Tree peony: planting and care. Tree peonies, their varieties, cultivation characteristics and care recommendations

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Peonies are one of the most beautiful flowering plants. Several inflorescences of bushes of different colors can decorate almost any flower bed, becoming the central part of the garden composition. One of the most common types of these plants are tree peonies. Some biologists believe that the tree peony is not a separate species crops, but represents only a group of varieties that are certain signs similar to each other. These flowers were bred in China, and appeared on the European continent only closer to the middle of the 18th century. This is very beautiful plant It’s not for nothing that it has earned enormous popularity among gardeners. We will tell you further about how to plant a tree peony in the spring and grow it.

The main characteristics of tree peonies are as follows:

  • The plant is a shrub, which, unlike the herbaceous peony, has woody stems. In winter they do not die off, but are covered with thin bark, forming a tree-like shrub. Thanks to this, the tree peony is a frost-resistant plant and can easily overwinter in mid-latitudes.
  • In spring, the main branches produce new shoots, at the end of which buds form. The flower of the tree peony, like its herbal counterpart, is quite large and reaches a diameter of 200 mm.
  • Wide range of colors from bright to pastel tones, as well as various shapes petals: simple, double and semi-double make it possible to plant a unique flower bed only from plants of this species.
  • IN Lately Breeders have developed several varieties with two-color buds. The number of flowers on a bush increases every year of its life.
  • The flowering of tree peony begins 2-3 weeks earlier than herbaceous varieties and continues until the crescent.

Types and varieties of tree peonies

There are many varieties of tree peonies. However, all this diversity came from just 4 species that were found in wildlife. All of them belong to the group of semi-shrub peonies. These are types such as:

  1. Peony Potanin.
  2. Peony Lemoine.
  3. Peony Delaway.
  4. Yellow Peony.

All modern varieties of tree peony can be divided into several groups:

  • Japanese varieties. Varieties of this group are distinguished by small flowers. Due to this, they look light and very beautiful.
  • Sapphire. Peonies of this group have quite impressive buds, the diameter of which when opened reaches 20 cm. The inflorescences are mainly Pink colour with a dark crimson core. Sapphire peonies are quite productive, which in some cases leads to the appearance of up to fifty buds on one bush.

  • Green Jade. An original group of varieties that attracts attention with light green flowers. Thanks to such originality, Green Jade varieties are very loved by those gardeners who are always open to experimentation.
  • Kiao sisters. Small flowers, mostly of two shades. Thanks to the combination of soft cream and dark red, they suit any flower bed.
  • Hybrids of yellow peony and Delaway peony. They have large yellow inflorescences.
  • Chinese-European varieties. They are distinguished by large and heavy flowers, which makes the inflorescences look drooping. The color range is quite wide and is presented in shades from pale pink to dark burgundy.

Planting a tree peony in the ground in spring

Tree peony is planted in spring or autumn. There is no fundamental difference in this, but, in my opinion, experienced gardeners, plants planted in spring are more resistant to weather changes and frost. The first step when planting tree peonies is to decide on the area where they will grow. These plants love sunlight very much, so it is better to give preference to a well-lit area away from tall trees or buildings that create shade.

The most preferred soil for growing tree peonies is loam. If there are none on the site, you will have to add clay, turf, fertilizers, peat, etc. to the sandy soil. At correct selection soil, very good results can be achieved in terms of plant longevity. Some varieties of tree peonies can successfully grow and bloom for quite a long time (several decades).

Planting a tree peony in spring open ground carried out in the following order:

  1. Tree peonies are planted in a hole approximately 70 cm deep. Its diameter at the surface should be the same. Closer to the bottom, the landing pit should narrow, forming a truncated cone.
  2. To ensure normal drainage, pebbles, broken bricks or broken ceramic pots are placed at the bottom of the pit. If these are not available, you can use a regular river sand. The drainage layer must be at least 20 cm thick.
  3. At increased acidity soil, bone meal or lime is added to it at the rate of 200-300 grams per 1 bush. After this, a cone of plain earth is poured into a hole at a low height, and the plant is placed there. This must be done in such a way that its roots slide along the slopes of the cone.
  4. After the tree peony is placed on the cone, it is poured into the hole. a large number of water. It will help the roots to “fluff up” well and settle into the soil.
  5. Once the water is completely absorbed, the hole can be filled with soil. This must be done in such a way that the root collar is flush with the ground.
  6. When planting several bushes of tree peony, it is necessary to withstand minimum distance between them, which is 1.5-2 meters. As you can see, the process of planting a plant is not too complicated and even a novice gardener can do it.

Growing tree peony from seeds is rarely practiced. The plant germinates very poorly, grows for a long time and blooms in best case scenario for 4-5 years after sowing. Due to the underdevelopment of the embryos, the plant seeds must be stratified. In addition, they simply cannot be stored for a long time, because as a result the percentage of germination will be even lower.

Caring for tree peony in spring

There is no particular difference between the principles of caring for tree and herbaceous peonies, so for those who are already familiar with growing the latter, there will be no special problems.

Care rules:

  • The frequency of watering and its intensity are almost the same. In not too hot and dry weather, the bushes are watered once every 2 weeks. The average dose size is 5-6 liters for each bush. As the temperature rises and air humidity decreases, the frequency of watering increases. Gradually, with the end of summer, watering is reduced, and closer to September it is stopped altogether.
  • After the soil has dried, it is advisable to loosen it at a distance of half a meter from the center of the bush. The depth of loosening should be small, since the roots of a tree peony can be at a distance of just over 5 cm from the surface.
  • Fertilizing tree peonies in spring should be carried out in mandatory. Their need for fertilizers is the greatest among flowering plants. The intensity and quality of flowering of the plant depends on the abundance of minerals. So, at the beginning of the growing season, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. Throughout the entire growing season, additional phosphate and potassium fertilizers are added to the soil, and nitrogen is added again before the beginning of autumn. The amount of a particular fertilizer depends on the concentration of the active substance. It is important to maintain a middle ground here, especially when it comes to nitrogen. Its excess can provoke the onset of gray mold disease, which can lead to the death of the plant.

  • Transplantation of a tree peony in the spring is carried out only if absolutely necessary, because the plant tolerates this procedure extremely painfully. Even if everything is done correctly, there is a high risk that the tree peony will wither and take root in a new place for a long time. Naturally, there can be no talk of any flowering here. If such a need arises, you need to carefully dig up a bush with a piece of earth, and wash it off under a slight pressure of water, freeing it. root system. Then you need to carefully examine the roots for damage and signs of rot. If there are any, they are deleted. It is also advisable to trim off the long roots a little, after which the cut areas are treated with potassium permanganate.

Propagation of tree peonies in spring

Tree peonies are propagated in three ways:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Dividing the bush.
  3. By layering.
  4. Vaccinations.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Propagation by cuttings is quite the hard way. To do this, in the middle of summer, cuttings are prepared from a formed bush, which are stuck into a container with sand and peat, after which they are covered with film. As soon as roots appear on the cuttings, they are transplanted into pots with soil and grown until spring, after which they are planted in open ground.
  • Reproduction by divisions is the simplest and most common method among amateurs. It consists of dividing one mature bush into 2 or more small ones. The age of the mother must be at least 5-6 years. Each division is planted in exactly the same way as a regular bush.
  • Reproduction by branches. Gives results only 2-3 years after the operation. It consists in the following. Before the flowering period, one of the strongest shoots is taken from a developed plant and cut slightly in the middle. Then, with the place of the cut that needs to be pre-treated, it is leaned against the ground and pressed inward. To prevent the outlet from springing upward, it is secured with stakes and covered with a layer of soil. The branch should be watered together with the mother plant. After rooting, it is separated from the plant and transplanted to a separate place.
  • Reproduction by grafting is done mainly on an industrial scale. It consists of grafting a small cutting of a tree peony onto a herbaceous specimen.

Diseases of tree peonies in spring

The most common disease of tree peony is gray rot. The cause of this disease is the activity of a pathogenic fungus, which can enter the soil with infected plants. They fight this disease with potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. The first substance is diluted at the rate of 3 g / 10 l of water, the second - 30 g / 10 l of water. If the disease is active, all affected plants or parts thereof must be removed and burned. To prevent the appearance of gray rot is to follow the rules of watering and feeding the plant.

How to plant a tree peony in spring: video

Paying attention to the plants and flowers in their area, gardeners and landscape designers often prefer bush flowers. One of the luxuriantly blooming and easy-to-care plants is the tree peony. The plant comes from China, of hybrid origin.

Tree peonies: description

Latin name - Paeonia suffruticosa. Subshrubs of the peony genus are perennial plants, about 1.5 - 2 m high with straight shoots, with flowers at the end. The flowers are lush and large. In diameter, at proper care, reach 18 – 20 cm.

This decorative bush pleases the eye with different colors of flowers: red, white, yellow, purple, pink, as well as rare blue and green.

The tree peony is distinguished by:

  • The bush has a superficial root system.
  • tree peony It combines beautifully with different varieties of plants without losing its charm.
  • Unlike the herbaceous peony, the semi-shrub has woody stems that do not die off, and every year a larger and more luxuriant bush is formed.

Tree peony blossom

The plant blooms profusely in the third year.

If the flowers are weak, but bloom in the first year after planting, then they are removed while still in buds so that the plant does not lose strength and takes root better.

This plant is widely used in the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia, as it tolerates winter cold well. For the harsh regions of the country, certain varieties of tree peony have been invented.

Advantages of tree peony varieties for growing in cold regions:

  • winter hardiness;
  • early flowering period;
  • fast growth.

Growing in open ground

This plant is no different rapid growth. The planting site should be chosen, avoiding swampy stagnation, drafts, nearby buildings and large trees.

Shrub peonies prefer light areas, because in the shade they stretch out, and therefore lose the roundness of the bush. In the cold regions of the country, in Siberia, the “Sapphire” species with a closed root system survives well.

Soil and location requirements

Decorative shrub peonies are planted on any type of soil. Choose drained, loose soil.

Peony trees cannot be tolerated:

  • moisture stagnation;
  • increased acidity;
  • drafts;
  • Shading more than 60% during a sunny day.

Planting a tree peony

The first stage in planting is how to choose a seedling:

  1. Pay attention to the root system - it should be healthy, not dried out, without rot.
  2. The plant has at least 2-3 woody branches.
  3. We need a seedling with dormant buds that have not yet begun to bloom.
  4. The optimal height of sprouts is about 20-30 cm, larger plant it will not take root well.

In order for the tree peony to take root well and take root, you must follow simple planting rules:

  • The size of the hole is not too big or small. Tree peonies have a superficial root system, the optimal hole size is 70x70 cm.
  • It is preferable to line the bottom with gravel, crushed stone, broken brick or other materials for drainage.
  • The soil for filling the hole is mixed with compost and inert flour.
  • The peony must be placed so that the root collar is level with the ground.
  • Then the sprout is covered with earth, compacted, and watered abundantly.

Planting in spring

The landing feature of this ornamental shrub in the spring is that you need to choose the period when severe spring frosts have passed. Despite the frost resistance of some varieties, young ones are not rooted permanent place Peonies are very vulnerable.

For successful engraftment, you can fertilize the plant when planting with nitrophoska, which promotes the growth of young branches.

Planting in autumn

When planting a sprout of a tree peony in the fall, it is necessary that the plant has time to take root before the first frost.

Following the basic recommendations when planting a tree peony, the plant should take root within two weeks. Peculiarity autumn landing thing is the soil around the peony must be mulched, and before the onset of the first frost young plantshelter for the winter.

Growing from seeds

This method is very long. Collected seeds must be sown in the season when they are ripe. The place of sowing is marked with something, since seedlings will appear after two seasons, and the first flowers can be seen after five years. Due to the slow growth and weak development of shrubs, this propagation method is used quite rarely.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Caring for tree peonies


Since peony bushes do not tolerate excess moisture, watering for full growth is done abundantly, but not frequently. Once every two weeks, 6 - 9 liters of water are poured under the bush. If there is a lack of moisture in the spring, the plant needs watering.

On a hot day summer period control the condition of the soil and prevent drying out. At the end of summer, irrigation is gradually reduced, completely eliminating additional watering.

Top dressing

Microelements that have a positive effect on the growth of tree peony:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • urea;
  • nitrogen (in small quantities).

The plant also loves fertilizers with organic means, such as:

  • wood ash;
  • compost;
  • bone flour.

Rules for fertilizing:

  • Carry out the procedure in the morning or evening.
  • Before applying fertilizer, water the bushes abundantly.
  • For autumn feeding use superphosphate or a solution of ash with water.


Tree peony is pruned before sap flow begins in the spring, as well as after the flowering period. How much to trim the curl depends on when the procedure is performed - in spring or autumn.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. In spring, dried branches are removed, old shoots are shortened to 10–15 cm.
  2. After the bushes bloom, the faded buds are torn off and the shoots are cut off, leaving two buds from the top.

This pruning forms a spherical bush and helps abundant flowering in subsequent seasons. In some types of tree peonies, the buds after flowering do not need to be cut off; spring pruning is sufficient.


Mature plants do not tolerate transplantation to another location well. They take a long time to get accustomed and get sick. Therefore, if you need to transplant a tree peony to a new place, then this area should be prepared in advance. Loosen the soil; if the acidity is high, add a little bone meal. And also the area should be free of drafts.

Pests and diseases

Tree peony is an unpretentious ornamental bush that is very rarely susceptible to disease.

The diseases that most often harm peonies are:

  1. brown spot;
  2. gray rot.

Treatment methods:

  • treatment of bushes with a solution of 1% potassium permanganate;
  • spraying with Bordeaux mixture;
  • If present, affected branches and leaves are removed.

Diseased peony leaf

Propagation of tree peonies

These flowering shrubs reproduce using the following methods:

  1. Dividing the bush. This is a common method when mature plant They dig up and shoots with roots are divided into several smaller bushes. Then the sprouts are planted. Since the peony does not like transplants, it takes a long time to take root by division and blooms in a few years.
  2. Cuttings. With this method, the main bush does not suffer. For propagation, cut shoots with buds are used in late spring. The cuttings are planted in the soil, covered with film, and regularly watered. By the end of autumn, the sprouts will take root, then you can replant.
  3. By layering. To propagate a peony by layering, part of the stem must be attached to the ground and covered with soil. In order for the cuttings to take root, it is necessary to water them periodically and not allow the soil to dry out.
  4. Vaccination. The method of propagating bush peonies by grafting is used for breeding new varieties. It is used as follows: a tree-like shoot is grafted onto the roots of an ordinary herbaceous peony. This method is used at the end of summer. After the shoots are engrafted to the root, they are grown for two years in greenhouses.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Care after flowering

To maintain vital activity and prevent diseases of the bushes, the peony must be regularly cared for.

Care includes:

  • remove weeds;
  • loosen the soil around the plants;
  • mulch the ground;
  • fertilize;
  • watered in a timely manner.

Preparing for winter

Despite the cold resistance of tree peonies, they need shelter for wintering.

Step-by-step preparation of tree peonies for winter:

  1. mulching the soil around the bush;
  2. the shoots are not tightly tied together;
  3. cover the branches when constant frost sets in;
  4. You can cover it with leaves, pine needles, spruce branches, bark.

Features of growing at home

The plant is unpretentious in growth and care, so every gardener can easily decorate his garden with it.

Growing rules:

  • To plant a home garden with decorative bush peonies, you need to choose a sunny place.
  • To make the bush look beautiful, it is pruned in the spring to form a lush crown.
  • In order for the plant to take root and not get sick, the soil should not be too oxidized and not excessively wet. Since these plants cannot tolerate stagnant water.
  • It is recommended to plant such peonies immediately in a permanent place of growth, since they are very difficult to tolerate transplantation.

Types and varieties of tree peonies

Abundantly flowering and beautiful tree peonies are hybrid plants that were bred and brought to us from China. The shrubs, which they liked for their beautiful and fragrant flowering, were bred by breeders in many varieties.

The most successful and widespread are the following varieties of peonies: sapphire, yin and yang, dragon, kinko, phoenix, Michelangelo, roca.

Kinko variety

Yin-Yang variety

Phoenix variety

Variety Dragon

Rock variety

Variety Sapphire

They differ from each other:

  • shapes and colors of flowers;
  • flower sizes;
  • cold tolerance;
  • flowering period;
  • growth rate.

Frequently asked questions from amateur gardeners

  • Why doesn't the tree peony bloom? This plant blooms once per season. The first flowering may appear on a three-year-old bush that grew in a permanent place. If the bush grows from seeds, it will bloom in 5–6 years.
  • Why doesn't the tree peony grow? These decorative shrubs grow very slowly, so it appears as if it is not growing at all. To support, fertilize the plant, then it will begin to develop faster.
  • What is the best way to preserve a tree peony before planting? If you already have a cutting, but it is too early to plant it, then you need to save the plant in the cellar, having previously treated the root sections with potassium permanganate or ash.
  • Is redness on the leaves normal? Redness on the leaves may be a reaction to increased light or lack of useful substances in the ground. It is necessary to fertilize the plant with phosphorus and potassium.

Tree peonies in landscape design

These decorative flowering shrubs go with all garden plants. They are planted in compositions and separately. Flowering looks very beautiful against the backdrop of evergreens.

If there is no preference and time for frequent care of garden plants, tree peony perfect solution for landscape design.

Reasons why a tree peony should be planted on the site:

  • Decorates with colorful flowers sunny plot garden or flower bed.
  • Combined with different types plants.
  • It is necessary to water, but not often; if the summer is rainy, then you won’t have to organize additional watering at all.

The photo shows examples of using tree peony in landscape design:


Any gardener can grow a tree peony. To do this, you need to follow simple rules and recommendations for planting and care.

Many gardeners would like to have a tree peony, planting and caring for which is not very difficult. But how to plant it correctly? perennial so that it pleases you with its flowering for decades? And does it need to be fertilized?

Tree peony, planting and caring for it in the garden

These flowers have always been popular due to their decorative value: their large elegant flowers, carved leaves and straight stems look great next to any plants. So the plant is perfect for decorating both the ground floor area and the background of the flower garden.

Surprisingly, this shrub is a long-liver in the garden. With proper care, this plant can delight you with its flowering for about fifty years. But the most important thing is to choose the right place for it. These are light-loving plants, but do not like drafts, wind and direct sun rays. Therefore, they need to be planted where there is light partial shade and no wind. In addition, peonies do not like stagnant water in the soil.

In China, tree peonies grow that are 500 years old. They are protected by law as historical monuments.

This is due to the fact that in the wild they grow on mountain slopes or in deciduous forests. Therefore, if on your site heavy soils, it is necessary to organize good drainage and add bone meal, lime or superphosphate to the soil. Want to plant several plants side by side? Make sure that the distance between them is at least one and a half meters.

Planting a tree peony in spring

The flower can be planted both in autumn and spring. But due to the fact that most of these plants are imported to us from China, the bulk enters our country in the spring. These plants are sold with an open root system, so that immediately after purchase they can be planted in a flower bed.

First you need to prepare a hole for planting, the depth of which should be about 70 centimeters. At the bottom of the pit, drainage should be made of sand, expanded clay or gravel (the thickness of the gravel layer should be approximately 30 centimeters). Thirty grams of lime can be added to acidic soil.

Having prepared the hole, you can start planting: the seedling should be installed in the hole with straightened roots, and its neck should be at soil level. After planting, the soil around the peony should be lightly compacted and watered thoroughly.

So, the entire planting can be divided into several stages:

  1. Choosing a place that is sunny and free of drafts.
  2. Preparing a hole slightly larger than the root system of the bush.
  3. Drainage.
  4. Top dressing, superphosphate in equal parts (can be replaced with ash), dolomite flour and potassium sulfate, a glass each.
  5. Adding compost must be mixed with the soil.
  6. Plant so that the root collar is level with the soil surface.
  7. Watering.
  8. Mulching with humus.

Proper care of tree peony

For two years after planting, the flower will not require any special care, but in the third year it will have to be fed with bone meal in early spring (about 350 grams of it is needed for each bush). You can also water the bushes a couple of times a week with an infusion of ash. And in mid-autumn, after the leaves have fallen, peat should be mulched around the bush.

To make it more convenient, you can divide the procedure for applying fertilizers into stages, but remember, this is only for bushes whose age is 3 years or more:

  • In early spring, nitrophoska is well suited for feeding, 100 grams per bush, just when young shoots begin to grow.
  • The same amount of nitrophoska will be used as fertilizer, but only when the buds begin to swell.
  • After flowering, you need to add superphosphate or wood ash, a glass on a bush.

All fertilizers should be applied not before watering, but after, this will reduce the likelihood of burns on the roots.

Application large quantity Nitrogen fertilizers for bushes can provoke the appearance of gray rot, from which the plant can die. So it's better to keep them to a minimum or not use them at all.

Watering is required not too often but good. Once every two weeks, 7-8 liters of water are poured under the bush. During drought, you need to water more often, or even better, after watering, mulch the soil around the bush.

Sheltering tree peonies for the winter

Before frost sets in, in our region this is mid-to-late October, the bushes are carefully tied together; in no case should you pull them too tightly so as not to damage the shoots. The soil is mulched with peat and covered with spruce branches.

The bushes themselves take shelter when the temperature becomes permanently below zero, so that they do not get too hot in the shelter. To do this, the bushes are tied with burlap or non-woven material and again cover themselves with spruce branches on top.

How to prune a tree peony

In the spring, before the plant awakens and begins to grow, you need to remove all old, broken branches. For old-timer bushes that are 20 years old, you can rejuvenate them by completely cutting out all the shoots, down to the base. This way you stimulate new adventitious buds to awaken.

If you prune sufficiently mature bushes in the spring to the first, uppermost axil, you can achieve more lush and intense flowering.

Tree peony propagation

Shrubs reproduce in several ways:

Transplanting tree peonies

Tree peonies do not like replanting. Sometimes they don’t bloom for several years, and many simply die. Therefore, this is rather a forced measure.

In order to transplant a peony to a new place, you need to try to remove it from the ground without damaging the roots, preferably with a large lump. Then shake off the soil a little with your hands and rinse off the residue with a hose.

All sections of the divisions, if you are planning to divide the bush, are processed carefully:

  1. A solution of potassium permanganate, dark cherry color.
  2. Charcoal.
  3. In a solution of clay mash.

Roots prepared in this way will be less susceptible to diseases and will quickly take root in a new place.

Diseases and pests of tree peonies

The tree peony practically does not get sick and does not suffer from pest invasion. It happens on newly transplanted, still weak bushes that pockets of gray rot appear.

In such cases, it is necessary to cut off all diseased shoots and burn them, and sprinkle the bush itself with copper sulfate 6%.

To prevent brown spot, plants are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Do you want to create an oasis of beauty in your garden by decorating a gazebo or mixborder with a spectacular plant? Then you shouldn’t be afraid to plant a tree peony on your site.

Detailed agricultural technology for growing tree peony, video

The tree peony flower is a hybrid form from the Peony family. There are about 500 species, most of which grow in China. It was Chinese breeders who were the first to begin breeding work on tree-like flowers. A little later the Japanese joined them. This representative was brought to Russia in the 18th century and immediately won the sympathy of gardeners.

Description of the flower

Chinese peonies have become popular and have taken root in many gardens. floriculture lovers. These lushly blooming oriental beauties can delight with their splendor for more than one year. Peonies are a semi-shrub crop that does not require annual planting. Since the shoots are covered with lignified bark during growth, they are not afraid of winter cold.

Deciduous-shrub type plant with stems growing up to 2 meters. True, this will require a long-term period. The stem is thick, erect, light brown in color. Unlike the herbaceous peony, they do not die off every year, but grow on the sides. The result is a bush in the shape of a sphere. It is distinguished by unusual openwork foliage, sometimes of a purple hue.

Lush trees can boast of special beauty large flowers, with a diameter of up to 20 cm. They are divided into terry, semi-double and simple. Colors abound in variety: white, red, pink, yellow, purple. There are even multi-colored ones. The flowering period of the tree peony begins a little earlier than that of the herbaceous peony. The older the peony tree becomes, the more flowers bloom on it.

Types and varieties

For all cultivated peony varieties, the following varieties became the primary source: Lemoina, yellow, Dalaveya, Potanina. All varieties are divided into three main groups:

  • Chinese-European - all varieties have volumetric, double flowers, drooping under their own weight. Color varies from pale pink to purple.
  • Japanese - stand out for their lush and airy flowers, small in size.
  • Hybrid - a mixture of Dalaway peony and yellow. Valued for the bright yellow color of the flowers.

Care indoor gerbera at home

They are in particular demand among gardeners These varieties of tree peony:

  • Kiao sisters - the flowers have a two-color color: white and red. Bud diameter up to 17 cm.
  • Sapphire is an unusual flowering bush, with many pink inflorescences and a crimson center. Size - about 18 cm.
  • Coral altar - has two-color, crown caps, up to 20 cm in diameter. White color alternates with salmon.
  • Green Jade - original flowers in the form of buds, greenish tint.

All representatives are frost-resistant and unpretentious in care. They can delight with their beauty up to 50 years. Even if the roots are severely frozen, they do not die, they just stop blooming for two years.

Planting and growing

Tree peony is planted in late summer or autumn. First of all, choose most appropriate place . In this case, it is better to place the plantings on a well-lit, mountainous area. Away from anything that might cast a shadow. Preference is given to a loamy substrate, which includes: peat, humus, turf and clay. In addition, the soil is flavored with sand and mineral inclusions.

Try to avoid getting close to the surface, groundwater. If this does not work, then gravel drainage is placed at the bottom of the cone-shaped pit. A layer of earth is poured on top. The roots are placed on top and moistened generously with water. Do this until the roots are completely straightened. Sprinkle the plant up to the root collar. If the environment is acidic, it is better to add a little lime. Seedlings are located at a distance of at least 1.5 meters between themselves.

Growing tree peonies from seeds is troublesome and not always successful. In this case, flowering occurs only after 5 years. The germination rate is low. Before sowing, the seeds must undergo double stratification: warm and cold. Only this step will not give a 100% guarantee of high germination.

Growing freesia at home and in a flower bed

Gallery: tree peony (25 photos)

Tree peony care

If a tree peony does not bloom, although it was planted more than one year ago, then this is a consequence incorrect landing or care. If there is no information about caring for a tree peony, then caring for a herbaceous peony can be taken as a basis. The normative list is considered to be:

Gardeners should know that tree peonies are the highest consumers of fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. They need nitrogen during the initial growing season. At the bud setting stage and until the end of the growing season, fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus will be required. It is just not recommended to overdo it with nitrogen. This leads to gray mold disease. To prevent the roots from getting burned, before fertilizing, the soil is moistened abundantly with water.

Pruning must be done every spring: dried shoots are removed, old shoots are shortened. Chinese gardeners prune their peonies every 20 years to ground level. This renews the plant and gives more luxuriant growth and flowering. We recommend doing the same. This procedure determines how long the peonies will live and thrive on your site. With proper care, tree peonies live for about 100 years. There are even 500-year-old peonies in China.

Despite their increased vitality, flowers do not tolerate transplantation well. Many begin to get sick and waste away, cannot recover for several years. If such a need arises, then be careful with the root system. The roots are captured along with a lump of earth. Carefully clean with a stream of water and inspect for affected areas. Diseased roots are removed and sprinkled with crushed coal.

Indoor geranium: features of cultivation and care

Reproduction methods

Reproduction occurs: by dividing the bush, layering, grafting and cuttings. When dividing, the bush is carefully stretched into pieces in the area of ​​the root collar. When cutting forcibly, bare areas are processed. Before planting, each section is immersed in clay mixture. Only adult bushes that are at least 5-6 years old are suitable for this method.

For cuttings choose only woody shoots, with several buds. The leaves are shortened by half. The cuttings are immersed in a peat-sand composition, watered and covered with film. This procedure is carried out in June and care continues until September. On winter period they are planted in separate pots and kept in the greenhouse until next spring. With the first warmth, you can transfer peonies to open ground.

Duration of propagation by layering is 2 years. In May, low-lying branches are selected, partial cuts are made and sprinkled with earth. For fixation, insert a peg. In the fall, after the shoots have rooted, they are separated from the uterus and planted separately. There is another way, although it is ineffective. The shoots are also cut and wrapped with damp moss and polyethylene.

IN industrial production and in private gardening, the most common option is propagation by grafting. To do this, take a cutting with two developed buds on the surface. One end is sharpened into a wedge and inserted into the root system. The junction is wrapped with film. Grafted peony placed in a box with sawdust, regularly moistened. Stored in greenhouse conditions. After one month, the cuttings are rooted in separate containers. The duration of complete survival is from one to two years.

Diseases and pests

The tree peony is not a sissy plant; it resists any disease. Only this attack can overcome him. This happens when poor care, as well as during transplantation. Gray mold damage is common. Then you need to spray the entire above-ground part with a solution of copper sulfate. Leaves that cannot be saved are removed and burned.

Miracle flowers in the Middle Kingdom, which were cultivated 1500 years ago, are considered the embodiment of beauty, and in Japan - a symbol of well-being.

This magnificent plant is quite unpretentious, so any gardener can grow a tree peony. The height of the bushes reaches 1.5 meters, and in southern regions higher.

Large semi-double or double flowers can be snow-white, soft pink and yellow, purple and bright scarlet, and also colored in several tones.

During the flowering period, the garden will look simply amazing, and then the main decoration will be the openwork dense foliage.

Varieties and hybrids

Among the numerous varieties, and there are almost 500 of them, even the most demanding gardener will find an option to his liking. Every year new varieties and hybrid forms appear. Conventionally, varieties are divided into the following broad groups:

Sino-European with voluminous double inflorescences that bend under the weight of the flowers. Shades of varietal forms range from pale pink to rich fuchsia.

Japanese - almost weightless, light inflorescences, semi-double or non-double, attached to powerful peduncles.

Hybrids of Delaway and yellow peony. Perhaps the most popular group with excellent specimens of sunny color. Among herbaceous peonies there are very few similar shades.

The culture was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Today, practice shows that foreign varieties delivered from Poland or China do not adapt particularly successfully to our climate and most often die. But there are domestic varieties bred by Russian breeders. The most decorative of them: Tatiana, Muse, Stefan, Vorobyovsky, Peter the Great, Hoffmann and others. All of them tolerate frost well and take root without problems even in the gardens of Siberia.

TO the best varieties, bred by foreign breeders, include such as Argosy, Demetra, Canary, (yellow), Vesuvlan, Kronos, Ariadne, Hephestos (red), Floral Rivalry, Mystery, Raphael, Leda, (pink), Large Globe, Flight of Cranes (white), Shimanishiki (tri-color).

Representatives of the Sisters Kiao variety have half of the inflorescences deep scarlet, the other half snow-white cream. The Sapphire variety is distinguished by a crimson center surrounded by pink petals; the bush can have up to 50 buds at the same time. The charming inflorescences of the Coral variety combine white and salmon shades.

Ito hybrids are also commercially available. These interspecific hybrid forms were named after the Japanese breeder Toichi Ito. It was he who first tried to cross a tree and herbaceous peony, which was previously considered impossible. The result was a sensation - itoh hybrids inherited foliage from tree-like ones, but in the winter their stems die off, like ordinary ones.

Planting a tree peony in autumn

The best time for planting is the second half of August and until the end of September. In one place, a bush can grow without transplantation for several decades, so preparation should be taken carefully. It is better to choose a site that is sunny and on a small hill, away from buildings, so that dense shadow does not fall on the plantings.

If the soil is sandy, it is recommended to add a little clay, humus, as well as a mixture of peat and turf soil. Clay soil improve by adding sand and add organic fertilizers. It is advisable to improve acidic soil with bone meal, 300 grams is enough.

Place drainage at the bottom of the planting hole, for example, a little broken bricks or gravel. Carefully place the peony in a hole lightly covered with soil and water it generously so that the roots of the plant spread out well. As soon as the water is absorbed, you can fill the hole completely, but the root collar should remain at soil level, and the grafting site should be underground at a depth of 10-15 cm. This planting promotes the rapid formation of roots.

If you place the seedling at a slight angle when planting, then this method will allow you to get more lush bush, as it will contribute to more intensive development of the main shoots.

The technology for planting ito hybrids is similar to herbaceous peonies, only the regrowth bud should be 5 cm below the soil surface.

When planting tree peonies in groups, the seedlings are placed at a distance of 1.5 meters, no closer.

Basic rules of care

There is nothing difficult about growing tree peony. It requires traditional measures: regular watering, loosening the soil after moistening, weeding. Each adult bush “drinks” 6-7 liters of water. In hot weather they water more often, but already in August it is necessary to gradually reduce moisture and then completely stop watering.

Loosen the soil within a radius of half a meter around the trunk, while the depth of loosening should not exceed 5 cm. The soil near the bushes can be mulched with humus.

Top dressing

These flowering plants especially need nitrogen and potassium. It is important to feed them with nitrogen at the beginning of the growing season, and when the buds begin to form, it is advisable to add phosphorus and potassium. During the flowering period, nitrogen is added again, but in moderation, otherwise gray rot may develop. Before applying fertilizer, the plantings are watered thoroughly, then the roots of the peonies will not get burned.


Bushes are pruned every spring, because this procedure allows you to increase the life expectancy of plants. Dried shoots must be removed, old shoots must be shortened to about 10 cm. In China, tree-like peonies are successfully rejuvenated by cutting them almost to ground level, so the buds at the base awaken. If you want your bushes to bloom more abundantly next year, cut the shoots to the level of the uppermost axillary bud.


Replanting a tree peony can be extremely stressful. After this, the bushes sometimes get sick year after year and recover extremely poorly. Therefore, it is advisable to minimize injuries to the root system - dig up the plant with a lump of soil and then carefully wash off the soil from the roots with a gentle stream of water. The roots affected by the disease are removed; those that are too long can be trimmed. Don’t forget to treat the cuts with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle them with crushed coal.


If the bush is sick with gray rot, which more often happens with weakened transplants or old peonies, then spraying will help. For treatment, use a solution of copper sulfate (6-7%) or potassium permanganate (3 grams per 10 liters of water). In case of brown spot, it is better to immediately burn the affected leaves so that the disease does not spread, after which the plantings are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1% solution).

Preparing for winter

Most domestic varieties tolerate winters well and are not afraid of frost, but they can be destroyed by a spring thaw. The buds awaken prematurely and die from subsequent frosts. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to tie the stems in October, mulch the soil with peat, and build a shelter-hut closer to winter. Spruce branches, pieces of bark, dry leaves or jute bags are suitable for this. Then the winter will pass without problems.

If you grow a tree peony in good conditions, then it can grow in one place for up to 100 years. The older the bush, the more abundant its flowering.


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