Which material is better for the kitchen: MDF or chipboard? MDF or chipboard - which is better for the kitchen: the pros and cons of the material Kitchens made of MDF or chipboard are better.

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Among finishing decorative materials Chipboard and MDF occupy a special place. These abbreviations appear quite often when it comes to choosing furniture or doors. AND a common person, cannot immediately understand which one is better; he does not have clear characteristics of these different materials. Many are based only on the pricing policy, but this is the wrong decision. To make your choice easier, you need to understand the differences between these materials.

What are the differences

For comparative characteristics It's best to start by defining their abbreviations.

Chipboard is a wood-based material that is formed as a result of hot pressing. For its production, shavings and sawdust from coniferous and hardwood low value trees. Their binders are formaldehyde resins. Due to their presence in the material, I do not recommend using it for the production of children's furniture. This material has high noise and heat insulation, water resistance and strength. you can find out by reading the article.

The photo shows the difference between MDF and chipboard:

MDF is a wood fiber board. She has average density and consists of small sawdust. To produce such boards, waste from the wood processing industry or wood residues after deforestation are used. MDF panels are obtained as a result of dry pressing, which occurs under high pressure and temperature. Paraffin or lingin acts as binding materials, so this material is considered environmentally friendly. The surface of such plates is easy to process and has smooth sides. They are used for the manufacture of furniture of any configuration and complexity, as well as for the production of doors, floors and numerous molded products.

Video comparison: which furniture is better made of chipboard or MDF:

What's best for the kitchen

Having considered above all the pros and cons of each material, as well as their application, we can conclude that both of them can decorate kitchen spaces. When choosing one of them, you need to take into account your financial capabilities and which properties are priority for you. Here are a few characteristics that will help you make your choice and draw attention to important points of use. kitchen set:

It is impossible to say unequivocally which material chipboard or MDF is better; each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages and only the buyer can find a convenient solution for themselves according to their choice. At the same time, he is based on his desires and preferences, which the kitchen set or bed should fulfill. Before making your final choice, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material and be prepared for possible nuances during its operation.

In modern furniture production a wide range of materials is used. The most common ones are laminated chipboard and MDF. Both types belong to fibreboards, that is, they are made from wood waste, but they differ significantly in their performance characteristics and properties, although their production technologies have some similarities.

Laminated chipboard - what is it?

Chipboard (chipboard) is compressed wood sawdust and shavings; formaldehyde resins are used as an impregnation and binding composition. The slab has a heterogeneous structure; the density, depending on the grade, is 300–600 kg/m3. For the production of furniture, types with high performance are used. More loose varieties are used for technical purposes or as packaging material.

Next, the chipboard is laminated - covered with a layer of melamine film under high pressure. The result is ready for use in furniture production laminated chipboard material(laminated chipboard).

The coating performs several functions:

  • prevents the release of formaldehyde, which is quite harmful to the human body;
  • protects the stove from external influences, moisture ingress;
  • gives the slab an attractive look appearance- for the manufacture of furniture laminated chipboard Laminating films of various colors, decors and textures are used.

Exists international classification environmental safety Chipboard. High quality material used in the manufacture of household furniture must comply with class E1. When purchasing, check with the seller and ask to see certificates. Products of class E2 are completely prohibited in Europe and have significant restrictions on use in Russia.

MDF - what is it?

Decoding the abbreviation MDF (fine fraction) says a lot about the raw materials for the manufacture of this tile material. At first wood waste crushed to a homogeneous fine fraction, dried and compressed. Main binder lignite is a natural substance found in wood. Formaldehyde at MDF production used in small quantities, and additional processing details completely prevents them from being highlighted.

The result is a material with a homogeneous and high density(600 – 800 kg/m3), smooth and even surface, without harmful chemicals. As a protective and finishing layer on MDF, unlike chipboard, a variety of different materials: PVC film, wood veneer, enamel, plastic, etc.

What is the difference between laminated chipboard and MDF?

Each of the materials has found its application in furniture production due to its structural features and performance characteristics. Comparing the main indicators will help you understand the difference between MDF and laminated chipboard and make the right choice.

High strength is one of the main properties that furniture materials should have. Dense MDF board is much stronger than chipboard and even solid wood. Products made from chipboard are also quite resistant to mechanical loads that may arise when furniture is used in living conditions. The main weak point of chipboard parts is the attachment points of hinges and fittings: due to the loose structure, gradual destruction of the material is possible.

Resistance to moisture and steam is especially important when choosing furniture for the kitchen or bathroom. Chipboard parts behave well in rooms with normal or slightly increased (in the kitchen) humidity, provided high-quality processing cuts and joints. Through unprotected or damaged surfaces, moisture easily penetrates into the chipboard, which leads to swelling, disruption of geometry and destruction of elements. MDF parts are much more resistant to high humidity and can even survive a flood.

When choosing materials for furniture, technological capabilities are important. On dense slab MDF can be applied with deep milling and drawings, which provides unlimited design space in the production of furniture facades and decorative elements. Laminated chipboard does not provide such opportunities - a loose surface cannot be properly processed milling machine. MDF bends quite easily - this allows you to make parts with streamlined shapes. Only straight furniture elements are produced from laminated chipboard.

In terms of environmental friendliness, MDF is close to natural wood; the absence of harmful substances allows this material to be used in any residential premises. Application of chipboard limited in children's rooms and hospitals.

Cost - often decisive factor when choosing furniture. MDF is 1.5–2 times more expensive than chipboard and is used for the manufacture of premium and luxury furniture. Economy segment products are almost always made from laminated chipboard.

The cost of MDF facades can vary significantly depending on the type of finishing material. The most economical coatings are PVC film and sheet plastic, higher on the price scale is enamel (painting), the most expensive finish is natural wood veneer.

What to choose for each room?

The advantages of MDF are obvious, but it is an expensive material. Furniture made entirely from MDF is rare. Manufacturers usually offer combined options. The cases in the vast majority of products on the market are made from laminated chipboard, and the facades are made from MDF, laminated chipboard or a combination of both. This approach allows you to use all the aesthetic advantages of MDF and prevent a significant increase in the cost of products.

For a layman, the difference between materials in finished furniture is not always obvious. This can often be determined by its appearance - parts with milling and bends are made only from MDF.

For each room in the house, optimal recommended solutions can be identified for the selection of materials in accordance with operating conditions.

  • Living room, hallway. For cabinets, cabinets and other furniture in rooms general purpose you can choose facades from any material in accordance with your budget and individual requirements for appearance. In order to save the family budget, laminated chipboard is also quite suitable.
  • Kitchen. Here the furniture is subjected to special loads, changes in temperature and humidity, and exposure to food contaminants. If finances allow, purchase a set with MDF facades.
  • Bathroom. Here it is definitely recommended to install furniture entirely (including the body) made of MDF. The low moisture resistance of chipboard automatically excludes the use of this material in rooms with high humidity.
  • Bedroom. It is better to prefer sets made of MDF. Furniture made from laminated chipboard is acceptable only if it is of very high quality, with careful processing of edges and joints.
  • Children's room. In terms of environmental indicators, MDF is undoubtedly better than laminated chipboard.

When choosing materials for furniture, it is necessary to proceed from the operating conditions of the products and financial capabilities. Cost is the only point in favor of chipboard. Other than that equal conditions MDF is the preferred material for the manufacture of furniture facades. Such products have all the advantages of natural wood, and in terms of strength and moisture resistance they even surpass natural wood, while being much cheaper. Wide choose finishing materials allows us to produce furniture according to the individual requirements of each customer.

Which is better: MDF or chipboard for the kitchen? In order to understand this issue, you should compare both materials.

Laminated chipboard is made by pressing wood shavings and synthetic high pressure adhesive. These boards are covered with a laminate on both sides to prevent delamination. Laminated chipboard is a good material for furniture production.

A wide selection of colors and patterns, easy processing and reasonable price make this material quite popular. Facade lamination can be matte, semi-matte or glossy.

MDF is a board made from crushed wood dust and organic compounds. MDF is a base material that is used in the production of furniture and interior elements (plinths, decorative wall panels, moldings). MDF is also the basis for production interior doors. The surface of the slab is covered with a special film or pasted over with artificial or natural veneer.

Types of kitchen finishing made from MDF

MDF panels can have various finishes, and this affects the strength, quality and appearance of the slab. As a rule, there are three main finishing methods:

  • Lamination with special film. The surface is covered with PVC film. This protects the board from moisture. Thanks to this, MDF is a pretty good material for kitchen furniture.
  • Veneer cladding. Stick on the surface thin layer natural wood (i.e. veneer). Furniture with such finishing is decorative and looks natural. Unfortunately, veneer is quite soft and not very resistant to damage, so it requires careful care.
  • Varnish coating. A layer of varnish is applied to the facade, which forms a moisture-resistant protective covering, gives the product heat resistance. Unfortunately, this coating has its drawbacks. Fingerprints and even stains from water drops remain on the plate.

Advantages of MDF:

MDF is widely used in the production of kitchen furniture due to its many advantages:

  • Easy to process. The most complex and unusual shapes can be made from MDF.
  • Made from environmentally friendly raw materials and completely safe for humans.
  • Easy to clean. This is important, especially for a room like the kitchen. The material has a smooth, non-porous surface, so it not only does not absorb dirt, but is also easy to clean with special products.
  • Boards of this type, especially varnished ones, are resistant to grease. They are not stained by acids or chemicals, so they can be successfully used in the kitchen.
  • The countless colors, patterns and finishes available mean there is something for everyone in their dream kitchen. It is also possible to make the furniture matte, semi-matte or glossy. The surface can be completely adapted to any style of kitchen.
  • Attractive price compared to natural wood. Furniture made from MDF is available to almost everyone.

Disadvantages of using MDF

Unfortunately, like any material, MDF also has some disadvantages:

  • Low resistance to water and moisture. Edges not protected by acrylic or metal strips are especially susceptible to this. They quickly absorb moisture, swell and deform over time.
  • Susceptibility to scratches. In most cases this applies to varnished surfaces. It is not recommended to use products containing abrasives for cleaning.
  • With constant exposure to steam, a surface made of MDF may become matte and, as a result, slightly discolored.
  • When a scratch appears on the facade, it is difficult to select paint and paint over only the damaged area. We have to completely repaint the entire surface.
  • Over time, the material loses its strength and elasticity. The fittings and doors of the kitchen furniture begin to loosen.

Features of MDF countertops

  • Resistant to high temperatures - you can place a pot of boiling water on them.
  • When exposed to light, the color of the surface does not change.
  • Furniture on which the film is correctly installed does not absorb water vapor and water, and the material does not delaminate over time.
  • Resistant to soft household chemicals detergents, as well as stains of milk, coffee, tea, wine - they are not absorbed due to lamination.
  • Quite resistant to scratches and dents.
  • May fade due to direct exposure to steam.

These features apply to work surface countertops. You should be aware that when installing appliances under countertops, they must be additionally secured to bottom side sheet metal or plastic, which will create additional strengthening of the structure.

Laminated chipboard - main advantages and disadvantages

The laminated chipboard material in kitchen production is easy to process and maintains the basic physical and mechanical parameters. The main advantages include:

  • The laminated chipboard tabletop is quite strong and durable.
  • The material is scratch resistant. Dirt can be cleaned with household chemicals.
  • Modern technologies in the production of laminated particle boards ensure the production of furniture various forms and any colors you like.

As for the negative aspects, I would like to note the following. When purchasing laminated chipboard, pay attention to the E1 or E2 icons. The E1 marking on a product means that 10 grams of formaldehyde were used per 100 grams of wood chips during the production process. If E2 is indicated on the chipboard, then the amount of formaldehyde can reach 30 grams. Perhaps the presence of a toxic substance in the composition is the most important disadvantage of laminated chipboard.

Comparison of kitchen furniture

To specifically decide on the material for kitchen furniture, you need to understand what is better - laminated chipboard or MDF kitchen, and what is the difference? It is equally important to study their advantages and understand the disadvantages.

What will last longer, MDF or laminated chipboard?

One of the most important criteria When choosing furniture, durability of use is important. This is something to consider so you don't have to replace your cabinets and countertops every two or three years. It is important to decide whether the kitchen façade will be made of chipboard or MDF.

Furniture made from MDF can boast good durability. Obviously, a product made from laminated chipboard will lose its attractive appearance a little faster. The durability of a modular kitchen made of MDF is one of the positive features of this furniture. All thanks to the fact that the composition of the material is almost natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, if properly cared for, the equipment will last for many years.

Chipboard or MDF: which resists scratches better?

Another very important feature furniture is its resistance to mechanical damage. Furniture made from MDF is resistant to external factors, such as physical deterioration, heat And greasy spots. The situation is worse in the case of steam or water - they damage the MDF structure. For laminated chipboard surfaces, humidity and high temperatures are not dangerous.

The next feature is that furniture components made from chipboard and MDF break in approximately the same way. In case of resistance to mechanical damage, for example, scratches, chipboard holds the lead. This material is resistant to many household chemicals.

Environmental friendliness

An important aspect is a comparison of laminated chipboard and MDF in terms of the content of harmful substances in their composition. The latter negatively affect human life.

Furniture made from chipboard is produced using formaldehyde. This substance is used as a binding element. Although the products are divided into classes E1 and E2, and in the first version less toxic substances were used, furniture made from chipboard is toxic, and this adversely affects health.

In MDF, the composition of the board is close to natural wood and does not have any negative impact per person. However, in terms of cost, a countertop made of laminated chipboard is cheaper than a product made of MDF.

Aesthetic value

Which is better: MDF or LSPD for the kitchen? The attractive appearance of the furniture is another main feature, which is very important when purchasing. Much depends on the client’s desires, needs and financial capabilities. It's quite easy to impress guests by installing a beautiful kitchen in your home. Available on the market big choice colors and patterns, so there is no problem finding something that really suits your taste. If you want a kitchen with a rounded shape or with stained glass, then give your preference to MDF. Laminated chipboard is not such a plastic material, and it cannot take on such shapes. However, the color range is much wider and more varied for furniture made from chipboard.

Choosing the right material from which yours will be made kitchen furniture, It has great importance. The type determines the character of the furniture, and as a result, the style of the interior is created. After reading, it’s easy to determine which is better, MDF or laminated chipboard for the kitchen.

Having analyzed all the main features of MDF and laminated chipboard, as well as the disadvantages and advantages of each material, we can say that the most environmentally friendly and durable material is MDF. However, as for the variety of colors, laminated chipboard furniture can be made in almost any color. If we consider the prices of furniture, then a kitchen made of laminated chipboard will be more affordable. The final decision on which is better, MDF or chipboard for the kitchen, will depend only on your choice.

The variety of furniture products does not always have positive sides for the buyer. The common man sees in front of him a variety of products that are beautiful and durable in appearance. At the same time, he does not know how they will serve in everyday life. First of all, because he doesn’t understand what they are made of. Having information about materials, you can quickly and accurately navigate the choice of furniture.

Structure of MDF and laminated chipboards

In furniture production, two types of working raw materials are popular - MDF panels and laminated chipboards. Despite the fact that both technologies are based on the use of natural wood, the differences in the structure of the materials are obvious.

MDF- a board made of fine wood fraction. To obtain the panel, wood dust is dried, impregnated with binding compounds and subjected to hot pressing. The impregnations are based on natural fillers: paraffin and lignin, which do not emit toxins.

laminated chipboard- chipboard with laminated coating. The wood replacement panel is formed from pressed shavings and sawdust. The contents of the slab are bonded with formaldehyde resins. High-quality products have three layers: an internal one, which consists of large fractions, and two external ones - from small ones.

The laminated film is pressed into the chipboard. The coating makes the wood structure stronger, protects it from moisture and at the same time serves as a cladding. Film include paper base and melamine resin (a synthetic compound with the properties of formaldehyde resins).

Difference between panels

Despite the popularity of both types of slabs, each of them occupies its own niche in the furniture business. The materials differ:

By density

  • MDF- dense and moisture-resistant material. Its structure is strong and lends itself to fine processing. Used in making carved cabinets, headboards and other places where grace and fine lines. Products made from MDF are durable and massive.
  • laminated chipboard- loose material that strongly attracts moisture. Has a durable façade surface, but is inferior to MDF in fracture strength. The material suffers in the fastening areas due to frequent disassembly and assembly or dragging of pieces of furniture. Laminated chipboard is 2 times inferior in strength to fibreboard. At the same time, the laminated protection makes the chip structure stronger, while at the same time protecting it from moisture and temperature. Therefore, laminated chipboards are popular in the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture.

Environmentally friendly

  • MDF Naturally close to wood, it is allowed for all premises.
  • laminated chipboard contains toxic components (formaldehyde), which limits its use in areas where children and patients are present.

By design

  • The design of MDF panels is limited.
  • Laminated chipboard has many colors and textures due to the laminated coating. Chipboard panels are used to make cabinet furniture with an imitation of any wood.

By cost

  • MDF is expensive. Used in the manufacture of luxury furniture.
  • The price of laminated chipboard is more affordable. From laminated boards They mainly assemble the facades of economy-class cabinet furniture.

In which living rooms should furniture be made from MDF, and in which from laminated chipboard?

In common rooms

For the hallway, living room, and hall, sets that use both materials are suitable. For example, furniture facades and the shelves are made of MDF, and the rest of the structure is made of chipboard. Furniture made entirely of MDF is extremely rare. And for the price, not everyone can afford such a purchase.

In the bedroom

We spend a considerable part of our lives sleeping. Therefore, the safety of the sleeping area comes first. Furniture made from MDF meets this requirement. But as noted above, their cost is much higher than the average options from laminated chipboard. An alternative would be furniture with partial combinations.

In the nursery

A children's room is not a place to experiment with the quality of furniture and its environmental friendliness. In children's rooms, preference is given to MDF. However, a room can be furnished with chipboard furniture if:

  • are confident in the quality of the panels (you know what impregnation the manufacturer used);
  • the cuts on the panels are covered protective film;
  • all connections and joints fit tightly to each other.

The flimsy design of the product and low cost indicate the dubiousness of the product, which is better to discard immediately.

In the kitchen

In kitchen sets, both materials successfully complement each other. For the inside of tables and cabinets, laminated chipboard would be better. And for facades, sink cabinets, sliding doors - MDF. The material does not deform, which is important for large doors. Near water kitchen facades There is nothing to be afraid of from MDF. But to be adjacent to hob extremely undesirable - MDF does not tolerate heat.


In furniture production, both MDF and chipboard are equally in demand. Still, different materials are suitable for different people. When choosing pieces of furniture, they take into account the upcoming operating conditions - expected load, thermal effects, humidity.

The naturalness of the future environment plays an important role. If possible, it is better to abandon the chipboard option in favor of wood fiber. Even the highest quality laminated chipboard, albeit in small quantities, still contains volatile formaldehyde.

Finally, the decision to choose furniture is largely influenced by price. Factory-made MDF is 1.5-2 times more expensive than laminated chipboard. And when covering a wood-fiber panel (with paint, film), its cost will increase significantly.

Repair who hasn’t encountered it? Almost everyone has done renovations in their life. own apartment or helping a friend. IN modern world range building materials diverse. Every year more and more advanced ones appear.

Correct prioritization helps you choose the right one: in which room the renovation is being carried out, what characteristics the material should have, design solutions and, of course, cost. As a result of repair and construction work, materials made from natural wood - MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard - have become most popular.

Before proceeding to compare these materials, it is necessary to understand their essence.

MDF boards are tiny sawdust glued together using dry pressing. This material is very often used to make furniture. It has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Homogeneous structure
  • Strength
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Moisture resistance

Disadvantages include exposure to high temperatures and high cost.

To make chipboard, wood particles and a non-mineral binder are used. Under the action of a hot press, the chips are compacted and acquire a stable structure.

The advantages of this material are low cost, strength and moisture resistance. The disadvantages usually include Negative influence formaldehyde resins included in the composition, per person.

At its core, it is a chipboard board, additionally treated with melamine films. The advantages of this material are strength “thanks to the additional layer”, low cost, wide selection color range, ease of processing. Disadvantages did not go unnoticed. These include the difficulty in making curly cuts and low moisture resistance.

The two materials presented have many of the same characteristics. The cost of both satisfies market demands and is affordable to the average buyer. Strength indicators are at good level. So what is the difference between chipboard and laminated chipboard, which is better?

The first difference is durability. When exposed to harsh and critical conditions, the laminated surface of the board allows it to retain its original shape to a greater extent.

The second difference is the breadth of choice of design solutions. Laminated chipboard can have different textures, glossy or matte, and also has a variety of colors.

The third difference is resistance to high temperatures. The chipboard board does not reach the laminated chipboard indicator for this property.

The fourth difference is the increased moisture resistance. Thanks to the additional coating of the laminated board with a specific varnish, the scope of use increases “it is possible to install furniture made from this material in the bathroom.”

It’s difficult to say laminated chipboard or chipboard, which is better. Both options are widely used in the construction and furniture industries. If we take into account only the main characteristics, then laminated chipboard is superior in a small part.

These two materials are leaders in use in furniture production. Everyone occupies their specific place. Exposing comparison of laminated chipboard and MDF, you need to remember their characteristics. Being soft and easy to process, MDF allows you to produce carved parts that can decorate any interior. Wardrobe fronts, headboards, carved elements - everything is made from MDF.

Laminated chipboard is a material that has the ability to withstand high temperatures and has good moisture resistance. Often in the furniture industry it is used for the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture. The cost characteristics of this material are very attractive. Wide choose color shades laminated film allows the use this material for the manufacture of various furniture. It will easily fit into any interior.

Differences between laminated chipboard and MDF

  • Material Density. MDF is soft and is used in the furniture industry to make carved elements.
  • Price. Laminated chipboard is an accessible material and allows you to produce budget options furniture.
  • Environmental friendliness. MDV does not contain harmful components, unlike laminated chipboard.
  • Design. Laminated chipboard has a wide range of colors.

Bedroom furniture. The place where a person spends most of his life. Safety will therefore be an important aspect. Based on this, preference is often given to chipboard material. As already mentioned, the cost solution to this issue will go beyond the average. Great solution A combination of several materials can serve. This will save money and give the bedroom an interesting designer look.

Furniture for kitchen. The second place where we spend a lot of time in the apartment is the kitchen.

The environment should be pleasing to the eye. But when choosing a material to create a kitchen set, you need to take into account two nuances. One of the disadvantages of MDV is its instability to temperature influences. And high temperatures in the kitchen are a daily occurrence. On the other hand, laminated chipboard is afraid of moisture. In this regard, the use of this material in the manufacture of furniture under the sink becomes unacceptable.

An optimized solution and careful planning of all the necessary cabinets will allow you to choose The best decision in the choice of material. Currently, the furniture industry has learned to adapt to the shortcomings of the material. In this regard, chipboard with increased moisture resistance has appeared on the building materials market. During its manufacture, paraffin emulsion is added to the chips, thanks to which the chipboard acquires enhanced properties.

Furniture for children's room. For children, safety and environmental friendliness of the material are the main properties that are taken into account when choosing furniture. If you can still be creative and combine things in the bedroom, then you shouldn’t skimp on things for your child. It is preferable to choose MDF. But still, if the cost does not allow, you need to take the time to study safety certificates and select best option. According to environmental standards, there are two classes of chipboard:

  • E1 – highly environmentally friendly. The emission rate of harmful substances for this type of chipboard is minimal. Manufacturers are trying to reduce this mark to zero every year.
  • E2 – less environmentally friendly. The degree of formaldehyde emission from chipboards of this class is higher than the previous one. Elements made from this type of material are prohibited from being used in children's rooms.

Closet. This piece of furniture is used in almost every room. Furniture specialists have already found best option. Often curly cut and curved cuts are made from MDF, internal filling remains with chipboard and laminated chipboard. Facades are, of course, preferred in their manufacture by MDF. They can be refined with a pattern or winding lines.

Bathroom furniture. If you rely on the properties of the material, it would be preferable use of MDF. It has a high degree of moisture resistance. But as mentioned above, paraffin-impregnated chipboard is suitable for making an economical option. If price plays an important role when choosing a material, you can consider this option.

Construction. These materials are used not only in the furniture industry.

Thanks to their properties, they have found their niche in construction industry. Having a good structure, chipboard perfectly withstands the effects of screws, nails and bolts. It is often used in the manufacture of partitions. The ease of processing MDF made this material necessary for the device ventilation facades, roof elements.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies and materials are constantly filling the construction and furniture materials. Wood panels excellent alternative solution natural wood. With their characteristics, they make it possible to make furniture of high quality and accessible to everyone. Undoubtedly natural wood looks noble and expensive, but also requires special care. Very often there is simply not enough time and money for this. A competent approach to choosing a material will allow you to choose one that will satisfy all the required requests and will not disappoint during operation.


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