How to grow arugula on a windowsill: tips for beginners. Arugula salad plant - cultivation, beneficial properties, use in cooking

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In the spring, when there is a lack of vitamins to one degree or another, you want a delicious salad of fresh herbs. As I joke at this time: “let’s switch to pasture.” Perennial onions have been growing on the site for a long time, in addition to them - lettuce, spinach, mustard, and arugula, not to mention parsley and dill. Arugula is both a salad and a spice. It has a very pleasant nutty aroma. By the way, people have both versions of the name of this plant: with one and two letters “k”: arugula and arugula. And both of them are true.

Arugula is also called indau, mustard lettuce, eruka, rocket lettuce, caterpillar lettuce, and arugula. It comes from the cabbage family. It can grow from 20 cm to 60 cm in height. In the central zone, arugula is grown as annual crop, more often V open ground . It is very useful, healing, and not demanding - there won’t be much trouble with it if you follow very simple rules. rules of cultivation and care.

Arugula in open ground - from seeds

The technology for growing arugula from seeds is not at all complicated. I didn't have any problems with her. The place for early vitamin greens has long been determined.

Favorite places (where to plant)

Arugula loves neutral, slightly acidic or alkaline soil. Therefore, if the acidity of the soil is high, it needs to be deoxidized; it is better to do this in the fall - add lime or chalk for digging.

You also need to choose a light mode that is favorable for it. Light partial shade or a place where the summer sun will only be early in the morning and late in the evening is best. This is desirable because the sun leaves arugula leaves become hard and some are lost. useful substances and taste. But the shadow doesn't suit her either.

Before planting, you need to figure out where it will be more convenient to provide it with regular watering in case of a dry period. Like all brassicas, arugula likes the soil to be moderately moist at all times. With insufficient moisture, the tender leaves of arugula become tough and rough.
Temperature regime: arugula exhibits its best qualities at a temperature of 16°C, although in early spring And late autumn withstands temperatures down to -7°C.

Advice! It protects very well from the effects of short-term frosts tender plants late evening abundant watering. With a sharp drop in temperature at night from 0°C to minus, a soft thick fog appears between the highly moist soil, warmed up during the day, and the cold air, which prevents the frost from hitting the sissies.

When to sow?

Because the best quality, the consistency and taste of its most delicate leaves, which are 25-45 days old, have the consistency and taste; I sow it several times every three weeks. I sow it for the first time in mid-April (depending on the weather). Then after two to two and a half weeks sunny places. And in the summer - where there is light partial shade and relatively cooler than at open places, because in the heat arugula quickly disappears. From mid-August - again where there is more sun. I do this because in extreme heat, arugula quickly goes to waste, and the leaves become tasteless and tough.

I always leave a few bushes to collect seeds. But I plant cabbage, radish and others from this family away from it: so that common pests (cabbage moths and cabbage flea beetles) do not multiply and infect them all.

Clue! I always plant beds with cabbages, arugula, snakehead radish, dill, low-growing marigolds, calendula, and nasturtium. Over the years, I have never saved cabbage plants from pests, which run away from dill, snakehead or marigolds like fire.

Who we love, who we don’t

Every plant has its likes and dislikes. Therefore, when determining the landing site, this should be taken into account.

  • predecessors: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, melons, legumes, potatoes;
  • neighbors: spinach, spinach, chard, cucumbers, celery, carrots;
  • enemies: tomatoes, beans, garlic, onions, parsley, watercress

Sowing in the garden

Rolls on long winter evenings toilet paper I cut it into ribbons 1-1.5 cm wide. I brew starch (thin). In a slightly warm one I add humate, heteroauxin or any other fertilizer. I drop the resulting jelly onto the resulting tape at a distance of approximately 4-5 cm. I place three seeds into drops using tweezers (or a wooden toothpick, whatever is handy) (this is how I prepare all the small seeds for spring different cultures). On the newspaper, pieces of ribbon with seeds dry out. Then I roll the ribbons, sign them, and put them in a box until spring.

In the prepared bed, I mark rows (30x30 cm) and with a five in these rows I press the torn pieces with seeds into the loose, moderately moist soil to a depth of about 1.5 cm, carefully level them and wait for the shoots to appear. Arugula sprouts quickly - in five to seven days. The sprouts turn out strong and stocky. They grow quickly and confidently.

A little about care

To save your time and effort, and to provide the arugula with the conditions it needs, I mulch the soil between the plants with mowed grass or straw. You can’t water it often, and you can’t weed it either, because weeds germinate very poorly through mulch. If you need to water, water between rows - infrequently, but generously, so as to wet the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Why plant arugula?

I would like to say about the usefulness of this wonderful plant. Arugula contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial minerals. It is incredibly useful for proper digestion. Arugula kills all kinds of viruses, bacteria, strengthens the immune system. It is useful for hypertensive patients and diabetics; it is recommended as a dietary product in various diets.

Good harvests, good weather!

Shared her experience of growing arugula in open ground: Lyudmila Melnikova, Belgorod

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow arugula at home. How to choose seeds. Private practical experience (10+)

Growing arugula on a windowsill. Tips for Newbies

Our article today is dedicated to a wonderful plant that has a number of beneficial properties, has a wonderful taste, and pleasant aroma, - arugula.

Of course, like any product, arugula has its own beneficial features and contraindications for use.

Useful properties and contraindications

Arugula grows on every continent except Antarctica. In Eurasia, you can find up to 90 types of arugula. Arugula first appeared in Ancient Rome, where they began to use it as a spice. The spicy taste can set off any dish, giving it piquancy and an unforgettable taste. Young leaves and shoots are widely used in cooking, and the seeds are used to make oil and even mustard. Arugula is also an integral component of salads, pizza, and it is added to meat.

Regular consumption of arugula in food helps to significantly increase immunity and normalize the general condition of the body. Arugula remarkably stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood, strengthens the immune system, and has a number of other beneficial properties. Arugula is not recommended for use during pregnancy, as it can cause uterine contractions and even cause premature labor. Also, there may be an individual intolerance to arugula by the body - a rash, diarrhea and other allergic reactions appear. It is not recommended to eat arugula if you have urolithiasis - it can cause its aggravation.

However, when correct use arugula, and taking into account contraindications, it will help strengthen the body and bring benefits due to the many beneficial substances contained in it.

If we talk about the use of arugula in folk medicine, it is widely used for diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive system. It also has antibacterial and diuretic effects. The juice of this plant is used to combat freckles and calluses.

Basically, all types of arugula, or as it is also popularly called, arugula, are edible, but there are also poisonous species.

By the way, one more little advice for cooks: when adding arugula to dishes, do not cut it, but tear it with your hands, in order to avoid losing its beneficial properties.

And now about growing

Well, we’ve talked about the beneficial properties of arugula and its use in folk medicine, now it’s time to talk about growing it at home and proper care for her.

Unfortunately, so much useful medicinal plant, which has good taste, has not yet become widespread among gardeners. This happened due to frequent damage to arugula by pests. However, arugula can be grown with great success at home - on the windowsill, without spending a lot of money, time and effort. And protecting this plant from pests at home is much easier than in the garden.

Seed selection

So, the first thing you need to do is buy seeds. They are sold in any specialized store. Flowerpots or shallow trays are suitable for planting. Almost all soil mixtures sold in stores are suitable for growing. It is advisable to start growing arugula in the spring, since the plant requires a lot of light. Short daylight hours are optimal for it, however, arugula does not like constant shade and loses its unique taste. Therefore, the optimal daylight hours in summer period For her, a day lasts 9-10 hours. IN winter period, if not enough natural light For the full growth of the plant, it is recommended to illuminate it with artificial light for the period of time that is not enough. For planting, in our opinion, it is better to use the surface sowing method, although many recommend sowing seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. The soil must be compacted. This allows you to get uniform shoots. You need to water the arugula well, otherwise it starts to taste bitter.

Arugula is a plant that grows quite quickly. About a week after planting, you can adjust the density of the plant by cutting out excess weak plants. The first harvest usually begins 30 days after the seeds are planted in the soil. Moreover, if you do not cut the lettuce right to the root, you can additionally get 2-3 more arugula harvests.

What to cook with arugula?

Arugula is most often used in preparing a variety of salads, pasta, and rice dishes. Arugula goes well with lettuce and tomatoes. It also goes very well with some types of sharp cheese.

So, as you can see, there is nothing difficult about growing arugula at home. Even a beginner in gardening can do such a thing. Spending a minimum amount of effort, time and Money, You will be able to enjoy the salad all year round, getting the maximum benefit from it, and, of course, you will be able to add significant variety to your daily diet, add spice to your familiar dishes, and discover something new.

Arugula does not require any special care, it is not demanding on the soil, blessing, watering, like, for example, parsley. And you can get the first harvest quite quickly.

Therefore, follow our advice, and you will definitely succeed! Good luck.

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The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of arugula. This spice was used in Ancient Rome, and later it was eagerly used by chefs of French and English cuisines. Egyptians prefer to add the herb to bean dishes and salads, while Italians use arugula leaves for pizza toppings and in risottos and salads.

How to grow arugula on a windowsill will be discussed in detail below. Eruka, indau, caterpillar, gulyavnik - these are all names of the annual arugula plant.

Plant varieties also differ in appearance. Some of them have yellow flowers and oblong toothed leaves, others with white flowers and dissected leaves. The whole plant is used for food: seeds, flowers and leaves.

Beneficial features

The healing qualities are preserved if the eruka is torn into small pieces rather than cut with a knife.

  1. Arugula leaves contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, citric and malic acids, tannins, pectin compounds, and antioxidants.
  2. Thanks to this chemical composition, it improves intestinal function, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammatory processes, strengthens blood vessels, has a positive effect on male potency, slows down the development of cancerous tumors.
  3. Arugula leaf salad is included in the menu for those who decide to lose weight. The grass is low in calories, contains a lot of fiber and vitamins, the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time.
  4. Arugula is a substitute for salt in many dishes.
  5. Consumption of indau on fasting days normalizes metabolism, removes waste and toxins.
  6. Oil from the leaves of the herb reduces nail brittleness and softens the skin.
  7. Helps with problems with potency in men.
  8. Hair masks with a decoction or reduce hair fragility and give it strength and natural shine.

Medicinal properties

Due to its unique composition, indau is used and how additional remedy in the treatment of certain diseases. Properties:

  • promotes wound healing;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates water-salt balance;
  • raises hemoglobin;
  • has a sedative and calming effect;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • Helps the body fight infections.

Harmful properties

Unfortunately, in addition to its benefits, arugula can also cause harm to the body. Due to the content of phytoncides in the grass, severe allergic reactions are possible.

You should not use eruca if you have the following diseases:

  • liver;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • colitis.

Contraindicated in indau and pregnant women.

How to grow arugula on the balcony?

You can grow lettuce all year round glassed balcony, if the temperature on it is more than 10 degrees. It grows well in such conditions. To plant, you need to take a container, box or pot and sow the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. To properly cultivate the plant on the balcony, you need to know how to grow arugula on the windowsill.

Indau is tall, so when planting, you should not spread them out often. Shoots appear on the 5th day. To save seeds, the seedling method is used. The plantings are also made more dense, so that later they can be thinned out and made into a salad. The harvest ripens in a month.

When growing grass on the balcony, it is important to remember:

  • do not use fertilizers, nitrates are quickly absorbed into the greens;
  • growing arugula requires moderate watering; excess water makes the leaves bitter;
  • make the distance between plants 8 cm, then the taste will improve;
  • It will grow well if the balcony faces the sunny side;
  • the best temperature for growing is 18 degrees;
  • the leaves are ready for use when the bush reaches a height of 10 cm.

How to grow arugula at home on a windowsill

As planting material take any type of grass. Early-ripening varieties will delight you with a harvest in 20 days, and mid-ripening and late varieties - in 30-40 days, respectively.

In boxes or trays, make a drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay. Take slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Ideally suited when calcined high temperature soil from pumpkin or leguminous plants, taken from a summer cottage. As an alternative, you can use boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, the soil should stand for 10-14 days. You can prepare the soil yourself; to do this, use turf, sand and humus in proportions of 2:1:2.

Make rows or small holes on moist and slightly compacted soil. Place the seeds in them at a distance of three centimeters and sprinkle with a one-centimeter layer of soil.

Care, harvesting

Water with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the soil. After sowing, the boxes are covered with polyethylene film and placed in the dark. Optimal temperature, at which the cultivation of arugula is considered ideal, is 18 degrees. When the first shoots appear, usually on the 5-6th day, the film coating is removed. Weak and diseased plants are thrown away. The trays are transferred to a well-lit windowsill and moved closer to the glass. The grass is a light-loving plant. If the windows face north, they are made of lamps daylight backlight, which are located at a height of 60 cm. Water once every two days. No feeding required. The eruca plant is very delicate, so it should be protected from drafts and do not open the windows on the windows where the boxes are located.

In about a month, juicy greens with an unusual taste will appear in your kitchen. Leaves with a height of 10 cm or more are cut off. The size of the leaves matters, since small leaves contain a large number of bitterness.

"How to grow arugula on a windowsill in winter?" - fans of this green ask the question. The only difference between growing grass in winter time is to extend daylight hours by 4-6 hours.

It's so easy to grow eruka at home. Greens do not last longer than six days in the refrigerator. For long-term storage, it is washed, dried and frozen in freezer. There will always be fresh greens on the table if you plant indau in small quantities every two weeks.

Pests and diseases

How to grow arugula on a windowsill in order to use its properties to improve health and protect yourself from diseases? Must be observed certain rules caring for her.

Indau contains a large amount of essential oils. No pests affect it. The smell of essential oils will repel harmful insects from other plants that are near it. But it is not protected from fungal diseases that affect the roots due to high humidity soil. The disease manifests itself as the stems wilting and blisters appear on the roots. white. The affected greenery is destroyed; the disease is incurable.

Let's try to experiment

Increasingly, you can see arugula growing on the windowsill in homes; growing from seeds does not require special conditions to get a harvest. This amazing plant feels equally good not only on balconies and window sills, but also in open ground.

After the flowering of eruka, seeds are formed, which are sown in the soil and on next year They produce new shoots, so there is no need to plant it annually in summer cottages. You can try leaving the seeds and waiting for the arugula to sprout on the windowsill; in this case, growing from seeds will not require any effort at all.

Cultivating indau does not cause difficulties due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. Greens have a refined and piquant taste, which reveals the capabilities and subtleties of well-known products in a different way. How to grow arugula on a windowsill so that a green garden is always at hand is described in this article.

The diet of any person should include at least 70% vegetables. Fresh herbs are a good addition. chemical composition which is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals.

Arugula is considered one of the popular salad ingredients, but when grown in summer cottages, it is rarely possible to obtain a product with an exquisite, spicy, nutty taste.

The whole secret lies in agricultural technology, planting and care rules, which will be discussed in this article.

The plant is a type of lettuce and belongs to the Indau genus of the cabbage family. Initially, greens were considered weed grass, but later added to the lists vegetable crops, grown in our country. Demand for the product began to grow after the popularization of Mediterranean cuisine.

The crop has a short growing season, which allows it to be grown in open ground throughout the warm period. When cultivated in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, the crop grows year-round, in spring and winter.

Arugula contains a rich vitamin composition, which includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins B, E, PP, K;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • plant acids (erucic, oleic, linoleic, etc.);
  • steroids and other substances.

Arugula leaves contain a large amount of vitamins

Regular consumption of greens has the following effects on the body:

And this is an incomplete list of the merits of arugula, which is why it is often included in dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

You can sow arugula several times a season, starting from April to August. It is important that the earth has time to warm up to 9-14 degrees. If planted in cold soil, the process of germination and seedling development is inhibited.

In the south and in middle lane You can sow from April 15th. In northern regions it is recommended to use greenhouse or seedling method cultivation.

Seedlings need to be planted from late March to early April. Preliminary preparation It is not required for seeds; they already have good germination. Seedlings are grown in pots, boxes or cups.

Arugula seeds

Shoots appear 4-6 days after sowing.

When the sprouts have 2 true leaves, you need plant seedlings in separate containers(plastic cups or peat pots).

The grown shoots are transferred to open garden bed together with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root system.

After germination of the seedlings, you need to thin out the planting, first leaving 5 cm between the shoots, and then increasing the distance to 10 cm. Thickening has an effect Negative influence on the taste of the salad.

The range of varieties makes it difficult to choose when choosing a variety to grow on your site. When purchasing, you should read brief description plants and the characteristics of their agricultural technology.

Cupid's arrows

plant with average ripening period, the growing season lasts 36-38 days. The bush reaches a height of 20-30 cm, forming a raised rosette of narrow long leaves. During flowering, light yellow inflorescences appear small sizes.

Features of the variety: consistently produces high yields, external similarity of the crop to dandelion.

Arugula Cupid's Arrow


The variety ripens in about a month (growing season 28-30 days). The height of the bush reaches 20 cm, the stem is erect with a small edge. The plant blooms in small cream-colored inflorescences.

The taste of the leaves is distinguished by a sweetish taste and lack of bitterness.

Plant early 21-25 days. Richly green leaves large sizes, there are about 20-26 pieces in one outlet. The height of the bush is about 20 cm.

The taste of arugula is sweetish with a mustard note. The seed remains viable for 4 years.


Plant early ripening period, the growing season lasts only 20-25 days. The height of the bush does not exceed 16-20 cm. The leaves are lyre-shaped, slightly rounded. The variety is perennial.

Benefits of the plant: high yield, good transportability, high taste qualities, which are distinguished by a pronounced nutty note and a slight bitterness.

To give the arugula its richness green and has acquired a pleasant nutty flavor, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology, in particular planting in open ground.

Arugula seeds should be purchased in specialized stores. When purchasing in person, you will need to disinfection of seed material.

To do this, the grains are immersed for 15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, you need to rinse them thoroughly under running water and dry them on a towel.

Other treatments to stimulate growth are not carried out, since the arugula seed germinates quite well.

Preparing the soil for arugula

When choosing a place for a bed for arugula, you should take into account that the plant does not like either shade or direct sunlight.

Therefore, it is worth choosing an area that is in the shade for one half of the day and in the sun for the second.

It is ideal if the plants are in partial shade during the midday hours.

The planting site should be limited from direct sunlight

The soil is suitable for salad fertile, loose with a neutral or slightly acidic environment.

The following predecessors are welcome: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin. It is not recommended to sow arugula after: cabbage, turnips, daikon, radishes and other cruciferous crops.

Before planting, the soil can be enriched with calcium by adding dolomite flour, chalk or other means.

Sowing is performed in prepared holes 2 cm deep.

The interval between rows during transplantation is maintained at 30-40 cm, between holes – 5 cm.

2-3 seeds are planted in each hole. After a week, it is necessary to thin out the beds, increasing the interval between plants to 10-15 cm.

The air temperature is considered optimal for the growing season. 14-18 degrees. When the rate is low, the development of the plant is inhibited.

The crop will survive a sharp drop in temperature to minus 7 degrees, but only on condition that the cold does not last long. If frost occurs after sowing, then it is necessary to build a shelter from plastic film.

Watering the plant

The soil in the beds with arugula should always be moist, so irrigation is carried out regularly. Watering mode: 3-4 times a week.

Watering is carried out 3-4 times a week

In persistent heat, you need to moisten the soil daily. Due to lack of moisture, the leaves acquire a bitter taste, and the plant itself produces color.

Arugula loves moisture, but watering must be regulated. Do not allow water to stagnate in upper layers soil.

For normal growing season the plant requires loose soil , therefore, after each watering or every other time, you should fluff the ground with a hoe or horn.

Weeding is performed simultaneously with this procedure. Weeds thicken the planting, which provokes the development of fungal diseases and attracts pests. In addition, proximity to weeds can negatively affect the taste of arugula.

Top dressing

The soil for sowing lettuce should be well fertilized. Then for the entire growing season you will need only 1-2 feedings.

Introduce complex mineral compounds do not do it, because in a short time the toxins accumulated in the leaves will not have time to decompose. It is better to use a solution of chicken droppings or rotted manure along with irrigation water. Nitrogen fertilizers are also suitable.

It is best to use a solution as a fertilizer chicken manure

Pests and prevention

Arugula leaves contain a large amount of essential oils, their aroma repels many pests. However this does not protect against fungal infections, which develop well in a moist environment - soil.

When the root system is damaged, the stem begins to gradually wither. When a fungal disease occurs, small, brown bubbles form on the roots. When the first signs of the disease are detected, it is necessary to remove the bush from the garden bed and treat the soil with antifungal drugs.

The only things that can damage arugula leaves are: cruciferous flea beetles, radish lovers and different types salad If you cover the seedlings with lutrasil, the pest will go to look for food elsewhere.

Arugula is harvested when the leaf length is about 10cm

Those who have already had experience growing arugula know that when the plant is left in the garden, the leaves become hard and taste bitter. Therefore, the harvest must be harvested on time, should not be postponed.

One of the signs of ripeness is the length of the leaf; it should reach not less than 10 cm. After the peduncle is released, the taste of the salad deteriorates.

Large rosettes are cut off completely, other bushes are partially cut off. It is better to use leaves for cooking in fresh. The harvest, wrapped in cling film, can only last a few days in the refrigerator.

To summarize, it is worth noting that growing arugula is fun and easy. Sticking to general rules By caring for the plant, you can enrich the body with useful microelements, strengthen the immune system and even rejuvenate the skin.

You can plant and grow arugula not only in your country house or garden, but also at home - on a windowsill or balcony. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with compatibility with other plants, plant seeds according to the rules and maintain the desired temperature at home.


Arugula: agricultural techniques for growing and the best varieties

Arugula variety "Rocket" An early ripening variety, from germination to harvesting of greenery 20-25 days. The leaves are thin, strongly dissected.

Grown in open and protected ground, can be grown as a potted crop.

The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading, 15-18 cm in diameter, the leaves are pinnately dissected, dark green, 15-20 cm high, with a nutty-mustard pungent taste. Productivity 1.4-1.6 kg/m2.

Value of the variety: unpretentious cultivation, cold resistance, high content of mineral salts, mustard oil, vitamin C. It is an excellent honey plant, improves the health of the soil.

Used fresh for preparing salads, side dishes, and as a seasoning.

Other names for arugula are arugula, indau, vizicaria, gulavnik, caterpillar, roquech-salad. Its homeland is Southern Europe and Western Asia; common in French and Italian cuisine, where it is added to pasta, cream sauce for spaghetti, pizza and other dishes.

Useful properties of arugula

Arugula prized for its original taste. Succulent leaves - component various salads, sandwiches, spicy side dishes for meat and fish dishes.

They have a strong antibacterial effect and are rich in minerals and tannins, iodine and vitamin C.

Eating arugula greens activates the immune system, normalizes metabolism, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood, and also reduces salt deposits and stimulates the removal of cholesterol from the body.

Arugula removes toxins, strengthens the nervous system and generally tones the body. This effective remedy for cancer prevention, and also a good aphrodisiac

The herb can be dried, crushed and used for dry cough, poor digestion and as a mild diuretic (pour 1 tsp. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, close the lid tightly, leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day before meals).

Seeds arugula Since ancient times and until now, they have been added to pickles to give them a pleasant, unique smell.

The extraordinary taste of arugula

For many of us, this aromatic herb with a mustard-nut-pepper taste is still a delicacy. After all, arugula is not only a valuable, but also an expensive food product - in Austria, for example, 100 g of this green costs 1.5 euros. So why not grow it yourself in the garden?

Agricultural technology for growing arugula and the best varieties

Arugula is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, in seedlings and without seedlings.

The crop can grow on any soil, but more lush and tasty greens are obtained on lightly fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Acidic soils require liming.

Below we will look at the features and subtleties agricultural techniques for growing arugula, and also find out the most popular and widespread species in our territory and varieties.

Caring for arugula in open ground is not much different from a similar process at home. However, some distinctive nuances are still present.

Arugula- an annual or biennial plant with succulent leaves belongs to the Brassica family.

The most popular varieties of arugula:

Poker and Rococo- have large lyre-pinnately dissected leaves and white flowers with purple veins.

Euphoria and Rocket- (belong to the so-called wild arugula) the leaves are oblong, notched-toothed, and the flowers are yellow.

The best predecessors are legumes, pumpkin, early potatoes, tomatoes. In the same place or after related cultures The plant is returned no earlier than after 3–4 years.

The period for sowing seeds in open ground: from April to mid-August, every 10–15 days. Sowing depth is no more than 1–1.5 cm, the distance between rows is 30–40 cm.

The seedlings are thinned out in the phase of 1–2 true leaves, leaving 5–6 cm between them. In hot weather, arugula is not sown, as the plants quickly shoot up.

If you still decide to sow it at this time, choose a semi-shaded place.

Arugula is a cold-resistant crop. The optimal temperature for growth and development is +16–18 °C. After germination, it is advisable to mulch the soil (with hay or cut grass) - this reduces the dose of watering and loosening.

Water the plants with shallow sprinkling or saturate the soil using the flooding method (the hose is placed between the rows).

With a lack of moisture, leaf growth is delayed, the plant blooms quickly, and the taste deteriorates - the leaves begin to taste bitter.

The seedlings are fed 1–2 times with nitrogen fertilizer (10 g/10 l of water), mullein solution (1:10) or chicken manure (1:15).

Fresh manure cannot be applied, as a lot of nitrates accumulate in the leaves. Usually the crop ripens on the 25–50th day from germination.

Leaf yield for a single harvest is 1.5–2.5 kg/m2.


Before flower stalks form, most of the plants are cut off; a few bushes can be left for seeds. Arugula is harvested selectively - often entirely (when large rosettes form), sometimes individual leaves are cut off.

It is impossible to be late with harvesting - after throwing away the flower stalks, the taste deteriorates. Only regular cutting will allow you to obtain greens with a delicate taste. It is best to use arugula immediately, fresh.

You can store the picked leaves for several days in the refrigerator, wrapping the bunch in cling film or foil.

We shouldn't lose sight important factbenefits of greens significantly higher than from other foods such as fish, meat and even vegetables.

You should know that there are also much more microelements and vitamins that our body needs for normal functioning in fresh greens.


Arugula: growing from seeds at home and in open ground

Plant arugula (lat. Eruca sativa), or sowing caterpillar, or indau, or arugula, or rocket salad, or eruka- a species of herbaceous annuals of the Indau genus of the Brassica family.

In the wild, the plant can be found in Southern and Central Europe, Asia (from Central to Asia, as well as in India) and northern Africa. In culture, the cultivation of arugula is widely practiced in Italy, but it is also popular in other countries, especially in northern Europe and America.

Since ancient times, arugula has been considered an aphrodisiac, and mentions of this culture date back to the first century BC. In ancient Rome it was used as a spice for vegetables and meat dishes, and in Egypt, arugula improved the taste of bean and pea dishes.

Today, unique healing properties this salad plant, so we will tell you about how to plant and care for arugula in open ground, how arugula is cultivated at home, what are the benefits of arugula, and what are the contraindications of arugula.

The height of arugula reaches from 30 to 60 cm. Its stem is straight, slightly pubescent, and branched. The leaves of arugula are juicy, less often glabrous, but usually sparsely hairy, with a peculiar nutty aroma.

The lower leaves have a lyre-pinnate or dissected shape with jagged lobes. Arugula inflorescences, appearing in May, are long, sparse clusters of bright or pale yellow flowers with purple veins.

The arugula fruit is a pod with light brown or brownish seeds arranged in two rows.

Planting arugula for seedlings

When to plant arugula seedlings

Arugula is grown by seed seedlings and without seedlings. Arugula in the Moscow region and in areas with warmer climates is grown by sowing in the ground in April.

In regions with long, cold springs, it is better to plant arugula in the garden as seedlings, the seeds of which are sown in early March.

The soil in which arugula will subsequently grow can be used as a substrate, but before sowing, the soil must be calcined in the oven or poured with boiling water for disinfection.

Or you can use purchased soil for growing seedlings vegetable seedlings. 2-3 hours before sowing, soak arugula seeds in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Fill a container or box at least 10 cm deep with a sterile and well-moistened substrate, place arugula seeds on its leveled surface at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, cover them with a 1 cm thick layer of sand and place the crops in a bright place, without anything covering.

Growing arugula from seeds

Friendly shoots can appear in 3-5 days. Caring for arugula during the seedling period consists of regular and abundant watering and loosening the substrate.

As soon as a pair of true leaves develop on the seedlings, they are planted two at a time in peat pots or transplanted into a larger container at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, keeping a distance between rows of 25-30 cm - according to vegetable growers, this is exactly the spacious planting allows you to obtain arugula leaves with its inherent pronounced taste and aroma.

Growing arugula at home

How to grow homemade arugula

If you want to have fresh herbs on your table all winter, you can grow arugula on your windowsill.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in slightly alkaline or neutral soil, which is prepared according to the following recipe: two parts of turf soil are mixed with two parts of humus and one part of sand.

Do not forget to disinfect the seeds before sowing soil mixture in the oven or pour boiling water over it.

You can sow in a box or container, but arugula in a pot will not only allow you to get vitamins to your table in the middle of winter, but will also decorate your home.

Fill the container with drainage holes 2-3 cm with expanded clay, pebbles or broken brick, then fill it with a damp substrate, level and lightly compact its surface, and then spread the seeds over the surface of the substrate, as when sowing seedlings.

Watering arugula

Growing arugula in an apartment will require you to constantly maintain the substrate in a slightly moist state, for which you should water the seedlings once every two days. Moisten the arugula using a fine spray.

If plants lack moisture, their leaves become bitter. Do not forget to lightly loosen the surface of the substrate around the seedlings. A week and a half after the emergence of seedlings, you need to thin them out, removing weaker and smaller specimens that can be used for salad.

Homemade arugula grows best at 18 ºC.

Fertilizing arugula

When grown in rich soil, arugula can do without fertilizers, but experienced gardeners insist that the plant still needs nitrogen fertilizing.

Fertilizers are applied during watering: 10 g of fermented cow or chicken manure diluted 10-15 times with water is added to a bucket of water and mixed thoroughly.

Since the ripening period of arugula is short, fertilize it with manure or introduce mineral supplements undesirable because the leaves of the plant can accumulate toxins.

Growing arugula in open ground

Planting arugula in the ground

Arugula is planted in the garden in April, when the air temperature in the garden rises to 9-10 ºC. I don't like arugula too much bright sun, however, it is not advisable to plant it in the shade.

You need to choose a site for it in a place where there is sun before lunch and partial shade at midday.

Optimal growing conditions for arugula involve the use of soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction, and the best precursors for the plant are legumes, pumpkin crops, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.

It is not advisable to make a bed for arugula where its cabbage relatives grew - horseradish, radish, turnips, radishes, daikon, rutabaga and all types of cabbage - for at least three years.

If you are growing seedlings in peat pots, then you can plant seedlings in the ground directly in them, and if the seedlings grow in a box, in a container or in plastic cups, the seedlings are removed from them along with a lump of earth. Scheme of planting seedlings 10x30 cm.

Plant the seedlings in moist holes and be sure to water the bed after planting.

Arugula can withstand frosts down to -7 ºC, but if you are afraid of a stronger cold snap, cover the seedlings with film or plastic bottles, however, in the morning the cover should be removed.

How to grow arugula in the ground

Growing arugula in open ground is carried out in approximately the same way as growing lettuce - it needs to be regularly watered, weeded, and the soil between the plants and rows must be loosened.

If arugula grows too thickly, it must be thinned out, otherwise it may lose its special taste and aroma.

You should also know that in hot, dry summers, arugula can lose color, which will negatively affect its taste.

Watering arugula

The soil in the bed with arugula must be kept loose and slightly moist at all times, so watering should be done frequently, and after moistening the soil, the row spacing should be loosened.

The hotter and drier the weather, the more often the area with arugula should be watered - ideally daily. Moistening is carried out by sprinkling or long-term watering of row spacing from a hose laid on the ground.

Don’t forget to also remove weeds from the garden bed.

Fertilizing arugula

Arugula leaves are torn off when they grow to 10 cm - overgrown leaves become tasteless and rough.

From the emergence of seedlings to the first cutting of leaves, it takes from 20 to 35 days.

Arugula does not need fertilizing, but to increase soil fertility, you can add a little old peat or humus to the area several times a season.

What to plant after arugula

Crop rotation is the first commandment of a gardener, so alternate the cultivation of arugula with the cultivation of legumes or pumpkin crops.

It is also good to grow carrots or potatoes after arugula, but in no case should you plant cruciferous crops in this area for another three years, since they share common pests and diseases with arugula.

Pests and diseases of arugula

Arugula diseases

When do arugula leaves appear? brown spots, we can talk about the plant being affected by peronosporosis, while the disease Fusarium causes the arugula leaves to turn yellow and the vascular system to become black or brown. It is useless to treat these diseases on already grown plants; it is better to change the area for arugula, carefully preparing the soil on it. Methods of combating peronospora and fusarium are agrotechnical - compliance with crop rotation and weed control.

Pests of arugula

Arugula in open ground can be attacked by cruciferous flea beetles - the most dangerous pests cabbage crops, as well as cabbage moth.

Both pests feed on lettuce leaves, leaving holes in them. To prevent the flea beetle from infecting arugula, cover it immediately after planting the seedlings in the soil. non-woven material, for example, agrospan.

You can sprinkle the seedlings with tobacco dust, ground red pepper or ash. And treating arugula with infusions of wormwood, as well as potato or tomato tops, is effective against cabbage moths.

One of the most effective agricultural techniques is digging up the soil when preparing the site.

Types and varieties of arugula

Types of arugula, or rather, its varieties, are annual and biennial. The root of biennial arugula tolerates winter well and produces juicy greens in the spring.

The most famous of the biennials is arugula Solitaire - mid-season variety up to 20 cm high with lyre-shaped dissected leaves of medium size with cuts along the edges.

The ripening period of this variety is 35-45 days, the taste is nutty-mustard.

From annual varieties The following are popular:

  • curiosity– mid-season variety up to 20 cm high with lyre-shaped leaves. This arugula ripens within 22-25 days;
  • Cupid's arrows– also a mid-season arugula, 20 to 30 cm high, with long narrow leaves and light yellow flowers, ripening in 35-38 days;
  • Olivetta– early arugula 15-20 cm high with juicy leaves of mustard-nutty taste, rich in carotene, vitamins and essential oils. Ripening time 20-25 days;
  • Rocketearly ripening variety 15-20 cm high with pinnately dissected leaves of a dark green color with a nut-mustard taste, ripening in 20-25 days;
  • Pokerearly variety up to 20 cm high with large leaves with a sweet mustard flavor and pale cream flowers. Ripening period – 22-28 days;
  • Victoria– a variety with short, abundant greens of dietary taste, rich in vitamins, ripening in 20-25 days;
  • Spartacus- also an early dietary variety up to 22 cm high with spicy greens, rich in vitamins and essential oils, which can be cut after 20-25 days.

The arugula varieties Sicily, Corsica, Euphoria, Taganskaya Semko and Rococo are also popular.

Properties of arugula - harm and benefit

Medicinal properties of arugula

Since ancient times, healers have used arugula oil to treat bruises, boils, wounds, sprains and headaches. Today, the beneficial properties of arugula are used for dermatitis, to care for problem skin, eliminate age spots and whiten freckles.

Mustard grass contains vitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins, vitamins C, K and E, as well as zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

Possessing biological activity, arugula has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes.

Arugula destroys viruses and bacteria, increases the amount of hemoglobin, strengthens the human immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, and regulates water-salt metabolism.

Since the vitamin K contained in arugula helps improve blood clotting and wound healing, it is recommended for use by people suffering from high blood pressure and venous disease.

Arugula has a lactogenic, diuretic and expectorant effect. American scientists successfully use it to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis, since arugula strengthens and protects the walls of the stomach.

Eruka is also irreplaceable as a dietary product, which contains a large amount of fiber - for people on a strict diet, eating arugula allows them to maintain energy and performance all day. At the same time, mustard grass is low-calorie - 100 g of arugula contains only 25 kcal.

Arugula mustard oil has a strengthening effect on hair, improving its structure and preventing hair loss.

Arugula - contraindications

Arugula, rich in phytoncides, can cause a severe allergic reaction, and if you can hardly tolerate turnips or radishes, you should refrain from including arugula in your menu.

Patients with gastritis with high acidity, colitis, those suffering from kidney disease or biliary dyskinesia, pregnant and lactating women should exercise moderation in consuming salads with arugula.

Arugula is also not beneficial for those who suffer from gout or autoimmune diseases. But even if you are absolutely healthy, try to make sure that the arugula you are going to eat did not grow in an environmentally unfavorable area or where the soil has a high content of heavy metal salts.

Arugula contains iodine and a balanced set of vitamins. It is useful for people trying to lose weight, as it creates a feeling of fullness with a minimum of calories. Arugula increases iron levels in the blood and removes cholesterol. IN Lately This green with a very specific taste is becoming more popular due to the fact that it is widely used in Italian dishes.


Planting arugula begins with purchasing seeds. Anyone who wants to buy arugula seeds can expect a surprise - in Russia, arugula is called indau. Under this name, this crop is included in the State Register of Varieties.

  • Rococo - height 12-18 cm, period from germination to harvest 3 weeks;
  • Solitaire is early ripening, productive, one bush is enough for a family;
  • Corsica - bush height up to 60 cm, grows for more than a month;
  • Sicily – late-ripening, productive;
  • Poker is a low bush up to 20 cm high with graceful notched leaves; the harvest can be harvested 25 days after germination.

In the open ground

Sowing arugula does not require any hassle. It has large seeds, similar to radish seeds. There are no difficulties with their embedding into the soil. Seeds are sown in spring or late summer.

There is no need to grow seedlings; you can sow directly into the ground.

To provide yourself with greens for a long time, seeds are sown every 1.5-2 weeks. In mid-summer, arugula is not sown, since plants planted in July quickly bolt. In July, you can try to sow indau in a shady place.

Sowing is carried out in furrows of arbitrary length, laid at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. The gap between seeds should be 8-10 cm. Dense planting will lead to a decrease in yield. The seeds are buried 1 cm.

On the windowsill

Arugula is an early ripening green, so it is suitable for growing at home on a windowsill. In the apartment it is sown between March and October. The culture is shade-tolerant and grows well even on northern windows.

Seeds can be sown in regular flower pots depth from 15 cm. The container is filled universal primer from the store, spill with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and sow the seeds to a depth of 5 mm. To speed up germination, cover the pot with film and place it in a warm place. After 3 weeks, you will be able to serve fresh, aromatic herbs.

In the greenhouse

Arugula grows quickly in greenhouses and greenhouses and can become overgrown, so it needs to be cut young and often. IN closed ground greens are sown three times: in early spring, early June and early September. The soil temperature should be no lower than 18C.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm, arranged in rows. After final thinning, there should be 10 cm between plants in the row.

Shoots appear in the greenhouse a week after sowing. The shoots will require watering on hot days and regular weeding and loosening. At the beginning of the growing season, you can carry out one fertilizing with a nitrophoska solution.

The greens are removed when the rosette develops. Leaves are cut at soil level, starting with the tallest and strongest. The more often you harvest, the faster new shoots will grow. Plants are uprooted when flower stems begin to emerge, making room for the next crop.

Arugula – annual plant up to 40 cm high. It has fleshy leaves, bare or covered with hairs, depending on the variety. Indau differs from other garden plants in its peculiar smell, expressed to a greater or lesser extent. The aroma and taste of arugula depends on the variety and growing conditions.

Arugula is an unpretentious, shade-tolerant, cold-resistant plant, the cultivation of which is accessible to a completely inexperienced summer resident. It is part of the cabbage family and looks very similar to radishes. And how the indau radish blooms when the days become long. The crop is cultivated for its leaves. The lower leaves of arugula are dissected, similar in shape to a lyre. The upper ones are more solid.

Arugula seeds are shaped into fruit pods. The seeds ripen in July. They can be collected to sow next year.

The culture does not like heat and drought. The more you water the indau, the juicier and fleshier the leaves will be. In the heat, greens become coarser, tasteless and bitter.

Caring for plantings is simple. It is necessary to loosen the row spacing from time to time and water the beds more often, preventing the leaves from drying out.

Like any greenery, arugula quickly accumulates nitrates, so you should not use nitrogen fertilizers when growing it. It is enough to feed the bushes with mullein solution in the 1-2 leaf phase, adding a little wood ash. This organic complex is enough for the plants to develop well.


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