When to plant tulips in the fall in the Urals. When to plant tulips before winter in autumn

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Tulips are bulbous plants, therefore best time for planting it is autumn. Behind winter period the plant will take root, adapt to the new location and delight you with its flowering in spring or early summer.

Benefits of planting bulbs in autumn

  • Bulbs for autumn period They build up a powerful root system, absorb from the ground all the necessary nutrients for a good winter, and this method of planting hardens the plant, bringing it closer to natural germination conditions.
  • Tulips planted in the fall form large caps with a variety of colors already upon the arrival of warmth, and when planted in the spring, the plant does not have time to fully take root and gain strength for flowering.
  • In autumn, bulb suppliers provide a large assortment of its products, therefore, you can easily choose the variety you like.

Disadvantages of autumn planting

Calculation and determination of the time for disembarkation. If the bulbs are not buried in time, the plant will not have time to grow a powerful root system, which will lead to a loss of immunity during the winter period.


If the autumn planting process has been delayed, the bulbs can be planted at the beginning of winter, only after that it is necessary to carefully mulch the soil and insulate it upper layer soil.

Varieties of tulips with photographs and names

Since ancient times, tulips have been the subject of decoration and admiration in the countries of the East. Once in Europe, they immediately gained great popularity among gardeners. The variety of varieties allows you to choose the most suitable and beautiful plant. Varieties are divided into flowering periods, shape and color. By international classification, tulips are divided into 4 groups and 15 classes.

Early flowering

  • Simple early flowering. This class disbands immediately after the snow melts. The varieties are low-growing, growing up to half a meter. The flower is goblet-shaped, 5−8 cm. Color red or yellow. Varieties of this class are used for early planting. They are not suitable for cutting. This class includes the following varieties: Christmas Pearl and Purple Prince.

  • Terry early varieties . The plants are not tall, flowering occurs a week later than the usual early-blooming variety. The flowers of this class are double, with a flowering period of up to two weeks. The flowers are not suitable for cutting. They look perfect in flower pots and in combination with hyacinths, crocuses and daffodils.

Mid-blooming tulips

  • Triumph tulips. The color of flowers in this group can range from white to dark purple. There are also plants with double colors. Flowering is long-lasting (10-12 days), beginning in early May. Plants are resistant to winds, heavy rains, and sunny weather never fully open up. The plants are tall and look good in cut flowers and flower beds. This class includes the following varieties: Triumph Indian Summer and Mistress Mystic.

  • Tree hybrids. The plants are tall, reaching a length of up to 80 cm. The goblet-shaped flowers are pink or white, and there are varieties with double color. Flowering occurs early. This class has one drawback: the flower opens completely and quickly loses its decorative look. The advantages include disease resistance, frost resistance and good transportability. Cut flowers can stand in water for a long time.

This group includes varieties:

Late bloomers

This group is the largest and has many varieties with a variety of colors. It includes seven independent classes:

  • Simple, late flowering. These are tall powerful plants, reaching a height of up to 80 cm. The goblet-shaped flowers are large, colored from white to purple. Flowering begins in mid-May.

  • Liliaceae. The class has an original flower structure - large oval-shaped inflorescences have pointed petals that bend outward. Lily tulips are very popular among summer residents for their resemblance to lilies. This class is represented by:

  • Fringed. The difference from other specimens is the presence of a small fringe in the form of needles or crystals along the edges of the petals. The plant is tall, grows up to 75 cm. Flowering begins in May.

Breeders have developed varieties in which fringe appears on the back, as well as terry and fringed varieties. Flowers of this class look good as cut flowers and are used for landscape decoration.

  • Green-flowered. Enough new variety, differs from others by the presence of stripes, spots, strokes olive color on the outside of the petals. It is divided into types: short (20−30 cm) and medium tall (35−50 cm). The stems of these plants are strong, the leaf blade is long, some varieties have a white stripe that runs along the edge of the leaf. Flowering occurs at the end of May and lasts 5-7 days. Flowers are used to make bouquets, as an addition to alpine slide And How separate groups for decoration of gardens.

  • Tulips by Rembrandt. Specimens of this class have multi-colored flowers. The plant is tall, up to 70 cm in height, the flowers are large. Bulbs can be purchased at specialty stores, greenhouses or nurseries. The unusual color of the petals is associated with a virus that settles on the flower and colors it with stripes and strokes of different colors.

  • Parrot tulip. The plant is different from other classes unusual shape colors. The rugged, wavy, splayed petals resemble a ruffled parrot. The flowers are large, of various colors: from snow-white to black. Flowering begins in mid-May. Flowers are used as cut flowers, for making bouquets, and they will also decorate any garden plot.

  • Late-blooming double tulips. Terry, or peony, tulips begin to bloom in early June and bloom for up to 3 weeks. The flowers are large and varied in color. Compared to terry early-blooming tulips, the corollas of late species are much more massive and dense. Tulips need support and planting in a place protected from gusty winds. Recently, a variety was developed - Ice Cream. It has bright outer petals and a snow-white core. Although the variety is new, it has become very popular among gardeners for its color and unusual shape.

Botanical and species tulips

  • Kaufman tulipsearly flowering plant. The first flowers appear immediately after the snow melts. The plant is low, grows up to 25 cm, flower petals different colors star-shaped. The leaves are wide, some varieties have white stripes or streaks.

  • Foster's tulips. The plants are medium in size - 25−30 cm. The flowers are goblet or cup-shaped, and when open they resemble the shape of a star. The color is bright, most varieties are red, in rare cases yellow or pink.

  • Greig's tulips. The plants are medium-sized, growing up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are bright and large. The color is red, orange or two-tone. Flowering lasts from late April to mid-May. Because of beautiful view plants are used for decoration garden paths and as an addition to alpine slides.

  • Wild species. This class includes tulips growing in wildlife. All varieties are dwarf, low-growing, and begin to bloom. in early spring. The flowers are small and varied in color.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the varieties of tulips by watching the video:

How to properly store tulips before planting in the fall

The most important thing in storing bulbs is:

  • temperature and humidity;
  • good ventilation;
  • dark place.

It is better to store bulbs in baskets, boxes or hanging nets. Before storing the bulbs, they must be sorted. It is better to get rid of diseased and rotten bulbs, as this will result in a healthy plant and beautiful flowering. seed material will not work. The selected material is placed in containers in one or two layers. Within 2 months, the process of forming leaves and buds begins to begin on the bulb, therefore, planting material must be provided with favorable conditions:

  1. Air humidity should be within 70%.
  2. For the first 21 days, we maintain the air temperature within 30°C, the rest of the time – 15−20°C.
  3. One of the main storage rules is ventilation in the room where the bulbs are stored. Can't hold planting material in polyethylene and plastic box.

Planting tulips in autumn: determining planting dates

Planting tulips is a very responsible task, since growth and flowering depend on it. Incorrectly chosen time leads to negative consequences, which will be difficult to correct in the future. The timing of planting tulips is different for all regions, it all depends on the climatic growing conditions.

Landing time in the Moscow region

Selecting the month of planting − important stage for further development of the plant. For root growth, the bulb needs to be kept for about a month at a temperature not exceeding 10°C and not falling below 3°C. When to plant tulips in the fall in the Moscow region? This time occurs from mid-September to mid-October.

Planting tulips in autumn in Siberia

With the onset of autumn, Siberian flower growers are preparing to plant tulips. Planting must be done in a timely manner so that the bulb takes root before the onset of frost. In the harsh Siberian climate, the best time is mid-September, immediately after the first frost. After planting, the bulbs need shelter. This could be straw, rotted leaves or hay.


Planted bulbs cannot be covered with polyethylene, roofing felt or other material that does not allow air to pass through.

When are tulip bulbs planted in the Leningrad region?

Since the Moscow region and Leningrad region are in the same climatic zone, then the time of disembarkation coincides with the “Indian summer”.

When are tulips planted in the Urals?

In the Urals, climatic conditions are very different from mid-latitudes. The first frosts begin much earlier and are much stronger. Therefore, Ural flower growers should plant tulip bulbs 2 weeks earlier than in the middle zone. Required condition− this is mulching or covering planting material.

How to plant tulips in open ground in the fall: basic subtleties and rules

In order to see the beautiful bloom of tulips, you need to know the subtleties of planting.

Choosing a place and preparing a bed

The place for planting tulips must be chosen so that the plant is comfortable, and it can not only fully develop, but also bloom profusely:

  • sunny area, protected from gusty winds;
  • the area must be well drained;
  • level groundwater should not exceed 70 cm;
  • the soil should be light, fertile, with medium acidity.

Tulips are planted in nutritious, highly fertile soil. The ideal place for planting is sandy loam or light loamy soil. To improve the soil, you need to add peat and sand to it, and also add the necessary fertilizers a month before planting: humus, mineral fertilizers and wood ash.


Fresh manure must not be brought into the garden bed or used for mulching.

Preparing the soil for planting

To grow decorative tulips, favorable soil must be at least half a meter deep. If there is no such layer, you need to make it yourself. This is necessary because large bulbs are buried 18 cm, and the roots penetrate the soil the same way. Soil fertility is also important for better nutrition, moisture and air exchange.


The composition of the soil for a plant is very important, since not only growth, but also flowering depends on it.

Tulips grow well where pumpkins and legumes, as well as strawberries and calendula were previously grown.

Preparing bulbs for planting in open ground

Regardless of what time the bulbs will be planted, they must undergo careful preparation. Bulb processing includes:

  • scale removal;
  • inspection for damage and treatment of cuts and scratches with green paint;
  • sorting by size;
  • disinfection.

We lay out the peeled bulbs on a clean surface and begin to select the largest bulbs first, as they are best suited for planting. Small diameter bulbs should not be thrown away; they will also be useful for planting. The main thing is to remember that planting material of different diameters cannot be planted together. To prevent the addition of diseases, soak the prepared bulbs for several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, we immediately plant the tulips in a permanent place.

If preparation is considered difficult for someone, then the bulbs can be purchased already prepared and sorted. When purchasing, you must carefully inspect the planting material for rot and deterioration. It is best to purchase it from reputable suppliers.

At what depth are tulips planted in autumn?

Planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. To avoid mistakes, tulips are buried to a depth equal to three bulb diameters.

At what distance to plant tulips

The distance between the bulbs plays a role important role for further growth and flowering. When planting large planting material, the interval should not be less than 10 cm, when planting a small specimen - 5 cm. If the flower garden is created from tulips of different colors and varieties, maintain a distance of 20 cm. This will not only make the care work easier, but will also prevent the bulbs get mixed up in the ground.

Caring for tulips after planting

Tulips, like others garden plants, require timely care and attention. A plant that is planted in the fall must be provided with favorable conditions and protection from rodents.

Autumn care

Caring for tulips in the fall is simple. Watering is carried out only in dry autumn once every 10 days. In the autumn-winter period, tulips have a time of rest, and you should not touch them again. It will be enough to enter ammonium nitrate and cover them for the winter with mulch or covering breathable material. Shelter is necessary not only to protect against frost, but will also prevent cracking of the ground caused by sudden changes in temperature. Mice and other rodents are the main enemy of tulip bulbs. To prevent damage from small pests, specimens for planting can be treated with hot pepper or Vishnevsky ointment.

Winter care

Tulips planted in winter require winter care. flower pots. Care consists of timely watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing.

How to plant tulips in a pot at home

Before you start planting tulips, you need to select the right pot. It can be shallow, up to 4 cm in diameter (up to 4 bulbs can be planted in it) or a large pot for 6-7 bulbs.

Step-by-step instructions for planting tulips in a pot:

  1. Place a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot.
  2. We fill it with soil and spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. We press the prepared, sorted onions into the ground to a depth equal to three times the diameter of the onion.
  4. Cover with soil and water.
  5. We put the pot with the bulbs in a cool room with an air humidity of 75% for 1.5 months.
  6. Next, we place the plant in a warm place, shading it from sunlight.
  7. Through a short time You can observe the growth of foliage and the setting of buds.
  8. It is necessary not to forget about periodic watering and fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers.

How to properly grow tulips at home in pots (video)


To prolong flowering, put the flower pot in a dark place at night.

After the tulips fade, reduce watering until the foliage turns yellow. The bulbs are then dug up and stored for storage. next landing. As you can see, planting tulips in the fall is not so difficult. The main thing for good flowering is to correctly determine the planting date, prepare the soil and follow simple care rules. You can also admire this wonderful flower all winter by growing it at home. To avoid any questions about planting tulips in the fall, we recommend watching a short video.

The blooming of tulips marks the triumph of spring. If the site is decorated with tulips year after year, planting and care in open ground - key moment such success. Perennial bulbous plants natives of Asia have long been the subject of admiration both in their homeland and in the Old World, where they arrived in the middle of the 16th century.

Thanks to the universal love for these flowers, within a hundred years Holland began to be called the country of tulips, and today tens of thousands of varieties of these spectacular, but quite accessible plants are distributed throughout the world.

Timing for planting tulips in the ground

Cultivated tulips bloom in spring or in the first half of summer. Therefore, the optimal planting time is autumn. In 3–4 weeks, the bulbs acclimatize and form a root system, but do not form the above-ground part. This allows the tulips to overwinter well, and with the arrival of warmth, produce strong foliage and open large corollas.

When determining the date for planting tulips, it is important not to make a mistake! If the bulbs get into the ground too early, they may leaf out. And the coming winter will take the plants by surprise. Aboveground part will freeze, underground will weaken and will not be able to guarantee spring bloom. Late planting threatens that the tulips will not have time to take root, very coldy they will be killed or spoiled.

How to choose the optimal time? When to plant tulips in the ground in different regions?

Experienced flower growers advise paying attention not to the calendar, but to the weather outside the window. The best start for plants is to plant in soil that has cooled to a temperature of 10-12°C.

In the middle zone, such conditions develop by mid-September. To the south, tulips are planted later; to the north, the dates shift to the end of August.

If for some reason the tulips did not appear in the flower beds in the fall, they can be planted in the spring. Unfortunately, in this case, plants have less time to prepare for flowering and accumulate nutrients. next year. To get the desired result and simplify caring for tulips in open ground, before planting, it is better to germinate the bulbs in containers filled with loose nutrient substrate. Before planting, the bulbs are cooled for a day in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

Tulips are moved to flower beds when it gets warmer and the soil warms up to +15 °C. This method can be used in all regions, including areas where tulips in open ground do not survive the winter.

Planting tulips for growing in open ground

For bright flowering garden tulips require:

  • sun or transparent partial shade;
  • nutritious, necessarily loose soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction;
  • wind protection;
  • moderate

An area suitable for growing tulips is dug up to the fullest extent, loosened, breaking up clods, weeds are selected and nitrogen and, for example, humus and wood ash are added. Dense, heavy soil mixed with sand and peat.

For tulips, as well as for other bulbous crops, you should not add fresh organic matter, which is often a source of bacterial rot and fungal diseases.

The depth of the furrows for growing tulips in open ground depends on the size of the bulbs. Therefore, they are pre-sorted, simultaneously separating diseased and damaged specimens. And healthy ones are immersed in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour and dried thoroughly.

Under adult large bulbs, furrows are made with a depth of 20 to 30 cm, pouring a 10-centimeter drainage cushion of coarse sand onto the bottom. The children are planted, slightly pressing, into holes with the same drainage, but twice as shallow, that is, to a depth of 7–10 cm. When the soil has been leveled, the plot.

Caring for tulips after planting in open ground

Only to constant and competent care will tulips respond with massive opening bright colors. Bulbous crops, as a rule, are unpretentious, but still require attention from the appearance of the first leaves until late autumn. Caring for tulips after planting includes:

  • watering, especially abundant during the set of buds, mass flowering and within 2 weeks after its completion;
  • removal of weeds around plantings;
  • careful loosening, so as not to damage the root system and bulbs;
  • feeding flowers three times.

After watering, the soil under the plants should be moist at a depth of 30–40 cm, that is, per meter of area, depending on the type of soil, you need to spend at least 10–40 liters of water.

Fertilizers in liquid or granular form are part of caring for tulips after planting. They are added three times:

  1. At the phase of the appearance of the first shoots, using a mixture of 2 parts, 2 parts phosphorus salts, 1 part potassium compounds;
  2. By the time green buds appear, feeding the plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1:2:2;
  3. After flowering, use potassium-phosphorus compounds, completely abandoning nitrogen.

When talking about caring for tulips, we cannot forget about a simple but useful procedure. When the flowers fade, they are cut out along with the peduncles. This will allow the bulbs not to waste energy that is precious for bulb growth.

If seed pods form and ripen on the stems, there is no need to expect large bulbs, and the children will not be able to gain significant weight.

Before growing tulips, you need to know that a crop can remain in one place for no more than 4 years. Then the risk of accumulation of dangerous bacteria, fungi and soil pests increases, the bulbs naturally age and require replanting. The bulbs remaining in the soil gradually go deeper, so next year it is more difficult for the sprouts to break through to the surface. As a result, the flowers become smaller, the peduncles become weaker and shorter.

Dig out when the leaves completely wither and fall off. It is useful to shed the vacated area with a solution of phytosporin, potassium permanganate or any available fungicide. Plants that remain in the soil for the winter are thickly mulched with peat, sawdust or covered with spruce branches to avoid freezing.

Video about proper planting of tulips

Classic spring garden- tulips. It is difficult to find an area where these beautiful graceful flowers do not grow. In spring, flowers are prepared in advance; before you start planting tulips in the fall in the ground, you need to process it, purchase flower bulbs and decide on the timing.

Preliminary preparation

Pretty tulips unpretentious plants. Left to their own devices, they do not die and continue to bloom, but quickly run wild and become smaller, losing varietal characteristics. Therefore, periodically (about every 2 years) it is advisable to dig them up after flowering and replant them.

Optimal planting period. Third ten days of September - traditional time started planting tulips in the fall. The timing varies greatly depending on the geographical area and weather conditions in each specific area. For example, planting tulips in the fall in Ukraine is possible both in October and early November, if these are southern regions, and in warm weather throughout the country.

The last time is the end of November, since the bulbs must take root well before the onset of frost. But there is successful experience and later planting: tulips planted in the Kyiv region in December gave lush blooms in the spring.

To determine correct timing, you can focus on such an indicator as soil temperature. The period when it cools down to +4−9° C is considered optimal for rooting bulbs that differ more high stability to cold and are able to withstand short-term drops in temperature to 25−30 ° C.

Bulbous plants bloom in April - May, and future plants will take root, be properly saturated with moisture, and in the spring they will bloom profusely and fully. This is why it is so important to plant tulips early in the fall.


Tulips are planted in sunny or semi-shaded flat areas, well protected from the wind. They need loose and fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, in which moisture does not stagnate. Sandy or loamy nutrient soils are suitable for most varieties, while those that are not resistant to fusarium are best planted only in light soil.

If the soil in the garden is not suitable for tulips, take the following measures.

  1. Heavy soils are improved by adding sand (up to 30 kg) and peat (10-15 kg).
  2. In sandy, well-permeable water, but poor nutrients, add humus (3-4 buckets), superphosphate (40-50 g) and wood ash (0.5 l).
  3. For sour ones, add chalk (150−200 g).

The dosage is given per one square meter area of ​​the site.

20−30 days before planting, soil dig to a depth of 35-40 cm and fill with compost or humus at the rate of 25-30 kg per 1 m2 and complex mineral fertilizer. Under no circumstances should fresh or insufficiently rotted manure be used, as it is a source of pathogenic organisms for bulbous crops.

A complex fertilizer should contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium and a very small amount of nitrogen, since its excess promotes the growth of green mass and increases the risk of bulb disease. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers stimulate the formation of roots and buds and promote good overwintering of bulbous plants.

Compost can be replaced with bone meal or horn shavings, and instead of mineral fertilizer add 200 g of ash and chicken droppings per 1 m 2.

Tulips are grown in one place for no more than 5 years, and are planted in the same area after the same period after any predecessor, except for crops such as daffodil, hyacinth, onion, and garlic.

Preparation of planting material

First of all, large, healthy bulbs are selected, without mechanical damage, since wrinkled and weak ones most likely will not bloom.

Treatment of tulips before planting in the fall depends on the source of purchase. If it is a reliable, well-known supplier, they can be planted directly into the ground without fear.

Bulbs of unknown origin must be etched, dipping for 30-40 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), antibacterial agent or fungicide.

Planting tulips in the ground

Bulbs can be planted individually using a scoop or special device, but they look best in groups. Therefore, more often they are placed in several pieces, removing the soil or turf on the lawn from a large area.

Planting tulips adhere to general rules and planting schemes for bulbous plants:

  • the depth of the hole should exceed the height of the bulb by 2-3 times;
  • a layer of sand of several millimeters is poured onto the bottom;
  • the bulbs are placed vertically, bottom down, slightly pressing into the sand;
  • the distance between them should be 3-5 times their diameter (usually 10-15 cm);
  • fill the hole with soil, level it and lightly compact it with the back of a rake;
  • the soil is moistened and mulched.

In order not to accidentally dig up the planted area later, it is marked with a label with the name.

You can extend the flowering period of tulips by selecting early and late varieties, as well as using the old garden technique of placing bulbs on two floors. Some are planted to a depth three times their height, others - two times. As a result, the lower specimens will bloom later.

If the tulips are properly prepared and processed before planting, they are planted in suitable soil, they will require a minimum of attention, will grow well and bloom amicably, decorating the area in the spring along with other flowers.

Tulips can decorate any flower bed if they are planted in time and properly cared for. This article will describe how to store tulip bulbs and when to plant them. open ground in the fall. Information will also be given on how to properly prepare tulip bulbs for planting, the soil in which they will grow, and how, in fact, tulips are planted in the fall.

Why are tulips planted in autumn?

Beginning flower growers do not always know when to plant tulips. However, the planting time is very important, because if the bulbs are not planted on time, this will affect the flowering and growth of the crop. It is believed that autumn is the optimal time to plant tulip bulbs, but why?

  • Bulbs planted in March produce flowers late, and sometimes the bud does not appear at all.
  • Planting tulips in the fall allows you to harden the bulbs and make them more resistant to frost and disease.
  • Those flowers planted in the fall usually produce larger, brighter, and fuller buds.

If tulips were not planted in the fall, they can be planted in early spring, after persistent frosts. The main thing is to mulch the bed well after planting and cover it with burlap.

Planting tulips in autumn

  • In the fall, markets and stores have a much larger selection of varieties and hybrids, because people buy bulbs en masse for planting. In spring there is never such diversity.
  • It is in the fall that tulip bulbs, by their nature, should go to sleep right in the ground. If they are not provided with this, the crop may begin to hurt or other problems will appear.

It is also worth noting that you cannot leave the bulbs in the ground for a year either. This is a mistake many young farmers make. The fact is that the bulb can live in the ground for many years without problems, but over time the plant will begin to get sick, the buds either will not appear or will be very small, so do not waste time digging them up and planting them again in the fall, the gardener can achieve better flowering and greater cultural persistence.

How to store tulips before planting in the fall?

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When the leaves of the tulips begin to turn yellow and the scales turn light brown, the bulbs are dug up. The time for digging up bulbs is from late June to mid-July. After digging, they are sorted by size, and all diseased and damaged ones are also set aside separately.

You need to dig up the bulbs as carefully as possible; you can use a pitchfork or similar tool that loosens the soil more than cuts.

Storing tulip bulbs in an egg tray

To ensure that the bulbs are in good condition by the time the tulips are planted in the fall, it is important to store them correctly. Usually the bulbs are carefully placed in a container and placed in a ventilated room where it is dark and free of drafts. It is very important that it is not cold in this room, otherwise the flower bud will not appear, but it should not be too hot, so that the bulbs do not grow. In July the temperature is approximately 20 degrees, in August – +17 degrees, and in September no higher than +15. At the same time, they begin to ventilate the room with the bulbs so that they get used to the external conditions.

Timing for planting tulips in autumn in open ground

In most regions, planting tulips in open ground in the fall occurs in September, approximately in the second half of the month, when it becomes cool. If September is too warm, you can postpone planting until October - the main thing is that it is not very warm outside.


Since mid-autumn, tulip bulbs are always on sale at promotions and big discounts, and this is beneficial for the gardener - it is important not to miss the moment.

The air temperature for planting tulips in open ground should not be higher than +10 degrees Celsius, otherwise after planting the bulbs will begin to grow and freeze during the first cold weather. If there is a chance that the temperature will rise, you should postpone planting. It's better to do this a little later than earlier. Do not be afraid - this is a very frost-resistant crop; tulip bulbs can easily tolerate temperatures closer to zero.

The timing of planting tulips in autumn depends on the region and temperature. environment, in the Moscow region this is the middle and end of September, for central Russia it is the beginning and middle of October. IN southern regions tulips are planted in open ground at the end of October, beginning of November.

Autumn planting of tulips in open ground

Place for planting tulips

The place for planting tulips is determined 2 weeks before planting in order to have time to prepare the soil. The earth is dug up with a full bayonet of a shovel. It is important to add fertilizer while digging. Complexes or single fertilizers are used - as is convenient for the gardener. Popular fertilizers used include simple humus, vermicompost, Gumi Kuznetsova and Baikal-M.


If the land where the tulips will be planted has previously been affected by diseases, you can also treat the land with Fitosporin - simply water it with the solution.

After digging and cultivating the soil, you must leave it for 2 weeks. If weeds appear, they need to be pulled out by the roots. It is worth noting that it is not worth planting tulips in the same place for several years in a row - the soil quickly becomes depleted and the flowers will grow slowly. And it is not recommended to plant after other bulbous plants, because they have the same diseases and pests.

How to prepare tulips for autumn planting?

If the bulbs were purchased in a store or at the market, it is advisable to pickle them, because it is unknown where and under what conditions they were grown. For processing, you can use a simple solution of potassium permanganate, weak, not saturated pink. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can take special preparations. “Maxim” and “Fitosporin” are well suited for such purposes.

There is no need to remove the skin from the tulip bulbs before planting. This is done only if there is doubt about their suitability. Then the peel is removed to inspect the bulb for damage, diseases or pests, but only before planting, and not before storing!

« Maksim “- a stronger remedy, it is used if spots, rot are noticeable on the bulb, or there is simply a suspicion of disease. There is a drug on sale called "Maxim Dachnik" - it is a bulb protectant.

« Fitosporin " is a weaker drug; it is needed more for prevention than for treatment.

If the bulbs are taken from own plot, and not purchased, then the gardener needs to decide for himself whether it makes sense to treat them before planting. Before planting, tulip bulbs should be sorted by size because large and small bloom in different time, although this is a matter of taste. If green bald spots do not interfere, then you can plant them mixed.

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground

Trenches or holes are made for planting. The bulbs are always planted vertically so that the bottom, from where the roots will then begin to grow, is located at the bottom.


Sometimes special containers are used for planting. Not only do they allow you to dig up all the bulbs at once when the time comes, but they also protect them from pests like mice.

Growing tulips on an industrial scale

The planting depth of a bulb is equal to the height of three bulbs. If the onion is small - two. If planted too high, the tulips will freeze, and if too deep, they will take a long time to germinate. One piece is planted in each hole; if trenches are used, a distance of 10-15 cm is maintained, depending on the variety. If you need to get a lush bush, you can plant it at a distance of 3-4 cm in a circle.

Growing tulips and planting in the fall is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow the rules and be careful. This is a very easy crop to care for, it does not cause problems and always blooms luxuriantly, pleasing the eye.

Tulips for most gardeners - required element flower decoration of the site in spring. These bulbous bulbs are unpretentious and grow even in shady gardens, since they manage to bloom before the leaves on the trees open. In order for the flowering to be vigorous in the spring, you need to know exactly when to plant tulips in the fall.

Autumn planting is done quite late, when there is no longer a risk that the bulbs will begin to build up green above-ground mass. Before the cold weather, they should only have time to form a root system. When planting work is carried out correctly spring flower bed will be especially attractive.

Landing dates

It takes 3 to 4 weeks for the bulb to take root and fully acclimatize before winter. For this reason, planting tulips in the fall in the country should not be too late.

Plants planted too early will produce leaves, sometimes even buds, which will cause the flowers to freeze when cold weather sets in. Only one-piece bulbs will survive until spring, and the flowerbed will look sad.

Late planting of plants causes the bulbs to not have time to form roots. As a result, in the spring the tulips are weakened and bloom poorly, or do not produce buds at all.

So, plant tulip bulbs in Middle lane it is necessary at a temperature of +3 degrees. At this moment, the ground temperature is even higher than +8 degrees, and root system will be able to form on time. When the soil is colder, the development of the plant stops, and the tulip goes to winter without roots, which leads to depletion of the bulb. Typically, tulips are planted in the middle zone in the last week of September and the first 2 weeks of October. If, according to weather forecasters, it is expected early start frosts, planting should be accelerated.

When to plant tulips in the fall in the Moscow region depends on the region. In the north, frost areas occur about a week earlier than in the south, and gardeners need to take this into account.

In the Urals autumn planting The tulip season begins 20 days earlier, as cold weather sets in already in September. Planting must be completed no later than October 10. Further, the further north the area, the closer to the beginning of September the bulbs are planted. In the south, in which month tulips are planted is determined by the weather. Planting is usually carried out from late October to mid-November. In especially warm years, the dates may shift to the very end of the last autumn month.

Planting tulips in autumn in Siberia is also related to the weather. It is not uncommon that after a very warm September in the region, low temperatures. Because of this, the bulbs must be planted before mid-September, and so that they do not begin to gain green mass, they are not watered.

Spring planting akin to forcing and negatively affects the condition of the bulbs.

The best way to determine when to plant tulips in the fall is to measure the soil temperature. An ordinary street thermometer is suitable for this. It is lowered into the ground to a depth of 15 cm (this is how much the bulbs are planted) and left for 30 minutes. If the temperature is from +8 to +10 degrees, then it’s time to start planting work.

It is recommended to check the temperature every other day. As soon as it becomes optimal, the landing is carried out, regardless of weather forecasters. Even if strong warming occurs, it will not be long enough to warm the soil at depth and force the bulb to develop green mass.

If for some reason planting tulips in the ground in the fall has been delayed, and the first snow has already fallen, then you can do it in 2 ways.

  1. The first way is to leave the bulbs for storage in the basement if frost has already begun and the ground has cooled to more than 7 degrees. The bulbs will need to be planted in early spring in boxes and placed in a cool place. After the snow has melted, tulips can be planted in the flowerbed.
  2. The second method is late planting of bulbs in a polycarbonate greenhouse, when in the fall negative temperatures Not a full day has been observed yet. Since the temperature of the ground in the building is higher than outside, the flowers must have time to take root. In the spring, after the tulips hatch, they will need to be transplanted into a flowerbed and free up the greenhouse for other crops.

Such experiments on untimely planting of tulips are forced, and every effort must be made in order to plant the plants on time.

How to plant correctly

When tulip bulbs are planted in the fall, the location for the flower bed is chosen based on certain criteria:

  • sun – if possible. If the area is shaded by non-deciduous plants and does not receive light even in spring, such a place is not suitable for flowers;
  • lack of cold wind - an area that is constantly blown by the north wind is not a place for a flower bed;
  • dry soil - bulbous plants do not tolerate damp soil and quickly get wet;
  • soil - for tulips best option– this is a light soil with a slightly alkaline reaction; if the soil is loose, then the respiration of the bulb improves and the flowers turn out to be larger.

Speaking about how to plant tulips in the fall, one cannot fail to note the peculiarities of preparing the soil in the flower garden. In order for the flowerbed to delight you with luxurious blooms in the spring, you need to provide the bulbs with good food. To do this, a section of the flower garden is first dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet and then 15 kg of humus and 160 g of sifted ash are added to each square meter. If there is chicken or duck droppings, then spill the soil with its solution 2 months before planting. This will enrich it with organic matter, but at the same time, the burning fertilizer will not harm the bulbs, since within 2 months it will lose its aggressive properties.

If manure is added to the flowerbed, it is important to remember that it should not be fresh, otherwise it will cause rotting of the bulbs and destroy the entire flower garden. You can only add manure to the soil that has been composted in the spring, or best of all, during the winter.

Planting tulips in the middle zone often requires additional supply of nutritious soil due to the clayiness of the soil. In this case, additional feeding is not required in the fall, and water the flowers with solutions bird droppings and ash will be needed in the spring, when the buds are forming.

To prevent fungal and bacterial infections from affecting the bulbs, they are treated with a weak solution of manganese, which destroys all pathogens. You cannot plant bulbs that have rot or mold on them, since the tulips are already infected. If you want to preserve them, then after treating them with an antiseptic, dry the bulbs and put them in paper bags and store them in the basement or in the refrigerator (in the vegetable compartment), and force them out in winter. The affected material should not be planted in the ground, as this will cause the infection to spread throughout the area and subsequently lose all the bulbs.

It is more convenient to plant flowers in furrows with a sand cushion at the bottom. Sand will prevent excess dampness and prevent the bulbs from drying out. It is also good to dip the planting material in fine ash so that pests living in the ground do not attack it.

Having decided when to plant tulip bulbs in the fall, you need to figure out how to do it. The bulb needs to be planted deep enough – 10-15 centimeters. The depth of planting tulips in the fall depends on how severe the winter will be. In the North, it is necessary to plant the bulb to a maximum depth of 15 cm, and in the South and in the Middle Zone, even 10 cm is enough. As the root system forms, the bulb will deepen even more, which is why it is necessary to dig the flowerbed well.

The distance between plants is also very important. If there is severe crowding, the bulbs will not be able to develop sufficiently, and there will be no large children and high-quality flowering.

An interval of 10 cm is maintained between the bulbs.

As a last resort, it is allowed to bring the plants closer together and leave a distance of 8 cm between them.

After the bulbs are placed, they are covered with soil and lightly compacted, but not compacted. It is necessary that the soil is not washed away by rain, but also does not create a hard layer that will be difficult for the sprouts rising in the spring to break through.

Already covered tulips are watered with cool water. Watering should be plentiful.

No more plant care is required before winter. Planting tulips in the fall does not take much time and can be done by all gardeners.


When subzero temperatures are already observed constantly, the flowerbeds are being mulched. If the winter turns out to be especially cold, then to prevent the bulbs from freezing, the area is additionally covered with snow.

The phenomenon of ice crust deserves special attention. When it forms, the flowers may suffocate. To prevent this outcome, it is necessary to break the crust in a timely manner and discard it.

When the winter has little snow and frost, even those gardeners who know how to plant tulips in the fall may encounter the problem of freezing. To preserve flowers, you must either collect snow, if possible, from unplanted areas of the garden, or additionally insulate the flower garden with sawdust and spruce branches. As a last resort, the material “ultrasil” is used. When using covering material, it must be removed as soon as it gets warmer so that the flowers do not begin to rot.

Knowing how to plant tulips in the fall, you don’t have to worry about not having beautiful blooms in the spring. Even a novice gardener can cope with the plant and receive a worthy reward for his labors in the spring.


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