How to arrange flowers in the house correctly? The best and worst places for indoor plants. Flowers in the interior Ideas with indoor flowers

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When bringing a plant into your home, you should always remember that it is alive, and choose the place for its further “residence” taking into account the preferences of your green friend, and not under the influence of fashion trends or “Feng Shui” trends.

A flower located in an unfavorable place will bring a lot of trouble instead of joy. Below is a list of the ten least attractive places for plants in the apartment.

1 bedside table

With sufficient lighting and no drafts, the flower can feel good in the bedroom.

However, as a result of uncontrolled movements during sleep, searching by touch for an alarm clock or glasses on the nightstand, there is a risk of accidentally pushing it onto the floor.

The result: the ruined life of a green friend and unplanned cleaning.

2 Bathroom

Most bathrooms are located inside apartments and do not receive natural light.

Most likely, there are few plants that will love tropical heat, high humidity and will be undemanding in terms of lighting.

There is no need to subject them to such tests.

Artificial flowers would be much more appropriate in the bathroom.

3 Cabinet or high shelf

The placement of flowers under the ceiling is unsuccessful for three reasons:

  1. difficult to reach the pot to water;
  2. during watering there is a possibility of the pot overturning;
  3. watering occurs uncontrollably, the soil dries out or is moistened in excess, and water accidentally spilled on furniture is not visible.

Removing plants every time before watering is also not very convenient.

4 Computer desk

No plants, including cacti, can neutralize the radiation of computer monitors.

But they receive harm from such a neighborhood on a par with a person. Operating equipment dries ambient air, creates noise unfavorable for flowers, and its radiation has the same negative effect on flowers as on people.

5 Kitchen

The kitchen is not a completely unsuitable room for growing herbs.

You just need withstand a number of conditions:

  • place pots with plantings so that they do not interfere and cannot be accidentally broken;
  • provide good natural light and draft-free ventilation;
  • protect greens from hot steam and splashing drops of boiling fat.

6 Children's room or other places for children to play

In this case universal recipe No. Young children should be kept under supervision at all times as upside down flower pot- the least they can do.

In this case, there is a danger of being injured by thorny leaves or cut by fragments of the pot.

For older children, it is better to prohibit outdoor games in the apartment, especially with a ball, baseball bat or hockey stick.

In general, you should be guided by the situation - no one knows your child better than you. And, if parents are sure that their beloved child can have several flowerpots with fresh flowers in their room, then so be it. Just blame yourself later.

7 Battery

IN winter period Central heating is turned on in the houses. Heated radiators dry out the air, and plants don’t like this very much.

In some apartments, even the window sills are well heated. At this time, it is better to move the flowers away from radiators or take measures to protect them from too hot air.

An automatic humidifier or a wet cloth on a radiator will help solve the problem of dry air.

8 Within reach of pets

For animals, as for children, it is required individual approach. One pet will never pay attention to a pot with a flower, and another will not pass by so as not to bite off the stem or dig up the root.

You can protect the plant from the dog by raising it higher. It's more difficult with a cat, but if you surround the pot with objects or smells that she doesn't like, perhaps her interest in greenery will go away.

9 Window sill

The ideal lighting for most plants is indirect light. In direct sunlight they wither and die.

Therefore, an open window sill facing the south is suitable only for cacti that are accustomed to hot desert conditions.

Plants that do not like light too much will take root on the northern windowsill.

Flowers should be placed on the western and eastern window sills, guided by the amount of light on them and the requirements of specific varieties of greenery.

10 On the aisle or in the hallway

When trying to make your home as green as possible and placing pots and tubs of flowers in any accessible corners, you should take into account the needs of plants and not forget about your own convenience.

If a flower blocks a passage or interferes with free movement, sooner or later it will be broken or dropped.

A poorly placed plant will cause injury if you stumble upon it in the dark.

In addition, flowers located in corridors and on passages are attacked by invisible enemies such as drafts.

Well-placed plants in optimal conditions will bring joy to the owner and enliven the atmosphere of the apartment.

At the same time, plantings in unsuitable areas suffer, constantly get sick, grow poorly and hardly bloom, bringing only disappointment in return for pleasure.

It is advisable to promptly notice and immediately respond to such alarming symptoms, changing the conditions of the plants for the better.

(modena select=23, Living rooms to order in Moscow)

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


Do you want to create a special atmosphere in your home, divide the space, highlight the advantages of the premises or, conversely, hide some shortcomings? Use indoor plants for this. Familiarize yourself with the rules, methods of decorating with flowers, and create a unique dream home.

Indoor flowers as part of the interior

If the plants are chosen correctly, they become a real highlight of any apartment. Depending on the tasks, indoor plants can become a tool for zoning, dividing the space of an apartment, visual expansion, the source of a special atmosphere. Regardless of whether you use fresh flowers in pots or artificial ones, remember that they must comply with:

  • the size of the apartment rooms;
  • existing interior, furniture;
  • general concept;
  • color scheme;
  • conditions.

Fresh flowers in pots

This is an ideal, win-win option for those who love plants and have the time and opportunity to care for them. Ficus, palm, orchid, dracaena, monstera, azalea, and tropical indoor flowers are popular. Some tips for designing with indoor flowers:

  1. Place them not only on window sills. Create shelves, buy individual racks, find suitable places on the floor.
  2. Even pots are important for the interior: they should suit you in color and style combination. If, for example, the wallpaper has a large, bright pattern, the first ones should match.
  3. Do not combine “grandmother’s” flowers and fashionable plants within the same room: for example, violets can be replaced with azaleas.
  4. Use plain flower pots: they create a neutral effect, do not spoil the look of the room and go well with any furniture.


Don't have time to care for living plants? Use artificial ones - they look very natural and do not differ from natural ones. You shouldn’t fill the whole apartment with flowers; 1-2 compositions per room will be enough. Adviсe:

  1. If you have a small table at home, you can put an original composition on it.
  2. For tall flowers, use floor vases: they look good in the living room or hallway.
  3. Round bouquets are also good for the living room. Place them on the table, window sills, shelves.
  4. For the kitchen interior, you can use artificial wildflowers and climbing plants.


Used for the interior of spacious apartments, rooms with windows covering the entire wall. The size of large plants can start from 1.5 meters and reach up to the ceiling. They are placed both individually and together with low-growing species. Large plants They look great in a recreation area because they create an unusually cozy atmosphere. A few rules of interior design:

  1. You should not place large flowers on windowsills, otherwise even during the day you will feel a lack of light.
  2. Choose the right tub - it should fit into the main interior. For example, for minimalism it is worth choosing cubic flowerpots, for classics - antique, drenched options.


For “green” interior decor, experts recommend using mini-gardens on the window, giant plants, florariums, predator plants, and exotic house plants. To create a greenhouse, choose large trees: palm trees, coffee tree, dracaena. Large floor planters will help you play with space. If, for example, you put them in a row, you will be able to create a partition that delimits functional areas. Use florariums – “aquariums” for plants – for interior decoration. Ferns, succulents, and orchids feel great there.

Beautiful indoor flowers

Flowers in the interior of an apartment should not appear as a result of spontaneous purchases. Before purchasing a plant, you need to think about where it will stand and what function it will perform. Most flowers are demanding of light, and this should be taken into account when choosing a location. There are also those that can grow with different conditions, and even in the darkest corners. To better decorate your apartment, you can call a specialist who will select optimal flowers for taking into account the characteristics of all residential premises.

For kitchen

Potted flowers in the interior of an apartment, including the kitchen, are a highlight, a bright accent, pleasing to the eyes. They can get along in this room different types plants, starting with violets and ending with moisture-loving ferns. The main condition is not to place them next to the stove. Since there are constant temperature changes and high humidity in the kitchen, it is worth choosing those flowers that tolerate these features well. These can be small, compact, heat-loving plants, for example:

  • pike tail;
  • decorative fruit plants;
  • aloe;
  • ivy;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophytum;
  • asparagus.

For the bedroom

Can be used in the bedroom outdoor flowers, small pots, various compositions placed on the nightstand, coffee table. If the window sill is wide, large, tall plants will look good; if it is narrow, small, delicate plants will look good. It is not advisable to put a lot of flowers, especially with strong aroma. Ferns and lilies that absorb oxygen are not recommended. Perfect flowers for the bedroom:

  • Kalanchoe;
  • aloe;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • myrtle;
  • violet.

For dark rooms

If there are places in the apartment that are hard to reach for the sun, use shade-loving indoor plants for the interior. They do not suffer due to lack of light; they belong to the decorative deciduous species. Pots can be placed on the floor, hung on the wall, placed on stands or shelves along the walls. Popular shade-tolerant plants:

  • aglaonema;
  • aspidistra;
  • fern;
  • asplenium;
  • philodendrons;
  • scindapsus.

For the bathroom

Here you can put indoor flowers that love warmth, darkness, and high humidity. It's great if there is a window, but if there is none, it is recommended to install a lamp daylight or phytolamp. Another option is to regularly expose the plants to the sun. In the bathroom you will feel comfortable:

  • tropical plants;
  • ficus;
  • ferns;
  • calathea;
  • hoya;
  • Decembrists;
  • chlorophytums;
  • aglaonema.

In the living room

When talking about colors in the interior of an apartment, one cannot help but think of the living room. If it is spacious and not overloaded with furniture, place large plants with wide leaves, such as yucca and dracaena. Ampelous, small perennial or climbing, weaving plants will help to visually increase the space. Place light-loving flowers near the window, and shade-loving ones a little further away. The interior will be decorated with hanging baskets, glass vases, and aquarium balls with a variety of plants.

In the hall

Will fit unpretentious plants, getting along with a lack of light. They should have strong leaves that can withstand accidental touches and lush bushes. It is important that the flowers are in heavy (low) pots that are resistant to tipping. Cissus, Heder's ivy, ferns, and ficus grow well in the hallway. Any of these plants must be brought into the light from time to time, otherwise they may wither. Another option is to use artificial flowers in pots for your design.

How to choose indoor plants for your home

In order for the flowers in the interior of the apartment to look good, you need to select them based on the style. If, for example, your home is decorated in high-tech, purchase simple plants with leaves that are regular in shape and point upward. Want to add romance? Then blooming camellias, azaleas, spray roses, campanula. If it is important that the air at home is always clean, do not grow ferns and lilies, but give preference to aloe.


This group includes flowers that require a large number of Sveta. They should be placed on the windowsill, in dark places. If you place them deeper, they will only grow under artificial light. As a rule, beautifully blooming flowers and flowers with variegated leaves. This:

  • violets;
  • azalea;
  • anthurium;
  • cacti;
  • Cyperus;
  • bougainvillea;
  • Begonias are decorative deciduous.


For the hallway, dark living room, and dimly lit rooms in the apartment, it is worth choosing flowers that grow well in shade and partial shade. There are no flowering ones among them (with the exception of gardenia); they are often characterized by dark leaves. Shade-loving ones include:

  • coniferous varieties;
  • tradescantia;
  • fatsia;
  • arrowroot;
  • bamboo;
  • adantum;
  • ferns;
  • calathea;
  • maidenhair.


Most of exotic species capricious and demanding of additional care. These include fruit-bearing palm trees (alligator pear, citrus fruits), predator plants (Cape sundew, Venus flytrap). The latter need abundant watering (rain or distilled water), bright light, and low temperatures in winter. They can be found in stores and the Artplants online store.

Flowers in the house: interior photo

Check out the photographs of flowers in the interior of the apartment. They show that plants serve as decoration for each room: hallway, kitchen, bathroom, living room, children's room, guest room. They add bright colors, zone rooms, hide defects, smooth out sharp corners, bring lightness, visually change the apartment, improve the atmosphere.

Video: how flowers in the kitchen transform a house

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When decorating a space, flowers in the interior of an apartment help solve important problems. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the advantages of a room or disguise shortcomings, divide the room into zones, and create a unique atmosphere. To avoid mistakes related to decoration, study the information provided before starting work.

Indoor flowers as part of the interior

When designing a living space, it is worth noting that the design should not only please the eye, but also provide comfort. The arrangement of flowers in the interior of the apartment should be organized so that the room is not cluttered, but its advantages are emphasized. An interior with flowers in an apartment looks more comfortable and has undeniable advantages:

  • an abundance of greenery relieves eye fatigue and helps you relax after a hard day at work;
  • fresh flowers regulate humidity and purify the air;
  • plants can optically change the proportions of a room.

It doesn’t matter whether you use fresh flowers in the interior of your home or use artificial analogues, you must adhere to the recommendations listed below. Plants, regardless of their origin, must:

  • correspond to the dimensions of the room;
  • combine with existing furnishings and decoration;
  • harmonize with the color scheme and the general concept of interior design.

Important! Owners of miniature rooms should take into account that a composition containing large plants in the background and smaller ones in front of them creates the illusion of perspective and visually expands the space.

Fresh flowers in pots

Real greenery placed in the room will be a win-win for those who like plants and are willing to care for them. Unpretentious dracaenas, delicate orchids, popular ficus and palm trees have become familiar neighbors in our residents. When placing fresh flowers on the wall in the interior, on shelves or in the window area, consider the following recommendations:

  • Don't settle for the traditional option of placing plants using a window sill. Create compositions using stands, racks, and place pots directly on the floor.
  • Do not make compositions from traditional and fashionable house plants. For example, “grandmother’s” violets can easily be replaced with azaleas.
  • When creating a floral interior in an apartment, pay attention to the colors of the pots. They should be combined with each other, in harmony with the interior. A win-win option would be delicate pastel colors that will fit perfectly into any interior.


Artificial greenery will become wonderful solution for those who want to diversify the interior, but do not have the opportunity to fully care for living plants. When composing compositions, do not occupy all the window sills and corners with pots, use your imagination. For example, artificial flowers on the wall will look original. Before you start, read the advice of professionals:

  • Composition from artificial plants will look great on a coffee table - it doesn’t need a lot of light, and the coating won’t deteriorate, since they don’t need to be watered.
  • Tall flowers look great in floor vases. This solution will be an excellent decoration for the living room or hallway.
  • Artificial climbing plants can be beautifully placed on the wall. They will not deteriorate from lack of light, they will not have to be sprayed, which will help preserve the finish.


Large flowers in home interior They feel great in spacious, free areas. They will be a wonderful decoration for rooms equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows. Species whose size exceeds 1.5 meters are considered large. Individual plants can reach the ceiling.

Large flowers can be placed separately or become part of a composition with smaller counterparts. Such ensembles become great solution for recreation areas, as they can create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When planning to use such options, consider some nuances:

  • You should not place large plants on windowsills - they will look bad there and lack light;
  • flower pots play a big role; they must be in harmony with the decor and fit into the design concept of the room;
  • large plants with a spreading crown will optically enlarge the room, tall specimens will visually raise the ceiling.


Today, flowers are randomly arranged in a room, the interior of which was created with the latest fashion trends, replace stylish compositions. Miniature vegetable gardens located on the wall or on the windowsill and florariums are popular. Rare predatory flowers will bring a special flavor to the room. exotic plants, giant specimens.

Large-sized trees will help you create a home greenhouse: dracaena, palm, coffee tree. Floor planters for flowers in the interior help to visually change the configuration of the room and hide imperfections. If you line them up you get hedge, allowing you to separate functional areas.

Using florariums (aquariums for plants) it is easy to create a miniature garden that will allow succulents, orchids, and ferns to thrive.

Beautiful indoor flowers

Home flowers in the interior should not be the result of impulsive purchases. When planning to purchase them, it is worth thinking through the compositions in advance and taking the choice of copies seriously. In addition, it is worth assessing the compliance of the chosen location with the plant’s habitat conditions and its functional significance.

Most plants will look beautiful only with sufficient lighting, this should be taken into account when purchasing, arrange the flowers so that they receive enough sun or organize additional lighting, which is associated with costs.

For kitchen

Flowerpots in the kitchen interior will allow you to diversify the design and create accents that are pleasing to the eye. Many plants can easily coexist on the windowsill, from the usual violets to exotic ferns.

A special feature of the kitchen is temperature changes, high humidity. It is worth selecting plants taking into account these parameters. Such conditions will provide excellent habitat for:

  • aloe;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • miniature fruit trees.

When planning your kitchen design, keep in mind that plants should be organized and look neat. They can be placed directly on the table instead of cut ones. Flowers should look healthy and free of pests. Sharp, intoxicating aromas are unacceptable for this room.

For the bedroom

You can use a wide variety of pieces to decorate your bedroom. Plants are easy to place on the floor, window sills, or create a composition on a wall, bedside table, or coffee table.

Since the bedroom is a place for relaxation, where we spend a lot of time, it is worth avoiding species whose representatives are capable of releasing toxic substances. This will lead to constant headaches and malaise. You should not choose flowers with rich aroma. Also, experts do not recommend using lilies, which actively absorb oxygen, to decorate the bedroom. The ideal option for the bedroom would be:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • Kalanchoe.

When choosing an option for the bedroom, you do not have to worry about the opinions of guests, since they rarely visit this room. You can create a composition to your taste and enjoy it.

For dark rooms

If the apartment is located on the north side, its windows are covered with tree crowns, choose plants that can easily tolerate shade. Decorative foliage options tolerate darkening perfectly and will decorate a room shrouded in twilight.

It is easy to place such a composition on any convenient location. Can be placed on a windowsill, placed on a wall or on the floor. Experts note shade-loving plants that have become popular:

  • philodendron;
  • fern;
  • scindapsus;
  • aglaonema.

When choosing a shade-loving specimen, keep in mind that it can be located on a windowsill if it is not exposed to direct rays of the sun. Depending on the lighting, the green pet can be placed at a distance of 3 to 9 meters from the window. Standard apartment is able to provide maximum distance from bright light by placing the plant at the end of the corridor or bathroom.

For the bathroom

Accept water treatments surrounded by living plants is doubly pleasant. Specimens that prefer darkness and high humidity will get along well here. If there is no window in the bathroom, you will have to periodically take the plants out into the light and add additional lighting. The following plants will be comfortable in the bathroom:

  • tropical species;
  • fern;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophytum.

Important! The bathroom is a place that is undeservedly forgotten by lovers of house plants. A miniature room can be decorated with small plants located on shelves. If you have an impressively sized bathroom, diversify the regular shapes with an exotic tree in a tub.

In the living room

Flowers in the living room will be an excellent solution when it is free enough and not overloaded various furniture. Having opted for large specimens, such as dracaena, yucca, it is easy to optically further expand the space.

Choosing hanging plants, small perennials, as well as climbing, weaving options for the living room, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the room. When arranging the composition, take into account the characteristics of the plants, moving the light-loving ones closer to the light source.

In the hall

Species that are able to develop even with a lack of light will be comfortable here. Plants must have strong leaves, insensitive to constant touches, lush bushes. It is important that the pots in which the flowers are placed are low and heavy, resistant to tipping over.

Ficus, fern, Hederes ivy, and cissus will be luxurious decorations for the hallway. However, even such shade-tolerant plants need to be periodically moved to sunny place. Otherwise, they will lose their decorative effect and die. As alternative option You can use artificial greenery.

When starting landscaping, keep in mind that plants must be placed taking into account the peculiarities of their care and design rules. When choosing a place for permanent habitat, study the conditions that will be optimal for its development.

Flowering specimens often prefer a well-lit area; ferns and representatives of the dracaena family can thrive in shaded conditions.

How to place flowers on the windowsill?

The window sill remains the most common option for placing plants. Windows facing south, west or east are best suited for this. The north side will become good decision for greenery that prefers shade.

South side, constantly illuminated bright sun, an excellent option for succulents, cacti, oleander, roses. On the western side, citrus fruits, tradescantia, and coffee will be comfortably located. Eastern - will become cozy place for azaleas, dieffenbachias, fuchsias, bulbous ones.

Placing flowers on the floor

Natural greenery will feel comfortable on the floor if it is tall enough and receives required amount Sveta. A large, heavy pot will make the flower unsafe if placed on a table or windowsill.

The best solution to place the plant on the floor is when purchasing decorative dwarf trees or tall vines. By placing them symmetrically near the door, you can add symmetry to the room, making them a group - moving part of the garden into the house.

Placing plants on a stand

Flowers with hanging branches and curved leaves deteriorate when placed on the surface of a windowsill, cabinet, or shelf. Their decorative effect is revealed only when using various stands. Hanging containers and floor structures allow you to create compositions in any part of the room.

When choosing an option for placing greenery, keep in mind that they can be:

  • in the form of a miniature table on a leg;
  • speakers made of wood, metal, smoky glass;
  • rod holders made of forged metal, plastic, wood;
  • grilles that help divide the room into zones.

Placing flowers on the walls

The wall turns into a green zone when it is necessary to create a bright accent in the room and give it individuality. To keep the air moist and not spoil the finish, select deep vessels equipped with a capacious tray.

Flowers in the living room, the design of which you plan in advance, should be in harmony with the surface on which they will be placed:

  • Lush greenery and bright flowers will look great on delicate, pastel surfaces. Plants with variegated leaves and numerous pale flowers will be lost against such a background, but will look great on a dark wall.
  • Avoid specimens with small leaves if you choose a wall with a small pattern as the background. Species with large, spreading foliage will look great on it.
  • Combine contrasts and shapes. A strict vertical pattern will enliven a luxurious climbing plant.

How to choose indoor plants for your home

Greenery allows you to refresh the interior and give the home comfort. Before you make a purchase. It is worth planning what plants you will purchase and where they will be located. Thanks to the variety of types, you can choose an option that will fully match the interior and emphasize its individuality. For example, in a room decorated in a high-tech style, specimens with large, regularly shaped leaves will look great. In addition, it is worth taking care that the conditions in the room are appropriate.


Most flowering plants are considered light-loving. To force buds, they need a sufficient level of lighting, otherwise they will bloom less often and not so abundantly. When choosing options for landscaping a sunny window, it is worth considering where future pets grow in the real environment.

It is easy to identify light-loving species not only by their fleshy leaves or the presence of spines. They often have bright, decorative leaves, the color of which consists of two or more colors. It is worth noting that by placing them in the back of the room, you will not lose your green friend, but its decorative effect will disappear.


Shade-tolerant specimens are much more difficult to select, but they are easy to care for and thrive in a darkened room. The popularity of creating flower arrangements on walls and special stands is growing, so we have to be stricter in the selection of plants that can withstand the proposed conditions and remain an interior decoration. The illumination provided by artificial lighting is enough for them; they get used to the conditions that the far part of the room can provide.


When choosing exotic options, keep in mind that experts today distinguish several types of exotics:

  • predators - their maintenance is troublesome, but can amaze any guest;
  • homemade fruit plants will delight you not only with their decorative appearance, but also with their delicious fruits;
  • plants with large flowers are highly decorative during flowering;
  • species with decorative leaves will allow you to enjoy their beauty all year round.

Flowers in the apartment are wonderful! Agree, their presence creates a unique feeling of comfort and coziness. The interior of any living space benefits from the presence of greenery. I am sure that there are many flower growers among the site’s visitors, but, unfortunately, many of them do not have the largest living space, to put it mildly. Hope this article helps you solve the problem placing flowers in a small room .

So, if you are the owner of a modest apartment, then it is better to avoid large flowers with large leaves the following reasons:

  1. - such plants, like everything large and bulky, will visually greatly conceal the space;
  2. - large leaves can make it difficult for light to enter the room, again a dark room seems smaller than it actually is;
  3. - if a small plant can be placed on a hanging shelf, then big flower can only be positioned by placing it on the floor, which will also reduce the amount of already precious square meters;
  4. - in a small room, a large flower will become another dust collector;
  5. - if the room is small, then you will always be in close proximity to your favorite flower, and let’s not forget that at night plants emit not oxygen, but carbon dioxide, such proximity can negatively affect your health.

And vice versa - how bigger room, the larger indoor plants should be . In a spacious room, you can also increase the total number of flowers.

If you still want to have a tree-like plant in your interior (dracaena, philodendron or ficus bengal), then you will have to reduce the amount of furniture, striving for minimalism.

No matter how much of a lover of indoor plants you are, if the area of ​​the room is small, reduce their number – pots placed everywhere will definitely create a feeling of clutter. You don’t always have the energy and time to care for all flowers equally carefully. It’s better if there are fewer of them, but they will all be pleasing to the eye, as they say, small is the spool, but precious. I repeat, at night plants produce CARBON DIOXIDE! If there are a lot of them in a small room, so much the worse, if you sleep in it, then you are seriously risking your health. Sooner or later, you will notice that you wake up in the morning not at all rested; your body will be characterized by a general loss of strength.

Conclusion: in a small room, flowers should be small in size and their number should not exceed ten to fifteen pieces. If you still gravitate towards large plants, then you will have to make do with two, maximum three, representatives of such flora.

Now let's talk about ways to place them. The first one, which suggests itself, is, of course, windowsill . Well, this one is the one traditional version has a right to life. The only thing I would advise you to think about is how you will open the window if necessary. If the option of constantly removing flowers to another place suits you, then you may well use it. For window sills there are special spacers and stands made of metal and plastic different colors, on which you can place flowers at the height of the window. By the way, I will say that professional flower growers advise keeping flowers on such stands, especially in winter time of the year.

If the room has access to a glazed balcony, then you have another wonderful place for growing flowers; if desired, this place can even be turned into winter Garden. Special spacers from floor to ceiling will help you with this.

Flowers in the room can also be placed on furniture . When choosing this option, be extremely careful with watering. Sometimes, with excessive watering, water can begin to flow out of the pan, which is extremely undesirable for furniture, and can even lead to its damage; this is written in detail in the article “How to protect kitchen furniture made of chipboard from water.”

The option with hanging planters . However, if you have low ceilings, then hanging flower pots from them is highly not recommended. Otherwise, you will constantly “bang” your head on the pots, and the room will visually lose a significant amount of size. Hanging flowerpots can be hung along the walls on brackets; again, I repeat, there should not be many of them.

Along the wall At different levels you can hang several shelves on which your “favorites” will fit perfectly. Give preference to light, openwork designs so as not to “burden down” an already small room. I like these shelves best, made of metal; chipboard and wood are less suitable for small rooms. The combination of metal and glass looks advantageous.

As you have probably already noticed, in the article I do not give advice on how best to care for your pets or how best to position them relative to lighting - after all, these are questions of a floriculture rather than a furniture nature. You can look for answers to these questions on other thematic sites. One thing is obvious, that all design ideas for home improvement must be correlated with optimal conditions residence of this or that plant: some need shade, others need bright light, some need warmth, others need cold, etc....

Flowers are an integral attribute of our existence, so for design purposes they play an important role. Competent approach to selection certain type plants, as well as its location, will help achieve a harmonious combination with the overall style of the interior.

You can add freshness, comfort, and harmony to the interior with the help of indoor plants, cut in the form of a bouquet or dried flowers. However, the variety of indoor plants that can be purchased today flower shops, amazes with its splendor and sophistication, revealing limitless possibilities for use in decorating an apartment, office, or any other room.

At the same time, flowers in the interior of a room serve not only decorative function, but also:

  1. They purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and other substances emitted by objects in the room.
  2. They release oxygen.
  3. Reduce electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV, and various household appliances.
  4. Improves the indoor microclimate.
  5. Kill germs.
  6. Relieves stress.
  7. Render positive influence for general well-being.
  8. Increases performance.
  9. Used for treatment.
  10. Used for food.

Of course, these properties are typical only for indoor plants. In addition, cut flowers will only please for a short time, and dry flowers lose their attractiveness over time due to the accumulation of dust, which is quite problematic to remove. That is why the bulk of flowers in the interior are represented by indoor plants, and bouquets of fresh flowers and dried flowers only complement the existing style.

Principles of placing flowers in the interior

Most indoor plants are capricious to the conditions around them. At the same time, unpretentious options are not always suitable for placement in a particular room. If these conditions are not taken into account, the joy of interior landscaping can end very quickly.

Based on this, the following factors should be taken into account when placing flowers:

  • Lighting is the most important factor, since some plants love the shade, others love the sun. Having placed a light-loving flower in an interior devoid of sun rays, or received for a short period of time, in a fairly short period of time you can completely destroy the plant.

  • Dimensions of the room and proportions of plants. If you install a large plant in a small room, the space will become even smaller. At the same time, a miniature flower will easily merge with the interior of a spacious room. Therefore, for large rooms it is worth choosing voluminous plants, and for small ones - smaller specimens.

  • Combination with ornament. Against the background of a small pattern, the ideal option would be to place plants with large sheets, and a flower with small leaves will be clearly visible against the background of a large pattern.

  • Color solutions. In a room decorated in pastel colors, any plant will attract attention. At the same time, when combining different objects in a room color range It is worth choosing flowering plants in relation to the color of curtains, furniture upholstery and other textiles.

  • Pots. An important factor when decorating a room are the pots in which the plants are planted. The ideal option would be to combine not only flowers, but also pots with the overall style of the interior.

  • Compositions. To create an island of greenery and ease of care, plants can be combined into small groups according to their characteristic growing conditions, placing them on the windowsill, floor, shelves or using all kinds of stands.

However, it is better to place flowers on window sills at some distance from the glass. Otherwise, in hot weather the leaves of plants, in contact with the glass, get burned, and in winter, being in constant contact with water due to the thawing of the windows, they begin to rot. In addition, flowers placed on window sills should not be tall, otherwise the illumination of the room will decrease.

In addition, do not overload the premises flowering plants with a pungent odor, otherwise the created comfort will develop into headache and other ailments.

Options for decorating the interior with indoor plants

Flowers in the living room

The most illuminated and largest place in the apartment is always distinguished by a large number of plants, arranged in groups or individually.

Monochrome spacious interior The living room will be brightened by large plants placed near natural light, especially if there are panoramic windows.

In a spacious living room, it is quite possible to arrange flowers in small groups.

Two identical plants located in opposite corners of the room will give the room symmetry.

Even one flower in the living room interior can draw all the attention to its placement.

Living room made in light colors, will come to life if you place 2-3 pots of plants with small blooming flowers on the windowsill, and place a bouquet of bright red tulips on the coffee table.

Tall plants standing on the floor will not only fill empty space, but will also visually increase the height of the ceilings.

At the same time, spreading tree plants and flowers in the living room interior create the opposite effect.

A small living room designed in a geometric manner correct proportions with a small range of shades, will revive the plant with bright colors, placed in the center of the table.

Even in a small living room, you can always find a small corner and fill it with various plants.

Flowers in the bedroom

A room intended for relaxation should not be overloaded with plants, especially those with a strong odor.

The clear geometry of the room will be softened by the alternation of large and small plants located at the head of the bed standing near the window.

If there is a lack of space and lighting, flowers in the bedroom interior can be placed in wall niches or on shelves, having previously arranged artificial lighting in the form of illumination.

In addition, some types of plants do not emit, but absorb oxygen (ferns, lilies, etc.), so they should not be placed in the bedroom.

Flowers in the nursery

It is impossible to predict how children will react to new smells, as some plants can cause allergies.

For a nursery, it is enough to place 1-2 pots and it is better if it is lemon or chlorophytum, which destroy pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, it is somewhat inappropriate to place flowers in the nursery on the floor, since naughty children can easily overturn the pot. The best option They will be located on the windowsill, in wall niches, on shelves or in wall planters.

Flowers in the kitchen

The choice of colors for the kitchen comes down mainly to sophistication and unpretentiousness.

However, the need for continuous ventilation during cooking makes it difficult to arrange flowers on window sills, so it is better to place flowers on shelves, in niches, on cabinets, using wall planters.

A good solution would be vertical gardening herbs, which will fill the kitchen with a wonderful aroma, and there will be no need to run to the store for fresh seasoning.

Flowers in the hallway

In most cases, the hallway does not have a lot of light, so it is worth placing shade-loving plants here.

To decorate the interior and save space in small hallway Climbing plants in combination with vertical gardening are ideal.

But in a spacious hallway it is quite possible to place a small tree or a tall flower with wide leaves.

Flowers in the bathroom

It would seem that lack of lighting, temperature changes, high humidity - not the best place for plants. However, Fatsia japonica, climbing philodendron, ivy, aspidistra, chrysanthemum and other species feel quite wonderful in such conditions if positioned correctly.

If you place an asparagus or aspidistra in front of a mirror, then the light from lamps or small windows will be reflected from the mirror and make up for the lack natural light. In addition, the plants themselves will appear somewhat larger.

Above the mirror you can place ivy or climbing philodendron, which will frame it with descending vines.

Exacums and chrysanthemums can be placed on the windowsill, although not for long.

At the same time, you should not place flowers on the edge of the bathtub or near the sink, since splashes of soapy water, along with a lack of lighting, will quickly destroy the plants.

Other premises

Tall plants with small or large leaves are suitable for the office.

If there is not enough space in office space The ideal option is vertical gardening.

IN small rooms Miniature flowers look good, but with large leaves.

A tree placed in a free corner will not only fill the empty space, but will also add some color to the monotony of the interior.

Tall tree-like plants like ficus, philodendron, and dracaena will also help to delimit the spacious hall into entrance and waiting areas.

Soften coldness and severity wall material, performed through brickwork, and reeds growing in boxes will help to enliven the interior and add coziness.

When decorating a space with plants, it is necessary to correlate the size of the room and the proportions of the flower.

Options for choosing a bouquet relative to the interior

In addition to indoor plants, you can complement the interior with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, although one flower in the interior is also not uncommon.

As a rule, a bouquet of flowers of the same type is additional element, harmoniously combined with all interior items.

However, a bright bouquet of various types flowers installed in the center of the table will brighten up the monochrome of the room and focus attention on the active zone.

Bouquet wildflowers on the background light walls, placed near the mirror, attracts and at the same time complements the existing interior.

When placing cut flowers, it is necessary to take into account that the shorter the length of the stems, the higher it should be.

In addition, the flowers in the bouquet should be arranged freely so that each flower is clearly visible.

But the shape of the bouquet can be any.

All flowers are beautiful in their own way and in proper care can decorate the interior for several weeks.

Options for decorating a room with dried flowers

When decorating a room using fresh flowers is impossible due to various circumstances, dried flowers will come to the rescue.

In this case, you can use both dried flowers, ears of wheat, and various leaves in the composition.

The main thing is the combination of the placed plants with the overall style, since dried flowers are used as an element complementing the interior, and not as an independent element.

Thus, any flowers in the interior, photos of which are presented above, can enliven, complement or create contrast with other objects in the room. In any case, the presence of plants in the interior creates harmony and comfort.


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