Layout of a house with a 3-room garage. Groundwork for the future: how to choose the ideal project for a one-story house with three bedrooms

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Dreaming about own home, you’ve probably pictured numerous layout and design options in your image. When it comes to the actual preparation of construction documents, of course, it is better to turn to professionals, but even before ordering, you should decide on the basic requirements. The better you think through your desires, the more ideal the project will be. This is one of the most popular options for married couples with kids. How to choose it, what you should pay attention to and possible options– in our article.

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A little about general design principles

Whatever house project you choose, it is important to adhere to several basic principles, thanks to which your home is guaranteed to be comfortable and safe:

  • for regions with harsh climatic conditions, you should choose layouts with entrance group- or vestibule;
  • premises that need to be equipped with communications should be located nearby;
  • for a family of 5 or more people, at least two bathrooms should be provided;
  • it is important to pay very close attention to the design of the room - for this there are special standards that must be strictly observed;
  • You shouldn’t sacrifice comfort for aesthetics. Over time, any architectural sophistication will become boring, and the feeling of discomfort will remain forever.

What are the features of designing a three-bedroom house?

Before you begin the design procedure, you need to decide on the purpose of all the rooms. They can be rooms for the elderly, guest rooms or matrimonial rooms. Each of these appointments has its own characteristics: it is necessary to understand exactly how they will be connected to the general area, how and what they are equipped with.

An important point is the organization of natural lighting. The last rule means that at least one wall of the room must be load-bearing wall building.

The location of the rooms is an essential point, and there are several solutions:

Plan of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms along one of the walls

You will find many standard layouts, in which all three bedrooms are located on one side of the house. and are located separately, and it's of its own kind good decision, because nothing will interfere with sleep: neither music in the living room, nor the clatter of dishes and the aromas of food.

Another drawback is that the bathroom is located a little far from the bedroom, so you will have to travel along a dark, long corridor at night. And the corridor itself is an irrational use of space, you will agree.

Nevertheless, such an arrangement has a right to exist, and here is another example of a similar project:

Layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms with a separate location

The separation of the parent's bedroom from the children's rooms dictates its own conditions for the distribution of space. You can completely abandon the corridor by separating a third of the house for children’s bedrooms, placing the living room in the center and planning out the rest of the space for the parents’ bedroom and bathroom.

Good layout 1 storey building with 3 bedrooms, if you don't take into account the need to give up late night parties.

For your information! If there is a need to allocate a separate room for the boiler room, it can be organized by separating the area from the parent’s bedroom.

How to properly adapt a house design to the climatic features of the region

When considering standard projects, keep in mind that they were developed without taking into account the climatic characteristics of your region. Agree, there is a significant difference whether your home is located in the north of Karelia or in the Sochi region? Adapt standard version The design office will help you. Specialists will provide special protection, and will select suitable window sizes, correlate the location of window and doorways With .

If all this is not foreseen, during the construction process you will encounter numerous difficulties that will not only ruin your mood, but will also lead to unplanned expenses.

Pros and cons of one-story three-bedroom houses compared to two-level houses

From a financial point of view, construction or is a more profitable option. The main savings item is the costs of arrangement and. What about comfort? Is a one-story house still inferior to a two-story house? It turns out not!

You need to allocate a place, and even think about its safety: what if your small child Do you want to go to the toilet in the middle of the night?

If we ignore the aesthetic component and think about practicality, then here too we have an advantage one-story cottages. All renovation work It is much easier to carry out, no scaffolding or lifts are needed. Another nuance - a two-level house is more difficult than a one-level one. The area of ​​heat loss here is much smaller.

So if the size of the plot allows you to allocate a full-fledged area for a one-story house, act boldly.

How to choose the right project?

There are several selection rules standard project 1 storey house with 3 bedrooms, which will help you make the best choice:

  • start with the allowable area of ​​the house - to do this, study the dimensions of the plot. It is unlikely that you will be able to build a full-fledged house of 200 square meters; you only have three hundred square meters of land. Building codes dictate the need to retreat 3 meters from the boundaries of the site to the walls of the house and 5 meters from the road. Think about how much space you need for the garden, where they will be located, and whether your neighbor is located too close to you - what if there is a fire? If you risk building a house contrary to the existing fire and sanitary standards, it is possible that after a quarrel with your neighbors you will receive a court order to demolish the building;

  • after calculating the area available for construction, decide on required quantity premises and their purpose. Think about which side is best to place the nurseries and kitchen;

  • and only after the two previous stages begin to consider catalogs of standard projects. And having weeded out most of them as unsuitable for your requirements, you can give free rein to your imagination. But don't forget about comfort!

A collection of popular three-bedroom house designs

We have selected for you a small collection of popular standard projects that can be adapted to the climatic characteristics of the region. Take a look, maybe your dream home is among them.

Projects of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms made of brick

- the most reliable and durable material for construction. From it you can build a building of any shape. Here are some typical designs of houses with 3 bedrooms and a living room.

If you become the owner own plot, when choosing a project for your future home, you should take care in advance about the comfort of each member of your family. Personal space in a residential building is very important, therefore classic version for a family of 4 people is a project one-story house with three bedrooms, especially if the children are still small. offers profitable solutions for urban and suburban construction at reasonable prices.

Houses with three bedrooms - how to choose a project?

Concerning two-story house, then all recreation rooms are preferably located on the second floor. But if you have small children or elderly people live in the house, you can arrange a bedroom for them on the first floor.

The layout of the three-bedroom house implies free access to all rooms through the hall. Bedrooms are not made into walk-through rooms, but this rule does not apply to the living room. Therefore, you can combine it with the kitchen or make it a passage for access to the kitchen.

The structure can be supplemented with other functional elements, such as a garage, bathhouse, terrace, etc. A house with three bedrooms and a garage is a common model in suburban construction. Similar projects a wide range of products are presented in the catalog of the architectural bureau “Svoy Dom”.

Three bedroom houses: pros and cons

The advantages of three-bedroom houses include:

  • lack of stairs one-story houses– you and your loved ones will be able to move freely around the building, and the stairs will not take up extra space;
  • saving materials when building a two-story house - the roof and foundation are usually very expensive, so building two floors will allow you to save half of the money;
  • the house turns out to be quite compact; if additional rooms are not included in the layout, it will be cozy and aesthetically pleasing in appearance;
  • the small construction area allows you to save more space on the site for a vegetable garden, garden, utility buildings, landscape composition etc.;
  • small houses easily designed for narrow areas or areas unusual shape;
  • all building materials and the construction process itself will be relatively inexpensive.

Three-bedroom houses also have disadvantages:

  • a one-story house with three bedrooms will be more expensive to build than a two-story house and will take up more space on the site;
  • a two-story building requires a more complex foundation, the construction process of which is quite labor-intensive.

Design company “Svoy Dom” - relevant and modern solutions for every taste

How many bedrooms should there be in a house?

The main advantage of a private house is its space and sufficient living area. As a rule, there is a shortage of the latter in apartments, especially if the family is large. In 2, 3 room apartments You won’t get more than two bedrooms, and there’s not enough space for personal belongings. When the season changes, the shuffling of clothes begins. In the fall, summer things are hidden on the mezzanine, and winter ones in the spring. And even the average family with two children, especially if the children are of different sexes, needs three bedrooms: one for parents and two for children. And if there are more children, there is nothing to talk about at all. In this case, three-bedroom house plans are a godsend. Naturally, in addition to bedrooms, the house should also have a bathroom, hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen, optional office and other rooms. Even if there is one child in the family, the third bedroom can be used as a guest room or simply wait until there is a new addition to the family.

The design of a three-bedroom house can involve any number of floors, layout or style. The material from which the house is built does not matter. It's good when all the bedrooms are concentrated in one part of the house. In this case, it turns out to be a kind of recreation area. This is convenient because the clatter of dishes in the kitchen will not disturb sleeping family members. In addition to the bedrooms, this area may have a bathroom and a wardrobe. If the house is one-story, then part of the house, approximately half, is allocated for bedrooms. The second houses the kitchen, dining room, living room, utility rooms, etc. But it’s even more convenient when the house has an attic or second floor. Then the recreation area will be even more convenient. In addition to the fact that the second floor has better sound insulation, so it’s also warmer. This is due to the fact that the first floor serves as air gap. The floor on it must be insulated, it is advisable to install waterproofing so that cold and dampness are not drawn from the basement or from the ground. But the floors of the bedrooms will be much warmer.

Where and how can I buy a three-bedroom project?

It turns out that three bedrooms in a private house is the optimal number for a modern family with two children. Projects of three-bedroom houses can be viewed and purchased on the website of our company Dom4M. We offer our clients a wide range of ready-made projects, but we can also create custom ones. The latter will be developed specifically for the customer. Such design begins with studying the site: soil composition, landscape, proximity groundwater. Naturally, the price individual projects houses with three bedrooms will be slightly higher than for ready-made ones, but, in general, all the company’s prices are economically justified and affordable. Also, if necessary, it is possible to adapt the standard project you like. This service is especially important for a country like Russia. Huge spaces, different climates and weather V different regions large country, contribute to the diversity of used building materials. For example, what is good in Krasnodar region, is unlikely to fit Far East. Possible foundation adaptation or reorientation frame house under brick, at the same time appearance the home will be preserved as much as possible. In any case, when choosing a three-bedroom house project, it is better to first consult with specialists. Our company’s employees will tell you which project is more suitable for certain conditions and help you choose the best option.

Today, purchasing any project comes down to visiting a website, clicking the “buy” button and filling out a simple form. You can receive the project using a courier service, pick-up from the company’s office, or receive it by mail.

Main reason for popularity low-rise construction- ensuring maximum comfortable conditions accommodation. This became possible thanks to the use of autonomous utility networks and implementation modern materials and technology. One of the popular construction options are projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms.

Features of projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms

Single-story buildings have several advantages, which have led to the widespread use of such projects in private housing construction:

  • Low load on the foundation. It allows the construction of buildings in conditions of weak-bearing soils;
  • The absence of staircases and communication passages in the project for more than high floors. Thanks to this, the layout of the building on one floor allows you to effectively use the available space;
  • More high level comfort for the elderly, small children and persons with disabilities, since they do not need to go up to the second floor or even higher.

Important Feature single-story construction projects - creation optimal conditions for two or even three generations of one family to live under one roof. Therefore, projects that take into account the placement of at least three bedrooms and the presence of one spacious room where all the inhabitants can gather are becoming in demand. This is necessary for the comfortable living of numerous family members, with each generation receiving its own autonomous space.

Examples of finished projects

Due to increased demand, many different projects of one-story houses with 3 or more bedrooms have been developed. A typical example is project No. 58-01. The one-story high cottage has large area(197.08 sq. m.) It allows you to accommodate not only three spacious bedrooms (from 15.3 to 18.5 sq. m.), but also, thanks to competent planning, separate the recreation area from the living room and kitchen-dining room with a spacious hall (23.7 sq. m.)

With terrace and stone cladding

Accommodation in one-story house Three bedrooms can be achieved even in a small area construction project. An example of such a solution is project No. 59-61 with total area only 102 sq. m. Three bedrooms are separated by a spacious living room (20.6 sq. m.), which can comfortably accommodate the inhabitants of the house. An important feature of the building plan is that one bedroom is located separately from the other two. This is done to accommodate a family with a small child there, so that his crying or restlessness does not disturb the sleep of others. Or, on the contrary, for the relaxation of older people away from restless and noisy youth.

When planning to build a house, you can order its design from a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to be clear about what you want. It is highly desirable that your wishes are well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is convenient to use. And you need to know such “little things”. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option and is suitable for families of 4 people. These are the majority.

General planning principles

When you're looking finished projects one-story houses with three bedrooms or are trying to create your own based on what you found, it is important to remember a few points.

These are the principles that it is advisable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There really are different solutions for different needs and tastes. All you need is desire and a certain amount.

If all three bedrooms are placed next to each other

Many one-story three-bedroom house designs are designed so that all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. On the one hand it is convenient. Relatively noisy rooms - the living room and kitchen are on the opposite side. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement - they are afraid that children may witness unnecessary scenes.

In the project above, this is exactly how the layout is done: all three bedrooms are on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room. With this arrangement of rooms, you can calmly watch TV in the living room, receive guests, without fear of interfering with your rest.

The disadvantage is that the toilet and bathroom are located far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the best convenient option for laying communications. Among other features - long corridor with many doors. This area cannot be used in any way, since the free walls are very small.

When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First, for optimal lighting it is better if the terrace faces south or east. Secondly, what room will the exit be from? Most often, access to the terrace is made from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second option is to exit from the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace - you can bring in/take out dishes, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used for outdoor gatherings.

These two points already partially determine the layout of your home - the living room should have access to the south or east side. This means her position is determined. The kitchen should be adjacent to the living room, and it is also advisable to “collect” all the rooms connected to technical communications in one zone... That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, Technical buildings. All that remains is to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

But this is not all that needs to be taken into account when planning a terrace. There is a third point - its size. Here the approach is individual - some need a lot of space, others need less. Interesting option— L-shaped terrace that covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, you can turn it into summer garden...If you're interested.

And the fourth point, which is also worth paying attention to when developing the layout of the house. The terrace is used intensively and is a favorite place to relax if it offers a view of the garden, a beautifully decorated backyard, a river, etc. If your gaze rests on your neighbor’s fence, no one is interested. In this situation, the terrace is not used, it gradually turns into a “technical room” - to put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the problems in planning a house.

Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

Let's look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. In the presented version, access to the terrace is made from the living room. This is where it goes kitchen window. If you make a wide window sill with a window that opens completely, you can pass dishes through the window.

All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which is generally convenient - you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not disturb those who decide to relax.

Additional bearing wall in this project there is one - almost in the middle along the long side of the house. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and divide the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but given the area - almost 17 meters - this is not very critical.

The bedrooms in this project have different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. Whether it is convenient or not is up to you to decide. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​the boiler room (with 3 meter ceilings An area of ​​5 square meters is enough, so there is a resource). The smallest bedroom can be enlarged by moving the closet to another wall by moving the partition that encloses the living room. By the way, this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus - a dressing room at the entrance. It's really convenient.

Option 2: with a short terrace along the length of the side of the house

Let's consider another layout option for a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the “wet” block - kitchen/bathroom/boiler room/toilet. They are moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are “evened out” by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note: the vestibule is made external. This also contributed to the fact that, with relatively small sizes the house is 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) - the dimensions of all the rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1.7 meters, which is also not bad.

The terrace has access from the living room and occupies only part long wall. If you play this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond nearby, install a beautiful flower bed.

With space under or garage

If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then there is the opportunity to combine the parking lot and porch canopy. It could turn out very interesting.

When planning a carport, it is better to find space for two cars. Even if you have only one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if it can be placed under the roof. The costs of arrangement are not too different, but you always need to look into the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

What else is good about a carport? Under it you can equip a place to store all kinds of equipment: automobile, gardening. You can also fence off a space there to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. AND optimal sizes hers is 8*9 meters or so. This is if the area of ​​the plot allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions - 2 meters wider and 1.5 meters longer than your car.

The project presented above for a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8.8 * 12 meters. The location of the bedrooms is still the same - in one block, all technical rooms are also located in one place. With this layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will please many, but it will be a “passage” area in which you cannot place anything.

If you need to place your parents' bedroom separately

When choosing a layout, many people believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the children's bedrooms. In this case, the approach to planning changes - an elongated rectangular shape Houses. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls.

Such a house with an L-shaped layout is more expensive in cost than a rectangular or square one

Option 1: without corridor

If you divide the house into three parts, it is possible to develop a three-bedroom house layout without a hallway. One third of the house is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle part is occupied by a combined kitchen/living room, the last third is divided between the entrance area/bathroom and the parents' bedroom.

Where the parents' bedroom is located, there is an entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen/living room. How successful is this decision? The plus here seems to be a large kitchen/living room. But she is completely passable. That is, you definitely won’t be able to retire in it. You might like this idea. Although, to appreciate the convenience/inconvenience, it is worth living in such a house. Usually not everyone likes this, although at the “idea” stage everything seemed tempting.

Arrangement of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

Please note that this project of a one-story three-bedroom house does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, you can highlight it by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen/living room. But then you will need to think through the layout and how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom. The second one is from the street. But then, you can make an extension to the house. Although, this is determined by the size of the house.

Option 2: with a corridor

A layout with two children's rooms and a parents' bedroom located further away can be implemented in square house(in the picture below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. The area is a little more than 140 square meters. In this case, the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal (square, have an area of ​​more than 10 square meters). The living room is combined with the kitchen but is not a passage.

If possible/desirable, you can do it in a rectangular house, just a square is more preferable, since the cost square meter housing is a little lower. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you are choosing a project for a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life.

In this layout option, the parents’ bedroom is completely separate. The advantage of this option is that in children's rooms there is space for. There is also a drawback - the “wet” rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. Device engineering systems it will be more difficult (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. IN in this case The problem can be easily solved by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

But, if no other changes are made, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. The problem can be solved by making some transformations. First, the “recessed” entrance area becomes “normal”; in the area of ​​the walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room that can be well equipped. True, this is a different project for a one-story house with three bedrooms (see below).

From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out to be next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

You can go even further - remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so installation of columns will be required. But the layout of the house will be in modern style- from the entrance single space, serving as a living room and common room. For many this seems convenient.

More options

Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.


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