Hibiscus care and cultivation. Garden hibiscus is a beautiful and unpretentious shrub

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When the orchard is already filled with juicy fruits, the garden hibiscus becomes the main favorite of gardeners in the south. Care and propagation, cultivation features, varieties and varieties, photos of hibiscus flowers - all this will be the main topic of our conversation. Few people will be indifferent to a huge hibiscus flower. This is an incredibly beautiful garden plant, even exotic in some ways.

What could be more attractive than flower beds decorating your garden? Undoubtedly, blooming trees, shrubs. Not many people know what hibiscus is. But almost all flower growers know what a Chinese rose is. But these plants are from the same family – malvaceae.

Hibiscus - types and varieties

There are wild and cultivated species. There are annuals and perennials. Of these, tree, shrub, and herbaceous species can be distinguished.

Wikipedia, by the way, gives its classification of species:

  • Hemp, or Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus) - used by the spinning industry of some tropical countries;
  • Chinese, or Chinese rose ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) - indoor culture;
  • Rosella, or Sabdarifa or Sudanese rose ( Hibiscus sabdariffa) - from the mallow family, common in tropical countries, originally bred in India;
  • Syriac ( Hibiscus syriacus) – common perennial species in Russia for cultivation in open ground. Frost-resistant, perennial, shrubby;
  • Triple or Northern ( Hibiscus syriacus) – annual herbaceous plant, growing on mountain slopes, along rivers and lakes in Asia, India, the Mediterranean, etc.

Separately, one more species is mentioned separately - Swamp or Musk ( Hibiscus moscheutos) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a favorite of gardeners in the south of Russia. In winter, the above-ground part dies off.

Let's try to figure out what types of hibiscus exist. Let's take as a basis the classification according to growth methods and forms of development: herbaceous, shrubby, tree-like.

  • Herbaceous - a tall bush with strong, erect branches, large leaves, large flowers. The diameter of the flower (depending on the variety) can reach 40 cm. The bush dies every year in the fall, and in the spring it again throws out young shoots.

  • Shrub - a slow-growing deciduous bush with many branches. Blooms profusely all season. Flowers are medium in size from 5 to 25 cm in diameter. By the way, all shrub species can be formed into one trunk, resulting in beautiful flowering trees.

  • Tree-like - a single-trunked deciduous tree that can grow up to 5-6 meters in height. The whole season is covered with flowers up to 12 cm in diameter.

A common feature of all varieties: the flower lasts only a day, but one faded bud is immediately replaced by a new blossoming one, so the flowering seems to be constant.

Now new varieties have appeared - flowers can remain fresh for more than one day. But it all depends on the degree of lighting. The sunnier place you choose for your pet, the longer the lifespan of one flower. But still, the flowering period is short - from one to 2-3 days.

Landscape designers love garden hibiscus of all types. City gardens and parks are often decorated with shrub species. And in a private courtyard, summer cottages Herbaceous species can be found more and more often.

Herbaceous hibiscus

These are hybrids that were bred by crossing three varieties of North American origin - holly, pink, red. This is a perennial that, after the ground part has withered, provided the root system is covered, can withstand frosts down to -30ºC.

The rhizome of one specimen is quite powerful and looks like a tuberous one. The bush blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. Ten or more flowers can bloom at the same time.

Herbaceous varieties are in great demand because of their large (up to 30-40 cm in diameter) bright colorful flowers (white, red, pink, burgundy, etc.), sometimes double.

The height of this plant can reach three meters. The branches manage to reach this length in one season.

Among the herbaceous plants, the most popular among gardeners are marsh plants. Why are they called that? Because for the first time, whole thickets of this are incredible beautiful plant have been found in swamps along the Mississippi River, where they are perennial. In our country they are also perennial, but with dying off in winter aboveground part bush.


In flower beds, herbaceous varieties look great together with their low-growing neighbors. For example, in the center of the rose garden, your pet will be a majestic king.

Huge flowers the size of a plate will surprise not only you, but your guests, neighbors, and just passers-by.

Varieties of herbaceous hibiscus

The Copper King variety is a compact bush. The rounded compact shape is achieved by annual formation of no more than 120 cm in height. Dark green, lacy, shaped like maple, the leaves can change color, which depends on the ambient temperature. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, the color of strawberry mousse - white and pink with bright pink stripes. The heart of the flower is purplish-red. Resistant to diseases.

Copper King

The Cranberry Crush variety grows as a rounded, lush shrub with greenery from the roots, 90-120 cm high. It has green, feathery foliage with purple veins. The flowers are large, up to 25 cm in diameter, of a rich burgundy color with dark stripes on the petals.

Cranberry Crush

The Old Yella variety is a strong bush with strong shoots up to 100-120 cm high, with greenery from the roots. The leaf is green, pinnate, maple-shaped, with a purple tint when sunlight. The flowers are huge, 30 cm in diameter, white or cream in color with a red core. The petals are wavy.

Old Yella

Separately, participants in various forums are discussing the garden yellow herbaceous hibiscus - this species has several varieties, but, as some gardeners claim, all of them can only be annuals! They write in plain text: “Don’t believe it if they try to sell you a perennial yellow, such a hybrid does not exist, although breeders are trying to achieve this. This species will have to be sown by seed every year.”

But, nevertheless, some amateur gardeners claim that they grow yellow perennials. Perhaps you, the readers, can clarify? If your garden is decorated with this flower, you have experience in caring for it, growing it, write a comment.

Shrub hibiscus

Among the shrubs, the most popular is Syrian, which has many varieties. Its flowers are smaller in size than those of the herbaceous species, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. The colors are varied: the flowers are purple, white, red, and there are varieties with two-color colors.

The splendor of the flowers of some varieties is complemented by long pistils with fluffy stamens, which attract bees and butterflies.

At proper care The bush is usually strewn with flowers and looks very delicate, although it grows more slowly than the herbaceous one. In a bright place protected from the wind and scorching sun, the bush can grow for up to 20 years.

The bush reaches a height of two to three meters, less often four to six, and a width of 1.5 meters.

But having acquired a young specimen, do not be tormented by the question: why does the hibiscus not bloom. The Syrian bush blooms only after 3-4 years.

Varieties of bush hibiscus

Variety Ardens perennial deciduous shrub growing up to 2-3 meters tall. Easily formed like a standard tree. Dense flowering quite large (up to 14 cm) double flowers lavender or soft pink.


Variety Blue Satin is a perennial spreading deciduous shrub. The height can be up to 4-6 meters. They are often formed into a trunk to make the bush a compact tree, or one trunk, removing excess shoots in the first years of life. The flowers are large, 15 cm in diameter, blue, azure and cornflower blue. The depth of color depends on the lighting; the more light there is, the more saturated the color of the flowers.

Blue Satin

tree hibiscus

Tree-like is an excellent solution for beginning flower growers - because it is quite unpretentious. The main advantage is that it winters well in the south, without requiring additional shelter, except in the first years. The tree differs from shrub species, only in appearance - it has one trunk, which can branch at a height of about half a meter. The photo below is a young four-year-old tree. This is its second flowering.

An adult plant can grow up to 5 meters tall, even higher.

Tree hibiscus in Sevastopol

The tree-like leaves are large, bright green, the flowers are medium-sized, brightly colored, they can also be double, two- or three-colored.

How to care for hibiscus

Any variety of this plant loves sun or bright light. Maintenance is not difficult - timely watering, weeding, regular fertilizing with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers with a monthly frequency, at least. When it’s hot, you should avoid fertilizing at the roots; it’s better to spray nutritious fertilizers on the leaves.

Closer to autumn, it is necessary to apply potassium fertilizers, stopping nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizing, this will help prepare for wintering.

It is worth noting that all garden hibiscus love rotted needles. It can be added to the planting hole when transplanting or planting seedlings, and it can also be used to mulch the rhizome area.

Many gardeners love to pamper their plants with a summer foliage shower, and Hibiscus will not refuse this pleasure. The main thing to remember is that to carry out water procedures“You can only do it closer to sunset, when the sun no longer burns the leaves.

An alarming sign may be the simultaneous wilting of all flowers - the plant does not have enough moisture! Urgent, abundant watering will help to revive.

To protect against your pet’s main enemy, aphids, it is recommended to plant lavender bushes nearby, the aroma of which will repel pests.

Herbaceous, also some shrub varieties require shelter for the winter, so many gardeners prefer tree-like representatives of the genus because of their ability to delight with their beauty for many years without special care and preservation of pets in winter.

It is worth paying attention to the features of caring for different types.

Features of caring for herbaceous hibiscus

Watering, fertilizing, weeding, as with all species.

When autumn comes, the stem, leaves, wilted flowers die off. Nutrients from them are gradually absorbed by the root system. This makes it more developed, stronger, and makes it easier to endure frosty winters.

This is why you should not trim the stems of herbaceous species before they have completely dried out. In the south, where there is often no natural cover in the form of snow, an artificial one should be properly created.

The first thing we do: cut off the shrunken aerial part, water it well, loosen it, and hill up the rhizome area. You can sprinkle with humus or mulch. Sawdust, fallen leaves, dry grass, and pine litter are suitable. If these are pine needles, then in the spring you can not remove them, but leave them on top, lightly mixing them with the soil by loosening them.

The resulting hummock should be covered on top with a white soft covering material, pressing it with stones or branches, building a kind of hut. When the frosts have passed, carefully free the plant stumps from the insulating cushion, being careful not to damage the buds. After all, already in May, young shoots appear, the tops of which are advised to be pinched for splendor.

Every three years it is necessary to divide the rhizome of the herbaceous hibiscus so that its flowering does not weaken or become smaller. After all, every season the number of shoots triples. The struggle for nutrients and moisture becomes more difficult. In the first year of life, the number of main shoots is one, in the second there are two to nine, usually five, but after three years there are three times as many. The time comes to divide the bush, which, by the way, is one of the ways to reproduce it.

Caring for Syrian Hibiscus

An adult shrub tolerates our Kuban winter well, and it is better to wrap the branches of a young plant (1-2 years old) with white covering material, and sprinkle the rhizome area with humus or mulch thoroughly. The root cover layer must be at least 15 cm high. Don't forget to free the plant from it in the spring!

The Syrian species wakes up quite late, don’t be scared - it should be like this, it’s just a certain feature of it.

The shrub loves phosphorus fertilizers (for example, Bud), which activate flowering. Closer to autumn, you need to start introducing potassium preparations to prepare the bush for wintering. Tree care differs only in that it does not need to be covered in winter. The exception is young seedlings, which should still be covered for the first 1-2 winters.

How does hibiscus reproduce?

It depends on the species. For example, tree varieties can only be propagated by cuttings, grafting, or seeds.

Shrubs, in addition to cuttings, grafting, and sowing seeds, can be propagated by layering.

Herbaceous plants can most easily be propagated by dividing the bush, but the above methods of cuttings and sowing seeds are also inherent in them.

Propagation by seeds is not difficult: it is done like any other sowing without any special tricks.

Work begins from January to March. First, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in Epin solution. After this, rinse them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For sowing you will need a container, a mixture of sand and peat, as well as a shelter (glass, polyethylene or cling film). The soaked seeds are sown in moist soil and covered. To ensure that the seedlings do not take long to emerge, the temperature should be maintained at around +25ºС. Also, do not forget to ventilate the container with crops, remove drops of condensation, and, if necessary, moisten the soil surface. After the seedlings have leaves, they can be planted in separate pots.

And in May, stronger seedlings move to permanent place, and their weak brothers are temporarily used for growing.

When propagated by seeds, garden hibiscus will bloom for 3-4 seasons. Please note that it may not retain the decorative features of its parent. Therefore, propagation by seeds is not the best The best way purchase a flower with exactly the properties that you like so much.

Propagation by cuttings is the most popular method among hobbyists. Can be produced in two ways.

  1. Cuttings with 3-4 buds cut in summer are immersed in water with the addition of Kornevin or another root system growth stimulator. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted first in containers with peat soil for the winter, and in the spring - in open ground.
  2. Cuttings with 3-4 buds cut in summer are treated with a root growth stimulator in the same way as in the first method. But after this they are immediately planted in greenhouse containers with moist peat for rooting. Cuttings that have given roots are planted in pots for the winter, and in the spring they are planted in open ground.

When cuttings, there is a high probability that your pet will delight you with its flowering in the first year.

Propagation of garden hibiscus by dividing the bush is more suitable for herbaceous varieties. By the way, dividing the rhizome - necessary reception on caring for herbaceous species to maintain high-quality flowering. This is one of the fastest convenient ways reproduction.

In early spring, carefully dig up a 3-4 year old bush with a pitchfork and divide the rhizome with a knife or shovel. As a rule: one trunk - one separate plant. When dividing older bushes, 2-3 trunks are allowed per new specimen.

Sprinkle the sections with ash or crushed coal.

The resulting parts of the rhizome should be planted immediately. Well-watered planting holes with nutrient soil must be prepared in advance.

We fill the rhizomes with soil, compact the surface, and water again. After two weeks, you can carry out the first nitrogen fertilizing. With this care, separated bushes quickly sprout and delight their owners with flowering already in the first season after planting.

Reproduction by layering and grafting should be left to professionals, since these methods will require not only skills and knowledge, but also special tools, patience, composure, which are not always compatible things for amateur gardeners. Especially when you need fast, reliable results.

Pruning hibiscus in autumn or spring, when is best?

It is important to know how pruning affects garden hibiscus, when to do it, and whether it is needed at all.

They say that young bushes should not be pruned. But that's not true. Needs to be trimmed! You need to start doing this as early as possible in order to give the plant shape, splendor, and increase flowering. After all, flower buds are formed only on young shoots.

Regular spring pruning– This is a necessary annual maintenance. It is also called hygienic or stimulating. It is recommended to carry out such pruning starting in February, until the bushes or trees wake up and until sap flow begins. Don’t be afraid to cut off the excess; last year’s shoots need to be mercilessly shortened by 1/3 of their length. Your pet will thank you with an abundance of flower buds.
Anti-aging pruning of hibiscus in the fall is carried out on adult specimens. For example, your bush has reached a huge size or has become too thick. Cut out old dry branches, thin out the plant, leaving only the main skeletal ones.

Landscape designers advise leaving the central branch longer than the others. The crown shape will be more attractive.

For a tree-like representative, you can shape the crown by pruning, for example, make it spherical.

Regular anti-aging pruning (once every 3 years) will strengthen the skeleton of a shrub or tree.

What is hibiscus, the types of which were described above, you learned, got acquainted with the rules of caring for it, and the features of pruning. Now you can decide which variety your garden is missing and feel free to buy yourself a Chinese beauty.

Hibiscus - signs, superstitions, traditions

Is there some more Interesting Facts, about which it is impossible not to say.

This flower is said to have magical powers.

Someone calls it the flower of love - supposedly it gives a huge amount of energy that can resurrect a departed love or ignite a new one in the family where it grows.

Oddly enough, there is a scientific explanation for this: the nectar of the flower is an aphrodisiac, so it may well strengthen family relationships.

And doctors say that everyone should have hibiscus at home or in the garden, the beneficial properties of which lie in its exquisite aroma, containing phytoncides that suppress some carcinogens.

Well, the second loud popular name is garden hibiscus - the flower of death. Why? There are several reasons.

There is a legend that if a hibiscus blooms at the wrong time and gets out of rhythm, then you are in for trouble.

Also, a withering, drying plant supposedly portends a serious illness to one of the family members where it grows.

All this, of course, is superstition. Believe it or not is everyone's business.

No matter what superstitions tell us, it is impossible to refuse to grow a beautiful flower.

Exist interesting traditions related to hibiscus different countries peace. It is very interesting. For example, this plant is the national flower of several countries - Haiti, South Korea, Malaysia.

And the Filipinos use it to make the base for soap bubbles, crushing foliage and flowers to obtain a sticky liquid.

The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn on the head of girls and women Hawaiian Islands. Moreover, if the flower is in the hair on the left, it means that the woman is not free. And if the flower is on the right, then this person is open to relationships.

Plant your own garden hibiscus! Care and reproduction does not require much effort. There are a huge number of species and varieties. The color scheme will satisfy even the most demanding landscape designer. This wonderful plant will decorate your garden for many years, making it unique and amazing.

Garden hibiscus - photo

Summer Storm Fire ball
Royal James

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Hibiscus or Chinese rose - tropical plant from the Malvaceae family. In total there are over two hundred varieties of this ornamental shrub, most of which are adapted for growing exclusively at home. Only street (garden) hibiscus is planted in open ground, which is not inferior in beauty to “greenhouse” species. Unusual and luxurious, it looks especially beautiful and becomes a real decoration personal plot, allows you to create spectacular compositions.

Features of street hibiscus

Designed for outdoor cultivation, hibiscus is covered with oval leaves with pointed edges. Large funnel-shaped flowers have petals of various colors.
There are several types of this plant. Breeders highlight:

  • Syrian. Differs in richness green foliage. Feels great in open ground. Its crown grows slowly, and flowering begins only in the third and sometimes in the fourth year.
  • Trifoliate. Reaches a height of one meter, but can grow larger. The foliage resembles petioles and is small. Blooms for a long time, but flowers are small yellow color They bloom during the day only for a few hours.
  • Drummond. Large leaves up to five centimeters in diameter frame branched stems. The flowers, consisting of five petals, are pink in color with a blackish core.
  • dissectedpetalous. It got its name from the shape of its petals. It has medium-sized flowers of orange or red color. The bush blooms until autumn.

Due to the variety of species, every gardener can choose exactly the hibiscus whose appearance the best way fits into the landscape of the plot.

Choosing a place and time for planting garden hibiscus

The plant should not be planted in a shaded area. It refers to light-loving. The place is chosen to be open for sun rays. The main thing is that it is well protected from the wind. Regarding the soil, there are no special requirements. Hibiscus loves moisture, but the composition of the soil is not particularly important.
The only nuance to remember is that water should not stagnate around the rhizome. In other words, it should be quite loose, and not “stoney”. The best time for planting is spring, but not early. This is due to the fact that the earth must be warmed by the sun.

Stages of planting hibiscus

Planting hibiscus in open ground is carried out in the following order:

  1. A hole is dug under each seedling. The dimensions of the holes should be twice the size of the root system of the cutting. This applies to both width and depth.
  2. The bottom of the pit is laid out with a drainage layer formed by brick chips. It is best to use red brick. Its thickness should be at least fifteen centimeters.
  3. A ten-centimeter layer of sand is poured onto the drainage, and a fifteen-centimeter layer of compost is poured on top, and then sand of the same thickness.
  4. The pit is filled with prepared soil mixture. It consists of soil, peat, sand, taken in a ratio of 2:4:1. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The seedling is placed in the hole so that the uppermost roots are flush with the surface of the earth. They are only lightly sprinkled with the mixture. All that remains is to properly care for the seedlings.

Caring for hibiscus planted in open ground

Every seedling needs hilling. It is carried out after abundant watering, waiting until the moment when the water is completely absorbed by the soil. The resulting hole is filled with a mound of soil mixture and lightly compacted so that the mound is level with the ground.
It is imperative to monitor the condition of the soil around the hibiscus trunk. It should always be loose. The earth is periodically loosened. This procedure is especially important after rain. Otherwise the soil will cake. Water the bushes after the soil dries. In temperate climates, watering is carried out two to three times a week. When the summer is hot, you have to do this every day.


There are two main methods of reproduction:

  • Seeds. Gardeners often do not use this planting material, since quite a lot of time passes from the moment of planting to the first flowering, which is not entirely convenient.
  • Cuttings. After planting the cuttings, the plant blooms already in the first year of life, with the exception of the Syrian one. This was the main reason for the popularity of this particular method of growing hibiscus in personal plots.

The cutting must have at least two internodes. The cut is treated with a growth stimulator and the planting material is placed in a soil-peat mixture, creating greenhouse conditions. A month later, when the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted from the greenhouse into pots filled with a mixture of leaves, peat, sand and soil, taken in equal proportions.
Young shoots need some care. They definitely need to be pinched. Otherwise they will not form a bush. Transplantation directly into open ground is carried out after the cuttings acquire the semblance of a small bush.

Fertilization and flowering characteristics of street hibiscus

How to form and trim a bush?

Every spring, outdoor hibiscus requires hygienic pruning. It is carried out to remove damaged and dry branches. Healthy ones from last year are shortened by a third of the length. Pruning improves the budding of hibiscus. And the shorter the trunk is made, the greater the number of new branches will appear, and the bush will become much denser.
To form any composition, it is necessary to trim the crown correctly. Otherwise beautiful shape crown will not work. In a young bush, the branches are cut off at the level of the third or second bud, but the trunk is not touched. The second pruning is carried out by the onset of spring. The branches are shortened to the second, and the trunk to the sixth or fifth bud.

Features of winter maintenance

To winter for exotic plant went well, it will take some effort. Bushes with double flowers tolerate sub-zero temperatures best, which should be taken into account in advance.
Frost is detrimental to hibiscus, so the plant is either transplanted into the basement or protected from the cold right outside. Each pruned bush is given its own shelter - a rigid frame covered with agrotex. This protective structure effective in regions where the temperature does not drop below -15 degrees Celsius.
When the temperature environment much less, hibiscus requires more reliable insulation. The branches are tied and bent to the ground, wrapped in a bag. A kind of hut made of dense spruce branches is installed on top of the bush, reinforced with dense fabric or poles.

What pests and diseases affect garden hibiscus?

If you fertilize and water the bush in a timely manner, no problems will arise.

Why doesn't garden hibiscus bloom?

Improper or insufficient care is the only reason why a gardener may have problems with outdoor hibiscus. Often, an adult, well-groomed, healthy-looking green bush grows well, but does not bloom.
This problem is due to the nature of the soil in which the plant is planted. There is not enough boron and phosphorus in the soil. If you apply appropriate fertilizing, the bush will delight you with abundant flowering.

What plants does street hibiscus “get along with”?

Some gardeners prefer to plant hibiscus separately, while others, on the contrary, strive to create beautiful compositions. Latest, doing landscape design, should strive not only to plant the plants they like, but to take into account the fact that not all of them can feel great next to each other.
Garden hibiscus grows and blooms most favorably next to lavender and roses. Such a neighborhood will not bring any additional hassle in caring for the plants, but will allow you to form a wonderful composition that will decorate your garden or suburban area.

Hibiscus is an annual herbaceous or perennial tree plant, belonging to the mallow family, it can be divided into three groups:

  • shrub and subshrub;
  • herbaceous hibiscus;
  • tree-like.

Low-growing herbaceous species, reaching 80 cm, are good as individual plantings; they can successfully disguise unsightly places in the garden or unsightly outbuildings. A shrub that grows up to 3 meters will be an excellent flowering hedge with which you can zone a site. In short, hibiscus is very good in landscape design.

In tropical countries, the streets of cities are decorated with low, densely flowering trees.

The shrub can be given almost any shape by pruning.

In temperate climates, the Syrian hibiscus has taken root better than all other species because of its frost resistance. In the indoor version, gardeners prefer Chinese hibiscus or, as it is most often called, Chinese rose.

Caring for them is slightly different indoor plant requires more effort to maintain it in a blooming decorative state. Although even during the dormant period, when the bush is simply green, it looks great in the interior.

Root system

Hibiscus root system mixed– there is a taproot, which is then covered with many shoots. The root system grows quickly, so indoor hibiscus option needed replant frequently as it grows.

Garden hibiscus does not need replanting, it can grow perfectly in one place for many years with good care.


Shrubs and small trees have a trunk covered with bark. You can grow standard plants, but only in tubs. Some gardeners plant two or three varieties with different shades of flowers for this purpose.

By intertwining their trunks as they grow, you can get a beautiful tricolor tree.

All types of hibiscus can be grown in gardens - herbaceous, shrubby and tree-like.

Flowers and leaves

Leaves of all varieties of hibiscus large (up to 5 cm) bright green. U different varieties leaves may be different shapes- simply oval, with a tooth along the edge and three segments. The leaves of the Chinese rose are smooth and shiny, while those of the garden (Syrian) rose are matte and slightly pubescent.

Flowers- the main decoration of the plant - can be double or simple, red, pink, yellow, white and purple. However, the breeders have tried so that everyone can find a flower to their liking. Hibiscus flowers large– up to 13 cm in diameter.

Varieties with double flowers are less frost-resistant, therefore in regions with temperate climate it is better to grow hibiscus with simple flowers.

Garden hibiscus - cultivation and care

With little effort, hibiscus will decorate the garden from early June to early September with bright, continuous blooms. This tropical guest requires no more care than others flowering plants.

Choosing a place for hibiscus in the garden (light and thermal conditions)

Before planting hibiscus, you need to decide on a place where it will be comfortable. It must be chosen based on the characteristics of the plant and taking into account the fact that he may not need a transplant for many years.

Hibiscus will grow and bloom well in a sunny place where there are no strong drafts.

He can still tolerate light partial shade, but strong shade will not suit him, this will negatively affect flowering.

Planting in open ground

Having chosen a place, you need to prepare it. The soil must be air- and water-permeable, so peat and sand must be mixed into the soil. Organic matter in the form of humus will also not hurt. Ideal option there would be more adding perlite and crushed tree bark. The soil reaction should be slightly acidic and well drained.

Then a hole is prepared for planting. Typically, the plant is transplanted from the container in which it was grown from seeds or cuttings. There must be a hole deeper and wider than this capacity. Before planting, pour about 5 liters of water into it. Once the water has soaked into the ground, the hole is ready for planting. The plant sinks vertically into the ground.

In cool climates, hibiscus should be planted deeper rather than warmer. In the southern regions, when planting, it is recommended to leave some of the roots above the surface of the ground.

Hibiscus planting is done in early spring.

Replanting garden hibiscus is practically not necessary. But if such a need arises, it should also be done in early spring and using the same technology as planting.


Hibiscus does not tolerate excess moisture, so you need to water it only after waiting for the soil to dry out. But you can’t overdry it either.

It is better to water abundantly, but not very often.

Air humidity

There are no special air humidity requirements for garden hibiscus. In the case when it is moved indoors for the winter (for example, a standard specimen grown in a tub), it must be spray.

Top dressing

Hibiscus will thank you for proper feeding with lush, long-lasting flowering. Plant loves fertile land, so during the season it needs to be fertilized every 2 weeks.

To do this, use fertilizers containing phosphorus and a small amount of nitrogen mixed with organic fertilizers. In preparation for wintering, potassium is added to the fertilizer so that the hibiscus can tolerate low temperatures well.


Hibiscus begins to bloom in mid-June and ends in early September. Its peculiarity is the life expectancy of the bud. Having blossomed in the morning, it can fade and fall off by the evening, and the next day it appears in this place. new flower.


Pruning is a necessary procedure for hibiscus. You need to prepare a tool for it - pruners, a knife, a small hacksaw, if the branches cannot be trimmed with a lighter tool. All this must be disinfected and sharpened. A blunt instrument can damage the plant.

The branches are cut obliquely, with the lower edge of the cut directed into the bush and the upper edge outward. Do not cut more than 23 branches long, as this may kill the hibiscus.

Only pruned tree hibiscus and bush.

Types of pruning

1.Spring pruning to stimulate flowering.

The structure of hibiscus is such that the bud is always formed at the end of the branch. Pruning branches in the spring to one third of last year's growth stimulates the growth of additional branches, at the ends of which flowers will bloom.

2.Thinning or hygienic pruning.

If the branches grow too densely, they need to be thinned out, removing weak and dried shoots, as well as old branches. At the same time, you need to inspect the plant for the presence of beetles that can eat fresh shoots with buds.

Diseased or damaged branches are pruned back to healthy tissue. The sign will be green color cut wood. If it is white, then this part of the branch is not alive.

3.Corrective pruning.

A bush that has grown greatly or has lost its shape can be pruned in order to return it to a beautiful, neat shape. Single branches that protrude strongly above the crown of the bush are pruned. Pruning is done approximately 13 lengths just above the nearest bud.

4.Radical pruning.

This is done if the plant is in danger of dying. All branches are cut off almost completely. If the plant has living tissue left, then we can hope that the bush can be reborn again.

5. Autumn pruning.

It is carried out in September, after the end of flowering. You cannot prune the plant in late autumn before the onset of cold weather, otherwise it will not be able to grow normally in the spring.

Young plants should only be pruned gently in the form of pinching I. In this case, only the tops of the branches are cut off so that they can branch and produce more flowers.

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus reproduces well and does not require special conditions for the growth and development of young shoots.

There are several methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut from young shoots in the summer. They should have 2-3 growth points.
  • The cut is treated with root or other growth stimulant and planted in a 1:1 mixture of sand and peat.
  • The temperature must not be lower than +23 degrees. Rooting occurs approximately 3-4 weeks after planting.
  • Rooted cuttings are transplanted into a substrate of fertile soil with humus and sand and watered well.

Propagation by seeds

  • The seeds are pre-soaked for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator;
  • are also sown in a mixture of sand and peat at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other;
  • the container is covered with film or glass;
  • watering and ventilation are constantly carried out;
  • temperature regime not less than +25 degrees;
  • diving occurs when several leaves appear.

The soil with planted seeds requires bottom heating.

Hibiscus grown from seeds usually blooms in the third year.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • the bush is completely dug out of the ground;
  • With a sharp knife, the rhizome is divided into parts;
  • planted as described above in the “Planting in open ground” section.

Features of care in autumn

In the fall, hibiscus is prepared for a safe winter. To do this, light pruning and fertilizing with potassium fertilizers is carried out in September.

Before frost sets in, water the bush once and very generously. A few days later he is spudded.

In November, the plant needs to be insulated using mulching and shelter.

The branches are bent to the ground and covered with a special cloth.

You can place arches over the young bushes and cover them with fabric as well. This can be done when the outside temperature is below +5 degrees.

Problems, diseases and pests

Problems you may encounter when growing hibiscus:

  • falling off of established buds means lack of nutrition or excessive watering;
  • yellowing of the upper leaves and falling of the lower ones - an excess of iron in the water for irrigation;
  • an abundance of green mass and lack of flowering - an excess of nitrogen in the fertilizer;
  • drooping leaves - lack of moisture.

The disease to which this plant is susceptible is chlorosis. This fungal disease. It can be infectious or non-infectious. Infectious chlorosis is carried by insect pests, so first of all we need to fight them.

The diseased plant needs to be transplanted to another place, increased feeding and sprayed regularly.

Non-infectious chlorosis can occur if there is excess moisture or if the hibiscus grows in the shade. Need to transplant place it in a brighter place and adjust the watering regime.


Insect control products are insecticidal preparations, with which the bush is sprayed.

Tree hibiscus is popularly called very romantically - the flower of love. This plant can safely be considered one of the most beautiful creatures nature. The color hibiscus gives its owners is simply breathtaking.

When it blooms, its huge bright flowers cannot help but attract the gaze of every passerby. Among the residents southern regions In Russia and Ukraine, Syrian hibiscus is very popular, especially beautiful. In the northern regions, it can only be grown in large flowerpots, so that when frost occurs, the plants can be brought into warm rooms.

Hibiscus varieties

Hibiscus tree belongs to the Malvaceae family. Under natural conditions, there are about 200 plant species, which differ in shape and size. Flowers different types Same different sizes and color, there are some that are the size of

Hibiscus species

Syrian hibiscus has very bright green leaves and large double or single flowers. Their color varies. It grows slowly and for the first time pleases with flowers only in the third or fourth year.

The dissected hibiscus is a species that boasts interesting dissected petals that are bent back, hence the name. It blooms from May to November with flowers 8 cm in diameter in red, orange or mixed colors. Chinese hibiscus is very similar to this species.

Hibiscus trifoliata is a tall species, the leaves are petiolate and tripartite in shape. Pale yellow, relatively small flowers with a purple center open in the morning for about 4 hours, and close again in the afternoon.

Hibiscus Drumond - the plant has three-segmented leaves with dissected edges and five-petaled flowers of purple or pink color with a dark center.

It is worth noting the fact that among all the varieties, only the tree hibiscus, or Syrian hibiscus, has taken root well at home.

Description of hibiscus tree

Frost-resistant and completely unpretentious - this is a description of such a plant as the tree-like garden hibiscus. Planting and care are quite simple. This shrub looks great as a living flowering hedge. Hibiscus is characterized long period flowering, the first flowers bloom with the onset of summer, the last ones delight with their beauty in late autumn.

Tree-like garden hibiscus has small, ovoid leaves; they grow quite late. If you care for the bush correctly, it can reach three meters in height and one and a half meters in width. The fact that the plant is cared for according to the rules can be seen by its shiny green leaves and large bright colors. Spring and autumn time When the air is cold, hibiscus leaves may turn yellow.

Lovely color: hibiscus tree

Anyone who has ever seen a hibiscus bush strewn with flowers knows what it is. The diameter of the flowers often reaches 12 cm. The color is so bright that it immediately attracts the eye and causes delight. Flowers are arranged one at a time, at a distance from each other.

This one lives beautiful flower just one day, in the morning it blooms, until the evening it fades, and its petals fall off. But, despite this sad fact, the hibiscus bush does not remain without buds. After all, new ones bloom on it every day.

Tree hibiscus: planting and care

Garden hibiscus, as mentioned earlier, can be grown in your garden without much difficulty. Although planting tree hibiscus is not a very difficult matter, you still need to know some rules.

The soil for this plant must be prepared fertile, loose and rich in humus. In order for the bush to fully develop, and during the flowering period to be strewn with beautiful flowers, a sunny, quiet, draft-free place is selected for it. The plant should be watered regularly and often, but flooding should not be allowed; the soil near the hibiscus should be constantly moist.

Young plants need special attention their owner, especially in the cold season. They definitely need to be covered so that they can survive the frost. If hibiscus is planted in the soil in the fall, then before winter arrives, the ground around the bushes is mulched.

Proper planting and watering are not all the rules that need to be followed when caring for a plant. In order for the bush to grow for a long time, it must be fed. Fertilizers are applied once every two weeks, most importantly, they must contain a lot of phosphate. Before winter comes, the hibiscus needs to be fed; this will support the bush and help it survive the frosts.

If you follow everything listed rules, then this beautiful plant can live up to twenty years or even more.

Reproduction by cuttings

Tree hibiscus can be propagated in more than one way. The cutting method has proven to be the most effective. If you decide to plant this in your garden beautiful bush In this way, there will not be any special difficulties.

It is recommended to carry out cuttings in the spring, before the hibiscus blooms; for this you can use those parts that remain after pruning. Prepared cut cuttings must be placed in water and wait until roots appear on them.

It is better to immediately plant cuttings with roots in flowerpots and place them in the garden. Thus, with the onset of the first winter, it can be hidden in the same flowerpot in a warm place and the still very weak plant can be protected from frost.

Propagation by seeds

Garden hibiscus can also be successfully propagated by seeds; this method also does not pose any particular difficulties. You can sow seeds from January to March. First, the planting material must be soaked in the Epin solution. Prepare the soil for planting from a mixture of sand and peat, fill a flowerpot with the peat mixture and sow the prepared seeds into it. Cover the pot with seeds with glass. To get excellent seedlings, you need to maintain high temperature, about 27 degrees. The container with seeds must be ventilated periodically.

When the seedlings have several leaves, they are picked and planted in small separate pots. Then everything is the same as with the cuttings; in the warm season, leave small hibiscus in the garden, choosing a cozy place for them. And for the winter, move them to a warm place.

How to prune correctly?

Another important procedure is necessary in caring for the plant - pruning the hibiscus. It is recommended to do it at the end of winter, until the time when the bush begins to “wake up” and actively grow.

Pruning hibiscus ensures that the plant will delight the gardener with a huge number of flowers. This is due to the fact that flower buds of a beautiful bush are formed only on the shoots of the current year.

You can prune this garden beauty for a beautiful plant appearance and will serve as a wonderful decoration for any yard, balcony or terrace. Southern residents make pyramids, balls, diamonds, and various other shapes from hibiscus, strewn with bright large flowers. The spectacle is very beautiful!

Some people have the impression that the plant may suffer from pruning, but this is not the case. Hibiscus tolerates such a haircut normally, while getting rid of dried branches. Each gardener prunes and shapes the bush to suit its surroundings at his own discretion.

Preparing hibiscus for winter

As stated earlier, this decorative bush- a southerner, so it is quite natural that many are interested in how hibiscus overwinters. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; it all depends on the variety, on the area, on the climate. Most non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are considered frost-resistant. For plants of this species, which “live” in the southern regions, special preparation for wintering is not needed. But for northern plants it is necessary to provide shelter from frost, otherwise winter time The hibiscus may die.

For tree and herbaceous hibiscus, preparation for winter is carried out in the same way. The plants need to be trimmed and watered abundantly, this is done before the first frost. Several days after watering, the bushes are earthed up, preparing soil mixed with sand for this purpose.

At the end of November, hibiscus need to be insulated. To do this, build mounds 15-20 cm high around the plants using sawdust and dry leaves. If the plant is young, then it is recommended to wrap it completely for the winter. This is not too difficult to do; the entire bush is bent towards the ground and covered with a special material; the top must also be covered with plastic film.

On the issue of wintering hibiscus: it is worth drawing the attention of gardeners to the fact that the Syrian hibiscus “wakes up” in the spring for a very long time, because of this there are cases when the owner of the plant uproots a living bush, deciding that it died during frosts.

What causes hibiscus disease and how to avoid it?

If it is not enough to water your hibiscus or it will not have enough nutrients, then the flower buds will begin to form, but will fall off almost immediately.

If the water with which the plant is watered contains excess iron, the upper leaves will begin to turn yellow and the lower ones will fall off.

If the hibiscus has drooping and withered leaves, this means that the plant is “asking to drink”, it doesn’t have enough moisture.

If the ground is too cold, it can cause the hibiscus's roots to dry out and die.

Take a closer look at your green pet, take good care of it, and then the garden hibiscus will long years delight with its unusual southern charm.


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