Which slats are best to install fiber cement siding on? DIY fiber cement siding...

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Increased demands are placed on finishing facade materials, since they must not only improve appearance home, but also reliably protect the walls from negative external influences. Along with natural materials, such as wood or stone, imitations are also used, which are practically not inferior in characteristics to the originals. One of these analogues is .

Fiber cement siding: manufacturers, manufacturing technology, characteristics, varieties

Fiber cement siding is facing material For exterior finishing buildings. There are two technologies for manufacturing fiber cement cladding - autoclave hardening and natural maturation.

Autoclave curing

The main composition of raw materials is cement, quartz sand, natural fiber ( cellulose fiber) and water. The mixture is formed in special drums, and excess moisture removed under pressure. After this, the workpieces are sent to an autoclave, where hardening occurs under the influence of hot steam and high pressure. The production cycle also includes dyeing, due to which the original gray range is diluted with a mass of different shades. Due to heat treatment, the production time of the material is significantly reduced.

Natural ripening

This type of fiber cement differs from the first option not only in the manufacturing method, but also in the composition - it is made from a mixture of cement, synthetic fiber (polyvinyl fiber), lime and water. The technology does not involve temperature effects. After mixing, forming and pressing, the sheets gain brand strength within standard periods. cement mixtures twenty eight days.

Both methods give the cladding approximately the same technical parameters– strength, wear resistance, durability, low thermal conductivity and high decorative effect.

The difference is in the resulting texture: autoclave processing produces an imitation of almost any material; natural maturation produces a rough surface on which fiber fibers are clearly visible.

Types of fiber cement cladding

Manufacturers offer two main types of cladding:

  • Fiber cement siding - long wide boards, look and feel identical to valuable types of wood. Dimensions depend on the specific manufacturer; there are two types of siding - a flat board, mounted with an overlap, and a board with a chamfer, this groove makes it possible to install end-to-end and imitates lining, while the flat board resembles planken.
  • Fiber cement panels are rectangular slabs, most often imitating stone or brick surfaces, but there are also smooth collections that resemble a plastered wall.

Depending on the scope of application, fiber cement cladding is produced for walls and basements. Plinth panels, due to increased operational loads, are thicker and heavier than the wall variety. Regardless of the type of cladding and its purpose, the common name for this facade material is most often used - fiber cement siding.

If we compare metal, vinyl and fiber cement siding, the price of the latter per m2 will be higher due to the raw material component and the features of the technology. Therefore, with all the advantages of such a material as fiber cement, vinyl siding is still more common.

However, fiber cement facade siding is gradually conquering the Russian market, as it is superior to other types of siding in strength and durability. Although some are confused by the frost resistance of the material - on average 200 cycles, there is no reason to worry. Yes, in our climate, the readings on a thermometer in one season can jump from plus to minus a dozen times, but this does not mean that after several years the siding will begin to warp and crumble.

Frost resistance cycles during testing building materials and natural cyclicality are different concepts

The frost resistance cycle means the complete freezing of the test sample and its complete thawing; it takes into account how many times the sample will withstand this procedure until its parameters begin to change. Therefore, even in Russian conditions, the qualities declared by the manufacturer will last for several decades - the service life of fiber cement siding is on average 50 years.

And the decorative component of the material is excellent - it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and even after several years retains the brightness of the color. It's just as attractive, but doesn't require constant maintenance: it doesn't need to be soaked and repainted every few years, which is why our users choose fiber cement. Moscow or a small village on the edge of geography - everywhere there are fans of this “unkillable tree”.

Those who are closer brickwork, clad the façade with fiber cement panels. When installed correctly, the result is a monolithic surface without pronounced joints, indistinguishable from brick wall. This is the kind of mansion with facing brick finishing that his framer turned into. AlexeyT, who chose fiber cement panels for the façade.

Which fiber cement siding to buy

Now you can buy any fiber cement siding; production is carried out by both domestic and foreign companies. Japanese and Belgian products are famous for their excellent quality and large selection of textures, but Russian fiber cement siding is also quite competitive. There are small companies that produce fiber cement panels to order - they can imitate almost any surface, but unlike products from well-known brands, they require painting after installation.

Installation technology

The technology for installing fiber cement siding is practically no different from installing conventional siding and other hanging materials. There are two main ways:

  • Fastening to a subsystem - timber lathing or metal profile, the pitch of the guides depends on the dimensions of the board or panels. Lathing not only compensates for uneven walls. It is necessary when the facade is pre-insulated or a so-called ventilated facade is made, in which a ventilation gap is required between the wall and the facing screen.

AlexeyT made a choice in favor of metal sheathing under façade panels.


A subsystem for a galvanized steel facade is needed in order to define two planes of the facade. There is only one plane on the back wall, therefore there is no frame there. A 50x50 mm block of wood is screwed horizontally along the racks for an additional layer of insulation, and a sheathing - a 25x100 mm board - is placed on the bars. You still can’t do without the sheathing - the pitch of the racks does not coincide with the dimensions of the panels, and the air gap is not at all superfluous.

  • Mounting directly to the surface – smooth walls without the need for insulation, they can be mounted directly to the wall. Most often, this type of assembly is used on walls finished with OSB (oriented particle board, aka OSB).

Among portal users, installation of siding on a subsystem, on top of a layer of insulation, is more in demand; the correct “pie” includes protective membranes. Serkov I insulated my frame cottage with a layer mineral wool, and chose fiber cement siding as the cladding: an unusual lilac shade - on the main canvas, and white– finishing in corners and around windows.

As fasteners, you can use both ordinary self-tapping screws and special holders - clamps. The screw caps are recessed into the board and covered with sealant, and then painted over; it is also recommended to treat the joints with sealant. This will not only increase decorativeness, but will also protect the material, moisture will not enter the joints, and all cuts resulting from the assembly process will be painted over. As corner additional elements, the same board is most often used as for the main canvas, either the same color or a contrasting one. It is also used for finishing other joints, slopes and around window openings, which distinguishes fiber cement siding from vinyl, which loses its appearance without branded components.

According to FORUMHOUSE users, the material is no more difficult to work with than its wooden or vinyl counterparts - the board cuts well, the edge is smooth.

If you have a minimum set of power tools, the installation process will not cause difficulties even for a beginner; the main thing is to follow the instructions that are included with the siding by the manufacturer. The only inconvenience is the greater weight of the segments. But fiber cement cladding can be installed at any time of the year, it is not afraid subzero temperatures. It was the resistance of fiber cement to summer heat and frost, coupled with its wood-like texture and rich color, that persuaded the FORUMHOUSE participant Miss Chio to the decision to buy this particular cladding.

Miss Chio FORUMHOUSE user

The external decoration of your dacha is a rather complex and meticulous process; personally, for a very long time I could not choose a specific external decoration for my country house. My house itself is built of shell rock on two floors, in general, it’s a nice little house, but how to make it facade finishing I didn't know for a long time. It took almost six months to resolve this issue; on the one hand, I wanted to do something unique that everyone would really like, but on the other hand, of course, I wanted to make the finishing very inexpensive. I reviewed a number of sites on the Internet and visited exactly more than five hundred houses before settling on a specific choice exterior finishing. Simply plastering the walls and then painting them seemed too simple and unattractive to me, especially since almost all houses with plaster have unattractive cracks, that is, any plaster cracks after 1...3 years and then simply crumbles.

I also wanted to brick the house, but this pleasure is quite expensive, at least for my salary. However, I found what I was looking for not far from the city! It was a one-story house, decorated with wood; after talking with the owner, I learned that such a pleasure was not at all expensive. This type of house decoration also looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, especially since this type of finishing is also very durable. According to the owner of this house, he did the siding about ten years ago, but this type of finishing is holding up just fine even today. Finally, after years of searching, I best finish At home I finally found an aesthetic and at the same time simple and inexpensive option. In general, it’s decided - I’m doing siding, all that remains is to choose what material to use. I definitely decided not to do it, for the reason that with wooden finishing on the street, at least, I think so, many problems can arise, that is, wood, especially on the street, requires too much care. The option with metal siding also seemed not very effective to me. But I found on one site a very interesting option made of fiber cement (cement siding) - finally, an option for finishing the facade of a dacha has been found, this option is really very attractive and beautiful, and also very durable.

Cement based siding is made from special mixture high quality cement and versatile cellulose fiber. This finish is unique and good in many respects, firstly, this finish does not burn, it does not require special care like wood trim, and will definitely last for decades. The only thing is that it costs a little more than metal finish, but this difference is quite insignificant. Any builder will understand why I chose cement siding; that is, I simply made such cladding plates myself at my dacha. There is nothing complicated here, I just made a series of molds, filled them with concrete and drowned cellulose fiber into the mold, that’s all. If you also want to make such finishing plates for yourself, then think through all the dimensions and required holes when casting, otherwise cutting reinforced concrete plates will not be easy later. Another tip - everyone knows that concrete greedily drinks water, so to prevent the plates from gaining weight due to absorbed moisture, cover them with a waterproof compound, for example, you can simply paint the plates.

User comments.

The task is to choose a material for cladding a ventilated façade. It must be as strong as concrete so that you can choose the texture and color of the front part. And most importantly, it has not lost its appearance over 10 years of use. The solution is fiber cement siding. From the review you will find out what it is and which manufacturers promote this material on Russian market. For this we have selected 5 best companies, specializing in the manufacture of this cladding.

Purpose of the article: tell us about the range of fiber cement siding, help you decide on suitable material and its manufacturer.

Important information about the material

Fiber cement siding (hereinafter referred to as FCS) – composite finishing material from water, cement, sand, as well as cellulose fibers or PAV, asbestos. Concrete works under compression, fibers play the role of a reinforcing filler, and together the siding is durable and does not contain toxic substances. The front side is given the required invoice, the material is painted, after which it takes on a finished look.

Main characteristics of the FCS
Comparison criterion Kinds Note
Production technology Natural ripening For natural maturation, a mixture of water, Portland cement, lime, and synthetic fibers, such as PVA, is used. After pressing, the resulting blanks are left for 28 days to mature under natural conditions. The technology requires the use of large production areas, therefore it is suitable for creating special textures.
Autoclave maturation It is used in most enterprises to produce mass models of siding. The mixture for FCS consists of cement, sand, cellulose and water. The ripening of the blanks occurs in an autoclave under a pressure of 7 atmospheres when treated with superheated steam.
Dimensions Siding Conditional division by size. Most manufacturers define siding as boards with a width of 190-200 mm and a thickness of 6-10 mm, while the width of the slabs is on average 455 mm with a thickness of 14 to 35 mm.
  • smooth;
  • under the tree;
  • under a stone;
  • under brick;
  • under plaster;
  • designer
It is formed when rolled into cylinders with the appropriate relief. The final appearance of the workpiece is given at the stages of applying paint and other coatings.
Mounting method overlap It turns out the facade is Scandinavian style imitating finishing wooden planks. Installation of the material in a horizontal position.
Butt-butt Can be used for conventional FCS with a rectangular profile, or for material with a tongue-and-groove connection. Any texture, fastening the cladding vertically or horizontally.
Coating Absent Some manufacturers supply cladding covered only with a layer of primer for subsequent painting. This is convenient if the desired color scheme is not in the manufacturer’s catalog.
LMB Usually 2-3 layers are applied acrylic paint from the catalogue.
UV protection To preserve the original color of the cladding, the paint layer must be protected from exposure ultraviolet rays using varnish or a thin ceramic coating.
Special This includes a hydrophilic coating to give the material the ability to self-clean in the rain, photocatalysts for air purification, etc. Significantly increase the cost of FCS.

This finish is secured with nails, self-tapping screws or clamps. The caps of fasteners are tinted with paint suggested by the manufacturer. The base is the lathing; in some cases it is possible to mount it directly to the wall. It all depends on the thickness and area of ​​the material, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations. The seams between the panels are left or sealed with sealant.

We offer you a list of 5 companies that specialize in the production of fiber cement facade finishing. Most likely, when purchasing FCS in the CIS, you will be dealing with the products of one of them.

Summary table of fiber cement siding manufacturers
Manufacturer Range Min. price, rub./m²
Cedral / Belgium 5 models of Equitone slabs, 2 models of siding 1 124
Latonit / Russia 4 types of slabs: unpainted, painted, body-painted and anti-vandal. 1 type of siding panels. 730
Mirco/Russia Panels and siding with a thickness of 6 to 10 mm with regular and locking joints with a smooth or wood-imitating texture. 683
Kmew/Japan 4 lines of panels with coatings for self-cleaning, UV protection, and air purification. All types of textures. 1 602
Nichiha/Japan 5 types of slabs with thicknesses from 14 to 35 mm. UV protection. All types of textures. 1 520

1. Cedral (Cedral) - Belgium

The products of this company will be the first to catch your eye if you start to be interested in fiber cement siding. Cedral is the most popular in the CIS trademark. It belongs to the international holding Etex, the Eternit company headquartered in Belgium. The product line of materials that interest us is represented by panels and siding. The range of the latter includes 2 types of material. Cellulose fibers are used as reinforcing raw materials. There are 5 types of panels under the Equitone TM. They are designed for cladding large buildings. All products come with a 10 year UV resistance guarantee. We will only consider what the manufacturer offers for private development.

Characteristics of Cedral fiber cement siding
Cedral Cedral click
a brief description of Facade board made of fiber cement with a rectangular profile. It looks good when installed horizontally with an overlap, but can be installed end-to-end. Fiber cement board with a quarter profile. The material can be mounted end-to-end horizontally or vertically - easier than conventional Cedral. Finished surface imitates a wall made of timber or concrete blocks.
Texture under the tree smooth under the tree smooth
Color spectrum 31 options 30 options
including neutral-cool, neutral-warm, warm and cool tones
Board size, mm 10x190x3600 12x186x3600
Useful board area, m² 0,6264
Frost resistance, cycles 150
Weight, kg/pcs. 10,9 12,2
Price, rub./piece 769 948 1 077 1 293
Price, rub./m² 1 124 1 386 1 719 2 064

Impressions from use. The most important advantage is the preservation of the original appearance for 10 years or more. Considering that this material has been sold in the Russian Federation for several years, buyers have had time to check the property of Kedral, declared by the manufacturer, to resist the effects of environment. Those who have worked with this FCS note that there are no defects in the packaging - you can order the material “back to back” according to the estimated quantity. When adjusting the boards, the cut points are tinted with paint from the manufacturer, which ensures an even color throughout the entire surface of the cladding.

Video about Kedral siding:

2. Latonit (Latonite) – Russia

Siding under the Latonit TM is produced on the basis of the Russian manufacturer OJSC Lato. The company has a history of more than 50 years and specializes in materials based on asbestos and fiber cement. We have been supplying fiber cement products since 2007. The entire production cycle is carried out at one enterprise. FCS are manufactured on Austrian, German and Swiss equipment according to classical technology autoclave maturation. The FCS assortment indicates that the company is focused on large customers: 4 out of 5 models have a length of 1200, 3000 or 3600 mm with a width of 1500 mm. Siding panels for finishing low-rise buildings are presented in 1 model in various colors.

Characteristics of Latonit fiber cement siding
Siding panel
a brief description of FTP with a rectangular profile for external and interior decoration. The ends of the plate are covered with a hydrophobic coating and one layer of paint. Front side primed, covered with a three-layer layer of paint and glossy or matte UV varnish. On reverse side Primer and a coat of paint are applied. Unpainted panels are also sold.
Surface texture smooth under the tree
Color spectrum 18 pcs. yellow series, 4 pcs. orange series, 16 pcs. red series, 8 pcs. purple series, 23 pcs. blue series, 31 pcs. green series, 37 pcs. gray series, 17 pcs. brown series, 10 pcs. black and white series.
Board size, mm 8x200x1800-3600 mm, boards 8x200x3000 mm and 8x200x3600 mm are mainly sold
Useful board area, m² butt: 0.36-0.72 overlap 0.03 m: 0.306-0.612
Frost resistance, cycles 150
Weight, kg/pcs. 4,98-9,95
Price, rub./piece 8x200x3000 mm – 4388x200x3600 mm – 525.6 8x200x3000 mm – 446.48x200x3600 mm – 535.7
Price, rub./m² 8x200x3000 mm – 730 8x200x3000 mm – 743

Impressions from use. The thickness of 8 mm makes the siding of this manufacturer more affordable compared to analogues of greater thickness. Everything is explained by lower consumption of materials. Latonite also speaks in favor Russian origin and a wide range of color solutions according to the company catalog. If necessary, you can save on using FCS indoors, where it is not exposed to UV rays - along with painted panels, it offers uncoated material for subsequent painting.

Video about JSC Lato products and their application:

3. Mirco (Mirko) – Russia

The Russian company Mirko has been producing chrysotile cement panels since 2013. Those. chrysotile asbestos* is used instead of cellulose and PVA fibers. The cladding is successfully sold in the CIS: there are dealers throughout the Russian Federation, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine. The range includes siding and panels with a thickness of 6 to 10 mm, as well as boards with a thickness of 12 to 20 mm. The products of this brand are used in finishing apartment buildings, office buildings, low-rise buildings and other structures with a ventilated facade. Supplied painted and primed for painting. According to tests in temperate climate The service life of the factory-applied coating is 10 years.

* there are 2 types of asbestos: amphibole and chrysotile asbestos. The first has a carcinogenic effect and is banned in many countries, the second is safer and is widely used.

Characteristics of Mirco fiber cement siding
Siding Siding with locking connection
a brief description of FCS with rectangular cross-section for horizontal overlapping installation, can be mounted end-to-end in any order. Available painted or unpainted for exterior and interior works. Cladding material in the form of quarter boards for vertical or horizontal butt mounting. All other characteristics are identical to regular Mirko siding.
Surface texture smooth or wood imitation
Color spectrum 23 pcs. according to the company catalog
Board size, mm 6-8-10x190x3600 6-8-10x186x3600
Useful board area, m² overlap 0.03 m: 0.576; butt: 0.684 0,6264
Frost resistance, cycles 150
Weight, kg/pcs.
  • 6 mm thick: 5.75 kg
  • 8 mm thick: 7.66 kg
  • 10 mm thick: 9.58 kg
Price, rub./piece smooth texture:
  • 6x190x3600 mm – 510
  • 8x190x3600 mm – 588
  • 10x190x3600 mm – 700

wood texture:

  • 6x190x3600 mm – 467
  • 8x190x3600 mm – 562
  • 10x190x3600 mm – 675
Price, rub./m² smooth texture:
  • 6x190x3600 mm – 745
  • 8x190x3600 mm – 860
  • 10x190x3600 mm – 1,023

wood texture:

  • 6x190x3600 mm – 683
  • 8x190x3600 mm – 822
  • 10x190x3600 mm – 987

Impressions from use. There are few reviews about the actual use of siding from Mirko - this is a good sign, because real reviews usually negative. The cladding under this brand is approximately in the same price category as Latonit, and is cheaper than Kedral. Yet again, big choice according to the thickness of the material, color scheme. Plus, the stated 10 years of protection of the coating from fading, confirmed by laboratory tests, allow us to confidently call Mirko high-quality budget option finishing.

Video about Mirko material and its use on a real object:

4. Kmew – Japan

Kmew is a Japanese hybrid of Kubota and Panasonic corporations since 2003. The company is known for its original designs and wide range of fiber cement boards, especially protective and decorative coatings. Over 500 types of slabs for facade finishing, which are based on two production technologies to increase the frost resistance of the material: Seradir and Neoroc. In the first case, polypropylene balls are added to the mass of cement, sand, water and fiber filler. During the production process under the influence high temperature they collapse with the formation of air bubbles inside the material. This helps in winter. When the panel becomes waterlogged, moisture enters the material through microcracks, and air bubbles perform a compensatory function as the volume of frozen water increases. According to Neoroc technology, elastic microgranules in the form of an additive remain inside the slab and play the role of a shock absorber for water that expands during freezing and gets inside the slab through microcracks.

Characteristics of Kmew fiber cement siding
Neorok-Photoceramics 16 Seradir-Hydrofil Powercoat 16 Neorok-Hydrofil coat 16
a brief description of The line is represented by slabs coated with acrylic paint, a protective ceramic layer and a photocatalyst composition. The latter is designed for air purification*. The hydrophilic property of the coating contributes to better self-cleaning of the facade during rain and when high humidity air. For horizontal fastening with clamps. Tongue-groove connection. Plates with an external hydrophilic coating, due to which the material has self-cleaning properties. The next layer is Pavercoat to protect the acrylic paint applied to the base from fading. Installation horizontal or vertical with clamps. Tongue-and-groove connection of panels. An analogue of Seradir-Hydrofil Pavercoat 16 with a base containing elastic granules.
Surface texture
  • under a stone;
  • under brick;
  • under the tree;
  • under concrete
  • under a stone;
  • under blocks;
  • under the tree;
  • under plaster;
  • designer
  • under a stone;
  • under brick;
  • under plaster;
  • under the tree;
  • metal look
Color spectrum 4-6 pcs. for each of 19 invoices 3-6 pcs. for each of 15 invoices 3-5 pcs. for each of 11 invoices
Size, mm 16x455x3030
Useful board area, m² 1,38
Frost resistance, cycles 150
Price, rub./m² 2 086 1 665 1 602

*read more about the technology on the official website at the link below

Impressions from use. Among the reviews of slabs from Kmew, there are few complaints about the quality of the material itself - there are more dissatisfaction with the quality of installation by official teams. There are still questions regarding availability in the warehouse, because... This is an imported product and periodically there are problems with supplies, even in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Now, on to the positives. The lined façade remains unchanged for more than 3 years. Against this background, the 15-year warranty, which is constantly talked about on specialized forums, is quite believable. The seams are also well preserved - like new. The self-cleaning property also works for models with a hydrophilic coating. Such fiber cement boards are recommended to owners big houses who do not consider the economical option of cladding a ventilated façade.

Video about installing Kmew slabs:

5. Nichiha (Nichiha) - Japan

The oldest Japanese company, Nichiha, with factories around the world, has a half-century history in the production of facing and roofing works. Has been involved in fiber cement materials since 1999. The company's product range includes fiber cement boards of 5 series: EX Design, V, W, Cool and ART - for simulating wood, brick, stone, plaster finishes, as well as creating original designer coatings.

Characteristics of Nichiha fiber cement siding
a brief description of Facade panels 16 mm thick with self-cleaning function. The front side is covered with four layers of protective and decorative materials. Suitable for exterior and interior use. Vertical or horizontal mount on clasps. Sound insulation at the level double windows. Flammability group G1. Impact-resistant and fire-resistant fiber cement panel 14 mm thick for external and internal wall cladding. Fastening with self-tapping screws or clamps horizontally or vertically depending on the texture. Nanohydrophilic surface self-cleaning. Heavy volumetric panels 35 mm thick with a high degree of texture detail. They are moisture resistant.
Surface texture
  • under the tree;
  • under brick;
  • under a stone;
  • under plaster

design solutions

  • under brick;
  • under a stone;
  • under plaster
  • under a stone;
  • under adobe;
  • under concrete blocks
Size, mm 16x455x3030 14x455x3030 35x220x455
Usable area, m² 1,38 0,1
Frost resistance, cycles 150 150-300 150
Weight, kg/pcs. 26 22 26
Price, rub./piece 2 095-3 775 1 980-3 000 1 200-1 344
Price, rub./m² 1 520-3 100 1 800-2 520 13 000-13 440

Impressions from use. The material is high quality and very expensive. The choice of textures is simply huge, and many have no analogues from other manufacturers. If the technology is followed, a monolithic coating is obtained with invisible seams between the slabs. It is usually chosen by those who are ready to pay 2-3 times more in advance compared to domestic products for ventilated facades. More important pointhigh requirements to the qualifications of workers, as well as the cost of a complete installation kit from Nitikh, comparable to the FCS itself: subsystem, profile, sealant, etc. This is not a material that you can easily install yourself without experience.

Video about Nichiha panels, their range and application:

Editor's Choice

Finishing the facade with fiber cement siding is more expensive than many others alternative solutions. If you want to save money, pay attention to the FCS brand Latonit. At a price starting from 730 rubles/m², you will receive reliable cladding from a time-tested Russian manufacturer.

If your financial situation allows, you can consider purchasing the material Cedral at a price of 1124 RUR/m². This is the most popular fiber cement material on the Russian market, so there will definitely be no problems with its supply.

Really needed original texture– look towards slabs from a Japanese company Nichiha. Imitation of wood, brick, plastered wall - from RUB 1,520/m², realistic three-dimensional stone coating - from RUB 13,000/m². More than 100 different designs for your facade. More expensive than analogues, but worth it!

(No ratings yet)

  1. Horizontal sheathing. Bars measuring ≥ 50x30* mm, depending on the presence of an intermediate layer of insulation, the distance is within ≤ 600 mm.
    *Depending on the thickness of the insulation.
  2. Anchoring Fastening is carried out using dowels and screws at a distance of ≤ 800 mm.
  3. Thermal insulation. Fastening special mats thermal insulation type to the wall of a building or structure. Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, the thickness of the insulation is selected.
  4. Vertical lathing Vertical bars are attached directly to the horizontal sheathing at the point intersecting the 2 connecting elements. Wherein optimal width Vertical sheathing bars are considered ≥ 40mm. The width of the vertical sheathing at the joining point of the Kedral bars must be ≥ 70 mm. The distance located directly between the axes of the vertical bars should be 600 mm.
  5. Perforated profile Perfectly protects the façade of a building from penetration and damage by rodents and insects. It is attached using a starting strip along the entire perimeter of the structure. In this case, the perforation area must be ≥ 50 cm 2x1 running meters.
  6. Starting bar Presented with a 10x30 mm profile. Directly sets the angle of the most important, first board.
  7. EPDM tape Attached at the junction of Cedral boards directly to the vertical bars. EPDM tape protects against negative external influences and adverse atmospheric damage.
  8. Fiber cement boards Kedral. During their installation, it is necessary to use a special screwdriver that regulates the force, as well as stainless steel self-tapping screws, additionally equipped with a self-drilling type tip and a self-tapping head. If there is a need to install slopes and corners, you must additionally consult with a professional.

Installation of wooden sheathing

The basis of the design of a ventilated curtain facade with the direct use of Kedral siding is made up of vertical and horizontal beams.

The horizontal beam is attached with powerful screws or thick nails to the load-bearing wall. The fastening method depends on the type of material from which it is made. It must provide a high level of reliability and fastening strength.

Fastening to a concrete or brick wall is carried out using screws made of stainless steel with a diameter of at least 7 mm, as well as a nylon dowel. The maximum distance between horizontal bars should be 6 cm.

The best option will be the use of mineral wool as thermal insulation. It is attached directly to the base using disc-shaped dowels. The type and thickness of insulation is selected based on the thermotechnical calculation.

The waterproofing film is attached with vertical bars using a special stapler construction type. In this case, the overlap of the fixed canvases should be at least 1 cm.

Thickness thermal insulation material must correspond to the thickness of the horizontal sheathing bars with a width of 6 cm and minimum thickness equal to 3 cm. As a rule, a beam of 6x6 cm or 6x8 cm is used. In the event that there is a need for a thicker layer of thermal insulation, galvanized steel brackets are used, to which vertical timber bars are directly attached.

The vertical to horizontal bars are fastened using two steel or stainless steel screws. Each individual fiber cement board is attached to at least three vertical bars. When attaching a board to two bars optimal distance between them is considered 4 cm.

Installation of Cedral fiber cement boards on the sheathing

The minimum overlap of Cedral fiber cement siding is 3 cm. The boards are fastened using special steel self-tapping screws, ribbed nails.

Installation of Kedral begins from the bottom up. At the same time, an initial plank 3 cm wide and 1 cm thick is attached. The first Kedral board is installed, which subsequently sets the angle of inclination of the siding.

Kedral fiber cement boards do not require ventilated conditions. However, it is still recommended to leave a gap between the wall and the siding for air penetration. Its width should be at least 2 cm. This will avoid the formation of condensation. The gap at the bottom is closed with a profile with perforations to protect the building from the penetration of harmful insects and rodents.

External and internal corners are finished with profiles that give the façade of a building or structure a laconic appearance. Optimal length profiles are considered to have a size of 300 cm, the color scheme is the shade of Kedral cladding.

The number of fiber cement boards required to finish a wall of a given height is calculated using a certain formula:

n = ( (H - 190) / 160 ) + 1

Subsequently, the resulting result n is rounded to form an integer. If there is no need to trim the last board or minimum size gaps, the larger overlap method (o) is used. The formula used is:

o = (N* 190 - H) / (N - 1)

In this case, the overlap should be no more than 5 cm. When using a variable overlap on one side of the facade, the distance between the siding should be no more than 1 cm.

Video instructions for installing Cedral fiber cement boards

Processing and cutting of material

Kedral fiber cement facade boards are extremely easy to saw, mill and drill. It is best to use an electric saw as a sawing element. circular type with a hard-alloy disk, diamond-coated, or on teeth with hard-alloy coatings. Regular hand saw with sharp serrations and carbide inserts, great for cutting small pieces of siding. A jigsaw with a carbide blade, a sharp file and high speeds can also be used for these purposes. When using a power tool, it is also necessary to turn on the dust extractor to remove small, dust-like particles.

During the processing of the board, it must be securely attached to the layout. At the same time, the workbench must be extremely stable to avoid additional vibrations, eliminate excessive stress during the cutting process and ensure a smooth edge. If trimming is done incorrectly, the edges of the cut will peel off. After trimming, the ends are cleaned of burrs with a special sandpaper. Dust that accumulates during siding treatment is removed with a soft, dry cloth. It must be remembered that dust that is not removed in time leaves stains on the wood that are difficult to remove.

When drilling holes, the siding must have a support point. You may need a regular table for this. Drill wood with a sharp drill with a sharpening equal to 600. If it is necessary to create a hole of a wider diameter, cutters are used famous brand Metabo.

Retouching end and longitudinal sections

The ends of the treated boards of sawn material do not need to be tinted - Kedral siding durable material. The need to touch up sections with retouching paint is based on the aesthetics of the external presentation. The color scheme of the paint should match the color of the fiber cement board. Before you start painting, you need to make sure the surface to be painted is dry and free of dust and dirt. Leaks are immediately eliminated.

When choosing façade boards Kedral in colors such as " Walnut", "Pear", "Cherry" it is necessary to paint open cuts without fail.

Every second property owner has a need for house cladding. The material for external finishing must be safe, fire-resistant, easy to install and durable. Fiber cement siding has all these qualities and is a good alternative to vinyl or wood siding.

The panels first appeared in France and were made in the form of sheets with the addition of asbestos. Today's products are cut into small strips for ease of installation. The composition has also undergone changes: cement, cellulose fibers, mineral additives, sand and water are the main components. The frozen mixture is very durable, withstanding mechanical and natural influences.

Manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain fiber cement panels of various structures. They can be smooth or imitate a wood surface, vary in shape, size and color solutions. Thanks to this choice, siding becomes an interesting proposal for the exterior decoration of a house.


Fiber siding has the following properties:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation - many manufacturers provide a 10-year guarantee;
  • environmental friendliness - siding is safe for human health and is certified before sale in accordance with European and Russian standards;
  • fire safety (class G1) - the panels do not burn, do not allow the fire to spread further, and do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • reliability - fiber cement looks like wood siding, but has the strength of concrete;
  • Heat resistance - ready to withstand various temperature changes.

Applications and manufacturers

Siding is represented on the market by various manufacturers. CEDRAL panels are successfully used in the construction of fences and street barriers. They are well suited for finishing building gables and chimneys. The price of Kedral fiber cement siding ranges from 900 to 1,800 rubles/piece. depending on the structure of the material.

Eternit products are distinguished by their versatility. It is used for private construction, finishing of administrative, office and residential complexes. The scope of use of siding also includes the organization of partitions and curtain facades, filing of eaves overhangs. The products are distinguished by large formats, so they are suitable for finishing large areas. Eternit fiber siding can be purchased at a price of 900 rubles/piece.

Installation by contractors

When contacting construction companies, installation of fiber siding will cost 400 rubles/m2. The minimum volume that professionals undertake is 100 m2. To this amount it is also necessary to add the cost of work, without which installation of the panels is impossible: lathing, organizing a vapor barrier, finishing corners and slopes. Complete installation of siding will cost 1,000 - 1,200 rubles/m2.

In order to reduce costs, you can order and buy fiber cement facade panels from an organization that provides installation services. With a full range of work, a small discount and free delivery of siding to the site is possible.

How to do the work yourself

Stages self-installation fiber cement boards are as follows:

  1. Preparation wooden sheathing. The dimensions of the bar should be 40 mm, at the joints - 70 mm, the pitch between them is 600 mm.
  2. The panels are fastened using nails; they must be positioned 25 mm from the edge of the product.
  3. Laying fiber siding. Each subsequent product is placed on top of the fastening, so that the joints are covered with nails and are not visible.
  4. For additional protection surface, it is advisable to place a film under the panels that will not allow moisture and wind to pass through.

You can do the installation of fiber cement siding yourself by carefully studying the instructions, since depending on the manufacturer, their installation may differ slightly from the standard scheme.


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