Drummond Phlox: varieties, planting, care. Picking phloxes

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​they come up together, they are not small, you can see them right away, and you can go onto the balcony, but keep in mind that the phlox spreads along the ground and falls down on its own. ​Source​ ​When cultivating the soil around flowers, care must be taken not to damage root system, located near the phloxes close to the surface.​ To preserve moisture, the grooves are covered with covering material. After 2 weeks, the seedlings are loosened, thinned out and begin to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers - 2-3 times at weekly intervals. For flowering in May-June, Drummond phlox seeds are planted for seedlings at the end of March. Seedlings that appear after 7-8 days require light, moderate temperatures and watering. Phlox grows well on window sills if there are no gaps in the frames for cool air to penetrate.

​Phlox Drummond is used mainly as a border plant, where elegant star-shaped flowers are clearly visible, it is also used in mixborders, and planted in flower beds and flower beds.​

There are several garden forms of Drummond phlox:
Phloxes are beautiful, lush, elegant flowers with a sophisticated, refined aroma, which have long been loved by flower growers. However, we are mostly accustomed to growing phlox as perennials. Meanwhile, there are also annual phloxes grown through seedlings. The annual phlox Drummondi is usually grown, it garden forms and varieties. They have a wider range of colors compared to perennials, and their flowers can have an original shape that is not typical of perennial species, for example, star-shaped, when the flowers look like snowflakes. Also, annual flowers can be not only simple, but double or semi-double. If perennial species white, pink, crimson colors predominate (although in Lately perennial phlox appeared with blue flowers), the color of annual phlox can be any - peach, chocolate, beige, fiery red, etc. And, by the way, annual phlox bloom much longer than their perennial counterparts - from the end of June to October. But the height of annuals is smaller - only from 15 to 50 cm.

​B middle lane In Russia and further north, Phlox Drummond is grown through seedlings, sowing seeds in the second half of March. Shoots appear in 5-7 days. After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings dive. Even with rare shoots picking is necessary because older plants do not tolerate transplantation into soil. Caring for seedlings is simple: moderate watering as the soil dries, weekly fertilizing with complex mineral or organic fertilizers. Seedlings need to be placed in the brightest place, otherwise the plants will stretch out greatly and lose their decorative effect. In the second half of May, seedlings are planted in the ground. At this time, buds and the first flowers already appear on them (plants begin to bloom 45-60 days after sowing the seeds).​

​Phlox drummondii​

​Among the phloxes, he is the only one flying - maybe that’s why he’s found on summer cottages infrequently. But we should ignore it in vain: Drummond phlox is bright, unpretentious and delights for a long time with lush flowers of various shades.​

​I sowed double phlox for the first time, the seeds are not so small, but petunia’s are small, but lobelia’s are generally dusty. They ascended together and endured the battle without a single loss. This is the strongest seedling I have to date.​

​I constantly plant annual phloxes from year to year. Stunted only terry varieties. But germination is poor. Previously, terry varieties were only available in English seeds, but now ours are also riveted - maybe that’s why the germination rate is amazing. But all the other Drummond varieties I planted from any company germinate pretty well. I plant only through seedlings. I sow seedlings in two periods - the first seeds at home at the end of March, the rest in the greenhouse at the end of April. Then flowering will begin in the second half of June. From sowing to flowering is 2.5 months, i.e. if you sow in May, then flowering will occur in late June-early July. The shoots are noticeable, you won’t lose them. It doesn’t look like a potted plant - I tried it. The height of phloxes is on average 50cm (depending on the variety). And it just hangs shapelessly in the flowerpot.​



To increase the duration of flowering and improve the decorative appearance of phloxes, wilted inflorescences should be periodically removed.

Annual phlox. Planting and care

​When the phlox grows, fertilize with complex fertilizers. When sown in the ground, flowering begins in early July and lasts until frost, when the plants need to be covered with dense material.​

Annual phloxes in garden design

​After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are planted into three plants in pots with a diameter of 9 cm. After picking, the seedlings are fed 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days with nitrogen fertilizers. The main condition when growing seedlings is moderate watering to avoid blackleg damage. For lush growth of the bush, seedlings are pinched in the 4-5 leaf phase.

Annual phlox. Growing from seeds

​Place for landing​


Annual phlox "Drummonda" Planting and care

- star-shaped - with star-shaped flowers;

Annual phloxes, like perennial ones, grow well in sunny places with light, nutritious soil. They do not tolerate fresh manure fertilizer. Phloxes love timely and regular watering (but not waterlogging). Complex feeding mineral fertilizer carried out 2-3 times per season; faded inflorescences must be removed so that the plant looks decorative. If you plant phlox in a container (garden pot, balcony box), pinch the tips of the shoots and the first flowers, this will promote the formation of side shoots and better tillering.​

​When planting in the garden, the main thing is to choose the right place. Phlox Drummond loves light, is cold-resistant, quite drought-resistant, but does not tolerate severe overheating of the root system. It prefers well-cultivated, loose, garden soils with a lot of humus, and in heavy and soaking soils it is often affected by root rot.​

​) - southern USA, Texas. It was first noticed by the famous English traveler, theologian and naturalist Henry Drummond, who in 1835 sent seeds of this species to England. Flower growers liked the new plant and after 10-15 years it became common in English gardens. By the way, Drummond’s phlox was not introduced into culture in its homeland and how garden plant was already spreading from England.​


​Sow according to wet surface, lightly sprinkled with earth, when two true leaves appear - the phlox dives, you can pinch over 4 - 5 leaves for better tillering. Plant in flower beds when the threat of frost has passed, with a distance between bushes of 15 - 20 cm. On the balcony in pots, it grows well, especially low-growing phlox. I’ve been growing them for four years now - I’m very pleased with them, for the variety of colors, for their unpretentiousness, and even for the fact that you can collect a lot of seeds from them with excellent germination (tested)

​may get lost.. adult plants cm 15​

Reproduction of Phlox Drummond

Caring for Drummond Phlox

​On permanent place V open ground Phlox Drummond seedlings are planted in May. The distance between neighboring plants is 12-25cm. By this time, plants of low varieties sown in March, as a rule, already have buds. More high grades bloom in June.​

​Phlox Drummond - light-loving and heat-loving ornamental plant, but tolerates light frosts. In autumn, only the flowers are damaged by the first frosts, but the plants remain green and bloom again when it warms up.​

- dwarf - with compact low bushes (15-20cm);

​Annual phloxes are excellent flower bed plants. It is best to plant them in groups. They will find their place in borders, ridges, and group plantings against the backdrop of a lawn. These beautiful fragrant flowers also look beautiful in garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. Beautiful combinations annual phloxes turn out to be bells, garden chamomile, Veronica, as well as with ornamental cereals.​

​In the south of Russia, you can sow seeds directly into the ground at the end of April - beginning of May. The place for sowing, as well as for planting seedlings, is chosen to be bright, with fertile, structured soil. The crops are lightly mulched with humus or compost, watered and, in dry weather, covered with non-woven material, which is removed after germination.

Phlox Drummond - small annual plant with branched bushes in height, depending on the variety, from 10 to 50 cm. On numerous rather fragile shoots during the summer, small flowers open, collected in complex umbellate or corymbose inflorescences. IN favorable conditions the flowering is so abundant that not only the ground, but also the leaves are not visible. In mid-summer, small spherical boxes with rather large seeds begin to ripen. They are located in the center of the plant and are almost invisible, so they do not spoil general view flowering bush. These boxes can be collected, dried, the seeds extracted from them and then sown (if they are not F1 hybrids). Seed germination lasts for 3-4 years.​

Phlox Drummond


​I have read many times that it is good to sow in the ground, but I only got single plants. Seedlings are better, but mine were up to 30 cm in height and the cudsticks disintegrated...​

The usual method of propagation of this phlox is by seed. It bears fruit abundantly and self-sows. The fruit is an oval, three-lobed capsule, in each nest there are 1-2 seeds, in 1 g there are up to 550 seeds. To obtain 100 plants you need 0.5 g of seeds. Seeds remain viable for 1-2 years.​

In order for flowering to be abundant and long, phlox, first of all, needs regular moderate watering - with excess or lack of moisture, flowering practically stops.

Phlox Drummond - growing from seeds

​This Phlox does not like shade and wet places, he prefers open areas with fertile soil. Drummond phlox takes root on any soil, but on light, fertilized, moderately moist soil, the quality of its flowering improves. Despite the fact that this phlox likes to grow in warm conditions, it winters quite well in mid-latitudes, and its flowers tolerate spring frosts well.​

- tetraploid form with large (up to 4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Annual phloxes reproduce by seeds. There are some nuances when planting them. Phlox seeds are large and dense and may seem like they should be buried when planting. Meanwhile, phlox seeds need light to germinate. And they should be placed on the surface of the soil, watered with a spray bottle and covered with glass or film. Thus, phlox is sown for seedlings in March; it can be sown directly in open ground in April-May, but flowering will be later. Picking is done after two true leaves appear. Plant in a permanent place, keeping a distance between plants of about 20 cm.

​During the growing season, plants need to be watered in dry weather, fed with complex fertilizers once every two weeks and weeded in a timely manner, since Drummond phlox is very light-loving and does not tolerate competition with weeds.​

The color of flowers can be very different: from white, pink, cream to fiery red, carmine, lilac, purple. Often there are varieties and forms with variegated flowers, with streaks, streaks, spots or rings various colors or shades of the main color.​

Share your experience of growing annual phlox.

ღ M@rin@ ღ

​I sow in a greenhouse in Novosibirsk at the beginning of May. The shoots are clearly visible. Then I plant it in the garden bed.


​I sowed them in containers, but they don’t grow well.​


​Phlox Drummond will become one of the most beautiful and, at the same time, unpretentious flowers in your country garden, and caring for it is incredibly easy - in one of the competitions, Drummond's phlox was among the top five in the category of the easiest annuals to grow.​

Tatyana Vasilievna

Phlox almost does not bloom without fertilizing, therefore, after planting seedlings in open ground, the plants are fed with complex fertilizers every 10-14 days until August. Fertilizing helps to saturate the inflorescences bright colors.​


​Phlox Drummond can be sown with seeds directly into open ground in late April-early May in shallow, well-drained furrows and lightly covered with soil. You can plant nests of 3-4 pieces at once at the required distance, so that later it is easy to thin out the seedlings.​


Growing Drummond phlox through seedlings

Valentina Grigorieva

​The stems of Drummond phlox are highly branched and sticky. The whole plant is very lush. The flowers have a pleasant smell and a rich monochromatic or two-color color, sometimes with an eye in the middle. The color range of inflorescences is very diverse: phloxes are found in red, white, blue, purple, and pink. Phlox Drummond blooms from June until almost October.​

Valentina Golovko (Spasenova)

Drummond's annual phlox (phlox drummondii or annual phlox) is no less popular than its close perennial relatives - paniculate phlox and subulate phlox. In terms of brightness and decorative flowering, Drummond's phlox is not only not inferior, but even superior to other types of phlox. The Greek name phlox - flame fits this species perfectly.​

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​Planting Drummond phlox is a very important matter; depending on the correct agricultural technology, you can get a bright and fashionable flower or a pale and stunted plant. You cannot spare space for these phloxes - the bushes must be planted at a distance of at least 15 cm between each other or other plantings, since even cultivated plants They don't tolerate being around very well. It is important to choose sunny, well-lit and warm places, avoiding damp and shady places. The soil must be loose and cultivated. If you plant on heavy, soggy soil, the root system will immediately begin to rot.​

When to sow annual phlox?

Phlox grown from seedlings will bloom in one and a half to two months, counting from the moment of sowing.

Soil for phlox

​2. Seeds are laid out on the frozen surface every 4 - 5 cm in a row.

Sowing annual phlox for seedlings

​Spread the seeds on the frozen surface of the flower bed. Optimal distance is 5-6 cm apart. Sprinkle on top thin layer ordinary garden soil. It can be prepared in advance or purchased at a gardening store. It is not necessary to make a continuous layer, just sprinkle the seeds. Cover the bed with snow and wait for spring. When using this method, almost all the seeds germinate in the spring and most of the plants bloom.​

- phlox seeds;

​Septoria - fungal disease Phlox. Its appearance is indicated by dark brown spots on the foliage that increase in size. Affected flowers are repeatedly treated with Bordeaux mixture.

In addition, basic care for annual phloxes includes regular application of organic and mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out in the second half of May with liquid manure - twenty-five grams of the substance is diluted with one bucket of water. The second feeding is carried out in early June with the same solution with the addition of potassium salt and superphosphate. The third time, annual phloxes are fertilized exactly one month later with the fertilizer that was used during the first feeding. The fourth and final fertilization is carried out at the end of July with phosphorus-potassium preparations.​

Caring for annual phlox

​After planting the seeds, about a month later, shoots will appear. As soon as they grow up and produce 2-3 leaves, they are seated at a distance of up to twenty centimeters from each other. Planting of seedlings is carried out at the appointed time. Phlox Drummond, like its other annual relatives, is propagated by seed. Phlox paniculata

​After each watering, as soon as the water is absorbed into the soil, you should loosen the soil, but not too deeply, so as not to damage the roots of the plant. If you liked growing annual phlox from seeds, then in order to repeat this next year you need to collect the seeds on time. They are located in small boxes and should dry out after the flower has withered.​

​Perennials are the kings of the flower garden, but without annuals, the flowerbed will look poor while waiting for the main plants to bloom. The situation can be corrected by successfully arranging the plants in such a way that one replaces the other and the flower bed continuously pleases the eye from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. This idea can be realized by sowing flowers such as annual phlox, which is called Drummond phlox.​


Bright and delicate phlox flowers - growing taking into account the characteristics

​Among the nutrients needed for annual phlox, the most important role nitrogen plays. You can periodically sprinkle ammonium nitrate over the planted flowers, after which it is important to water so that burns do not remain on the leaves. There are a number of other actions that need to be carried out periodically when caring for Drummond phlox: the more and more abundantly (if necessary) the plants are watered, the larger and brighter the inflorescences will be. The duration of the flowering period also depends to some extent on this process. It is necessary to feed and loosen the soil regularly. Fertilizing is done using mineral and complex fertilizers diluted in water in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Lovers of all things beautiful often notice this bright, extraordinary flower, which is the only annual representative of its genus. For modern gardeners, Drummond's phlox is also considered an attractive plant, preferred for growing in flower beds, mixborders, and special portable containers. Heat-loving, absolutely unpretentious varieties of modern flora can decorate any area of ​​the garden, yard, or become an effective decoration for a terrace or balcony. This unique annual plant is named after the English botanist who brought the flower planting to Europe from America.​

Description of the type of phlox

​3. After the work is completed, the surface is covered with a small layer (up to 1.5 cm) of earth or sand, then covered with snow.​

​When growing annual phlox, prepare the bed in the same way as for perennial plants. You can do this both in spring and autumn. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil at a distance of 3-4 cm. Water them with a watering can and cover with plastic wrap. There is no need to sprinkle soil. Every day on a short time remove the film to allow the plants to breathe a little, shake off the condensation from it. After the seeds germinate, the film is completely removed.

​- gardening tools;​

The most common phloxes grown by gardeners

​Phloxes, due to their unpretentiousness and “versatility”, are already traditionally used in landscape design. Mixborders, rockeries, alpine slides, garden vases and other elements where the presence of low-growing plants is expected - the use of phlox is appropriate everywhere. Phlox flowers, due to their high variability color range(white, pink, lilac, purple) can make any flower garden unique and original.​

Reproduction and planting of phlox

- a plot of land;

Seed method with sowing directly into the ground

​Verticillium wilt is a disease that destroys the root system of plants.​

​The process of growing perennial phlox is approximately the same as for annual plants. True, there are some differences in this. Perennial phlox are planted in the spring. Before planting, the area is mulched with humus or peat. Seedlings are planted at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. After all, these are perennial plants; every year they will need more space.​

To obtain seedlings, Drummond phlox seeds are sown in the spring - in early March. After 7-10 days, the first shoots will appear. During the care process, they are provided with good lighting, warmth and periodic watering. As soon as the seedlings grow up, after three weeks, they are planted separately. Plantings are placed in a well-lit place, protected from direct sun rays. At midday, flowers are covered with any covering material, you can use newspaper.​

​Phlox splayed​

​Phloxes - brightly blooming decorative flowers, belonging to the Sinyukhov family. Today there are over 60 varieties, most of them are grown by many gardeners. A special feature of this flower is its ability to change depending on the climatic conditions of its growth.​

​As a rule, phloxes are grown seedling method, but you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. But due to their dense and leathery shell, they will not be able to germinate in the soil. Seeds must be spread on a moistened loose soil and cover with film or glass until germination. Phlox is sown in open ground in early May, even if it is still quite cold outside. After all, annual phlox is a cold-resistant plant and can withstand low temperatures.​

Growing phlox through seedlings

​It is possible that in dry weather the plants will stop producing color even with constant watering. In this case, you need to remove the wilted inflorescences and feed the flowers with high-quality complex fertilizers. Approximately 10-14 days after the rehabilitation procedures, the bushes will bloom magnificently and brightly again.​

Growing phlox in an annual crop

The plant is a small annual shrub, quite branched and lush. The height of each bush can reach 10-50 centimeters - depending on the specific variety. Under favorable conditions and proper care bloom prominent representatives the flora is so abundant that neither leaves nor soil can be seen behind the attractive inflorescences. High-quality cultivation of Drummond phlox from seeds is carried out, and taking into account the regions and climate characteristics, flowers can be planted using seedlings or sown directly into the ground.​

​Seed awakening begins in early spring, and after a pair of true leaves appear, seedlings dive onto ridges with fertile soil at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. 7 - 10 days after planting, the seedlings are fed with low-concentration nitrogen fertilizers (mullein solution diluted 1 to 20, or potassium nitrate is used at the rate of 15 - 20 g per 10 liters of water).​

Most perennial species are used in culture (about 60 are known), as well as Phlox Drummond, grown as an annual.

​- film;​

Summer care

​The tiny threadworm and nematode are the main pests of phlox. These insects attack stems, inflorescences and flowers. After this, the plants lose their decorative properties. Affected specimens are dug up and burned. It is recommended to treat the soil three times with nematicides at intervals of twenty days.​

​It is not recommended to plant subulate or splayed phlox purchased in the fall in open ground. It is simply buried to a depth of thirty centimeters in a place where there is no wind. After the soil freezes, the flowers are mulched with dry leaves or peat.​

​Before transplanting plants to garden plot, they are fed twice with mineral fertilizers. To do this, use preparations with a concentration half as much as for adult plants. To ensure that annual phloxes are lush, they are pinched at the stage of formation of the fifth leaf.

​is a perennial plant that, like phlox subulate, blooms in May. Compact and miniature bush with small flowers The blue shade looks very gentle and elegant. Phlox splayed has large woody shoots and elongated leaves.​

​Phloxes must bloom in every garden, although planting and caring for them require special attention, but they will bring more pleasure in contrast.​

The area where phlox will grow must be well fertilized and have a lot of humus or humus in the soil in order to delight their small flowers with the bright colors. On clay and infertile soils, the plant is susceptible to various diseases such as rot.​

​The variety of these flowers has a variety of varieties with different heights bushes And can also be combined with many types of plants and decorative flowers. For example, Drummond phlox and Leucanteum will confidently complement each other in garden or yard flower beds. These aster-like daisies bloom at about the same time as phlox, although they are perennials. They are also unpretentious and require constant feeding and regular watering. There are other varieties of Drummond phlox - the photos on this page demonstrate their external aesthetic qualities:​

​For example, in the southern regions of Russia already at the end of April you can choose a place for sowing. It should be light, have a structure, fertile soil. After mulching with compost (or humus), the seeds must be watered periodically, and during dry weather, covered with non-woven material to maintain moisture. After emergence of seedlings, the coating is removed. It is quite important to rid the plant of annoying weeds from the very beginning and fertilize it with high-quality mineral complexes.​

​Further care consists of periodic feeding, weeding and watering. At the same time, one should not forget about preventive measures to prevent fungal diseases of phlox (treatment with copper-containing preparations).​

​Perennial phloxes are usually propagated by vegetative means. Along with vegetative methods, they often resort to growing phlox from seeds. For example, when propagating a new variety, or when carrying out breeding work.​

Problems in growing

- unfrozen ground;

  • Phlox are eaten by caterpillars and slugs, which are removed manually. If there are too many insects, the plant should be treated with preparations against gnawing insects.​
  • Forced replanting is carried out only if the bushes have grown too much and have lost their decorative qualities. The middle of the dug plants is removed. The side parts of the phlox are separated and planted separately.​
  • ​Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out in late spring - in May, after the last frost has passed. Flowers are planted at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. It is very important to choose good plot for planting these flowers. Both perennial and annual phlox are frost-resistant and drought-resistant flowers. They react poorly to heat. Therefore, you need to plant flowers in a shaded place. In this case, the flowering of phlox will not be abundant, but quite long. Growing in partial shade, phlox flowers retain their natural and rich color, while in the sun they quickly fade.​
  • ​In regions with warm climates, phloxes are erect, tall shrubs, reaching 0.5 - 1.5 m in height. There are plants in the form of subshrubs. Depending on the variety, phlox flowering begins differently. Therefore, there are early, middle and late varieties.​


​Growing of annual phlox from seeds begins in March. The soil in the boxes must be nutritious, the plant especially requires nitrogen, therefore, after picking and transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to carefully add diluted water to the bushes. ammonium nitrate​Phlox Drummond Promise looks original and attractive in various combinations and in single flowering. These low-growing shrubs have a fairly compact shape. Double and semi-double flowers can have a variety of shades, growing in large corymbose inflorescences. This variety is used for planting on borders, ridges, and flower beds; they are often used to decorate rocky decorative hills. Abundant flowering observed in the period June-October. In the northern parts of Russia and the central zone of the country, planting of Drummond phlox is carried out by initially growing seedlings from seeds. Optimal time for planting this way - the second half of March. Within a week you can see the first shoots, and when the first leaves appear, it is necessary to pick the plant - this can ensure good condition for the flowers when transplanted into the soil. Caring for seedlings is not difficult, it is important to remember the basic rules and stages of care:​ ​Unlike perennials, Drummond phlox seeds remain viable for up to 4 years.​ When propagating perennials by seed, several important nuances should be taken into account:

You will need

  1. - watering can.
  2. ​Bright​
  3. In addition, young plants that were obtained by cuttings in the spring are planted in the fall. Before planting, compost with sand is added to loamy soil, and peat is added to sandy soil.​
  4. ​Annual phloxes are best planted on high ridges away from trees and shrubs that have a powerful root system.​
  5. ​is an annual plant native to Texas. It is characterized by a long flowering period, which begins in June and ends in November. Phlox Drummond's leaves are lanceolate oval shape, opposite. Phlox Drummond is not a tall plant, reaching 30 cm in height. There are also dwarf varieties with a height of 15 to 20 cm. Fragrant flowers can have a wide variety of colors depending on the variety - white, yellow, purple or dark red. Phlox Drummond is unpretentious in care and cultivation.
  6. The leaves are oval or lanceolate with entire edges, located oppositely. Depending on the species, flowers range from two to five centimeters in diameter. Each inflorescence contains ninety five-petaled flowers. At the end of flowering, a box-shaped fruit is formed.​


  • ​The seeds are not buried in the ground, but left on the surface, covering the box with glass or film and placing it on a warm and sunny windowsill. As soon as the seeds hatch and the small roots cling to the ground, the shelter can be removed.
  • This type of annual phlox has different garden forms. Among them, the following categories are usually distinguished: dwarf, stellate, tetraploid. The stems of all categories of flowers are highly branched and characterized by persistent stickiness.​
  • ​seedlings should be located in the brightest possible place so that the plants do not stretch in height and lose their originality and attractiveness;​
  • ​B southern regions Sowing in open ground is practiced (from the end of April), but it is most advisable to grow phlox through seedlings, which allows for earlier flowering.​
  • - Seeds of perennials quickly lose their viability, especially when stored in positive temperatures, so seeds should be stored in the cold.
  • ​Before collecting phlox seeds, determine whether they are ripe. To do this, drill one of the seed boxes with an awl and evaluate their appearance. They should be large and dense, have different shades of green. Also, the seeds of these flowers can be purchased at flower shops.​
  • KakProsto.ru

Growing phlox from seeds.


The prepared cuttings are planted in pre-prepared holes at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Immediately after planting, the plants will need frequent soil moisture for several weeks. Two liters of water are poured under one bush at intervals of once every three days. After watering, the soil is loosened and mulched with a good layer of peat or humus.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

​Planting of seedlings is done in light and loose soil enriched with humus. These flowers develop poorly and bloom on heavy and churned soils. It is not recommended to plant phlox on acidic soil, which can be deoxidized with lime.​

​Using phlox different varieties, you can decorate your garden plot very beautifully and make it original and unique. To do this, you need to know how to plant these flowers correctly, and what kind of care they need.

In cultivated form, all varieties of phlox are perennial plants. The exception is Drummond phlox and its varieties. These are annual crops.​

After the first leaves appear (after about two weeks), the seedlings are planted in separate containers or planted at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other. Plants require a lot of space and nutrients. Therefore, thickening of plantings will lead to underdeveloped bushes.

The shades of Drummond phlox flowers can be very different - from purple, lilac and fiery red to snow-white and pink. There are varieties with flowers whose shades are mixed. They come with various spots, stains, streaks, and rings. Flower shapes also come in a wide range of variations. They can be in the shape of stars, roses, round or wheel-shaped.​

​optimal room temperature for sprouts - 18-21 degrees Celsius;
Sowing of seedlings begins in March (second decade). Although seedlings tolerate spring frosts well, it is preferable to sow in greenhouses, where seeds germinate on days 5 - 7.​
​- Sowing work is recommended to be carried out in the winter months, during the January and February thaws, so the ridges are prepared in advance in the fall.​

​The seeds of perennial phlox quickly lose their viability, and therefore you cannot wait until spring. In addition, for the normal development of plants planting material should freeze. Start preparing for planting immediately after harvest. Choose a site where the flowers can grow for several years. Keep in mind that phlox does not do well in shaded areas and in swampy lowlands. Therefore, they cannot be sown under dense tree crowns.​

​sown in summer cottages and city flower beds, in school flower beds and on balconies. Their name is translated from Greek as “fire”. Phlox bloom for a long time, smell pleasant and calmly tolerate any vagaries of weather. Perennial plants propagate mainly by cuttings or dividing the bush. But they can also be grown from

Phlox splayed, just like phlox awl-shaped, needs the same care as phlox Drummond. The only difference in care is the difference in the amount of fertilizer applied. Perennial phloxes are fed five times per season. The last feeding is carried out during the formation of seeds in boxes. For this purpose, phosphorus and potassium preparations are used, which are applied to the roots of the plant in the evening immediately after the soil is moistened.

Phlox Drummond seedlings

​Annual phloxes grow well on sandy soil.​

Phlox can be grown using cuttings, layering, or by dividing the rhizome. The most preferred method is considered to be seed.

​Awl-shaped phlox.​

​Phloxes can be transplanted into open ground at the end of May - beginning of June, planting them at a decent distance from each other. Then the plantings will delight you with lush foliage and abundant flowering.​

​Modern landscape designers They even have their own preferences in colors. And Drummond's phlox, photos of which can often be found on the Internet in various options, enjoys considerable success. Despite the fact that this is an annual plant, it blooms quite for long periods, and with its help you can decorate any type with the highest quality and originality. The use of Drummond phlox in landscape design allows you to realize the most daring and original ideas and variations. The bright spot of this plant will create a favorable impression of any composition - look how it looks in the photo:​

​As the soil dries out, the seedlings must be watered without allowing them to dry out too much;​


Phlox Drummond - diverse and bright - Online magazine about garden and landscape design

​Seedlings dive in the phase of the first pair of true leaves.​

Growing phlox from seeds is a process that is accessible even to a novice gardener. If you follow all the recommendations, these plants will definitely please your owners. lush flowering which lasts quite a long time.

General information

Phlox - beautifully flowering perennial or annual herbaceous plants, forming the genus of the same name in the Sinyukhov family. It includes only about 85 species. Of these, about 40 species are grown in gardens and on personal plots, some of them for more than two hundred years.

The beautiful sonorous name of the genus (Greek phlox - flame) was given by none other than Carl Linnaeus. Even known exact date the name of this taxon is 1737. It is assumed that the botanist was inspired by the bright colors of these truly wonderful flowers.

There is only one known in our country wild species- Phlox sibirica (Siberian phlox), which is common in the mountainous areas of Western and Eastern Siberia, on Far East. In the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region it is listed in the Red Book. This is a perennial, beautifully flowering, creeping plant that produces straight shoots on which the flowers open. It is traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the skin, nervous and respiratory systems. Most phlox species come from North America.


Different kinds cultivated phloxes can have erect, creeping or ascending stems, reaching a height, depending on the shape of the plant, from 10-20 cm to half a meter. Narrow lanceolate, ovate-elongated or oval-lanceolate leaves of phlox are located opposite.

Bright fragrant flowers are the main advantage of these plants, which is why flower growers grow them. They are small, tubular-funnel-shaped, up to 3-4 centimeters in diameter, but they form lush inflorescences (up to 90 pieces) and generally look very picturesque. Five-petalled flowers can range in color from white, white with spots, streaks, shadows, etc., to dark purple and crimson-purple. Phlox has a rather delicate, unobtrusive aroma. Because of their decorative properties they are readily cultivated by gardeners, especially since the process of growing perennial and annual phlox from seeds at home is not particularly difficult.

External differences between annual and perennial phloxes

Annuals differ from perennials in their color options. They also come in peach, beige, and chocolate, while perennials do not have such color options - they most often have various shades of pink, crimson, and purple. Another difference is the star-shaped flower shape, similar to a snowflake, which is not found in perennial phloxes.

Fruits and seeds

After flowering ends, fruits in the form of dry capsules with seeds are formed in place of the flowers. Photos of phlox seeds can be seen below. Seeds annual species quite small. So, one gram can contain more than 500 pieces. Perennials - much less, about 70.

Like annuals, perennial phloxes can be grown from seeds if you follow all the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

Choosing a plant propagation method

Annual phlox are usually grown from seeds. Perennial phloxes reproduce well by roots and cuttings. When is the choice made in favor of their propagation by seeds? Most often this happens in cases where it is necessary to obtain many plants at once - for example, to create a dividing strip or border on a site, or to decorate a large area at once. Then it makes sense to tinker with the seeds.

This method is also used by breeders or simply amateur gardeners to obtain plants with new properties - for example, when two varieties were planted side by side and could be cross-pollinated. For propagation, for example, of a rare variety, its improvement, obtaining planting material in large quantities, and preparation for future participation in plant exhibitions, the preferred method of dividing plants or cuttings will be preferable.

Self-harvesting seeds

Seeds should be collected from the bushes after the leaves have begun to dry out and the boxes have turned brown, but have not yet dried out. The stems are cut together with the bolls, bundles are made from them and hung in a cool, dry room (on glassed balcony, veranda, closet, attic) for further ripening. To prevent the seeds from scattering and getting lost after the bolls crack, which usually “shoot out,” the bunches are placed in fabric (gauze) bags. You need to keep an eye on the boxes, and as they dry, collect them and bring them into a warm room. However, this advice is only valid if you are going to plant them right away, since the seeds of phlox subulate and other popular varieties cannot boast of long-term germination. In a warm room they very quickly lose their properties. To prevent this from happening, you should keep them cool until planting, perhaps by mixing them with sand.

Growing seeds for seedlings

Annual and perennial phloxes, which are quite common, germinate well if they are not deeply buried in the soil. This should definitely be kept in mind, since otherwise the seeds may not germinate or you will have to wait quite a long time for germination, two to three weeks, and they will not be friendly (with surface sowing, seeds usually germinate after 7 days). The easiest way is this: the seeds are scattered over the surface of the soil in plastic containers, watered from a sprayer and covered on top. transparent film. This is usually done in March. Holes must be made at the bottom of the containers to prevent stagnation of water from being harmful to the seeds. It is better to use special soil for seedlings. Its layer should not be too deep. It is advisable to spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate five days before planting, and pre-water it with a solution of phytosporin the day before planting. Seeds should be ventilated daily by opening them and shaking off condensation from the film.

After the appearance of two leaves, the sprouts dive. Seedlings, as a rule, tolerate picking normally. It is only recommended to protect them from direct sunlight in the first two to three days to avoid burns to the tender leaves. Flower growers recommend covering the top of the seedlings with newspapers or opaque film. Phlox grown from seeds for seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May, best at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. It will be useful to mulch the soil between young plants to better retain moisture. Periodically, once a month, they should be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. Besides, further care, as in the case of other garden flowers, involves loosening, weeding and regular watering.

Annual phloxes can be sown with seeds in the spring and directly into the ground, but with this method their germination rate will be low. In addition, it should be borne in mind that they bloom only two months after planting. Therefore, growing from seeds to seedlings in in this case preferable.

Sowing phlox in the ground

When sowing seeds of perennial phlox directly into the ground, there are two more options: sow them before winter, at the end of November, or in the depths of winter (January - February). Of the annuals, only Drummond phlox can be planted in this way - it is more resistant to cold weather. In what case is it easier to grow phlox from seeds? When is the best time to plant? The first method is preferable because in this case the seeds demonstrate the greatest germination (80-90%), and in a few months it can be seriously damaged. You just need to keep in mind that they need to be planted when frosts have already begun, because otherwise the seeds may germinate and weak shoots will not survive the winter.

The soil in the chosen place must be well leveled and marked. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use self-made limiters, for example, cutting lengthwise into circles plastic canisters or cans. The seeds are sown inside this circle. This is a guarantee that they will not be washed away by melt water and the crops can be easily detected after the snow melts. Sow seeds before winter on frozen soil and lightly sprinkle with dry soil. There is no need to water them! If the seeds are fresh, they usually sprout quickly in the spring.

At winter sowing You can use the same disposable plastic containers as when germinating seeds in an apartment. You just need to cover them on top not with film, but with a lid or spunbond, and not water them. Experienced flower growers recommend taking containers with planted seeds into the garden and placing them on a flat surface, so that they are covered with a thick layer of snow (at least 30 centimeters). This way, it will be possible to create acceptable conditions for their germination in the spring, and the seeds will undergo natural stratification. After arriving in the garden in spring, you need to remove the lid from the container so that melting snow falls on the seeds and saturates the soil.

Perennial phlox grown from seeds, with proper care, usually blooms in the second year. Young plants must be insulated during the first winter using fallen leaves or pine needles. This is not necessary in subsequent years. As a rule, phlox planted with seeds before winter turn out to be more resistant to winter frosts than expensive planting material brought from European countries, where winters are usually milder.

Details about planting phlox seeds (perennial) before winter are described in the video below.

When sowing in winter, in January - February, the steps are the same: a flat place is selected and the seeds are sprinkled with frozen soil, and on top with a thick layer of snow.

Method for accelerated seed germination

Flower growers who have great experience When growing different varieties, including phlox subulate, from seeds, it is recommended to keep in mind that phlox, especially annual ones, like to germinate in the light. Therefore, when home germination some of them advise placing the seeds on toilet paper or a paper towel moistened with water with the addition of a growth stimulant, under which polyethylene film. Paper strips together with the film, they are rolled into rolls and placed in a well-lit place (you can put the rolls in a regular plastic glass). After the sprouts appear (it usually takes 2-3 days for the seeds to hatch!), the tapes are unrolled, sprinkled with earth on top and again placed in a bright place until sprouts suitable for planting are obtained.

Requirements for soil, watering

Phlox prefers light, medium-loamy soils rich in humus, loose and moist. The reaction is neutral. They love water, and if there is a lack of it, when the soil dries out, they may not even bloom, dropping the buds that are already ready to bloom. But excess moisture is also harmful for these plants. The optimal amount is 1.5-2 buckets of water per square meter area.

Selecting a location

Plants love bright but diffused light and partial shade. It would be ideal if during the hottest hours (11-14) the plants are shaded by trees or shrubs. It is desirable that the site has a slight slope. It must also be protected from winds. This will help preserve the snow cover that protects plants in winter, and in summer it will protect the soil from drying out.

According to reviews from flower growers, the most demanding varieties often have to be replanted from place to place, sometimes even up to five times, so that they sparkle with all their colors. But this does not happen with all of them.

  • Colors of phloxes planted on sunny place, will be brighter, in the shade - calmer.
  • Phlox are plants that are very responsive to organic fertilizers. Experienced gardeners recommend using for this purpose horse dung, but definitely rotted. Fresh manure will kill plants instantly. Vegetable compost is also suitable, but you need to pay attention to ensure that the phlox itself is not used in its preparation. This is due to the fact that pathogens and pests of phlox can survive in compost if the conditions for its preparation are not met and infect plants as a result of fertilizing. During autumn harvesting, phlox should be removed from the site, or better yet, burned.
  • If phlox seeds are sown not in open ground, but indoors, they must be stratified - kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
  • So that they bloom more thickly, wilted flowers should be deleted. For better tillering, it is advisable to pinch perennial plants in the summer above the fourth or fifth pair of leaves.


The article briefly described the existing methods of planting phlox seeds and gave brief recommendations for their cultivation. Phloxes are not particularly demanding plants, and with careful selection of varieties and proper care, you can ensure their continuous flowering from May to October.

Phlox annual

Phlox is a plant familiar to every gardener.. This is a flower of extraordinary beauty that has earned great love in Russia, and not without reason. Flower growers love phlox for its unpretentiousness, elegant flowers, and long-lasting flowering. In Russia most often grow perennial phlox, and about annual Almost forgotten, but in vain. Exactly annual phlox creates a special beauty.

Annual phlox blooms from June until the first autumn frosts.. Its flowers are much brighter and more expressive. Yes, the plant is shorter than a perennial, but this can be considered a plus, as it allows you to create chic flower beds and opens up huge opportunities when grown in various compositions: alpine roller coaster, rockeries, mixborders etc. Likewise, at annual phlox has significantly more flower colors, and even the flowers differ in shape.

Annual phloxes are propagated by seeds, which can be bought at any specialized store, in any one, or collected seeds from faded plants. Consequently, the reproduction of this wonderful flowering plant will not require much effort.

Sowing annual phlox seeds for seedlings

For seedlings, annual phlox seeds are sown in early or mid-May.. Phlox does not present special conditions Therefore, any soil will do: universal or specialized soil purchased in a store, or ordinary soil from the site.

The seeds are not buried, but only placed on top of the soil and sprayed with a spray bottle. Of course, you can place them in the soil, but this should be done no deeper than 0.5 centimeters, otherwise the seedlings will appear very late and will not have time to grow enough before being transplanted into open ground.

After planting the seeds, the box must be covered with regular film or covering material.

Caring for annual phlox seedlings

Annual phlox seedlings

Before emergence, you need to constantly monitor soil moisture. Also constantly shake off condensation from the surface of the film.

Shoots appear in about a week. The main thing is not to miss the moment and open the box in time, otherwise the seedlings will begin to drag on.

Annual phlox seedlings must be provided with sufficient light and water. It does not require additional lighting, but it should bathe in the sun for 6-7 hours. Watering should be regular, but the water should not stagnate. Watch out for dry soil!

Apply one fertilizing with a full range of mineral and organic substances a week after emergence. You can also add additional nitrogen, since annual phlox loves it very much and responds well to fertilizing with this organic matter.

Picking up annual phlox seedlings

Is it necessary to pick annual phlox? There is no definite answer to this question, since it all depends on how you sowed it in the box. If the seeds were located on good distance, and the seedlings that have already appeared do not interfere with each other’s normal growth, then there is no need to pick. If the plants do not have enough soil, light and nutrients, then be sure to pick! To ensure that the seedlings tolerate the picking well and do not die, when replanting, try not to damage the roots, especially for thin adventitious roots, as they are more often susceptible to damage.

After picking, phlox seedlings can be shed with universal or specialized fertilizer for flower crops. This will significantly speed up survival.

Planting annual phlox seedlings in open ground. Caring for annual phlox in open ground

Blooming annual phlox

Seedlings of this plant should be planted only when the threat of return frosts has passed: early to mid-June.

You need to plant it so that part of the stem without roots is also in the ground. This creates additional roots that will provide the plant with nutrients.

So that the annual phlox is in the form lush bush, you need to pinch the top of the main shoot. Further, as it grows, this operation must be carried out with the large shoots that have formed. But don't overdo it!

Annual phlox is characterized by abundant and long-lasting flowering. It blooms from June to September-October. But in order to achieve this, phlox needs to be watered well and regularly. Only with enough moisture will it delight you with its beautiful flowers.

We also must not forget about loosening. Phlox roots, like other plants, require oxygen, so the formation of a crust on the soil is not allowed.

Sowing annual phlox seeds in the ground

Annual phlox seeds can be sown not only for seedlings, but also immediately into open ground. This will save you from fussing with seedlings, picking, fertilizing, etc. If you decide to sow the seeds directly into the ground, then this should be done in early spring. Phlox seeds are leathery, so only when sown early do they have time to germinate.

For better and faster seed germination, it is better to cover the bed with covering material, creating a small greenhouse.

Seedlings will appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Next, you need to monitor them: water them, cover them from the cold, and feed them. Fertilizing should be done a week after germination with fertilizer containing a large number of nitrogen. Also, seedlings will not give up mineral and organic substances.

Caring for such plants is the same as for plants grown by seedlings.

As you can see, growing annual phlox is not that easy. But believe me, it's worth it! In addition, if you are a connoisseur of the beauty of flowers, then you will definitely not ignore annual phloxes.

Varieties of annual phlox

Phlox Twinkling Star

Annual phlox, as already written, differs from its perennial brother in the shape, color and size of the flower.

Flowers perennial phlox There are terry and semi-double. In shape they come in a classic shape, or they can look like small stars.

The color palette is huge: from pure white to dark cherry or even almost black.

Also annual phloxes differ from each other in the size of the bush. Some varieties have a very branched bush up to 30 centimeters in height, while others, on the contrary, are compact and small, up to 10-15 centimeters in height.

One of the most popular varieties of annual phlox are varieties such as: “Shimmering Star”, “Gnome”, “Isabellina”, “Watercolor” and many others.

If you do not yet have experience in growing this wonderful flower, then be sure to plant it on your site. You will be surprised how easy it really is to care for, and how amazingly it brightens up any area.

Good luck!

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Perennials are the kings of the flower garden, but without annuals, the flowerbed will look poor while waiting for the main plants to bloom. The situation can be corrected by successfully arranging the plants in such a way that one replaces the other and the flower bed continuously pleases the eye from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. This idea can be accomplished by sowing flowers such as annual phlox, which is called

If you don’t know how to plant annual phlox and think that you can’t do this, then believe me, this is not so. Perhaps this is the most unpretentious annual plant to care for and grow that can be found in our flower beds. Small bright stars of the most incredible shades, blooming throughout summer period, will decorate the most unpresentable corner of your garden plot.

When to sow annual phlox?

As a rule, phlox is grown in seedlings, but you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. But due to their dense and leathery shell, they will not be able to germinate in the soil. Seeds must be spread on moist, loose soil and covered with film or glass until germination. Phlox is sown in open ground in early May, even if it is still quite cold outside. After all, annual phlox is a cold-resistant plant and can withstand low temperatures.

Soil for phlox

The area where phlox will grow must be well fertilized and have a lot of humus or humus in the soil in order to delight the bright colors of its small flowers. On clay and infertile soils, the plant is susceptible to various diseases such as rot.

Sowing annual phlox for seedlings

Growing annual phlox from seeds begins in March. The soil in the boxes must be nutritious, the plant especially requires nitrogen, therefore, after picking and transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to carefully add diluted ammonium nitrate to the bushes.

The seeds are not buried in the ground, but left on the surface, covering the box with glass or film and placing it on a warm and sunny windowsill. As soon as the seeds hatch and the small roots cling to the ground, the cover can be removed.

After the first leaves appear (after about two weeks), the seedlings are planted in separate containers or planted at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other. Plants require a lot of space and nutrients. Therefore, thickening of plantings will lead to underdeveloped bushes.

Phlox can be transplanted into open ground at the end of May - beginning of June, planting them at a decent distance from each other. Then the plantings will delight you with lush foliage and abundant flowering.

Caring for annual phlox

In order for the cultivation of annual phlox to please with riotous flowering in summer season several feedings with ammonium nitrate will be required. But the main secret of curvy bright flower umbrellas require regular watering. The plant simply cannot tolerate drought and overheating of the root system, and therefore it would be wise to add something to the soil.

After each watering, as soon as the water is absorbed into the soil, you should loosen the soil, but not too deeply so as not to damage the roots of the plant. If you liked growing annual phlox from seeds, then in order to repeat this next year you need to collect the seeds on time. They are located in small boxes and should dry out after the flower has withered.

After this, the dried heads must be freed from the seeds and, if necessary, dried in a warm place and stored in a rag or paper bag until the next season.


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