Sweet pea planting and care. All the intricacies of growing sweet peas

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Decorating your garden with a delicately blooming and fragrant flower will not be difficult. Sweet peas will look great in any corner of your garden, entwining supports with a weightless veil and filling the air with a subtle aroma.

Growing from seeds - natural way reproduction sweet pea. There are two options here:

The first method is quite labor-intensive. Experts say that it is undesirable to grow peas as seedlings.

Firstly, there is little light on the windowsill and young shoots will be strongly stretched. Secondly, there will be difficulties with planting seedlings in the ground. The fact is that sweet peas have a powerful root system and when replanting you need to try not to break earthen lump. Otherwise roots may be damaged, and the plant will die.

It should also be noted that the stems of young plants are very fragile. You risk breaking it during transplantation.

The second method also has its own nuances. flower seeds have good germination. At the same time, their shell is too strong. For germination it is necessary long time, and they sprout unevenly.

Many gardeners resort to various tricks: soaking the seeds, cutting the shell, rubbing sandpaper.

Deadlines for planting

When to plant annual sweet peas depends on the climate conditions in your region, as well as the plant variety. Different types have different frost resistance.

The moment of disembarkation itself should not be postponed. The growing season of this flower is long - about two to three months. Therefore, the sooner you plant sweet peas, the sooner they will please you abundant flowering and a unique aroma.

In conditions mild subtropical climate You can plant the plant in the ground in November. IN moderate climate, it is better to plant sweet peas in early spring.

In conditions harsh Russian winters The planting dates are moving towards February. Only you need to plant it not in open ground, but in the form of seedlings. After the snow melts, seedlings should be planted permanent place. Seeds are sown in open ground in late April-early May.

How to plant correctly

Soil preparation

If you decide to grow sweet peas using seedlings, you will need to prepare the soil for planting in advance. To do this, it’s still necessary in the fall prepare garden soil.

It is better to do this before the first frost. Store the excavated soil on the balcony or in another cold place throughout the winter.

A week before the intended planting, the soil needs to be brought into a warm room, you can put it next to the radiator so that it warms up.

Before planting seeds, mix it with peat soil for seedlings. After this, all that remains is to fill the boxes or cups with the resulting soil, water them generously and place them on a warm windowsill. You can start preparing the seeds.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare seeds in several ways:

  • seeds carefully wipe between layers of sandpaper to weaken their natural shell
  • cut with small scissors the surface of the seed to facilitate its germination
  • soak them before boarding

To soak the seeds, each variety of sweet pea is placed in a separate container, after which they are poured hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Before soaking, pay attention to the color of the seeds. Light brown seeds may die if soaked! It is better to plant them dry.

After a day, the water is drained and the seeds are covered with a damp cloth or cotton pad. With regular moistening of the napkin, seedlings appear in 5-10 days. Now the seeds can be planted.


Depending on the method of planting the plant, you need to plant either seedlings or germinated seeds in the ground.

The advantage of planting pea seedlings is its early flowering.

When favorable weather without frost sets in, sweet pea seedlings can be transplanted into the ground. To prevent the soil from falling off the roots of the plant, the seedlings are watered abundantly and the walls of the cup are cut to successfully remove the root system along with the earthen lump.

At the planting site, make depressions at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. The seedlings are placed in these depressions, covered with earth and compacting the surface.

For young plants, it is better to immediately place supports, since the stems are very fragile. You may need some shade from the bright sun at first.

When planting sweet pea seeds directly into the ground, proceed as follows. After the snow melts, if the ground has warmed up enough, the seeds sow 2-3 pieces at once into the ground.

Make 2-3 cm depressions in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Prepared germinated plant seeds are planted in them.

Rules for caring for the plant after planting

For intensive growth and lush flowering After planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

First of all, this concerns watering. Sweet peas love water, but does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water. It is recommended to water abundantly, but not too often. 1-2 times a week is enough.

Typically, three feedings are made for this flower.

  1. After the first shoots appear, use complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. At the beginning of budding, fertilizing is necessary, for example, Agricola.
  3. During flowering, fertilizer for flowering plants.

To adapt seedlings when planting seedlings, young plants should be shaded for several days. Then provide access to sunlight for at least 5-6 hours a day.

When planting sweet peas in a shaded area, flowering should be expected later and less abundant.

Young shoots need a garter. It is recommended to use twine or mesh as support. When tying, you can control the direction of plant growth and direct it in the desired direction.

Does it need to be trimmed?

This plant does not require pruning of branches, as it is a climbing plant with flexible stems that can be directed in the direction of growth. But for lush flowering, it is necessary to remove faded buds in time. This will ensure longer flowering until late autumn.

At the end of flowering, before winter the plant cut at the root and covered with sawdust for insulation.
Growing sweet peas is not as labor-intensive as it might seem at first glance. A little care and maintenance is enough for this plant to bloom abundantly and fragrantly.

Sweet pea (sweet pea) is nothing more than a fast-growing vine. A plant from the legume family, reproduces exclusively by seeds. Topic of the article: Annual sweet pea growing from seeds. There were cases when seeds did not germinate in the first year and were forgotten about. On next year they pleased the eye with their shoots. By the end of the season, being already an adult, it reaches a height of two meters. Dwarf varieties grow no higher than 40 cm.

Description of the plant, photo

The plant has thin ribbed stems, a pair of leaves, and tendrils at their ends. Thanks to its antennae, it clings to a support and grows upward, towards the sun. Initially, you need to monitor, guide, and also tie up in time. Dwarf species of sweet pea are also known. Their height reaches 40 cm. Such plants can decorate any window or balcony of a city dweller. They can be planted along the edges of flower beds in suburban areas.

The flower of the plant is very beautiful, it has a very delicate inflorescence, thanks to which an ordinary garden plot becomes like a real one paradise. The flowers are collected in large clusters, the peduncles are long and leafless.

The flower has a corolla and five brightly colored moth-like petals. The upper petal of the flower is the largest, its diameter is up to 6 cm. It is called “sail”. The two lower petals resemble a “boat”, and the “oars” form the two middle petals. The flower remains beautiful and fresh for up to 5 days.

The fruit of a plant of the legume family, naturally, is a bean. Only a few round seeds ripen inside the fruit. At proper storage seeds, observing permissible humidity And temperature regime, their germination lasts up to 8 years.

Seeds are not always formed after flowering. The reason for this is the sharp change in temperature, both at night and during the day. Despite the fact that the china is not afraid of cold weather, the buds react strongly to changes in day and night temperatures. The buds and flowers fall off, the ovary does not occur. In addition to a sudden change in temperature, the cause may be improper care behind the flower.

There are many varieties of this plant known. They differ not only in the shape, size and color of the flower. You can choose the shade of the petals to your liking, thanks to the wide color palette. The plant is climbing, capable of entwining and thereby decorating any support with a real weightless carpet.

A delicate, refreshing aroma comes from the inflorescences of the plant. It fills the air not only in yours suburban area, but also in nearby areas. In addition to the tall plant, there are dwarf varieties sweet pea. The color of the flowers in each variety is different.

Benefits of growing sweet peas

Among summer residents, sweet peas are very popular. It has a lot of undeniable advantages, among which unpretentiousness stands out. Despite this, experienced gardeners give a number of tips that will help novice gardeners grow such a wonderful plant as sweet peas.

It is planted on balconies or loggias for landscaping purposes. A box with soil is suitable for planting; you should always remember to water the plant. Sweet peas, with their delicate flowers, will decorate any home of a city dweller: be it a balcony, loggia or window sill. And for the summer resident it will be the tallest, beautiful flower Location on. The aroma of its flowers can cheer up not only you and your family, but also your guests and beloved neighbors.

Know! Anyone can grow sweet peas.

The benefits of sweet pea include:

  1. The height of the plant, thanks to which at any garden plot can be done decorative screen emitting a wonderful aroma.
  2. Sweet peas climb well, they will decorate a nondescript wall of any building on the site, or serve as a weightless fence or partition. A comfortable, diffused shadow is obtained thanks to its weaving - this is very important on a hot and sunny day.
  3. Unpretentiousness - grows not only in the shade, but also in the scorching sun. Able to withstand frost down to -5ºС.
  4. Low-growing varieties do not need additional support.
  5. High growth rate (when compared with perennial vines).
  6. For annual plant The flowering period, it should be noted, is long, almost three months.
  7. Possibility to grow it on the balcony of a city apartment or on a country plot. The southeast side will be favorable.
  8. If you make a bouquet of pea flowers, it will look great and stay fresh for a long time.

Under what conditions does sweet pea grow?

Sweet peas are very popular, they are known and grown in different climatic zones. The plant prefers open, windless places where the soil is moist and drained.

You need to carefully monitor watering, avoid drying out and waterlogging. Clay soil and overwatering can cause disease and then death of the flower. Dry soil is unable to provide moisture to the root system.

Without moisture, the plant may dry out. Peas also do not like temperature changes. He warns about this by dropping buds and petals. This period is disastrous for him.

Sweet peas need to be planted in previously prepared soil, where their root system will develop normally. The soil should have neutral acidity. To reduce the acidity of the soil, liming will need to be done in advance.

It’s not difficult to prepare the soil yourself, the main thing is not to forget to add compost, potassium and phosphate fertilizer. Compost must be placed in the soil to a depth of 15-30 cm, but this is by no means manure.

It is important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers can destroy the plant!

If the soil is being prepared for planting seeds for seedlings, then it should remain in the room where the seedlings will grow for some time. The earth just needs to warm up to room temperature. Then it is specially prepared, and then the seeds are sown.

Timing of sowing seeds

Before planting this plant, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the conditions that will be optimal for its growth. If you decide, then there is no need to delay planting the plant, since its growing season is generally only three months. The sooner you plant an annual, the sooner it will delight you with its flowering.

For each climate zone, this plant is planted in different time. If it is recommended to plant sweet peas in the spring in your climate zone, then prerequisite the soil will be heated to a sufficient depth. Otherwise, the seeds will simply freeze. You can prepare for this process in advance and grow seedlings.

Important! Plant only in warm soil. If the winter is very harsh and protracted, then it is recommended to plant sweet peas in a greenhouse or any other enclosed space.

City dwellers manage to do this in an apartment or on a balcony. The main condition is compliance with the temperature regime, which will be favorable for the flower.

If the climate is moderate, they begin to think about planting at the end of April, beginning of May. We are talking about planting seeds in open ground. The soil has warmed up, which means the seeds should not freeze. Thanks to warmth and precipitation, seeds germinate quickly. Soon the tree begins to bloom.

How to prepare seeds for planting

As you know, seeds have a fairly hard shell. Experienced gardeners easily discover the secrets of preparing seeds for planting. Seeds that do not “hatch” after soaking must be further processed. To do this, you will need a whole set of tools: a small knife or manicure scissors, an awl or needle and sandpaper.

Using sandpaper, the seeds are rubbed or, with a little effort, rolled over the paper. This action will make the shell a little thinner and softer. Using nail scissors or a knife, each grain needs to be cut, and a needle or awl can be pierced. The presence of a hard shell on pea seeds is not a reason to refuse to plant this plant on your site.

If you bought grayish-brown or brown pea seeds, you need to soak them before planting. Seeds that are light cream in color can be dispensed with without soaking. They are planted in the ground dry. Don't mix anything up.

It is not recommended to combine seeds of different varieties. They are placed in different containers and filled with warm or hot water for about a day. Seeds that float can be safely thrown away, as they are empty and will not sprout.

The container with seeds should be temporarily removed in a warm place where it is dark. After a day, the water is drained and the seeds are covered with a damp cloth. You need to ensure that the fabric does not dry out. Instead of fabric for seeds, sawdust or moistened sand is suitable. If you observe the temperature regime, you will see seedlings within one to two weeks. Sprouted seeds should be planted immediately.

Important! Do not let the seeds dry out - moisten the soil in time.

Planting and growing annuals

To get a sweet pea plant, you need to buy seeds - it reproduces only by seeds. It can be grown both from seeds and from seedlings. Each method has its own advantages.

Sweet peas can be planted in open ground only after the snow has melted and the ground has warmed up sufficiently. Holes are made on a selected plot of land, 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 10-20 cm. 2-3 peas are placed in each hole, the hole is covered with earth, and regularly watered abundantly. Abundant watering is very important for future flowers and for the development of their root system.

Important! Be sure to properly prepare your sweet pea seeds before planting.

To grow china seedlings, you need to prepare soil mixture. It is used to fill deep narrow containers, which can be used as plastic cups or peat pots. A depression is made in the container, 2-3 “seeds” are placed in it, covered with earth and, as in the previous case, watered abundantly for two whole weeks. Do not bury the seeds deeply - you will have to wait a long time for germination.

The temperature for growing seedlings should be at least 15 degrees. IN sunny weather, seedlings are taken out to indoor balcony in the sun, for hardening. As the air outside warms up, the balcony is opened.

The time the seedlings spend in the air increases every day. It is necessary to fertilize the plant a couple of times to stimulate growth. After some time, if the seedlings grow in plastic cups, it will be noticeable how the root of the sweet peas tightly entwines the ground.

When the future seedlings “throw out” a couple of leaves, the growing point is pinched. Do the same with the side shoots, then add fertilizer. This is done so that the flower grows its root mass, and the plant itself becomes like a bush. Thanks to its strong root system, the flower can reach tall, neither fall nor break if tied up.

Sweet pea seedlings should be planted in open ground at the end of May. The day before planting seedlings, it is better not to water them. This way it can be painlessly pulled out of the cup and replanted on the ground without damaging the root.

Planting in open ground and care

Areas that are protected from the wind are suitable for planting sweet peas. Having planted seedlings in open ground, for the first two to three days they need to be covered with something from direct sunlight, and artificial shade must be made.

This period is very important for seedlings - they must “get over the disease”, their growth stops. But if everything is done correctly, then within a week the annual will come to life, new, more powerful shoots will appear on it. The root system will have the opportunity for further growth and strengthening in open ground.

A flower that is planted in open ground needs regular weeding and abundant watering. Weeding needs to be done to rid it of its neighbors - weeds. After rain, weeding is necessary to prevent the formation of a “crust” of dry soil, which prevents oxygen from entering the soil.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the supports on which it will rest. climbing plant. You can use a net or string as a support. The shoots of the flower, as it grows, need to be oriented in in the right direction, don’t forget to tie it up.

During the growth process, the plant will need a nutrient substrate as a supplement. It is added after hilling sweet peas to stimulate the development of adventitious shoots.

In order for sweet peas to bloom for a long time and please the eye in your garden, you need to do the following: pruning, and also removing faded twigs and dry leaves. If you don’t do this, flowering will end in a month.

To obtain seeds, you need to leave a few pods on each annual bush. In order for the seeds to fully ripen, there must be enough sunlight and heat. The area where the flower grows must be protected from drafts.

Attention! If you want to get seeds, create the conditions.

Don't forget about proper watering. If a flower is flooded, it can be affected by various diseases, including root rot. Garden pests may also appear: snails, slugs. This cannot be allowed to happen. It is very difficult to fight them.

If you properly care for sweet peas and follow all the recommendations, the plant will certainly delight you and your guests with its flowering all summer long.

Soil, fertilizing

Sweet peas grow well on fertile soil, to which fresh organic fertilizers are not added. In order for the plant to feel great on the balcony, it needs to be planted in deeper containers. And everything is done to ensure that the growing root system develops correctly.

Poorly fertilized soil negatively affects the flowering of annuals. If the soil is fertilized above the norm, then an increase in green mass occurs. Flowering occurs later than always, the number of flowers is small. There are practically no seeds.

The plant needs to be fed and watered regularly. It is recommended to use as a top dressing mineral fertilizers, which have a low nitrogen content.

Seedlings planted on the ground receive their first feeding after a week. To do this, you will need a bucket of water with urea and nitrophoska dissolved in it. One tablespoon of urea and nitrophoska per bucket of water is enough. The flower will need a second feeding when it begins to bloom. The third feeding is during the period of vigorous flowering.

Know! Thanks to feeding, the annual will delight you with its blooms all summer long.

Soil fertility has a beneficial effect on most leguminous plants. These include the fragrant china. In the process of decomposition of the remains of the root system, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Thus, the plant is able to provide itself with nitrogen. It is not recommended to plant sweet peas in one place for more than two years in a row. Experts say that it will not bloom beautifully.

Sweet pea is not a capricious plant, this is not difficult to understand. Need to create optimal conditions, taking into account some features.

  1. Planting peas using seeds is much easier than planting seedlings. Seedlings are capricious; they need time to “get over it.” The plant has a good root system that goes very deep into the soil.
  2. Replanting it without damaging the root system is almost impossible. The plant grows quickly, and it is possible that its stems may be damaged or broken during replanting. If you decide to plant sweet peas on open ground seedlings, then you need to replant them together with an earthen pot.
  3. Peas have a dense seed coat, which causes uneven germination. Professionals, trying to speed up the process, came up with little tricks: the seeds are pre-soaked, rubbed with sandpaper, and cut.
  4. Fast growth. To weave it in a timely manner, you need to install the mesh or supports in time. It is recommended to tie the plant during growth.
  5. The root system of sweet peas is well developed and goes deep into the soil. Therefore, watering should be abundant and regular.

China fragrant and traditional medicine

The healing properties of the annual plant have not been fully studied. ethnoscience has been using it for a long time. It strengthens the immune system, helps with colds and vitamin deficiency. For insomnia, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of pea tubers is prepared. Tincture of the plant treats respiratory tract disease. It has a good expectorant effect.


Sweet peas are easy to care for and beautiful plant. It is very popular among experienced gardeners. An annual flower, not capricious. Anyone can grow it, despite the number of recommendations. The beauty and tenderness of flowers, pleasant aroma will cheer you up and relieve any pain. You will definitely like the sweet pea plant!

For decoration personal plot Sweet peas are perfect. Its amazing bright flowers always attract attention and delight. Inhaling the pleasant aroma they exude, you forget about everything. As you guessed, dear summer residents and, the hero of our story today - sweet pea. Growing from seeds, when to plant, photos and descriptions - all this is in the article.

Why should you plant sweet peas?

1. Highly decorative. This plant is loved most for its extraordinary beauty. Although the development of new varieties was quite slow, today there are a lot of them. They differ in everything: the color and shape of the flowers, the structure of the bush (short and curly). Each gardener can choose according to his taste. Having planted different varieties mixed together, you will get a real rainbow on your site, as shown in the photo.

2. Duration of flowering. This is an undeniable advantage of sweet peas. At the right approach When grown, you can ensure that it blooms for most of the season. This beautiful representative of the flora tolerates light frosts well, so you can plant it early.
3. Bright aroma. A bonus to the colorful picture created by sweet peas on the plot is an indescribable aroma!

The photo shows options for planting sweet peas

Growing sweet pea seedlings - yes or no?

Some gardeners unequivocally argue that growing sweet peas through seedlings is an unjustified expenditure of effort. The plant does not withstand transplantation well due to the structural features of the root system and the fragility of the stems.

On the other hand, non-seedling cultivation of climbing varieties of sweet peas leads to late flowering - in the second half of summer. Of course, everyone wants to see such beauty from the very beginning of summer, therefore, despite the problems with transplantation, many gardeners still take on growing seedlings. If you want to collect seeds, then you most likely cannot do without seedlings.

When growing sweet peas without seedlings, you may not be able to collect the seeds.

Preparing seeds for planting

Regardless of whether you plant seeds in seedling cups or directly in open ground, they need to be properly prepared. Flower growers advise soaking them and waiting for them to hatch. This is especially important when using purchased seeds, the quality of which may be questionable. During soaking, it is easy to control the process and see which seeds are worth pinning your hopes on and which ones will not sprout at all.

First, the seeds must be filled with water for a day to swell. Then the water should be drained, and the seeds should be wrapped in a dampened cloth, wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a warm place. Those that sprout can be sown, the rest can be discarded or you can try to germinate again.

Growing sweet pea seedlings

If you still decide to strain your strength to grow seedlings and get early flowering of sweet peas, then following tips you will definitely need:

For sowing you need small but deep containers. These can be disposable 200 gram cups. The roots in such a container will densely entwine the earthen ball, and it will not collapse during transplantation. In smaller containers, the soil will dry out quickly, and a poorly developed root will slow down the development of seedlings.
Immediately after emergence, transfer the container to a bright but cool place. Good fit glass balcony. If the only option is a window sill, then you need to open the window often. In April, the daylight hours are long enough so that allspice seedlings do not experience an urgent need for additional lighting.
At the moment of full development of two true leaves of plants, the growing point must be removed. Side shoots can also be cut off, leaving two leaves. This measure will contribute to the active development of the root system.
If you also grow seedlings of other crops, you should not rely on them in the frequency of watering. Remember, sweet peas require much more moisture than other vegetables and ornamental crops. Don't let the ground underneath dry out.
Plant plants in open ground at the age of one month - by this time suitable running conditions should have arrived. Even if there are frosts at the end of April or at the beginning of May, they are small, so sweet peas can easily survive them.
When planting, make every effort not to destroy the earthen lump and break the delicate stems of the plant. For a couple of days, if possible, create a small shadow over the sprouts.

And now about when to plant the crop. It is ideal to sow allspice seeds for seedlings in early April. There is no need to rush into planting in winter. This will produce thin and weak seedlings.

How and when to plant seeds in open ground

Planting sweet pea seeds in open ground is a more common way of growing the crop. If the selected variety is perennial, this will only have to be done once every few years. To the question - when to plant, we answer: in May. And to the question - how to plant, we give recommendations:

Dig holes 3 cm deep at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.
Place 3 seeds in each hole.
The soil definitely needs to be watered.

Caring for allspice, photo

It's time to talk about caring for allspice in the open field. Check out the basic tips from flower growers.

Watering. As already noted, sweet peas are demanding when it comes to watering. It quickly absorbs water from the ground. We must warn you - if you appear on your site rarely, then magnificently flowering plant you can't grow it. And one more nuance: the bushes from which you plan to collect seeds need to be watered much less frequently.

Feeding. By and large, sweet peas can do without additional nutrition. But by adding fertilizer to the soil, you will achieve more lush and long flowering. If you decide to fertilize, choose fertilizers without chlorine and do not get carried away with nitrogenous fertilizers.

They have rightfully become the favorite vines of most gardeners. And this is quite understandable. The plant is considered fast-growing, pleasing to the eye with beautiful flowering and exudes a stunning aroma.

Sweet peas are mainly planted for vertical decoration, although emerging varieties are now becoming popular low-growing varieties. Lianas, on average, can stretch up to two to three meters, and low varieties - up to 40 cm. Sweet peas - ornamental plant with flowers collected in inflorescences resembling butterflies with spread wings. They have a large set various colors and a pleasant aroma.

Sweet peas are planted by seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the seeds, sown in boxes or in bowls with soil fertilized with organic matter.

Sweet peas, the planting and care of which are quite traditional, should be sown in March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for a day, the dense shell is removed from the seed to speed up germination. In the third decade of May, the seedlings are transplanted at a small (30 cm) distance from each other. You need to dig it out carefully so that the earthen ball on the roots of the plant does not crumble.

Sweet pea. Planting and care on the ground

Planting in the ground requires the fulfillment of several requirements:

  • the soil should be light, well dug and fertilized with organic matter;
  • the plant loves moisture, it should be watered abundantly, but rarely (in drought - once a week);
  • when watering, the soil must be soaked deeply (the flower is quite moisture-resistant, but severe drought causes wilting and loss of color);
  • young seedlings need to be pinched on the third leaf in order to stimulate the growth of side shoots;
  • feeding of both seedlings and young shoots is carried out;
  • The flower needs crop rotation; it should be returned to its original place after five years.

65 days after germination and before the first frost, sweet peas bloom. Planting and care, done correctly, will give amazing results. beautiful flower garden. The plant achieves its greatest decorative effect in areas treated with sun rays, with deeply watered and fertilized soils. You can use it to create pyramids on lawns, decorate balconies and cuttings.

Top dressing

Three feedings are done. The first is the beginning of the growth of stems. For feeding, take a tablespoon of urea and nitrophoska per 10-liter bucket. The second is when flowers appear. Take a tablespoon of Agricola-7 and sulfate per 10-liter bucket.
The third is later, during flowering. Organic fertilizers “Agricola for flowering plants” and “Rossa” are taken and diluted in 10 liters of water. Up to four liters of fertilizer are consumed per 1 m2.

Sweet pea. Planting and care, pests

The most common are false and true brown spot, blackleg, aphids and nodule weevils. To prevent disease powdery mildew Before flowering, you should spray the plant with “Topaz”, diluting one ampoule of it in 10 liters of water. But against spotting and blackleg, the preparations “Fitoverm” and “Iskra” will work.

And let the world around you become a little more beautiful!

perennial, which can please the eye for a long time, is unpretentious in planting and care. A variety of sweet pea varieties will play bright colors all the colors of the rainbow.

Sweet peas in the garden will be fragrant and decorate until the onset of hard frost. If you have unattractive areas of your hedge, polka dots can help close that gap quickly.

Looks great when decorating houses, gazebos, green corridors. Planting a plant and achieving results is not so difficult. Peas are not at all picky about the climate, but there are some points that are worth paying attention to, which are discussed below in the article.

Planting sweet peas for seedlings

Like many other plants cultivated in front gardens, sweet peas too better to plant seedlings. To get started, purchase the seeds of a plant that you like.

Planting time plays an important role. When choosing the time to plant seeds for seedlings, the climate in which you live plays a role.

If the soil in your region does not freeze, you can plant the seeds directly into the ground. A harsh winter can destroy young shoots, which is why it is used seedling method. Planting sweet pea seedlings requires a little attention and patience.

When to sow seeds for seedlings

One of important points When planting sweet pea seeds for seedlings, it’s all about timing. As a rule, almost all varieties are planted at the very beginning of the year. This is due to the fact that the seeds must harden with proper temperature and care. Peas planted in January will strengthen their roots by spring and will be able to survive the hot summer.

Important! Do not delay planting seedlings under any circumstances. If you plant peas late, their roots will not form and they will simply wither in the front garden.

How to prepare seeds before planting

Before planting, pea seeds need to be properly prepare. First you need to immerse them in hot water and leave overnight. We recommend using only those seeds that have swollen after a night of soaking, and not sowing those that have floated in the morning.

You can avoid soaking the seeds, but achieve good germination using other, more in a complicated way. You need to carefully trim off a small part of the seed. For this activity, use nail clippers or a small stationery knife. When to plant sweet peas, the instructions on the package can tell you.

Soil for growing seedlings

After purchasing and preparing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil for their growth. To prepare special soil, take turf soil, peat and sand. Make the mixture in the following proportions: for two kilograms of soil you need one kilogram of peat and half a kilogram of sand. Mix everything thoroughly and you can scatter the soil into pre-prepared containers. If you don’t want to bother with preparation, you can buy it at your nearest garden store starting mixture for planting.

Did you know? There are more than a thousand varieties of sweet peas.

Sowing pattern and depth

Having prepared the soil, you should proceed directly to planting. For planting, you can use a variety of containers. It can be like oblong wooden box, as well as individual pots or even plastic glasses. When planting in containers, follow some guidelines.
Plant seeds no deeper than three centimeters, no closer than 10 cm from each other. After planting the peas, water the soil generously, cover it with film and place it on sunny place. Thanks to the film, a kind of greenhouse is formed, with which you can control the temperature. It will also help retain moisture in the soil longer.

How to care for seedlings

Now you are at the finish line before planting sweet peas in the garden. All that remains is to care for the seedlings until spring comes. Do not forget that the seed tray must be constantly moist and warm. About a week after planting, the first shoots begin to appear. After this, you can remove the film.

Keep containers of peas in warm places and out of direct sunlight. For sweet peas, it is important not to lower the temperature during this period. below 20 degrees. When does it start active growth, you need to thin out so that there is a distance of approximately 15 cm between the seedlings.

Shortly before planting, if the plant begins to bloom, carefully remove the flower and bud. This is done so that the peas direct all their forces into root growth. Planted in open ground in mid-May, when the risk of night frosts has passed. Do not forget that until planting in open ground you need to maintain soil moisture and optimal temperature.

Planting seedlings in open ground

When the warm season has finally arrived, it’s time to think about how and where to plant sweet peas. Mid or late May is the most optimal time for planting sweet peas. You should know that the plant loves sunlight, and it is recommended to plant it in areas open to the sun. Peas can exist calmly in light partial shade.

Despite its love for the sun, sweet peas do not tolerate heat well, and you need to worry about covering them on such days. The soil for the plant must be dug up and enriched with compost or humus. If the soil is heavy and clayey, take care in advance good drainage, since peas do not like stagnant moisture in the soil.

Plant the plants at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other. For each sprout, make a deep hole so that the roots can take root and not interfere with each other's growth. After planting, water the seedlings well.

Important! Do not fertilize the soil with fresh manure; this can lead to various plant diseases.

Features of caring for sweet peas

Caring for sweet peas is not difficult. Timely watering, fertilizing and various supports for the plant- these are the basic rules for the beauty of your garden. If you want the flower to be saturated with colors, then feed it about once a month.

For better growth remove faded buds. Also practiced Regular pruning of the plant. This will contribute more rapid growth and will make the plant stronger. Add different height supports as needed.

How to water

Sweet peas are not very picky about watering. It will do very well during the rainy season. At normal summer temperatures, the plant should be watered once a day. Carefully monitor the condition of the soil in which the peas grow. Do not allow it to dry out, but also avoid stagnation of water. Do not forget about regular watering in the first month after planting, when the roots begin to adapt to the new soil.

Weeding and loosening the soil

Weeding and loosening the soil on which sweet peas grow must be done with great care. A slight exposure of the roots can cause the entire plant to wilt. If you don't want to use a hoe, wait until it rains. Weed removal will be much easier on damp soil.

Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened, as the roots need a good influx fresh air. Sometimes for landing heavy soils use inflated row method. You can also lightly mulch the soil. This will help you stop weeds from growing and retain moisture in the soil during dry periods.

How to fertilize

You can use fertilizer for sweet peas twice a month. For the growth of adventitious roots, you can add a small layer of substrate along the base of the plant stem.

It is not necessary to feed your peas, but if you want maximum growth, flavor and color, you can feed them with organic fertilizers.

You need to use a variety of composts or fertilizers with a high potassium content.

Important! Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer to sweet pea soil. It draws this mineral from the atmosphere.

Liana support

As soon as the plant begins to develop tendrils, supports can be placed to guide growth. You can use plastic grilles or posts. Twine is excellent for these purposes. The antennae cling to it well and actively crawl upward. It is recommended to place supports immediately after planting and, when tendrils appear, carefully attach them to the support. Fences, gazebos, house walls and other yard elements serve as excellent supports for sweet peas.

Pruning inflorescences

Pay attention Special attention pruning inflorescences. By cutting off the fruits that have set, you not only make life easier for the plant, but also prolong the flowering of peas until frost. Try to do this pruning regularly. But remove the flowers only after they are fully ripe. Also remove flowers that have faded to make way for new shoots.


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