We decorate the hallway beautifully. How to decorate a hallway: recommendations, interior options, photos The interior of a hallway in an apartment is a budget option

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We definitely couldn’t ignore the topic of decorating hallways, because it is with this that sometimes it’s quite small area and the impression of a house or city apartment begins. Sometimes it seems as if the arrangement of the entrance area is not of significant importance, but in the end, you will fully feel all the inconvenience if the hallway is not decorated correctly.

What mistakes are most often made when decorating hallways, and how to correct them, we will tell you in our article.

Lack of shoe rack

A similar picture can be observed in many hallways of city apartments, where there is not much space, and shoes, carelessly scattered on the floor, occupy all the free space at the front door. Agree This is inconvenient, not aesthetically pleasing, and not practical, because the shoes quickly become shabby appearance.



The dimensions of the hallway are not significant, because furniture stores will be able to offer you different variants shelves of any size for storing everyday shoes, for example: narrow wall organizers closed type, benches with shelves, vertical shelves, folding top drawers, etc.

Install a shoe rack in your hallway to make it more functional and clean.


Impractical floor

Another annoying mistake is the installation of a floor covering that is obviously incorrect in terms of wear resistance. For example, laminate, especially not expensive, is completely unsuitable for the floor near the entrance door to an apartment. Since the weather changes every day, if it is sunny today, it may rain tomorrow, as a result of which we come into the house with wet, dirty shoes, which in turn affects the condition of the poor-quality floor covering.

Very soon, the joints of the laminate slabs into which moisture has leaked will swell, and the appearance of the floor will change irrevocably.


If you do not intend to use expensive material to cover the floor in the entire hallway, you can lay it only at the entrance where the shoes are. At the same time, you can choose porcelain stoneware or tiles with an interesting geometric pattern, which, like a carpet, will become an additional decoration of the entrance area.


Little light

For many, the lack of high-quality lighting in the hallway is not critical, often because people simply get used to the fact that this zone The apartment is lit by only one source with a low-power lamp.



It is not at all necessary to install spotlights along the entire perimeter of the ceiling in the hallway, but you can install a pendant lamp with two or three arms, and in addition attach a wall sconce near the mirror.


Things on display

We are all different, this is undeniable, just like everyone has certain habits or an established way of life. But, we believe, the disorder in the hallway can only be justified by inability or ignorance of how to properly organize a small space.


If only one day you finally order a built-in design of sections for placing shoes, outerwear, bags and other things, you can once and for all rid yourself and the hallway of chaotic storage of items by simply placing them behind closed doors.


Lack of seating

Even the smallest hallway space can accommodate everything you need for comfortable getting ready before leaving the house. Therefore, the absence of a bench or compact pouf is not appropriate here, and is very inconvenient, especially for children and older people.



Be sure to place a chair, stool, pouf or bench at the exit from the apartment where you can sit down to put on your shoes. If you need to save too little space, use multifunctional furniture or folding items: benches with shelves for shoes, book stools, narrow chests of drawers with open and closed shelves, etc.


Impractical wall cladding

We kindly ask you not to use paper wallpaper for decorating walls in the entrance area, since if they get dirty, they cannot even be wiped so as not to damage the surface. Also, some types of interior paints are not practical.


If you decorate the walls in the hallway with wallpaper, it must be washable, but it is better to combine it with wall panels made of lining, polyurethane elements or treated wood. The material for wall cladding here should, first of all, be easily washable and retain its appearance after being cleaned from contaminants (dust, splashes of moisture and dirt).

Small mirror

Not only women, but also men can appreciate the disadvantage of a small wall mirror. You can only see yourself from the waist up, but you definitely won’t be able to evaluate your appearance at full height.



A mirror, as a rule, is a fairly compact piece of furniture, so even in the smallest hallway, if desired, you can install a fairly large copy on the floor. You just need to take care of reliable fastenings, and the entrance area will become much more comfortable.


Boring look

Often, the decor of the hallway in the average apartment is not distinguished by an unusual design approach, but in vain, because interesting design close entrance doors can positively influence a person’s mood when he is going, for example, to an important or exciting meeting.


Don’t be afraid that the hallway will not be the same as your neighbors are used to seeing it - create the atmosphere boldly, because you are the one to live here. Lay out a small but original rug, choose a figured mirror, hang a couple of paintings with your favorite subject, or paint a section of the wall in a beautiful, unusual color.


Carpet at the entrance

Be carpeting in the hallway or not is up to you to decide, but in any case it should not occupy the entire floor area, as this is completely impractical. In the place where shoes are usually placed, trampled or dirty footprints will form, and near the door itself the carpet will curl up or bulge.


If you are used to the fact that the hallway is always complemented soft coating, but want to maintain the cleanliness and attractive appearance of the floor, we recommend using small compact rugs or narrow carpet runners that can be laid outside the shoe bench, for example, and only stand on them with bare feet.


Extra objects

Unless we are talking about special designs for placing a wardrobe in the hallway, it is better to abandon a massive chest of drawers or ottoman, which takes up most of the space in a small hallway.


In general, the hallway should not contain unnecessary objects that are not appropriate for it. Only the most necessary, functional items that are difficult to do without: shoe bags, poufs, hangers and mirrors, a console for small items.

The calling card of any home is hallway . It is with her that the home begins, she is the first to greet you upon arrival and creates an impression of the taste and financial capabilities of the owners. Despite the cramped space, hallway and corridor design should be beautiful and comfortable. Something so simple and unpretentious is needed link the room with the overall design of the apartment.

The rare owner of a city apartment can be congratulated on having a spacious hallway of the correct shape.

Hallway and corridor prominent representatives specific premises. Finishing the work that is carried out must meet a number of requirements. They are mainly related to the choice of material. Necessary use only durable, wear-resistant coatings that are resistant to various mechanical influences, dirt, sand.

The hallway is the first room that anyone who enters a home or apartment sees, and it deserves to be furnished accordingly.

Hallway and corridor - the first room where a person enters from the street. In this regard, the degree of their contamination is overestimated. To indoors It was clean, it needs to be cleaned regularly. It is important to use a floor covering that will make this easy and simple. At the same time, it must withstand moisture and cleaning agents well.

The correct design of a corridor or wide hallway determines not only the comfort of residents and their aesthetic pleasure, but also psychological harmony.

If we are talking about the hallway in a private house, then the requirements for flooring are more stringent. And this is not surprising. To get into apartment , the owner overcomes the entrance and flight of stairs. These elements are not available in private ownership. As a result, he goes straight from the street to hallway As for the walls, then they require a special approach in the process finishing. Material It’s better to choose a non-staining one. Caring for it should be as simple as possible.

In some cases, you have to clean the surface daily. Especially when there are pets or small children in the house.

Choose color about finishing materials necessary according to general home design. Hallway interior must be harmoniously combined with others premises . This will create an attractive picture of the image of the home. It doesn’t matter if it’s private house or apartment in the city.

The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment can negate efforts to create a holistic interior and spoil the first impression.

The finishing directly depends on the type of corridor.

Whatever modern ideas The design of the hallway was not the basis of the project; in the pursuit of beauty, we must not forget the main thing - the purpose of this part of the housing.

Interior The lobby should be easy to use and practical. Beauty and attractiveness design fades into the background. Stylish hallway may be uncomfortable for the owners and cause a lot of trouble. If the system is not thought out storage things, you will need to spend a lot of time deciding where best to place them. As a result, there is a possibility of being late for work. Besides room interior will become cluttered and unsightly.

Before planning the design of this room, it is worth paying attention to what function the corridor performs.

As a rule, the entrance zone in apartments small sizes. Configuration premises extremely inconvenient. As a result, its arrangement becomes a real problem. You can cope with them if you approach the problem correctly. Before you start setting up hallway and corridor , you need to prepare a clear plan. It will indicate how everything is located apartment zones depending on their functional purpose. This will allow for proper distribution space.

We all have different needs, lifestyles and tastes in interior design.

Storage space for shoes in the hallway should be close to the door. You should place a pouf or chair next to it. It will help you put on your shoes quickly and easily. Hangers with hooks should not be placed far away. Sufficient distance from the shoe rack zones is an outstretched arm. You can put on a jacket or coat immediately before going out. Looks good couple shelves open type. They are used to store various small items, handbags.

Often the only way to avoid clutter in small hallways is to make the room more ascetic.

Small room: what to consider when arranging it?

A large lobby is a rarity for modern apartments Entrance area housing is in many cases limited. Its size and area are modest. Place the required furniture it's always difficult.

This space only accommodates hooks on which clothes are stored and a shelf for shoes.

Experts recommend decorate small corridors in the style of minimalism. It will allow rational use space , make it comfortable and beautiful. Appropriate to use furniture , made to order. Its dimensions and volumes will be optimal for the given hallway, as shown in the photo.

Thus, the owners will be able to realize their interesting ideas arrangement.

In a small hallway Only necessary furniture should be present. It should not be cluttered with various objects. Keep things can be in a compact and spacious closet. It’s good if it is equipped with sliding doors mirrored doors as shown in photo. They will visually increase the area of ​​the room. Place shoes and slippers in the shoe rack. This design looks modern and original.

The visual perception of the hallway forms the shade walls, objects and lighting. Good for a small hallway bright hues. They allow you to create an attractive corridor interior.

It is important to note that such furniture gets dirty quickly and requires careful care.

hallway can be separated from the main living area zones in the apartment . Sliding glass is perfect for this. door leaf. It is transparent and the light flow will penetrate into the corridor without obstacles.

Thanks to this, the space will visually increase.

Mainly in the hallway there are no windows filling the room with natural light. This must be taken into account when arranging. It is compensated by artificial sources, it is established a large number of lamp. Otherwise, the lobby will be gloomy, which will visually reduce its area.

If you design it correctly, any entrance area will become stylish and beautiful view, will be convenient.

Narrow room

Narrow hallway has a number of disadvantages. They are especially noticeable during the process registration Modern Design Ideas will allow you to hide them, the room will become cozy and original. They are listed on photo below.

First you need to allocate a room functional areas: for storing shoes and clothes.

The placement of furniture and other furnishings is being thought through. There must be free space left. IN narrow hallway the main measurements are disproportionate. This disadvantage can be smoothed out with finishing materials. If you combine surfaces correctly, the room will have a new look.

Great for this interior use of mirrors and photo wallpapers. They are placed on long walls . If provided interior door, then it’s better to refuse it.

An opening in the form of an arch will look more harmonious.

As for the shade walls, then the elongated ones should be light, and the short ones a tone darker. This will allow you to visually change the configuration corridor. Instead of a narrow one, he will gain square shape. A lamp is placed in the center of the elongated wall. It will create an edge-shading effect in the room. Such design idea always looks advantageous.

Corner shape of the room

The corner hallway is not the best option for configuring the room. Fit wardrobe in such a small room it’s easy. The main thing is to choose its shape correctly. A good option will become a corner furniture. It is characterized by increased capacity, takes up little space and allows injure not only things, but also other things items as shown in the photo.

An excellent interior solution for a corridor would be a wardrobe, which would ideally help hide various clothes and accessories from strangers.

If the closet decorate with mirror inserts, then space there will be no visual loss. The choice of furniture on the market is huge. This allows you to select the one option, which will be optimal for a narrow entrance zones . Its area is rational will take shape.

In order to further visually expand the space of the hallway, you can order a wardrobe with a mirrored door to make it visually more spacious.

Staircase in the hallway

Stairs in the corridor can be important element. Below it is space, which is easy and useful to use. It is perfect for organizing a system storage of things. In this area you can place, as shown in the photo:

  • Shoe shelves;
  • Small locker;
  • Pouf, armchair;
  • Hooks for clothes.

Before you start arranging the staircase space, you need to determine what the structure is used for.

If it combines a hall and a corridor, it can be used as a recreation area. For this purpose it is installed small sofa and a coffee table.

Khrushchev apartment: features of the hallway

Apartments, built during the reign of Khrushchev, they do not have a well-thought-out layout. It is quite inconvenient and typical. Presented as a narrow premises with doors that lead to living rooms. To arrange corridor, you can use these ideas:

  • Perform redevelopment;
  • Install shoe shelf, fasten hooks for things on the wall;
  • Change visual perception premises.

The final design idea is to create a special color scheme.

For wall decoration mirrors are used. The ceiling is finished with a shiny coating. The shade of the walls and furniture is light. If the area does not allow you to install a cabinet, then mezzanines can be fixed to the ceiling surface, which are designed for storing things, as shown in photo.

All this will allow you to visually expand the entrance part of the housing.

Private home ownership

A country house is different from apartments . Its construction is carried out according to an individual design solution. As a result, the premises of the building have a non-standard layout. Corridor was no exception.

In such houses it is necessary to install metal doors. It opens directly to the street, which creates a temperature dissonance inside and outside the house. Also perfect for this occasion double door. One of them is usually wooden.

You should not use drywall or paper materials in such corridors. They are not resistant to moisture.

Such premises are better trim practical materials. For walls Paint will do, and the floors will be tiled.

Furniture made of wood or chipboard country houses not appropriate. Exposure to moisture will cause it to quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. It's better to choose hardware, decorated with forged elements.

Such an environment will be aesthetic and functional.

What furniture to choose?

Today, modular furniture is often used for arrangement. furniture or ready-made designs. Such walls are an excellent place for storage things, shoes. If necessary, you can arrange a women's corner. It includes a spacious chest of drawers and a mirror.

Furniture in a small hallway should be predominantly light colors.

The lobby is an important part of any apartment. Despite its modest size and non-standard configuration, the correct decor can turn it into the main advantage of the house.

If you show your imagination, your hallway will be comfortable, stylish and beautiful.

VIDEO: Hallway and corridor design ideas.

50 ideas for modern hallway and hallway design:

   Floor: -    Walls: -    Ceiling: -    Wardrobe: -

6-11-2016, 13:33

Show me your hallway and I'll tell you what kind of house you have. In approximately this way, one can reinterpret the expression widespread among the masses, and its literal meaning will boil down to the following: the interior design of this room should be taken very seriously. If you don’t yet know what the design of the hallway in your apartment should be, we offer 35 photos from best ideas, which may help you achieve impressive results.

Where to start?

An equally logical answer: absolutely everything requires attention. Walls, ceiling, choice of the right flooring and lighting, competent selection of furniture - all this ultimately determines the degree of attractiveness of your hallway not only in your own eyes, but also in the eyes of your guests.

Perhaps, before you start decorating the hallway in your apartment, you should decide on the character of the interior.

Do you prefer the good old classics? Then you are probably better off relying on such balanced and time-tested examples.

Or do you really want to emphasize the originality of your premises and make a claim to relevance and modernity? In this case, it is advisable to move towards more relaxed design options.

Walls. Selecting texture and color

The main choice you must make is to decide on the material for the walls. Smooth decorative plaster in the hallway, for example, is good because it allows you to apply absolutely any design.

A win-win option in terms of color is beige. It will “domesticate” any room.

No less popular is the option with a brick texture. The hallway takes on a more expressive and expensive look.

Summary: The numerous photos of the decoration of the hallway in the apartment, given above, convince us that even from such a narrow and inexpressive room at first glance, you can make a real piece of candy. Take into account other people's ideas, but do not follow the path of blindly copying them. Only in this case will you be happy to see a pleasant result every time you cross the threshold of your own apartment.

Photo: onliner.by, citydog.by, forumhouse.ru, forumivd.ru, vk.com, ok.ru

The modern design of the hallway allows you to feel the atmosphere of your apartment from the first steps; it will be used to judge the tastes and preferences of the owners. The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment can negate efforts to create a holistic interior and spoil the first impression.

Whatever modern hallway design ideas lie at the heart of the project, in the pursuit of beauty we must not forget the main thing - the purpose of this part of the home. People come here from the street, take off and leave their shoes and outerwear, often dusty, wet from rain or snow. In addition, umbrellas, hats, gloves, and seasonal shoes are usually stored here; if space allows, they arrange storage areas or even allocate separate dressing rooms, which are used not only for clothing, but also for a variety of household items.

This is the last room in the house in which we are before leaving it, and the first to which we return. It is also the most “passable” one in the apartment. Therefore, its functionality should be at the forefront of our attention.

The word “hallway” usually refers to the entrance part of an apartment. It may consist of the hallway itself, or include a corridor, part of the hall, or the entire hall. When using open plans, the hallway is separated from the main part of the apartment using a partition or visual zoning is used.

Modern finishing materials for the hallway

Based on the purpose of the room, modern design in the hallway, materials should be used that are resistant to wear and abrasion, withstanding high humidity. Basic requirements for finishing materials:

  • wear resistance (especially for flooring),
  • ease of cleaning,
  • environmental friendliness.

The same requirements generally apply to materials for furniture manufacturing. The finishing is inappropriate here natural veneer, the use of expensive wood species - in difficult conditions They will most likely not last long.

The most suitable modern flooring for the entrance area:

  • tiles from artificial stone or ceramics,
  • porcelain tiles,
  • cutting of natural stone,
  • linoleum.

You can also use high-grade laminate that can withstand water. Natural parquet and parquet board It is not recommended to use them - they will quickly lose their attractive appearance. For walls, either painting or modern moisture-resistant wallpaper is most often used.

Hallway equipment in a modern style

Modern hallway interior design is characterized by the use of furniture that simultaneously performs several functions. For example, a shoe bench, as a rule, also serves as a storage box for shoes, an ottoman on which you can sit is a storage for shoe care products, a clothes closet is replaced by a whole storage system, which contains space for both street clothes and clothes. sports supplies.

Design and color scheme of the hallway in a modern style

Regardless of the size of the room, minimalism is considered the most suitable style, which allows you to fit everything you need even in a modest area and avoid clutter.

Suitable for entrance area design and Scandinavian style, combining simplicity and environmental friendliness.

Whatever style you choose, you should use a minimum of decorative elements in the interior, trying to let the main pieces of furniture take on a decorative role. For example, very effective element hallway design in modern style I can be original holders for clothes and accessories, as in the photo below.

The color combinations used in the design of a modern hallway should contribute to visual increase and adjusting proportions. In addition, it is not recommended dark colors, since the entrance area usually does not have access daylight and is the least illuminated.

The preferred basic tones are:

  • White and its shades (milky, creamy, snowy);
  • Beige (coffee with milk, Ivory, peach);
  • Light grey.

Depending on the chosen style, suitable active colors are selected as additional ones. Beige, for example, goes well with the natural tones of earth, sand, and chocolate. Snowy white is elegantly complemented by blue, turquoise and lemon tones. You just need to make sure that they are not too dark.

Exceptions are allowed if the hallway is large or has very high ceilings. The simpler color combinations- so much the better, too bright colors and sharp contrasts can visually reduce even a very spacious hallway.

Photo of the interior of the hallway in a modern style

Below are various options and ideas for a hallway in a modern style.

Photo 1. Using mirrors, you can expand a long, narrow hallway and add light and shine to it.

Photo 2. Built-in ceiling lamps provide general light, the central pendant highlights the entrance area, and the sconces on the walls decorate the wall mirror, which is the main decorative element interior

Photo 3,4. Even the smallest hallways in a modern style can be equipped with the necessary things: a hanger or wardrobe, a seat and a mirror.

Photo 5. Light color walls, ceiling and floor in the hallway design deprives the space of boundaries, increasing its size.

Photo 6. Wall cabinets in a modern hallway design will help to visually lighten the interior and simplify cleaning.

Photo 7. The hallway is decorated original handles for cabinets, paintings, decorative pillows, as well as hats and a mirror hung on the wall.

Photo 8. Large mirror doors cabinets and a mirror above the table add volume and shine, while the glossy floor enhances the impression.

Photo 9. The entrance area in the hallway interior is highlighted using a semicircular structure with a built-in storage system.

Photo 10. Red color is the brightest design element of a hallway in a modern style.

The hallway is a special place where relatives and guests are greeted and seen off. Modern hallway With original design will allow everyone to feel the atmosphere of the apartment from the threshold; it is by this that the tastes of the home owner are judged. If you design this space incorrectly, you can ruin the entire picture of the home’s interior, worsen or completely ruin the first impression.

You can strive to create the hallway as attractive as possible, but first of all you need to remember its functional purpose. It is the hallway that welcomes all home and guests. Here they take off shoes and outerwear, which may be wet or dusty. They also store gloves, umbrellas and hats here, which means you need to arrange a special place for them.

This room not only welcomes us, but also sees us off, because this is where we stay before leaving the apartment. In fact, this is the most “passable” place in the apartment, which means its functionality is in the foreground.

“Hallway” is the entrance part to the housing, which may consist of an entrance hall, or include a hall, its separate part or a long corridor.

Fashionable finishing materials

Considering functional purpose In this space, you need to use materials that will be as resistant to abrasion and wear as possible, and able to withstand moisture and dirt.

Material requirements:

  • Easy cleaning.
  • Increased wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The requirements for furniture will be similar: expensive wood looks out of place here, because it can be quickly damaged.

Hallway flooring:

  • Ceramic or stone tiles.
  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Linoleum.
  • Cutting down natural stones.

Now gaining popularity new laminate, which is characterized by high resistance to moisture and water. Natural parquet is not used here, as it quickly deteriorates. It is best to paint the walls or use moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Modern furniture for the hallway

Nowadays it is best to use multifunctional furniture for the hallway. For example, a bench for putting on shoes can be used as a storage box, and an ottoman that you can sit on will be a “safe” for accessories, etc.

A number of necessary pieces of furniture and technical equipment:

  • Shoe rack. If the dimensions allow, then you can put a cabinet for shoes, the upper part of which will serve as a glove table or a shelf for bags and other small things.
  • Closet. This piece of furniture can be found in almost every apartment, because it stores outerwear and many other things that cannot be found anywhere else for storage. The closet can be fundamentally small, or it can be an entire closet or dressing room.
  • Ottoman or seat. A place to comfortably put on your shoes can serve as an element for storing small items, and is also sometimes mounted with a hanger to save space.
  • Rug. No matter how good the floor is, a small rug by the door is required element hallway interior. As soon as you cross the threshold of the house, you immediately stand on the rug, which absorbs the bulk of the moisture and dirt brought from the street.
  • Mirror. The larger the mirror here, the better, because every person, when leaving the house, will definitely look in the mirror, put himself in order and admire whether the selected clothes are suitable for leaving the house. Girls and women can do their makeup here, or just fix their hair. The best option There will be a human-sized mirror for a good overview.
  • Lighting. It is this that greatly influences the design of the hallway and its perception. The owners can choose from several types of lighting, for example, general (near the entrance, immediately illuminates all the necessary space), local (for illuminating individual areas - closets, mirrors, places for shoes, etc.), decorative (allows you to place the right accents and emphasize originality design ideas and solutions, visually increases the space).
  • Other interior elements. These could be key holders, comfortable tables, umbrella stand, hanger and a number of other decorative items. Designers and experts agreed that there is no point in overloading the hallway with decorative elements that are not useful. Therefore, most items should have a functional purpose and justify their presence.

Design and choice of modern colors

In both small and large hallways, the style of minimalism is relevant and interesting. It is he who will help make the room as functional, discreet as possible and eliminate unnecessary clutter.

Scandinavian style is also used for the entrance, which combines environmentally friendly safety and simplicity of design.

Regardless of the chosen style, you need to be restrained in decor and try to let functional furniture take on the decorative role. For example, you can use original hanger that will look interesting and create a pleasant impression.

The color scheme should emphasize the peculiarity and importance of this space, visually enlarge the hallway and adjust its proportions. Often there is no natural light, therefore the use of dark tones is not preferable.

  • White in all shades.
  • Beige (peach, coffee with milk).
  • Gray color in light colors.

In the hallway you can also use active colors, but only as additional ones or combine them with light ones, all depending on the style. Beige will go well with chocolate or sand color. White color looks elegant when paired with blue or its shades. In general, you need to make the hallway so that it does not seem gloomy or too dark.

An exception to the rule may be a large hallway with high ceilings. Here you can use bright colors, sharp contrasts and transitions, which will visually make the room smaller and make it more comfortable.


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