Coffee tree propagation and care at home. Coffee - plant at home Arabica coffee seeds indoor plant

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Family: Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae).

Number of species: about 40.

The birthplace of coffee: Tropics and subtropics of Africa and Asia.

Description of Arabica coffee

An evergreen tree or bush, which in natural conditions reaches a height of up to 2-3 m. The leaves are oblong, 7-15 cm in length, leathery, wavy along the edge, dark green in color. The flowers are beautiful, small, fragrant, white, collected in the axils of the leaves in bunches of 2-6 pieces. Coffee blooms once a year from April to May and bears fruit with red berries.

The dwarf type of coffee is very common, growing no more than 1 m in height. The plant is grown in pots, winter gardens and warm greenhouses. It grows well at home, tolerates dry air and practically does not get sick.

Coffee is a self-pollinating plant, which allows you to “harvest” in room conditions with appropriate care.

Necessary conditions for growing Arabica coffee


In winter, the air temperature must be maintained at 13-17°C, and in summer 25-28°C. The coffee tree does not tolerate drafts.


The plant is light-loving, but should not be in direct sunlight.


In winter, watering is limited, in summer - more abundant.


From April to September, once every 2 weeks, the coffee tree is fed with liquid fertilizers for indoor plants.

Rest period

Winter time.

Air humidity

The coffee tree is moisture-loving; with insufficient humidity, the tips of the leaves begin to turn brown.

Transplanting Arabica coffee

The plant is replanted in the spring every 2-3 years.


Coffee is bred with freshly harvested seeds or semi-lignified cuttings. Seeds should be planted immediately after they have been collected, as they quickly lose their ability to germinate. Before planting, they need to be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and placed in pots with a substrate, flat side down. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1 cm, watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, covered with glass and placed in a warm place. Shoots appear in 1-1.5 months. Seedlings are planted in separate pots when 2-3 pairs of leaves appear.

An interesting idea for lovers of unusual flora: growing an African tree at home - Arabica coffee. Care for this resident must be competent and constant. Although coffee adapts well to indoor conditions, you should still ensure that it is as comfortable as possible. After all, the main purpose of cultivation is nothing other than coffee beans: you can treat yourself to a coffee drink grown yourself.


Arabica coffee (Arabian coffee tree, Coffea arabica) is a resident of tropical Africa, which is evergreen shrub or tree. Despite its tropical origins, the coffee tree is grown throughout the world, with the exception of cold latitudes. In home floriculture, coffee is still a rarity, but this does not mean that an attempt to grow strong and healthy plant doomed to fail.

The coffee tree has long and inflexible branches that form a lush crown, which is valued for its decorative properties. Coffee leaves are dark green, glossy, rounded, elongated, located opposite on the branches. The tree has a small root system - this is another property that allows you to grow coffee in a pot. At home, Arabica coffee grows up to 1 meter.

The coffee tree has self-pollinating flowers that are shaped like a star. They are white in color, collected in small inflorescences (5 pieces each). The tree blooms from the age of 4 years. Flowers form in spring. Six months after flowering, the fruits—coffee beans—ripen. As they ripen, they acquire a rich dark red color. Each fruit contains 2 grains. Among coffees, Arabica is the most suitable for home grown for the purpose of obtaining coffee beans: the tree adapts well to home conditions.

There are several types of Arabica:

  • Typica is the original coffee variety from Ethiopia;
  • Bourbon is a mutation of Typica, the yield is 20-30% higher, but in comparison with other types it is small;
  • Mundo Novo is a hybrid of Typica and Bourbon, discovered in Brazil, different high yield and disease resistance;
  • Maragogype is a mutation of Typica, which was found near the city of Maragogype in Brazil; features: low yield, but produces the largest seeds;
  • Blue Mountain: A uniquely flavored variety native to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

Tree care

Those who are satisfied with Arabica coffee as an ornamental plant do not have to worry about the intricacies of caring for the plant. And in order for the green resident of the apartment to bear fruit, he needs special care:

  1. Firstly, there must be enough light. At home, the coffee tree needs to be provided with maximum lighting so that it does not slow down its development. In case of light deficiency, fruit ripening may be delayed. Trees placed on the south side of the house feel comfortable, but you should not allow direct sun rays. This is the most common mistake gardeners make: after all, under natural conditions, coffee grows in slight shade.
  2. In cold and cloudy weather, when there is not enough sunlight, coffee needs artificial lighting lamp.
  3. An important point: coffee loves when the lighting mode does not change for a long time. This means that the container with the coffee tree does not need to be constantly turned if you decide to wait for the harvest. And to create a uniform and lush crown, the pot can be periodically rearranged.
  4. The coffee tree loves warmth. The optimal temperature for full growth and fruiting is +25⁰ C. winter period the temperature should not fall below +15.
  5. Water is required in large quantities, especially in the hot season. For irrigation, water that has settled (1-2 days) is used. room temperature. Each subsequent watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced.
  6. The leaves also need to be given attention, periodically spraying them with water. This procedure is carried out only when there are no buds on the tree yet or no longer. Although coffee is a moisture-loving plant, air humidity should not be too high.
  7. The plant is fed no more often than once every 1.5 months. In spring, the tree needs nitrogen and phosphorus. For feeding, choose bone meal, horn shavings or ready-made liquid mineral fertilizers.
  8. Pruning is not well tolerated by the plant, so you need to remove dried branches only as needed. To create beautiful crown, sometimes it is allowed to pinch out side shoots.

To maintain soil acidity, add a few drops of vinegar to the water when watering. Granules are also suitable for this purpose. citric acid.

Reproduction and transplantation

Arabica coffee is propagated by seeds. In order to germinate grain, the berry must be cleared of pulp and washed. Then the seed is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After the disinfection procedure, the seeds are immediately planted in the ground (on the surface) with the flat side up. Shoots appear after 6 weeks.

The coffee tree reproduces well from cuttings. To do this, cut the twig at an angle, soak it in disinfectant solution, then deepen into the soil 3 cm. With the appearance of new leaves, transplantation is carried out into a suitable container. It is noteworthy that Arabica grown using cuttings bears fruit within 1.5 years.

Young seedlings are replanted annually. An adult plant (from 3 years old) is replanted no more often than once every 2-3 years. Since the coffee tree grows up to 1 m, you should take care in advance about the container and location in the house so as not to disturb the plant again. Transplant the tree into a large container so that the root system develops deeper. This way the coffee will receive maximum nutrients from the soil.

Miss Purity magazine draws attention to the fact that the soil for seeds and cuttings differs from the soil mixture for replanting an adult plant:

  1. For seeds you need a soil mixture of leaf soil and river sand. Such soil easily absorbs the moisture necessary for active growth. Before planting the seed in the substrate, it must be disinfected: place the container with the soil in a water bath and hold for 5 minutes.
  2. When the seedling has its first leaves, it needs to be transplanted into soil for an adult plant: peat, leaf soil, sand, humus, moss and charcoal. If it is not possible to prepare such soil yourself, you can always purchase ready-made soil mixture in a specialty store.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

A homemade coffee tree sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. Flower growers face problems with growth, leaf color, and spotting. Causes and consequences of coffee growing problems:

  1. The leaves lose their rich color and shine. The probable cause is low soil acidity.
  2. If the leaves turn yellow and dry out, this may be a sign of a lack of moisture or fresh air.
  3. If the leaves are rotting, check whether the humidity in the area where the coffee is grown is normal.
  4. Fruits do not appear - perhaps the pot with the tree was often rearranged.
  5. If the plant was attacked by pests, then the conditions of watering, lighting and soil acidity were violated.

What pests most often attack domestic coffee trees:

Treating the affected areas with alcohol helps against scale insects. If the plant is damaged by insects, remove the affected parts and treat the bush with a solution of karbofos (10 drops per 500 g of water). When fungal disease processing helps copper sulfate or a special antifungal agent. In any case, compliance with the conditions of detention is much more convenient than treating the disease, so ensure your exotic tree sufficient light, heat, air and water.

Why should you choose Arabica coffee?

Here are some fun facts about this plant:

  1. Up to 500 g of green coffee beans are harvested from one home tree annually.
  2. Historical background: The coffee tree has existed for about a thousand years. This plant became ornamental about 300-400 years ago.
  3. The flowering period takes only 2-3 days, and the ripening of the fruits takes six months.
  4. The caffeine content in beans grown independently is several times higher than in store-bought coffee.
  5. Arabica accounts for about 70% of the world's coffee plantings.

Although coffee is not yet so popular in home floriculture, trying to grow it is definitely worth it. good idea. IN decorative purposes the plant fits harmoniously into any interior. And self-grown coffee beans will be an excellent reason to gather your family over a cup of aromatic drink.

Although today there are many interesting ornamental plants, many flower growers do not refuse the opportunity to have in their home such an unusual representative of the world of flora as a coffee tree. However, not everyone decides to bring this idea to life, because they mistakenly believe that growing and caring for this plant will be beyond their capabilities. In reality, everything is different, because with the appropriate approach you can successfully grow a coffee tree at home.

Homeland coffee tree is Africa, and during its existence coffee was able to spread throughout the planet. Today it is not grown only in those regions where the climate is too harsh. If you provide him proper care, then a couple of years will pass and you will be able to taste the aromatic drink made from grains that you grew with your own hands.

Features of seeds

If you have finally decided for yourself that you want to try at all costs a drink obtained from a home-grown coffee tree, then be prepared for the fact that you you'll have to work hard. But first of all, you should be patient, because it will take a long time until the fruits appear. In addition, you should create suitable temperature conditions for the coffee tree so that it can grow and develop well.

When the grains of this plant are in the ground, the pot must be moved to a lighted place, where the temperature should be maintained at a level of at least 20 degrees. By creating such conditions, you will speed up the process of seed germination.

When growing coffee, keep in mind that any outside interference only causes harm. Therefore, you should minimize the amount of trimming. It is better to completely abandon this operation, except in cases where the plant has exceeded your expectations regarding size. It is necessary to take into account that the coffee tree blooms in a completely different way from plants familiar to the average gardener. The uniqueness of the coffee tree is that for the formation of berries flowers do not require pollination.

Before you sow ripe berry, you need to prepare it by removing the pulp and rinsing it with water. Next, you will need a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in which it is placed for half an hour. After this, you must immediately sow the grain into the ground.

Soil Features

Even experienced flower growers they cannot always answer the question of how to care for a coffee tree. There are many factors to consider here, including Special attention has soil quality. It is best to use a mixture that includes many various elements, which will enhance its natural acidity.

Depending on the phase life cycle plants account for use different composition soil mixtures:

Planting a coffee tree vegetatively involves preparing the cut cuttings. To do this, it is kept for 1-2 hours in a special solution. You can start planting only after you have prepared all the necessary components. Next, they proceed directly to replanting the plant into the soil, into which it must be buried no deeper than 3 cm. At the moment when the plant’s first leaves form, it can be carried out new transplant, in which all the same actions are carried out as in the case of sprouts grown directly from seeds.

Arabica coffee: care at home

When preparing to plant a houseplant Arabica coffee, you need to remember that it will feel most comfortable if it is provided with enough light. In hot tropical conditions, coffee must be grown with shade. A slightly different approach should be taken when growing coffee at home: maximum lighting must be created for it, otherwise its deficiency will slow down the growth of the plant, and in some cases there may be a delay in fruiting.

In winter, it is recommended to keep the flower on the warmest southern side. Although here it should be remembered that the temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. You need to be especially careful on cold and cloudy days when you need to use it near the plant. fluorescent lamps. With its help, you can fully satisfy the needs of the coffee flower for light and warmth.

The whimsical nature of the flower is manifested in the fact that optimal mode lighting for it must be maintained continuously for a long time. If you try to turn the tree, it will only help you get beautiful leaves. In this case, you will most likely be left without the long-awaited harvest. It is recommended to protect the coffee tree from direct sunlight; it is not advisable to keep it on the north side, where it will receive a minimum amount of light.

In the warm season, when the sun is especially hot, you will have to regularly water the coffee using settled water at room temperature. To maintain optimal humidity, you will also have to take care of the leaves, for which it is advisable to spray.

When planning to move the pot to another place, you first need to prepare for the operation.

The plant should grow wrapped in gauze for several weeks. This way you will provide him with diffused lighting. Thanks to this, it will be better able to get used to the new lighting. During the development of the coffee tree, transplants will have to be carried out, which is a fairly simple undertaking and does not require special skills. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations for caring for the plant.


Watering is very important for a coffee tree..

  • special attention should be paid to the quality of water: its composition should be free of lime impurities, which can cause serious harm to the root system;
  • It is also necessary to monitor the acidity level of the soil. In order to maintain it, it is useful to add a few drops of vinegar or citric acid crystals to the settled water used for irrigation. Although coffee responds positively to moisture, the air humidity level should not be too high;
  • Fertilizing is also effective, which is recommended to be carried out at least once every 1.5 months. Mineral water is best suited for this. liquid fertilizers, which stimulate the formation of new shoots, and at the same time the plant will receive all the nutritional elements important for normal development.


For normal development of coffee It is not enough to fertilize V spring period. You especially need to be attentive to the plant at the stage of flower formation, since in this phase coffee needs more nitrogen and phosphorus. You can provide them to the plant using ordinary horn shavings or bone meal.

Keep in mind that a common person without special equipment, it is not possible to know what level of acidity the soil used for growing coffee has. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties when caring for coffee, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist in flower shop, so that he can suggest the most suitable feeding. If you have limited financial capabilities, you can use affordable option fertilizers It could be common moss that can be found in forested areas.

Timely application of suitable fertilizers will stimulate the growth of coffee, and this is very important for you since you expect the coffee tree to increase bushiness. To do this, you will have to regularly pinch out the side shoots. At the first signs of drying of some part of the plant, it is necessary to remove them at the base of the petiole of the covering leaf.

Difficulties you may encounter

Proper care of coffee involves monitoring the acidity level of the soil. Otherwise, the plant will react to this by losing its usual dark green leaf color, a glossy tint, causing them to become discolored. Gradually, you can observe how the leaves begin to turn yellow, and after a while the plant can dry out completely if it is not provided with required amount fresh air. Coffee is not good for you high humidity in room, since this provokes rotting of the leaves, often causing serious illnesses, which will subsequently require a lot of recovery time for the coffee.

Before growing coffee at home, it is useful to discuss important points with a specialist who can talk about ways to protect against the most common diseases and pests:

  • spider mite;
  • scale insects;
  • mealybug;

With this information, you can easily create the best coffee in your apartment. optimal conditions growing, and this will increase your chances of getting fragrant fruits in a couple of years.


Having gained some experience in growing simple ornamental plants, some gardeners probably had a desire to grow coffee at home. There is no point in abandoning this idea, since it is quite feasible. Although this the process will take quite a long time, however, with proper tree care, in a couple of years you can get aromatic coffee fruits grown by yourself. Therefore, if you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight diseases, then after receiving theoretical training on the basics of growing a coffee tree indoors, you can get down to business.

Where to begin? The most realistic thing is going to the store. You will be offered a great variety of copies. Take your time. Choosing and purchasing a coffee seedling is a responsible matter.

  1. Take a good look appearance plants:
    • the color of the leaves should be bright green, without damage or spots;
    • there should be a lot of leaves on the plant;
    • absence of signs of diseases and insects.
  2. Read the variety label carefully:
    • C. arabica- a real coffee tree, it is grown as a houseplant;
    • nana– smaller in size, but blooms more readily. More decorative.
  3. For transportation in the cold season or in windy weather, pack the seedling well so as not to damage it on the way home.

Caring for the plant after purchase

The coffee tree requires special care at home, but is little susceptible to disease. At home, do not place the plant directly next to your flowers. Give him a short quarantine and monitor his condition for a few days. Think carefully about where you will place your coffee permanent place residence. This is not an idle question.

Important! Coffee doesn't like being moved from place to place. It is not recommended to even rotate around its axis.

Coffee is mainly grown in the tropics. And we know that it is warm and humid there. Therefore, in the room where coffee grows, the temperature should be stable all year round, 18 - 20 degrees. There is no need to place the plant on the window if your winters are cold. This will cause cooling earthen coma, and the plant may die.

Another reason why you shouldn't bet indoor plant“coffee tree” on the windowsill - the size of the plant itself. Over time it will grow and will reach one and a half meters in height. The crown of the coffee plant is spreading. No window sill is suitable for such a plant.

Ditto for good growth your pet will need constantly spray with water. It is better if this is a place next to the eastern or western window.

Flowering and fruiting

If you organize proper care for the plant, it will thank you with flowers. Coffee blooms with small flowers. The flowers smell very delicate, elegant aroma.

Many coffee lovers, having smelled this aroma for the first time, purchase coffee seedlings thanks to the smell of the flowers.

Coffee tree at home blooms annually sometimes it can bloom twice a year. In spring and autumn.

Why doesn't the coffee tree bloom at home?

The flowering of coffee depends on how the plant is grown. If from a seed, you will have to wait several years for flowering (4-5 years), if your seedling grew from a cutting of an already mature plant, it may bloom on next year. If the coffee does not bloom in due time, look for errors in care.

Artificial pollination is not required. The ovary occurs on almost every flower. The ovary looks like a small green pea. As the fruit grows, it turns red and then turns dark burgundy. The fruits ripen for a very long time, within 9 months.


How to transplant a coffee tree at home?

While the plant is small and gaining strength, it will have to be replanted almost every year in the spring. As they grow older and increase in volume transplantation can be carried out no more than once every three years, but change it annually upper layer land to a more fertile one.

It is best to use ready-made soil mixture for replanting. If this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself. We take garden soil - 3 parts, humus - 1 part, peat - 1-2 parts, sand (preferably river) - 1 part. Experts advise adding a small amount of wood ash. Don't forget the drainage, which should be at least 1/5 of the pot.

Important! The soil must be disinfected.

Reproduction at home

How to propagate a coffee tree at home?

There are two types of propagation of the coffee tree at home.

  1. Seeds. This type of reproduction is considered very labor-intensive. Coffee seeds lose their viability very quickly and need to be planted as quickly as possible. The quality of the seeds and their germination cannot be checked before planting. Coffee seeds are in a very hard and tough shell that needs to be broken down. Seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulator.

    Treated seeds are grown at high temperature, in a container with loose soil, which is best covered with glass. In a couple of months the seed should germinate.

  2. Cuttings. This method is believed to be easier. Choose a healthy, non-flowering shoot. The prepared cuttings also need to be kept in a growth stimulator. It is better to root the cuttings in sand. You can make a small greenhouse. A seedling grown in this way will begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier.

Rules of care

How to care for a coffee tree at home?

For some reason, it is believed that growing a coffee tree at home is very difficult. Most often this occurs due to ignorance of the basic rules for caring for this plant.

Caring for a coffee tree at home is not difficult if you remember the basic rules.

  1. Temperature. A fairly high and, if possible, constant temperature all year round is required. IN winter time when the temperature outside reaches sub-zero levels, It is important to avoid cold drafts and try to avoid cooling the flower pot.

    Do not place the plant near heating sources. If the floor on which the flower stands is cold, it is better to place the coffee tree on a stand or nightstand. In summer, overheating should not be allowed.

  2. Fertilizer.
    How to feed a coffee tree at home? A complex fertilizer for a coffee tree must be added; organic fertilizer can also be used. When preparing solutions, be sure to follow the instructions so as not to harm the plant. Start fertilizing in the spring and finish in the fall.
  3. Lighting. Bright, diffused. Avoid direct sunlight, can be sunburn. On hot days, shade the plant. In winter, if necessary, arrange artificial additional lighting.

The coffee tree is very beautiful in any condition. In order for a flower to always be attractive, you need to take care of it. Wash and wipe the leaves, systematically loosen the soil. To keep clean flower pot. Remove yellowed leaves in a timely manner and form a crown if necessary.

You can learn more about how to care for a coffee tree at home in the video below:

How does a coffee tree grow?

Coffee grows quickly at home; you won’t even notice how it turns from a small seedling into a beautiful slender tree in a few years.


See below in the photo how the coffee tree blooms:

The benefits and harms of coffee

Coffee is a wonderful, invigorating drink. It’s wonderful to wake up in the morning and feel its enchanting aroma.

What harm is there from coffee?

The debate about whether there is more benefit or harm in coffee has been going on ever since people learned about it. Some prove that coffee excites, increases muscle tone, stimulates physical activity, clarifies thoughts, and improves mood. And this list goes on and on.

Opponents of coffee claim that it increases blood pressure and cholesterol. However, it has been proven that If you pass the brewed drink through a paper filter or napkin, the coffee becomes safe. A paper filter removes kahweol and cafestol from the drink, substances that increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Whether coffee is harmful or healthy is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Important! If you decide to brew a cup of coffee from grown beans, remember that it will be much stronger and there will be more caffeine in such a drink.

As for the coffee tree in your home, we can safely say that it will only benefit you.

What are the benefits of coffee?

The plant cleanses the air well and saturates it with oxygen. His beautiful view lifts your spirits, and by inhaling the aroma of flowers you can practice aromatherapy.

Diseases and pests

Indoor coffee tree is not susceptible to disease and can only get sick if you brought home an infected plant or used contaminated soil.

If your pet's leaves begin to dry out, figure out whether it is a disease or an error in care.

Perhaps the soil has dried out or, on the contrary, you are watering your plant too often.

What about pests?– when it’s dry, spider mites appear; scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies can appear from other plants. In this case, please be patient and use special medications.

To ensure that your plant pleases you for as long as possible, remember: prevention is better than cure. You can also add it faster and cheaper. Inspect your coffee regularly and take decisive action at the first symptoms of disease or pest infestation.

Important! In indoor conditions, pests rarely attack plants. If you take out your indoor flowers on Fresh air be prepared for the fact that pests may appear on them.

Are you still in doubt? Do not be afraid. You will succeed. Grow a coffee tree, wait for it to bloom, brew a cup of coffee from the collected fruits, and give others advice on caring for and growing a coffee tree at home.

Arabica coffee bushes are a rather atypical houseplant with beautiful flowers. The first harvest is harvested only a few years after planting. In order for a tree to delight with its flowering, it needs to be looked after and replanted in a timely manner.

Description of the Arabica tree

Arabica coffee bush - perennial, which belongs to the Marenov family. Its homeland is Asia and Africa, but it is grown as a houseplant in many countries.

The tree grows up to 1.5 m in height. It has a rather dense crown with green leaves of an oblong and pointed shape. The leaves have a glossy surface with clearly visible veins. The bush has a branched root system, with a long central root.

The flowers and the fruits of the plant themselves are especially decorative. The shape of the flowers resembles jasmine. The white petals have a strong and pleasant aroma. They are collected in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces.

The flowering period begins in spring and lasts for 1-2 days.

Half a year after flowering, fruits are formed that resemble oblong cherries. They can be red or black. Each fruit contains 2 coffee beans.

The first fruits become brown in early autumn, and towards the end of November - beginning of December they acquire a bright red hue and become glossy.

Growing a houseplant of Arabica coffee at home is quite simple. It is enough to pay attention to it and properly care for it. If you follow all the recommendations, you can get a beautiful and lush bush coffee.

Choosing a location and lighting

The optimal place to grow a coffee bush in a pot is an apartment or office. It is important that indoors summer time it was cool and warm in winter. It is better not to place other large-leaved plants near it, as they will create an unwanted shadow.

Lighting plays an important role.

Arabica wood is placed on southern windows.

If you place it on a north window, the bush will grow, but slowly. Excessive amounts of sunlight are just as harmful as their absence. The plant is shaded a little, this is especially important for bushes that are under 2 years old. If there is not enough light, then inflorescences will not form on it.

Room temperature

When choosing the room temperature, you should remember that Arabica is tropical plant. To grow it you need to create warm conditions. Drafts and hypothermia will negatively affect the condition of the flower. In the warm season, the optimal air temperature is approximately +22-26˚С, in winter - +16-20˚С.

It is important to monitor the soil, preventing it from overcooling. A pot with a houseplant is placed on a stand made of plastic or wood. This will create an insulating layer between the pot and the window sill.

The Arabica coffee bush does not require too humid air, but the room must be ventilated periodically. Experts recommend spraying the leaves with a spray bottle. In winter, the deervo is located away from heating appliances.

Watering and fertilizing

Arabica requires frequent watering as the top layer of soil dries. It is recommended to use pre-settled water at room temperature, because tap water has a detrimental effect on the roots of the plant. You can add a few drops of vinegar or a couple of citric acid crystals to the water. The regularity of watering is determined depending on the room temperature and drying of the soil.

In winter, the soil is not moistened.

Basic rules for feeding house plants:

  1. In spring it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers. It can be bone meal or horn shavings.
  2. To improve the condition, you can use liquid mineral complexes, which are intended for indoor plants.
  3. Feeding is carried out once every 6 weeks.

You need to monitor the plant especially carefully during the formation of buds. During this period, it is recommended to feed the plant with phosphorus and nitrogen. To regulate the acidity level, use special fertilizers or simple forest moss.

Timely watering and fertilizing will not only help maintain the appearance of the plant, but will also allow it to create immunity from diseases and pests.

Transplanting Arabica

During the first 3 years after planting, the plant is transplanted annually into a new pot. Then the frequency of transplants is reduced to once every 2-3 years, but it is recommended to change the top layer of soil annually.

If the plant is already bearing fruit, then during replanting you need to add a little humus and vermicompost to the soil. Each time you repot, you must use a new pot. It should be 5-6 cm larger than the previous one. This is necessary for the normal growth and development of the plant.

After transplantation, especially careful care of the plant is necessary, since planting in a new pot is stressful for it. The room should have moist air and no drafts.

Soil requirements

It is better to choose acidic soil for planting the plant. It is recommended to take a mixture of greenhouse and leaf soil, peat, humus and sand. To adjust the acidity, sphagnum moss is added to the soil mixture. If desired, you can already purchase ready mixture soils.

It is important to create a good drainage layer. Expanded clay can be suitable for this. For young bushes you need to take a fine fraction.

Propagation of indoor coffee by seeds

The main method of propagating indoor coffee is using seeds. Regular green seeds from the store are not suitable, because during storage they lose their viability. To propagate the plant, it is recommended to take already ripe fruits that have two seeds. They are planted immediately after ripening.

Before planting, seed material needs preparation. Fresh seeds are cleared of pulp and washed thoroughly. For disinfection, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds need to be immersed in the solution; those that float to the surface must be discarded.

For planting, loose and permeable soil with a neutral reaction should be prepared. You should take:

  • turf land;
  • sifted peat;
  • washed river sand.

All components are taken in a ratio of 1:2:2. The peeled seeds are placed in the ground with the flat side down, leaving a distance of 3-4 cm. If the seeds are deepened too much, they may begin to rot. After planting, the soil must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and covered with glass or film.

The pot with grains must be placed in a warm place. Watering should be moderate. In order for the plant to germinate quickly, you need to maintain the temperature within 20-30°C. At the right conditions the first shoots begin to appear 2 months after planting.

When 2-3 full-fledged leaves are formed, the plant needs to be transplanted into a separate pot with a diameter of about 7 cm. First, the pot is placed in a shaded place, and when the flower takes root, it is moved to a brighter place.

Lignification of a coffee bush occurs in an unusual way:

  1. A green bark with brown spots is formed.
  2. The branches increase in size and merge with each other.
  3. Brown spots are starting to brighten.
  4. The bark takes on the characteristic color of the coffee tree.

Young coffee trees do not need crown formation. Initially, they grow with one trunk; skeletal branches begin to appear only in the 2nd year. To form a lush crown, you need to trim off too long side shoots. Arabica grown from seeds begins to bear fruit only after 3-4 years of cultivation.

What care does your home Arabica plant need?

The plant needs a sufficient amount of natural light. Due to insufficient lighting, the development process slows down, so fruiting may occur much later.

On cloudy days, fluorescent lamps should be used for additional lighting.

It is recommended to constantly rotate the tree. Before moving it to another place, the plant should be wrapped in gauze and left there for several weeks. This is done so that the bush receives the most diffused light, with which it quickly adapts to new conditions.

Flower growers do not recommend pruning the plant. You can form a beautiful crown by pinching the top leaves. Diseased and dried branches should be removed using sharp knife. For disinfection, the area is immediately treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

Is it possible to brew your own coffee from homegrown tree beans?

You can make coffee from the fruits of indoor coffee trees. You should select the ripest fruits and remove the grains from them. Then they need to be thoroughly cleaned of mucus and soaked in water. To obtain a rich coffee taste, the beans are roasted in the oven at a temperature of 80 degrees for several hours. Immediately before grinding, the grains still need to be fried in a frying pan. They should have a dark brown tint. Next, you can grind them and make coffee according to your usual recipe.

The taste of such coffee will be quite specific, which is why many people prefer to grow Arabica bushes as an ornamental plant.

Coffee tree - exotic home plant. It begins to lose its appearance 8-10 years from the moment of planting. How bigger tree bears fruit, the more it weakens.


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