted surface can be easily repainted in a different color, this allows you to easily change the design of the kitchen;
  • decorative plaster - a modern material is often used to decorate walls in the dining room of a country mansion or a small kitchen with a balcony;
  • ceramic tiles - tiles are usually used to decorate a backsplash. When decorating opposite walls, other materials are used.

The photos below show the design of a kitchen combined with a balcony.

Ceramic tile
Washable wallpaper


The apron can be bright and original, neutral and classic, it all depends on the wishes of the owners and the choice of finishing material. The photo shows several options for decorating a kitchen apron.

An apron is a practical and functional element of the interior. The neutral surface, finished with natural stone, is combined with the main decoration of the ceiling or walls.

To attract the attention of others, you can make a contrasting apron. An original solution would be painting the kitchen in two or three contrasting colors. This option is most relevant in a kitchen with a balcony.

Today, popular materials for finishing an apron are:

  • mosaic;
  • glass;
  • ceramic tile;
  • brick;
  • MDF panels;
  • metal;
  • a natural stone.

MDF panels
A natural stone
Ceramic tile

A bright apron creates a general festive mood in the dining room combined with a balcony. The work area can be advantageously emphasized with properly equipped artificial lighting.

A beautifully decorated apron will organically fit into any style of room and will become a real decoration for a kitchen with a balcony. For these purposes, not only tiles are used, but also spectacular mosaic tiles, photo printing on glass, mirror cloth or sheets of chromed metal.

To properly and efficiently design the apron area, you should listen to some tips:

  • is considered a universal color for decorating an apron White color, which will harmonize perfectly with any decoration and furniture. If desired, it can be diluted with bright accents;
  • the center of attention will be an apron with photo printing;
  • A plain apron will be complemented by eye-catching accents and local lighting;
  • if tiles are used to decorate the apron, then it is better to choose a smooth glazed version, as it is easier to care for;
  • An apron made of pebbles that you can lay out with your own hands looks original;
  • To grout the seams of the mirror apron, only transparent silicone is used.

Work zone

It is not at all necessary to divide a small kitchen into several separate ones. functional premises, The photo shows how you can properly zone the space. The kitchen, combined with a balcony, has two main areas: a work area and a relaxation area.

When designing a work area, not only the overall design of the kitchen is taken into account, but also the creation of an increased level of comfort and convenience. To do this, it is necessary to use beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly materials.

Experts recommend laying the floor in the work area with porcelain stoneware - the most durable and reliable floor covering. The walls of the working area are finished with ceramic tiles or natural stone. Natural material goes perfectly with wooden clapboard. To finish the ceiling, you can use plastic panels, plasterboard structures, stretched matte or glossy canvases. There are a lot of options for finishing the work area; the photo shows the most original options decorating a kitchen with a balcony.

Features of finishing work

Before you start decorating your work area yourself, you need to start choosing a finishing material. After the main finishing materials have been selected, you can start preparing for the repair itself: take out old furniture, remove the old coating from the surface of the walls.

Next comes a “rough” kitchen renovation. This includes installation of electrical wiring and sewer pipes, replacement interior door and windows, leveling horizontal surfaces. Small unevenness in the wall can be simply filled with putty; large defects are best repaired. mortar. After preliminary construction work windows and doors are installed.

Plastic windows are most often chosen for the kitchen; unlike wooden window, are less exposed to humid air.

After installing the window and doors, finishing is carried out. You need to start by decorating the ceiling, then the walls are decorated, and at the very end the flooring is laid.

In order for the kitchen to become stylish, harmonious and comfortable as a result of all the finishing work, you need to look at all the above listed options for finishing materials in the photo and choose the most suitable kitchen finishing options.


Options for wall decoration in the kitchen.

Photos with examples of kitchen finishes

A selection of design options for kitchen surfaces.

The design of the walls in the kitchen can embody the most daring and stylish design solutions. Often, many people spend a lot of time in the kitchen, preparing food for themselves and their family, so to create comfort and coziness in this room, you need to carefully choose the way to decorate the walls. If you are tired of empty walls with monotonous dull wallpaper or outdated other finishing materials and are tired of everyday life, then it’s time to start updating the appearance of the kitchen. The proposed ideas for decorating the walls of the kitchen will help with this.

Modern types of kitchen wall decoration

Popular types of wall decoration include: the following types finishing: wallpapering, covering walls and work surfaces near the stove with ceramic tiles, panels, painting, painting or decorative plaster.

Perform preview modern examples finishing can be seen in the video:

Wallpaper on the kitchen walls

Wall decoration with wallpaper is one of the most affordable and popular types finishing. Modern wallpaper It’s easy to decorate the walls with your own hands, there are no particular difficulties. The combination of different color shades, textures and patterns of wallpaper allows you to create a unique, amazing design for the walls in the kitchen, which will delight all household residents and will certainly surprise guests.

Previously, paper wallpaper was used for kitchen walls. With development modern technologies new types of this popular finishing material have appeared, such as non-woven and vinyl wallpapers. Thanks to good combination beauty, reliability, practicality and durability, such wallpaper quickly became popular. At the same time, they are attracted by the simplicity of their stickers and the ability to repaint them in a different color and at the same time often update the interior.

Another type of finishing material for kitchen walls is textured wallpaper. With their help you can add expressiveness and decorate an empty wall above the dining table.

Textured embossed wallpaper can be painted to match the color scheme of other rooms in the apartment or house.

Decorating the kitchen walls with photo wallpaper will create a unique feeling of comfort and can become a real highlight of the kitchen interior. Pictures and scenes on photo wallpapers are always bright, unusual and realistic. You can safely decorate an apron with them work surface table and place under a transparent plastic or glass panel.

Brick in the decoration of kitchen walls

Kitchen or dining room walls finished with white, red or sand bricks will be an ideal and unusual interior decoration. You just need to choose desired shade, suitable To style of the room.

The brick finish on the wall near the stove, made in the same color as the kitchen furniture, looks chic and unusual.

On brick wall Shelves for kitchen utensils will look organic.


Modern ceramics for decorating kitchen walls are represented by ceramic plates that can have bright color shades, various floral and plant prints. This kitchen wall decor can become a real wall decoration.

Well-known ceramic tiles do not lose their position in the decoration of kitchen walls. The advantage of tiles is durability, water resistance, strength and ease of maintenance. Ideal for covering work surfaces near walls kitchen sink and slabs.

Wall surfaces lined with ceramics are durable and do not require repairs. Using ceramic tiles, you can combine and create various patterns and lay mosaics.

Plastic panels

Each of us dreams of being beautiful and at the same time practical kitchen with a unique interior. Plastic panels with remarkable characteristics will help you realize your dream. They do not lose their original attractiveness for a long time, are easy to maintain and have a high strength coefficient. Designers offer an abundance of options for decorating kitchen walls with plastic panels of different shapes, textures and color shades.

For creative decoration of kitchen walls you can use transparent plastic with photographs of family members or interesting children's drawings. This finish gives a special charm and attractiveness .

Glass in kitchen walls

Tempered glass panels are considered optimal and suitable material to decorate not only the kitchen work area, but can also be installed in the form of inserts from individual strips or blocks along the entire perimeter of the walls. With their help you can create an unusual effect of volumetric space and harmonious interior throughout the kitchen.

Decorating the wall near the dining table

An unfinished wall near the dining table will not look welcoming. When asking how to decorate an empty kitchen wall, you should consider that it can be decorated with bright, bold colors that will blend well with the rest of the kitchen interior.

Red, orange and yellow shades are warm and will good choice to create a friendly, cozy stop in the kitchen area.

The striking contrast of the combination of blue and purple shades with the warm colors of the interior creates a unique impression of cool shade on a hot day.

They will look very elegant on the wall kitchen table hanging shelves with ceramics and porcelain figurines.

The idea of ​​using stencil designs has become a fashionable trend in kitchen wall decoration.

A wall stencil with a frequently repeated pattern of flowers will be a good addition to the classic style of kitchen design. The modern stylish look of the walls will be perfectly emphasized by applying a stencil in the form of Christmas trees, stars or other design signs.

Wonderful design touch visual expansion room can be the use of one large stencil placed in the center of the wall. This could be a picture of an open window with curtains or a theater stage. Decorating empty kitchen walls with tapestries and works of art creates elegant beauty.

Children's drawings and family photographs in decorative frames placed above the dining table create a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

An exclusive and exceptional interior can be created by creating an unusual collage of various objects in the form of watches, geographical maps, collectible decorative plates and simply rare items .

Functional wall design

Beautifully designed kitchen walls can also be a means of conveying information to all family members. The modern rhythm of life does not often provide the opportunity for all household members to get together, so you can create a kind of bulletin board in the kitchen for notes and other information.

The size of such an information panel can be the size of the entire wall. To make this decor more expressive, it is better to paint the wall underneath it in one color or hang a beautiful bright calendar on it, where you can make the necessary notes.

To securely store notes with information or recipes, it is convenient to use magnets . By installing cute open shelves for storing plates, mugs, cups, you can combine accessibility with a beautiful, unusual look.

The meaning of color in kitchen design

Without knowledge of impact color palette for creating modern design kitchen space it is difficult to choose a harmonious interior. To do this, you should consider how to properly decorate a wall in the kitchen and how surfaces with different color compositions will look:

  • When decorated, the color red evokes exciting feelings of boldness and brightness. In this case, shades of red should be repeated in window curtains, napkins, towels and harmonize with the kitchen furniture. The result will be a dynamic effect of life-giving energy. Red color is successfully combined with shades of white and black, creating a unique decor in the kitchen.
  • Light colors (white, cream, light gray) wall decoration are ideal for small kitchens. These colors help to visually increase the volume of the kitchen space and create a catchy lighting design.

Blue, salad, peach colors wall decoration will give a small kitchen space a feeling of spaciousness and freshness.

Mirror surface

An unexpected and original design technique for decorating walls in the kitchen is decorating the walls with mirror inserts. As a result, the volume in the kitchen will visually increase and the amount of light will be added. A mirror can fill the entire wall, and small mirror tiles can decorate the wall. You can use a mirror to make an apron over the kitchen work area.

This solution cannot be called practical, but originality is guaranteed.

Using decor from various wallpapers

You can create original decor in the kitchen with your own hands from leftover wallpaper. It will be very inexpensive, and the effect can be simply amazing. For example, you can highlight a part of the wall near the dining table with wallpaper, accentuating it.

The selected section of the wall may differ in tone from the rest of the wall decoration. For example, accent wall can be made bold in color, and the rest of the walls will have a neutral shade.

Another option is to use photo wallpaper. You can find an image that suits the taste and color of everyone living in the apartment, stick it on the accent area and you will get a magnificent kitchen decoration.

Wooden items for a cozy kitchen

Every kitchen has the most common household utensils made of wood. If you creatively approach the issue of creating unusual decor, you can pay attention to such a familiar object as beautiful wooden boards for cutting food. It is enough to attach small hooks or loops to them and hang the story on the wall.

You will get a beautiful and unusual wall decor in the kitchen. Combine wooden cutting boards with vintage metal dishes and trays.

Gzhel and ancient dishes

The idea of ​​using decorative tableware in kitchen design is not new. To the village or classic style Ceramic or porcelain dishes fit harmoniously into the kitchen design. You can decorate the wall with plates and dishes with bright Gzhel painting.

Decorative vintage metal and copper trays can also be great decorations for kitchen walls.

Decorative plaster and painting

Decorative plaster and wall painting in the kitchen are the most The best way creating a cozy, comfortable and unusual design premises. Decorating walls in these ways will allow you to realize any creative ideas and fantasies.

In addition, a coating such as Venetian plaster varnished will be waterproof and durable. Painting a wall in the form of frescoes can be a truly exclusive work of art.

You can paint the wall with your own hands. To do this, just make a template in the form of a stencil and use it to paint the wall with acrylic paints .

The article provides just a few ideas for decorating kitchen walls. In fact, there are a huge number of design options, and you can come up withhow to decorate and decorate a wall in the kitchen is not difficult- just use your imagination and imagination.

When decorating the kitchen interior, you should take into account the specifics of this room and select appropriate materials. Kitchen walls are constantly exposed to steam, quickly become dirty, fade and lose their attractiveness, so the finish must be waterproof and resistant to mechanical stress. When decorating the walls in the kitchen with their own hands, many choose paint as the most convenient and practical finishing material. But there are other design options that are no less practical, but much more attractive.

Simple paper wallpaper are not suitable for the kitchen, but vinyl, fiberglass, liquid or compressed paper based are widely used in such rooms. Thanks to the variety of textures and colors, these wallpapers can decorate the most unprepossessing room, filling it with color and a cozy atmosphere.

In the process of finishing the walls you will need:

  • starting and finishing putty;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • wallpaper;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • clean rags;
  • scissors and a sharp knife.

Step 1: Clean the base

In order for the wallpaper to hold as firmly as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls: remove old wallpaper, peel off peeling paint and plaster, and wash off the whitewash. If the walls are too uneven, the old finish is removed down to the very base.

The cracks in the corners need to be expanded in order to seal them properly. After this, the walls are wiped with a damp cloth, removing dust.

Step 2. Alignment

The clean surface is treated with a primer mixture deep penetration, which will avoid the development of mold and other microorganisms under the finishing layer. Knead starting putty and first seal noticeable recesses and small gaps. Deep cracks are filled with cement mortar, after which it dries, leveling is carried out with putty. When the recesses are leveled, you can cover the entire surface of the kitchen wall with putty mortar.

The thickness of the putty layer should be within 1-2 cm; thicker layers may crack when dry and become detached from the base. When leveling, you should check the plane of the wall with a rule or a long wooden strip. When the putty is completely dry, the surface is sanded. sandpaper, and then check again with the rule. If necessary, apply another layer of mortar to make the wall as smooth as possible.

Step 3. Wallpapering

There is no need to paste over the area near the stove and cutting table - it is better to lay out a tiled apron here.

Begin gluing from the corner: cut the wallpaper to length, coat it well with glue and leave for 5 minutes to soak. In the corner, the strips are glued with a vertical overlap so as not to leave gaps. Heavy waterproof wallpaper is glued end to end, otherwise the seams will stand out too much. Each strip is carefully straightened, pressed against the wall and smoothed with a clean cloth or rubber spatula. Excess glue protruding around the edges must be wiped off immediately.

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for the kitchen; it looks elegant and original. They are prepared very simply: the dry mixture is diluted warm water, stir thoroughly and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.

Next, the mixture is applied to the walls with a wide spatula and leveled, creating a certain texture. After drying, liquid wallpaper forms a seamless, durable surface that is resistant to washing and mechanical stress. If any area is accidentally damaged, it can be easily restored by applying a small amount of the working mixture.

Using plaster to decorate walls

Decorative plaster is also great for the kitchen. It easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, high humidity, reusable cleaning from dirt. This material is very plastic, and therefore can be given any shape and texture. Imitation of brick or stone masonry looks attractive on kitchen walls, which is not difficult to do. Surface preparation is carried out as standard, except that leveling does not have to be done very carefully.

Step 1. Mixing the solution

Pour water at room temperature into a small container and pour dry plaster. Using a construction mixer, mix the composition well and add coloring pigment if necessary. Leave the solution for 10 minutes and then stir again until smooth.

Step 2. Applying plaster

The solution can be applied with a regular or notched trowel, textured roller, a paint brush and even your hands. The relief of the wall depends on the method of application, so you should think about the desired pattern in advance. You can apply the plaster composition in an even layer, and then squeeze out patterns with your fingers, a thin stick, or something else.

To create brickwork, you will need a ruler and a pencil: on a wall covered with an even layer of mortar, draw horizontal solid lines under the ruler. There should be at least 8 cm between the lines. Next, the vertical segments between the lines are pressed in a checkerboard pattern, resulting in a neat brickwork. For masonry, lines are drawn arbitrarily, by hand, drawing stones of various sizes and shapes.

Patterns made with a notched trowel look original and unusual: to do this, take the solution onto the spatula and distribute it over the surface with uniform circular movements. The depth of the grooves and their number depend on the pressing force and the angle of inclination, which allows you to create a unique pattern.

Step 3. Finishing

The decorative coating should be treated protective composition; it can be varnish, special wax or paint. Most often, it is paint that is used, which is always waterproof and environmentally friendly. The most practical are acrylic paints based on silicone and latex: they are easy to apply, dry quickly, allow walls to breathe and do not wear off with repeated washing.

Ceramic tiles are widely used for finishing kitchen walls and floors. Modern tiles are highly durable and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and textures. Properly selected ceramics will make the kitchen irresistible. Without the appropriate experience, it is not so easy to veneer walls, but if you practice a little, everything will definitely work out.

For finishing work you will need:

The walls are prepared using the technology described above - cleaned, cracks sealed, leveled and primed. If the surface is not perfectly flat, it’s okay, the main thing is that the differences in height do not exceed 2 cm per square meter. Small defects will be hidden by a layer of adhesive, so they do not affect the placement of the tiles.

When the preparatory process is completed, you can begin cladding:

The outer fragments are cut with a grinder into pieces of the required width. All subsequent rows are laid with offset joints, pressing tightly against the wall surface. Be sure to follow the pattern, turning the tile at the desired angle. Changing fragments after the glue has dried will be problematic, so it is better to avoid such mistakes when cladding.

After completing the installation, the walls should not be touched for 5-7 days until the glue is completely dry. After the specified period has passed, you can begin grouting the joints. This process is necessary to protect the seams from excess moisture and destruction, and grouting also gives the cladding a finished and neat appearance. The joints are thoroughly cleaned of glue and dust residues and wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Mix the grout and apply it to the seams with a rubber spatula. Lightly pressing, spread the mixture along the seam, and then apply it with a spatula and remove the excess. So fill all the joints and leave for 20 minutes.

After this, take a bucket of water, a thick sponge and begin to wash the seams. The sponge must be wrung out very well, otherwise the joints will differ in color. The seams are formed with the same sponge, making small, uniform indentations.

Often, to give the seams the correct shape, a piece of durable rubber cable or a special tool - a jointer - is used.

Video - DIY kitchen walls: painting with water-based emulsion

Video - Do-it-yourself wall tiling

Video - DIY kitchen apron


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