The main rules for planting and caring for marigolds. Marigolds in your garden: cultivation and care When to plant marigold seedlings in Siberia

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Many gardeners love to grow marigolds - planting and caring for them in open ground is not difficult. After all, these Americans are very undemanding and can grow in almost any conditions. These lush and bright Chernobrivtsy, this is what these flowers are called in Ukrainian, will bloom until the onset of frost.


Small bushes with strong and dense stems can reach a height of even a meter. These varieties will look great when planted alone. Low-growing varieties can be perfectly placed on the balcony or in seedling containers on the site. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, varies from 10 to 130 cm.

Straight branched stems can form a lush mini bush that looks nice in a flower bed. One plant can have several lush inflorescences that delight bright colors from early summer to late autumn. Seeds scattered on the ground can sprout on their own next year - they are highly similar.

Famous big number varieties of marigolds: annual and perennial, dwarf and giant, simple and double. All these varieties require similar growing conditions and planting characteristics.

Growing in open ground

You can grow flowers from seeds. Initially, they can be bought at a specialized store or borrowed from friends. In the future, you can use your own seed material collected in the fall for planting.

Important: Most hybrids when planted collected seeds loses its features. As a result, you can get a flower that differs from the original one.

Marigolds are propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds directly into prepared soil or by seedling method. When choosing a growing method, you need to consider the following factors:

  • climate of a specific area;
  • night temperature;
  • probability of spring frosts;
  • preferred flowering time of bushes.

Having decided on the growing method, they begin to sow the seeds.

Sowing directly into the soil

It is worth growing plants in this way in the southern regions, where there is a low probability of night frosts. It is best to plant seeds in May, when the night temperature is above 7 degrees. When sowing seeds, it is important to consider the following features:

  • soil preparation - it must be nutritious;
  • seed preparation – you can germinate the seeds before sowing;

Tip: To germinate seeds, they need to be placed in a damp cloth, wrapped in polyethylene and placed on a warm windowsill under the sun’s rays for 2–3 days.

  • sowing seeds - in small holes up to 5 cm deep or in a shallow furrow;
  • planting scheme - it is necessary to leave a distance between future bushes that allows all plants to develop normally; it depends on the height of the future bush and its branching;
  • Having sprinkled the holes with soil, they need to be shed with water;
  • After sprouts appear, weak and diseased plants must be removed immediately.

When planting seeds in this way, it should be taken into account that the first flowers of marigolds can only be observed a couple of months after sowing. For those who want to see marigold flowers earlier, you will have to tinker with the seedlings.

Planting seedlings

When sowing seeds for seedlings, take into account the following features:

  • when sowing seeds in early spring, marigolds will bloom by early summer;
  • For planting, prepare nutritious soil: for this, mix the same amount of humus, peat, sand, turf;
  • drainage is placed at the bottom of the container - small stones or expanded clay - to prevent the sprouts from rotting;
  • seeds are sown to a depth of about 3 cm at a distance of no less than 2 cm;
  • similar to the previous method, the seeds are sprinkled with soil, then watered, and then the container is placed on a warm windowsill;
  • Before transplanting, seedlings need to be well lit and at the same time prevent direct sunlight;
  • on permanent place sprouts are transported with establishment favorable conditions– most often this is mid or late May.

Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to select a site where the marigolds will grow and prepare the soil.

  • Place

Since marigolds are unpretentious, they can grow almost anywhere. But it should be remembered that beautiful bush, which has several large and bright flowers, can be obtained when the plant is well lit. Do not plant this flower in the shade on soil that is too moist. You can plant it in a flowerbed or in a pot.

Important: When marigolds grow next to vegetable beds, they repel harmful insects.

  • The soil

Beautiful flowers grow on light, nutritious soil. It is necessary that the soil is loose and allows moisture to pass through well. Having dug the soil to a depth of about 30 cm, it is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizer and mix it thoroughly with the soil. It is important that the soil contains humus, sand, peat and turf.


Seedlings should be planted in a permanent location after the threat of frost has passed by the end of spring. Correct fit includes the following rules:

  • The seedling is buried 2–3 cm into the hole, so the hole is made about a centimeter deeper;
  • The distance between the holes should be 20 cm (for dwarf varieties) or 40 cm (for tall bushes), leave 30 cm between low bushes;
  • To prevent stagnation of water at the roots, you need to put a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the hole;
  • Carefully place the seedling in the hole and sprinkle it with soil;
  • Organize optimal care.

Flower care

Since marigolds are very unpretentious, caring for them is quite simple and easy. Even the most inexperienced summer resident can cope with growing marigolds. Caring for these flowers includes the following points:

  • Watering

Should be moderate, constant. It is especially necessary to moisten the soil when the plant is actively growing and developing. After all, it is at this time that the flower needs water. Once the marigolds begin to bloom, you will need to water less often. After all, at this time the likelihood of water stagnation at the roots increases, which can lead to their rotting. in summer hot weather It is better to water in the evening.

  • Loosening and weeding

Necessary procedure during the entire period of plant development: how active growth, and flowering. After all, a flower needs loose soil, filled with air so that the roots can breathe freely. Along with loosening, you can also perform weeding, removing all weeds that interfere with the plant’s growth and development.

  • Top dressing

Not the main requirement, because marigold can grow without fertilizing. However, any fertilizer other than manure will allow the flower to grow lush and beautiful.

Tip: It is best to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers three times during the entire growing season: at the time of growth, during the formation of buds and before flowering. Important: When a plant is fed too often, it stops flowering.

  • Trimming

It is produced in the summer to give the bush more beautiful shape. IN mandatory remove those buds that have bloomed. This procedure results in more abundant flowering and increases the likelihood of new buds forming.

  • Pest Control

Marigolds are able to cope with many pests with the help of a specific aroma. However, if agricultural cultivation practices are violated, they can be affected by slugs and snails, spider mites and gray mold. It is better to remove the former manually, the latter - to remove using special means, but with the third disease, it is better to completely burn the infected plant so that it is not transmitted to healthy bushes.

Seeds can be collected from the grown plant, and next year plant them exactly. When, subsequent plants lose their properties. Therefore, a slightly different flower may grow, different from the mother one.

A frequently asked question about marigolds is growing from seeds: when to plant them using seedlings and non-seedling methods, when can seedlings be moved to a flowerbed, how to care for young plants to ensure earlier and longer flowering? Even lovers of these many-sided flowers are sometimes lost when purchasing new variety or view. The bags often have different planting dates for compact and large varieties tagetes, for terry and non-terry forms. And even in appearance, marigolds vary greatly: from tiny, no higher than 40 cm border bushes with brightly colored, burgundy and brown inflorescences, to tall, about 100 cm “saffron” flowers with large pom-poms of double flowers in all shades of yellow and even with pure white corollas.

They have only one thing in common - characteristic strong smell leaves, flowers and stems. Thanks to this, marigolds different types has long been used as a seasoning (Imereti saffron), a flavorful additive in tea and marinades, and as a repellent for garden pests.

Sowing seeds

This is the most common way to grow marigolds at home. The beginning of flowering in open ground depends on the sowing time. On average, for any species and varieties of tagetes, 2-2.5 months should pass from the moment the seeds are sown until the start of flowering. Knowing this, you can easily calculate on your own when to sow marigolds for seedlings.

The limiting factor in the regions of central Russia is return frosts. Young plants are very sensitive to even a slight decrease in temperature, so the timing of planting seedlings is open ground must take this into account too. If we assume the end of the frost period at the end of May and if you want to get a flowering border already in early June, then you can plant marigold seedlings around mid-March.

Early dates sowings are more suitable for short and dwarf varieties, since tall varieties reach quite large sizes by the time they flower.

At home, not everyone can place a sufficient number of such seedlings. Therefore, the gardener must decide on his own, based on his own capabilities, the question of when to plant marigold seedlings.

How to grow good seedlings

As soon as the date of planting in open ground is determined and the desired flowering time is determined, you can prepare for the main operation - sowing. Marigold seedlings are planted in boxes or containers with soil prepared in the fall from a mixture of garden soil and sand (1:1). Tagetes seeds are very large, and this procedure does not cause any particular problems.

On the surface of the wet soil, you need to make furrows about 1 cm deep. The distance between the indentations is 3-4 cm. Place the seeds in the furrows, leaving approximately the same distance between them. To accelerate germination and disinfection seed material You need to thoroughly wet the spread out seeds and the soil around them with a spray bottle. After this, fill the grooves with seeds with a dry mixture of earth and sand in a layer of no more than 1 cm. To preserve moisture, cover the containers with glass or film and place in a warm place (+25 ° C) until germination. Convenient and effective method, suitable for the amateur gardener.

To grow marigold seedlings strong and well-developed, it is best to use greenhouses or greenhouses. But also in room conditions You can get good specimens of both tall and short bushes. It is important to follow simple rules for growing marigolds from seeds:

  1. After some of the seedlings have sprouted, the box must be moved to a very well-lit place. When sowing early (mid-March, early April), the seedlings will require lighting and a day length of up to 10 hours.
  2. The temperature when growing seedlings should not be higher than +20 ° C. At high temperatures and low humidity in the room, the seedlings quickly dry out and wither, as they are very sensitive to lack of moisture.
  3. After 2-4 leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted in separate pots or in a box according to the 7x7 cm pattern. Seedlings low-growing varieties even with early sowing, they can grow in these conditions before it is time to plant them in the flowerbed. Tall varieties may require another pick when the leaves begin to overlap each other. Bushes growing in separate containers can simply be moved away from each other to provide good lighting to the entire seedling and prevent it from stretching out.
  4. About 7-10 days before transplanting into open ground, the seedlings need to be hardened: take them outside and gradually increase the period of exposure to the air. When transplanted, unprepared plants can be burned by the sun, wither from exposure to wind, etc. All this reduces the survival rate of the bushes after transplantation and delays the start of flowering.

Sow marigolds in a “snail” (video)

Seedless method

Marigolds from seeds can be grown by sowing directly into a permanent place. This is especially true for those who did not have time to sow them for seedlings in advance in 2018. Mid-May and early June are the best time for this. Marigolds sown in open ground will bloom in July or early August and will delight the eye in autumn flower beds until frost sets in.

The planting technology is similar to sowing seedlings. Furrows should be made for border and group plantings, and single large bushes should be planted by making a hole in the soil and placing 1-2 seeds in it. To be sure that there will be no “bald spots” among the marigolds that are sown directly into the ground, you can soak the seeds and wait for them to peck.

To do this, place tagetes seeds on a cloth or cotton wool placed in a container with a lid. Moisten the material well and cover the seeds with a layer of the same fabric. Close the container and place it in a warm place with a temperature not lower than +25 ° C. Seeds that show signs of germination after 4-5 days can be planted in the ground. The rest may sprout a little later, but if this does not happen within another 3-4 days, then this indicates their low quality. Such seeds will no longer germinate and can be thrown away.

Seedlings planted directly into the ground will not require picking; they only need to be thinned out if the seeding was done too densely. For low-growing varieties, the distance should be at least 15 cm between the bushes. Tall marigolds, sown in open ground, should be placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other in group plantings. Only then will they be able to bloom magnificently and form well-branched, powerful bushes.

How to grow marigolds (video)

Which varieties to choose for growing

How to grow marigolds in order to get exactly the kind of plants that a gardener needs to decorate a flower bed? There is no secret here: among the varieties known in cultivation, there are only 3 types of marigolds:

  • erect, or African - the tallest, up to 120 cm, with large double inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, uniform in color from white to bright orange;
  • rejected, or French - more compact, medium-sized, up to 60 cm tall with many variegated inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter;
  • thin-leaved, or Mexican - dwarf, 15-40 cm tall with double and non-double inflorescences.

Seed packets usually indicate the height of the plant, and sometimes its species. Based on this, you can select varieties with the desired flower color and bush height for border decoration (low-growing Providence, Antigua, Bonanza marigolds), or for parterre plantings. For mixborders and group plantings, you can combine large-colored hybrids of upright Discovery Orange (bright orange), Kilimanjaro (white), Sonnenschein (lemon) and other medium- and tall-growing varieties, rejected Vanilla (white), Gold Ball (yellow), Carmen (orange -red), complementing them with short ones.

Planting and care

Unpretentious plants not particularly demanding on soil composition. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to dig the ground deeply and add complex fertilizers for flowering plants. Sand must be added to dense and heavy soil to ensure good permeability of water and air to the marigold roots.

How to water Tagetes correctly? Those in need large quantities moisture, young plants need to be watered as often as necessary for their good growth, - allowing the top layer of soil to dry out only a little. As it grows and by the time of flowering, abundant watering becomes less necessary. Marigolds can easily tolerate slight drying out of the soil if the gardener cannot water them on time. In the absence of rain and dry, hot weather sets in, watering can be done only 1-2 times a week, but it should be plentiful (about 10 liters for a large bush or 3-5 liters for low-growing forms). Under these conditions, the plants will bloom well, but if they dry out, the number of flowers may decrease significantly.

Marigold propagation

To prepare material for sowing next year, you also need to know how to collect marigold seeds. In the second half of summer, dry, hard boxes with many seeds form on the bushes. They need to be collected in dry weather, cutting off the capsule at the base. If the summer turns out to be rainy and the seeds are wet, you can easily dry them by spreading them out thin layer on paper.

When collecting seeds from bushes grown independently, one cannot expect the purity of the variety, since marigolds easily pollinate among themselves. Hybrid plants marked on the package F1 may not show properties in the offspring, and double large-flowered forms often set very few seeds. All these factors must be taken into account when collecting seed from your plants. To obtain pure-quality crops, you can plant some bushes at a considerable distance from group plantings, but even this does not guarantee that marigolds from independently collected seeds will be exactly the same as in the previous season.

However, knowledge of how to sow seeds for different terms flowering, how to grow seedlings strong and healthy, how to plant marigolds in a permanent place, will be useful in this case too. After all, the beauty of these amazing flowers lies in the diversity of their inflorescences and the extraordinary play of yellow, brown and red shades.

The beauty and unpretentiousness of marigolds ( Tagétes ) make them favorites of many gardeners. With the help of these bright and varied colors, you can decorate any area, garden, cottage or balcony in a multi-storey building.

Varieties of marigolds differ in the size of the adult plant, the size of the flowers, and the color of the petals. The richness of shades (from red-brown to lemon yellow) allows you to choose the ideal option for the design of each area. The living flower decoration that delights passers-by is very easy to grow.

Features of marigold seeds

First, let's find out what marigold seeds look like. These are oblong dark “sticks” with a white tip that remain in the center of the inflorescence after the petals dry. The germination rate of marigold seeds is high and lasts up to 3-4 years. Thanks to this, flowers successfully reproduce by self-sowing.

African varieties germinate more slowly than French ones, but hybrids cannot be propagated by seeds. They either will not sprout at all or will not show parental properties in new plants.

Sowing dates for marigolds

Marigold seedlings can be purchased ready-made, but most people prefer to grow them themselves: firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, this way you will be sure of the quality planting material. Sowing and growing marigolds from seeds at home is not difficult and can be done by any summer resident.

When is the best time to sow marigolds?

  • Since March , marigolds are sown as seedlings in cassettes, pots or boxes. Further, seedlings of these flowers are usually grown on the windowsill.
  • In the beginning of May You can sow marigolds in a greenhouse protected with film.
  • If you want to do without future transplants, you can plant marigolds in the ground with seeds at the end of May. By this time, the risk of frost returning has already passed, and you can sow flowers directly into the garden bed or flowerbed.

ON THE PICTURE:The March seedlings of marigolds will have time to fully strengthen by the time they are planted in the flowerbed in May.

From the moment of sowing, only a month and a half will pass, and you will see marigolds blooming in all their glory.

In the northern regions, where the climate is continental and frosts are possible even in May, it is better to use the seedling method of growing marigolds.

Timing for planting marigold seedlings

Marigold seedlings different varieties may exhibit its specific requirements for planting timing and care in the early growing season. So low-growing compact varieties marigold mimimix sow towards the end of spring, so as not to risk overcooling the young shoots.

ON THE PICTURE: Mimimix marigolds decorate the garden bed.

If you become the happy owner of seeds rejected marigolds (another low-growing variety), it is better to plan sowing in mid-spring or later. They are considered more resistant to cold weather and frost.

ON THE PICTURE: Rejected terry marigolds of the "Carmen" variety.

Many people like unusual Mexican marigolds , they are thin-leaved. Optimal time for planting them - end of April or beginning of May. The variety is heat-loving and develops well only with plenty of sunlight.

ON THE PICTURE:Thin-leaved marigolds "Lemon Jewel".

How to properly collect seed material

It often happens that suddenly beautifully blooming or some unusually colored marigolds are found somewhere. How to collect the seeds of these flowers in order to plant them next season?

Wait until the inflorescences fade and dry out, when the seeds begin to separate from the flower calyx easily, without effort. They should be dry and crumbly. Lay them out on a newspaper or napkin until completely dry, then put them in an airtight container and place them in a cool place.

ON THE PICTURE:This is what marigold seeds look like.

Pre-treatment of seed material

Before sowing, it is advisable to soak marigold seeds in a manganese solution for several hours.

Disinfection with potassium permanganate will greatly reduce the risk of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases flowers in the future.

You can germinate wet seeds on a saucer, covering it with glass or film, but this does not make much sense. Marigolds sprout well even without prior germination.

Technology for sowing marigolds for seedlings

Soil preparation

Growing marigold seedlings requires preparing the substrate before sowing. The soil should be loose and fertile. Make up the soil mixture according to the following recipe:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • part of the humus;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

The substrate is spilled with a solution of one of the drugs: Vitaros, potassium permanganate. If there is none of the above, you can replace the treatment with steaming for an hour. This is necessary for the prevention of dangerous fungal diseases, including.

Growing marigolds from seeds in individual cups is the most convenient and plant-friendly method for the gardener. You can arrange your own drainage in each cup using shards or small stones.

Agricultural technology for sowing marigolds in boxes

  1. The wet mixture is poured into a container, compacted and grooves half a centimeter deep are laid.
  2. Using tweezers or your fingers, place the marigold seeds into the grooves.
  3. The grooves are covered with the same substrate on top (layer thickness - approximately 1 cm).
  4. Cover the box with a lid and place it in a warm, light place. After 5-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

It is important to prevent overheating and hypothermia of seedlings. Temperatures above 25°C and below 15°C are detrimental to seedlings.

Marigold seedlings in cassettes

The most in a convenient way Growing marigold seedlings for many gardeners is a cassette method.

The same mixture is used as a substrate as when sowing in boxes. But it is enriched with additional fertilizers: according to tablespoon mineral fertilizing (with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the composition) and half a glass of ash for every 5 l. substrate.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold seedlings in a special cassette.

Fertilizers must be mixed well with the soil so that they are evenly distributed in it. The soil in the cassettes is lightly compacted, then a hole is prepared for each seedling, and the plants are buried 1 cm into the soil. After planting, the shoots are carefully watered. The soil settles a little after watering and you can add fresh substrate.

For “hardening off”, young plants can be taken out to Fresh air in good weather and bright sun, which marigolds love so much. Growing flowers from seeds into seedlings will be more successful if you give them such “walks” regularly.

Picking marigolds

Marigolds peak after the sprouts have two true leaves. At this time, seedlings usually reach a height of 5 cm.

Planting is carried out at a depth that allows the entire lower part of the stem to be hidden in the soil, down to the oblong leaves. At the same time, they remain on the surface and do not sink underground (and do not even touch it).

Picking can be done both in open ground and in a seedling box. The transplant is tolerated very well by marigolds. They can be planted from cassettes into a flowerbed, even while blooming. The root system of these plants is unpretentious; it quickly recovers and adapts to new conditions.

ON THE PICTURE: Correct picking will improve the health of seedlings.

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

Now you know how to plant marigold seedlings. A few words about transplanting seedlings to open air. Planting marigolds with seeds in the ground eliminates unnecessary hassle, but exposes the plants to the risk of frost. The seedling method will allow you to preserve every sprout.

Choose a cloudy day for planting seedlings. Heat slows adaptation and exposes disturbed plants to transplant shock.

Strong marigolds, reaching a height of 15 cm, are planted in a flowerbed. Growing seedlings to these levels is done in boxes or cassettes.

ON THE PICTURE:Thanks to the strong root system, marigold seedlings easily take root in a new place.

Stages of planting flowers in a flower bed

  1. The soil is dug up to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  2. Debris, stones and sticks are removed from the soil so that they do not interfere with the normal growth of the root system.
  3. The holes are dug with a reserve so that all root system seedlings were placed there freely.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with soil and tamp it down carefully. Watered. Add more soil if it has settled too much.
  5. Mulch the plantings.

Marigolds in a flower greenhouse

Flower greenhouse – a good option for growing marigolds. Such a greenhouse is usually constructed from boards and polyethylene film. With this sowing technique, you can do without picking young plants, which slows down their growth during the adaptation period.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigolds in a flower greenhouse.

Marigolds transplanted from a greenhouse usually delight with flowering in the flower bed earlier than when seedling method growing.

How to sow marigolds in open ground

So, you have chosen a place to sow marigolds. Growing these flowers from seeds in open ground has its own characteristics. Proper sowing will ensure good conditions for future plant development.

For this purpose, wide holes are prepared. The depth of the holes is usually 5 cm, the distance between them depends on the type of flowers you have chosen for sowing. Yes, for compact varieties a distance of 20-25 cm is sufficient. These include:

  • "Spray Petite";
  • "Disco Orange";
  • "Dainty Marietta";
  • "Order of Honor".

Tall marigolds are usually separated by a distance of 30-40 cm. These are, for example, “Tall Yellow”, “Silver Light”, “Hawaii”.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold variety "Hawaii".

Before sowing marigolds, the holes are well moistened, and the sown seed material is sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil on top.

In the future, the sown seeds need careful care: moderate watering, moisture control: the soil should not dry out.

How long does it take for marigold seeds to germinate? The first pair of leaves appears quite quickly: already at the end of the first week after planting. If you see that the sprouts have sprouted too close to each other and are preventing neighbors from developing, transplant the extra ones to another place.

Caring for plantings is not difficult: just water them regularly and weed the rows. AND bright inflorescences will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the site for a long time.

Marigolds, caps, lights, Chernobrivtsy - these are all names of Tagetes. This flower is a favorite of many; it grows quickly and is easy to care for. Among its species there are giants and dwarfs. And even a novice gardener can grow seedlings for marigolds.

Marigold inflorescences vary in size and shape, from small “carnations” to lush “chrysanthemums,” and in color from light yellow to reddish brown.

Tagetes are planted in containers or flower beds; they are convenient for covering areas exposed after flowering. bulbous plants. Marigolds are not only used to decorate the garden. All parts of the flower contain phytoncides, which repel pests and suppress pathogenic fungi, including those living in the ground. Marigolds are planted near strawberries to repel weevils, near cabbage against whiteweed, near asters against fusarium, near clematis and phlox to prevent nematodes. This plant is used as medicine and as a spice.

How to grow marigolds

The main method of propagation of Tagetes is using seeds. Hybrids are propagated stem cuttings, which take root well in water.

It is better to take fresh marigold seed for growing from seeds. The period during which Tagetes seeds retain excellent germination is is two years. For sowing, you can use dry ones, previously soaked in water. room temperature and sprouted seeds. Sowing germinated seeds makes it possible to obtain the best sowing density.

Marigolds can be grown either through direct sowing into the soil or using seedlings. Seeds are sown directly into the soil at the end of May, beginning of June.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings

The sooner you sow marigold seedlings, the faster they will produce color. If you are nurturing various varieties, then you should know that upright tagetes are sown first (in the second decade of March), small-leaved and low-growing marigolds are sown in early April, and then all three varieties will give color in June.

Growing marigolds from seedlings is not a difficult process, however, there are nuances that cannot be missed. Soil for sowing tagetes must be sufficiently loose and fertile. The following mixture is suitable: two parts peat, one part humus (or compost) and half a part washed sand. At the bottom of the container you need to lay drainage made of crushed stone, expanded clay or sand three centimeters high.

You need to make grooves at a distance of one or two centimeters from each other, place the seeds in them and sprinkle them with a layer of earth. Watering must be done carefully so that the water does not wash the seed out of the soil. Containers are kept in a warm place at a temperature of 22-25ºС and make sure that the earth does not dry out. The sprouts will appear no earlier than seven days later, then the container is transferred to light and the temperature is slightly reduced to 15-18ºC.

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the sprouts are transplanted into cassettes. This makes it possible to avoid stretching and shading of seedlings.

Transplanting marigolds into the ground

Caring for marigolds

Problems when growing marigolds

When growing tagetes, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • Poorly moistened soil limits plant growth and affects the size of inflorescences;
  • prolonged waterlogging of the soil leads to the death of plants due to damage to the roots by fungal diseases;
  • With the onset of the rainy season, the inflorescences, especially large ones, rot. It is necessary to remove them so that the entire plant does not rot;
  • when the temperature drops to plus ten degrees Celsius, the leaves become red-purple, the processes of development and growth are suspended;
  • thanks to high temperatures, high humidity and introducing organic fertilizers in spring, the vegetative mass of the plant increases to the detriment of flowering.

The technology for growing Tagetes is standard. It is no coincidence that they occupy an honorable first place among flowers, as they are easy to grow and unpretentious. Actually, this can explain their celebrity.

Marigolds (tagetes) are one of the most popular flower bed plants. Bright warm colors of flowers, unpretentiousness and long flowering make them ideal candidates for decorating balconies, city flower beds and country house design.

For planting you can already buy flowering plants, but growing marigolds from seeds will not be difficult. You just need to understand how and when to plant marigold seedlings, what care the seedlings need and where it is best to place them on the site.

In addition, the choice of varieties when purchasing seeds is much wider and you can really plant what you want. For example, such an unusual variety as “Red Gem” with a voluminous cap of small red flowers or a hybrid variety “Kilimanjaro” with large white balls intended for cutting.

Tagetes belongs to the aster family, comes from the mountainous regions of Mexico, and is found in nature throughout Central and South America. The genus includes 40 species, including annuals and perennials. But in Europe it is grown only as annual crop. The most popular types:

  • anise- all parts of the plant have a smell similar to that of tarragon, but more pleasant and stronger;
  • rejected, or French, or small-flowered - bushes 15–50 cm high, strongly branching from the ground with basket-shaped inflorescences 4-6 cm in size; grown as ornamental since the 16th century;
  • erect, or African - bushes with a pronounced main stem height from 45 cm to 150 cm; inflorescences from 6 cm to 13 cm in diameter, simple, double or semi-double;
  • thin-leaved, or Mexican - low (20–40 cm) compact bushes with small (1.5–3 cm) flowers; in culture since the end of the 18th century.

About the benefits of marigolds

Tagetis erect variety "Kilimanjaro"

The role of marigolds is not limited to their decorative value.

  • Until now, marigold flowers are an attribute of Indian magical rituals;
  • infusions of flowers treat many diseases: problems with digestion, blood vessels, immunity, nerves;
  • dried petals are ground into powder and used as a spice (Imereti saffron);
  • fresh flowers are added to marinades and pickles for flavor and elasticity;
  • The pungent aroma of marigolds repels insects and overpowers the odors of other plants, confusing insects. Therefore, they are used for joint plantings;
  • old bushes buried shallowly in the fall, as well as watering with “herbal tea” from marigolds, heal the soil.

Growing technique

You can sow the seeds directly into open ground in late May or early June. But then flowering will not begin until July. In addition, young seedlings can easily become prey for insects, so the seedling method is most often used.

Sowing seeds

First you need to decide when to sow marigold seedlings. Correctly chosen planting time is one of the factors influencing the production of high-quality seedlings.

Sowing time

Marigolds usually take 40–50 days from the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of flowering. You can plant seedlings in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed, since marigolds will not survive freezing. For the middle zone, this is no earlier than the second week of June. It will take about a week for germination,

Means optimal time sowing - the second ten days of April.

If you plant the seeds much earlier, the seedlings will stretch out due to too short daylight hours, and then require large pots for transplanting and take up a lot of space. When planted in a permanent place, overgrown seedlings will take root worse.

The only species that is sown earlier than others, in the second ten days of March, is erect marigold. Among them there are many tall (up to 150 cm) varieties, so they need to be given more time to develop than rejected and thin-leaved species.

If we are talking about planting seedlings in containers on a well-lit balcony, then the growing process can begin earlier. It is necessary to calculate the timing so that the seedlings can be planted when the air on the balcony does not drop below 5°C at night.

Some summer residents sow marigold seeds in a greenhouse in early May, covering the crops with lutrasil or other non-woven fabric. Such plants will begin to bloom in early July, which is a little late, but this option will suit those who do not have enough window sills for seedlings.


The seeds must be fresh, maximum two years old, and the soil must be light and fertile.

Optimal soil composition:

  • for 1 kg of garden soil they take
  • 1 kg of peat,
  • 1 kg of rotted compost and
  • 500g of washed coarse river sand.

Holes are poked in the bottom of the seedling box and drainage is poured, then filled with soil and watered. In a day or two you can start planting.

On the surface of the soil, grooves are made every 2 cm and seeds are laid out along them every 1 cm. The depth of seeding is 5–10 mm. Then they spill warm water and sprinkle with earth. Cover with glass or a transparent bag and place in a warm place (22–25°C). Within a week, seedlings appear, and the boxes are transferred to a bright, cool (18–20°C) windowsill.


After the first two true leaves appear, marigold seedlings are transplanted into larger containers. It is better to take separate pots, but you can plant the seedlings in large boxes, according to the 7x7 cm pattern. When planting, the sprouts are buried down to the cotyledon leaves so that the plants grow strong and have a powerful root system.

Tall varieties of erect marigolds, pricked into shared boxes, it is advisable to replant one more time when the leaves begin to overlap each other.

Seedling care

Tagetes seedlings are very unpretentious, but they can get blackleg if watering is too abundant, the soil temperature is low or the soil is too heavy. It is recommended not to place the boxes directly on a cold window sill, but to place them under the bottoms insulating materials. These can be pieces of polystyrene foam or sections of tourist foam mats.

Seedlings need good lighting.

A week before planting in a permanent place, you need to start hardening off the plants.

To do this, marigold seedlings are taken out to the balcony during the daytime or moved to a greenhouse. Initially, hardening lasts a couple of hours, gradually increasing the time. Seedlings prepared in this way will not be burned by the sun after transplantation and will not freeze during short-term temperature drops to +5°C.

Caring for marigolds in flower beds

It is easier to care for grown plants than seedlings. However there is important points that must be observed.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

IN middle lane Marigold seedlings are planted in open ground after June 7, when the danger of morning frosts has passed. In the south - a month earlier, at the beginning of May.

Soils preferably neutral in acidity, light loam or sandy loam. You should not plant marigolds in a low place where water can stagnate during heavy rainfalls; they will rot there.

Water the plants 1–2 hours before transplanting. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 15 cm to 50 cm from each other. If you plant marigolds thicker, they will grow dense. blooming carpet or dense borders. When planted sparsely, the bushes turn into lush flowering balls. Low-growing varieties are planted more often than tall ones.

Marigold seedlings are carefully removed from the seedling pots, being careful not to damage them. earthen lump, and placed in wells previously spilled with water. Then the soil around the flower is compacted and watered.

Features of care

Caring for tagetes is simple:

  • Plants need regular watering, although they will tolerate a short drought more easily than excessive moisture. When hot weather sets in, flowers begin to be watered every evening;
  • ​a prerequisite lush flowering is outdoor placement sunny place. However, you can grow marigolds in light partial shade;
  • Do not allow the formation of a dense crust on the soil. Loosening or mulching with grass clippings, straw, and pulled weeds will help air penetrate to the roots. An added bonus of mulch is that it will help retain moisture in the soil. But during periods of long rains, it is better to remove the covering of dry grass so that the plants do not rot;
  • on infertile soils, marigolds are fed with complex fertilizers 3–4 times per season. You can use both mineral and organic, such as “herbal tea”. This affordable remedy is prepared by fermenting various weeds in a barrel of water. Fresh manure is contraindicated for marigolds;
  • In order for the plants to look neat and bloom profusely, old flowers should be removed:
  • tall varieties of marigolds need staking, so it is better to plant them on the south side of tall bushes;
  • if necessary, carry out weeding. But if the marigolds grow densely or are well mulched, then there is no need for this type of work.

Dangerous moments

In general, marigolds are little susceptible to attacks by insects and infections, but they also have enemies.

Naked slugs

Slugs really like tagetes, especially young seedlings. To protect the plants, the soil is sprinkled with granules containing iron phosphate. This substance is not dangerous to humans, and completely decomposes in the soil into iron and phosphate. It also does not harm bees and earthworms, but causes dehydration in slugs. Consumption of granules 5 g per 1 sq. m.

Another method of control is to install bait traps in the form of saucers or special containers with beer installed at ground level next to the plants. Slugs crawl into the trap, attracted by the smell, and drown. An even greater effect is achieved by bait sold in stores, developed according to a special formula. It is suitable for all varieties of slugs, one serving mixed with water lasts for 3 weeks.

Spider mite

Loves to eat marigold leaves and spider mite. Plants are especially often affected by these insects in hot weather. Treating plants and soil surfaces with acaricides (actellik, neostomazan, omaite or demitan) will help against ticks. For reliability, you need to carry out 3-4 sprayings at weekly intervals. If the lesion is small, then biological products, for example fitoverma, will be sufficient. Can also be used natural remedies: infusions hot pepper, onion, garlic or yarrow, tansy.


With a combination of factors such as low soil temperature, waterlogging and a dense crust on the surface, marigold seedlings can develop blackleg. A symptom of the disease will be the appearance of light spots at the bottom of the stem, which will gradually turn black and rot. In this case, it is difficult to save the plant; it must be removed so as not to spread the disease to neighboring areas. It is best to transplant the remaining healthy seedlings into new disinfected soil or at least sprinkle the soil with ash and revise the watering schedule downwards. Tagetes need to be watered only when upper layer the soil will dry out by 1–1.5 cm.

Root rot

This disease is caused by the same factors as blackleg. But it is already characteristic of adult marigold plants. Root rot is recognized by yellowing of the stems and leaves. If you notice these signs in time, then there is a chance to save the plant. The first aid will be loosening the soil and reducing watering. If the bush grows in a low place or in too heavy soil, you can try to save it by replanting it in more suitable conditions: a well-drained light substrate in a high place or on a slope.


If you follow the growing method, marigolds will delight you with their continuous flowering from June to September.

And if you plant beds with cabbage, potatoes, and strawberries with a border of low-growing varieties, the garden will become not only beautiful, but also healthier. By collecting marigold inflorescences at the height of flowering, you can prepare a spice that will improve the taste of dishes up to next summer. Such a multifunctional plant should definitely have a place in the garden.



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