What perennial flowers can be planted in the garden? Stages of decorating a front garden with your own hands. Plants for shady places

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The part of the yard in which the flower garden, trees, and bushes are located is called the front garden. To decorate the front garden, you need to prepare properly, since it is a mirror of the yard and attracts the views of guests of the house. To equip it, use different types flowers, shrubs, trees. Near it they place garden furniture, playgrounds, ponds. The front garden is a place for implementing a variety of design solutions.

Key features of front gardens and their types

Based on the constructiveness of their design, front gardens are divided into closed, open, covered and formal. Open front gardens most often small in size. And those that have a large territory are divided into zones, separating them with various barriers. The design of a front garden with a pond in terms of the degree of openness is determined individually, taking into account the location of the house, how the area is landscaped, and the intensity of traffic on the street. An open front garden is a beautiful picture that can be viewed from a distance or close up. From the road side, such a front garden should look immaculate and present trimmed bushes, straight beautiful lawns, strict lines of hedges.

The closed front garden is designed in such a way that its attractive side is oriented towards the house. It is best to place it if the house is located near a road with heavy traffic, which will make it possible to protect the house from dust and noise.

Covered- is a lawn separated on the sides by living fences consisting of thorny species of bushes. These can be rose hips, gooseberries, or hawthorn bushes.

formal front garden suitable if there is no place at all for planting flowers, and the entrance area is decorated various plants, planted in containers.

What plants will help give the front garden an aesthetic appearance?

The aesthetic appearance of the front garden depends on the choice of plants, your taste and the style of the house. In order for the front garden to have an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to choose the right plants. Can be planted for spring bulbous plants (daffodils, tulips). In addition to plants, blooming in summer(peonies, poppies), do not forget about autumn types of flowers (roses, lilies). They will give beautiful view flowering shrubs: buddleia, hawthorn, rosehip. Climbing plants will decorate the wall of the house. For landscaping the front garden in winter time you can plant spruce, thuja or juniper. Plants used for the front garden perform three functions:

  • decorative- yard decoration;
  • environmental- beneficial effect on the soil;
  • economic- many plants bear fruit and have medicinal properties.

What to consider when arranging a front garden

To complete the idea, you need to equip the main element of the front garden with supporting or additional elements.

Where to start working on front garden design

The design of the area near the house always begins with a layout that takes into account the wishes of the owner of the house, not forgetting the size of the front garden. The dimensions of the front garden should be equal to the dimensions of the house. But the most the best option- if the area allocated for the front garden does not exceed 2/3 of the height of the house. Planted bushes near the walls of the house should not be above the base.

Outline of the front garden resembles a valley with a path that leads to a porch. The outline can be surrounded by tall growing plants. A front garden in the form of a circle or square with shrubs planted around the perimeter looks good. To cover a blank wall of a house, you can use the crowns of planted trees - spruce or thuja. Bare areas formed after planting young trees must be covered with mulch; flowers look great against such a background.

Ideas for the front garden

When choosing an idea for a front garden, consider house architecture, near which it will be located. For example, near a wooden log cabin you can arrange a front garden of bells and daisies. Near the chalet house, thujas and spruces will create a magnificent view, and for mansions built in the European style, well-groomed, flat lawns and trimmed bushes.

Path laid out rectangular tiles , as well as planted flowers blooming in blue (garden geranium, sage), flowerpots in rectangular pots, trees (nightshade, cherry laurel) and a beautiful, comfortable bench will create a laconic design that is suitable for a modern home.

If you don't want to take care of your grass lawn, take advantage of this great idea - fill your front garden with gravel. Replace the grass with colored gravel, and place potted plants directly on it.

Unusual design option the plot is flower garden, designed in rustic style, on which you can plant early and late varieties peony. Following them, dahlias and daisies will bloom, and autumn flowers will also decorate the flower garden: chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations.

Can be arranged front garden with sunflowers. Wooden blue hedge and wildflowers(daisies, cornflowers, poppies), a path paved with stones will serve as a good addition.

If you prefer the Art Nouveau style, you can plant a fern or coniferous shrubs, arrange a hedge from trimmed cherry laurel bushes.

We should not forget about planting trees, which provide shade and comfort in the yard. Since the front garden space has limitations, it is necessary to plant trees with an unbranched root system (norway maple, false acacia) so as not to damage the yard covering. For beautiful winter landscape in the center of the yard you can plant blue spruce or evergreen boxwood. Spring period flowering front garden will be decorated with early flowers such as snowdrops, crocuses, early varieties tulips.

Stages of decorating a front garden with your own hands

The first stage of arranging a front garden is a fence that separates the area from the street and neighbors. Then you need to lay the paths, drainage grooves to drain water runoff, lay out a lawn and mark the boundaries of flower beds and flower beds.

The next step landscaping - planting shrubs, trees, selected plants for the front garden. First you need to land large plants, then move on to planting smaller plants, filling the front garden until the idea is completed.

Each owner will be able to set up a front garden on the plot in front of their house. The front garden will turn out beautiful and attractive if you carefully think through and plan it. So, use your creativity and create a front yard that will serve you well. relaxation area, lift your spirits and be a mirror of your home ownership. For everything to work out, all you need is your desire.

Nothing pleases the human eye more than Beautiful design front garden near the house.

Thanks to him, you can proudly invite your friends and closest people to visit.

It will always be a beautiful addition and original decoration any private home.

In addition to joy and admiration, front gardens perform many other functions:

  • Decorated approach to the house, or entrance.
  • The area where garbage containers, possibly mailboxes, are installed.
  • Providing access to some areas that are located behind the front garden.
  • Parking areas for cars and bicycles.
  • A certain concealment of the house and its surrounding area from neighbors or strangers.
  • Territories for carrying out gardening or various repair work.
  • Growing crops - fruits or berries.
  • Aesthetics and environmental cleanliness of the street.

Many people believe that decorating a front garden in front of a house is a complex and incomprehensible task, which should result in something extremely elaborate and complex. However, this is far from the case; the basis is simply the correct combination of all the elements: the structure (house), the fence and the plants themselves.

Ways to design front gardens in front of the house

To create an ideal front garden, you need to understand its main types, know its purpose and role. Therefore, two types should still be mentioned:

Open front garden – mainly consists of a lawn with paved paths and flower beds. There are not a large number of tree and shrub groups here, and visibility from all sides is very good, which allows you to view the house and its surrounding area from various places.

Closed front garden - so called due to the fencing, represented either by a hedge or small architectural forms.

Depending on this, each owner of the territory determines for himself what exactly suits him - silence, tranquility, privacy, or openness and constant presence in everyone’s sight.

There are a huge number of ideas for a front garden. This is a design in various style solutions that you can come up with and implement yourself.

Style and design of your front garden

Some owners prefer a classic style solution, others prefer oriental, country, modern, and others. All you have to do is talk about each in more detail.

Country style (in other words, rustic) – speaks of simplicity and originality. For example, you can do beautiful front garden with your own hands using a flower garden of perennial plants that do not require annual planting. An interesting feature would be a low wooden fence around the entire perimeter, which conveys the spirit of this style.

The Asian front garden will be characterized by mixborders , containing perennial flowering plants, soft and discreet flowers. Thanks to the many tiers, it is possible to make some distinctions, necessarily from natural stones, because this style does not involve the use of other materials. And only they are used for fencing.

Planted here will look great coniferous trees or shrubs, small in size, that is, dwarf, which will not greatly attract the attention of others.

Mediterranean solution for your front garden is one of the most interesting because it is in some way mobile. This means that all plants, to create an image, are planted in tubs and containers.

You can also arrange a small relaxation area by placing a sun lounger, tables and beautiful chairs from natural materials. It would not be superfluous to use small crafts, figurines and lamps in decoration.

Many people wonder how to beautifully decorate a front garden in a romantic style. . Here the emphasis is on vegetation, which should personify beauty and tenderness. Therefore, most often, forged or metal arches, entwined with clematis or climbing roses. Low fences should also be decorated with climbing plants that look original on them.

If you remember modern style , then presence original plants, new forms and varieties will take place. For example, European larch “Dangling” or clipped boxwoods. You can also use natural stones, carefully placed in the front garden.

Japanese style also involves finding natural stones , in combination with coniferous plants. And if you plant plants in flower beds, then preferably perennial ones, such as daylilies and irises, you can make accents from cereals (gray fescue, ryegrass).

For each owner of his own territory who creates a front garden, there is a specific idea and style solution, which is not at all standard, but is carried out with the manifestation of all his imagination. A front garden in a village is the most common option for decorating an entrance area.

What flowers should I plant in the front garden?

The beauty and expression of the style of the front garden depends on the main element - the plants. Therefore, many are interested in just this question: what flowers should I plant in the front garden in front of the house?

Preference is given to flowering perennial plants. Can be used ornamental shrubs or trees. For example, from shrubs - common and its forms, evergreen, common or Thunberg, and others.

From woody plants The most commonly used are standard ones, around which tree-trunk flower arrangements can be arranged. For example, Norway maple, “Globular”, or Western standard maple.

Of the flower plants, you need to use those that will delight you with their decorative effect throughout the year. For example, April, perennial daisy, violas, primroses and forget-me-nots.

Daffodils bloom in May, Turkish carnations, irises, peonies and tiger lilies bloom in June-July. Later, you can plant marigolds (declined and erect), (ampeled forms look very beautiful), cultivated nasturtiums and phlox with chrysanthemums. Since August, the front garden can also be pleased with late varieties of chrysanthemums.

Here is one example of flower beds in the front garden, which can be attributed to classic style using cereals and flowering plants.

  • Salvia brillianti
  • Purslane
  • Viola wittrock
  • Gray fescue
  • Marigolds rejected
  • Tiger lilies
  • Viola wittrock

A fence for the front garden, as one of its main elements

For front gardens, they try to use fences made of natural materials. For example, wood or metal. They are, of course, more expensive, but their appearance looks the most luxurious and beautiful.

The fence for the front garden can be either plastic or stone. You can also use plants to achieve an even more interesting option. Usually, they try to make fences low and neat, which only emphasizes style and originality.

It all depends on the idea itself, for example, for a romantic style, forged fences are suitable, for a rustic style - wicker or wooden, and for a modern style - stone fencing. Also, it all depends on the combination with the structure and planted plants.

Only high-quality planting material, good imagination and knowledge in arranging front gardens will fulfill all desires regarding the design of the entrance area of ​​the house.

The area in front of the house is the first thing that will catch the eye of passers-by or your guests. To ensure a well-groomed appearance of this area, create a front garden with bright flowers, lush shrubs and other plants that will highlight its colorfulness and natural sophistication.

Let's talk about how to beautifully plant flowers in a front garden in a village and what varieties to choose so that such a plot remains attractive for as long as possible.

One of the common mistakes when decorating a front garden is related to the choice of plants solely from a decorative point of view.

In fact, the front garden should also be convenient: think about how to provide access to all elements of floristry, so that you can not only care for the vegetation, but also relax among the elements of nature.

Also pay attention to the following nuances:

It is also important to think about how to arrange the front garden so that it is attractive regardless of which side it is viewed from. We also advise taking into account the color of the walls of the house if the front garden is located close to it. When painting the facade in bright color Plant flowers with a moderate color scheme. If the walls have a gloomy or pale shade, you can diversify the palette of the flower garden with more saturated and bright tones.

Look at the photo to see how beautiful it is to plant flowers in the front garden: as you can see, the size of the area allocated for vegetation is also important here. If the front garden is small, limit yourself to unobtrusive plant varieties without large leaves and buds. For small plot Small cold flowers are more suitable color range, for example, blue or purple. Moreover, their leaves should ideally be light green.

Advice: To visually increase the size of the front garden adjacent to the house, plant vines along the façade.

You should also take into account the placement of plants in the front garden relative to the cardinal directions. Some plant varieties need more sun rays, while others, on the contrary, prefer more shaded areas and the north side.

Principles of plant placement

One of the common questions when designing such decorative areas is how to properly plant flowers in the front garden so that they bloom all summer. To ensure this effect, plant nearby varieties that will bloom gradually. When the flowering period of one type of plant ends, neighboring ones will not allow the front garden to fade.

Another feature of how to arrange flowers in the front garden is related to the choice of focal point. Think about what to place in the center of such a corner, and due to which you can attract more attention to the front garden. For example, it could be an expressive lush shrub, large flower bed with multi-colored filling or tree. It can also be an arch or pergola with climbing plants.

All other elements of the green zone will be located around such a center. Here you can grow lower flowers, put mafas, and arrange areas with borders. The most expressive elements are best placed where the most color falls. Often bright vegetation is left to decorate the area directly next to the porch or gate.

Suitable ideas can be gleaned from diagrams with a list of suitable vegetation: study appearance flowers for the front garden and names in the photo with such examples.

Suitable Perennials

The easiest way when arranging such areas is to focus on the names and photos of perennial flowers for the front garden, since most of these varieties are undemanding to care and can withstand even harsh external conditions. This means that in a year your front garden will remain just as attractive. What unpretentious flowers for the front garden are right for you?

For example, you can plant perennial rudbeckia. This tall plant looks like a daisy with yellow or reddish-orange petals. Flowering period - second half summer season. Rudbeckia stops blooming with the onset of cold weather, so your front garden will be bright for a long time. And, given that such a flower can spread by self-seeding, there is a possibility that in the future your front garden will be filled with an even larger number of such plants.

Advice: To extend the period of vibrant growth of such plants, get rid of dried flowers in a timely manner.

We recommend that you do not miss the opportunity - and plant it in your front garden roses. Firstly, these flowers always look sophisticated and elegant. Secondly, they have a fairly diverse palette, and you can even combine several different varieties to create bright accents on the site. To prevent roses from deteriorating with the onset of frost, it is necessary to provide them with proper care starting in the fall.

To decide on the variety, look at the photo of roses in the front garden. They will look great climbing roses, if you prepare support for them in the form of a small fence, arch, pergola or canopy. It is also appropriate to create a cozy area for relaxing in the fresh air.

Other photos and names of perennial flowers in the front garden:

The design of so-called designer vegetable gardens has become a fashionable trend. small areas in the front gardens. To beautify such areas, you can plant sedum, cloves, saxifrage, loosestrife, sempervivum and many other varieties that will fill the front garden not only with different shades, but also with pleasant aromas.

Colorful flowers for the area in front of the house

We continue to study the photos and names of flowers in the front garden. If you want to create a bright area with a rich palette, flower beds and flower beds in the front garden should be equipped. To create harmonious compositions, you can ask for advice from experts or contact your neighbors, who will tell you what flowers they have planted and how they react to the climate and the available soil.

How to plant flowers in the front garden? Of course, focusing on the seasonality of their blooming. You will be delighted in spring daffodils, lilies of the valley and beautiful peonies. With the onset of summer they will bloom bluebells, pelargoniums, calendula. We also recommend planting zinnias, which begin to bloom in June and end with the onset of frost. These plants can have yellow, burgundy, white and many other colors.

Suitable autumn flowers include: heleniums, asters, chrysanthemums and marigolds. If you plant them in the front garden, even in November you will enjoy the beauty of your site. As you can see, the design of flowers in the front garden can be quite varied.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to is what flowers to plant in the front garden, if there is a stream or an artificial pond there. Since not all plants tolerate humid conditions, choose varieties that are adapted to such conditions. Soil saturated with moisture is perceived forget-me-nots, pansies(violets), and irises. The color scheme of such an area will remain saturated, and the flowers will complement the water body and emphasize the beauty of nature.

What else can you decorate your front garden with?

Why not choose other plants for the front garden? For example, you can diversify the look of this area by lush bushes. And if they also begin to bloom in a certain season, it will be even better. Shrubs suitable for front gardens include: hawthorn, barberry, elderberry, rowan with black fruits, serviceberry, gooseberry, raspberry and other plants.

Advice: For those who cannot constantly care for vegetation, varieties of shrubs with a spherical crown are suitable. These include white acacia, which does not need to be trimmed to create a neat shape.

If the front garden is decorated with a wrought iron fence, you can plant vines and climbing plants. For example, decorate the green area with actidinias or grapes. And for extra greenery, choose lush varieties that don't bloom or do so rarely (such as bergenia or fern). With the help of such plants you can even zone a large front garden.

Don’t forget about needles, especially since in the front gardens of some styles they are considered mandatory element(for example, when decorating plots in oriental design). Plant juniper: it does not take root easily, but if successful it can also be used as treatment plant. Juniper will clean the air and kill pests in your front garden. Also suitable for you thuja and some other low varieties.

Many people doubt whether it is possible to plant Christmas trees in the front garden, because they have heard opinions regarding the negative energy of such plants. In fact, such evergreen vegetation will brighten up the front garden in any season, so feel free to plant these coniferous trees if you don’t believe in omens.

We have given you only a small overview of what to plant in the front garden. Diversify your site with other varieties: the main thing is that the plants take root and do not harm each other during the growth process. See photos of flowers in the front garden - and feel free to add house plot bright colors!


Beautiful front garden in front of the house

Designing a front garden in front of a house is one of the primary tasks for responsible gardeners. After all, the front garden is the “front porch” of your garden, which means it simply must be beautiful.

In this material I will outline my vision of the design of this landscape zone. In addition to the basic information, I will also provide links to my other publications on related topics.

Rustic front garden

Here I will consider options for decorating the front garden with flowers, we will select materials for planting, and analyze the nuances of flower arrangements.

Decorating the front garden in small forms

Beautiful blooming flowers And ornamental plants They delight us not only in the flowerbeds and gardens, but also, of course, at the entrance to the yard - in the front garden!

What flowers to plant in the front garden

An example of a simple front garden

Example of front garden design

Colorful, cheerful front gardens delight the eye and lift your spirits. Golden balls, phlox and hollyhocks are reminiscent of childhood spent with your grandmother in the village or in the country. Many amateur flower growers set up similar front gardens at their dachas.

What mistakes do beginners make?

Flowers in the front garden

Beginner gardeners often make the mistake of choosing many flowers on tall trellises for their design. Caring for such elements is quite labor-intensive and this creates certain inconveniences.

Decorating the front garden in front of the house with marigolds

It is impossible to imagine a front garden without marigolds. Varieties of these annual flowers are presented in different colors and size. In order for flowering to begin in June, seedlings should be planted in April.

A beautiful front garden is impossible without flowers

An early blooming front garden is an example for you

For flowering from the first days of spring, you can choose hyacinths, primroses and colchicums. This perennials. To prevent hyacinths from dying in winter, they must be covered with fallen leaves or peat. Colchicums and primroses can overwinter without shelter.

What to plant in the middle of the front garden?

Aquilegia, or in common parlance a catchment area, will decorate the middle part of the front garden. Unusual shape flowers and decorative openwork foliage will look beautiful in combination with rudbeckia, echinacea, bells, annual dahlias and delphinium.

Let's say no to empty spaces in design

Temporary voids that form between young, ungrown ones can be filled with three-month old lavatera. This unpretentious, fast-growing annual will add a playful touch to your front garden design.

Lavatera is sowed immediately in open ground in early spring. Shoots appear within two weeks. Due to the fragility of the stems, it is not advisable to plant this plant in open areas.

Timely removal of faded flowers and seed pods will ensure lush long flowering from July until the first frost.

Flowers in the front garden - the basis of the composition

On the picture: tuberous begonia- one of unpretentious plants for flower beds, the seedlings of which are often sold already in bloom.

Some flowers in the front garden are propagated by cuttings and shoots

When transporting cuttings and shoots, it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime to completely eliminate the possibility of hypothermia or overheating planting material. To accelerate the development of the root system, it is advisable to treat the cuttings with a special solution before planting.

How to make a beautiful flower bed in the front garden in front of the house

Interesting video ideas from Tanya Nikonova. I recommend watching!

My other publications on front gardens:

How to decorate a front garden - a story about different variants organizing beautiful entrance groups — .

3 interesting options front gardens - rose garden, strict elegance and rural style - .

7 examples of front garden design in front of the house -


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