When can you plant sweet peppers in the ground? Pepper: planting and care in open ground

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Peppers, both sweet and bitter (hot), I grow on summer cottage(Siberia, Altai) through seedlings in open ground using film covers.

Depending on weather conditions, seedlings are planted in our area in late May - early June. This season, for example, I planted peppers on May 28th. Unlike the tomato seedlings, which were slightly overgrown by the planting date (May 16), the peppers, on the contrary, turned out to be just normal. They have already formed the rudiments of buds, some hot peppers have even opened flowers - this is the most suitable state of the plants at the time of planting.

Sweet pepper seedlings before planting

Hot pepper seedlings before planting

My pepper seedlings had already been transported to the country house for several days and placed on a sunny windowsill and, in the end, some pests (apparently double-tailed earwigs) had already scouted out a path to it - some plants had slight damage to the leaves.

Damage to leaves of pepper seedlings by pests

This also served as another reason not to delay planting peppers any longer.

The weather on the landing date, as often happens at this time of year, was not very favorable.

In our area there are strong spring winds- The usual thing

A strong gusty wind kept me from working all day, but by evening it calmed down, and I immediately began planting pepper seedlings in the ground.

My beds have been prepared for a long time, arcs for securing the covering film in place, the film itself is also ready, so the planting process went smoothly and quickly. I don’t have many peppers - only about 50 roots in two beds. One bed is prepared for hot peppers, and the other for two varieties of sweet peppers (Kupets and Morozko). These varieties are proven, reliable - they are distinguished by good yield, unpretentiousness and good quality fruits I use my own seeds, so all the plants grow healthy and strong. To exclude the slightest possibility of cross-pollination of sweet and bitter peppers, just in case, I place their beds away from each other (30 meters away).

The beds for the peppers have been filled with humus since the fall, so I don’t apply any fertilizer in the spring. Planting seedlings of sweet and bitter peppers is very simple, and everything is done practically the same as with tomatoes.

First, with an ordinary spatula, I mark holes for seedlings in the garden bed in two rows (50 cm between the rows), so that there is a distance of 25-30 cm between the plants in the row (a little less than for tomatoes).

Holes for planting seedlings in the garden bed have been dug

For convenience, I lay out the seedlings along the bed

Then I remove the plants from the cups, lower them into the prepared holes and immediately fill them with soil. To ensure that the plants are extracted better and the soil does not crumble, I water all the seedlings the day before planting.

Planting pepper seedlings

Unlike tomato seedlings, I do not bury peppers when planting them, but plant them at the same level as they grew in cups. It would have been possible to immediately install support pegs for the plants, but I simply did not have enough time for this - the wind did not provide such an opportunity. But, never mind, this can be done later, when the weather gets better. Some plants for the experiment, like tomatoes, I planted two in one hole to see what would come of it.

After the bed was completely planted, all the peppers were carefully and abundantly (10 liters for 8-10 plants) watered from a watering can with warm water heated in the sun.

Pepper bed planted and watered

Hot pepper plant after planting

Then I covered the beds with peppers with prepared strips of covering fabric and carefully secured it to the arches, because in the morning the wind would start to play tricks again, which means everything must be done firmly!

The shelter in the garden bed is securely fastened

This completes the work of planting pepper seedlings. They didn’t require much time or effort.

Now you can not touch anything for a week, do not water, do not loosen, but just make sure that the plants are not too cold at night, and if frosts come, then be sure to additionally cover the plantings with a second protective layer- already made of polyethylene film. And if the bright, burning spring sun appears during the day, then, on the contrary, you have to lift the beds so that the peppers are not too hot. All these troubles last in our area until June 10-15, when the threat of frost completely recedes, and the winds also subside.

Then you will need to take care of the peppers - watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing, and so on until harvest time!

But the peppers will always thank the diligent gardener for his care with magnificent, beautiful, excellent, juicy fruits! And very useful!

Hot peppers are ripening

Ripe sweet peppers, fruits slightly damaged by hail

And the taste of the freshest, just picked ripe pepper is simply excellent!

A wonderful vegetable - pepper!

Pepper fruits in all types will perfectly decorate any table!

Victor Sergeenko

At the dacha or in their personal plot, most gardeners plant not only potatoes and tomatoes. The topic of growing pepper seedlings and the time of planting is considered relevant. And it doesn’t matter whether the pepper is hot or sweet, the essence does not change due to identical agricultural technology and a slight difference in varieties. A rich pepper harvest can only be achieved if grown through seedlings. It is characterized by a long period of fruit ripening, therefore, in order to remove good harvest, it’s worth worrying about the future in winter.

So, let's look at the question of when to plant peppers from the very beginning. I would like to say a little about the seeds themselves. When purchasing them, you should pay attention to the packaging time and shelf life. If the seeds are up to two years old, you can be sure of their germination; their older age is not welcome - you risk being left without pepper at all.

A few words about culture

Pepper has been cultivated in warm countries since time immemorial and enjoys well-deserved love among both amateur gardeners and chefs. Taking into account that in middle lane In Russia, not all varieties have time to ripen; many are interested in which variety is best suited to our climatic conditions and when to plant peppers. Let's make a reservation right away - experienced gardeners They try to plant early and ultra-early varieties of sweet and bitter peppers. Here are just a few of them:

Rafaela F1 - early pepper, belongs to the early ripening hybrids. Cone-shaped fruits with high taste. As they ripen, the fruits gradually change color from dark green to rich red. This pepper variety is ideal for canning and eating raw.

Lungi F1 is also considered a high-yielding sweet pepper hybrid. The cone-shaped fruit is up to 5 mm thick. Resistant to diseases and unfavorable conditions growing.

Ami is a variety that has gained particular popularity in the south of Russia. The low-growing plant bears large cone-shaped fruits. The variety is characterized by high yield and excellent taste.

You can also grow several varieties of early hot peppers. Each of them is distinguished high yield, elongated fruit shape up to 12 cm long. Due to its specific taste, each of the offered varieties - Hekgel, For Mother-in-Law or Fiery Volcano - is used for making sauces, home canning, hot paprika, and so on.

Timing of sowing seeds

After purchasing the treasured seeds, a natural question arises: “When to sow pepper for seedlings?” The forcing period can take from 5 to 30, sometimes more, days. The older the seeds, the longer this time. The normal period for germination of fresh seeds is 2-3 weeks. Reasoning on the topic of when to sow early pepper for seedlings should be based on the timing of its planting in the ground. Unlike tomatoes, which perfectly tolerate relocation to permanent place, peppers are best planted after the first flower in the first fork. As a rule, this happens 2-2.5 months from the moment the seeds germinate. If we look at the dates, then the pepper seeds that sprouted from March 1 to March 15 can be planted in the ground from May 10, and the seeds will be sown from February 20 to March 5. On how well the choice is made planting material, its germination will depend and future harvest. are characterized by a long period of germination, this is evidenced by the special structure of the seed of the crop, which means that it is proposed to carry out artificial activation.

The front can be treated with a growth stimulator, which will lead to friendly shoots. Most vegetable gardeners with many years of experience recommend obtaining big harvest remove the central flower on the plant, formed from the first branch.

Planting seeds

It is worth understanding that if you want to grow pepper seedlings, which will subsequently give a good harvest, you need to do right choice containers for planting seeds. It is best carried out in small cups or special cassettes, but a box or low pot will negatively affect growth. It is worth remembering that peppers do not really like picks. Planting it in a large group in a common bowl and then plucking it up will lead to a delay in the development of the seedlings by about a week or two. Therefore, it is best to plant pepper seeds in small containers.

The soil mixture should be prepared several days before planting. The soil must be warmed to room temperature. You can also mix the substrate yourself, for which you will need the following components in equal parts: lowland peat, manure humus and turf soil.

Where to identify seedlings

Everyone strives to use their greenhouse to its full potential. But in order to get a return from such plantings, you still need to listen to the advice of experts and not break the rules developed over many years of practice: when to sow peppers, how to place seedlings. As a rule, peppers are grown in greenhouses, tunnels, greenhouses or open beds. But the best option, of course, the greenhouse remains.

Before you start planting seedlings, they need to be hardened off. This must be done in order to accustom the plant to the sun, wind, daily temperature fluctuations, in general, to fresh air. Hardening begins several weeks before planting in the ground heat-loving culture, like pepper. What is the best preparation method? Graduality is important here. The seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, outside. You can even simply open the window, increasing the ventilation time every day. But it is worth considering that the temperature outside must be at least +13, otherwise the seedlings may freeze.

In the absence of a greenhouse, the planting of pepper seeds must be scheduled for the month of February, so that by the time of transplanting the seedlings will be about 100 days old. It is not recommended to pamper your seedlings with excessive watering, as this can lead to a disease popularly called blackleg. But you should not allow the soil to dry out.

Feeding seedlings

During the period of growing seedlings, it will need to be fed a couple of times. Proper seedlings will need to receive their first fertilizing two weeks after the first shoots appear. The second is carried out a few days before planting the plants in the ground. The composition of the nutrient mixture includes: urea - 5 g, superphosphates - 30 g, potassium fertilizers - 10 g (per 10 liters of water). A good top dressing is obtained from a mixture of wood ash and nettle infusion in a ratio of 1:10. It is also worth remembering that potassium chloride is contraindicated for pepper.

Landing place

Pepper is a heat-loving vegetable crop, which means it needs a sunny, warm place, protected from the wind. The plant is also very demanding on soil, therefore, strong seedlings are required. The soil must be fertile, retain moisture well and allow air to pass through. The best predecessors of pepper are carrots, onions, and legumes (except beans). You should not plant peppers in beds after eggplants, tomatoes, or potatoes. The first couple of weeks after planting, the plants grow very slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to help them by loosening the soil. This improves the supply of oxygen to the pepper root system.

Proper watering of peppers

Pepper prefers frequent, but moderate watering warm water. After each, the soil must be fluffed up, remembering that the root system of the crop is very close to the surface. Therefore, the procedure is carried out very carefully, trying not to damage the roots of the plant.

The watering rate before the formation of ovaries is 30-35 liters per 1 m2, during the fruiting period - 40-45 liters. Watering stops 20 days before the last harvest.

Advantages of hot and sweet peppers

Mass useful properties Capsicum peppers have hot, which would be a sin not to mention. Oddly enough, it is popular not only for preparing individual dishes or canning, but also as a hair strengthening agent, as well as a warming agent for colds and inflammatory diseases.

It's best to start with a gentle method. To do this, the hot tincture is diluted with kefir or vegetable oil with the addition of vitamins A and E. The mask has a stimulating effect on the hair without drying out the scalp. You can prepare the tincture yourself, or you can purchase it in pharmacies. For self-cooking you will need finely chopped hot peppers (2 pcs.), which must be filled with 150 ml of alcohol and hidden in dark place for 7 days. After this, the solution is ready for use. Apply it to the scalp, diluting with water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of extract per 10 tbsp. l. water.

Now about the sweet pepper. Thanks to the presence of routine and record quantities ascorbic acid strengthens capillaries, supplies the body with vitamin C. Eating ripe fruits will normalize the secretion of gastric juice, improve digestion and appetite. Pepper contains trace elements such as zinc and cobalt, which regulate the production of your own melanin.

Pepper for open ground

When to sow pepper seedlings for open ground? Around the same time frame as for greenhouses, but in the southern regions of our country they shift by about 3 weeks to the beginning of the calendar year. Such varieties of sweet pepper seeds as Denis, Arsenal, Slastena, Hercules or Novocherkassky have established themselves as species that produce excellent harvest. They are very often grown by amateur gardeners. You can also select other varieties of sweet peppers, which, through the efforts of professionals and amateurs, were bred for cultivation in the middle zone in open ground.

Among the varieties of bitter pepper, I would like to highlight such pepper for open ground as Astrakhan modifications 147 and 628, Ukrainian bitter or Elephant trunk modification 304.

The agricultural technology of bitter and sweet peppers is in many ways similar to the cultivation of tomatoes. But peppers, as it turns out, are much more sensitive to temperature changes and the effects of cold air flows. This means that you should choose varieties of bitter and sweet peppers for growing in open ground with great regard to the weather and climate calendar of a certain area.

Also, when planning to plant seedlings in the ground, you need to carefully select a location for peppers. To protect plants from the wind, they try to plant them along a fence, hedge, and so on. Due to the crop's ability to cross-pollinate, we sow pepper seeds at a considerable distance from each other. This will give the plants the space they need to develop.

Planting pepper seeds in the soil should be accompanied by the addition of organic fertilizer. By receiving regular feeding from complex fertilizers, the plant develops powerful root system.

Planting pepper seeds

Pepper is a rather capricious crop: the germination rate of the seeds quickly decreases, and since they have a rather dense shell, most likely there will be few sprouts, or it may happen that there will be none at all. A completely logical conclusion follows from this: planting pepper seeds must be prepared in advance. How to do it?

Immediately before planting peppers, it is recommended to carefully select seeds for planting. To do this you need to make a solution table salt(30 g per 1 liter of water). The seeds are immersed in it for no more than 10 minutes. Full seeds will sink to the bottom of the container, while hollow or weak ones will float. The floating seeds can be collected and thrown away without regret, since they will definitely not be of any use. Drain the solution and rinse the remaining seeds at the bottom. clean water and spread out to dry completely.

The next step that must be taken before planting peppers is called dressing. With its help, you can disinfect seeds and prevent plant diseases. To do this, sort the planting material by size and make a 1% manganese solution (1 g per 1 l). Place the selected seeds into the solution and leave there for no more than 15 minutes. After this, rinse again with water and let them dry.

In order to give the plants health, it is recommended to treat them with microelements a couple of days before sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. To do this, make small bags out of gauze and place the seeds prepared for planting in them. Immerse in a solution with microelements (Ideal or Elin fertilizers) and leave for 12-14 hours. After this, the seeds must be removed and dried. It is worth noting that there is no need to rinse them after this procedure.

In addition to chemical fertilizers, seeds can be treated folk remedies. For example, take 2 g of wood ash per 1 liter of water (the mixture should sit for 24 hours with frequent stirring). Then the seeds are placed in gauze bags and dipped in the nutrient mixture for 3 hours. After this, rinse everything and dry it.

If you want to get guaranteed germination, the seeds can be germinated in advance. To do this, place pepper seeds disinfected in potassium permanganate on gauze, wrap and place in a shallow plate, lightly moisten. Place in a warm place. Within a day you can see small roots hatching. Sprouted seeds can be planted in the substrate.

There is another method that is considered more effective - bubbling, which involves treating planting material in oxygen-saturated water. This method of processing pepper seeds allows you to speed up the emergence of seedlings. This method is good 1-2 weeks before planting seedlings.

To do this, it is recommended to prepare three liter jar and fill it two-thirds with water at a temperature of 20 o C. Lower the jar to the bottom and turn on the compressor. After bubbles appear, place the seeds in a jar for a day. After that, take it out and dry it.

And the last method used when processing seeds is hardening. With its help, plants will be able to safely endure the vagaries of nature. After carrying out the necessary disinfection, it is recommended to soak the pepper seeds in warm water and leave them to swell. Then immediately place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then let them dry. You can start sowing pepper seeds for seedlings.

How to grow peppers

If you buy seedlings to grow peppers, then you should pay attention to the stem of the plant - the leaves on a strong stem should be dark green. Only if these conditions are met can we say that it is correct seedlings pepper It is worth abandoning the one that has flowers or fruits. This is a guarantee that there will be no harvest. In dry weather, the plant requires abundant watering. Otherwise, due to the lack of moisture, the fruit may taste bitter, and the pulp will be thin and dry. Pepper is an amateur warm soil, which means it is best to plant it in soil heated to +15 degrees. Pallor of greenery and slow growth of fruits may indicate a lack of proper nutrition. You can feed the plants with mullein or compost tea.

IN lately gardening is influenced by fashion. This is evidenced by the rapid rise or fall in popularity of a particular variety. Most amateur vegetable growers try to plant their own material, which was obtained from the seeds of the previous harvest, but sometimes disappointment comes from the second generation of a new variety. Many seed varieties appearing on the market are first generation hybrids, which next year show a wide range of genetic traits. Stable traits are usually provided by time-tested varieties.

We used to call sweet pepper bell pepper, but in fact it came to Europe from Mexico and Guatemala thanks to Christopher Columbus’s ship doctor, who drew attention to the native red salt. More than six thousand years ago, the ancient Aztecs added spices to their food from crushed pods of hot red pepper dried in the sun. Columbus presented a bag of pungent Indian red salt to the Spanish king as an expensive exotic gift.

Pepper arrived in Russia from Turkey, which is why it was called Turkish for a long time. And it became sweet as a result of five hundred years of work by European breeders, who turned the burning bitterness into juicy sweetness.

It's better to be late than to hurry

Low temperatures are detrimental to pepper; even slightly frostbitten plants can be safely discarded. Taking correct solution according to the timing of planting peppers in open ground, you need to be guided by this rule: it is better to plant the seedlings a little later, when the threat of frost has passed, than to rush and destroy the entire future harvest. To be on the safe side, you can build wire arches over the pepper beds so that, if necessary, you can quickly stretch the film over them.

Later, a new problem will arise - too active sun can burn even well-hardened pepper seedlings. Pepper does not like drafts, so it is advisable to make the beds protected from wind blowing.

Where and when to start

In general, it takes up to two and a half months to fully grow pepper seedlings, which is why we begin seasonal sowing of vegetables with peppers. It is better to sow using the surface method, lightly sprinkling the seeds with soil.

You can spread them on a ten-centimeter layer of snow, then they will smoothly enter the soil along with the melting snow. This method is also good because the seeds go on sale too dry, which reduces their weight, but requires additional moisture.

How and where to plant

All plants are very sensitive to moisture, pepper is no exception, reacting even to slight drying out of the soil. But having properly planted the plant in open ground, you need to refrain from watering for a couple of weeks so that the root system strengthens.

Its condition is monitored by observing the top of the plant: if the greenery is light, you should refrain from watering, and if it has darkened, then you should slightly moisten the soil. Plants with the first flower bud already formed are transferred to the soil. It is advisable not to damage the clod of earth when removing it for planting.

To protect the bushes from mole crickets, when planting them in open ground, it is recommended to pour them into a hole wood ash or a little crushed eggshell. When planting sweet peppers for the first time, you should consider the soil of which predecessors to plant them on. The soil after cabbage, pumpkin, legumes and all kinds of root vegetables is ideal. As a rule, peppers are planted in open ground as ready-made seedlings.

When to plant peppers

When should you plant peppers in the ground? It is necessary to choose a time of year so that the average daily air temperature is not less than +13-15 degrees, in addition, do not forget to exclude night frosts.

In practice, this is approximately mid-to-late May. Holes for planting sweet peppers are made according to the pattern 70x30-45 cm (depending on the variety). The depth should correspond to the depth of the container in which the seedlings grew, a deviation of 1-1.5 cm is acceptable.

Before planting, the hole must be well watered, and after planting, cover the soil with peat so that moisture does not evaporate. To plant a plant, it is better to use the evening or cloudy days, so that the seedlings are well established and the plant begins to actively grow.

Plant care

Pepper loves sufficient watering, especially on dry hot days. Remember - when watering, do not touch the leaves and fruits; try to water directly under the root.

After this process, it is necessary to slightly and carefully loosen the soil without damaging the roots, which are not at such a great depth. Do not forget about fertilizing: the first should be carried out after 10-15 days, the second should be carried out 10-15 days after the first ones appear ovaries. When asked when to plant peppers in the ground, many gardeners talk about the estimated date of May 15. Previously, few people risked planting a plant in open ground.

It should also be borne in mind that planting different varieties preferably at a distance to avoid cross-pollination, because modern plants- these are hybrids with very unstable properties. Despite all their vagaries, pepper remains the most popular among vegetables after tomatoes and cucumbers. It is also very nutritious and useful product, so it’s worth making the effort to grow it on your site.

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Bell pepper - growing secrets.

February is coming - the time to sow sweet peppers for seedlings. Not only the size of the harvest depends on how correctly this is done, but also the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. How to grow a good harvest of sweet peppers? I'll start with seedlings.

Sweet pepper seeds are very “stubborn”: sometimes you wait three weeks, or even more, for sprouts. Therefore, you have to sow pepper as early as possible, sometimes at the end of January.

The peculiarities of growing sweet pepper are that it is a very heat-loving plant. Therefore one of the conditions for success: growing pepper seedlings in a city apartment on a warm windowsill peppers are difficult to transplant, but then it forms a more powerful root system and outstrips untransplanted plants in development. Before sowing, pepper seeds can be left in a wet cloth for 2-3 days.

And one more secret of growing sweet peppers. He is a big touchy-feely person - he doesn’t like it when he is moved from place to place or when anything is plucked or torn off on him.

For this reason, I never form plants, do not step them up, and proceed carefully when replanting, trying not to damage the roots. I soak pepper seeds in epin and sow it in a seedling container. I take ready-made soil (for tomatoes and peppers). Seeds usually germinate in 5-7 days.

When the seedlings produce the third true leaf, I dive(depth to the cotyledon leaves) into small cups in which the seedlings grow to the size of seven leaves. Feed sweet pepper seedlings You also need to be careful, otherwise you can burn the young plants with abundant fertilizing.

I use a very good liquid product “Ideal” for this. And if you create warm seedlings comfortable conditions, then you don’t have to fertilize, the seedlings will make you happy anyway. Regularly in the morning, small amounts of watering are carried out; excessive soil moisture causes widespread disease with blackleg and root rot.

The only feature is the mandatory solar hardening of seedlings. Weeding and loosening are also necessary. Feeding mineral fertilizers timed to coincide with the next watering.

The best period for planting bell peppers is in the first ten days of June, when the danger of frost has passed, peppers can be planted in open ground. When planted on very hot days, the plants quickly lose turgor and, when their leaves touch the highly heated soil, they dry out.

I plant peppers in ridges at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other and with distances between bushes in a row of 20-25 cm. Peppers belong to the nightshade family.

It has many diseases and pests in common with tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes, which must be taken into account when choosing predecessors. When choosing a place in the garden for peppers it is necessary to take into account the following features of this plant. Pepper does not tolerate even partial shade.

It should be in the sun from sunrise to sunset. He needs not only a lot of heat, but also light. In addition, pepper does not like strong winds, especially drafts.

That's why the ideal place for peppers is the south side of the house, protected from the winds and providing additional reflected light. Pepper does not tolerate cold soil.

Therefore, if you are counting on a serious harvest, it is necessary to raise the beds by 30-50 cm at least. Or provide underground heating. Many gardeners do not take this into account, and if failure occurs, they blame the weather, the variety, the seeds and everything else.

And the reason may be quite banal - the soil is cold and too dense. This is especially true for soils with a lot of clay. When the sweet peppers are planted in the garden, I water them only with warm water heated in the greenhouse.

Stepsonning - removal of lateral axillary shoots that have just begun to grow. Pinching is used on pepper to limit growth processes and mobilize plastic plant substances for crop formation.

On pepper bushes, it is necessary to remove the shoots and some of the upper flowers. pinching (removing tops) When the pepper plant reaches a height of 20-25 cm, it is necessary to remove the top of the main stem - this will form a compact bush with well-developed side shoots.

Pinched plants will quickly begin to branch. Of the many shoots that appear, only the top 4-5 (stepchildren) are left, and the rest are removed. I weed and loosen the rows at least five times a summer, I feed occasionally: I breed cow dung and water it with liquid.

I don’t tie up the bushes - I put arches between the rows. Plants rely on them if there are a lot of fruits. That's all care. Keep in mind that peppers are cross-pollinated.

Therefore, never plant hot and sweet peppers side by side.- sweet will be bitter. It is better to place plants in open ground in pairs, separately for one male and one female species. This strategy, believe us, will give an excellent harvest.

For a family of three people, 20 pepper bushes are enough. The main thing for sweet peppers is to create warmth for them. Pepper seedlings are planted with distances between ribbons of 2 lines (rows) - 80 cm, between lines - 50, between plants in a line - 15-17 cm (two-line tape method ). Plant care is as follows: weekly watering (400-450 m3 of water), loosening in rows and between rows, fertilizing.

The period from germination to fruiting is from 110 to 140 days. Plant the California Miracle - you will definitely have a harvest, plant it in the ground in mid-May, no later, and under a covering material (some kind of non-woven) Having analyzed more than half a thousand varieties of peppers included in the State Register, received the following data on the colors of peppers in technical ripeness (hereinafter TC): Peppers purple in the TS: Violetta, Bucharest, Eastern Star Violet, Cinderella, Cardinal, Nocturne, Night, Overexposure, Purple Bell, Lilac Shine, Moor, Bagheera (dark purple), Watercolor (light purple), Maxim (dark purple), Othello, Peresvet, Violet Peppers lilac color in the TS: Purple Haze Peppers yellow color in the TS: Strong Peppers of yellowish color in the vehicle: Albatross, Anlita, Belogorets, Valentinka, Vesper, Darina, Gipsy, Trusting, Zorka, Player, Isabella, Cossack, Karat (yellowish with a purple tint at the top), Dwarf, Cascade, Prince Silver, Maria , Mirage, Monte Cristo, Marble, Treasure Island, Charm, Python, Radonezh, Rostov Jubilee, Rubik, Matchmaker, Slavutich, Slastena, Sunny, Sunny, Tomboy, Daredevil, Fakir, Field Marshal, Christopher Columbus, Tsarevich, Chardash, Yarik Peppers are yellowish-green in color: Jubilee Light yellow peppers in TS: Dobrynya Nikitich, Postrel, Firefly, Fidelio Greenish-white peppers in TS: Arsenal, White Night, Bianka, Blondie, Bulgarian, Butuz, Emelya, Zhanna, Zlata Prague, Snake, Iolanta, Irina SEDEK, Lightning White, Monaco, Pavlina, Romeo, Semyon Dezhnev, Siberian Express, Snowball, Snowdon, Sunny Bunny, Fisht, Fountain, Everest , Eldorado Light cream colored peppers in TS: Belozerka Salad-colored peppers in vehicles: Winnie the Pooh, Swallow, Gift of Moldova, Poplar We sow with Aunt Nyura; Boxes with soil prepared in the fall should be brought into the house two or three days before sowing so that the soil warms up.

On the day of sowing seeds, Baba Nyura waters the soil in the morning hot water, but not with boiling water, and in the evening he starts sowing. Sowing time. He sows in the evenings, focusing on the lunar calendar.

During the full moon it does nothing to the earth. Tries to sow on the waxing moon. Care. After sowing, cover the boxes with cellophane and place them in a dark place.

Aunt Nyura is doing the same thing in the greenhouse when the seedlings move there in May. The seedlings are not watered with anything other than water. For the first time after planting in the ground, they are fed with Biomaster. This fertilizer is especially good for acidic soil(and now it’s probably sour everywhere here).

Has been using it for many years and has no regrets Always with a harvest of peppers Pepper seeds before sowing I soak it in a solution of phytosporin for two days(I propagate it according to the instructions on the bag). Planting should not be deeper than 2 cm and no smaller than 1 cm. If planted deeper, the sprout will take a long time to sprout or may not sprout at all.

Sometimes gardeners make a big mistake when sowing - they over-moisten the soil., and the seeds do not germinate. The sprout hatches, but dies due to lack of oxygen and cannot breathe. In addition to moisture, the soil must also contain air.

After sowing the seeds, I water only lightly (1 teaspoon per cell) to avoid overwatering.. I cover the trays with film and put them in a warm place. Then every day I open the film, I ventilate, I monitor the seedlings. They appear on the fourth or fifth day.

When at least one loop appears, I immediately place the trays in the light. Otherwise, if you wait until all the loops appear, the subcotyledons of the first ones will stretch out and they will fall.

I water it every day with warm, settled water, 1 teaspoon per cell. I water it twice a week. phytosporin(for a 3-liter jar of water - 1 teaspoon of solution). In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, I replant the plant from cells into half-liter milk cartons into a mixture of soil and vermiculite. With such roots, seedlings grow very quickly, moreover twice a month I feed her: the first time - gumi, the second time - "Biomaster" or "Ideal". I buy these vermicompost fertilizers in 3-liter cans.

I feed after two weeks with complex feeding: chicken manure, superphosphate, "Sudarushka". Until July I give four feedings, only every time I alternate superphosphate with diammophoska. And chicken droppings and “Sudarushka” in every feeding.

And I also add herbal infusion to each feeding. In addition, during the two weeks between complex feedings, I also feed with gumi, Biomaster or Ideal, mostly foliar. Feeding in the second half of summer is useless.

It happens that dark purple spots appear on the leaves and fruits of peppers. This means that the plant does not have enough phosphorus.

In such cases I do superphosphate extract: in 10 l hot water I dissolve 2 tablespoons of double or 4 tablespoons of simple superphosphate and leave it on for a day. The next day I pour the clear infusion into another bucket. The sediment, adding a little water, is poured under the bushes.

I bring the clear infusion to 10 liters. Then I take 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water and water the bushes from a watering can over the leaves. I do 3-4 such feedings. You can combine them with humic preparations (Biomaster, Ideal). At the beginning of August I pluck out all the color, I’ll leave only the ovary.

If you do not remove the flowers, then the fruits that have set will not grow large - they no longer receive enough warmth and sun. I cut out the stepsons that have no ovaries. The remaining fruits receive more nutrition.

Among the new products this season we found attractive early ripening varieties Miracle Giant(fruits weighing 250-300 g, elongated cuboid, wall thickness 8-9 mm], Bugai (yellow fruits, weighing 300-400 g, wall thickness 10 mm), Player(fruits are flat-round, intense red, weighing 200 g, wall thickness 9-10 mm], Tenderness(fruits are red, size 10x5 cm, wall thickness 7-8 mm. The variety impressed with its high productivity and long fruiting period), as well as the average early variety Kubyshka(fruits are large, weighing up to 300 g, almost square, 10x12 cm in size, wall thickness 8-10 mm) and super early variety Morozko(simultaneously sets up to 20 dark red fruits, weighing 100-120 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm).

In the tall group large-fruited varieties (Boatswain, Baron, Mastodon) this season is also a worthy addition - new products of Russian selection Tenderness, Miracle Giant, Raja.We have in our collection our favorite permanent varieties of pepper, with which we have been friends for many years. Some (Anastasia, Shorokshary, Triton, Bogdan, Cinderella, Stepasha, Openwork, Sunny, Nugget] are distinguished by long-term fruiting and tasty thick-walled juicy fruits, others (USA King, Lumina, Morozko, Ivanhoe) are attracted by their precocity. And although their wall thickness is small (up to 6 mm), we still plant these varieties every year in order to obtain vitamin products earlier.

our pride- varieties with heroic fruits weighing up to 500g - Red Giant, Bell Goy, American Crown. Pick one such pepper and there will be enough salad for the whole family. For lovers of peppers with a high carotene content, we recommend orange fruits ( Orange giant, Goby, Raja) and yellow-fruited varieties (Bugai, Marimba).

Their fruits are large, weighing 200-400 g, juicy, sweet, thick-walled (8-10 mm). The tomato-shaped peppers Marisha, Golden Jubilee, Solnyshko, Gogoshary, Kolobok, Ratunda, New Russian are very good. Their nice, elastic, rounded-flattened fruits are the thickest (8-12 mm). Of course, everyone has different tastes, everyone has their own favorite varieties.

When and how to plant pepper seedlings in open ground

Planting pepper seedlings in open ground is a very important point, so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. The future fate of the plants depends on how successful the planting of seedlings in the ground is: whether they will take root in a new place or not, whether they will get sick, how they will adapt to new living conditions, whether they will produce a good harvest.

You have been preparing for this moment for several months, spending energy and time preparing pepper seeds for sowing, planting seeds for seedlings, planting and growing seedlings. Halfway there already. All that remains is to plant the seedlings in open ground, provide them with proper care and wait for the coveted pepper to ripen.

When to plant pepper seedlings in the ground?

By the time of planting in the ground, pepper seedlings should have 8–12 leaves. Pepper seedlings can be planted in the ground at the stage of formation of the first buds. By the time of planting, the average daily temperature should be set at 15 - 17 ° C.

The threat of spring frosts should have passed by this time. The soil temperature at the planting depth should be at least 10 - 12°C.

Planting seedlings in open ground too early is dangerous because at low soil temperatures, the growth and development of plants is inhibited and the likelihood of diseases increases. In addition, pepper does not tolerate frost well. Pepper seedlings intended for growing in a greenhouse are planted in the ground on May 1 - 15. Pepper seedlings are planted in open ground on May 10 - 30, and the seedlings must be covered with film.

Choosing a site for growing peppers

When choosing a plot for pepper in your garden, please note that pepper cannot be planted in the place where it grew the previous year, or where potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, physalis, and tobacco used to grow. It is better to opt for an area where cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, etc. grew last year. pumpkin crops, root vegetables, greens. The area for peppers should be well lit, protected from the wind, cleared of weeds, the soil on it should be sufficiently fertile, drain well and retain moisture.

Preparing the soil for planting pepper seedlings

If the soil on the site loamy, before planting pepper seedlings, they need to be fertilized. For 1 m2 of soil, add 1 bucket of well-rotted manure and peat, as well as half a bucket of half-rotted sawdust. If the soil is in the garden clayey and dense, in addition to humus and peat, per 1 m2 of soil you should additionally add 1 bucket of coarse sand and 1 bucket of half-rotted sawdust. For preparation peat area for pepper seedlings, add 1 bucket of humus and 1 bucket of turf soil (possibly clay) per 1 m2 of soil. For fertilizer sandy beds per 1 m2 of soil you need to add 2 buckets of peat and clay soil, 2 buckets of humus and 1 bucket of sawdust. A week before planting pepper seedlings, the garden, seasoned with fertilizers, is watered abundantly.

Planting pepper seedlings in open ground

The most favorable time for planting pepper seedlings in the ground is the second half of a cloudy day or a warm evening. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to mark the ridges and prepare the holes. The planting pattern of pepper largely depends on the irrigation method and the height of the variety.

Low growing varieties peppers are planted at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from each other, tall- at a distance of 60 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 60 cm. Pepper can be grown in a square-cluster method, planting seedlings at the same distance of 60x60 cm and placing 2 plants in each hole at once. When growing pepper on drip irrigation seedlings are planted belt method according to patterns 90+50x35-45 cm or 70+70x35-45 cm.

Hole depth should be slightly larger than the height of the seedling cup or pot. Sweet and hot pepper planted on different beds away from each other because they can cross-pollinate, causing the sweet pepper fruit to become bitter. Hot peppers planted more densely: the distance between plants in a row is 25 cm, the row spacing is 45 - 50 cm. Instructions for planting pepper seedlings:

  • Before planting, water the pepper seedlings. To protect against pests, especially aphids, spray the seedlings with Strela solution (50 g of powder per 10 liters of water). Removing seedlings from pots or cups must be done very carefully, trying not to disturb earthen lump. Add a handful of rotted compost, half a handful of ash and half a teaspoon of superphosphate to each hole, then fill to the brim with warm water. When the water is absorbed, immerse the pepper seedling pulled out of the seedling pot into the hole. Pepper does not like deep burial, so seedlings are planted in the ground at the level of the top root. You cannot fill the root collar, otherwise blackleg and other diseases may develop. Holding the pepper with your hand, fill the hole with water again. Water should be poured onto the walls of the hole so that the washed soil envelops the earthen ball of the seedling. Fill the hole with earth, compact the soil a little and mulch with peat. For further gartering, place a peg about 60 cm high near each plant. After planting pepper seedlings in the ground, the bed should be covered with film. To do this, make wire arcs at a height of 120 cm and throw covering material over them. When the seedlings take root and the weather is warm outside, the shelter will need to be removed.

In the first 8 - 10 days after planting the seedlings in the ground, the pepper looks sluggish, painful and practically does not grow. This is due to the fact that during the transplanting process, no matter how hard you try, the root system of the pepper is still slightly damaged.

Getting into new environment habitat, the plant experiences stress. Peppers need some time to adapt to new conditions. After planting pepper seedlings in the ground, it is very important not to overdo it with watering, as fragile roots may rot.

If possible, for the first time after planting, it is advisable to monitor the condition of the seedlings daily and slightly moisten the soil in the area of ​​the stem (100 - 150 ml of water per plant every day). First real watering carried out no earlier than a week after planting the seedlings in the ground.

To help pepper seedlings take root faster, you can slightly loosen the soil in the root zone. This surface loosening

In order to get a good harvest of pepper in our latitudes, it is necessary to grow strong, healthy, hardened seedlings.

How to obtain high-quality pepper seedlings and plant them correctly will be discussed in this article.

Sowing seeds

Pepper seeds, for growing in a permanent place in open ground, are sown in late February, early March. They germinate when proper care, in a week and a half.

While growing seedlings, they need to be fed regularly. There should be at least three such feedings for the entire period, before planting the plants in a permanent place. Fertilizer for feeding can be purchased at a specialty store.

If you have wood ash, then infuse it for a week (3-4 tablespoons per liter of water). You can simply add a pinch of ash to the pot with the plant and water it.

Water for irrigation is always taken well settled and at room temperature. The last feeding of seedlings is carried out 2-3 days before the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.

With the onset of warm sunny days, seedlings need to begin to harden. The period of the first stay in the fresh air is limited to two to three hours.

It is important to know: A few hours before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, the pots with plants must be thoroughly watered with warm water. This will saturate the earthen ball with moisture and the root system will be minimally damaged during replanting.

Gradually the hardening time increases. And over time, pots of peppers can be left on the balcony or veranda for the whole day.

Transplantation into open ground

Pepper seedlings are transplanted into open ground when the threat of night return frosts has passed. It is necessary to take into account that by this time the earth should warm up to a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

The root system of these plants does not tolerate hypothermia, and in this case, if the temperature is unstable, then it is better to wait a few days and plant in warm earth. Otherwise, the plant takes a long time to adapt to new conditions, which slows down growth and, accordingly, subsequently affects the harvest.

By the time the seedlings are transplanted into the garden bed, a properly grown plant should be about 15-20 centimeters in height, with 10-12 strong, well-developed leaves. Perhaps with a few flower buds. The age of the seedlings by this time should be at least 60-65 days.

If the seedlings are older, about 70 days, then during transplantation all flowers and opening buds are torn off from the plant. These plants will take longer to take root and fruiting will be delayed, since the half-opened buds will not be pollinated during transplantation and there will be no fruit on them.

Plants in the stage of dense buds or with fruit set take root much faster and begin to bear fruit much earlier.

Soil preparation

The bed must be prepared in advance. The earth is dug up using a spade, all weeds are removed and fertilizers are applied.

To prevent the plant from getting sunburn and to take root more easily, replanting should be done in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. The holes are dug with the expectation that the plant can be buried to the height of the pot from which it is transplanted. Humus is poured into each hole.

The distance between the holes is about 40 centimeters in two rows in the garden bed. For better lighting and ease of watering, you can plant plants in a checkerboard pattern.

A bucket of humus is distributed into 3-4 holes, a handful of ash and a pinch of superphosphate are added. All fertilizers are mixed well and watered with warm water.

It is better not to apply fresh manure to the peppers, as the plants can become fatty and all the growth energy will go into increasing the leaf mass to the detriment of fruiting. If there is no humus, you can use ready-made fertilizers purchased at a specialty store. It is better if it is granular complex fertilizers.

What is the best way to replant?

When replanting, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot with care, since the stems are very brittle and can be easily damaged.

Try not to let the earthen ball crumble. Near each plant it is necessary to install a peg for gartering the peppers when they begin to grow.

Carefully place the pepper in the hole and cover it with soil, lightly compact it, trying not to damage the plant and root system, and water it with warm water.

Permanent place

It is better to cover the plants with spunbond for 10-14 days while the peppers take root, throwing it over pre-installed arcs.

It is necessary to open the seedlings in the warm part of the day. You can simply cover the beds with black spunbond, since for these plants the temperature of the ground, not the surrounding air, is important.

Another advantage of black spunbond is that less weeds grow and the garden bed can be weeded less often. For better rooting of seedlings, do not water them for a week after transplanting.

Further care for peppers comes down to watering, weeding and fertilizing. It is worth considering this point - the first fruit must be removed as soon as the period of technical maturation begins, this stimulates the plant to further rapid growth and fruit set.

See tips from an experienced gardener for planting pepper seedlings in open ground:

Sweet pepper is one of the favorite vegetables on the table; it is eaten fresh and cooked from delicious salads and seaming. How to plant peppers in open ground to grow a good harvest? Let's look at this process together!

  • Preparing the area for planting peppers
  • Planting seedlings - simple instructions for newbies
  • Care tips or how to grow delicious peppers?
  • Pests of peppers - what should gardeners fear?
  • 1 Preparing the area for planting peppers

    All peppers love sunny areas protected from the wind. These requirements are met by places that are adjacent to the southern part of your house or any other building. If there is no protection from drafts, it is advisable to create protection from plants or build a windproof fence. You should also remember about predecessors - crops, after which it is possible or undesirable to plant peppers in the garden.

    Growing peppers in a sunny area

    Peppers will grow well in beds where you previously grew cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkins, all legumes and root vegetables. But you can plant peppers in a garden where tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes were previously grown only three years after the last harvest of these crops. This is due to the fact that many diseases of these plants can spread to sweet peppers. When you decide to plant peppers in open ground, you should thoroughly prepare the soil. It should be fertile, drained and retain moisture well. Since it is advisable to plant seedlings in the spring, you need to start preparing the soil in the fall:

    • We remove the remains of previous crops, weeds and carefully dig up the soil.
    • We add 50 g of superphosphate, wood ash and about 7–8 kg of rotted manure (per square meter). However, you cannot use fresh manure during preparation - this will kill the young pepper seedlings.
    • In the spring, we dig up the soil again and add 30 g of potassium and phosphate fertilizers, about 20 g of nitrogen fertilizers.
    • Before planting, we dig with the tip of a shovel and level the soil.

    2 Planting seedlings - simple instructions for beginners

    The first thing you need to do is harden off the grown seedlings 15 days before planting. Gradually reduce the temperature where the seedlings are stored to +15 °C. In the first days of hardening, you need to start opening the windows for 2–3 hours, gradually increasing the time. After a couple of days, the seedlings can be taken out to the balcony, placing them in the shade. If the temperature on the loggia does not drop below +15 °C, seedlings can be left on the balcony around the clock.

    Hardening off pepper seedlings on the balcony

    Plants can be planted on the site after the peppers reach a height of about 20 cm; they should also have at least 8 developed and powerful leaves. This usually occurs 60 days after planting the sweet pepper seeds. The day before transplanting, water the seedlings generously so that the peppers do not wilt. If you forget about this, the survival rate of plants will decrease significantly, and this can also negatively affect the growth of peppers and crop yields. It is advisable to carry out work in cloudy weather, but if it is very hot, it is better to postpone planting to the second half of the day.

    You should also water each hole with a little warm water - at least 1 liter of water per hole. Carefully remove each bush from the pot with a lump of earth, place the seedlings in the holes, place them vertically, cover them with soil and compact them a little. True, try not to be too zealous so as not to damage the root system of sweet pepper seedlings.

    Further care for peppers after planting is quite simple, but there are some nuances that we will now try to talk about. It is best to start with watering, without which it is impossible to grow sweet peppers. Watering is especially important for young seedlings, which should be watered after planting every 2-3 days at the root, spending about 1.5 liters of water for each bush. If it is too hot outside, work is carried out daily.

    After 10 days, be sure to check the peppers: if you see that some of the plants have not taken root, it is better to remove them from the garden. After which water consumption can be reduced.

    At the same time, remember that too much watering of pepper can also harm the plants, especially during the ripening period. At this time, it is better to check the plants’ need for water - if the pepper begins to darken, you can safely carry out the work. On average, adult plants can be watered about once a week, but during the pepper harvest period, work is carried out more often - once every 5 days, water the plants either early in the morning or late in the evening.

    Watering peppers in open ground

    Another stage of caring for peppers in the garden is loosening the soil. It is worth noting that this culture loves loose soil. Therefore, under no circumstances should you allow the formation of a dense crust in the garden - because of this, the seedlings may grow poorly. You cannot do without constant loosening, which activates the flow of air to the root system and stimulates plant growth. This procedure also allows you to fight weeds. True, you need to loosen the soil wisely.

    According to experienced gardeners, it is not worth carrying out work in the first few weeks after planting - during this period the roots of the peppers are still too weak and can be easily damaged. The first loosening should also be shallow - no more than 5 cm. If you grow a crop on clay soils, you can increase the depth of loosening to destroy the crust on the ground. Subsequently, the soil is loosened every time after watering or rain, when the soil has time to dry out a little, but has not yet become crusty.

    Don't forget about feeding. During the growing season, sweet peppers need to be fed about four times:

    • For the first time, plants are fertilized 14 days after planting seedlings using bird droppings (or slurry), adding a little wood ash.
    • The second time the peppers need feeding after about a month. Here you can use different types fertilizers: 50 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride, 200 g of wood ash. If you have chosen mineral fertilizing, use 20 g ammonium nitrate or 15 g of potassium chloride (all calculations are given for preparing a solution from 10 liters of water).
    • The third time feeding is carried out during the period of fruit formation. It is best to use bird droppings or mullein during this period.

    The plant needs to be fed a fourth time, but only if you notice that early ripening varieties of sweet pepper produce too small fruits, which indicates a severe depletion of the crop. During this period, you can use wood ash. Despite the "safe" May landing, no one guarantees the absence of frost, which can occur at any time. That is why you need to be prepared for the fact that peppers planted in open ground will have to be protected from frost. Tents made of cardboard, burlap, and wooden beams can be considered good protection against sudden frosts. Simply cover your planted seedlings overnight and remove the cover in the morning once the danger of frost has passed.

    4 Pests of peppers - what should gardeners fear?

    Peppers are susceptible to the same pests that attack tomatoes and other nightshade crops. The causative agents of these diseases can be a variety of fungi and viruses. But today we will talk about the most common diseases and pests.

    Pepper diseases

    The first disease is called blackleg. It is very easy to identify - the plant changes color, sheds its leaves, and the “vessels” on the leaves darken. main reason- change temperature regime And high humidity. By adjusting these parameters, you can get rid of the black leg. Among the well-known pests are aphids, slugs and mites, to combat which it is much more effective and safer for seedlings to use traditional methods:

    • To kill aphids, you can use wood ash by mixing 200 g of the product with 10 liters of water. Simply spray the plants and repeat the procedure if necessary.
    • Protect from spider mite Dandelion leaves (200 g) or garlic (200 g) will help, which need to be mixed in 10 liters of water.

    In this case, these solutions should be infused for at least a day before use, and before processing, the mixture is stirred and filtered again. To increase their effectiveness, you can add about 20 g of liquid soap before use. To protect peppers from slugs, you should regularly loosen the soil and treat it with red pepper or dry mustard - no more than one spoon per square meter land.


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