How to trim Kalanchoe leaves. How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering? What to do if it doesn't grow

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Note that this is one of the unpretentious and decorative indoor plants. It is very popular among flower growers, because it is not only an easy-to-care and beautiful-looking flower, but also has a whole spectrum medicinal properties. Kalanchoe is popularly called the “Tree of Life.”

Today there are more than two hundred varieties of this flower that are successfully grown at home. Proper care for Kalanchoe includes:

  • landing;
  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • soil heaving;
  • pruning

In this article we will dwell in more detail on how to prune Kalanchoe and why it should be done.

Why do you need to prune Kalanchoe?

Caring for Kalanchoe at home, in addition to watering and feeding, should also be aimed at pruning the plant. There are absolutely no difficulties in this process. All, without exception, varieties of this indoor plant safely tolerate pruning. The main task of the florist is to adhere to certain rules when performing it.

What is pruning? First of all, this means removing a certain part of the leaves and peduncles. These manipulations allow long stems Kalanchoes that grow in a random direction form a beautiful and compact bush.

Pruning is also carried out in order to give the plant vitality. The fact is that Kalanchoe is a rather juicy and fragile flower, so the formation of its ground part not only makes the bush visually beautiful, but also more viable, since the juice inside the flower spreads evenly along its stems, making them more elastic and strong. And this means that in case unfavorable conditions, the plant will have a much greater chance of surviving (not drying out or dying).

There are three main types of pruning:

  • primary;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

All of them are carried out according to certain rules which should be followed so as not to harm the plant. Let's look at how to properly prune Kalanchoe in detail.

How to do your own pruning

Pruning Kalanchoe at home should be carried out in compliance with safety precautions, both for the grower and for the plant. Leaves and peduncles are strictly trimmed and in no case are broken off. This needs to be done sharp knife or a clerical blade. To prevent infection of the flower, the knife must be heated over a fire before use.

Also, before you start removing leaves, you need to remember that despite the fact that all types of Kalanchoe tolerate pruning well, there are some nuances to this process. Some varieties, such as Blossfeld, this type Kalanchoe can be recognized by beautiful flowers juicy red color, completely restored even after the most radical pruning. Its bush can be cut almost to the ground, and it will soon grow a green mass again, even denser than before.

But varieties of Kalanchoe with white and yellow flowers are difficult to recover after excessive removal of their leaves, and may even die.

Therefore, when starting pruning, it is necessary to take into account this feature plants.

And so, let's look at all types of pruning leaves of Kalanchoe in stages.

Primary pruning of the bush. These actions are aimed at preserving strength young plant and laying out a beautiful form in the future. The first time the Kalanchoe bush is pruned early age, when the plant is completely rooted and has formed a small but already branched green mass. Technically, pruning is carried out by pinching young shoots. You should also remove one top leaf from each young branch. After the manipulations, the flower must be removed from bright sun, it requires light partial shade over the next ten days to restore and accumulate strength for further development.

Preventive pruning. As the indoor plant grows and develops, preventive or formative pruning is carried out. It consists of periodically removing new leaves and part of the shoots. To give Kalanchoe a presentable appearance. When cutting leaves from a bush, you need to make sure that the wound does not get infected. It is best to immediately crush the cut areas with crushed charcoal.

Preventive removal is carried out immediately after the appearance of young leaves on pinched or previously pruned shoots. This way the flower will not waste its energy.

Leaves and shoots must not be trimmed during Kalanchoe flowering and in winter period.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering. Even a formed Kalanchoe bush must be maintained in proper shape. It is necessary not only to periodically remove excess leaves, which spoil the branches appearance plants, but also flower stalks.

Before you start pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to inspect the plant and begin active actions only when all the flowers on the bush have already faded.

First of all, remove all faded inflorescences and cut off one or two leaves on the apical shoots.

Removing flower stalks not only has an aesthetic function, but also stimulates the plant to form new flowers.

Kalanchoe pruning is carried out in the morning. Afterwards, the flowers are removed from the sun and provided with light partial shade for ten to fifteen days.

For full recovery, Kalanchoe will take about a month.

Correct actions will be of great benefit. The Kalanchoe flower will delight curvaceous and abundant and long flowering.

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana - small indoor flower, which is in everyone in the fall flower shop. In large garden centers This type of Kalanchoe is represented by different varieties of various shades. The colors are very rich: scarlet, yellow, pink, white, orange, there are also terry varieties. The bush is compact and looks very decorative! Kalanchoe Blossfeld is often sold as a “bouquet in a pot”, since after withering it is not possible to achieve flowering again. Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom?

In the shop kalanchoe blooms very abundantly. There are several flower stalks on one bush at once, and each of them ends in an inflorescence of many bright colors. How do you get such beautiful plants for sale?

IN greenhouse conditions, where such “gift” flowers are grown, provide ideal conditions for each type. Additionally, flowering stimulants and a special light regime are used.


Kalanchoe is a succulent plant. Hence its requirements: plenty of light and dry air.

The soil is loose, well-drained so that there is no stagnation of moisture.

Feeding is given only during the period active growth. They strictly follow the rules. Kalanchoe does not tolerate high doses fertilizers, so the rate can even be reduced a little. For good flowering It is better to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or special fertilizers for succulents. Organic fertilizers and large doses of nitrogen stimulate leaf growth, but “inhibit” flowering.

Watering depends on the time of year. In summer, during active growth, regular watering is needed. The soil should be moderately moist all the time, but it is better to water after the top layer has dried.

In winter, watering is reduced. If it is possible to lower the temperature (to 15-17 degrees), then water it quite rarely - just so that the leaves do not wither.

Temperature in summer period not lower than 22 degrees, it is better to keep it cool in winter. But, in principle, Kalanchoe all year round can grow in room conditions, and even dry air, which oppresses other flowers, is not a hindrance to it.


main feature Kalanchoe is a plant short day. That is, the buds are laid when the day begins

shrink. Under natural conditions, this occurs in the fall, when the days are shorter than the nights.

And in greenhouses, daylight hours are artificially reduced, achieving flowering in both spring and summer. Thanks to this, Kalanchoe is always on sale.

You can also use this technique at home by depriving the plant of light for 12-14 hours. This regime must be followed for a month or a month and a half, after which you can expect the appearance of buds.

Only at first glance it seems difficult. Many gardeners simply cover the Kalanchoe with a cap made of thick paper or put it in a closet from about 18 o'clock, and in the morning put it back into the light at 7-8 o'clock in the morning. Without such measures, Kalanchoe blooms very sparingly or does not bloom at all, even in the fall, since we turn on the lights in the apartment and thereby extend the daylight hours.


Many people misunderstand the dependence of flowering on short daylight hours and believe that Kalanchoe loves shade. Because of this, the plant is removed from the windowsill or covered with a curtain.

But Kalanchoe does not bloom in the shade! Under natural conditions, the plant lives on open areas, so he needs a lot of light at home.

Short daylight hours are loved not only by Kalanchoe, but also by chrysanthemums and perennial asters. They all bloom when the day length shortens to 12 hours or less.


After flowering, plants often only cut off the flowers themselves, without touching the stems. Over time, the stems stretch out, become bare below, and the Kalanchoe has an unsightly appearance. You should know that Kalanchoe blooms on young shoots, so it needs pruning.

If you prune during flowering, cutting off the peduncle and a couple more leaves, then new buds will form to replace the withered flowers. With this care, flowering can be extended to three months or more!

When the Kalanchoe has completely faded, it is given a rest, reducing watering, and if this happens in winter, then the temperature is also reduced. The bush is left untouched for about a month, and then it is heavily pruned, leaving only a couple of leaves at the bottom.

After pruning, side shoots will appear. If there are too many of them, then some of them are removed, and the strongest ones are pinched over the second and third leaves. As a result, a compact bush is formed that is capable of blooming.


The plant is replanted in the spring if it is clear that the soil is depleted. Otherwise, you don’t have to disturb the Kalanchoe, just renew the soil on top.

The pot should only be slightly larger than the previous one. old land partially removed, roots slightly trimmed.

Kalanchoe is easily propagated by cuttings. Before planting, they need to be dried for 24 hours and watered carefully so that they do not rot.

Old plants are replaced with young ones, re-grown from cuttings. After rooting, when they begin to grow, the crown is pinched off. After a while, the side shoots are also pinched.

So, why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom?

1. Little sunlight. The Kalanchoe succulent loves the sun, although it is a short-day plant.

2. Interruptions in watering. In winter, moisture deficiency is natural for Kalanchoe. But in the summer the flower demands good watering to continue the development cycle.

3. No trimming. Faded plants must be ruthlessly pruned so that only the lower pairs of leaves remain on the stem. Spring period - best time to shorten old stems by about 2/3 of their length.

Kalanchoe - incredible beautiful plant, which can be found in almost every home. The flower is very popular among flower growers, not only for its amazing flowering, but also Kalanchoe has beneficial properties. Caring for this amazing plant is quite simple, since it is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, but still some rules of care must be followed. Proper care at home includes: pruning, watering regimen, fertilizing. Pruning Kalanchoe is a simple process, however there are various nuances, which you should know about.

Why do you need to prune?

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant beautiful shape bush. Pruning also stimulates good flower growth and development.

There are 3 types of pruning:

  1. Initial;
  2. For preventive purposes;
  3. After flowering.

How to pinch Kalanchoe? To prune Kalanchoe at home, you need to use a sharp blade. It is not recommended to pick leaves with your hands, as you can damage the flower and it will begin to fade. Thanks to pruning you will form a beautiful and lush bush.

Pruning depending on the type

Today there are about 200 varieties of Kalanchoe, but only a few of them are grown at home. Almost all varieties of Kalanchoe are pruned in the same way, but for some varieties there are certain rules.

Most popular view counts . This variety is quite often grown at home; it blooms with red flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld can be cut off almost completely at the root, and only a “stump” can be left; nothing bad will happen to the plant. On the contrary, it begins to develop more intensively and increase green mass. His bush will become lush and beautiful.

But varieties that bloom with yellow and white flowers need to be pruned differently. It is also worth mentioning that such species can rarely be found at home, and they are also very capricious. You should pinch the bush wisely, since excessive removal of foliage can cause harm to the plant. Before pinching a flower, you should accurately determine its variety.

Pruning must be done correctly. Basically, this process occurs painlessly for the plant. But if you notice rotting in the cut areas, then the damaged areas must be immediately treated with charcoal.

Step-by-step instructions for initial and preventive pruning

In order for the bush to have a lush and rounded shape, pruning must be carried out. Most novice florists are interested in how to pinch Kalanchoe correctly so that the plant develops well? A young specimen needs to be pinched almost immediately, as soon as it adapts to new conditions and begins to grow. To do this, cut off 1 - 2 leaves from each stem of the plant. This is considered the initial pruning.

Then, preventative pruning is performed as necessary. In the places where the cuts are made, after some time you will be able to see new stems and young leaves on them. Professionals recommend doing this procedure at home several times until the plant forms a lush bush.

With the onset of winter, it is best to stop pruning. But in mid-spring the procedure can be resumed. But usually at this time of year the Kalanchoe begins to bloom, then in this case pruning is not recommended. Trimming in preventive measures can be performed immediately when new leaves appear on the stems. You don't have to wait for them to grow up.

When forming a plant at the initial stage, it is not advisable to keep it in a room where there is very bright light. This can be explained by the fact that good lighting gives the flower a very fast growth, as a result of which the flower simply outgrows.

Proper pruning after flowering

How to prune Kalanchoe correctly after flowering? Pruning is always required after flowering. Thus, you will not only rid your handsome man of excess leaves, but also free your handsome man of flower stalks. After flowering, the pruning process is carried out in the same way as at the initial stage.

Before you start pruning your home beauty after flowering, you need to make sure that it has actually completely bloomed. Peduncles can be removed almost at the root to prevent plant rotting. After each flowering, it is recommended to get rid of all flower stalks.

Thanks to this procedure, there will be excellent formation of the bush and will allow the plant to get new shoots. At the end of pruning after flowering, you need to give the flower a rest. He enters a period of rest. During this period of time, it is necessary to minimize the frequency of watering and protect the flower from direct sun rays. Usually Kalanchoe regains its strength in about a month.

It is best to trim leaves and flower stalks in the morning.

In order to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, it is necessary to perform pruning in a timely manner. Proper pruning is a successful key to flower development.


Need to get it right abundant flowering. In addition to pruning, the plant must also be properly watered, fertilized and maintained at the optimal temperature.

Watering mode and humidity

Kalanchoe is a plant that retains moisture in its leaves. Therefore, the flower normally tolerates a certain period of time without moistening the soil. However, Kalanchoe has an extremely negative attitude towards the bay, this can have a detrimental effect on the plant.

It is necessary to ensure that the flower grows and develops well. When watering, the water should soak well earthen lump. Do not allow excessive moisture in the ground. It is best to water the plant in the summer once every 3 days. In winter, watering is carried out as the soil dries.

Kalanchoe, in principle, does not need spraying. In the cold season, it is generally not advisable to spray. To eliminate dust on the leaves, Kalanchoe should sometimes be bathed in the shower. And also use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves, as a result of which you will protect the flower from various pests.


Kalanchoe for good growth it is necessary to fertilize - approximately once every 3-4 weeks. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, you should use complex fertilizers, but you need to apply half the dose than indicated on the package. Just feed the plant carefully, otherwise it may negatively affect the Kalanchoe. IN winter time The flower should not be fed.


Kalanchoe tolerates heat well, but to avoid drying out of the soil, the frequency of watering must be increased. In warm weather, a pot with a flower is taken out to Fresh air or placed on the balcony, in these places Kalanchoe feels great. In summer the temperature should be about 25 degrees, and in winter - 13-15°C.

Now you know how to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, as well as achieve abundant flowering.

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Pruning Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe stretched out. Rules for care and pruning. Read how to achieve lush flowering by pruning Kalanchoe?

Stretched Kalanchoe- the result of lack of pruning. Let's consider updating the crown as an opportunity to restore a flower, without considering others possible options violations.

Why prune Kalanchoe briefly:

Before you start pruning your Kalanchoe if it is stretched, refer to the recommendations for your species. Although there are about two hundred species of Kalanchoe, each has its own procedural preferences and may not like pruning.

note: Hybrid Kalanchoe species, especially those with yellow inflorescences, do not tolerate pruning well.

Popular types – Kalandia, Blossfelda– they take well to the annual renewal of the crown, thanks to which it is possible to form a beautiful, healthy bush in a compact pot.

How to set the direction of growth: a) pinch the side shoots to develop the Kalanchoe and sew it in, b) remove the top or individual shoots to grow the Kalanchoe and create a rounded shape.

Preparing for pruning Kalanchoe

Before the procedure, preparations are carried out: water a couple of days before pruning, but do not add water on the day of the procedure, disinfect instruments, prepare charcoal powder or fungicide.

How to prune Kalanchoe?

Remove shoots only with tools - pruning shears, sharp scissors or a knife - and close the wounds. Do not process more than the required length for renewal, so as not to stress the Kalanchoe.

How to prune Kalanchoe if it is stretched:

  1. Remove up to 2 elongated leaves on the stem.
  2. Go over the shape of the crown and remove the elongated leaves.
  3. Process to healthy weight.
  4. Sprinkle the wound with charcoal powder.
  5. Leave in a place without sudden fluctuations in lighting and temperature.

Kalanchoe care after pruning

Having treated the crown, it’s time to prepare the plant for restoration. Usually Kalanchoe pruning is carried out in early spring, after which temperature indicators contribute to recovery. If the plant has stretched out at the beginning of autumn, and you have done light pruning, reinforce the result temperature +15° C. Try not to prune close to cold weather. 1 month is enough for recovery.

How to care for Kalanchoe after pruning: water moderately and regularly several times a week, but adjust the volume of moisture to the competitive period, add charcoal to the soil once a month, create suitable temperature and light and shadow conditions. In the latter option, place it on the eastern windows.

Criteria for pruning Kalanchoe:

  • The shoots of the upper part are from 7 to 10 cm.
  • Straight cuts.
  • Minimal damage to the crown due to uneven cuts.
  • Remove shoots evenly to distribute sap.

Trimming nuances:

  • It is forbidden to cut off the top part of the Kalanchoe in the summer - the shoots are stretched and the structure of the crown is disrupted.
  • Do not handle with dirty tools.
  • Manual removal of shoots is contraindicated.

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Svetlana Melnikova 05/24/2016 | 13805

The question of how to prune Kalanchoe can be heard quite often. The reason for this is the fact that this plant is very popular among everyone who deals with flowers. This flower flaunts on the windowsills of almost every home that loves living flora.

Why do gardeners love this plant so much? The answer is simple: firstly, it is not capricious at all and does not require any complex care, and secondly, the medicinal abilities of Kalanchoe are so diverse that it is impossible to list all the options for its use.

Despite the fact that the flower is not picky, it still needs basic care. It needs to be properly watered, fertilized, loosened the soil underneath it and trimmed.

In this article we will focus on pruning the plant. It's important to know some mandatory rules so as not to destroy the plant.

Why is the pruning procedure necessary?

Before starting any work, let's figure out what this procedure means. This is, first of all, cleaning the flower from faded buds and leaves, which are considered unnecessary.

What is it for? In order for the plant to look neat, well-groomed and at the same time have a crown shape oval shape. This form looks much more attractive than randomly protruding branches.

Moreover, in addition to bringing beauty, the flower needs pruning of Kalanchoe for proper growth and development. By removing excess moisture consumers, you give the plant the opportunity to saturate more important organs, branches, roots with moisture, and the flower will become stronger and juicier.

You need to know that there are several pruning options, and they depend on the reason and time of the procedure:

  • primary;
  • for prevention purposes;
  • cleansing.

Do not pick off the leaves under any circumstances! This has a very bad effect on Kalanchoe and leads to complete wilting. For this purpose, you need to take a simple knife that is well sharpened and carefully cut off the leaves at the base.

Influence of plant type on the procedure

The fact is that different varieties Plants behave differently when pruned and therefore it must be done based on the requirements of the species. Modern flower growers know about the existence of about two hundred species of Kalanchoe, but not all can live in the house.

The most popular variety is Blossfeld. The flowers of the plant are bright red. They take the pruning process easy and you can do almost whatever you want with it. It is so tenacious that even if it loses all its branches and leaves, it can recover from one stump.

But there are times when pruning Kalanchoe at home should be extremely gentle and should be done very carefully. Most often this happens with plants that have white and yellow flowers. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly or too many leaves are removed, it will destroy the flower.

Before pruning, decide on the variety of your plant. Basically, most of the procedure goes quite calmly for the flower, but if you do damage the plant and damage the stem, then it is better to immediately sprinkle the cut with wood ash.

First pruning, as well as the prevention process

As soon as Kalanchoe comes into your home, you must immediately pinch it to give the direction of growth and set the shape of the crown. To do this, you need to remove a couple of outer leaves on each branch.

After this, new shoots will grow and pruning will become preventive. Prune regularly to create a beautiful shape, and do this until you achieve the desired result.

It is important to remember that pruning is not recommended in winter, as the plant is dormant. But in spring period You can begin to lightly “clean” the plant.

The main thing is that the Kalanchoe does not start to bloom, otherwise the procedure will have to be postponed until the end of flowering. And you don’t have to wait for the young shoots to grow. You can trim the branches and form a flower as soon as you see new leaves.

Another important point when pruning is that until you achieve the final result, after the initial pruning, you do not need to place the flower in a strongly lit place. Sunlight provokes rapid growth and the flower may become too elongated.

Cleaning pruning

Before pruning your Kalanchoe, make sure the flowering process has finished. Removing faded buds is necessary not only to make the flower look neat, but also to make the plant lighter.

As for the leaves, everything is done as standard, only a couple of outer flowers are removed. The buds are removed from the stem itself. Before doing this, make sure that the flower does not begin to rot. Do this every time after the Kalanchoe has bloomed, so as not to destroy the entire plant.

There are a few more important points things to consider:

  • carry out the procedure in the morning, or at least before lunch - this is the most favorable time;
  • After pruning the plant, let it rest;
  • After pruning, it is not recommended to water Kalanchoe;
  • Kalanchoe needs to be removed from a sunny place;
  • wait about a month after pruning, this is the period of time the plant needs to fully recover.

Does pruning help rejuvenate the plant and stimulate its growth? Yes, after pruning, Kalanchoe begins to produce new branches on which new flowers will appear. The plant will become lush and fresh.

Remember that proper pruning is a guarantee of healthy growth and development of Kalanchoe. But do not overdo it, otherwise the result of your activity will be a dead flower.


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